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Author Index Abe, T.: See Kawakami, K., 371 Borzeix, F., Monot, F., and Chen, K.-C., Lee, T.-C., and Houng, Ackerson, M. D.: See Klasson, K. T., 602 Vandecasteele, J.-P.: Strategies for J.-Y.: Search method for the optimal Adlard, M. W.: See Rastall, R. A., 53 enzymatic esterification in organic medium for the production of lactase Adle-creutz, P.: See Bloomer, S., 546; solvents: Comparison of microaqueous, by Kluyveromyces fragilis, 659 Clapes, P., 575; Kanasawud, P., 959 biphasic, and micellar systems, 791 Chen, S.: See Wayman, M., 825 Affholter, K. A.: See Woodward, J., 625 Bosetti, A., van Beilen, J. B., Preusting, Chen, Shuyun: See Cao, J., 1013 Agoston, S. M. I.: See Van der Padt, A., H., Lageveen, R. G., and Witholt, B.: Choi, J.-Y.: See Lee, J.-H., 1017 805 Production of primary aliphatic Choi, K.-H.: See Lee, J.-H., 1017 Akdogan, H. and Ozilgen, M.: Kinetics for alcohols with a recombinant Chu, I.-M., Lee, C., and Li, T.-S.: microbial growth, gas production, and Pseudomonas strain, encoding the Production and degradation of alkaline dough volume increase during alkane hydroxylase enzyme system, protease in batch cultures of Bacillus leavening, 141 702 subtilis ATCC 14416, 755 Akimenko, V. K.: See Golovchenko, Bosley, J. A.: See Khan, S. A., 96 Chulalaksananukul, W., Condoret, J.-S., N. P., 327; Katayeva, I. A., 407 Boswinkel, G.: See Pronk, W., 214 and Combes, D.: Kinetics of geranyl Albert, D. E., Douglas, M. B., Hintz, Bozoglu, T. F.: See Berkman-Dik, T., 944 acetate synthesis by lipase catalysed M. A., Youngen, C. S., and Keyes, Braun, C.: See Ross, N. W., 90 transesterification in n-hexane, 293 M. H.: Semisynthetic fluorohydrolases Breton-Maintier, C., Mayer, R., and Chuvilskaya, N. A.: See Katayeva, I. A., prepared by chemical modification of Richard-Molard, D.: Labeled 407 ribonuclease, 885 proteinase inhibitors: Versatile tools for Cizinska, S.: See Mateju, V., 170 Al-Rubeai, M.: See Zhang, Z., 980 the characterization of serine Clapes, P.: See Jorba, X., 117 Alvaro, G.: See Fernandez-Lafuente, R., proteinases in solid-phase assays, 819 Clapes, P., Valencia, G., and Adlercreutz, 489 Brooks, D. E.: See Skuse, D. R., 785 P.: Influence of solvent and water Amundson, C. H.: See Garcia, H. S., 535; Brown, P. A.: See O'Daly, J. P., 299 activity on kinetically controlled Malcata, F. X., 426 Bucke, C.: See Rastall, R. A., 53 peptide synthesis, 575 Anthonsen, T.: See Hertzberg, S., 42 Buitelaar, R. M., Cesario, M. T., and Clark, A. H.: See Khan, S. A., 96 Arikan, O. and Ozilgen, M.: Settling Tramper, J.: Elicitation of thiophene Clark, S. W.: See Welch, R. W., 277 kinetics of champagne yeast, 762 production by hairy roots of Tagetes Clausen, E. C.: See Klasson, K. T., 602 Arnaud, J.-P., Lacroix, C., and Castaigne, patula, 2 Combes, D.: See Chulalak kul F.: Counterdiffusion of lactose and Bungay, H.: Product opportunities for 293 ” lactic acid in K-carrageenan/locust biomass refining, 501 Condoret, J.-S.: See Chulalaksananukul, bean gum gel beads with or without Buse, R., Onken, U., Qazi, G. N., W., 293 entrapped lactic acid bacteria, 715 Sharma, N., Parshad, R., and Verma, Cooke, R. C.: See McQuilken, M. P., 106 V.: Influence of dilution rate and Creuly, C., Larroche, C., and Gros, J.-B.: dissolved oxygen concentration on Bioconversion of fatty acids into continuous keto acid production by methyl ketones by spores of Backhaus, S.: See Rapp, P., 938 Gluconobacter oxydans subsp. Penicillium roquefortii in a Baines, B. S.: See Mahmoudian, M., 911 melanogenum, 1001 water-organic solvent, two-phase Bajpai, P., Gera, R. K., and Bajpa:, P. K.: Bushell, M. E.: See Fairbairn, D. J., 48 system, 669 Optimization studies for the production of a-amylase using cheese whey Cabral, J. M. S.: See Pinheiro, H. M., 619 medium, 679 Calvet, S.: See Jorba, X., 117 Bajpai, P. K.: See Bajpai, P., 679 Canevascini, G.: See Oberson, J., 303 Danneel, H.-J., Ullrich, M., and Giffhorn, Banerjee, A.: See Patel, R. N., 731; Patel, Cao, J., Zheng, L., and Chen, S.: F.: Goal-oriented screening method for R. N., 778 Screening of pectinase producer from carbohydrate oxidases produced by Bar, R.: See Goetschel, R., 390; alkalophilic bacteria and study on its filamentous fungi, 898 Goetschel, R., 462 potential application in degumming of Dart, R. K., Kerry, S., and Marples, Baratti, J.: See Rangheard, M-S., 966 ramie, 1013 B. A.: Enantioselective hydrolysis of Bardeletti, G.: See Pieters, B. R., 361 Carta, G., Gainer, J. L., and Gibson, racemic methyl jasmonate using Barenholz, Y.: See Goetschel, R., 390 M. E.: Synthesis of esters using a microorganisms and isolated enzymes, Barker, P. J.: See Kobayashi, T., 447 nylon-immobilized lipase in batch and 954 Batish, V. K.: See Gupta, R. K., 156 continuous reactors, 904 Dawson, M. J., See Mahmoudian, M., 911 Bayer, E. A.: See Morag (Morgenstern), Casey, J. and Dobb, R.: Microbial routes de Bont, J. A. M.: See Smith, M. R., 893 E., 289 to aromatic aldehydes, 739 de Gunst, M. C. M. and Libbenga, K. R.: Beckman, E. J.: See Kamat, S., 265 Castaigne, F.: See Arnaud, J.-P., 715 Reply, 769 Bennett, G. N.: See Welch, R. W., 277 Castanares, A., McCrae, S. I., and Wood, de Jong, J. P. J.: See Vermue, M. H., 649 Berkman-Dik, T., Ozilgen, M., and T. M.: Purification and properties of a Delgenes, J. P.: See Laplace, J. M., 644 Bozoglu, T. F.: Salt, EDTA, and pH feruloyl/p-coumaroyl esterase from the Demain, A. L.: See Kobayashi, T., 447; effects on rheological behavior of mold fungus Penicillium pinophilum, 875 Nochur, S. V., 338 suspensions, 944 Cejkova, A.: See Hasal, P., 221; Hasal, Demnerova, K.: See Suchova, M., 917 Binz, T.: See Oberson, J., 303 P., 1007 Deshpande, M. S., Rale, V. B., and Blanchard, J. H.: See Scott, R. I., 798 Cesario, M. T.: See Buitelaar, R. M., 2 Lynch, J. M.: Auerobasidium pullulans Bloomer, S.: See Kanasawud, P., 959 Chang, H-M.: See Presnell, T. L., 184 in applied microbiology: A status Bloomer, S., Adlercreutz, P., and Chen, H.-C., Hwang, C.-F., and Mou, report, 514 Mattiasson, B.: Facile synthesis of D.-G.: High-density Escherichia coli Deshpande, V. V.: See Gaikwad, S. M.., fatty acid esters in high yields, 546 cultivation process for hyperexpression 317; Gaikwad, S. M., 855 Bond, K.: See Suchova, M., 917 of recombinant porcine growth Diaz, M.: See Longo, M. A., 586 Boomer, J. H.: See Donaghy, J. A., 131 hormone, 321 Dobb, R.: See Casey, J., 739 © 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December 1021 Author Index Donaghy, J. A., Boomer, J. H., and Gainer, J. L.: See Carta, G., 904; Harrop, A. J., Woodley, J. M., and Lilly, Haylock, R. W.: An assessment of the Harrington, T. J., 813 M. D.: Production of quality and yield of flax fiber produced Galunsky, B.: See Stambolieva, N., 496 naphthalene-cis-glycol by Pseudomonas by the use of pure bacterial cultures in Garcia, H. S.: See Malcata, F. X., 426 putida in the pr e of organic flax rets, 131 Garcia, H. S., Malcata, F. X., Hill, Jr., solvents, 725 Donmez, S. and Ozcelik, F.: Ethanol C. G., and Amundson, C. H.: Use of Hasal, P., Cejkova, A., and Vojtisek, V.: fermentation of beet molasses by Candida rugosa \ipase immobilized in a Continuous sucrose hydrolysis by an Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum, 413 spiral wound membrane reactor for the immobilized whole yeast cell Dors, M.: See Zhou, W., 848 hydrolysis of milkfat, 535 biocatalyst, 1007 Douglas, M. B.: See Albert, D. E., 885 Garcia, L. A.: See Longo, M. A., 586 Hasal, P., Vojtisek, V., Cejkova, A., Duran, N.: See Ferrer, 1., 402 Garcia-Ochoa, F., Santos, V. E., and Kleczek, P., and Kofronova, O.: An Fritsch, A. P.: Nutritional study of immobilized whole yeast cell Elwing, H.: See Wikstrom, M., 614 Xanthomonas campestris in xanthan biocatalyst for enzymatic sucrose Erdmann, H.: See Lang, D., 479; gum production by factorial design of hydrolysis, 221 Vorderwulbecke, T., 631 experiments, 991 Haylock, R. W.: See Donaghy, J. A., 131 Esposito, E.: See Ferrer, 1., 402 Gaslightwala, S. F.: See Woodward, J., Hayter, P. M., Kirkby, N. F., and Spier, Estape, D., Godia, F., and Sola, C.: 625 R. E.: Relationship between hybridoma Determination of glucose and ethanol Geluk, M. A., Norde, W., Van Kalsbeek, growth and monoclonal antibody effective diffusion coefficients in H. K. A. |. and Van’t Riet, K.: production, 454 Ca-alginate gel, 396 Adsorption of lipase from Candida Heffernan, B.: See Handa-Corrigan, A., 58 rugosa on cellulose and its influence on Heikinheimo, R.: See Pitkanen, K., 832 Fairbairn, D. J. and Bushell, M. E.: lipolytic activity, 748 Hendrickson, R.: See Westgate, P., 76 Evaluation of continuous enrichment as Gera, R. K.: See Bajpai, P., 679 Henk, L. L. and Linden, J. C.: a method for isolating microbial Ghose, T. K.: See Roychoudhury, P. K., Simultaneous ensiling and enzymatic cultures capable of coal desulfurization, 581 hydrolysis of structural 48 Ghosh, P.: See Roychoudhury, P. K., 581 polysaccharides, 923 Fauth, U.: See Kobayashi, T., 447 Gibson, M. E.: See Carta, G., 904 Henkens, R. W.: See O'Daly, J. P., 299 Favre-Bulle, O. and Witholt, B.: Giffhorn, F.: See Danneel, H.