Send Orders for Reprints to [email protected] Current Gene Therapy, 2013, 13, 413-420 413 Environmental Risk Assessment of Clinical Trials Involving Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA)-Based Vectors Martine Goossens*, Katia Pauwels, Nicolas Willemarck and Didier Breyer Scientific Institute of Public Health, Biosafety and Biotechnology Unit, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Abstract: The modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) strain, which has been developed as a vaccine against smallpox, is since the nineties widely tested in clinical trials as recombinant vector for vaccination or gene therapy applications. Al- though MVA is renowned for its safety, several biosafety aspects need to be considered when performing the risk assess- ment of a recombinant MVA (rMVA). This paper presents the biosafety issues and the main lessons learned from the evaluation of the clinical trials with rMVA performed in Belgium. Factors such as the specific characteristics of the rMVA, the inserted foreign sequences/transgene, its ability for reconversion, recombination and dissemination in the population and the environment are the main points of attention. Measures to prevent or manage identified risks are also discussed. Keywords: Biosafety, clinical trials, environmental risk assessment, gene therapy, GMO-based vaccines, MVA-based recom- binant vectors. 1. INTRODUCTION not used anymore. However, with respect to the granting of a marketing authorisation for a new MVA vaccine called Im- Poxviruses are considered excellent vector systems vanex, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recom- candidates for gene delivery without integration into the host mended in May 2013 its use for “active immunisation genome or for vaccination. This is due to several features against smallpox in adults" under exceptional circumstances, including (i) large packaging capacity for recombinant DNA i.e. to protect populations at risk from bioterrorism [11]. (up to 25 kbp); (ii) precise and controllable recombinant DNA expression regulated by a strong poxviral promoter; Since the nineties, MVA has been widely tested in clini- (iii) lack of persistence or genomic integration in the host cal trials as recombinant vector for vaccination against vari- due to their cytoplasmic replication (transient expression); ous pathogens or as gene delivery vehicle for gene therapy (iv) high immunogenicity as vaccine; and (v) ease of vector applications. Although MVA vectors are considered safer and vaccine production [1, 2]. Their main disadvantage re- than other vaccinia strains, several aspects should be consid- sides in the development of neutralizing antibodies against ered carefully when performing the biological risk assess- the vector after subsequent administrations [3]. ment of MVA and MVA-based vectors [5]. This includes in particular (i) the potential presence in the MVA population To address potential biosafety issues highly attenuated poxvirus strains have been developed, such as, in the or- of variants able to replicate, (ii) the intrinsic characteristics thopox virus (OPV) genus, the modified vaccinia virus An- of the transgene which may present hazardous properties or kara (MVA) strain derived from the chorioallantois vaccinia change the vector properties, (iii) recombination events with virus strain Ankara (CVA). The attenuation of MVA is based wild type OPV or homologs that could lead to the rescue of on serial passages (more then 500) in primary chicken em- parental genes that are interrupted or deleted in MVA or the bryo fibroblasts (CEFs), resulting in a genomic loss of ap- transfer of the transgene to replication competent OPV. proximately 15% compared to the parental CVA strain, re- An increasing amount of information is becoming avail- ducing its virulence and pathogenesis [4, 5]. This modified able on biosafety issues associated with MVA and MVA- MVA is unable to propagate in human or in most mammal- based vectors, both from the scientific literature and from ian cells. It remains localized in the cytoplasm [6] and there regulatory dossiers. In Belgium six clinical trials using MVA is no evidence for genomic integration. It was originally de- as vector systems for gene therapy or vaccination have been veloped in the 1970s as a vaccine against smallpox and was assessed since 1996. General or regulatory information about found to be safer than other replication competent vaccinia these trials (B-GT/11, B-GT/12, B-GT22, B-GT/24 and B- strains [7-10]. Since the global eradication of smallpox was GT/26) are publicly available [12]. This paper presents the certified by a commission of scientists and endorsed by the main lessons learned from the evaluation of these trials and World Health Organization (WHO) in 1980, this vaccine is shows how the information provided by the notifiers and the recommendations proposed by the risk evaluators can con- *Address correspondence to this author at the Scientific Institute of Public tribute to improve the risk assessment and the risk manage- Health, Biosafety and Biotechnology Unit, Rue J. Wytsmanstraat 14, B- ment of such trials. 