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Epidermal growth factor regulates Mcl-1 expression through the MAPK-Elk-1 signalling pathway contributing to cell survival in breast cancer. PDF

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Oncogene(2011)30,2367–2378 &2011MacmillanPublishersLimited Allrightsreserved0950-9232/11 www.nature.com/onc ORIGINAL ARTICLE Epidermal growth factor regulates Mcl-1 expression through the MAPK-Elk-1 signalling pathway contributing to cell survival in breast cancer EP Booy1,2, ES Henson1,2 and SB Gibson1,2 1DepartmentofBiochemistryandMedicalGenetics,UniversityofManitoba,Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canadaand2ManitobaInstitute ofCell Biology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (Mcl-1) is an anti-apoptotic Introduction memberoftheBcl-2familythatiselevatedinavarietyof tumour types including breast cancer. In breast tumours, Myeloid cell leukaemia-1 (Mcl-1) is an anti-apoptotic increased Mcl-1 expression correlates with high tumour memberoftheBcl-2familyofproteinsthathasacritical grade and poor patient survival. We have previously role in regulating the balance between survival and demonstrated that Her-2 levels correspond to increased deathsignals(YipandReed,2008).Anti-apoptoticBcl- Mcl-1 expression in breast tumours. Epidermal growth 2 family members are frequently deregulated in human factor(EGF)receptorsignallingisfrequentlyderegulated cancers and Mcl-1 is elevated in a variety of tumour in breast cancer and leads to increased proliferation and types(Backusetal.,2001;Zhangetal.,2002;Songetal., survival. Herein, we determined the critical downstream 2005) including breast cancer, where it has been found signals responsible for the EGF mediated increase of to correlate with poor prognosis (Ding et al., 2007). Mcl-1 and their role in cell survival. We found that both Small molecule inhibitors targeting pro-survival Bcl-2 Mcl-1 mRNA andproteinlevels arerapidly induced upon family members are currently in clinical trials (Vogler stimulationwithEGF.Promoteranalysisrevealedthatan et al., 2009); however, due to inherent low affinities for Elk-1 transcription factor-binding site is critical for EGF Mcl-1, Mcl-1 overexpression was frequently found to activation of the Mcl-1 promoter. Furthermore, we found mediate resistance (Oltersdorf et al., 2005; van Delft thatknockdownofElk-1orinhibitionoftheErksignalling et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2007; Tse et al., 2008). More pathway was sufficient to block EGF upregulation of recentlydevelopedsmallmoleculeinhibitorsthathavea Mcl-1 and EGF mediated cell survival. Using chromatin higher ability to disrupt Mcl-1 function have overcome immunoprecipitation and biotin labelled probes of the resistance to other pan-Bcl-2 family inhibitors (Nguyen Mcl-1 promoter, we found that Elk-1 and serum response etal.,2007).ThisdemonstratestheimportanceofMcl-1 factor are bound to the promoter after EGF stimulation. in the regulation of apoptosis. TodeterminewhetherMcl-1confersasurvivaladvantage, Theepidermalgrowthfactor(EGF)receptorfamilyis we found that knockdown of Mcl-1 expression increased composed of four key membrane spanning receptors apoptosis whereas overexpression of Mcl-1 inhibited drug referred to as ErbB1-4 (Her-1-4). Of these receptors, induced cell death. In human breast tumours, we found a ErbB1 (Her-1) and ErbB2 (Her-2) are most frequently correlation between phosphorylated Elk-1 and Mcl-1 overexpressed in human cancers (Klapper et al., 2000). proteinlevels.TheseresultsindicatethattheEGFinduced In breast cancer, ErbB2 (Her-2) is overexpressed in activation of Elk-1 is an important mediator of Mcl-1 roughly 20% of cases and correlates with poor prog- expression and cell survival and therefore a potential nosis(SingletonandStrickler1992;Nanda2007).Mcl-1 therapeutic target in breast cancer. has previously been described in the literature as a Oncogene(2011)30,2367–2378;doi:10.1038/onc.2010.616; downstream target of the EGF signalling pathway in published online 24 January 2011 oesophageal (Leu et al., 2000), colorectal (Schulze- Bergkamen et al., 2008) and lung (Song et al., 2005) Keywords: Mcl-1;Elk-1;breastcancer;regulation;drug cancer cell lines. We have evidence that suggests a resistance similarresponseisseeninbreastcancerandhavefound a correlation between Her-2 positive breast cancers and high levels of Mcl-1 expression (Henson et al., 2006). Although one report has demonstrated a correlation between phosphorylated Stat-3 and elevated Mcl-1 in breast tumours (Hsieh et al., 2005), the transcriptional Correspondence:Dr SBGibson,ManitobaInstituteofCell Biology, mechanisms governing Mcl-1 expression in breast University of Manitoba, 675 McDermot Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, cancer have not been thoroughly investigated. CanadaR3E0V9. A number of studies exist describing the transcrip- E-mail:[email protected] tionalregulationoftheMcl-1geneinadiversesetofcell Received 23 August 2010; revised 6 December 2010; accepted 14 December2010;publishedonline24January2011 types. The Mek/Erk pathway has been implicated to EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2368 govern Mcl-1 transcription in several cell line models Figure 1a, both MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells demon- (Boucher et al., 2000; Leu et al., 2000; Schubert and stratedamarkedelevationofMcl-1proteinlevelswithin Duronio 2001). Two independent