-J., 898 Herrmann, K. M.: See Porter, J. E., 609 Biooxidation of n-octane by a Godia, F.: See Estape, D., 396 Hertzberg, S., Kvittingen, L., Anthonsen, recombinant Escherichia coli in a Goetschel, R., Barenholz, Y., and Bar, R.: T., and Skjak-Braek, G.: Alginate as two-liquid-phase system: Effect of Microbial conversions in a liposomal immobilization matrix and stabilizing medium components on cell growth and medium. Part 2: Cholesterol oxidation agent in a two-phase liquid system: alkane oxidation activity, 931 by Rhodococcus erythropolis, 390 Application in lipase-catalysed Fedorak, P. M.: See Vazquez-Duhalt, R., Goetschel, R. and Bar, R.: Formation of reactions, 42 837 mixed crystals in microbial conversion Hesselink, P. G. M.: See Kastelein, J., 553 Ferguson, C. H. R.: See Scott, R. I., 798 of sterols and steroids, 462 Hill, Jr., C. G.: See Garcia, H. S., 535; Fernandez-Lafuente, R., Rosell, C. M., Golovchenko, N. P.: See Katayeva, I. A., Malcata, F. X., 426 Alvaro, G., and Guisan, J. M.: 407 Hintz, M. A.: See Albert, D. E., 885 Additional stabilization of penicillin G Golovchenko, N. P., Katayeva, I. A., and Hock, B.: See Plomer, M., 230 acylase-agarose derivatives by Akimenko, V. K.: Elucidation of the Holzhauer-Rieger, K.: See Zhou, W., 848 controlled chemical modification with role of hydrophobic interactions in the Houng, J.-Y.: See Chen, K.-C., 659 formaldehyde, 489 adsorption of endo-1,4-8-glucanases on Howell, J. M.: See Patel, R. N., 731 Ferrer, I., Esposito, E., and Duran, N.: polysaccharides, 327 Hu, W-S.: See Nikolai, T. J., 203 Lignin peroxidase from Chrysonilia Gomez-Moreno, C.: See Pueyo, J. J., 8 Hwang, C.-F.: See Chen, H.-C., 321 sitophila: Heat-denaturation kinetics Griffin, B. W.: Functional and structural and pH stability, 402 relationships among aldose reductase, Jain, D. K. and Tyagi, R. D.: Leaching of Fischer, K. and Messner, K.: Adsorption L-hexonate dehydrogenase (aldehyde heavy metals from anaerobic sewage of lipase on pulp fibers during reductase), and recently identified sludge by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, 376 biological pitch control in paper homologous proteins, 690 Jamuna, R. and Ramakrishna, S. V.: industry, 470 Gros, J.-B.: See Creuly, C., 669 Continuous synthesis of thermostable Fiske, M. J.: See Steele, D. B., 358 Guilbault, G. G.: See Krug, A., 313; a-amylase by Bacillus cells immobilized Flanagan, T. and Waites, M. J.: Plomer, M., 230 in calcium alginate, 36 Purification and characterization of Guisan, J. M.: See Fernandez-Lafuente, Janoch, T.: See Mateju, V., 170 p-xylulokinase from the R., 489 Jeffrey, D.: See Handa-Corrigan, A., 58 pentose-fermenting yeast Pichia stipitis Gupta, R. K. and Batish, V. K.: Lytic Jensen, B. and Olsen, J.: Physicochemical NCYC 1541, 975 response of Lactococcus lactis subsp. properties of a purified alpha-amylase Fracheboud, D.: See Oberson, J., 303 lactis 484 to muralytic enzymes, 156 from the thermophilic fungus Frejci, J.: See Mateju, V., 170 Gurnagul, N.: See Paice, M. G., 272 Thermomyces lanuginosus, 112 Fritsch, A. P.: See Garcia-Ochoa, F., 991 Gutierrez, N. A. and Maddox, I. S.: Johnson, K. G.: See Ross, N. W., 90 Fukui, H.: See Presnell, T. L., 184 Product inhibition in a nonmotile Jorba, X., Clapes, P., Xaus, N., Calvet, mutant of Clostridium acetobutylicum, S., Torres, J. L., Valencia, G., and Gaddy, J. L.: See Klasson, K. T., 602 101 Mata, J.: Optimization and kinetic Gaertner, H. F. and Puigserver, A. J.: studies of the enzymatic synthesis of Increased activity and stability of Hache, J.: See Leno, M., 135 Ac-Phe-Leu-NH2 in reversed micelles, poly(ethylene glycol)-modified trypsin, Halling, P. J.: See Khan, S. A., 96 117 150 Handa-Corrigan, A., Nikolay, S., Jeffrey, Jovanovic, S. M.: See Veljkovic, V. B., 665 Gaikwad, S. M., Rao, M. B., and D., Heffernan, B., and Young, A.: Joyce, T. W.: See Presnell, T. L., 184 Deshpande, V. V.: D-Glucose/xylose Controlling and predicting monoclonal Jurasek, L.: See Paice, M. G., 272 isomerase from Streptomyces: antibody production in hollow-fiber Differential roles of magnesium and bioreactors, 58 Kalcheva, V.: See Stambolieva, N., 496 cobalt ions, 317 Harrington, T. J., Gainer, J. L., and Kallwaas, H. K. W.: Potential of Gaikwad, S. M. and Deshpande, V. V.: Kirwan, D. J.: Ceramic membrane R-2-Hydroxyisocaproate dehydrogenase Immobilization of glucose isomerase on microfilter as an immobilized enzyme from Lactobacillus casei for Indion 48-R, 855 reactor, 813 stereospecific reductions, 28 1022 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December Author Index Kamat, S., Beckman, E. J., and Russell, Kutsal, T.: See Ozbas, T., 984 McCrae, S. I.: See Castanares, A., 875 A. J.: Role of diffusion in nonaqueous Kvittingen, L.: See Hertzberg, S., 42 Macek, T.: See Wimmer, Z., 197 enzymology. 1. Theory, 265 Kwon, I.-B.: See Lee, J.-H., 1017 MacKenzie, C. R.: See Ross, N. W., 90 Kanasawud, P., Phutrakul, S., Bloomer, McNamee, C. G.: See Patel, R. N., 731 S., Adlercreutz, P. and Mattiasson, B.: Lacroix, C.: See Arnaud, J.-P., 715 McQuilken, M. P., Whipps, J. M., and Triglyceride interesterification by Ladisch, M. R.: See Porter, J. E., 609; Cooke, R. C.: Nutritional and lipases. 3. Alcoholysis of pure Westgate, P., 76 environmental factors affecting biomass triglycerides, 959 Lageveen, R. G.: See Bosetti, A., 702 and oospore production of the Kastelein, J., Logtenberg, M. T., and Lamed, R.: See Morag (Morgenstern), E., biocontrol agent Pythium oligandrum, Hesselink, P. G. M.: Testing and 289 106 evaluation of off-gas filters for Lang, D., Erdmann, H., and Schmid, Maddox, I. S.: See Gutierrez, N. A., 101 bioreactors by a new bacterial aerosol R. D.: Bacterial luciferase of Vibrio Mahmoudian, M., Baines, B. S., Dawson, challenge test method (TBAC), 553 harveyi MAV: Purification, M. J., and Lawrence, G. C.: Katayeva, I. A.: See Golovchenko, N. P.,327 characterization and crystallization, 479 Resolution of 4-amino- Katayeva, I. A., Golovchenko, N. P., Langrand, G.: See Rangheard, M-S., 966 cyclopentanecarboxylic acid methyl Chuvilskaya, N. A., and Akimenko, Laplace, J. M., Delgenes, J. P., Moletta, esters using hydrolytic enzymes, 911 V. K.: Clostridium thermocellum R., and Navarro, J. M.: Fermentation Makanjuola, D. B., Tymon, A., and B-glucosidases A and B: Purification, of lignocellulosic sugars to ethanol: Springham, D. G.: Some effects of properties, localization, and regulation Selection of mutants of Pichia stipitis lactic acid bacteria on laboratory-scale of biosynthesis, 407 affected for D-glucose utilization, 644 yeast fermentations, 350 Kato, Y.: See Sonomoto, K., 640 Laroute, V. and Willemot, R.-M.: Effect Malcata, F. X.: See Garcia, H. S., 535 Kawakami, K., Abe, T., and Yoshida, T.: of organic solvents on stability of two Malcata, F. X., Reyes, H. R., Garcia, Silicone-immobilized biocatalysts glycosidases and on glucoamylase- H. S., Hill, C. G., Jr., and Amundson, effective for bioconversions in catalysed oligosaccharide synthesis, 528 C. H.: Kinetics and mechanisms of nonaqueous media, 371 Larroche, C.: See Creuly, C.: 669 reactions catalysed by immobilized Kelley, V. C.: See Steele, D. B., 358 Lawrence, G. C.: See Mahmoudian, M.., lipases, 426 Kellner, R.: See Krug, A., 313 911 Male, K. B.: See Luong, J. H. T., 125 Kerry, S.: See Dart, R. K., 954 Lazic, M. L.: See Veljkovic, V. B., 665 Maliszewska, I. and Mastalerz, P.: Keyes, M. H.: See Albert, D. E., 885 Lee, C.: See Chu, I.