1050 Brussels, Belgium; Tel: +32 2 642 52 93; Fax: +32 2 642 52 92; E-mail: [email protected] 1875-5631/13 $58.00+.00 © 2013 Bentham Science Publishers 414 Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 Goossens et al. 2. CRITICAL ISSUES IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL the smallpox vaccination of more than 120.000 people with RISK ASSESSMENT OF MVA-BASED CLINICAL MVA during the 1970s [10]. Moreover, the MVA-BN® TRIALS strain (the Bavarian Nordic’s vaccine developed to generate the third generation smallpox vaccine like Imvanex) has 2.1. Steps in the Environmental Risk Assessment been shown to be very homogeneous [14]. Information re- As detailed in the lead-in article of Baldo et al. the envi- garding the homogeneity of the MVA parental strain remains ronmental risk assessment (ERA) focuses on the identifica- however important in order to exclude the presence of repli- tion of the characteristics of the genetically modified organ- cation competent MVA particles, and should be requested if ism (GMO) and its use which have the potential to cause not provided by the notifier of a clinical trial. Several meas- adverse effects on persons (non-patients) directly exposed to ures can be implemented to control and/or confirm homoge- the gene therapy medicinal product, on animals, plants and neity during the manufacturing and consists in (1) opting for micro-organisms. It is important to note that this assessment a significantly homogeneous strain, (2) performing PCR does not cover pure medical aspects on the efficacy of the analysis and sequencing to confirm the desired genotype of investigational medicinal product (IMP) and its safety for the the chosen MVA strain, and /or (3) undertaking infection treated patient. However, very often, on a case-by-case basis, assays using immune-suppressed mice in order to check the a potential adverse effect for the treated patient needs also to non-presence of replicative viruses [14]. be considered with regards to medical personnel handling the Regarding the replicability, it has been reported that IMP or providing patient cares. Indeed the personnel could MVA growth is generally restricted to a few mammalian cell be accidentally exposed to the IMP or contaminated material lines. However, it is also recognized that only a limited (such as dressings, sheets or waste). number of mammalian cell lines have been evaluated for The ERA is conducted following a six-step approach: (1) MVA multiplication [5] suggesting that it might be possible hazard identification or identification of GMO characteristics that other cell lines than those tested could support MVA which may cause adverse effects, (2) hazard characterization replication. For instance, results from in vitro experiments or evaluation of the potential consequences of each hazard indicated that rat intestinal epithelial IEC6 cells support effi- identified, (3) exposure assessment or determination of like- cient MVA replication [24]. However, this observation is lihood of occurrence for each hazard identified and charac- counterbalanced by results of in vivo studies in mice and terized, (4) risk characterization which is the combination of rhesus macaques which resulted in abortive infections [19, magnitude of consequences of each hazard and the likeli- 23, 25, 26]. The ability to propagate in some mammalian hood of its occurrence, (5) proposal of risk management cells could potentially have an impact on the potential for strategies aiming at reducing risks identified in the previous dissemination in the environment and hence infection of step, (6) determination of overall risk and conclusions. non-target organisms. This hazard should be carefully con- sidered in risk assessment. General statements should be Several potential hazards can be identified in relation to MVA and MVA-based vectors. Their assessment and possi- avoided in the dossiers, such as those claiming that the at- ble management are summarized in Table 1 and discussed in tenuated vaccinia virus is not able to replicate in mammalian detail in the next sections in light of published literature and cells other than baby hamster kidney fibroblast (BHK-21) information gathered during the assessment of the six clini- cells. Cottingham and Carroll [16] suggest that any novel cal trials notified in Belgium. rMVA should be tested in mice not only to assess the safety of the transgene (see section 2.3) but also from the virologi- cal viewpoint. However, with regard the mitigation or pre- 2.2. Hazards Related to the Molecular and Biological vention of identified risks, it is noted that general manage- Characteristics of the Parental MVA Virus ment measures such as the application of appropriate hand According to its high attenuation profile MVA belongs to hygiene, decontamination and waste practices may be suffi- risk group 1 regrouping biological