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index to Volume 7 1 is the Autumn 1997 issue 2 is the Winter 1997 issue 3 is the Spring 1998 issue 4 is the Summer 1998 issue AUTHORS mentalism, No. 3, 17-20 Alonso, John C., and Packard, Steven G. Ob- Castro, David G. Effects of SW-846, Update III, taining Best Value Environmental Sup- on the Regulated Industrial Community, port Services, No. 3, 3-8 No. 4, 45-48 Angalet, Ilonka J., Kordish, Raymond J., and Christman, James N. Biocriteria and Other Launay, Edward M. LaGuardia Airport: Exotic Flavors of Water Quality Criteria, Runway 13/31 Overrun Area Wetland No. 2, 3-16 Mitigation Program at LaGuardia Airport Christman, James N. Global Warming, the and Alley Pond Park, No. 4, 49-60 Seven Percent Solution, and Scientific Barbour, Richard, Smith, Jeffrey M., and Truth, No. 3, 79-91 Moore, Bryon. Negotiations in the Envi- Christman, James N. Straws in the Wind: Will ronmental Arena, No. 1, 3-16 Air Requirements Be Driven by Water Pol- Barron, Thomas. Reducing Metal Discharges lution Concerns?, No. 4, 91-100 to South San Francisco Bay, No. 4, 67-80 Christman, James N. Title VP ermits: Lessons Baryluk, Gregory R. Environmental Self-Audit Learned, No. 2, 71-86 Privileges, No. 3, 9-16 Conetta, Anthony, Bracchitta, Robert, and Baynham, Linda, and Prieto, Leonel. The Im- Sherrer, Peter. Storm Water Management pact of Transportation on Air Pollution in and Control of Aircraft Deicing Runoff at Mexico City, No. 1, 43-50 Westchester County Airport, No. 1, 37-42 Bonés, Carl J., and Mercer, William R. Ap- Drennan, D’Ann Nichols. Farmers and Courts proaches to Abatement Specifications for Plague Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Fire Damaged High-Rises: Two Case Foundation, No. 1, 65-72 Studies, No. 3, 21-28 Dwyer, Scott D., and Galloway, Rory L. New Bracchitta, Robert, Sherrer, Peter, and Washington State Policy for Setting Conetta, Anthony. Storm Water Manage- Cleanup Levels at Petroleum Release ment and Control of Aircraft Deicing Sites, No. 1, 73-76 Runoff at Westchester County Airport, Elliot-Jones, Michael. Social and Demo- No. 1, 37-42 graphic Contributions to Diminution of Bruner, Laura, and Burns, Michael J. The ISO Value: Additions to the Economic Analy- 14000 Series: Business-Friendly Environ- sis of the Impact of Contamination, No. 2, mentalism, No. 3, 17-20 49-54 Bryant, Christopher. The Compliance Assur- Flannery, David M., and Spatafore, Marcus A. ance Monitoring Rule, No. 3, 59-62 The Ozone Conflict of the 1990s, No. 2, Burns, Michael J., and Bruner, Laura. The ISO 17-26 14000 Series: Business-Friendly Environ- Fox, M. Terry. CERCLA’s Fiduciary Protections: CCC 1083-6624/98/0704113-07 © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, inc. ENVIROREGNULAMTIOEN NANDT PEARMILTTI NG / Summer 1998 / 113 How Real Is the Shield?, No. 2, 27-32 Kline, Gary E., and Maher, Thomas F Applica- Galloway, Rory L., and Dwyer, Scott D. New tion of the Brownfields Approach to Washington State Policy for Setting Remediation of a New York State Cleanup Levels at Petroleum Release Superfund Site, No. 1, 25-36 Sites, No. 1, 73-76 Kordish, Raymond J., Launay, Edward M., and Galya, Donald, Mitchell, David, and Gerath, Angalet, Ilonka J. LaGuardia Airport: Mark. Watershed-Based Permitting: Wave Runway 13/31 Overrun Area Wetland of the Future of Water Quality Manage- Mitigation Program at LaGuardia Airport ment, No. 4, 61-66 and Alley Pond Park, No. 4, 49-60 Gerath, Mark, Galya, Donald, and Mitchell, Launay, Edward M., Angalet, Ilonka J., and David. Watershed-Based Permitting: Kordish, Raymond J. LaGuardia Airport: Wave of the Future of Water Quality Man- Runway 13/31 Overrun Area Wetland agement, No. 4, 61-66 Mitigation Program at LaGuardia Airport Gossett, Lisa B. Section 401 Water Quality