studies have demon- 2h of treatment and protein levels remained elevated strated that Elk-1 and serum response factor (SRF), after 8h of treatment. As Mcl-1 has a short half-life downstreamofErkactivation,contributetobasalMcl-1 (Akgul et al., 2000), rapid fluctuations in protein levels expressionlevelsaswellasinductionoftranscriptionby can occur in the absence of a change in relative treatmentwith12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetatein transcription of the Mcl-1 gene. Therefore it was HEK 293, HeLa and Ml-1 cell lines (Townsend et al., necessary to determine whether the observed changes 1999;Vickersetal.,2004).Inothercelltypes,thePI3K/ werearesultofelevatedtranscriptionormodificationof AKT pathway has been described as critical for Mcl-1 proteinstability.Mcl-1mRNAlevelsweredetectedover regulation (Wang et al., 1999; Kuo et al., 2001; Longo a 120min time course following stimulation with EGF etal.,2008).Additionally,thetranscriptionfactorStat-3 by semi-quantitative real-time PCR. After 30min of has been tied to Mcl-1 expression in cells of hemato- EGF treatment, the Mcl-1 mRNA level was increased poieticorigin(Puthieretal.,1999;Liuetal.,2003).The by fourfold in MCF-7 cells and at 60min EGF precise signalling and transcriptional mechanisms reg- treatment in SK-BR-3 cells the mRNA level had ulating Mcl-1 in breast cancer cells remains unclear. increased nearly threefold. The mRNA levels peaked Herein, we determined that Erk activation of the after90min ofEGFstimulation ata12-foldincreasein transcription factor Elk-1 is critical for transcriptional MCF-7 cells and fourfold increase in SK-BR-3 cells. regulation of Mcl-1 following EGF treatment and also Controltreatedcellsfailedtodemonstrateanincreasein has a significant role in EGF mediated cell survival in Mcl-1 mRNA levels over the same time course (dashed breast cancer. line, Figure 1b). This strongly suggests that EGF signalling elevates transcription of the Mcl-1 gene in breast cancer cells. Results Stimulation of the EGF signalling pathway upregulates A small region of theMcl-1 promoter containinga serum Mcl-1 protein and mRNA levels response element is necessary for EGF induced Several studies have suggested that EGF signalling transcription regulates transcription of Mcl-1 (Leu et al., 2000; Cetin We set out to identify the key regulatory elements et al., 2010). We have previously found a correlation necessary for EGF induced transcription of Mcl-1 in a between elevated Her-2 and Mcl-1 levels in breast breast cancer cell line model. To determine the critical tumours(Hensonetal.,2006).Tofurtherassesswhether region of the Mcl-1 promoter, a 3974bp fragment Mcl-1 expression is modified by EGF receptor activa- upstream of the translation start site was amplified by tion in breast cancer, we studied Mcl-1 protein and PCR and cloned into the PGL-3 luciferase reporter mRNA levels in MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 breast cancer vector. A series of deletion mutants were generated to cell lines following treatment with EGF. As shown in narrow down the region of interest. A small segment of Figure1 StimulationoftheEGFpathwayelevatesMcl-1proteinandmRNAlevels.(a)Westernblottimecoursefollowingaddition of1mg/mlEGFtothecellculturemedia.Cellswereserumstarvedfor24hbeforetreatmentwithEGF.Blotswerere-probedwithanti- tubulinantibodiesasaloadingcontrol.(b)Real-timePCRanalysisofMcl-1transcriptlevelsfollowingstimulationwithEGF.Inall 100ngtemplateRNAwasamplifiedwithprimersspecifictoMcl-1.Resultswerestandardizedusingprimerstothehousekeepinggene cyclophilin. Results are expressed as a fold change relative to the basal levels observed in the unstimulated control sample. Data representsthemeanofthreeexperiments±thes.d. Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2369 thepromoter,B300bpupstreamofthetranslationstart and putative nuclear factor (NF)-kB binding sites (data site, was found to be sufficient for both basal and EGF not shown) were deleted, but failed to significantly alter induced expression of the luciferase reporter in MCF-7 Mcl-1 promoter activity. The full-length Mcl-1 promo- cells (Figure 2a). Sequence alignment of the human and ter ((cid:2)3974) was used as a positive control. Similar mouse Mcl-1 promoters showed a region of high results were obtained with SK-BR-3 cells (Supplemen- identity within this fragment (Figure 2b). A series of tary Figure 1A and B). 7bp deletions were created within the 4kb promoter reporter construct to identify potentially important cis- actingDNAelements.Specifically,highscoringputative Elk-1isactivatedbystimulationwithEGFandisessential transcription factor binding sites and the region of high for control of Mcl-1 protein levels identity with the mouse Mcl-1 promoter were targeted The Mek/Erk pathway is activated by EGF and has for deletion (Figure 2b). Transcription factor binding been shown to activate the transcription factor Elk-1 sites were identified using the TFSearch software (Yordy and Muise-Helmericks, 2000). To determine (Heinemeyer et al., 1998). We found that deletion of whetherEGFstimulationresultedinactivationofErk1/ two regions corresponding to a potential Elk-1 binding 2 and Elk-1, MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells were treated site (Del. 3) and SRF CarG box (Del. 6 and Del. 7) with EGF over a 60min time course. As shown in reduced EGF activation of the Mcl-1 promoter Figure3a,Erk1/2werephosphorylatedwithin5minand (Figure 2c). Both of