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Environmental Solutions: Environmental Problems and the All-inclusive global, scientific, political, legal, economic, medical, and engineering bases to solve them PDF

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Preview Environmental Solutions: Environmental Problems and the All-inclusive global, scientific, political, legal, economic, medical, and engineering bases to solve them

Environmental Solutions Environmental Problems and the All-inclusive global, scientific, political, legal, economic, medical, and engineering bases to solve them (Hardcover) by Franklin J. Agardy, Nelson Leonard Nemerow • ISBN: 0120884410 • Pub. Date: July 15, 2005 • Publisher: Elsevier Science & Technology Books Introduction During the 20 th Century, we wrote and published countless books on the environment--beginning with "Theories and Practices of Industrial Waste Treatment" in 1963. Most, if not all, of these books centered on the theo- retical aspects of environmental components. By the end of the century environmentalists worldwide possessed all the basic ingredients to enable them to ameliorate a rapidly deteriorating resource quality condition. Some real progress was made in improving environmental quality, but primarily theories were expounded and scientific papers were generated. And envi- ronmental quality did not improve sufficiently enough to overcome criti- cal and dangerous situations. Toxic and hazardous wastes were identified and then discharged indiscriminately and rather secretly into the environ- ment. The time has arrived for us to write and propose to practicing profes- sional environmental engineers potential solutions to vexing problems, instead of theories of their origin, characteristics, and potential treatment. You, as the reader, can select a particular area of interest and peruse the chapters' potential solutions; then select the appropriate one(s)which apply most directly to your situation. Economic comparisons of solutions make your selection even simpler. For example, let us presume that you have a complex organic chemi- cal waste that is potentially damaging to the environment. And, further, that you want to examine chapter 8 to pinpoint chemical solutions. Suppose you find in this chapter that you can safely discharge this waste after either chemically oxidizing it with chlorine or substituting a non-polluting chem- ical with the same production qualities. Then you may also compare these two solutions to ascertain the least costly one. You may also wish to compare potential solutions in other chapters which would also alleviate the problem such as the use of political solutions (Chapter )1 or forensic solutions (Chapter .)2 You may then be in a better position to decide which solutions would serve you best on an overall basis. You may even continue to compare your selected solution with the idea of utilizing an environ- ix x Introduction mentally-balanced industrial complex as described in chapter ,11 or send the waste to a nearby industrial plant as described in chapter .21 These latter two solutions may be feasible and even less costly than your other selected solution. In any event, you are encouraged to consider all solutions proposed in chapters which may contain potential answers to your problem. The authors of each chapter were aware of the possibility of your need to make such decisions when they wrote their chapters. In Chapter ,1 Bob Perciasepe recognizes from his many years of dealing with governmental agencies that politics enter into most environmental solutions. For example, when environmental contamination crosses estab- lished governmental boundaries, political pressures and influences will be brought to bear on any solution selected by the professional person. Also when money has to be spent to abate a pollution situation, the particular political party in control must weigh the expenditure against its political future. The challenge for the professional is to understand the political sit- uation and to work with it to affect a suitable environmental solution. Polit- ical solutions to environmental problems are usually the result of the actions of thoughtful people in "contriving" a means of abating the degra- dation of any area of our environment. Political solutions are often consid- ered "contrived" not for the benefit of humankind's environment, but for the good of a segment of the people and usually at the expense of most of the people. And behind it all lurks the ugly head of the money gained by this segment of the people. However, it is our intent to present political solutions in its favorable lightwone of benefiting the majority of mankind. And it may not necessarily result in a net cost to this society to attain a "political solution in a favorable light." In Chapter 2, Franklin Agardy gives the reader an opportunity to use forensic solutions to solve environmental dilemmas. The threat and use of legal remedies often effect more abatements than physical, chemical, or bio- logical treatments. Unfortunately forensic solutions have been used mainly 'after the fact' of environmental contamination rather than for prevention. However, if threats of legal action can be brought to bear "a prioi" to avoid contamination, practical and economical solutions will result. In any event, the environmentalist should consider the use of this method for preventing environmental deterioration. When you compare other conventional solu- tions to forensic ones, the environmentalist can make decisions based upon economics. Dr. James Mihelcic, a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineer- ing at Michigan Technological University, describes his graduate school and engineering service program with the United States Peace Corps as an excel- lent example of solving environmental problems. He also describes the education of pre-college teachers to develop the State of Michigan's middle school curriculum related to energy and pollution prevention. His chapter Introduction xi (Chapter )3 gives guidance to using education to aid in the solution to envi- ronmental problems of all kinds. In Part 2 we have segregated the scientific and technical solutions from the politics and policies. In Chapter 4, Ernest Lowe describes the