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WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupational andEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 DOI10.1186/s40557-016-0119-y REVIEW Open Access Environmentally induced, occupational diseases with emphasis on chronic kidney disease of multifactorial origin affecting tropical countries Shehani A. Wimalawansa1 and Sunil J. Wimalawansa2* Abstract Background: Environmentally induced, occupational diseases are increasing worldwide, especially inrural agricultural communities. Poverty-associated malnutrition, environmental hazards and pollution, and lack of access to clean water, safe sanitation, and modern healthcare facilities are often associated withthese chronic illnesses. Method: The authors systematicallyreviewed occupational public health issues that have been related to the environment. General interpretationsof results were included as per theguidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. Pertinentpublicationsfrom research databases were reviewed on(A) the risk–benefits, (B) theprevalence of risk factors for various diseases, (C) the benefits of notignoring the risk factors (i. e., broader evidence), and (D) therisks,effects, and outcomes ofdifferent typesof interventions. The authors used chronic kidney disease ofmultifactorial origin (CKDmfo) as anexample to explore the theme. Emphasis was given to theregions withemerging economies and developing countries located in thevicinity of theequator. Findings: Geographical, socio-economic and aetiological similarities existfor many chronic non-communicable diseases thatare affecting tropicalcountries around the equator. The authorsidentified manufacturing,mining, and agriculture as the biggest polluters ofthe environment. Inaddition, deforestation and associated soilerosion, overuse of agrochemicals,and irresponsiblefactory discharge (e.g., chemicals and paint, from rubber and textile factories, etc.), allcontributeto pollution. To decrease the escalating incidences of environmentallyinduced diseases, governments should work proactively to protect the environment, especially watersheds, and take steps to minimise harmful occupationalexposures and strictly enforce environmentalregulations. Conclusion: Creatingpublicawareness ofenvironmental issues and their relationshipto publichealth is essential. Thisincludes regular monitoring and periodicpublication of thequalityof water, air and soil; preventing deforestation and man-made soil erosion, increasing forest and ground cover,preventing occupational injuries, judicious and safe use of agrochemicals, sustainable agriculture and development programs, and implementing legislation to protect and conservewater heriageand theenvironment. These actions are essential both for a healthier environment and for the health of thepeople who live inthat environment. Suchmeasureswould also decrease public health threatsfrom such, including global-warming-related erratic environmental changes and the occurrence and thespread of non-communicablediseases,such as CKDmfo. Keywords: Agrochemicals,Agriculture, Agribusiness,Contamination, Human diseases, Kidney disease, Occupational hazards, Premature death, Prevention,Policies, Pollution, Water *Correspondence:[email protected] 2CardioMetabolicInstitute,Somerset,NJ,USA Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2016TheAuthor(s).OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page2of13 Background Water quality fluctuates continuously depending on Theanthropogenicimpactonfauna, flora[1],andthebio- the season; whether it is the farming season, climate physical (soil, air, water) environment [2] is well known. In conditions such as drought, rain, floods, as well as agri- addition, anthropogenic effects on resources, food and en- cultural and mining practices, and from industrial ergy production have also been studied [3]. It is also well discharges, but can also fluctuates even within a day. Be- documented that, consumption and even bathing in pol- cause water quality changesoccurrapidlyandcan differs luted water could leads to many human diseases and pre- markedlyevenwithin alocalarea.Thus,broaderconclu- mature deaths. To maintain clean water, watersheds and sions cannot be made from sporadic or random testing water bodies must be protected and properly maintained of water samples from the field; such data are unreliable [4].Officialswhohaveauthorityovertheenvironmentneed and the conclusions made are usually misleading. There- to understand the ecosystems and processes operating in fore, one should not make generalized or sweeping con- and around watersheds and how they are affected by an- clusions about an entire region or the status of a disease thropogenicactivities. by extrapolating analytical data from few sets of water Watershedsmustbeprotectedfromhydrological,chem- samples collected at a few times of the day or infre- ical,andbiologicalpollution,andshouldbeprovidedwith quently overtheyear. an integrated support system for the maintenance of the soil–waterenvironmentandtherestorationofaquaticsys- Surfaceandgroundwaterquality tems [5]. Environmental protection agencies (EPAs) need Similarly, the ground water table fluctuates depending on to draft and implement laws requiring analyses of ecosys- the climate (markedly vary between rainfall and drought tem functions, ecological health indicators, future public periods)andsecondarytoover-utilizationofgroundwater health and environmental risks, and assessments of the viaagro-tubewells.Monsoonrainandintermittentstorms healthofrivers,lakes,estuaries,coasts,andwetlands[5]. may result in temporary replenishment of the ground A major worldwide concern is that fresh water and water table and wells but the associated flooding causes food are being contaminated secondary to expanding contaminationofmostwatersources. unsustainable development associated anthropogenic ac- Meanwhile, water