these sites were within the region phosphorylation decreased after 60min of EGF treat- of high identity between the human and mouse ment. Following similar kinetics, phosphorylation of promoters (Figure 2b). Additional transcription factor Elk-1 at Ser383 was detected at 5min following EGF binding sites including an ATF2 consensus site (Del. 1) treatment and decreased by 60min. After 60min, an Figure2 AsmallregionoftheMcl-1promotercontainingaserumresponseelementisnecessaryforEGFinducedtranscription. (a)LuciferaseassaydemonstratingactivityofeightdeletionmutantsoftheMcl-1promoterinMCF-7cells.Promoterinsertscloned intothePGL3vectorareshowntoscaletotheleftoftheaxis.Sequencelengthupstreamfromtranslationstartsiteisindicatedforeach construct.BasalandEGFinducedpromoteractivityisshownasrelativeluciferaseunits.Datarepresentthemeanofthreeindependent experiments±s.d.. Constructs (cid:2)204 and (cid:2)143 were the only deletions to show highly significant reduction in activity (#indicates P¼o0.005comparedwithcontrol(cid:2)3974,*indicatesP¼o0.005comparedwithEGFtreated-3974).Nearlyidenticalresultswere observedwiththeSK-BR-3cellline (SupplementaryFigure1). Resultswerestandardizedbyb-galco-transfection.(b)Asequence alignmentofthehumanandmouseMcl-150promoterregionrevealedanareaofhighidentitynearthetranslationstartsite.Distance upstreamfromtranslationstartisindicatedatthe50 endofeachsequence.(c)The7bpdeletionswereintroducedintothe3974bp promoterconstructandtheimpactonpromoteractivityisshowncomparedwiththeunmutated3974bpfragment(barstoleftofaxis). Deletions3and7demonstratedthestrongestreductioninbasalandEGFinducedactivity.DataareshowninthecontextoftheMcl-1 promotersequencewithpredictedtranscriptionfactorbindingsitesindicatedbelowthesequence.Deletionsareseparatedbyspaces andbasesdeletedareindicatedbyitalics. Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2370 increase in Mcl-1 protein was detected in MCF-7 cells. Elk-1in transcriptional regulation of Mcl-1 in breast Control treatment failed to induce phosphorylation of cancer cells. theseproteinsoverthesametimecourse.Similarresults were observed in SK-BR-3 cells (Figure 3a). Pre- treatment with U0126, a highly specific inhibitor of Elk-1 and SRF bind to the Mcl-1 promoter Mek1/2(Favataetal.,1998)preventedbothErk1/2and To assess whether the transcription factors Elk-1 and Elk-1 phosphorylation in MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells. SRF bind to the Mcl-1 promoter, a chromatin This inhibition also prevented the elevation of Mcl-1 immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiment was performed protein levels following EGF treatment (Figure 3b). with MCF-7 cells using primers that amplify a 163bp TheErkinhibitor3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-((4-ethoxyphenyl)- region containing the putative Elk-1 and SRF binding methylene)-2,4-thiazolidinedione, previously published sites identified in Figure 2c. ChIP was performed with topreventElk-1phosphorylationatSer383(Chenetal., Elk-1 and SRF antibodies along with two negative 2006), also produced similar results (Figure 6c). antibody controls and a no antibody control (beads Targeted knockdown of Elk-1 expression by transfec- alone). Elk-1 was detectable on the Mcl-1 promoter by tion of a specific small interfering (si)RNA reduced ChIP before stimulation with EGF (Figures 4a and b). both basal and EGF induced Mcl-1 levels substantially Under unstimulated conditions, SRF was only margin- in both cell lines (Figure 3c). Knockdown of two ally detectable on the Mcl-1 promoter; however, within other transcription factors, Stat-3 and NF-kB, failed 10min of adding EGF there was a significant elevation to have an effect on basal or EGF induced levels of (85-foldenrichment)ofSRFatthepromoter,whichwas Mcl-1 (Supplementary Figure 2A). Unexpectedly, maintained after 30min of stimulation (Figures 4a knockdown of SRF had no impact on basal or EGF and b). This was followed by an elevation of Elk-1 at inducedMcl-1protein ormRNA levels(Supplementary the20and30mintimepoints.Isotypecontrols(ctrl1is Figure 2A/B). This data confirms the importance of anantibodyagainstNF-kB,ctrl2isanantibodyagainst Figure3 Elk-1isactivatedbystimulationwithEGFandisessentialforcontrolofMcl-1proteinlevels.(a)Cellswereserumstarved for24handthenEGFwasaddedtothecellculturemediaataconcentrationof1mg/mlfora60mintimecourse.Anequalvolumeof the EGF solvent was used as a control. Erk1/2 activation was assessed by antibodies specific for Erk1/2 only when dually phosphorylatedatThr202andTyr204.ActivationofElk-1wasdetectedwithanantibodyspecifictoElk-1onlywhenphosphorylated atSer383.Blotswerere-probedfortotalErk1/2andElk-1tocontrolforloading.IncreaseinMcl-1isshownforMCF-7cells.(b)Cells werepre-treatedwiththeMekinhibitorU0126oranequalvolumeofdimethylsulfoxidefor20minbeforestimulationwithEGF. Lysatesweretakenat15and20minpoststimulationandblotswereprobedwiththesameantibodiesasin(a). (c)Inall30pmol siRNAspecificforElk-1orascrambledcontrolwastransfectedintoSK-BR-3andMCF-7cellsbynucleofection.Twenty-fourhour aftertransfection,thecellswerestarvedforasubsequent24hfollowedbystimulationwithEGForcontrolfor2h. Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2371 Figure4 ThetranscriptionfactorsElk-1andSRFbindtotheMcl-1promoterinMCF-7cells.