-M., 755 Production and some properties of Khan, S. A., Halling, P. J., Bosley, J. A., Lee, H.: See Tsai, Y.-C., 384 lipase from Penicillium citrinum, 190 Clark, A. H., Peilow, A. D., Pelan, Lee, J.-H., Choi, K.-H., Choi, J.-Y., Lee, Marples, B. A.: See Dart, R. K., 954 E. G., and Rowlands, D. W.: Y.-S., Kwon, I.-B., and Yu, J.-H.: Mastalerz, P.: See Maliszewska, I., 190 Polyethylene glycol-modified subtilisin Enzymatic production of a-cyclodextrin Mata, J.: See Jorba, X., 117 forms microparticulate suspensions in with the cyclomaltodextrin with the Mateju, V., Cizinska, S., Frejci, J., and organic solvents, 96 cyclomaltodextrin glucanotransferase of Janoch, T.: Biological water Khowala, S. and Sengupta, S.: Secretion Klebsiella oxytoca 19-1, 1017 denitrification—A review, 170 of B-glucosidase by Termitomyces Lee, T.-C.: See Chen, K.-C., 659 Mattiasson, B.: See Bloomer, S., 546; clypeatus: Regulation by carbon Lee, Y.-S.: See Lee, J.-H., 1017 Kanasawud, P., 959 catabolite products, 144 Leno, M., Merten, O.-W., and Hache, J.: May, S. W.: Special Report: Biocatalysis Kierkels, J. G. T.: See Smith, M. R., 893 Kinetic studies of cellular metabolic for the 90s: A perspective, 80 Kieslich, K.: See Vorderwulbecke, T., 631 activity, specific IgG production rate, Mayer, G.: See Leuchtenberger, A., 18 Kirkby, N. F.: See Hayter, P. M., 454 IgG mRNA stability and accumulation Mayer, R.: See Breton-Maintier, C., 819 Kirwan, D. J.: See Harrington, T. J., 813 during hybridoma batch culture, 135 Megharaj, M., Pearson, H. W., and Kise, H.: See Nagashima, T., 842 Leuchtenberger, A. and Mayer, G.: Venkateswarlu, K.: Removal of Klasson, K. T., Ackerson, M. D., Changed pectinase synthesis by nitrogen and phosphorus by Clausen, E. C., and Gaddy, J. L.: aggregated mycelium of some immobilized cells of Chlorella vulgaris Bioconversion of synthesis gas into Aspergillus niger mutants, 18 and Scenedesmus bijugatus isolated liquid or gaseous fuels, 602 Li, T.-S.: See Chu, I.-M., 755 from soil, 656 Kleczek, P.: See Hasal, P., 221 Libbenga, K. R.: See de Gunst, M. C. M., Merten, O.-W.: See Leno, M., 135 Kloss, J.: See Patel, R. N., 778 769 Messner, K.: See Fischer, K., 470 Kobayashi, T., Romaniec, M. P. M., Lilly, M. D.: See Harrop, A. J., 725; Mincheva, Z.: See Stambolieva, N., 496 Fauth, U., Barker, P. J., and Demain, Viliesid, F., 561 Miyawaki, O. and Yano, T.: A. L.: Cloning and expression in Lin, C.-S.: See Tsai, Y.-C., 384 Electrochemical bioreactor with Escherichia coli of Clostridium Lin, X., Liu, M., and Tang, J.: regeneration of NAD* by rotating thermocellum DNA encoding Heterologous expression of thermopsin, graphite disk electrode with PMS subceliulosomal proteins, 447 a heat-stable acid proteinase, 696 adsorbed, 474 Kofronova, O.: See Hasal, P., 221 Linden, J. C.: See Henk, L. L., 923 Moletta, R.: See Laplace, J. M., 644 Kohimann, K.: See Westgate, P., 76 Lindsay, J. A.: See Krohn, B. M., 194 Monot, F.: See Borzeix, F., 791 Kotorman, M.: See Simon, L. M., 997 Liu, M.: See Lin, X., 696; Patel, R. N., Morag (Morgenstern), E., Bayer, E. A., Kralova, B.: See Suchova, M., 917 778 and Lamed, R.: Affinity digestion for Kretzmer, G.: See Ludwig, A., 209 Logtenberg, M. T.: See Kastelein, J., 553 the near-total recovery of purified Krohn, B. M. and Lindsay, J. A.: Longo, M. A., Novella, I. S., Garcia, cellulosome from Clostridium Reclassification of a thermostable L. A., and Diaz, M.: Diffusion of thermocellum, 289 a-glucosidase from Bacillus subtilis proteases in calcium alginate beads, 586 Morrison, I. M. and Mousdale, S.A.: H-17 as a cyclomaltodextrinase, 194 Ludwig, A., Kretzmer, G., and Schugerl, Effect of the level of feeding on the Krug, A., Suleiman, A. A., Guilbault, K.: Determination of a ‘‘critical shear digestion of hay and carbohydrase G. G., and Kellner, R.: Colorimetric stress level’’ applied to adherent activities in an artificial rumen, 284 determination of free and total mammalian cells, 209 Mou, D.-G.: See Chen, H.-C., 321 cholesterol by flow injection analysis Luong, J. H. T. and Male, K. B.: Mousdale, S. A.: See Morrison, I. M., 284 with a fiber optic detector, 313 Development of a new biosensor Kumari, J. A. and Panda, T.: Studies on system for the determination of the Nagashima, T., Watanabe, A., and Kise, critical analysis of factors influencing hypoxanthine ratio, an indicator of fish H.: Peptide synthesis by proteases in improved production of protoplasts freshness, 125 organic solvents: Medium effect on from Trichoderma reesei mycelium, 241 Lynch, J. M.: See Deshpande, M. S., 514 substrate specificity, 842 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December 1023 Author Index Navarro, J. M.: See Laplace, J. M., 644 and coimmobilized glucose oxidase and Riek, A.: See Rizzi, M., 709 Nikolai, T. J. and Hu, W-S.: Cultivation of glucoamylase, 361 Rizzi, M., Stylos, P., Riek, A., and Reuss, mammalian cells on macroporous Pinheiro, H. M. and Cabral, J. M. S.: M.: A kinetic study of immobilized microcarriers, 203 Screening of whole-cell immobilization lipase catalysing the synthesis of Nikolay, S.: See Handa-Corrigan, A., 58 procedures for the 1-dehydrogenation isoamyl acetate by transesterification in Nochur, S. V., Demaia, A. L., and of steroids in organic medium, 619 n-hexane, 709 Roberts, M. F.: Carbohydrate Pitkanen, K., Heikinheimo, R., and Roberts, M. F.: See Nochur, S. V., 338 utilization by Clostridium Pakkanen, R.: Purification and Robison, R. S.: See Patel, R. N., 731 thermocellum: Importance of internal characterization of Erwinia Romaniec, M. P. M.: See Kobayashi, T., PH in regulating growth, 338 chrysanthemi B374 pectin 447 Noles, K. K.: See Woodward, J., 625 methylesterase produced by Bacillus Rosa, M. F. and Sa-Correia, I.: Ethanol Nomura, T.: See Slaughter, J. C., 64 subtilis, 832 tolerance and activity of plasma Norde, W.: See Geluk, M. A., 748 Plomer, M., Guilbault, G. G., and Hock, membrane ATPase in Kluyveromyces Norris-Jones, R.: See Skuse, D. R., 785 B.: Development of a piezoelectric marxianus and Saccharomyces Novella, I. S.: See Longo, M. A., 586 immunosensor for the detection of cerevisiae, 23 enterobacteria, 230 Rosell, C. M.: See Fernandez-Lafuente, Oberson, J., Binz, T., Fracheboud, D., Porter, J. E., Sarikaya, A., Herrmann, R., 489 and Canevascini, G.: Comparative K. M., and Ladisch, M. R.: Effect of Ross, N. W., Johnson, K. G., Braun, C., investigation of cellulose-degrading pH on subunit association and heat MacKenzie, C. R., and Schneider, H.: enzyme systems produced by different protection of soybean a-galactosidase, Enzymic hydrolysis of water-soluble strains of Myceliophthora thermophila 609 lignin—carbohydrate complexes from (Apinis) v. Oorschot, 303 Poutanen, K.: See Tenkanen, M., 566 Populus deltoides: Effects of O'Daly, J. P., Zhao, J., Brown, P. A., and Prabhune, A. A., Rao, B. S., Pundle, combinations of 8-mannanases, Henkens, R. W.: Electrochemical A. V., and SivaRaman, H.: xylanase, and acetyl xylan esterase, 90 enzyme immunoassay for detection of Immobilization of permeabilized Rowlands, D. W.: See Khan, S. A., 96 toxic substances, 299 Escherichia coli cells with penicillin Roychoudhury, P. K., Ghose, T. K., and Oiki, H.: See Sonomoto, K., 640 acylase activity, 161 Ghosh, P.: Operational strategies Onken, U.: See Buse, R., 1001 Presnell, T. L., Fukui, H., Joyce, T. W., vacuum-coupled SSF for conversion of Oostrom, W. H. M.: See Vermue, M. H., and Chang, H-M.: Bleach plant effluent lignocellulose to ethanol, 581 649 influences enzyme production by Rudolph, F. B.: See Welch, R. W., 277 Oslen, J.: See Jensen, B., 112 Phanerochaete chrysosporium, 184 Russell, A. J.: See Kamat, S., 265 Ozbas, T. and Kutsal, T.: Oxygen transfer Preusting, H.: See Bosetti, A., 702 Rutic, D. J.: See Veljkovic, V. B., 665 kinetics of riboflavin fermentation by Pronk, W., Boswinkel, G., and van’t Riet, Ashbya gossypii in agitated fermentors, K.: Parameters influencing hydrolysis Sa-Correia, I.: See Rosa, M. F., 23 984 kinetics of lipase in a hydrophilic Saman, D.: See Wimmer, Z., 197 Ozcelik, F.: See Donmez, S., 413 membrane reactor, 214 Santos, V. E.: See Garcia-Ochoa, F., 991 Ozilgen, M.: See Akdogan, H., 