Certi- and Alley Pond Park, No. 4, 49-60 fication in Federal Permitting, No. 4, 81-90 Loeffelman, Pau! H., Hollback, John E., Tiell, Green, Carol Lynn. EPA Establishes Facility- Jennifer, Martin, Gary, and Reash, Robin Specific Compliance Database on the J. Now You Can Choose: Treat Mercury in Internet; Updates Supplemental Envi- Water at $10 Million Per Pound or Take ronmental Benefits Policy; and Makes Ohio EPA's Statewide Variance with Pollu- Revisions to Its Model Superfund Con- tion Minimization, No. 3, 29-38 sent Decree, No. 4, 109-112 McCann, Richard, and Moss, Steven. The Use Green, Carol Lynn. EPA Policies on Natural of Demographic and Economic Forecasts Attenuation, Enforcement Measures, and in Air Quality Policymaking: Addressing State Audit/ Privilege Laws, No. 3, 69-72 Issues of Uncertainty in California, No. 3, Green, Carol Lynn. New Air Monitoring Rule 45-58 and Federal/ State Regulations, No. 2, 95-97 Maher, Thomas F, and Kline, Gary E. Applica- Green, Carol Lynn. SEC Disclosures, EPA's Pri- tion of the Brownfields Approach to oritized Chemicals List, and TRI Report- Remediation of a New York State ing and Expansion, No. 1, 93-97 Superfund Site, No. 1, 25-36 Gulledge, Bill. Environmental Insurance Con- Martin, Daniel J., and Ricciardi, Albert W. tinues to Adapt to Market Needs: Now Changes in the Section 404 Wetlands Per- There Really Is Coverage, No. 2, 43-48 mitting Program for 1997, No. 1, 77-84 Hall, Jimmy Alan. From the Editor, No. 1, 1-2 Mercer, William R., and Bonés, Carl J. Ap- Hall, Jimmy Alan. From the Editor, No. 2, 1-2 proaches to Abatement Specifications for Hall, Jimmy Alan. From the Editor, No. 3, 1-2 Fire Damaged High-Rises: Two Case Hall, Jimmy Alan. From the Editor, No. 4, 1-4 Studies, No. 3, 21-28 Hirschhorn, Joel S. Not All Stakeholders Are Mitchell, David, Gerath, Mark, and Galya, Equal in Risk Management, No. 2, 55-60 Donald. Watershed-Based Permitting: Hollback, John E., Tiell, Jennifer, Martin, Gary, Wave of the Future of Water Quality Man- Reash, Robin J., and Loeffelman, Paul H. agement, No. 4, 61-66 Now You Can Choose: Treat Mercury in Moore, Bryon, Barbour, Richard, and Smith, Water at $10 Million Per Pound or Take Jeffrey M. Negotiations in the Environ- Ohio EPA's Statewide Variance with Pollu- mental Arena, No. 1, 3-16 tion Minimization, No. 3, 29-38 Moss, Steven, and McCann, Richard. The Use Hopp, Rachel M. The Kyoto Protocol to the of Demographic and Economic Forecasts United Nations Framework Convention in Air Quality Policymaking: Addressing on Climate Change, Part I: The Unfin- Issues of Uncertainty in California, No. 3, ished Agenda, No. 4, 5-26 45-58 114 / Summer 1998 / ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING Index to Volume 7 Neubauer, Lisa S. When the Threat Is Current, Limited to Contribution Actions under a RCRA Claim Alleging Past Disposal Is Section 113, No. 3, 39-44 Timely, No. 1, 17-24 Thompson, Steven E. U.S. Supreme Court to Packard, Steven G., and Alonso, John C. Ob- Decide Fate of EPCRA Citizen Suits, No. 2, taining Best Value Environmental Sup- 61-70 port Services, No. 3, 3-8 Tiell, Jennifer, Martin, Gary, Reash, Robin J., Prieto, Leonel, and Baynham, Linda. The Im- Loeffelman, Paul H., and Hollback, John pact of Transportation on Air Pollution in E. Now You Can Choose: Treat Mercury in Mexico City, No. 1, 43-50 Water at $10 Million Per Pound or Take Reash, Robin J., Loeffelman, Paul H., Ohio EPA's Statewide Variance with Pollu- Holiback, John E., Tiell, Jennifer, and tion Minimization, No. 3, 29-38 Martin, Gary. Now You Can Choose: Treat Turner, John H. Federal Preemption of Local Mercury in Water at $10 Million Per Recycling Programs?, No. 2, 33-42 Pound or Take Ohio EPA's Statewide Vari- Van Dyke, Jill. Environmental Applications of ance with Pollution