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Enzyme Handbook: Class 1.13–1.97: Oxidoreductases PDF

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Attention all "Enzyme Handbook" users: A file with the complete volume indexes Vols. 1 through 8 in delimited ASCII format is available for downloading at no charge from the Springer EARN mailbox. Delimited ASCII format can be imported into most databanks. The file has been compressed using the popular shareware program "PKZIP" (Trademark of PKware lnc., PKZIP is available from most BBS and sharewa re distributors). This file is distributed without any expressed or implied warranty. To receive this filesend an e-mail message to: [email protected] The message must be: GET /CHEMISTRY/ENZ_HB.ZIP SVSERV is an automatic data distribution system. lt responds to your mes sage. The following commands are available: HELP returns a detailed instruction set for the use of SVSERV, DIR (name) returns a Iist of files available in the directory "name", INDEX (name) same as "DIR" CD <name> changes to directory "name", SEND <filename> invokes a message with the file "filename", GET <filename> same as "SEND". D. Schamburg · D. Stephan (Eds.) GBF- Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung Enzyme Handbock 8 Class 1.13-1.97: Oxidoreductases Springer-Verlag Berlin Haideiberg GmbH Professor Dr. Dietmar Schomburg Dr. Dörte Stephan GBF - Gesellschaft für Biotechnologische Forschung mbH Mascheroder Weg 1 38124 Braunschweig FRG This collection of datasheets was generated from the database .. BRENDA • ISBN 978-3-642-47751-5 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. (Revised for volume 8). Enzyme hand book. Vols. 6-7 edited by D. Schornburg, M. Salzmann. D. Stephan. Loose-leaft. lncludes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: v. 1.C lass 4: Lyases-v. 2. Class 5: lso merases. - etc. - v. 8.C lass 1.13--1.97, Oxidoreductases. 1. Enzymes-Handbooks, ma nuals. etc. I. Schornburg, D.( Dietmar) II. Salzmann, M. (Margit) I. Stephan, D. (DOrte) OP601.E5158 1990 560'.634 91-145566 ISBN 978-3-642-47751-5 ISBN 978-3-642-57942-4 (eBook) 001 10.1007/978-3-642-57942-4 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof ist only permitlad under the provi sions oftheGerman Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and a copyright Iee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution act of the German Copyright Law. ~Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1994 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Haideiberg New York in 1994 The use of registered names. trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific Statement. that such names are exempt frorn the relevant pro teelive laws and regulations and therefore free for generar use. The pubfisher cannot assume any legal responsibility for given data. especially as far as directions for the use and the handling of chemieals and biological materials are con cerned. This inforrnation can be obtained from the instructions on safe laboratory practice and frorn the manufacturers of chemieals and laboratory equiprnent. Media conversion, printing and bookbinding: Brühlsehe Universitatsdruckerei. Giessen Production of the plasticfiles: Lux-Plastik oHG, Murnau 51/3130-54 3 2 1 0-Printedon acid-free paper Preface Recent progress on enzyme immobilisation, enzyme production, coenzyme regeneration and enzyme engineering has opened up fascinating new fields for the potential application of enzymes in a large range of different areas. As more progress in research and application of enzymes has been made the Iack of an up-to-date overview of enzyme molecular properties has become more apparent. Therefore, we started the development of an enzyme data in formation system as part of protein-design activities at GBF. The present book "Enzyme Handbook" represents the printed version of this data bank. ln future a computer searchable versionwill be also available. The enzymes in this Handbock are arranged according to the Enzyme Commission Iist of enzymes. Some 3000 "different" enzymes will be covered. Frequently enzymes with very different properties are included under the same EC number. Although we intend to give a representative overview on the characteristics and variability of each enzyme the Handbock is not a com pendium. The readerwill have to go to the primary Iiterature for more detailed information. Naturally it is not possible