141; Pueyo, J. J. and Gomez-Moreno, C.: Sarikaya, A.: See Porter, J. E., 609 Arikan, O., 762; Berkman-Dik, T., 944 Photochemical regeneration of NADPH Schmid, R. D.: See Lang, D., 479 using the enzyme ferredoxin-NADP* Schneider, H.: See Ross, N. W., 90 Page, D. H.: See Paice, M. G., 272 reductase, 8 Schugerl, K.: See Ludwig, A., 209; Paice, M. G., Gurnagul, N., Page, D. H., Puigserver, A. J.: See Gaertner, H. F., 150 Wentz, D., 68; Zhou, W., 848 and Jurasek, L.: Mechanism of Puls, J.: See Tenkanen, M., 566 Scott, R. I., Blanchard, J. H., and hemicellulose-directed prebleaching of Pundle, A. V.: See Prabhune, A. A., 161 Ferguson, C. H. R.: Effects of oxygen draft pulps, 272 on recombinant protein production by Pakkanen, R.: See Pitkanen, K., 832 Qazi, G. N.: See Buse, R., 1001 suspension cultures of Spodoptera Panda, T.: See Kumari, J. A., 241 frugiperda (Sf-9) insect cells, 798 Pandey, A. and Radhakrishnan, S.: Radhakrishnan, S.: See Pandey, A., 486 Sengupta, S.: See Khowala, S., 144 Packed-bed column bioreactor for Rale, V. B.: See Deshpande, M. S., 514 Sewalt, J. J. W.: See Van der Padt, A., production of enzyme, 486 Ramakrishna, S. V.: See Jamuna, R., 36 805 Parshad, R.: See Buse, R., 1001 Rangheard, M-S., Langrand, G.., Sharma, N.: See Buse, R., 1001 Patel, R. N., Liu, M., Banerjee, A., Triantaphylides, C., and Baratti, J.: Simon, L. M., Kotorman, M., and Szajani, Thottathil, J. K., Kloss, J., and Szarka, Multi-competitive enzymatic reactions B.: Coenzyme production using L. J.: Stereoselective in organic media: Application to the immobilized enzymes. I. Preparation, microbial/enzymatic oxidation of (exo, determination of lipase alcohol characterization, and laboratory-scale exo)-7-oxabicyclo [2.2.1] specificity, 966 application of an immobilized NAD* heptane-2,3-dimethanol to the Rao, B. S.: See Prabhune, A. A., 161 kinase, 997 corresponding chiral lactol and lactone, Rao, M. B.: See Gaikwad, S. M., 317 SivaRaman, H.: See Prabhune, A. A., 161 778 Rapp, P. and Backhaus, S.: Formation of Skala, D. U.: See Veljkovic, V. B., 665 Patel, R. N., McNamee, C. G., Banerjee, extracellular lipases by filamentous Skjak-Braek, G.: See Hertzberg, S., 42 A., Howell, J. M., Robison, R. S., and fungi, yeasts, and bacteria, 938 Skuse, D. R., Norris-Jones, R., Yalpani, Szarka, L. J.: Stereoselective reduction Rastall, R. A., Rees, N. H., Wait, R., M., and Brooks, D. E.: Hydroxypropyl of B-keto esters by Geotrichum Adlard, M. W., and Bucke, C.: cellulose/poly(ethylene candidum, 731 a-Mannosidase-catalysed synthesis of glycol)-co-poly(propylene glycol) Pearson, H. W.: See Megharaj, M., 656 novel manno-, lyxo-, and aqueous two-phase systems: System Peberdy, J. F.: See Ulhoa, C. J., 236 heteromanno-oligosaccharides: A characterization and partition of cells Peilow, A. D.: See Khan, S. A., 96 comparison of kinetically and and proteins, 785 Pelan, E. G.: See Khan, S. A., 96 thermodynamically mediated Slaughter, J. C. and Nomura, T.: Phillips, R. S.: Temperature effects on approaches, 53 Intracellular glycogen and trehalose stereochemistry of enzymatic reactions, Rees, N. H.: See Rastall, R. A., 53 contents as predictors of yeast 417 Renvert, S.: See Wikstrom, M., 614 viability, 64 Phutrakul, S.: See Kanasawud, P., 959 Reuss, M.: See Rizzi, M., 709 Smith, M. R., van den Tweel, W. J. J., Pieters, B. R. and Bardeletti, G.: Enzyme Reyes, H. R.: See Malcata, F. X., 426 Kierkels, J. G. T., and de Bont, immobilization on a low-cost magnetic Richard-Molard, D.: See Breton-Maintier, J. A. M.: Enantioselective resolution of support: Kinetic studies on immobilized C., 819 methylesters of 3-chloro-2- 1024 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December Author Index methylpropionate by a carboxylesterase Valencia, G.: See Clapes, P., 575; Jorba, on adherent and suspension BHK cells, from Rhodococcus sp. ME6, 893 X., 117 68 Sola, C.: See Estape, D., 396 van Beilen, J. B.: See Bosetti, A., 702 Westgate, P., Kohimann, K., Sonomoto, K., Oiki, H., and Kato, Y.: Vandecasteele, J.-P.: See Borzeix, F., 791 Hendrickson, R., and Ladisch, M. R.: Enzymatic conversion of artificial van den Tweel, W. J. J.: See Smith, Bioprocessing in space, 76 organosilicon compounds by alcohol M. R., 893 ar ay D. W. S.: See Vazquez-Duhalt, dehydrogenase, 640 Van der Padt, A., Sewalt, J. J. W., ., 83 Spier, R.E.: Meeting Report, 591; see also Agoston, S. M. I., and Van't Riet, K.: Whipps, J. M.: See McQuilken, M. P., 106 Hayter, P. M., 454 Candida rugosa lipase stability during Whitney, P. J.: Novel bioreactors for the Springham, D. G.: See Makanjuola, D. B., acylglycerol synthesis, 805 growth of roots transformed by 350 Vanek, T.: See Wimmer, Z., 197 Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 13 Stambolieva, N., Mincheva, Z., Galunsky, Van Kalsbeek, H. K. A. I.: See Geluk, Wikstrom, M., Welin-Klintstrom, S., B., and Kalcheva, V.: Penicillin M. A., 748 Renvert, S., and Elwing, H.: amidase-catalysed transfer of low van't Riet, K.: See Geluk, M. A., 748; Reflectance method for simple specific acyl moiety. Synthesis of Pronk, W., 214; Van der Padt, A., 805 determination of proteinase activity in 7-benzoxazolonylacetamido Vazquez-Duhalt, R., Fedorak, P. M., and microliter samples of a complex desacetoxycephalosporanic acid, 496 Westlake, D. W. S.: Role of enzyme serum-like fluid, 614 Steele, B. P.: See Steele, D. B., 358 hydrophobicity in biocatalysis in Willemot, R.-M.: See Laroute, V., 528 Steele, D. B., Fiske, M. J., Steele, B. P., organic solvents, 837 Wilson, C. A. and Wood, T. M.: Studies and Kelley, V. C.: Production of a Veljkovic, V. B., Lazic, M. L., Rutic, on the cellulase of the rumen anaerobic low-molecular-weight, alkaline-active, D. J., Jovanovic, S. M., and Skala, fungus Neocallimastix frontalis, with thermostable protease by a novel, D. U.: Effects of aeration on special reference to the capacity of the spiral-shaped bacterium, Kurthia extracellular dextransucrase production enzyme to degrade crystalline cellulose, spiroforme, sp. nov., 358 by Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 665 258 Stylos, P.: See Rizzi, M., 709 Venkateswarlu, K.: See Megharaj, M., 656 Wimmer, Z., Vanek, T., Macek, T., Suchova, M., Demnerova, K., Bond, K., Verma, V.: See Buse, R., 1001 Saman, D., and Svatos, A.: Reduction and Kralova, B.: Production of Vermue, M. H., Tramper, J., de Jong, of 2-substituted cyclohexanones by L-a-glycerophosphate oxidase by lactic J. P. J., and Oostrom, W. H. M.: Saccharomyces cerevisiae under acid bacteria, 917 Enzymic transesterification in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, 197 Suleiman, A. A.: See Krug, A., 313 near-critical carbon dioxide: Effect of Witholt, B.: See Bosetti, A., 702; Svatos, A.: See Wimmer, Z., 197 pressure, Hildebrand solubility Favre-Bulle, O., 931 Szajani, B.: See Simon, L. M., 997 parameter and water content, 649 Wong, L.-J.C.: See Wong, S. S., 866 Szarka, L. J.: See Patel, R. N., 731; Patel, Viliesid, F. and Lilly, M. D.: Influence of Wong, S. S. and Wong, L.-J.C.: Chemical R. N., 778 dissolved oxygen tension on the crosslinking and the stabilization of synthesis of catechol 1 ,2-dioxygenase proteins and enzymes, 866 by Pseudomonas putida, 561 Wood, T. M.: See Castanares, A., 875; TTaenngk,a neJ.n:, SeMe. ,L iPnu,l sX,. ,J .,6 9a6n d Poutanen, K.: Vits, H.: A note on plant cell growth Wilson, C. A., 258 Two major xylanases of Trichoderma modelling, 767 Woodley, J. M.: See Harrop, A. J., 725 Vojtisek, V.: See Hasal, P., 221; Hasal, Woodward, J., Affholter, K. A., Noles, reesei, 566 P., 1007 K. K., Troy, N. T., and Gaslightwala, Thomas, C. R.: See Zhang, Z., 980 Vorderwulbecke, T., Kieslich, K., and S. F.: Does cellobiohydrolase II core Thottathil, J. K.: See Patel, R. N., 778 Torres, J. L.: See Jorba, X., 117 Erdmann, H.: Comparison of lipases by protein from Trichoderma reesei different assays, 631 disperse cellulose macrofibrils?, 625 Tramper, J.: See Buitelaar, R. M., 2; Vermue, M. H., 649 Triantaphylides, C.: See Rangheard, M-S., Wait, R.: See Rastall, R. A., 53 Xaus, N.: See Jorba, X., 117 966 Waites, M. J.: See Flanagan, T., 975 Wang, Y.-J.: See Tsai, Y.-C., 384 Yalpani, M.: See Skuse, D. R., 785 Troy, N. T.: See Woodward, J., 625 Watanabe, A.: See Nagashima, T., 842 Yano, T.: See Miyawaki, O., 474 Tsai, Y.