Minimization, No. 3, Geophysical Methods, No. 4, 33-44 29-38 Vergara, Walter. Hazardous Waste Manage- Ricciardi, Albert W., and Martin, Daniel J. ment in India: Old Problems and New Di- Changes in the Section 404 Wetlands Per- rections, No. 4, 27-32 mitting Program for 1997, No. 1, 77-84 Wardzinski, Karen M. Citizen Suits under the Schotland, Sara D. Formaldehyde: A Case Clean Water Act: When Will a Comparable Study in Regulation, Risk Assessment, State Action Act as a Bar?, No. 1, 85-88 and Industry Response, No. 1, 51-64 Wardzinski, Karen M. Fourth Circuit Deci- Shaman, David, and Wheeler, David. Control- sion Strikes Down Major Components ling Industrial Pollution in the Develop- of Wetlands Programs, Plus, EPA Pro- ing World, No. 3, 63-68 posed Phase II Storm Water Rules, No. Sherrer, Peter, Conetta, Anthony, and 3, 75-78 Bracchitta, Robert. Storm Water Manage- Wardzinski, Karen M. Implementing The En- ment and Control of Aircraft Deicing dangered Species Act in CWA Programs, Runoff at Westchester County Airport, No. 4, 101-104 No. 1, 37-42 Wardzinski, Karen M. Nonpoint Sources: Shipley, Ronald A. EPA Publishes RCRA Waste Picking Up the Pace Control of Non-Point Minimization Priority Tool, No. 2, 91-94 Pollution under the Clean Water Act, No. Shipley, Ronald A. EPA Rethinks Reforming 2, 87-90 the Definition of Solid Waste, No. 1, 89-92 Wheeler, David, and Shaman, David. Control- Shipley, Ronald A. RCRA Reform Is Dead— ling Industrial Pollution in the Develop- Bring on MORE Regulation!, No. 3, 73-74 ing World, No. 3, 63-68 Shipley, Ronald A. RCRA Remediation Is- sues Once Again Take Center Stage, No. AIR POLLUTION 4, 105-108 The Impact of Transportation on Air Pollu- Smith, Jeffrey M., Moore, Bryon, and Barbour, tion in Mexico City, Linda Baynham and Richard. Negotiations in the Environ- Leonel Prieto, No. 1, 43-50 mental Arena, No. 1, 3-16 Spatafore, Marcus A., and Flannery, David M. AIR QUALITY The Ozone Conflict of the 1990s, No. 2, The Use of Demographic and Economic Fore- 17-26 casts in Air Quality Policymaking: Ad- Spickler, Lisa S. The Continuing Debate over dressing Issues of Uncertainty in Califor- Whether PRPs May File Suit under nia, Steven Moss and Richard McCann, CERCLA Section 107 or Whether They Are No. 3, 45-58 index to Volume 7 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING / Summer 1998 / 115 AIR WATCH Storm Water Management and Control of Air- Global Warming, the Seven Percent Solution, craft Deicing Runoff at Westchester and Scientific Truth, James N. Christman, County Airport, Anthony Conetta, Robert No. 3, 79-91 Bracchitta, and Peter Sherrer, No. 1, 37-42 Straws in the Wind: Will Air Requirements Be Driven by Water Pollution Concerns?, CERCLA James N. Christman, No. 4, 91-100 CERCLA’s Fiduciary Protections: How Real Is Title V Permits: Lessons Learned, James N. the Shield?, M. Terry Fox, No. 2, 27-32 Christman, No. 2, 71-86 The Continuing Debate over Whether PRPs May File Suit under CERCLA Section 107 BIOCRITERIA or Whether They Are Limited to Contri- Biocriteria and Other Exotic Flavors of Water bution Actions under Section 113, Lisa S. Quality Criteria, James N. Christman, No. Spickler, No. 3, 39-44 2, 3-16 CITIZEN SUITS BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION PROGRAM U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Fate of EPCRA Farmers and Courts Plague Texas Boll Weevil Citizen Suits, Steven E. Thompson, No. 2, Eradication Foundation, D’Ann Nichols 61-70 Drennan, No. 1, 65-72 When the Threat Is Current, a RCRA Claim Al- leging Past Disposal Is Timely, Lisa S. BROWNFIELDS Neubauer, No. 1, 17-24 Application of the Brownfields Approach to Remediation of a New York State Superfund COMPLIANCE Site, Thomas F Maher and Gary E. Kline, The Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rule, No. 