combined crisis in resource supply and environmental pollution as a major economic development opportunity for both developing and developed countries. One objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with economically feasi- ble strategies of reducing the depletion of resources and abating contami- nation of the environment. This author considers economic frameworks for encouraging cleaner, more efficient production, such as the Recycling Economy laws in Japan and Germany and the Circular Economy initiative in China. The Chinese initiative, for instance, integrates cleaner produc- tion and industrial ecology approaches with the goal of gaining a 7 to 10 factor improvement in resource utilization. Even a Recycling or Circular Economy is only a partial economic solu- tion. The deterioration of ecological systems--locally, nationally, and glob- ally~demands economic solutions that will enable their restoration. When looking at these systems in terms of human welfare, ecological economists use the term "natural capital." Natural capital is the source of all natural resources and the sinks that absorb the by-products of human activities. The accounts of natural capital must be recharged through major invest- ments in restoration of forests, grasslands, deserts, farms, watersheds, oceans, and atmospheric balance. The balance between human system unre- covered outputs and the sinks of natural capital must also be restored. The "restoration economy" must also recover the sunk investment in human habitat and infrastructure so as to extend its life. Here too the investments will create massive opportunity for venture development and job creation. Dr. Tewari, in Chapter 5, offers you physical, or engineering, solutions. These are specific "concrete" types of systems designed to remove some or all of contaminants from the environment. He tries to point out which processes are most suited to eliminate certain of the multi-varied pollu- tants. Without being armed with these methods the reader will not be able to compare physical solutions to alternate techniques presented in the other chapters. On the other hand, Dr. Oerther uses microorganisms of all types to solve existing as well as potential contaminant problems. Since most organic matter can serve as food sources for specific bacteria, the use of this technique to prevent environmental contamination is prevalent today. Even inorganic contaminants such as phospates and carbonates can be utilized by some flora~such as algae~to remove them from the environment. In Chapter 6 you will discover many of these biological processes which you may find as useful solutions to your situations. In Chapter ,7 Drs. Veziroglu, Sherif, and Barbir offer hydrogen as an alternate fuel source for moving vehicles and power plants. Products of the xii Introduction combustion of hydrogen not only give off energy, but also are completely non-polluting to the environment into which they are released. They present production cost comparisons of hydrogen with other forms of fuels. Also, the authors give the reader several methods of producing hydrogen fuel along with their relative utility. It is only a question of time when this fuel will replace conventional limited resources of oil and gas. Dr. Patrick Sullivan describes in Chapter 8 the various chemical processes currently in use to ameliorate existing contaminants. In addition, he offers the use of chemical substitutions in certain situations as alterna- tives to toxic or hazardous chemical contaminants. An important contri- bution to this chapter is the use of chemical methods of detoxifying wastes prevalent and persistent in landfills and underground soils. Dr. John Wilcox tackles solutions to contaminants by electrical and thermal means in Chapter 9. Of special interest are high temperature treat- ments such as closed system organic matter destruction at 600+degrees centigrade. Electrical systems are also offered as treatments for microor- ganism reduction/removal. Although relatively expensive capital and oper- ating costs are usually involved, systems proposed in this chapter are often economically feasible for smaller volume, highly concentrated wastes. Alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean wave are also offered by your editor, Dr. Nemerow as potential solutions in proper situations. In Chapter ,01 Drs. Kilbourne and Falk cover the various medical solu- tions available to avoid environmental diseases. Not only are the preven- tion of conventional and historic environmental diseases such as dysentery, typhoid and poliomyelitis discussed, but also solutions and systems are offered for the more recent and dangerous ones. Needless to say the pre- vention of and solution for biological methods of mass destruction are vitally important in today's world living. Illustrative of these is the trans- mission of arsenic powders through the postal systems, and prevention, detection, and medical solutions for the diseases resulting from them. Your editor becomes an author in Chapter 11 and presents for indus- trial collaboration the manufacturing of products in environmentally- balanced industrial complexes. In these complexes, a group of industries located together reuses wastes from ancillary plants and produces useful products without any adverse environmental impacts. I illustrate, for the first time, with a real case scenario how the benefits of such a complex will result in lower production costs for the industries and, at the same time, environmental preservation. Many potential planned and designed industrial complexes are sug- gested to stimulate the reader to plan for environmental solutions. In the following chapter complexes which are created from initially unplanned groupings of industries are described. In Chapter ,21 Erkman and Ramaswamy show how industrial ecology utilization can lead to solutions to the environmental contamination Introduction xiii dilemma. Many industries have already been built and operate in so-called "industrial parks" or "industrial estates," or at least nearby one another. With proper cooperation these industries might avail themselves of the residual wastes from the other plant(s) to aid in manufacturing their prod- ucts. Thus, a savings in money for raw materials results as well