-C., Lin, C.-S., Tseng, T.-H., Lee, Wayman, M. and Chen, S.: Cellulase Yoshida, T.: See Kawakami, K., 371 H., and Wang, Y.-J.: Production and production by Trichoderma reesei using Young, A.: See Handa-Corrigan, A., 58 immobilization of D-aminoacylase of whole wheat flour as a carbon source, Youngen, C. S.: See Albert, D. E., 885 Alcaligenes faecalis DA\ for optical 825 Yu, J.-H.: See Lee, J.-H., 1017 resolution of N-acyl-DL-amino acids, Welch, R. W., Clark, S. W., Bennett, 384 G. N., and Rudolph, F. B.: Effects of Zhang, Z., Al-Rubeai, M., and Thomas, Tseng, T.-H.: See Tsai, Y.-C., 384 rifampicin and chloramphenicol on C. R.: Effect of Pluronic F-68 on the Tyagi, R. D.: See Jain, D. K., 376 product and enzyme levels of the acid- mechanical properties of mammalian Tymon, A.: See Makanjuola, D. B., 350 and solvent-producing pathways of cells, 980 Clostridium acetobutylicum (ATCC Zhao, J.: See O'Daly, J. P., 299 Ulhoa, C. J. and Peberdy, J. F.: 824), 277 Zheng, L.: See Cao, J., 1013 Purification and some properties of the Welin-Klintstrom, S.: See Wikstrom, M., Zhou, W., Holzhauer-Rieger, K., Dors, extracellular chitinase produced by 614 M., and Schugerl, K.: Influence of Trichoderma harzianum, 236 Wentz, D. and Schugerl, K.: Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the Ullrich, M.: See Danneel, H.-J., 898 lactate, ammonia, and osmotic stress biosynthesis of cephalosporin C, 848 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December 1025 Subject Index Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors Alcohol dehydrogenase version, Two-liquid-phase systems, Semisynthetic enzymes, Chemical Organosilicon compounds, Sila-substi- Pseudomonas putida, 702 modification, Catalytic activity, Fluoro- tuted alcohols, Trimethylsilyl alcohols, Alkanols hydrolases, DFPases, Organophos- B-effect by sila-substitution, 640 Alkanes, Alkane hydroxylase, Biocon- phorofluoridate, Ribonuclease (RNase), Alcohol fermentation version, Two-liquid-phase systems, Diimidates, 885 Silage, Polysaccharide hydrolysis, Pseud s putida, 702 Acetyl xylan esterase Sweet sorghum, Lactic acid fermenta- Alpha-amylase Lignin-carbohydrate complex, Enzyme tion, 923 Thermomyces lanuginosus, Physico- hydrolysis, 8-Mannanase, Xylanase, 90 Alcoholic fermentation chemical properties, 112 Activity Proton pumping, Plasma membrane a-Mannosidase Esterification, Lipase, Stability, Water- ATPase, Ethanol tolerance, Kluyvero- Enzymes in reverse, Synthesis of miscible organic solvent, 805 myces marxianus, Saccharomyces manno-oligosaccharides, 53 Activity toward p-nitropheny! palmitate cerevisiae, 23 a-Amino-adipyl-cysteine (AC) Lipases, Esterases, Activity toward Alcohol specificity Cephalosporium acremonium, Cepha- triolein, Activity toward tributyrin, 938 Lipase, Organic solvent, Enzyme losporin C, Deacetylcephalosporin C, Activity toward tributyrin selectivity, Competition, Principal Deacetoxycephalosporin C, Penicillin Lipases, Esterases, Activity toward Component Analysis, 966 N, a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine triolein, Activity toward p-nitrophenyl Alcoholysis (ACV), 848 palmitate, 938 Immobilized enzymes, Interesterifica- a-Amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine (ACV) Activity toward triolein tion, Lipase, Monoglycerides, Opera- Cephalosporium acremonium, Cepha- Lipases, Esterases, Activity toward tions stability, 959 losporin C, Deacetylcephalosporin C, p-nitrophenyl palmitate, Activity to- Aldehyde binding site Deacetoxycephalosporin C, Penicillin ward tributyrin, 938 Luciferase, Vibrio harveyi, Purification, N, a-amino-adipyl-cystein (AC), 848 Adherent Crystal, Inhibition, FMNH2 binding a-Amylase Mammalian cells, Shear, Critical level, site, 479 Fermentation, Industrial enzymes, 209 Aldehyde reductase Cheese whey, Enzyme production, 679 Adsorption See L-hexonate dehydrogenase, 690 Thermostable, Immobilized, Continu- Clostridium thermocellum, Endoglu- Aldose reductase ous, Bacillus, 36 canase, Cellulolytic enzyme, Hydro- Inhibitors of role in sorbitol pathway, Ammonia stress phobic interaction, 327 Role in osmolality regulation, Role in BHK cell line, Silicon tubing aeration, Lipase, Cellulose, Esterase activity, diabetes pathology, Role in glucose Lactate stress, Osmotic stress, On-line Circular dichroism, 748 metabolism, Catalyst of alcohol oxida- medium component monitoring, On-line Aerobic conditions tion, Specificity of aldehyde reduction LDH monitoring, On-line flow cytome- Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Enzymatic reactions of, Protein ‘‘superfamily"’ of, try, 68 reduction, Oxidative modification of, Tight binding Ammonium inhibition Anaerobic conditions, 2-(4-hydroxyben- of NADP* to, Fluorescence assay of, Alkaline protease, Protease deactiva- zyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4-methoxyben- Various sources of, Catalyst of pros- tion, 755 zyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4-hydroxyben- taglandin PGH, reduction, Activation Anaerobic conditions zyl)-1-cyclohexanol, of, Secondary structure of, Homology Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Enzymatic 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol, to L-hexonate dehydrogenase, 690 reduction, Aerobic conditions, 2-(4- Stereochemistry of reduction, Enan- Alginate gel stability hydroxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4- tioselectivity of reduction, 197 Alginate-immobilized lipase, Organic methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4- Aerobic fermentation solvent, Two-phase system, Esterifica- hydroxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol, Dextransucrase, production of, tion, Transesterification, 42 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 665 Alginate-immobilized lipase Stereochemistry of reduction, Enan- Affinity chromatography Organic solvent, Alginate gel stability, tioselectivity of reduction, 197 Affinity digestion, Cellulosome, Cellu- Two-phase system, Esterification, Anaerobic figures lase, Clostridium thermocellum, 289 Transesterification, 42 Rumen cellulase, Neocallimastix fron- Affinity digestion Alkaline protease talis, Crystalline cellulose, Cellulase Affinity chromatography, Cellulosome, Ammonium inhibition, Protease deacti- complex, 258 Cellulase, Clostridium thermocellum, 289 vation, 755 Anaerobic metabolism Affinity partition Alkalinophilic Clostridia, Fermentation, C. acetobuty- Aqueous two-phase systems, Hydroxy- Kurthia, Protease, Thermostable, 358 licum, Solvent production, 277 propy! cellulose, Poly(ethylene glycol)- Alkalophilic bacteria Anaerobic sewage sludge co-poly(propylene glycol) copolymer, Pectinase, Xylanase, Degumming of Heavy metals, Thiobacillus species, Partition, Human erythrocyte, Salmo- ramie fibers, Ramie, Boehmeria nivea, 1013 Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, 376 nella enteriditis, Glucose-6-phosphate Alkane hydroxylase Aqueous two-phase systems dehydrogenase, 785 Alkanes, Alkanols, Bioconversion, Hydroxypropyl cellulose, Poly(ethylene Aggregation Two-liquid-phase systems, Pseudo- glycol)-co-poly(propylene glycol) copol- PEG-enzymes, Organic media, Struc- monas putida, 702 ymer, Partition, Affinity partition, tural studies, 96 Alkane hydroxylase system Human erythrocyte, Salmonella enteri- Agrobacterium rhizogenes Recombinant Escherichia coli, Two- ditis, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydro- Bioreactors, Transformed roots, 13 liquid-phase systems, Biooxidation of genase, 785 Alcaligenes faecalis n-octane, Bioconversion, Octanoic Archaebacteria pD-Aminoacylase, D-amino acids, En- acid, 931 Thermopsin, Thermostable protease, zyme immobilization, Optical resolu- Alkanes Expression, Thermophilic bacteria, tion, 384 Alkanols, Alkane hydroxylase, Biocon- Baculovirus expression, 696 1026 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December © 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Subject Index Aromatic aldehydes B-Glucosidase hydrolysis, Xylanase, Acetyl xylan Benzaldehyde, Vanillin, Natural fla- Mushroom, Termitomyces clypeatus, esterase, 90 vors, Microbial production, 739 Protein secretion, Carbon catabolite Boehmeria nivea Arthrobacter simplex repression, 144 Alkalophilic