retention in catchments depends on tivities, as well as agriculture and agrochemical overuse. the availability of forest and ground cover, soil conditions Matters are made worse by the human and industrial and erosion, and the rateof rainfall;adverse conditionsof waste and agricultural runoff, all of which cause pollu- anyofthesecandirectlyaffecttheenvironmentandindir- tion, while some may cause serious diseases. Water pol- ectly aggravate environmentally-related diseases, such as lution from microbes causes identifiable diarrheal CKDmfo as well as vector-borne diseases. In addition to illnesses. Whereas, contaminations due to chemicals and the ongoing climatic changes, modification of any of the toxinsareinsidiousandmay cause prematuredeaths. above-mentioned resources can adversely affect the water Plannersandauthoritiesneedtotakeintoaccount,point cycleandthus,thehumanhealth. (e.g.,factoriesandindustrialsources)[6,7]andnon-point Over the past five decades, short-sighted, over-zealous, - sourcesofwaterpollution(e.g.,runofffromagrochemicals environmentally detrimental programs have been imple- and livestock, discharge from municipalities and mining) mented in manydeveloping countriestoachievefor short- [8–10].WiththeGreenRevolution,non-pointsourcepol- term gain. These have adversely affected water quality, lutionhasemergedasthemajorconcern. soil, air, fauna and flora, and human and animal health. Contributing factors include the overuse of both syn- Watersourcesandquality thetic and organic agrochemicals, deforestation and Drinking water comes from surface and ground sources, associated soil erosion, diversion of streams and rivers, including rivers, reservoirs, lakes, streams, springs, and nitrogen and phosphorus-related eutrophication of res- underground aquifers [4]. When rainwater and surface ervoirs,andtheproliferationoftoxichumanwaste. watertraveloverthegroundorunderground[11,12],they This review focuses on common sources of water pol- collect contaminants, including naturally occurring sub- lution and their effects on human health with special stances, such as salts and minerals, and manmade sub- reference to chronic kidney disease of multifactorial ori- stances such as agrochemicals, agricultural and factory gin (CKDmfo), also known as chronic kidney disease of waste,andanimalandhumanwaste[4,13].Consequently, uncertain aetiology/origin (CKDu, CKDuo). Figure 1 il- all sources of fresh water contains a certain amount of lustrates the common sources and factors that lead to contaminants. Environmental protection agencies and water pollution. regulatory standards institutes in each country provide localqualitystandardsforwaterand,regulatetheamounts Modesofwaterpollution ofcontaminantsallowableinthewaterprovidedbypublic Reservoirs receive water from rainfall, drainage from (e.g.,municipalities)andprivatesystems. streams and rivers, and runoff from upland areas and WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page3of13 treatment and discharge of sewage have led to a dra- matic reduction in the contamination of watersheds and surrounding ecosystemsfrom thissource [28]. However, the implementation of regulations for agro- chemicals and animal waste lag behind these efforts in most agricultural communities, particularly in developing countries [25, 26, 29]. The participation of all stake- holders, including the public, private industry, techno- crats,legislators,governmentagencies,andenvironmental organizations [30] is essential for protecting and cleaning up water and environmental contaminations and related environmentalbio-hazards[25,26,31]. Muddy water is contaminated water; mostly secondary to deforestation and agriculture-related upland soil ero- sion. Displaced silt and clay from upland streams in- crease the sediment load in rivers and downstream reservoirs. Silting necessitates dredging, which further contaminate water, thus, negatively affecting fauna and flora and disrupting their life-cycles, and endangering the food chain. Such would also hinder transportation, navigation,andinterfereswith recreationalactivities. Fig.1Thecommonfactorscontributingtowaterpollution.Also A turbid or excessively muddy waters also harms shownaretheinteractionsandinterconnectednessofthefactors aquaticorganisms.Inadditiontodecreasingthedissolved leadingtowaterpollutionandadversehumanhealthandtherole oxygen content and the sunlight reaching on millions of ofsocioeconomics,behaviour,andoccupationalandenvironmental living organisms, clay particles injure the gills of fish and componentsinthegenesisofCKDmfo adversely affect their spawning and survival. Like- wise, muddy water also disrupts photosynthetic activities watersheds. Most rivers originate at higher elevations, andputstheaquaticecologicalbalanceintodisarray. wherethereismorerainfallandgreaterforestcover.Defor- estationleadstolessabsorptionofwaterandinturnfiltra- Chronickidneydiseaseofmulti-factorialorigin(CKDmfo) tion of contaminants. Contaminants from households, Atypical chronic kidney diseases started to appear in the farms(animalwasteandagrochemicals),andindustriesalso early 1960s in the Balkan regions [32–35] and later ap- enter streams and reservoirs located hundreds of kilo- peared in several other equatorial countries, including in metres downstream from the original contamination. In Central America [36–42]. In addition to been a fatal dis- addition, water from many rivers are diverted to reservoirs ease,CKDmfoisamajorsocio-economicissueandagrow- foragriculturalpurposesand/orforpowergeneration. ingenvironmentalandoccupationalhealthproblemacross Water pollutants include household waste, fertilisers, SouthAsia,andMesoamerica.Itisanexampleofanenvir- pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals from from phos- onmentallyinduced,occupationalexposuredisease. phate fertiliser, discarded batteries and workshops, and CKDmfo has been increasingly manifesting in equatorial chemical waste