agents with no or negligi- cient to prevent the risk by avoiding accidental dissemination ble risk and for which level 1 containment is appropriate to into the environment. protect human health and the environment. MVA also shows Such as with all poxviruses, MVA shows high environ- the same safety profile upon administration to immunocom- mental stability with high resistance to drying up to 39 promised non-human primates [23]. However, this classifica- weeks at 6.7% moisture at 4°C and increased temperature tion is only valid if the MVA strain is genetically stable, ho- tolerance compared to other viruses [21, 27]. Nevertheless mogeneous and characterized by (i) a high degree of attenua- there is only a limited environmental impact to be expected tion in mammalian cells; (ii) a host-range restriction (ineffi- during unintended environmental spreading, due to the poor cient propagation in mammalian cells: no viral particles are replicative and propagative characteristics of MVA [5]. produced); and (iii) a cytoplasmic localization (no genome Moreover, vaccinia virus has no natural reservoir [22]. integration) [5]. Other attention points when assessing any modified viral As shown by Suter et al. [14], not all MVA viruses or vector are its potential of reconvertion to wild type, recom- strains show the same phenotypic properties and their safety bination with other viruses and its dispersion within the pa- profile can differ: some strains contain viral populations or tient’s body from the site of administration. These points variants that have an altered genotype compared to the origi- apply also to the recombinant vector and are addressed in nal parental MVA strain and are actually able to replicate in section 2.3. human cell lines. To our knowledge this has never been ob- served in preclinical tests or in clinical trials [15] nor during Environmental Risk Assessment of MVA-Based Vectors Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 415 Table 1. Potential Hazards1 2 Associated with Clinical Trials Involving MVA-Based Vectors. Risk Assessment Considerations and Possible Management Measures3. Risk characterization4 Measures for risk prevention Potential hazard and/or management Potential Consequences Likelihood of occurrence Lack of homogeneity of Presence of variants, which can/may Low, contrary to in vitro findings, it has - Use a significantly homogenous parental MVA strain replicate in various mammal- never been observed in any preclinical or strain like MVA-BN®. ian/human cells [14] clinical trial so far [10,15] - Molecular characterization of the chosen MVA strain - Infection assays to exclude presence of replicating viruses [14] Ability to replicate in Potential to disseminate in the envi- Low: MVA replication is restricted to a - Apply appropriate working and non-human mammalian ronment with potential adverse ef- few cell lines. Uncertainty: only a decontamination practices to avoid cells fects (e.g. virulence, disease, adverse limited number of mammalian cell lines accidental dissemination in the effect of the transgene(s) on the have been evaluated for MVA environment infected organisms) replication [5]. - Test any novel rMVA in mice for its virological activity [16] Biological activity and Potential adverse effects associated High for personnel coming accidentally Appropriate personal protective recombination potential of with the transgene product or due to into contact with the rMVA equipment and decontamination the transgene(s) the recombination event (e.g. altered procedures to avoid infection immune response, inflammatory reaction, autoimmune disease) Presence of undesired se- Unexpected adverse effects associ- Low Molecular characterisation of the quences in the administered ated with the undesired sequences GMO. rMVA GMP: appropriate quality checks performed at every step of the pro- duction process. Lack of genetic stability and Unexpected adverse effects associ- Low Choice of appropriate promoter [17] integrity of the transgene ated with altered virus structure or and insertion site for the transgene altered expression of the transgene [18]. GMP: Perform appropriate stability tests. Recombination between - Return to virulence and spread of Negligible: - When administered to animals, rMVA and naturally occur- the vaccinia disease in animals Although there is uncertainty regarding consider host inclusion / exclusion ring homologs (e.g. or- - Transfer of the transgene into repli- chance of co-localization [19], the risk of criteria based on the hosts susceptibil- thopoxvirus (OPV)) cation competent OPV and potential recombination is unlikely because: ity to harbour homolog viruses. adverse effects of the transgene - MVA has lost 15% of its genome com- - Check biodistribution of MVA in pared to the parental strain, which makes function of site of administration a full recovery highly unlikely [4]. - Personnel involved in handling - in human cells, no known human poxvi- rMVA must comply with protection rus is able to complement MVA to