(a)Chromatinimmunoprecipitation usingantibodies specificto Elk-1andSRFwasperformedasdescribedin Material andmethodssection. Controls shownare two negativeantibodycontrolsaswellasanoantibodycontrol(proteinGbeadsalone).Ctrl1isanantibodyagainstStat-3andCtrl2isan antibodyagainstNF-kB.FoldenrichmentvalueswereobtainedbycomparingthecTvaluesforeachChIPsampletoanequalamount ofinputDNA.PrimersweredesignedinthelastexonoftheMcl-1genetodemonstratespecificity(RT–PCRdatanotshown,PCR productsshownin(b)).Datarepresentsthemeanofthreeindependentexperiments±standarderror.(b)PCRproductswererunonan agarosegelfollowingeachChIPexperimenttoassessreactionspecificity.(c)Streptavidinpull-downassaytodetecttranscriptionfactor bindingtoa50bpdouble-strandedbiotinlabelledprobespecifictotheMcl-1promoterregionofinterest.Cellswerestimulatedwith EGFfordifferenttimeperiodsandnuclearextractsincubatedwiththeMcl-1probe.Followingpulldownwithstreptavidinbeads,the boundproteinswere detectedby SDS/polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis andwestern blotting. Tocontrolfor specificity, abiotin- labelledscrambledprobewasusedalongwithcompetitionwithanunlabelledspecificprobe.Blotswereprobedwithantibodiestothe transcriptionfactorsStat-3andNF-kBtodemonstratebindingspecificity.(d)SchematicrepresentationoftheMcl-1geneshowing approximatelocationsofthebiotinlabelledprobeusedfortheStreptavidinpulldownaswellastheprimersusedforChIP. Stat-3) failed to immunoprecipitate Mcl-1 promoter increased recruitment of SRF to the chromatin and fragments and demonstrated fold enrichment values thereforereducedavailabilityoftheproteinintheassay. close to zero (Figures 4a and b). All of the antibodies failed to enrich a region of the third exon of the Mcl-1 gene (Figure 4b). Both EGFtreatmentandmodulationofMcl-1expression Further validation that Elk-1 and SRF bind to the impact the survival of SK-BR-3 cells region of interest was obtained by performing a It has been established that EGF receptor activation streptavidin pull-down assay using a biotin-labelled elevates survival and resistance to apoptosis (Klapper 50bp probe complementary to the region of interest et al., 2000). In Figure 5a, we confirmed that treatment (155–205bp upstream of translation start). The Mcl-1 of SK-BR-3 cells with EGF significantly reduced the promoterspecificprobewasabletopulldownbothElk- levels of apoptosis induced by both etoposide and 1 and SRF from EGF treated nuclear lysates doxorubicin treatment. Protection was most evident at (Figure 4c). The scrambled probe did not demonstrate low drug concentrations wherein EGF reduced 5mM observable binding and the presence of an excess of etoposideinducedcelldeathfrom42to21%and0.5mM unlabelled probe successfully competed away the signal doxorubicin induced cell death from 32 to 12%. To for both Elk-1 and SRF. Binding specificity was assessthecontributionofMcl-1tothesurvivalofbreast determined by using antibodies against two other cancer cells we performed a targeted knockdown transcription factors, NF-kB and Stat-3 (Figure 4c). experiment with Mcl-1 specific small interfering (si)R- The decrease in SRF binding observed following NA. Twenty-four hours following siRNA transfection stimulation in the pull-down assay may be due to there was a substantially higher number of apoptotic Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2372 Figure5 BothEGFtreatmentandmodulationofMcl-1expressionimpactsthesurvivalofSK-BR-3cells.(a)SK-BR-3cellswerepre- treated1hrwithEGForcontrolandthentreatedwithetoposideordoxorubicinatincreasingconcentrationsfor18h.Apoptosiswas assessedbyanalysisofthesub-G1peakbyflowcytometry.Datarepresentsthreeindependentexperiments±standarderror.(b)SK- BR-3cellsweretransfectedwith30pmolcontrolsiRNAorsiRNAspecifictoMcl-1.Knockdownwasverifiedbywesternblotting. Apoptosiswasassessed24hposttransfection(*indicatesPo0.05).(c)Mcl-1overexpressionprotectsSK-BR-3cellsfromdruginduced apoptosis. Cells were transfectedwith pCDNA3-Mcl-1 or emptyvector 24h before treatment with 5mM etoposide.Cell death was measured18hlaterbysub-G1analysis.Resultsarethemeanofthreeindependentexperiments±s.d.(#IndicatesPo0.05comparing controlcells,*indicatesPo0.05comparingetoposidetreatedcells.)PleasenotetheMcl-1expressionlevelsfollowingoverexpression orknockdownweredetectedatdifferentexposuretimesanddonotreflectrelativeexpressionlevels. cells (38%) with Mcl-1 knockdown as compared with to 19%. When the cells were also pre-treated with untreated cells (9%) or transfection with a scrambled U0126 the EGF treatment only resulted in a reduction control siRNA (12%, Figure 5b). This implies that a from 41 to 31% (Figure 6b). minimal level of Mcl-1 expression is critical for cell To verify the result with U0126, the experiment was survival in breast cancer cell lines. Overexpression of repeated using an Erk1/2 inhibitor (Figures 6c and d). Mcl-1 by transfection of the Mcl-1 complementary TheErk1/2inhibitor alonedisplayedslighttoxicitythat DNA resulted in resistance to transfection toxicity appeared to be enhanced in the presence of EGF. (25%) and etoposide (45%) induced cell death as Despite the toxicity of the inhibitor, levels of apoptosis compared with the empty vector (40 and 55%, induced by etoposide were only 5% higher with the respectively, Figure 4c). These results demonstrate that inhibitor as compared with that of the control (28.7 Mcl-1 has an important role in cell survival. and 33.6%). Although EGF protection in the control samples was similar to that observed in Figure 6b (reduction from 28.7 to 12.8%), Erk inhibition com- EGF protects breast cancer cells from apoptosis through pletely reversed the protective effect conferred by EGF a mechanism