from rubber and apparel production, ve- (tropical) countries during the past four decades. The dis- hiclerepairshops,andotherindustriesthatusechemicals ease is found primarily in the dry-zonal agricultural soci- [14–19]. For many substances, permitted upper limits etiesofeconomicallypoorregionsclosertotheequator. (thresholds) in drinking water have been established [20] Climate change, and consumption of food or water by the World Health Organization, by EPAs, and internal contaminated with heavy metals, fluoride, and toxins standards institutes, such as the Standards Institute Sri cause various non-communicable diseases and illnesses Lanka [21–23]. These organisations have produced safe- leading to protracted suffering and death. In addition to upperlimits(maximumallowablelimits;MAL)manycom- causing prolonged, extreme droughts and flooding, cli- ponents, including for heavy metals, fluoride, agrochemi- mate change also causes excessive heat exposure [43], cals,andtotaldissolvedsubstances[24]. dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, renal stone In most countries, the non-point sources of plant nu- formation, and exacerbation of pre-existing chronic dis- trient pollution through agricultural practices are main ease,includingkidneyfailure (heat-shocknephropathy). contributors to water pollution and nutrient-related eu- Typically, CKDmfo affects low-income agricultural trophication [25–27]. Although water contamination workers, predominantly males, aged 30 to 60 years, living with raw sewage is a serious issue, laws regulating the inlow-lying,flat,tropicaldry-zonalareas.Thediseaseisnot WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page4of13 associated with common causes of chronic kidney failure, Severalrecentstudiesfailedtodetecthigherthanthemax- suchasdiabetesorhypertension,andismostlyasymptom- imumallowablelimits(MAL)ofanyofthepostulatedcom- aticuntilkidneyfunctionismoderatelyimpaired[44–47]. ponentsofheavymetals,fluoride,salinity,oragrochemicals SriLankahasbeenafflictedwithanepidemicofCKDmfo inthesoil,water,orfoodofthisregion.Consequently,none for more than two decades; the disease has caused the of these items though hypothesized as a single cause, have deaths of thousands of people, mostly middle-aged, male beenlinkedasthecauseofCKDmfo[54,58–60].Moreover, farmers [46, 48, 49]. More people have succumbed to none of the compounds measured (except water fluoride CKDmfo than died during the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka contents in certain villages) are higher than those deemed [50].Althoughasinglecausativefactorhasnotdetermined, safebytheWorldHealth OrganizationandtheU.S.Envir- data suggest that certain levels of unhealthy exposures to onmentalProtectionAgency[59]. unhealthyenvironment(acontaminatedsoil–watersystem) Nevertheless,theadditiveorsynergisticeffectsofacom- arelikelycontributingtothisdisease[51]. binationoffactors,includingconsumptionofcontaminated Sri Lanka reports the highest incidence of CKDmfo in water,evenwiththese componentsatlowerthanthemax- SouthAsia,witharound180,000peopleaffectedandapproxi- imumallowedexposurelevelswhenassociatedwithclimate mately 50,000 reported deaths since 1992 [47, 50, 52–54]. change, malnutrition, and/or harmful behaviours could Effective early diagnosis and preventive, and treatment cause this major epidemic. For example, current data sug- strategies are still lacking [52, 55]. Likewise, environ- gest that the consumption of water polluted with certain mentally friendly and maintainable agricultural practices nephrotoxins associated with unsustainable development and food security are needed, as is the enhancement of practicestogetherwithexposuretotheconsequencesofcli- rurallivelihoods[4,53]. mate change and possible heat-stress nephropathy and so Dependingonthestudiesreportedglobally,thecorrela- forth,cancausechronicrenaltubulardamage[43,47]. tions described between environmental pollutants and Victims are primarily from dry zonal regions in the CKD of unknown aetiology (CKDu; CKDmfo) vary affected, predominantly agricultural countries and mostly greatly. Reported pollutants in the global arena include consumeshallowwellwaterthatisthoughttobecontam- arsenic in subterranean water tables in India [42], aristo- inated. However, approximately 15 % of the CKDmfo- lochic acid in the Balkans and in certain parts in China affected families rely on drinking water from other than [32, 34, 35], heavy metal exposure in Central America shallow-wells: from deep-tube wells, canals, and reser- and South America [38, 39, 56], and a combination of voirs. Therefore, it is unwise to assume a single source or various chemicals in Egypt [41] and in Sri Lanka [52]. In type of water, or a presumed/unknown contamination as spite of the temporal associations and justifiable specula- thecauseofCKDmfo[46,49,61,62]. tions, the use of agrochemicals has not yet scientifically proventobelinkedtocausationofCKDu/CKDmfo. Although contributory, none of the affected countries AgrochemicalsandCKDmfo to-date has identified agrochemicals as the sole cause of Published data support a plausible, temporal correlation this deadly disease [52]. Therefore, labelling the disorder between exposureto agrochemicals and increased risk of with such names as “agricultural nephropathy” or “agro- chronic diseases, such as certain cancers, neurodegener- chemical nephropathy” is misleading and only further ative disorders, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, mito- delaystheidentificationofthetrue cause(s). chondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, birth defects, Nevertheless,consideringthetemporalassociationofthe endocrine disruptions, and reproductive disorders [63]. “introduction” of agrochemicals in early 1960s', the indis- Therefore, from a risk perspective, minimising pollution criminate and overuse of agrochemicals, flat terrain, with fromsuchchemicalsshouldbegivenahighpriorityirre- poor