bacteria, Pectinase, Steroid A'-dehydrogenation, Immobi- B-Glucosidases Xylanase, Degumming of ramie fibers, lized cells, Organic solvents, 619 Clostridium thermocellum, 407 Ramie, 1013 Artificial rumen BHK cell line Butyl butyrate Digestibility, Short chain fatty acids, Silicon tubing aeration, Lactate stress, Enzymatic esterification, Organic Methane, Glycoside hydrolases, Hemi- Ammonia stress, Osmotic stress, On- solvents, Microaqueous systems, Bi- cellulase, 284 line medium component monitoring, phasic systems, Micellar systems, Ashbya gossypii On-line LDH monitoring, On-line flow Lipase, Mucor miehei, 791 Riboflavin, Volumetric oxygen transfer cytometry, 68 coefficient, Oxygen uptake rate, 984 Bifunctional reagents Ca-alginate Aspergillus niger Protein stability, Chemical crosslinking, Immobilization, Diffusion coefficients, Packed-bed column bioreactor, Glu- Crosslinking reagents, Enzyme activity, 396 coamylase, Solid-state fermentation, 866 C. acetobutylicum 486 Bioconversion Clostridia, Fermentation, Solvent Polygalacturonase, Pectinesterase, Alkanes, Alkanols, Alkane hydroxy- production, Anaerobic metabolism, 277 Mutagenesis, Screening, 18 lase, Two-liquid-phase systems, CaCl, Assaying Pseudomonas putida, 702 Lipase, Candida rugosa, Kinetics, Optimization, Monitoring, Hollow fiber Recombinant Escherichia coli, Two- Membrane reactor, Cellulosic mem- bioreactor, 58 liquid-phase systems, Alkane hydroxy- brane, Immobilization, pH, Tempera- ATPase lase system, Biooxidation of n-octane, ture, Calcium, Salt, NaCl, Inactivation, Clostridium acetobutylicum, Motility, Octanoic acid, 931 Stability, 214 Product inhibition, 101 Biodeterioration Calcium Aureobasidium pullulans Aureobasidium pullulans, Phylloplane, Lipase, Candida rugosa, Kinetics, Phylloplane, Environmental pollution, Environmental pollution, Single-cell Membrane reactor, Cellulosic mem- Single-cell protein, Biodeterioration, protein, 514 brane, Immobilization, pH, Tempera- 514 Biological denitrification ture, CaCl,, Salt, NaCl, Inactivation, Drinking water, Microbiology, Nitrate Stability, 214 removal, Stoichiometry, Bioreactor, Calcium alginate Bacillus Unit process, 170 Protease, Diffusion, Bacillus, Serratia, a-Amylase, Thermostable, Immobi- Biological pitch control 586 lized, Continuous, 36 Enzyme recovery, Lipase, Paper, Candida acidoth phil Protease, Diffusion, Calcium alginate, Pitch, Pulp, Resins, 470 SSF, Vacuum cycling, Mixed enzyme, Serratia, 586 Biomass production Substrate feeding, Relative volatility, Bacillus amylollquefaciens Pythium oligandrum, Nutrition, Envi- Ethanol, 581 Pectin, Pectic enzyme, Efficient secre- ronmental factors, Growth, Oospores, Candida rugosa tion, 832 106 Lipase, Kinetics, Membrane reactor, Bacillus subtilis Bioorganic synthesis Cellulosic membrane, Immobilization, Thermostable cyclomaltodextrinases, Enzymatic peptide synthesis, Organic pH, Temperature, Calcium, CaCl,, High-temperature growth transformant, media, Water activity, Chymotrypsin, Salt, NaCl, Inactivation, Stability, 214 194 575 Carbocyclic nucleosides Bacteria Biooxidation of n-octane Esterase, Lipase, Kinetic resolution, Ethanol, Fermentation, Yeast, 350 Recombinant Escherichia coli, Two- 911 Bacterial aerosol challenge liquid-phase systems, Alkane hydroxy- Carbohydrate oxidases Off-gas filters, Testing, Evatuation, lase system, Bioconversion, Octanoic Goal-oriented screening, Oxidases, TBAC, Bioreactors, 553 acid, 931 Laccases, 898 Baculovirus expression Bioreactor Carbohydrate utilization Thermopsin, Thermostable protease, Biological denitrification, Drinking Clostridium thermocellum, Cellulase, Expression, Thermophilic bacteria, water, Microbiology, Nitrate removal, Internal pH, Energetics, pH, 338 Archaebacteria, 696 Stoichiometry, Unit process, 170 Carbon catabolite repression Batch culture Bioreactors B-Glucosidase, Mushroom, Termito- Growth model, Plant cell, Cell cycle, Off-gas filters, Testing, Evaluation, myces clypeatus, Protein secretion, 144 767 Bacterial aerosol challenge, TBAC, 553 Carbon dioxide Batch reactor Transformed roots, Agrobacterium Supercritical, Solubility, Lipase, Trans- Invertase, Immobilized yeasts, Immobi- rhizogenes, 13 esterification, 649 lized biocatalyst, Sucrose hydrolysis, Biosensor Catalytic activity 221 Fish freshness, H value, K value, Semisynthetic enzymes, Chemical B-Effect by sila-substitution Hypoxanthine ratio, Guanosine, Hypo- modification, Fluorohydrolases, Alcohol dehydrogenase, Organosilicon xanthine, Inosine, Inosine-5’- DFPases, Organophosphorofluoridate, compounds, Sila-substituted alcohols, monophosphate, 125 Ribonuclear (RNase), Diimidates, Trimethylsilyl alcohols, 640 Biphasic system Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 885 Benzaldehyde Organic solvent, Spores, Methyl ke- Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase Vanillin, Aromatic aldehydes, Natural tone, Penicillium roquefortii, 669 Dissolved oxygen tension, Pseudo- flavors, Microbiol production, 739 Biphasic systems monas putida, 561 Benzoxazolone-cephem derivatives Enzymatic esterification, Organic Cell cultivation Semisynthetic cephalosporins, Penicil- solvents, Microaqueous systems, Mi- Mammalian cells, Macroporous micro- lin amidase, Nucleophilic deacylation, cellar systems, Butyl butyrate, Lipase, carriers, Vesicular stomatitis, 203 Kinetically controlled enzyme synthe- Mucor miehei, 791 Cell cycle sis, 496 Bleaching Growth model, Batch culture, Plant B-Galactosidase Xylanase, Mannanase, Cellulase, 272 cycle, 767 Organic solvents, Glucoamylase, Oligo- B-Mannanase Hybridoma, Continuous culture, Serum saccharide synthesis, 528 Lignin-carbohydrate complex, Enzyme pH, 454 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December 1027 Subject Index Cellobiohydrolase II Chemical crosslinking CMPA Core protein, Cellulose binding, Disper- Protein stability, Crosslinking reagents, MeCMPA, Rhodococcus, Enantioselec- sion, Hydrolysis, Trichoderma reesei, 625 Enzyme activity, Bifunctional reagents, tive, Esterase, 893 Cellular metabolic activity 866 Coal desulfurization IgG mRNA half-lives and levels, DNA Chemical modification Continuous enrichment, 48 synthesis rate, Specific IgG production Semisynthetic enzymes, Catalytic Coimmobilization rate, Hybridoma, 135 activity, Fluorohydrolases, DFPases, Magnetite, Glucose oxidase, Glucoamy- Cellulase Organophos uoridate, Ribonu- lase, Glycoenzymes oxidation, Affinity digestion, Affinity chromatog- clear (RNase), Diimidates, Acetylcho- Crosslinking, Immobilization, 361 raphy, Cellulosome, Clostridium ther- linesterase inhibitors, 885 Colloidal gold mocellum, 289 Trypsin, Poly(ethylene glycol), 150 Electrochemical enzyme-linked immu- Bleaching, Xylanase, Mannanase, 272 Chemical modification of proteins noassay, Immunosensors, Toxic sub- Cellulase production, Trichoderma Enzyme stabilization, Immobilization- stances, 299 reesei, Whole wheat flour, Wheat stabilization of enzymes, Formaldehyde Competition hydrolyzate, 825 treatment of enzymes, 489 Lipase, Alcohol specificity, Organic Clostridium thermocellum, Carbohy- Chemostat solvent, Enzyme selectivity, Principal drate utilization, Internal pH, Ener- Diketogluconate, Enzyme induction, Component Analysis, 966 getics, pH, 338 Dissolved oxygen tension, Dehydro- Continuous Clostridium thermocellum, Cloning, genases, 1001 a-Amylase, Thermostable, Immobi- Subcellulosome, Endoglucanase, 447 Chitinase lized, Bacillus, 36 Myceliophthora (Sporotrichum) ther- Trichoderma harzianum, Purification, Continuous culture mophila, Thermophilic fungi, 303 Characterization, 236 Hybridoma, Cell cycle, Serum pH, 454 Cellulase complex Chlorella vulgaris Continuous enrichment Rumen cellulase, Anaerobic fungus, Immobilization, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Coal desulfurization, 48 Neocallimastix frontalis, Crystalline Scenedesmus bijugatus, Soil algae, Continuous production cellulose, 258 656 NAD* kinase, Immobilized, Silica- Cellulase production Cholesterol based support, NADP*, 997 Cellulase, Trichoderma reesei, Whole Flow injection, Fiber optic, Cholesterol Core protein wheat flour, Wheat hydrolyzate, 825 oxidase, Cholesterol esterase, 313 Cellobiohydrolase II, Cellulose binding, Cellulolytic enzyme Liposome, Microbial