that relies on signalling via the Mek/Erk pre-treatment. In stark contrast to the control samples, pathway co-treatment of etoposide with EGF in the presence of As Mcl-1 knockdown alone was sufficient to induce the Erk inhibitor showed higher levels of apoptosis apoptosis, we determined whether prevention of Mcl-1 compare with etoposide alone. These results indicate upregulation would reverse the protective effects con- that Mek/Erk signalling leads to increased Mcl-1 ferredbyEGFpre-treatment.TheMekinhibitorU0126 expression and has a critical role in the EGF survival completely prevents EGF induced upregulation of response in breast cancer cells. Mcl-1 protein levels (Figure 6a) and also results in a significant reduction of the protective effect of EGF (Figure6b).InboththecontrolandU0126treatedcells, Activated Elk-1 correlates with increased levels of Mcl-1 etoposide induced nearly identical levels of apoptosis in breast tumour samples (39.4% in control and 41.4% in the U0126 pre-treated Knowledge of the molecular pathways governing Mcl-1 cells).Pre-treatmentwithEGFresultedinareductionin expression allows for the development of rationale the amount of apoptosis induced by etoposide from 39 therapeutic approaches; however, without clinically Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2373 Figure6 EGFprotectsbreastcancercellsfromapoptosisthroughamechanismthatreliesonsignallingviatheMek/Erkpathway. (a)SK-BR-3cellswerepre-treatedwiththeMekinhibitorU0126ataconcentrationof15mMfor20minbeforeadditionofEGF.Mcl-1 proteinlevelswereassessedbywesternblotfollowingstimulationwithEGF.(b)SK-BR-3cellswerepre-treatedwiththeMekinhibitor U0126ataconcentrationof15mMfor20minbeforeadditionofEGF.OnehouraftertreatmentwithEGFthecellsweretreatedwith etoposide at a concentration of 5mM for 18h. Apoptosis was assessed by analysis of the sub-G1 peak by flow cytometry. Data representsthreeindependentexperiments±standarderror.(c)Asimilarexperimentwasperformedasin(a)usingtheErkinhibitor3- (2-aminoethyl)-5-((4-ethoxyphenyl)methylene)-2,4-thiazolidinedione. The cells were pre-treated for 20min with the inhibitor at a concentrationof30mMbeforetheadditionofEGF.(d)Asin(b)exceptcellswerepre-treatedwith20mMoftheErkinhibitorbefore additionofEGF.*indicatesPo0.05. relevant breast tumours the significance of these results previouslyassessedasERanegativebyaligandbinding willbediminished.Tothatend,wesoughttodetermine assay. Each tumour was represented by two separate ifthesignallingpathwaysregulatingMcl-1expressionin spotsontheTMA.TMAswereimmunostainedwiththe the MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cell lines are correlated to Mcl-1andphospho-Elk-1antibodiespreviouslydemon- Mcl-1 expression in human breast tumour samples. stratedtobeeffectiveforimmunofluorescenceaswellas Beforeproceedingtoalarge-scaleanalysis,apilotstudy antibodies directedagainstphospho-Erk1/2,ErbB1and was performed with 26 breast tumour samples from the ErbB2.InFigures7aandb,thetumourswereseparated Manitoba Breast Tumour Bank. Tumour sections were into two groups based on the median Mcl-1 H-score of stainedforimmunofluorescencewithantibodiesdirected 120. Tumours with a Mcl-1 score of 120 or less were against Mcl-1 and phosphorylated Elk-1. Antibodies classifiedas‘lowMcl-1’andthosewithascoreabovethe were pre-validated for immunofluorescence on tumour median were classified as ‘high Mcl-1’. A Mann– sections byoverexpressionand knockdownexperiments Whitney test was performed to determine if the median in MCF-7 cells (Supplementary Figure 3A and B). A phospho-Elk-1 and phospho-Erk1/2 scores (indicated panel of 26 breast tumour sections were stained with by the solid horizontal line) were significantly different antibodiesagainstMcl-1andphospho-Elk-1andscored between the two groups. The median phospho-Elk-1 using a 0–3 point scoring system. In Supplementary score for the low-Mcl-1 category was 75.0 and the Figure 4A, the data was analysed by plotting the scores median score for the high Mcl-1 score was 140, a as an XY scatter and performing a Spearman correla- difference that was statistically significant (Po0.005). tion test. We found a statistically significant positive The median phospho-Erk1/2 scores were also signifi- correlationbetweenphosphorylationofElk-1andMcl-1 cantly different with a score of 50.0 in the low-Mcl-1 expression (r ¼0.4303, P¼0.0282) in the tested breast subset and a score of 100.0 in the high subset. The S tumours. Representative images from the sampled phospho-Erk1/2 scores were also separated into two tumours shown in Supplementary Figure 4b demon- groups based on the median phospho-Elk-1 score. As strate that regions within an individual tissue section Elk-1 is a substrate for Erk1/2 it was hypothesized that having high phospho-Elk-1 (green signal), also demon- elevated levels of phospho-Erk1/2 would correlate with stratestrongstainingforMcl-1(redsignal).Conversely, elevated levels of phospho-Elk-1. A significantly higher regions with low phospho-Elk-1 levels tended to have phospho-Erk1/2 score (150.0) was observed in tumours corresponding low levels of Mcl-1. that demonstrated high levels of phospho-Elk-1 as Based upon the pilot study, we further investigated compared with those that did not (50.0). In a similar the relationship between activated Elk-1 and the manner the tumours were divided based on the median expression level of Mcl-1 in a tissue microarray scores for ErbB1 and ErbB2. Increased expression of (TMA) provided