drainage in the affected regions, scarcity of potable spectiveofwhether itislinked toCKDmfoornot. water,andconsumptionofwaterthatiscontaminatedwith Nevertheless, increased agricultural output essential to several chemical components, agrochemicals are likely to feed the world’s ever-increasing population, which is beoneoftheagentscontributingtoCKDmfo[57]. greatlyreliesonagrochemicals,thus,theuseofagrochem- Although no causality has been established for the icals has become standard practice worldwide. Globally, CKDmfo in Sri Lanka, it has been established that expos- lessthan8%offoodcultivationsuseorganicmethods.Of ure to combinations of various nephrotoxins and chemi- this type of cultivation, 80 % is used for animal feeding calsoveralongperiod,evenatlower exposurelevels(i.e., (pasture)toproduceorganicmeat. lower than the MAL), can lead to bio-accumulationof SriLankaandinallotherCKDu-affectedcountries(and harmful agents, which lends further support the idea of regions), these chemicals are extensively used throughout multifactoriloriginandforacausalrelationship[33]. thecountry,butonlypeoplelivingincertaingeographical InSriLanka,thediseasefirstappearedintheearly-1990s areas only are experiencingthis disease. This suggests the and affected mostly the North Central Province(NCP). contributionsofotherfactorsinthegenesisofCKDmfo. WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page5of13 Factors such as climate change, prolonged dry seasons, behavioural issues,malnutrition,illegallybrewed alcohol, medication abuse, and microbial-induced toxins all re- main as possible contributing factors. With reference to the hill country in Sri Lanka, agrochemicals are used at ratesseveraltimesgreater(and5to10foldhigheramounts than recommended by the department ofagriculture) than intheregionthatismostaffectedwithCKDmfo:theNCP. Thus, the agrochemical-based hypothesis cannot explain why only certain geographically demarcated areas are affected, whereas people in other regions (sometimes adjoiningvillagesandregions)exposedtothesamenephro- toxinsarenotaffected. Other than the nitrates and phosphates found in water, no meaningful quantities of pesticides (insecticides, weedi- cides,ornematocides)havebeenreportedinfooditemsby any analytical study published to date. Similarly, no pesti- cide residues have been detected in cadaveric tissue sam- ples. The latter is important with reference to countries Fig.2Hypotheticalinteractionsandinterrelationshipsofexcessive thathavebannedcertainpesticidesoveradecadeorso. andirresponsibleuseofagrochemicalsandthedevelopmentof If trace amounts of such substances are detected in CKDmfo,ahypothesisthathasnotbeenfullytestedorproven blood, urine, or tissue samples, as some have 'claimed' (stating, unpublished data), that finding indicates the (a) illegal importation of banned pesticides into the country perhectarebasis[e.g.,triplesuper-phosphate(TSP),pes- or (b) imported food has been contaminated with such ticides, glyphosate, etc.], such as those in the Hill Coun- substances. In addition, no data are available regarding try region, are not affected with CKDmfo. Whereas, the the hypothetical claim or detection of 'pesticide–metal' prevalence of the disease among adults are over 10 % in complexesinrenal oranyothertissues. some oftheCKDmfoaffected villagesintheNCP. If traces of heavy metals or pesticides are detected in urine or tissue samples, that does not prove the particu- DoagrochemicalsorbadpracticescontributetotheCKDmfo? lar substance is causally related to the failure of a given Usingthecorrectamountofagrochemicals(whetherin-or- organ. When an organ such as the brain, liver, or kidney ganic or organic; as recommended by the department of begins to fail, it loses internal dynamics and the ability agriculture) at the correct time of the farming season, to control what is retained and excreted. Thus, the find- wouldincreasethe cropoutput,whileminimisingenviron- ing of comparatively high levels of arsenic in urine or of mental harm [64–66]. On the other hand, the excessive traces of a heavy metal or pesticide residue in renal tis- use of agrochemicals contributes not only to hyper- suedoesnot meanthatthese substances are causing dis- eutrophicationofwaterinreservoirsbutalso to contamin- ease. Instead, it is a consequence of the disease. Figure 2 ationofthesoilandwaterwithheavymetalsandothernat- illustrates one such, agrochemical-based hypothesis as urallyoccurringchemicalconstituentsinfertiliser[4,66]. the cause ofCKDmfo. In most ofthe affected countries, including Sri Lanka, many of these problems can be traced back to the elim- Contaminationofwaterandfoodviaherbicidesand ination or "reduced" communication between village- pesticides level agricultural officials and farmers that began in the To increase the output, farm crops such as potatoes and late 1970s [4]; i.e, after the abolition of agricultural ex- vegetables require regular application of fertilisers (i.e., tensionservicesbythegovernment.Removalofthisim- organic or agrochemicals) and pesticides. When pesti- portant advisory service to farmers led to several cides are applied inhigher than therecommendedquan- negativeoutcomes,includingfertiliseroveruse. tities, insects gradually become resistant to them, so In addition, most farmers in developing countries who more pesticides are needed to control pests, leading to a use agrochemicals do not use protective gear and thus cycle ofescalating chemicaluse[51]. frequently are exposed to higher concentrations of toxic Tea estates apply herbicides such as glyphosate three chemicals and are at a higher occupational risk for ex- times a year, but none of the plantation workers are af- periencing chemical-induced acute and chronic diseases. fected with CKDmfo. Similarly, workers who regularly These observations are applicable to almost all farmers in use the largest quantities of pesticides and fertilisers on