1, 25-36 Christopher Bryant, No. 3, 59-62 CASE STUDIES DEVELOPING WORLD Application of the Brownfields Approach to Controlling Industrial Pollution in the Devel- Remediation of a New York State oping World, David Shaman and David Superfund Site, Thomas F. Maher and Wheeler, No. 3, 63-68 Gary E. Kline, No. 1, 25-36 Approaches to Abatement Specifications for DIMINUTION OF VALUE Fire Damaged High-Rises: Two Case Social and Demographic Contributions to Studies, Carl J. Bonés and William R. Mer- Diminution of Value: Additions to the Eco- cer, No. 3, 21-28 nomic Analysis of the Impact of Contami- Farmers and Courts Plague Texas Boll Weevil nation, Michael Elliot-Jones, No. 2, 49-54 Eradication Foundation, D’Ann Nichols Drennan, No. 1, 65-72 EPCRA The Impact of Transportation on Air Pollu- U.S. Supreme Court to Decide Fate of EPCRA tion in Mexico City, Linda Baynham and Citizen Suits, Steven E. Thompson, No. 2, Leonel Prieto, No. 1, 43-50 61-70 LaGuardia Airport: Runway 13/31 Overrun Area Wetland Mitigation Program at FEDERAL PREEMPTION LaGuardia Airport and Alley Pond Park, Federal Preemption of Local Recycling Pro- llonka J. Angalet, Raymond J. Kordish, grams?, John H. Turner, No. 2, 33-42 and Edward M. Launay, No. 4, 49-60 Reducing Metal Discharges to South San Fran- FIRE DAMAGE cisco Bay, Thomas Barron, No. 4, 67-80 Approaches to Abatement Specifications for 116 / Summer 1998 / ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING Fire Damaged High-Rises: Two Case METAL DISCHARGES Studies, Carl J. Bonés and William R. Reducing Metal Discharges to South San Fran- Mercer, No. 3, 21-28 cisco Bay, Thomas Barron, No. 4, 67-80 FORMALDEHYDE MONITORING Formaldehyde: A Case Study in Regulation, The Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rule, Risk Assessment, and Industry Response, Christopher Bryant, No. 3, 59-62 Sara D. Schotland, No. 1, 51-64 NEGOTIATION GEOPHYSICAL METHODS Negotiations in the Environmental Arena, Environmental Applications of Geophysical Richard Barbour, Jeffrey M. Smith, and Methods, Jill Van Dyke, No. 4, 33-44 Bryon Moore, No. 1, 3-16 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS OZONE The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations The Ozone Conflict of the 1990s, David M. Framework Convention on Climate Flannery and Marcus A. Spatafore, No. 2, Change, Part I: The Unfinished Agenda, 17-26 Rachel M. Hopp, No. 4, 5-26 PETROLEUM RELEASE SITES HAZARDOUS WASTE New Washington State Policy for Setting Hazardous Waste Management in India: Old Cleanup Levels at Petroleum Release Problems and New Directions, Walter Sites, Scott D. Dwyer and Rory L. Vergara, No. 4, 27-32 Galloway, No. 1, 73-76 INSURANCE POTENTIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (PRP) Environmental Insurance Continues to Adapt The Continuing Debate over Whether PRPs to Market Needs: Now There Really Is May File Suit under CERCLA Section 107 Coverage, Bill Gulledge, No. 2, 43-48 or Whether They Are Limited to Contri- bution Actions under Section 113, Lisa S. ISO 14000 Spickler, No. 3, 39-44 The ISO 14000 Series: Business-Friendly En- vironmentalism, Laura Bruner and PROPERTY VALUES Michael J. Burns, No. 3, 17-20 Social and Demographic Contributions to Diminution of Value: Additions to the KYOTO PROTOCOL Economic Analysis of the Impact of Con- The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations tamination, Michael Elliot-Jones, No. 2, Framework Convention on Climate 49-54 Change, Part I: The Unfinished Agenda, Rachel M. Hopp, No. 4, 5-26 RCRA When the Threat Is Current, a RCRA Claim Al- MERCURY leging Past Disposal Is Timely, Lisa S. Now You Can Choose: Treat Mercury in Wa- Neubauer, No. 1, 17-24 ter at $10 Million Per Pound or Take Ohio EPA's Statewide Variance with Pol- RCRA WATCH lution