catalysis, Rhodo- Dispersion, Hydrolysis, Trichoderma Clostridium thermocellum, Endoglu- coccus, 390 reesei, 625 canase, Adsorption, Hydrophobic Mixed crystals, Hydrocortisone, p-coumaroyl esterase interaction, 327 Prednisolone, Microbial conversion, Phenolic acid esterase, Feruloyl ester- Cellulose 462 ase, Pencillium pinophilum, Solid-state Lipase, Adsorption, Esterase activity, Cholesterol esterase fermentation, 875 Circular dichroism, 748 Cholesterol, Flow injection, Fiber Critical level Cellulose binding optic, Cholesterol oxidase, 313 Mammalian cells, Adherent, Shear, 209 Cellobiohydrolase II, Core protein, Cholesterol oxidase Crosslinking Dispersion, Hydrolysis, Trichoderma Cholesterol, Flow injection, Fiber Magnetite, Glucose oxidase, Glucoamy- reesei, 625 optic, Cholesterol esterase, 313 lase, Glycoenzymes oxidation, Immobi- Cellulosic membrane Chymotrypsin lization, Coimmobilization, 361 Lipase, Candida rugosa, Kinetics, Enzymatic peptide synthesis, Crosslinking reagents Membrane reactor, Immobilization, Bioorganic synthesis, Organic media, Protein stability, Chemical crosslinking, pH, Temperature, Calcium, CaCl,, Water activity, 575 Enzyme activity, Bifunctional reagents, Salt, NaCl, Inactivation, Stability, 214 a-Chymotrypsin 866 Cellulosome Reverse micelles, Peptide synthesis, Crystal Affinity digestion, Affinity chromatog- Optimization, 117 Luciferase, Vibrio harveyi, Purification, raphy, Cellulase, Clostridium thermo- Circular dichroism Inhibition, FMNH, binding site, Alde- cellum, 239 Lipase, Cellulose, Adsorption, Esterase hyde binding site, 479 Cephalosporin C activity, 748 Crystalline cellulose Cephalosporium acremonium, Deace- Cloning Rumen cellulase, Anaerobic fungus, tylcephalosporin C, Deacetoxycepha- Clostridium thermocellum, Subcellulo- Neocallimastix frontalis, Cellulase losporin C, Penicillin N, a-amino- some, Cellulase, Endoglucanase, 447 complex, 258 adipyl-cystein (AC), Clostridia CSTR a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine (ACV), Fermentation, C. acetobutylicum, Synthesis gas, Packed-column model, 848 Solvent production, Anaerobic metabo- Liquid fuel, Gaseous fuel, 602 Cephalosporium acremonium lism, 277 a-Cyclodextrin Cephalosporin C, Deacetylcephalo- Clostridium acetobutyiicum CGTase, Klebsiella oxygoca 19-1, 1017 sporin C, Deacetoxycephalosporin C, Motility, Product inhibition, ATPase, Penicillin N, a-amino-adipyl-cystein 101 D-amino acids (AC), a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine Clostridium thermocellum p-Aminoacylase, Alcaligenes faecalis, (ACV), 848 Affinity digestion, Affinity chromatog- Enzyme immobilization, Optical resolu- CGTase raphy, Cellulosome, Cellulase, 289 tion, 384 a-Cyclodextrin, Klebsiella oxygoca B-glucosidase, 407 p-Aminoacylase 19-1, 1017 Cellulase, Carbohydrate utilization, Alcaligenes faecalis, D-amino acids, Champagne yeast Internal pH, Energetics, pH, 338 Enzyme immobilization, Optical resolu- Settling, Kinetics, 762 Cloning, Subcellulosome, Cellulase, tion, 384 Characterization Endoglucanase, 447 Deacetoxycephalosporin C Chitinase, Trichoderma harzianum, Endoglucanase, Cellulolytic enzyme, Cephalosporium acremonium, Cepha- Purification, 236 Adsorption, Hydrophobic interaction, losporin C, Deacetylcephalosporin C, Cheese whey 327 Penicillin N, a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl a-Amylase, Fermentation, Industrial Clostridium thermohydrosulfuricum (AC), a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine enzymes, Enzyme production, 679 Ethanol fermentation, Molasses, 413 (ACV), 848 1028 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December Subject Index Deacetylcephalosporin C p-xylulokinase Enzyme immobilization Cephalosporium acremonium, Cephalo- Pichia stipitis, D-xylose metabolism, mine men ge Alcaligenes faecalis, sporin C, Deacetoxycephalosporin C, 975 D-amino acids, Optical resolution, 384 Penicillin N, a-amino-adipyl-cysteine Enzyme induction (AC), a-amino-adipyl-cysteinyl-valine Efficient secretion Chemostat, Diketogluconate, Dissolved (ACV), 848 Pectin, Pectic enzyme, Bacillus amy- oxygen tension, Dehydrogenases, 1001 Deactivation constants loliquefaciens, 832 Enzyme modification Soybean, a-galactosidase, Heat protec- Electrochemical enzyme-linked immuno- Peroxidase, Hydrophobicity, Organic tion, Galactose, Model, 609 assay solvent, 837 Degumming of ramie fibers Immunosensors, Toxic substances, Enzyme production ilic bacteria, Pectinase, Colloidal gold, 299 a-Amylase, Fermentation, Industrial Xylanase, Ramie, Boehmeria nivea, 1013 Elicitation enzymes, Cheese whey, 679 Dehydrogenases Tagetes patula, Secondary Metabolites, Enzyme recovery Chemostat, Diketogluconate, Enzyme Plant cell cultures, Hairy roots, Thio- Biological pitch control, Lipase, Paper, induction, Dissolved oxygen tension, phenes, 2 Pitch, Pulp, Resins, 470 1001 Enantioselective Enzyme selectivity Dextransucrase, production of MeCMPA, Rhodococcus, CMPA, Lipase, Alcohol specificity, Organic Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Aerobic Esterase, 893 solvent, Competition, Principal Compo- fermentation, 665 Enantioselectivity nent Analysis, 966 DFPases Racemic methyl jasmonate, Hydrolysis, Enzyme stabilization Semisynthetic enzymes, Chemical Enzymes, 954 Immobilization-stabilization of en- modification, Catalytic activity, Fluoro- Endoglucanase zymes, Formaldehyde treatment of hydrolases, Organophosphorofluoridate, Clostridium thermocellum, Cellulolytic enzymes, Chemical modification of Ribonuclear (RNase), Diimidates, enzyme, Adsorption, Hydrophobic proteins, 489 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 885 interaction, 327 Enzymes Diffusion Clostridium thermocellum, Cloning, Lignin peroxidase, Pulp mill effluent, Enzymes, Supercritical fluids, Proteins, Subcellulosome, Cellulase, 447 Lignin, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Organic solvents, Mass transfer, 265 Endoxylanases 184 Immobilization, Mass transfer, Fermen- Trichoderma reesei, Xylan hydrolysis, 566 Racemic methyl jasmonate, Hydrolysis, tation, 715 Energetics Enantioselectivity, 954 Protease, Calcium alginate, Bacillus, Clostridium thermocellum, Cellulase, Supercritical fluids, Proteins, Organic Serratia, 586 Carbohydrate utilization, Internal pH, solvents, Diffusion, Mass transfer, 265 Diffusion coefficients pH, 338 Enzymes in reverse Immobilization, Ca-alginate, 396 Enterobacteria a-Mannosidase, Synthesis of manno- Digestibility Piezoelectric, Immunosensor, Entero- oligosaccharides, 53 Artificial ramen, Short chain fatty bacterial common antigen, 230 Epoxidation acids, Methane, Glycoside hydrolases, Enterobacterial common antigen Silicone polymer, Immobilized biocata- Hemicellulase, 284 Piezoelectric, Immunosensor, Entero- lyst, Horse liver alcohol dehydro- Diimidates bacteria, 230 genase, 371 Semisynthetic enzymes, Chemical Environmental factors Escherichia coli modification, Catalytic activity, Fluoro- Pythium oligandrum, Nutrition, Penicillin acylase, Whole cells, Per- hydrolases, DFPases, Organophos- Growth, Oospores, Biomass produc- meabilization, Immobilization, Poly- phorofluoridate, Ribonuclease (RNase), tion, 106 acrylamide gel, 161 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 885 Environmental pollution Esterase Diketogluconate Aureobasidium pullulans, Phylloplane, Carbocyclic nucleosides, Lipase, Ki- Chemostat, Enzyme induction, Dis- Single-cell protein, Biodeterioration, 514 netic resolution, 911 solved oxygen tension, Dehydro- Enzymatic esterification MeCMPA, Rhodococcus, CMPA, genases, 1001 Organic solvents, Microaqueous sys- Enantioselective, 893 Diol to lactos and lactane tems, Biphasic systems, Micellar sys- Esterase activity Thromboxane antagonist, Stereoselec- tems, Butyl butyrate, Lipase, Mucor Lipase, Cellulose, Adsorption, Circular tive, Microbial oxidation, 778 miehei, 791 dichroism, 748 Dispersion Enzymatic peptide synthesis Esterases Cellobiohydrolase II, Core protein, Bioorganic synthesis, Organic media, Lipases, Activity toward triolein, Cellulose binding, Hydrolysis, Tricho- Water activity, Chymotrypsin, 575 Activity toward p-nitrophenyl palmi- derma reesei, 625 Enzymatic reduction tate, Activity toward tributyrin, 938 Dissolved oxygen tension Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aerobic