to cover all the numerous Iiterature references for each enzyme (for special enzymes up to 40000) if the data re presentation is tobe concise as is intended. lt should be mentioned here that the Iiterature data are extracted from Iiterature and critically evaluated by qualified scientists. On the other hand the original authors' nomenclature for enzyme forms and subunits is retained as is their nomenclature for organisms and strains even if the organism is reclas sified in the meantime. The crass references to the protein sequence data bank and to the Brookhaven protein 30 structure data bank are taken direct ly from their data files without further verification by the authors. ln order to keep the tables concise redundant information is avoided as far as possible (e.g. if Km values are measured in the presence af an obviaus cosubstrate, on ly the name of the cosubstrate is given in parentheses as a commentary without reference to its specific role). The authors are grateful to the following biologists and chemists for invalu able help in the compilatian af data: Margit Salzmann, Cornelia Munaretto, Dr. lda Schamburg, Dr. Astrid Beermann. ln addition we wauld like ta thank Mrs. C. Munaretto and Dr. I. Schamburg for the correctian af the final manu script. Braunschweig, Spring 1994 Dörte Stephan Dietmar Schamburg V BRENDA-Compilation of Enzyme Data To collect basic characteristics of enzymes- is that not a kind of archaic ac tivity in the times of molecular biology and computer-aided data banks providing sequences of nucleic acids and proteins with little more delay than a few days as weil as their three-dimensional structures? What should be the purpese of compiling turnever numbers, Michaelis constants, substrate specificities, sources, synonyms etc. of enzymes from sometimes remote publications? The answer sounds as simple as surprising: The aim of the compilation of data is to make use of the overwhelming abundance of struc tural knoweldge we owe to the new techniques of molecular biology. Admittedly, it was not primarily enzymology which caused the explosion of knowledge in biology during the last decade. This was due to the advance of molecular biology which enabled us to isolate genes, to amplify them ad libidum and to elucidate their primary structure within days only. Also, the op timization and automatization of techniques for the analysis of macro molecules has provided detailed insights into a large variety of complex biomolecules nobody would have anticipated in the early seventies. Due to powerful computers it has now become feasible to propese fairly realistic models of macromolecules based solely on primary structures and homology considerations. Nevertheless - or therefore - it appears as mandatory as rewarding to know the brave world of enzymology in which one had and often still has to come along without any detailed structural knowledge. We should not ignore that nature has not generated the multiplicity of structures, because it simply feit obliged to the principle of diversification or because it wanted to test our computing capacity to handle sequence data. lt had to create new structures to cope with the steadily changing demands of a variable environment. Thus, amino acid sequences, folding of peptide chains and conformational details are only the technical tools of nature to catalyse specific biological functions. ln consequence, it is the functional profile of an enzyme which enables a biologist or physician to analyze a metabolic pathway and its disturbance; it is the substrafe specificity of an enzyme which teils an analytica/ bioehernist how to design an assay; it is the stability, specificity and efficiency of an en zyme which determines its usefulness in the biotechnica/ transformation of a molecule. And the sum of all these functional data will have to be considered when the designer of artificial biocatalysts has to choose the optimum prototype to start with. Unfortunately, it is by no means as simple to design (organize) a meaning ful and systematic compilation of functional enzymological data as to enter sequences of amino acids or nucleotides into a data base. Functional data are less weil defined, are never devoid of a trace of ambiguity, their selection remains inevitably subjective, and their complexity requires simplification. The present compilation of enzymological data, therefore, can and will not be a VII BRENDA-Compilation of