SriLankaandotherCKDu-affectedcountries.Nevertheless, WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page6of13 the excessive or careless use of agrochemicals do not ex- to leach out of farmlands, ending up in reservoirs lo- plainthesporadicgeographicaldistributionofthisdisease. catedhundredsofkilometresaway[68,69]. InCKDmfo-affectedcountries,onaper-hectarebasisof Theroleofchemicalandorganicfertilisers arableland,fertiliserusagehastripledsincethelate1970s Since the advent of the Green Revolution, the use of or- [51]. Once the soil has reached its threshold for holding ganic and natural fertilisers has decreased and the use of fertiliser,thesechemicalsleachintowaterways;themoney chemical fertilisers has increased. Currently, more than spent on fertilisers is wasted and the chemicals cause 95 % of farmlands worldwide are cultivated using chem- environmentalpollution(Fig.3).Farmersbegantousein- ical fertilisers. Organic fertilisers include manure, crop creasing amounts of pesticides to overcome pest resist- residue, tree leaves, animal waste, and compost [21], all ance,and inordertoobtaindesiredhigheryields[66,70]. of which can be locally produced, with much of the nu- The result was not always the intended one; more is not trientsbeingderived from natural sources. alwaysbettereveninagriculture(Fig.3)[51,66]. However, the amounts of organic fertiliser generated havenotchangedsignificantly overtime,with theexcep- Environmentalpollutionfromheavymetals tion ofricestrawandwheat husks,whichhave increased The term heavy metal usually refers to chemical ele- becauseoftheuseof harvestingmachinesincommercial ments that have a high atomic number and is toxic to farms that return the straw back to the fields. Neverthe- living beings at low concentrations. Similar to the World less, the quantities of organic fertiliser needed to provide Health Organisation (WHO) and EPA, the Sri Lanka the nutrients for growing plants (e.g., kilograms per hec- Standards Institute has also identified heavy metals such tare) are orders of magnitude higher than the amounts as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, selenium, and hexa- of chemical fertiliser needed. Thus, such increase from valent chromium, etc., as toxic substances [62, 63] and the current usage incommercialfarmingisimpractical. havestipulated the MALs of these in drinking water, fer- Even if the use of organic fertilisers were to be maxi- tiliser, and farm soil [23]. Table 1 lists some of the key mised, these would be only enough for less than 10 % of heavy metals that are harmful if gets into the body. farming needs. On the plus side, in industrialised coun- However, these are used commonly in many industries tries, the use of organic fertilisers, manure, and animal and in households, and take less precautions during dung has decreased the instance of hyper-eutrophication their use and disposals due to inadequate awareness of of water bodies [22]; whilst the reverse is true in devel- theirdangers. oping countries. Mostpeopleinevitablyuseandhandleheavymetalsdur- With appropriate use, organic fertilisers have no adverse ing day-to-day activities. Most of these materials, instru- environmental issues [64, 65]. However, since, many types ments,andtechnologiesusingheavymetalsaredesignedto of organic fertilisers bio-accumulate toxins and heavy improve human lifestyles, add conveniences to peoples’ metals, with time, the excessive use of organic fertilisers lives and increase prosperity. However, the misuse of couldunintentionallyintroducesignificantamountsofthese heavy metals, especially their improper handling during toxiccomponentsintofarminglands. production cycles and disposal, can inflict a heavy toll on Four decades ago, soil in the rice fields in southeast theenvironmentandconsequentlyonpeoples'health[71]. Asian countries, including Sri Lanka, (particularly in the midcountry, wet zone areas of central province [67], later Environmentalpollutionwithheavymetalsandhuman colonised as the NCP) were deficient in phosphorus, but diseases fulloffishandotherlivingbeings.Thelatterisnon-exiting Aroundtheworld,manypeoplehavecontracteddiseases now.Phosphorusdeficiencywasoneofthereasonsforthe brought about by ingesting heavy metals and inhaling introduction of Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) in agricul- fumes; the symptoms of such diseases can be subtle [72, ture,whichledtomarkedincreaseinpaddy-yield. 73]. Consequently, many go undiagnosed, with the true The availability of cultivation loans, strong extension causesnotlinkedtomorbidityormortality,andthus,the services, good paddy prices, and most importantly, the number of documented deaths related to heavy metal large fertiliser subsidies helped not only increasing the poisoninghavebeenunderestimated.TheBlacksmithIn- paddy output but also eradicating the phosphate defi- stitute, an environmental health group based in New ciency though the use of TSP and Single Super Phos- York City, in 2011 estimated that the number of people phate (SSP). with heavy-metal–related diseases in the world is, 7.2 However, during the past three decades, potato and million related to lead; 5.0 million to mercury; and 1.8 vegetable growers in the Hill Country regions have million tochromiumVI[74]. began to add excess phosphate fertiliser to their farm Whilst fertiliser is commonly contaminated with heavy lands [51]. Thisled to phosphate build-up in soil beyond metals, these are added to pesticides such as insecticides the critical threshold, and excess phosphate has begun to increase their toxicity. However, some unscrupulous WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page7of13 Fig.3Anexampleofproductivity,showingtheyieldoutputcurveinresponsetotheincreasinguseoffertiliserinrice,potato,andvegetable cultivations.Cropoutputincreaseswithincreasingamountsofrightfertilisermixture,butatacertainpoint[MC=M×R],itstartstoplateauand mayevendecline.Thus,moreisnotalwaysbetter(adaptedfromWimalawansaetal.,[51,66]) manufacturers