by the Manitoba Breast Tumour both receptors associated with a higher median Mcl-1 Bank. The TMA consisted of 255 tumours that were H-score (Figures 7d and e). This data supports the Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2374 Figure7 ActivatedElk-1correlateswithincreasedlevelsofMcl-1inbreasttumoursamples.ATMAcontainingsamplesfrom255 ERanegativebreasttumourswasstainedbyimmunohistochemistrywithantibodiesspecificforElk-1whenphosphorylatedatSer383, Erk1/2whenphosphorylatedatThr202/Tyr204,ErbB1,ErbB2andMcl-1.TMAswerescoredbytwoblindedindependentobservers. TumourswereassessedusingtheH-scoremethod.Anintensityscoreof0–3wasmultipliedbythepercentageoftumourcellsstained. Bars for all graphs represent median scores for each category. P-values were calculated by Mann–Whitney test. (a) H-scores for phospho-Elk-1were separatedinto twogroupsbasedonthe medianMcl-1H-scoreof120. (b) H-scoresfor phospho-Erk1/2were separatedintotwogroupsbasedonthemedianMcl-1H-scoreof120.(c)H-scoresforphospho-Erk1/2wereseparatedintotwogroups basedonthemedianphospho-Elk-1H-scoreof100.(d)H-scoresforMcl-1wereseparatedintotwogroupsbasedonthemedianErbB1 H-scoreof85.(e)H-scoresforMcl-1wereseparatedintotwogroupsbasedonthemedianErbB2H-scoreof50. regulation of Mcl-1 protein expression by EGF recep- an activator of apoptosis (Bingle et al., 2000). Mcl-1 is tors through the Mek/Erk pathways mediated by Elk-1 also subjected to multiple post-translational modifica- activation within breast tumours. tions that include cleavage by caspases or enhancement of stability through phosphorylation (Le Gouill et al., 2004). Mcl-1 is further regulated by the mir-29b microRNA (Mott et al., 2007). These studies indicate Discussion that Mcl-1 is a dynamically regulated protein, and our results demonstrate that transcriptional control is an Mcl-1 is unique amongst the pro-survival Bcl-2 family important aspect of Mcl-1 expression in breast cancer. members in the degree to which its expression is tightly Overexpression or mutation of the EGF receptors is regulated and the multiple levels at which this occurs seen in a variety of tumour types (Klapper et al., 2000). (Akgul 2009). Besides having its expression being In breast cancer, the EGF receptor ErbB2/Her-2 is regulated at the transcriptional level, Mcl-1 also overexpressed in B20% of cases (Nanda 2007; Single- contains a PEST domain that confers a very short ton and Strickler 1992). The ErbB1 receptor is also protein half-life due to degradation via the proteasome increased in breast cancer but increased gene transcrip- pathway (Akgul et al., 2000). This property allows for tion rather than gene amplification appears to be the tight regulation of Mcl-1 and protein levels fluctuate primary reason for overexpression (Chrysogelos and rapidly in response to the changing extracellular Dickson, 1994). In contrast to normal tissue the environment. Another degree of regulation exists via expression level of ErbB1 in breast cancer can be alternative splicing to generate a smaller protein that is increased by as much as 20-fold (Herbst, 2004). Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2375 Although less studied, ErbB3 is also found to be expression(SupplementaryFigure2)Whetherthisisdue increased in 19–29% of breast cancer cases and this to insufficient knockdown, recruitment of other co- increase, like that of ErbB1, is not primarily due to a activators in the absence of SRF or Elk-1 acting change in gene copy number (Sithanandam and independently is yet to be determined. Although many Anderson, 2008). Although the prognostic significance additional transcription factor binding sites were found of ErbB3 in breast cancer is not as straightforward as within the Mcl-1 promoter such as Stat-3 and NF-kB, for Her-2, a general trend towards disease progression two transcription factors that may have a role in Mcl-1 and poorer outcome is reported (Sithanandam and regulation in other cell types, it appears that these sites Anderson, 2008). arenotcriticalfortheEGFinducedregulationofMcl-1 Therapeutics that target the EGF receptors ErbB1 in these breast cancer cell lines (Boucher et al., 2000; and ErbB2 such as Herceptin and Lapatinib have Hensonetal.,2006;Liuetal.,2003;Tsutsuietal.,2009). successful clinical applications in breast cancer (John- Furthermore, knockdown of both Stat-3 and NF-kB ston et al., 2006). Despite these advances, resistance to hadnoobservableeffectonbasalorEGFinducedMcl- treatments has been a recurring theme (Nahta and 1 protein levels (Supplementary Figure 2A). Taken Esteva, 2006). We have previously shown a correlation together, this suggests that activation ofElk-1iscritical between Her-2 overexpression and elevated Mcl-1 for upregulation of Mcl-1 expression at least in breast protein expression. We have also demonstrated that cancer cells. Mcl-1 can contribute to cell survival and resistance The Mek/Erk signalling pathway has an important againstHerceptin(Hensonetal.,2006).Inthisstudywe roleinbreastcancerprogression(Sivaramanetal.,1997; confirmed the relationship between EGF signalling and Mueller et al., 2000). Although Ras mutations are upregulation of Mcl-1 and identified that the Mek/Erk infrequently observed in breast cancer, elevated activa- signallingpathway,actingultimatelythroughactivation tion of the protein is observed in a substantial of Elk-1, is critical in regulating Mcl-1 expression in proportion of tumours (Sivaraman et al., 1997; von breast cancer cells. We have