gen- measures to avoid e.g. accidental erate a replication competent virus. parenteral inoculation. - the vector is short-lived (propagation defective vector) Integration vector sequences Insertional mutagenesis and/or inad- Negligible: MVA has a fully cytoplasmic / into the genome of the pa- vertent regulation (activa- cycle of propagation [6] tient tion/silencing) of neighbouring genes which may lead to e.g. oncogenetic effects. Dispersion of the rMVA Adverse effects associated with Negligible: vaccinia virus remain in the Recommend the patients, male and from the site of administra- transmission to germ cells and hence cytoplasm and does not integrate its female, to use effective contraception tion in other tissues of the to offspring genetic material into the host chromo- during the study period and for sev- treated patient some eral months after the last investiga- tional medicinal product (IMP) ad- ministration 416 Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 Goossens et al. (Table 1) contd…. Risk characterization4 Measures for risk prevention Potential hazard and/or management Potential Consequences Likelihood of occurrence Adverse effects for non-target in- Low : Few biodistribution data indicate -Pre-clinical and clinical biodistribu- fected organs limited dissemination from the site of tion studies to qualify the risk. administration in the body of the patient -Appropriate personal protective (in the bloodstream). Of note, a study equipment to avoid infection. from Ramirez et al. [19] reported spread of MVA in all tissues after subcutaneous administration. The rMVA could be transmitted to Uncertain due to limited biodistribution Exclusion of patients or healthy vol- other people by organ or blood dona- data. unteers from blood or organ donation tion resulting in potential adverse during the study and for several effects for organ or blood recipients months after the last IMP administra- especially in case of known possible tion. side effects related to the transgene Dissemination into the - Adverse effects associated to the Moderate to low:- with regards to - Appropriate personal protective environment infection of personnel, people in spreading through a spill, aerolisation, equipment to avoid infection and - shedding of rMVA (e.g. general or animals coming into con- splashes or contaminated material, the decontamination procedures. through patients excreta or tact with the patient or contaminated likelihood of occurrence will depend on - Appropriate waste management of skin pock lesions) surfaces or material the amount of viral particles released. contaminated material -spreading through spill, - not all patients develop skin pock le- - In case of subcutaneous administra- aerosolisation, splashes or sions (often observed in vaccinia virus tion clean injection site by swabbing contaminated material. positive individuals [20]. with ethanol, apply wound dressing - as all poxviruses MVA has a high envi- and instruct patient to discard the ronmental stability. The rMVA could soiled dressing as biohazard waste. survive (in a latent stage) for a long time - If skin pock lesion develop, cover up to 39 weeks at 6.7% moisture at 4°c the lesion with a plaster or bandage [21]. and instruct patient to discard the - MVA has no natural reservoir in the soiled dressing as biohazard waste. environment [22] and is short-lived ( propagation defective vector) Inadvertent contamination Risk of infection with potentially the Case by case depending on the nature of - Appropriate personal protective of laboratory personnel, same risk as for the treated patient the manipulation for example the threat is equipment to avoid infection. care keepers or close rela- high for the personnel handling syringe - Removal of needle in a hands free tives of the patient with with IMP operation. rMVA injected person - Avoid unnecessary manipulation of used medication vials. 1In line with the guidance notes of the European Commission [13] a potential hazard is defined as the characteristics of the rMVA and its use which may cause adverse effects on human health and the environment. 2Direct risks for the patient are not considered 3To scale the magnitude of the likelihood of occurrence or to characterise the risk the terminology proposed in the guidance notes of the European Commission is adopted [13]: “high”, “moderate”, “low”, “negligible” 4Risk characterization: magnitude of consequences x likelihood of occurrence 2.3. Hazards Related to the Recombinant MVA Vector ing the MUC-1 antigen, whereas the IL-2 gene acts as an (rMVA) adjuvant in the immune response. However an IL2 express- ing rMVA can induce a non-specific activation of the im- The risk assessment of a recombinant viral vector should mune system possibly resulting in an inflammatory reaction also take into account any potential risk associated with the or an autoimmune response. In previous trials adverse effects transgene itself. While MVA vectors are generally classified probably due to the expression of IL-2 were