as a sub- stitute for waste treatment. These authors have already published several books related to indus- trial ecology and qualify as leaders in this area of environmental solutions. In Chapter 31 we enter the international area of the book. Dr. Salah 1E Haggar proposes specific solutions especially applicable to rural, devel- oping country environmental problems. These problems are unique to low- population areas of nations which are in the process of developing their regulatory systems. Problems of economics and lack of scientific and tech- nical know-how are of uppermost importance in these country situations. Dr. Balkau, having a "world" of experience with the United Nations, examines the possibilities open to the world's countries for solving envi- ronmental problems. Economic aid and technical assistance--so needed as mentioned in Chapter 13mare available through various international agen- cies listed in Chapter 14. Often the political support of an agency such as the World Health Organization is all that is needed to provide the neces- sary impetus for a country environmental pollution problem. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) may also promote industrial collaboration such as proposed in Chapter 11. The entire book of 14 chapters is summarized by our author and editor Dr. Agardy, in Chapter 15, so that you, the reader, are afforded a consoli- dated view of what you have read. You should obtain the feeling of how the many facets of environmental solutions are related and fit together to strive toward a state of zero pollution. Nelson L. Nemerow seihpargoiB Franklin J. Agardy, Ph.D. is President of Forensic Management Associates, a company focused on environmental litigation support and expert witness services. Dr. Agardy received a B.S. in civil engineering from the City College of New York in 1955, an M.S. in sanitary engineering from the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley in 1958, and a Ph.D. degree in sanitary engi- neering from the University of California at Berkeley in 1963. He taught civil and sanitary engineering at San Jose State University and left the faculty as a tenured full professor in 1971. He spent 91 years with URS Cor- poration, retiring in 1988 as President of the corporation. After retirement he took the position of President/CEO/Chairman of In-Process Technology, Inc. in Sunnyvale, California, and at the same time formed Forensic Management Associates. Dr. Agardy is a Director of Komex Corporation, a Director of EGG Corporation, and holds an advisory seat on the Board of The Environmental Company. Dr. Agardy is a former member of the Dean's Advisory Council, School of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, and currently is a guest lecturer at the university. Dr. Agardy has published over 50 articles and reports, has authored or co-authored, and co- edited four textbooks, and is a life member of a number of professional soci- eties. During his career he has consulted to numerous federal, state, and local agencies on subjects ranging from environmental matters, nuclear weapons countermeasures, and international business development. Fritz Balkau, Ph.D. is Head of the United Nations Environmental Pro- gramme's Production and Consumption Branch in the Division of Tech- nology, Industry and Economics. Dr. Balkau graduated as a research chemist from Monash University in Australia in 1973. After some years teaching at Victoria University, he worked for the Environment Protection Authority in various functions con- cerned with environmental planning, waste and pollution management, chemicals, and environmental policy. He spent one year with the Chemi- XV xvi seihpargoiB cals Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop- ment before joining UNEP's Industry and Environment Office in Paris in 1987. The Production and Consumption Branch of UNEP promotes and facilitates the worldwide implementation of cleaner and safer production approaches and more systematic industrial pollution management in key industry sectors, including resource industries such as mining, oil and gas. It also leads activities in UNEP to promote more sustainable patterns of consumption in civil society and industry. The unit has an active program of information exchange, environmental education, and training support on environmental control systems and tools to help governments and indus- try to adopt more systematic approaches to environmental management (see http://www.uneptie.org/pc/home.htm). Frano Barbir, Ph.D. is currently a Professor-in-Residence at the Connecti- cut Global Fuel Cell Center at the University of Connecticut. Prior to joining UConn in 2003, Dr. Barbir served as Director of Fuel Cell Technol- ogy and Chief Scientist at Proton Energy Systems in Wallingford, CT, and Vice President of Technology and Chief Scientist at Energy Partners, West Palm Beach. In these positions, he assembled and led research teams cov- ering all areas of Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell technology includ- ing electrochemistry, materials, heat transfer and fluid mechanics. He led teams that developed novel fuel cell stacks (from 1 to 5 kW)with emphasis on low cost manufacturing, and applied them in a variety of working fuel cell systems, including five fuel cell powered vehicles. He is co-inventor on several fuel cell-related patents, and has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications, mostly on fuel cells and hydrogen energy, that appear in scientific journals, books, encyclopedias, and conference proceedings. He is currently an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, serving as Editor-in-Charge of that publication's special issues on fuel cells. He is also a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, EGE (Croatian Journal of ,ygrenE Environment and Economics), and the Fuel Cell Virtual .lanruoJ Salah M. El Haggar, Ph.D., P.E. is the Professor of Energy and Environment at the American University in Cairo, Mechanical Engineering Department, Cairo, Egypt. Dr. 1E Haggar received a B.Sc. (1972) and an M.Sc. (1976) from Ain Shams University, Cairo, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Washington State University in 1983. Dr. 1E Haggar has more than 30 years experience in energy and