also taken the results Lintig et al., 2000). The basal-like subset of breast obtained in breast cancer cell lines and used them to tumourshasbeenidentifiedasparticularlysusceptibleto make accurate predictions in breast tumour samples, Mek inhibition (Mirzoeva et al., 2009). Furthermore, supporting the clinical relevance of the study. Further- the Mek inhibitor PD0325901 has been found to be more, we have determined that Mek/Erk signalling is effectiveasasingleagentaswellasincombinationwith essentialforthesurvivaladvantageconferredbyEGFin inhibitorsofPI3Kinmurinexenograftmodelsofbasal- our cell line models. Over activation of any of the like breast cancer (Hoeflich et al., 2009). Recently, the downstream components of this pathway could con- use of Mek inhibitors has demonstrated success in tribute to resistance to EGF receptor targeted therapies overcoming resistance to the EGF receptor inhibitor through an upregulation of Mcl-1. lapatinib (Sambade et al., 2009; Zoppoli et al., 2010). It has previously been established that Mcl-1 is Our resultspointtothepossibility thatinhibitorsofthe overexpressed in breast tumours and correlates with Mek/Erk signalling cascade can be effective at blocking poorprognosis(Dingetal.,2007).Inthisstudy,wehave the expression of Mcl-1 in breast cancer. Our data also demonstrated that Mcl-1 is a downstream target of suggest that Mcl-1 is an important downstream med- activated EGF receptor signalling and that overexpres- iatorofthesurvivalbenefitsconferredbyoveractivation sion of Mcl-1 confers resistance to drug induced ofthissignallingnetwork.Inhibitionofthetranscription apoptosis. We have also demonstrated that a minimal factor Elk-1 could be a further approach to block the expression level of Mcl-1 is critical for survival of the overexpression of Mcl-1; however, small molecule SK-BR-3 breast cancer cell line. This data indicate that inhibitors to Elk-1 are currently unavailable. Never- Mcl-1 may be an important target for breast cancer theless, alterations in the Mcl-1 transcriptional regula- treatment. Several in vitro studies have demonstrated tion could be a viable strategy to sensitize breast cancer effectiveness of Bcl-2 family inhibitors against breast cells to EGF receptor inhibitors and Bcl-2 inhibitors. cancer (Martin et al., 2009; Witters et al., 2007). The Bcl-2 inhibitor ABT-737 has shown effectiveness in breast cancer cells alone or in combination with EGF Materials andmethods receptor inhibitors (Witters et al., 2007). ABT-737 resistant cells show increased Mcl-1 expression indicat- Cell cultureandreagents ing that targeted Mcl-1 expression could be an effective The human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines MCF-7 and treatment (Nguyen et al., 2007; Vogler et al., 2009). SK-BR-3 were obtained from the American Type Culture We have shown that the transcription factor Elk-1 is Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA) in October of 2008 an important regulator of Mcl-1 expression. This and December of 2009, respectively. Cell identity was confirmed by the ATCC by short tandem repeat analysis. supports studies describing Mcl-1 transcriptional reg- Cells were maintained in a humidified 5% CO incubator at ulation by tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate in HEK 2 371Candwerepassagedtwiceweekly.Cellswerepassagedno 293, HeLa and Ml-1 cell lines (Boros et al., 2009; more than 20 times. MCF-7 cells were maintained in Townsend et al., 1999; Vickers et al., 2004). Although Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Invitrogen, Burlington, we were able to validate the importance of Elk-1 in ONCanada)supplementedwith10%fetalcalfserum(Fisher controlling Mcl-1 expression we found that knockdown Scientific, Pittsburgh PA, USA) and 100 units/ml penicillin ofSRFhadlittleornoeffectonbasalorinducedMcl-1 and 100mg/ml streptomycin (Invitrogen). SK-BR-3 cells were Oncogene EpidermalgrowthfactorregulatesMcl-1expression EPBooyetal 2376 maintainedinMcCoy’s5Amedium(Invitrogen)withidentical specificity was confirmed by visualizing DNA on an agarose supplements. Recombinant human EGF was obtained from gel followingPCR. Sigma-Aldrich(Oakville,ON,Canada)anddissolvedin10mM acetic acid with 0.1% bovine serum albumin. For all Mcl-1 promoter constructsandluciferase assays experiments, EGF was added to the media at a final TheMcl-1promoterwasamplifiedbyPCRfromaBACclone concentration of 1mg/ml. Etoposide and doxorubicin (Sigma- containing the appropriate region of chromosome 1 (RP11- Aldrich) were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide at a stock 54A4, Invitrogen). Primers were designed to amplify the concentration of 50mM and stored at (cid:2)201C. The MEK 50 promoter region (3974bp downstream of the translation inhibitorU0126(Promega,Madison,WI,USA)wasdissolved startsite),aswellastogeneratesevenlargedeletionsfromthe indimethylsulfoxideataconcentrationof10mMandstoredat 50 end. Promoter fragments were cloned into the PGL3 (cid:2)201C. The Erk inhibitor 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-((4-ethoxyphe- luciferase reporter vector (Promega). A 7-bp deletions were nyl) methylene)-2,4-thiazolidinedione (EMD Chemicals, introduced into the 3974bp fragment of the Mcl-1 promoter Mississauga,ON,Canada)wasdissolvedindimethylsulfoxide using the Quikchange II site directed mutagenesis kit accord- at a concentration of 10mg/ml and stored at (cid:2)201C. The ing to the manufacturer’s protocol (Stratagene, Santa