use fertiliser as a mode of disposing che- them in soil. Meanwhile, each compact fluorescent micals and heavy metals, including cadmium and lamp/light bulb contains approximately 3 mg of mer- lead [52]. Such contaminants at higher than acceptable cury, while arsenic and cadmium can be found in phos- limits are not rare in fertiliser consignments shipped phate fertilisers and pesticides [14, 75], all of which are from some industrialised countries into emerging econ- common modes of contaminating the environment, of omies anddevelopingcountries,including SriLanka. which the EPA has little or no control. The lack of recyc- Other products containing heavy metals that are ling and proper disposal systems in emerging economies, imported to these counties include batteries, vehicles, including Sri Lanka, is likely to cause further escalating fluorescent bulbs, materials and parts, paints and chemi- majorchronichealthissuesinyearstocome. cals,medicalequipment,andagrochemicals.Forexample, Largequantitiesofheavymetalsindevelopingcountries inSriLankawithapopulationof21million,isa substan- areasyetnotrecycled,andendupasdomesticandindus- tialimporterofheavymetals.Examplesofimportedgoods trialwaste, aportionofwhicheventuallypollutes soil and containing heavy metals include an estimated, 650,000 watersystems,andeventuallywillgetintothefoodchain. cars, 22 million mobile phones (each with a battery and Tocounteractthisimpendingdisaster,reliableinventories spare batteries), and millions of other household batter- must be developed that capture the amount and types of ies and fluorescence bulbs; most of which are unfortu- heavy metals imported, recycled, reused, and properly natelynotrecycled. disposed. Each middle class family purchases 20 to 30 batteries To prevent anthropogenic heavy metals entering the per year and disposes of them in the garbage or buries ecosystem, an introduction of a culture of safe-recycling Table1Commonusesandharmfuleffectsofheavymetals[hazardouswaste]onhumanhealth[23,72] Substance Use Harmfuleffect MALinpotable watera(mg/L) Cadmium Batteries,electroplating,TSP,SSP,tobacco,illegallybrewedalcohol Proteinandsugarinurine;renaldamage 0.005 Lead Paint,batteries,alloys,welding,olderwaterpipesandjoints Nervoussystemandbraindamage,lowered 0.05 IQ,liverandkidneydamage Mercury Thermometers,fluorescentlampsandtubelights,thermostats, Nervoussystemandbraindamage, 0.001 thermometers,medicalequipment,batteries renaldamage Hexavalent Steelmanufacturing,chromeplating,magnetictapes,dyesand Acarcinogen,kidneydamage,skindiseases 0.05 (VI)chromium paints,tanningofleather,textileindustry,tobaccosmoke Arsenic Insecticides,nematocides,woodpreservative,alloyswithcopper Cancersinlung,bladder,andskin;keratosis 0.05 andlead(carbatteries),pesticides,volcanicash anddermatitis aMALmaximumallowablelimit.Source:SriLankaStandardsInstitute[23] WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page8of13 is essential in all developing countries and emerging existing chronic disease. Over the last century, global economies as soon as possible. This can be based on the mean temperature has risen by approximately one de- established principles and safe-practices used in eco- gree [80], but has been associated with increased fre- nomicallyadvancednations. quency of unpredictable weather, melting polar ice-caps, rising sea levels, severe flooding, heat waves and human Excessheavymetalsinwaterandsoil ill health [81]. However, a direct connection between Small quantities of heavy metals, including arsenic, cad- heat stress, local environmental changes secondary to mium, lead, and chromium, have been detected in soil global warming, potable water shortages, and behav- samples and a few water samples in regions and coun- ioural and dietary sugar changes with CKDmfo has not tries that are affected with CKDmfo. However, the soil been studied in-depth orconfirmed [52]. distribution of various heavy metals is not unique to Duetoheavyexertion,lackofshadeduringwork,apro- CKDmfo-affected regionsincountrieswith ahighpreva- longed work hours during the day with little breaks, lence of this disease or other common non- strenuous working conditions, and drinking insufficient communicable chronic disorders [4, 52, 53]. If levels of water during work, outdoor workers are particularly at thesecontaminantsconsistentlyexceedpermissiblelimits riskforheatstressanddehydration[82–85].Nevertheless, (e.g., MAL), threatstohuman healtharelikely[75]. the outdoor workers (mostly expatriates) who work long- Most samples analysed by different research groups hours getting daily exposure to scotching sun in middle- recentley, in regions with a high prevalence of chronic eastern countries, do not seems to develop CKDu-like diseases such as CKDmfo, including in Sri Lanka, show syndrome. levels of heavy metals within the EPA and WHO allow- Experimental studies in mice have demonstrated, re- able limits [42, 76, 77]. It is unclear how such low levels current daily heat exposure and dehydration causing can affect humans across a large region like the NCP. chronic renal tubulo-interstitial disease with fibrosis and However, because some of the chemicals, especially inflammation [86], similar to that observed in CKDmfo heavy metals, bio-accumulate during the human life- [81]. However, whether this is due to chronic rhabdo- span, in the long term these can cause chronic ill health. myolysis,elevatedserumuricacidlevels,othermetabolic Therefore, if left unchecked, the presence of heavy derangements, a combination of these factors, or some- metals, even though the levels are less than the MAL, thing else, is unknown. Moreover, it is unclear whether ultimatelymayleadtoseriousillnesses,includingchronic thismodelisapplicabletohumans. occupationaldiseases[49]. It is plausible that the toxicity of exposure to certain In addition to the metallic load, the release of ionic nephrotoxins (released to the environment as a conse- compounds, such as cadmium, manganese, hexavalent quence of having unsustainable development practices) chromium, lead, and nickel, into the water (and eventu- can be additive in the presence of heat stress and ally into food) depends on chemical parameters, such as chronic recurrent dehydration. Nevertheless, the rise of dissolved organic carbon, ionic strength, temperature, global temperature by one degree [81], causing CKDmfo pH, particle size, the presence of protective agents such seems highly unlikely. as zinc, selenium and other antioxidants, and the fre- For example, outdoor workers in the Middle-East, quency and depth of dredging of canals and reservoirs, where theaveragetemperateduringsummerexceeds10° etc. [77–79]. It is known that the toxic effects of heavy C than in the highest temperate exposure by the agricul- metals are modified in the presence of other ions. De- tural workers in CKDmfo affected regions, do not seem crease ofcadmiumtoxicity inthe presenceof zincis one to develop CKDmfo/CKDu-like disease. Moreover, due such example. to mechanised practices, the intensity of manual labour With reference to CKDmfo in Sri Lanka, except for associated with rice- as well-as corn- and sugarcane- fluoride, none of the other components have been de- farming practices are less now, compared to several tected at levels higher than MAL in water samples [52]. decades ago. For example, in south east Asia, there is a Considering all data, currently there is no scientific evi- reduction of the number of strenuous working days an- dence to support the theory that heavy metals in water nually, in paddy fields from an average of 90 to 42 (i.e., or food, water ionicity (salinity, phosphate, etc.), nitrate, overa50%reductionof hardlabour). orhardness ofwatercause CKDmfo[4,53]. GeographicaldistributionofCKDintheworld Theroleofheat-stressandchronicdehydration Most of the CKDuo-affected countries have hundreds of In addition to causing prolonged and extreme droughts years of traditional, sustainable agricultural practices. As and flooding, climate change has led to excessive heat populationsaroundtheworldincreased,toincreaseyields, exposure, dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, in- farmers began to abandon traditional cultivating methods creased renal stone formation, and exacerbation of pre- when synthetic agrochemicals were introduced in the WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page9of13 early1960s[36,87].Thisledtoimprovedfoodsecurityin water, sanitation, education, and modern healthcare many emerging economies and in developing countries. [46,91]. Whether this Green Revolution has anything to do with Despite claims by certain people, the geographical theCKDmfo/CKDuisyettobedetermined. distribution of CKDmfo and the hardness of the Organic farming as shown above, has its own issues. water in all affected countries, including Sri Lanka, Recent data suggest that the use of organic farming is do not coincide, suggesting that the latter does not likelytodecreasetheexcessiveuseofphosphatesandni- contribute to the development of chronic kidney fail- trates which in turn reduces the leaching into the water ure [46]. In fact, some areas in Sri Lanka, such as the system in comparison with the use of chemical fertilisers Jaffna Peninsula and the Puttalam and Ampara dis- in agro-fields [88, 89], though not everyone agrees about tricts have two to three times greater water hardness this[90]. and higher electrical conductivity and salinity in their Worldwide, there are several commonalities in the drinking water than that in the CKDmfo-affected re- CKDmfo/CKDuo-affected countries, including a drought- gions; NCP and the Kurunagala and Badulla districts stricken climate and proximity to the equator (Bangladesh, [52], [48]. Sri Lanka, southern China, India, South America, and cer- tain eastern European Balkan countries) (Fig. 4). Most of Discussion the affected nations are tropical and have developing or Because of the unique chemistry of the water molecule, emerging economies that are predominantly agriculture water is easy to pollute; it has the ability to dissolve al- based. It is noteworthy that all of these countries receive most any substance [4, 92]. Therefore, some degree of aidandloansfromtheWorldBank,theInternationalMon- water pollution is inevitable. Nevertheless, proactive en- etaryFund,andindustrializednations. vironmental and public health interventions are essential Countries that are receiving such aid packages or to prevent pollution and ill health [93]. Public health in- loans are expected and have been obligated to follow terventions are usually intended to prevent future catas- some policies and procedures that may be imperil and trophes [94]. However, certain actions can be taken now, not appropriate for these countries, citizens, or their which do not depend on decisions on how to safeguard economy. How these undesirable, imposed practices af- people inthefuture. fecting the economy (in fact, a poverty-trap) of recipient Multi-country ecological studies have revealed that countries, healthcare and chronic health conditions have there are key environmental factors that contributes to not been addressed. All affected communities are rela- chronicillhealthanddiseasesincludingcancer,isadverse tively less wealthy and have insufficient access to clean environmental issues and pollution, not genetics [95–97] Fig.4GlobaldistributionofCKDu/CKDmfo.Allaffectedcountriesarelocatedclosetotheequatorandhaveagriculture-basedeconomies.Redcircles indicatethatthecausesforCKDu/CKDmfoareunknown;yellowcirclesindicatecountriesinwhichsomeofthepotentialcausesareunderstood.Some commonalities,especiallytheproximitytotheequatorofaffectedcountries,arehighlighted.Themapisfromthepublicdomain,modifiedto indicatelocations WimalawansaandWimalawansaAnnalsofOccupationalandEnvironmentalMedicine (2016) 28:33 Page10of13 