Esterification Catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, Pseudo- conditions, Anaerobic conditions, 2-(4- Alginate-immobilized lipase, Organic monas putida, 561 hydroxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4- solvent, Alginate gel stability, Two- Chemostat, Diketogluconate, Enzyme methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanone, 2-(4- phase system, Transesterification, 42 induction, Dehydrogenases, 1001 hydroxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol, Lipase, Stability, Water-miscible or- DNA synthesis rate 2-(4-methoxybenzy])-1-cyclohexanol, ganic solvent, Activity, 805 IgG mRNA half-lives and levels, Cellu- Stereochemistry of reduction, Enan- Triolein, pNPP, Hydrolysis, Zymo- lar metabolic activity, Specific IgG tioselectivity of reduction, 197 gram, 631 production rate, Hybridoma, 135 Enzymatic transesterification Esters Dough volume increase Geraniol, Lipase, Organic solvent, 293 Lipase, Immobilized enzymes, Packed- Kinetics, Leavening, Microbial growth, Enzyme activity bed reactor, Organic solvents, 904 Gas production, 141 Protein stability, Chemical crosslinking, Ester synthesis Drinking water Crosslinking reagents, Bifunctional Lipase, Peroxidation, Reflux trap, Biological denitrification, Microbiology, reagents, 866 Water removal, 546 Nitrate removal, Stoichiometry, Enzyme hydrolysis Ethanol Bioreactor, Unit process, 170 Lignin-carbohydrate complex, 8-man- Bacteria, Fermentation, Yeast, 350 D-xylose metabolism nanase, Xylanase, Acetyl xylan ester- Mutagenesis, Xylose-fermenting yeast, Pichia stipitis, D-xylulokinase, 975 ase, 90 Glucose and xylose fermentations, 644 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December 1029 Subject Index SSF, Vacuum cycling, Mixed enzyme, Formaldehyde treatment of enzymes Growth Candida acidothermophilum, Substrate Enzyme stabilization, ilizati Pythium oligandrum, Nutrition, Envi- feeding, Relative volatility, 581 stabilization of enzymes, Chemical ronmental factors, oospores, Biomass Ethanol fermentation modification of proteins, 489 production, 106 Molasses, Clostridium thermohydro- Fructose Growth model sulfuricum, 413 Glucose isomerase, Glucose, Immobili- Batch culture, Plant cell, Cell cycle, 767 Ethanol tolerance zation, High fructose syrup (HFS), 855 Guanosine Proton pumping, Plasma membrane Biosensor, Fish freshness, H value, K ATPase, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Galactose value, Hypoxanthine ratio, Hypoxan- Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Alcoholic Soybean, a-galactosidase, Heat protec- thine, Inosine, Inosine-5’-monophos- fermentation, 23 tion, Deactivation constants, Model, phate, 125 Evaluation 609 Off-gas filters, Testing, Bacterial aero- a-Galactosidase Hairy roots sol challenge, TBAC, Bioreactors, 553 Soybean, Heat protection, Deactivation Tagetes patula, Elicitation, Secondary Expression constants, Galactose, Model, 609 metabolites, Plant cell cultures, Thio- Thermopsin, Thermostable protease, Gaseous fuel phenes, 2 Thermophilic bacteria, Archaebacteria, Synthesis gas, CSTR, Packed-column 4-Halo-3-oxobutanoic acid esters Baculovirus expression, 696 model, Liquid fuel, 602 Stereoselective, Microbial reduction, Gas production 731 Factorial design of experiments Kinetics, Leavening, Microbial growth, Heat induction Nutritional study, Xanthomonas cam- Dough volume increase, 141 r-pGH, Plasmid stability, Fed-batch, pestris, Xanthan gum, 991 Geraniol High-density cultivation, 321 Factors affecting kinetics Enzymatic transesterification, Lipase, Heat protection Immobilized enzymes, Rate equations, Organic solvent, 293 Soybean, a-galactosidase, Deactivation 426 Glucoamylase constants, Galactose, Model, 609 Fed-batch Magnetite, Glucose oxidase, Glycoen- Heavy metals r-pGH, Heat induction, Plasmid stabil- zymes oxidation, Crosslinking, Immobi- Anaerobic sewage sludge, Thiobacillus ity, High-density cultivation, 321 lization, Coimmobilization, 361 species, Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, 376 Fermentation Organic solvents, 8-galactosidase, Hemicellulase a-Amylase, Industrial enzymes, Cheese Oligosaccharide synthesis, 528 Artificial rumen, Digestibility, Short whey, Enzyme production, 679 Packed-bed column bioreactor, Asper- chain fatty acids, Methane, Glycoside Bacteria, Ethanol, Yeast, 350 gillus niger, Solid-state fermentation, 486 hydrolases, 284 Clostridia, C. acetobutylicum, Solvent Glucose L-hexonate dehydrogenase (aldehyde production, Anaerobic metabolism, 277 Glucose isomerase, Immobilization, reductase), specificity of aldehyde Diffusion, Immobilization, Mass trans- Fructose, High fructose syrup (HFS), 855 reduction reactions of fer, 715 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase Specific catalyst of oxidation of Glycogen, Trehalose, Viability, Yeast, Aqueous two-phase systems, Hydroxy- L-hexonates, reversibility of action, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 64 propyl cellulose, Poly(ethylene glycol)- protein *‘superfamily’’ of, homology to Ferredoxin co-poly(propylene glycol) copolymer, aldose reductase, 690 Photoproduction, NADPH, FNR, 8 Partition, Affinity partition, Human High-density cultivation Feruloyl esterase erythrocyte, Salmonella enteriditis, 785 r-pGH, Heat induction, Plasmid stabil- Phenolic acid esterase, p-coumaroyl NAD* regeneration, Modified elec- ity, Fed-batch, 321 esterase, Pencillium pinophilum, Solid- trode, Immobilized mediator, Phena- High fructose syrup (HFS) state fermentation, 875 zine methosulfate, 474 Glucose isomerase, Glucose, Immobili- Fiber optic Glucose and xylose fermentations zation, Fructose, 855 Cholesterol, Flow injection, Cholesterol Mutagenesis, Xylose-fermenting yeast, High-temperature growth transformant oxidase, Cholesterol esterase, 313 Ethanol, 644 Thermostable cyclomaltodextrinases, Fish freshness Glucose isomerase Bacillus subtilis, 194 Biosensor, H value, K value, Hypoxan- Glucose, immobilization, Fructose, Hollow fiber bioreactor thine ratio, Guanosine, Hypoxanthine, High fructose syrup, 855 Optimization, Assaying, Monitoring, 58 Inosine, Inosine-5'-monophosphate, 125 Glucose oxidase Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase Fixed-bed reactor Magnetite, Glucoamylase, Glycoen- Silicone polymer, Immobilized biocata- Immobilized yeast cells, Invertase, zymes oxidation, Crosslinking, Immobi lyst, Epoxidation, 371 Sucrose hydrolysis, Pressure drop, lization, Coimmobilization, 361 Human erythrocyte Residence time distribution, 1007 Glucose/xylose isomerase Aqueous two-phase systems, Hydroxy- Metal ion effect, Subunit dissociation, propyl cellulose, Poly(ethylene glycol)- Retting, Plant cell wall, Pectinolytic 317 co-poly(propylene glycol) copolymer, enzymes, 131 Glycerophosphate oxidase preparation Partition, Affinity partition, Salmonella Flow injection Lactic acid bacteria, UV light muta- enteriditis, Glucose-6-phosphate dehy- Cholesterol, Fiber optic, Cholesterol genesis, 917 drogenase, 785 oxidase, Cholesterol esterase, 313 Glycoenzymes oxidation H value Fluorohydrolases Magnetite, Glucose oxidase, Glucoamy- Biosensor, Fish freshness, K value, Semisynthetic enzymes, Chemical lase, Crosslinking, Immobilization, Hypoxanthine ratio, Guanosine, Hypo- modification, Catalytic activity, Coimmobilization, 361 xanthine, Inosine, Inosine-5’- DFPases, Organophosphorofluoridate, Glycogen monophosphate, 125 Ribonuclear (RNase), Diimidates, Trehalose, Viability, Yeast, Saccharo- Hybridoma Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, 885 myces cerevisiae, Fermentation, 64 Continuous culture, Cell cycle, Serum FMNH, binding site Glycoside hydrolases pH, 454 Luciferase, Vibrio harveyi, Purification, Artificial rumen, Digestibility, Short IgG mRNA half-lives and levels, Cellu- Crystal, Inhibition, Aldehyde binding chain fatty acids, Methane, Hemicellu- lar metabolic activity, DNA synthesis site, 479 lase, 284 rate, Specific IgG production rate, 135 FNR Goal-oriented screening Hybridomas Photoproduction, NADPH, ferredoxin, Carbohydrate oxidases, Oxidases, Pluronic F-68, Mechanical properties, 8 Laccases, 898 Micromanipulation, 980 1030 Enzyme Microb. Technol., 1992, vol. 14, December

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