observed in in risk group 1 (see above), the presence of transgene(s) en- treated patients. In addition potential autoimmune toxicity coding potentially hazardous gene products (PHGPs), includ- related to cross reactivity with natural MUC1 protein or ing cytokines, toxins or virulence factors could confer a other mucin proteins cannot be excluded. In this case, the higher risk group to the recombinant vector [28]. For in- insertion of genes coding for MUC-1 and IL-2 assigns the stance several clinical trials notified in Belgium involved a recombinant vector to risk class 2. MVA construct carrying genes coding for human mucine 1 antigen (MUC-1) and human interleukin 2 (IL-2). The pres- For one of the Belgian clinical trials, whereby a rMVA ence of the MUC-1 carried by the rMVA is expected to in- harbouring modified E6 and E7 genes of HPV was adminis- duce a specific immune response against cancer cells carry- tered subcutaneously as a therapeutic vaccination in patients Environmental Risk Assessment of MVA-Based Vectors Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 417 suspected to be infected with HPV, the transgenes were as- cells in the same host is very unlikely, the likelihood of re- sessed with more cautiousness with regard to their potential combination increases if epidemiological data confirm the for recombination. The main concern for these rMVA treated occurrence of natural OPV in the area of administration. This patients was the possible recombination between the modi- risk must be evaluated in the context of the intended use of fied E6 and E7 genes of the rMVA, which had been modi- the vaccine and is of particular relevance when rMVA vac- fied to abolish their immortalizing capacities, with the wild- cine is developed for treatment of animals. Reconversion is type E6 and E7 genes of HPV, thereby potentially recovering less a concern in human clinical trials since no known human the oncogenic potential of E6 and E7. poxvirus are present in the human host that could comple- ment MVA into replication competent virus. Hence potential Adverse effects associated with the transgene(s) represent risks associated to clinical trial activities are rather related to not only a risk for the patient. The potential effect for per- the escape of rMVA in the environment. Broadly speaking sonnel manipulating the rMVA and care keepers shall also the risk can be mitigated by implementing appropriate meas- be considered, especially in case of accidental parenteral ures to prevent spill, shedding and spreading of rMVA from inoculation (e.g. needle stick accident) or in case of contami- the treated patient and by assuring proper treatment of waste. nation of broken skin or of mucous membranes of eye, nose or mouth. As previously mentioned, the identified risk can be Finally, as for each recombinant vector used in gene ther- kept low provided that appropriate personal protective apy, the potential integration of the vector’s genome into equipment, proper hand hygiene and/or decontamination patient’s chromosomes is assessed since it may result in in- procedures are implemented to prevent accidental infection. sertional mutagenesis and/or inadvertent regulation of neigh- bouring genes, with for example oncogenetic consequences. As described in section 2.2 it is important to investigate For MVA and recombinant variants this kind of risk is negli- whether the modification of the parental MVA strain alters gible as all poxviruses have a fully cytoplasmic cycle of its virological safety profile. Issues of particular importance propagation [6]. Hence, the possibility of integration of ge- are the homogeneity and genetic stability of the viral prepa- netic material from the virus into the host chromosomes is ration and potential for recombination and reconversion. The very low. One could also mention that no increase of cancer genetic stability and integrity of the transgene is one of the incidence has been observed in large vaccination campaigns major concerns during the manufacturing process as viral [7-9]. vectors intended for clinical investigations must be amplified multiple times to reach the scale needed [18, 29]. These can 2.4. Exposure Pathways Through which the rMVA may be affected by several factors such as the choice of the pro- Interact with Humans (other than Treated Patient) or the moter used in the construction of the recombinant vector Environment [17]. Wyatt et al. also suggested that the insertion of the A critical step in the environmental risk assessment is genes of interest between two essential vaccinia virus genes evaluating pathways of exposure to the rMVA and its trans- may avoid rMVA instability [18]. The genetic stability of the gene products. There are several scenarios whereby person- rMVA should therefore be confirmed by several passages nel, non-patients and/or the environment may be exposed to (number that covers the passage from the Master Seed Virus a rMVA administered to humans enrolled in a clinical trial. to the Production Batch) at