envi- ronmental consulting and university teaching. He has been a visiting pro- fessor at Washington State University and at University of Idaho. Dr. 1E Haggar has more than 81 academic honors, grants, and awards. He received the Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher Award at The American Univer- sity in Cairo in 1995, as well as a number of outstanding AUC trustees seihpargoiB xvii awards. In addition, Dr. 1E Haggar has 501 scientific publications in envi- ronmental and energy fields, 29 invited presentations, 42 technical reports, and 01 books. Dr. E1-Haggar's environmental consulting experience includes more than 40 environmental/industrial audits for major industrial identities, 20 compliance action plans, and nine environmental impact assessments. In addition, he has extensive consulting experience in environmental engi- neering, environmental auditing, environmental impact assessment, envi- ronmental management systems, cleaner production, industrial ecology, energy management, hazardous and non-hazardous waste management, recycling, pollution prevention and waste minimization, zero pollution, biogas/solar/wind technology, community/desert development, solid and industrial waste, and environmental assessment for the local government and private industries. Dr. E1-Haggar is a member/board member of 41 national and international societies in the area of mechanical engineering, environmental engineering, and community development. Suren Erkman, Ph.D. has an academic background in philosophy and biology, and holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Technology of Troyes (France}. In 1994, after working for a number of years as a science and business journalist for various media, he created an organization headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland), the Institute for Com- munication and Analysis of Science and Technology (ICAST). ICAST's mission is to provide independent information in a readily accessible form on scientific, technological and environmental issues, to companies, gov- ernments, international organizations, academic institutions and NGOs. In 1995, he launched an international network, Industrial Ecology Praxis, devoted to the dissemination and implementation of ideas relating to indus- trial ecology. He also teaches industrial ecology in various universities in Switzerland and abroad. Suren Erkman is a member of the Managing Board of the Journal of Industrial Ecology (MIT Press) and an elected member of the Council of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE). Henry Falk, M.D., M.P.H. currently heads two organizations at the center of the Department of Health and Human Services' work in environmental health. He serves as Director for both the National Center for Environ- mental Health (NCEH) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). In 2003, these two entities consolidated to form NCEH/ATSDR. Dr. Falk arrived at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1972. He is also a 30-year veteran of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. This service culminated with his being named rear admiral and an appointment as assistant U.S. Surgeon General. At NCEH, Dr. Falk heads the Center's national effort to prevent or control environment-related diseases, illness, and deaths. He served NCEH xviii Biographies for 41 years as Director of the Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects. At ATSDR, which was created by the 1980 Superfund leg- islation, Dr. Falk leads the federal agency whose mission is to protect public health from hazardous releases of toxic substances. Dr. Falk earned his medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1968. He received a master's degree from the Harvard School of Public Health in 1976, and he is board-certified in pediatrics and in public health and general preventive medicine. Throughout his career at the CDC, Dr. Falk has lent knowledge and leadership to myriad public health proj- ects around the United States and the world. His work includes contribu- tions to the federal responses to Three-Mile Island, Mount .tS Helens, Hurricanes Hugo and Andrew, and the September 1 lth attacks. Dr. Falk has also authored or coauthored more than 100 publications in a variety of subjects, including vinyl chloride-induced liver cancer, prevention of lead poisoning, and the health effects of environmental hazards. During his career, Dr. Falk and his distinguished work have been rec- ognized many times. His honors include the Vernon Houk Award for Lead- ership in Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning and the Homer C. Calver Award from the American Public Health Association. He has also received the CDC's William C. Watson .rJ Medal of Excellence, as well as the Dis- tinguished Service Award from the U.S. Public Health Service. David R. Hokanson, Ph.D. is the Operations Manager of the Sustainable Futures Institute at Michigan Technological University. Dr. Hokanson is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Michigan Technological University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He worked for several years as a Research Engineer affiliated with the National Center for Clean Industrial and Treatment Technologies (CenCITT)at Michigan Technolog- ical University, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Center of Excel- lence and a partnership between Michigan Technological University (lead institution), the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Through CenCITT and the Sustainable Futures Institute, Dr. Hokanson has experience working on several federally funded projects in the area of pollution prevention, water treatment, and sustain- ability, including educational and outreach applications at many levels. Dr. Hokanson was also instrumental in the development of the textbook Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 2nd ed. (2005). Edwin M. Kilbourne, MD is Chief Medical Officer Division fo Environ- mental Hazards & Health Effects, National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)in Atlanta, Georgia. In this capacity he deals with emerging issues in medical toxicology, including prevention and management of biological/chemical

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