Therefore, a cleaner environment and healthier lifestyles However,astheCKDmfonameimplies,acombination (both of which can be proactively improve) need to be of these factors (including unknown nephrotoxins) to- emphasised.Sucheffortswouldreducetheescalatinginci- gether with harmful behaviour and chronic dehydration dences of cancer and almost all other non-communicable are likely to cause this disease. Among the recent diseases, improve the health status and the economy of epidemics, CKDmfo may be one of the first diseases thenation,andtheburdenonhealthcarebudgets. manifesting due to global warming and unsustainable Imposing a strict quality control program on locally developmental practices. Regardless of the cause, pre- produced and imported agrochemicals and regulating vention and continued investigation of the possible the release of fertilisers to farmers based on soil testing causes of this disease must be continue; these activities are likely to decrease the agrochemical usage and shouldprovideapathtoeradicationofthe disease. overuse-associated, environmental pollution. As the dis- Few social support structures exist in the NCP and in cussion of the proposed causes of CKDmfo has shown, mostvillages in developingcountries. Foundationsshould the search for agreement on the cause or causes of these beestablishedtoprotectpeoplefromday-to-daylifeissues diseases is likely to continue for many more years, thus, and unexpected events and to provide access to emer- focusing on the available resources and evidence for pre- gency care, suchas inthe aftermath of hurricanes, floods, vention is the best way forward for eradication of com- tsunamis, and so forth. Properly taking care of a those municable aswell as non-communicable diseases. In this who are affected and taking firm and effective steps to regards,CKDmfoisnotanexception. prevent the disease are prime responsibilities of health Tocurtailchronicdiseaseassociatedescalatinghealthcare ministries and departments of health. Having a tested costs, countries must address the root causes of these ill- emergency preparedness plan that can launch immediate nesses. Adequate environmental protection and prevention programs of support in the event of emergencies at the of diseases should be part of that effort. Such preventative community and regional levels is crucial to preventing approaches lead to reduction in morbidity and mortality deathsandcontainingcommunicablediseases. and are often more cost-effective than spending taxpayer With reference to the current calamity of CKDmfo, it moneyonexpandinghospitals,purchasingexpensivemed- is essential to provide clean drinking water and safe ical equipment, organ transplants, and treating escalating sanitary facilities as a priority for all affected regions and non-communicablediseases. the entire country. Chronic disease management pro- With agrochemicals being one of the key sources of grams in the country need to coalesce and synergise to environmental pollution, agribusinesses have a corporate be cost-effective [98]. Despite the existence of CKDmfo social responsibility at least to invest in educating for more than two decades, access to safe, clean water farmersontheproperuseofsuchchemicalsandprovide has been provided to less than 10 % of the needy popu- subsidised or free protective gear to them [49]. On the lationinthedistrictsaffectedbythisdiseaseinSriLanka other hand, farmers must be accountable for the proper andotheraffected countries[52]. use of agrochemicals and protecting themselves when Considering that most shallow wells are contaminated handling these chemicals, and for taking care of the en- (perhaps with unknown nephrotoxins) in CKDmfo- vironmentandalllivingbeingsaroundthem. affected areas, and streams and reservoirs are increas- Thus, it is paramount that agriculture-related personals ingly getting polluted, facilities should be developed ur- areeducatedonvariousmeansofpreventingenvironmen- gently at least on a provincial basis to test for water talpollution,theprotectionofthemselvesandothers,and qualityandfood contamination. the reasonable and responsible use and disposal of agro- In the interim, potable water can be successfully and chemicals and containers. For such a program to be suc- cost-effectively provided through reverse osmosis units, cessful, approaches should be collaborative, not purely untilcentrallypurified,safe,pipe-bornewatersuppliesare punitive,andshouldofferincentives. made available in these regions. It is scandalous that in Available data do not support any of the postulated both rich and poor countries, people in rural villages are agents, chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, salinity/ion- not provided with safe running water, while the govern- icity, or individual agrochemical components, such as ment provides excellent facilities to wealthy and city pop- phosphate or glyphosate, as causative factors for ulations. Gross inequalities in the supply of drinking CKDmfo. Whereas, water and food pollution together water, lack of safe sanitation, and correctable healthcare with prolonged drought associated issues and condi- disparitiesarenotethicallyacceptableinmodernsociety. tions, and harmful personal behaviour are plausible causes of this deadly disease. Because of the plausibil- Conclusion [Box offering] ity of multiple factors playing a role in the genesis of Whatisalreadyknownonthissubject? this disease, the appropriate terminology is CKDmfo, Environmentalpollutionleadstovarioustypesof humanill rather than CKDu. health and occupationally acquired diseases. Human ill

chronic kidney disease of multifactorial origin (CKDmfo) as an example to explore the theme. diseases that are affecting tropical countries around the equator. To increase the output, farm crops such as potatoes and use agrochemicals do not use protective gear and thus .. Worm B, et al.
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