a low multiplicity of infection in Shedding, spreading, transmission to offspring, transmission chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells and hybridisation with to organ or blood recipients, accidental parenteral inocula- a DNA probe specific for the inserted gene. To further avoid tion, contact with contaminated material or contact with unexpected adverse effects that could be associated with the spoiled surfaces are all means of potential exposure. presence of unintended sequences in the rMVA, sufficient information should be provided on the genetic construct, 2.4.1. Dispersion to Other Tissues including the promoters (synthetic or not), and on the re- combinant vector. This can be achieved by proper molecular Any kind of parenteral administration can potentially re- characterization of the rMVA. sult in a dispersion of the recombinant vector through the whole body and can present a risk of germline transmission Because MVA is a highly attenuated strain that has lost (with possible transmission to offspring). approximately 15% of the initial vaccinia genome [4], risk of reconversion to wild-type is commonly accepted as negligi- Animal research performed with MVA on mice and ma- ble. This is due to six large deletions but also to a multitude caques suggests that MVA is able to reach target tissues of missing or partly functional gene products [30, 31], which other than the site of administration. MVA is rapidly cleared cannot be rescued by naturally occurring wild-type viruses from the tissues, which is consistent with the replication- since smallpox has been eradicated and the existence of other defective properties of the MVA strain [19, 23, 36]. Only a human poxviruses is unlikely. As the repair of multiple few data about MVA biodistribution in humans are available genes is required to fully restore the ability of MVA to repli- in published literature and shedding studies have been rarely cate efficiently in human cells spontaneous revertants are reported in publications on clinical trials or often have been most unlikely [32, 33]. However, some of the disrupted or limited to the first 2 weeks [37]. From our analysis of both deleted genes could be rescued by recombination upon co- published literature and application dossiers, we recom- infection of a MVA-based vaccine and a naturally occurring mended to perform a mapping of the dissemination of the homologous non-human OPV [34, 35]. Alternatively such recombinant vector in different body fluids of the treated recombination could result in the transfer of the transgene patients during early phases of each rMVA assay/clinical from the rMVA to a replication competent OPV. Although study. These tests need to be robust and have a reasonable the probability of co-localization/co-infection of the same limit of detection, e.g. an adapted and sensitive qPCR assay. 418 Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 Goossens et al. However, PCR assays will not allow the differentiation be- contact with MVA contaminated material are other threats tween intact vector and non-infectious or degraded vector. for the personnel and/or care keepers. In addition, such bio- Therefore, in vitro cell culture assay with shed material on a incidents could result in unintentional dissemination of the permissive cell line would be complementary [38]. Ideally, rMVA in the environment. In those cases the amount of viral these tests should be performed on a case-by-case basis, particles released should be considered as well as the fact however results obtained with tests conducted with another that the virus is poorly replicative, no longer able to generate MVA-based product administered at similar dose levels and infectious particles and non-integrative (see above). via the same route of administration can be considered ac- The ways to prevent or manage risks associated with dis- ceptable. semination into the environment consist in proper hand hy- With regards to the possible dispersion of rMVA into the giene and working practices, strict personal protective germ cells and hence transmission to offspring, it should be equipment, appropriate decontamination and waste proce- noted first that the occurrence of integration of genetic mate- dures. This means that all potentially contaminated material rial from the rMVA into the host chromosome is considered needs to be properly decontaminated and disposed as bio- negligible since MVA replicates only in cytoplasm of per- hazard material. Table 2 gives some concrete examples of missive non-human cells [25]. Moreover, transmission can good working practices which necessitates personnel trained be prevented by asking patients to use effective contracep- and experienced in handling infectious material. tion during the study period and for several months after the last IMP administration. The rMVA could also be transmit- Table 2. Examples of Good Working Practices for Personnel ted to other people by organ or blood donation with adverse Manipulating rMVA Vectors to Prevent or Manage consequences for the recipient depending on the characteris- Risks for People and/or the Environment. tics of the vector and its transgene. The probability of occur- rence increases when the clinical trial includes healthy vol- unteers. For this reason the patient or healthy volunteer (cid:129) The puncture of the flask containing the vector with a needle is should be excluded from blood or organ donation during the potentially a source of aerosolisation. The wearing of goggle and study period and for several months after the last IMP ad- mask is mandatory unless the manipulation is carried out in a class ministration. II Biosafety Cabinet. The use of gloves is an absolute requirement to avoid any skin contamination. 