Clara, following antibodies were used: rabbit anti-Mcl-1 (M8434 CA, USA). The reporter constructs were transfected into Sigma-Aldrich), rabbit anti-Elk-1 (ab32106 Abcam, Cam- MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells using GenePorter 2 transfection bridge, MA, USA), mouse anti-SRF (MAB4369 Millipore, reagent (Genlantis, San Diego, CA, USA) along with a Billerica, MA, USA), rabbit anti-phospho-Elk-1 (Ser383) plasmid containing the b-galactosidase complementary DNA (9181, Cell Signaling, Boston, MA, USA), mouse anti- to standardize results. Twenty-four hours after transfection, phospho-P44/42 MAPK (Thr202/Tyr204) (9106, Cell Signal- the cells were serum starved for an additional 24h and then ing), rabbit anti-P44/42 MAPK (9102, Cell Signaling), rabbit treatedwithEGForvehiclecontrol.After6htreatment,cells anti-NF-kB p65 (ab7970 Abcam), mouse anti-a-tubulin were lysed in 200ml reporter lysis buffer (Promega) and (T6074 Sigma-Aldrich), rabbit-anti-Stat-3 (9132, Cell Signal- luciferase activity was measured in 20ml lysate on an LMAX ing),rabbitanti-Her-2(Dako,Mississauga,ON,Canada)and luminometer (Molecular devices) with 100ml luciferase assay mouse anti-EGFR (Ventana,Tucson AZ,USA). substrate(Promega).Theb-galactosidaseactivitywasassessed by combining 50ml lysate with 50ml 2X b-gal buffer (200mM Westernblotting sodium phosphate pH 7.3, 2mM MgCl2, 100mM b-mercap- toethanol, 1.33mg/ml ONPG) and measuring the absorbance Allwhole-celllysateswerepreparedwithRIPAbuffer(50mM at 450nm. Tris pH 8.0, 150mM NaCl, 2mM EDTA, 1% nonident P-40, 0.5% sodium deoxycholate, 0.1% SDS) supplemented with ChIP protease inhibitors (Complete mini, Roche, Laval, QC, ChIP was performed following EGF stimulation according a Canada) and phosphatase inhibitors (phosphatase inhibitor previouslypublishedprotocol(Spenceretal.,2003).Following cocktail 1 and 2, Sigma-Aldrich). Equal amounts of protein immunoprecipitation, and RNAse/proteinase K digestion of were resolved by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and samples, ChIP DNA was isolated using the QiaQuick PCR transferred to polyvinyl difluoride membranes. Membranes purificationkit(Qiagen,Mississauga,ON,Canada)andDNA wereblockedinTrisbufferedsalinecontaining0.1%Tween-20 concentration was determined using the PicoGreen dsDNA (Tris-buffered saline Tween-20) and 5% skim milk powder. quantitation assay (Invitrogen). In all 0.1ng ChIP DNA was Primary antibodies were incubated overnight at 41C in 5% amplified by RT-PCR using primers specific to the Mcl-1 milk Tris-buffered saline tween-20. Following incubation, promoter (forward: 50-TAGGTGCCGTGCGCAACCCT-30, membranes were washed threefold in Tris-buffered saline reverse: 50-ACTGGAAGGAAGCGGAAGTGAGAA-30) or tween-20 and then incubated with the appropriate secondary thelastexonoftheMcl-1gene(forward:50-TGTTGCTGGA antibody conjugated to horse radish peroxidise for 1hour at GTAGGAGCTGGTTT-30, reverse: 50-GCCATAATCCTC room temperature in 5% milk tris-buffered saline tween-20. TTGCCACTTGCT-30). To obtain fold enrichment values, Proteins were visualized on Hyperfilm ECL by enhanced the cT value of each ChIP sample was compared with the chemiluminescence (GE Healthcare, Piscataway NJ, USA). cTvalue of0.1nginputDNA. RNA isolation andreal-time (RT)–PCR Streptavidin pull-down assay Total RNA was isolated using the Qiagen RNeasy Plus mini To assess transcription factor binding to an Mcl-1 promoter kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol and RNA specific probe, a streptavidin pull-down assay was performed concentrationswerequantifiedbymeasurementofabsorbance with biotin labelled probes specific to the Mcl-1 specific at 260nm with a spectraphotometer (SpectraMax M5, promoter. The probe sequence is as follows: 50-CAACC Molecular Devices, Sunnydale, CA, USA). In all 100ng total CTCCGGAAGCTGCCGCCCCTTTCCCCTTTTATGGGA RNA was used as template for the real-time PCR. One-step ATACTTTTT-30. Following treatment with EGF for the RT–PCR was performed using the iScript One-step RT–PCR indicatedtimes,nuclearextractionwasperformedon20(cid:3)106 kit (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA) and cycling and data cells per time point. Nuclear extracts were pre-cleared with collection were performed on an iCycler thermal cycler 50mlstreptavidinagarosebeads(Invitrogen)for30minat41C (Bio-Rad) using the supplied software (iCycler IQ ver 3.1, withrotation.Followingpre-clearance,abindingreactionwas Bio-Rad).ThefollowingprimersspecifictotheMcl-1mRNA prepared that contained 500mg nuclear extract, 50ng/ml poly were used: forward: 50-GCCAAGGACACAAAGCCA dI-dC, 1/5 volume 5(cid:3) binding buffer (50mM Tris pH 7.5, AT-30, reverse: 50-AACTCCACAAACCCATCCCA-30. The 250mM KCl, 5mM dithiothreitol) and 100nM biotin labelled followingprimersspecifictothehousekeepinggenecyclophilin probe. Binding reactions were incubated for 30min at room were used to standardize results: forward: 50-GCTGCGT temperature at which point 50ml streptavidin-agarose beads TCATTCCTTTG-30, reverse: 50-CTCCTGGGTCTCTGCT were added. Following a 30min incubation, beads were spun TTG-30. The following cycling conditions were used: 501C down at 3000r.p.m. for 1min and washed 3(cid:3)5min in for10minfollowedby951Cfor5min,then40cyclesof951C phosphate-buffered saline. After washing, beads were resus- for10sfollowedby551Cfor30s(datacollectionstep).Primer pendedin50ml2XSDSloadingdye,boiledfor5minandthe Oncogene

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