Minimization, Robin J. Reash, EPA Publishes RCRA Waste Minimization Pri- Paul H. Loeffelman, John E. Hollback, ority Tool, Ronald A. Shipley, No. 2, 91-94 Jennifer Tiell, and Gary Martin, No. 3, EPA Rethinks Reforming the Definition of Solid 29-38 Waste, Ronald A. Shipley, No. 1, 89-92 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING / Summer 1998 / 117 RCRA Reform Is Dead—Bring on MORE Regu- Services, John C. Alonso and Steven G. lation!, Ronald A. Shipley, No. 3, 73-74 Packard, No. 3, 3-8 RCRA Remediation Issues Once Again Take Center Stage, Ronald A. Shipley, No. 4, SW-846 105-108 Effects of SW-846, Update III, on the Regu- lated Industrial Community, David G. RECYCLING Castro, No. 4, 45-48 Federal Preemption of Local Recycling Pro- grams?, John H. Turner, No. 2, 33-42 WASHINGTON WATCH EPA Establishes Facility-Specific Compliance RISK ASSESSMENT Database on the Internet; Updates Formaldehyde: A Case Study in Regulation, Supplemental Environmental Benefits Risk Assessment, and Industry Response, Policy; and Makes Revisions to Its Model Sara D. Schotland, No. 1, 51-64 Superfund Consent Decree, Carol Lynn Green, No. 4, 109-112 RISK MANAGEMENT EPA Policies on Natural Attenuation, Enforce- Not All Stakeholders Are Equal in Risk Man- ment Measures, and State Audit/ Privilege agement, Joel S. Hirschhorn, No. 2, 55-60 Laws, Carol Lynn Green, No. 3, 69-72 Implementing the Endangered Species Act in SELF-AUDIT CWA Programs, Karen M. Wardzinski, No. Environmental Self-Audit Privileges, Gregory 4, 101-104 R. Baryluk, No. 3, 9-16 New Air Monitoring Rule and Federal/State Regulations, Carol Lynn Green, No. 2, 95-97 SOIL CLEANUP LEVELS SEC Disclosures, EPA's Prioritized Chemicals New Washington State Policy for Setting List, and TRI Reporting and Expansion, Cleanup Levels at Petroleum Release Carol Lynn Green, No. 1, 93-97 Sites, Scott D. Dwyer and Rory L. Gallo- way, No. 1, 73-76 WATER QUALITY Biocriteria and Other Exotic Flavors of Water SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Quality Criteria, James N. Christman, No. Effects of SW-846, Update III, on the Regu- 2, 3-16 lated Industrial Community, David G. Section 401 Water Quality Certification in Castro, No. 4, 45-48 Federal Permitting, Lisa B. Gossett, No. 4, 81-90 STORM WATER Storm Water Management and Control of Air- WATER WATCH craft Deicing Runoff at Westchester Citizen Suits under the Clean Water Act: When County Airport, Anthony Conetta, Robert Will a Comparable State Action Act as a Bracchitta, and Peter Sherrer, No. 1, 37-42 Bar?, Karen M. Wardzinski, No. 1, 85-88 Fourth Circuit Decision Strikes Down Major SUPERFUND Components of Wetlands Programs, Application of the Brownfields Approach to Plus, EPA Proposed Phase II Storm Wa- Remediation of a New York State Superfund ter Rules, Karen M. Wardzinski, No. 3, Site, Thomas F Maher and Gary E. Kline, 75-78 No. 1, 25-36 Nonpoint Sources: Picking Up the Pace Con- trol of Non-Point Pollution under the SUPPORT SERVICES Clean Water Act, Karen M. Wardzinski, Obtaining Best Value Environmental Support No. 2, 87-90 118 / Summer 1998 / ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING index to Volume 7 WATERSHED-BASED PERMITTING ting Program for 1997, AlbertW . Ricciardi Watershed-Based Permitting: Wave of the Fu- and Daniel J. Martin, No. 1, 77-84 ture of Water Quality Management, LaGuardia Airport: Runway 13/31 Over- Donald Galya, David Mitchell, and Mark run Area Wetland Mitigation Program Gerath, No. 4, 61-66 at LaGuardia Airport and Alley Pond Park, Ilonka J. Angalet, Raymond J. WETLANDS Kordish, and Edward M. Launay, No. Changes in the Section 404 Wetlands Permit- 4, 49-60 Index to Volume 7 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND PERMITTING / Summer 1998 / 119

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