Enzyme Data Substitute for original publications but rather offer a key to the literature. But I do think that the Enzyme Handbock is indeed an excellent key to open or reopen the mysterious world of enzyme to all those who there have to find the solutions of their problems: to biologists, physicians, structural biochemists, biochemical analysts, biotechnologists and also to the molecular biologists. Braunschweig, Spring 1993 Leopold Flohe GBF, Scientific Director VIII List of Abbreviations A adenosine DPN diphosphopyridinium Ac acetyl nucleotide (now NAD) ADP adenosine 5'- DTNB 5,5'-dithiobis diphosphate (2-nitrobenzoate) Ala alanine DTT dithiothreitol All allose (i.e. Cleland's reagent) Alt altrase e electron AMP adenosine 5'- EC number of enzymein monophosphate Enzyme Commission's Ara arabinose system Arg arginine E.coli Escherichia coli Asn asparagine EDTA ethylene Asp aspartic acid diaminetetraacetate ATP adenosine 5'- EGTA ethylene glycol bis triphosphate (ß-aminoethyl ether) Bicine N,N'-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) tetraacetate glycine EPR electron paramagnetic c cytidine resonance cal calorie ER endoplasmic reticulum COP cytidine 5'-diphosphate Et ethyl CDTA trans-1,2- EXAFS extended X-ray diaminocyclohexane- absorption fine N, N. N,N-tetra-acetic structure acid FAD flavin-adenine CHAPS 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)- dinucleotide dimethylammonio]-1- FMN flavin mononucleotide propanesulfonate (riboflavin 5'- CHAPSO 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)- monophosphate) dimethylammonio]-2- Fru fructose hydroxy-1-propane- Fuc fucose sulfonate G guanosine CMP cytidine 5'- Ga I galactose monophosphate GDP guanosine 5'- CoA coenzymeA diphosphate CTP cytidine 5'-triphosphate Glc glucose Cys cysteine GieN glucosamine d deoxy- GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine 0-and L- prefixes indicating con- Gin glutamine figuration Glu glutamic acid DFP diisopropyl Gly glycine fluorophosphate GMP guanosine 5'- DNA deoxyribonucleic acid monophosphate IX List of Abbreviations GSH glutathione NAD(P)H indicates either NADH GSSG oxidized glutathione orNADPH GTP guanosine 5'- NDP nucleoside triphosphate 5'-diphosphate Gul gulose NEM N-ethylmaleimide h hour Neu Neuraminic acid H4 tetrahydro NMN nicotinamide HE PES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)- mononucleotide 1-piperazineethane NMP nucleoside sulfonic acid 5' -monophosphate His histidine NTP nucleoside HPLC highperformanceliquid 5' -triphosphate chromatography 0- ortho- Hyl hydroxylysine Orn ornithine Hyp hydroxyproline p- para- IAA iodoacetamide PCMB p-chloro- lg immunoglobulin mercuribenzoate lle isoleueine PEP phosphoenolpyruvate ldo idose pH -log10 [H+] IDP inosine 5'-diphosphate Ph phenyl IMP inosine Phe phenylalanine 5' -monophosphate PI XE proton-induced ir irreversible X-ray emission ITP inosine 5'-triphosphate PMSF phenylmethane- Km Michaelis constant su lfo nylfl uoride L- see D- Pro proline Leu leueine O,o factor for the change in Lys Iysine reaction rate for a 10 o Lyx lyxose temperature increase M mol/1 r reversible m- meta- Rha rhamnose Man mannose Rib ribose MES 2-(N-morphol ino )ethane RNA ribonucleic acid sulfonate mRNA messenger RNA Met methionine rRNA ribosemal RNA min minute tRNA transfer RNA MOPS 3-(N-morpholino) Sar N-methylglycine propane sulfonate (sarcosine) Mur muramic acid SOS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sul- MW molecular weight phate polyacrylamide NAD nicotinamide-adenine gel electrophoresis dinucleotide Ser serine NADH reduced NAD SFK-525A 2-diethylaminoethyl-2,2- NADP NAD phosphate diphenylvalerate NADPH reduced NADP sp. species X List of Abbreviations T ribosylthymine TTP ribosylthymine ty, time for half-completion 5' -triphosphate of reaction Tyr tyrosine Tal talose u uridine TOP ribosylthymine U/mg Jlmol/(mg·min) 5'-diphosphate UDP uridine 5'-diphosphate TEA triethanolamine UMP uridine THF tetrahydrofolate 5' -monophosphate Thr threonine UTP uridine 5'-triphosphate TMP ribosylthymine Val valine 5' -monophosphate Xaa symbol for an amino Tos- tosyl- acid of unknown (p-toluenesulfonyl-) constitution in peptide TPN triphosphopyridinium formula nucleotide XAS X-ray absorption (now NADP) spectroscopy Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)- XTP xanthosine aminomethane 5' -triphosphate Trp tryptophan Xyl xylose XI

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