2.4.2. Unintentional Dissemination into the Environment (cid:129) Removal of the syringe should occur by means of hands free op- A possible dispersion of the recombinant vector through eration (i.e. hands do not touch the needle) into a closed container. the whole body of the treated patient after parenteral inocula- (cid:129) Skin contamination by a spill (patients or personnel) can be han- tion should always be carefully considered since it can be a dled by placing an absorbent tissue on the affected area in order to major source of (unintended) shedding of the vector (e.g. absorb all viral particles. The disinfectant1 should then directly be through patient’s excreta such as saliva, blood or semen) applied to the tissue. After removing this tissue the skin should be with possible transmission to people in close contact with the washed thoroughly. patient (cid:129) In case of contamination the eyes should be rinsed over a closed Upon subcutaneous administration some rMVA particles basin. Wash water should be collected for decontamination with remain at the site of injection and are expected to be viable active chlorine bleach before being released into the sewer system. for a limited time since MVA is a propagation-defective vec- tor that will induce cell death of the cells it transduces. There (cid:129) Lab coats, goggles, patient gown and bedding or any other con- is increased risk of spreading when typical vaccinia skin taminated material should be systematically and adequately decon- pock lesions are formed (often observed in vaccinia virus- taminated or discarded and be disposed as biohazard material. positive individuals) [20]. These types of dissemination can When possible disposable material will be preferred. be easily prevented by decontamination (70% EtOH) of the site of administration immediately after injection and cover- 1A list of efficient common active ingredients of disinfectants against vaccinia, their concentration and application time can be found in [27]. ing the administration site with a plaster or bandage. To pre- vent further unintentional spreading it is recommended to CONCLUSION discard the contaminated dressing as biohazard waste. This pathway of dissemination is of less concern when inocula- MVA vectors have a high safety profile. Nevertheless we tion of MVA is done via the intramuscular or intravenous have presented and discussed in this paper several biosafety route [15]. issues which need to be considered carefully when perform- ing clinical trials with rMVA, based on data published in the For personnel manipulating rMVA the primary hazards literature and on the evaluation of six trials notified in Bel- consist in droplet or aerosol exposure of mucous membrane gium. Hazards related to the characteristics of the parental or broken skin, and inadvertent parenteral inoculation (injury MVA virus or to the possible dispersion or dissemination of with needle stick or other sharp objects). Common to the the rMVA should be addressed in an environmental risk as- handling of most viral vectors, the risk of cut and needle sessment. Moreover, potential hazards related to the presence stick injury is the greatest for the personnel handling vials of the transgene warrants an assessment on a case-by-case and or syringes during IMP reconstitutions and administra- basis. However, in most of the cases, the identified risks will tion to the patient. be low or negligible and can be mitigated upstream by apply- Accidental projection of the IMP into the eye or other ing good manufacturing practices (GMP) and downstream by mucous membrane, or unintentional contamination via close applying proper containment and workers protection meas- Environmental Risk Assessment of MVA-Based Vectors Current Gene Therapy, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 6 419 ures with the primary aim of protecting people coming inad- represent complex mixtures of viruses that determine the biological vertently or accidentally in contact with the recombinant properties of each strain. Vaccine 2009; 27(52): 7442-50. [15] Kennedy JS, Greenberg RN. 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EMEA/CHMP/ Virol J 2009; 6: 55. ICH/449035/2009. Received: July 30, 2013 Revised: September 18, 2013 Accepted: September 18, 2013