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ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Committee on Environmental Policy ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE REVIEWS ARMENIA UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2000 Environmental Performance Reviews Series No. 10 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city of area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.01-II-E.7 ISBN 92-1-116775-2 ISSN 1020-4563 iii Preface The decisions on the structure of the Environmental Performance Review of Armenia were taken during the preparatory mission in Yerevan in March 1999. Subsequently, the review team for the project was constituted and included national experts from Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Slovakia and the Russian Federation, together with the ECE secretariat, experts from UNEP and from the Rome Division of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health. The costs of the participation of experts from countries in transition, as well as the travel expenses of the ECE secretariat, were covered by extrabudgetary funds that had been made available from Italy. Finland supported the Armenian Ministry of Nature Protection for expenditures required during the presence of the Review Team in Armenia. The contributions were essential to the implementation of the project. This team’s review mission to Armenia took place in September 1999. A first draft of the EPR report was finalized for discussion at an Assessment Meeting in Armenia at the end of March 2000. The organization of this mission benefitted from the very active support of the UNDP Office in Armenia. During the Assessment Meeting, members of the EPR Expert Group of UNECE, members of the Armenian EPR project team, and a large number of local environmental managers discussed ways of developing environmental management in the country. The discussions also helped to redress a number of insufficiencies in the first draft, and a second draft was prepared after the meeting. This revised report was submitted to the ECE Committee on Environmental Policy at its annual session in Geneva on 27 September 2000. A delegation from Armenia, led by the Minister of Nature Protection, attended the evaluation of the report by the Committee, based on the preparation by two reviewing countries, the United Kingdom and Uzbekistan. At the end of its evaluation, the Committee approved the recommendations as they are set out in this report. The review of Armenia’s environmental performance revealed its strong dependence on a number of political and economic circumstances, which are hoped to become more favourable in the near future. While these conditions sometimes limit the effectiveness of environmental management, they do not reduce its importance in the interest of future sustainable development of the Armenian economy and the country as a whole. It is therefore hoped that environmental management will be strengthened to prepare for this development. The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy and the ECE review team wish the Armenian Government success in their important future tasks, including the implementation of the recommendations contained in the present report iv LIST OF TEAM MEMBERS Mr. Andreas KAHNERT (ECE secretariat) Team Leader Ms. Catherine MASSON (ECE secretariat) Project Coordinator Ms. Vanya GRIGOROVA (BULGARIA) Chapter 1 Mr. Antoine NUNES (ECE secretariat) Chapter 2 Ms. Nadia CHRISTINET (ECE secretariat) Chapter 3 Ms. Sabine HOEFNAGEL (UNEP) Chapter 4 Ms. Stella SATALIC (CROATIA) Chapter 5 Mr. Nikita GLAZOVSKY (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) Chapter 6 Mr. Ivan NARKEVITCH (ECE secretariat) Chapter 7 Ms. Catherine MASSON (ECE secretariat) Chapter 8 Ms. Katarina MAGULOVA (SLOVAKIA) Chapter 9 Ms. Karin REQUIA (ECE secretariat) Chapter 10 Ms. Elisabeth CLÉMENT-ARNOLD (ECE secretariat) Chapter 11 Mr. Niels Juhl THOMSEN (DENMARK) Chapter 12 Mr. Carlos DORA (WHO/ECEH) Chapter 13 Ms. Francesca RACIOPPI (WHO/ECEH) Chapter 13 The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In particular, the boundaries shown on the maps do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. The preparatory mission for the project took place on 29-30 March 1999. The review mission was organized from 9 to 18 September 1999. An assessment mission to discuss a previous draft with Armenian environmental managers took place in Yerevan on 27-29 March 2000. The Peer Review was held in Geneva on 27 September 2000. The UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy adopted the recommendations set out in this publication. Information cut-off date: 28 September 2000. v TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: THE FRAMEWORK FOR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND MANAGEMENT Chapter 1 Legal instruments and institutional arrangements for environmental protection.............................................................................................3 - 14 1.1 Environmental legislation and enforcement................................................................3 1.2 Priorities of environmental policy...............................................................................6 1.3 Institutional arrangements for environmental protection............................................6 1.4 Environmental monitoring, information and education..............................................7 1.5 Public awareness and participation in environmental decision-making..........................................................................................................9 1.6 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................10 Chapter 2 Economic instruments, regulatory instruments and their enforcement..........................................................................................................15 - 24 2.1 Economic instruments...............................................................................................15 2.2 Regulatory instruments and enforcement..................................................................18 2.3 Environmental expenditures and revenues................................................................21 2.4 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................23 Chapter 3 Spatial planning............................................................................................................25 - 34 3.1 The framework for territorial development...............................................................25 3.2 Spatial planning priorities, instruments and institutions...........................................29 3.3 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................33 Chapter 4 International cooperation.............................................................................................35 - 48 4.1 General objectives for international cooperation......................................................35 4.2 Cooperation in the framework of UNECE and other regional cooperation..............36 4.3 Global cooperation....................................................................................................37 4.4 Technical cooperation and international funding......................................................40 4.5 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................45 PART II: MANAGEMENT OF POLLUTION AND OF NATURAL RESOURCES Chapter 5 Forest, biodiversity and nature management.............................................................51 - 64 5.1 Present state of nature...............................................................................................51 5.2 Pressures on nature...................................................................................................56 5.3 Nature conservation policy and management...........................................................60 5.4 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................62 Chapter 6 Land management and soil protection........................................................................65 - 78 6.1 Land resources and use.............................................................................................65 6.2 Degradation, state and quality of land resources......................................................67 6.3 Policy and management of land resources and soil protection.................................72 6.4 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................75 Chapter 7 Hazardous chemicals and waste management...........................................................79 - 90 7.1 Structure and recent development of industry..........................................................79 7.2 Waste risks and generation by type...........................................................................80 7.3 Collection, sorting, recycling, treatment and disposal..............................................83 7.4 Waste policy and management.................................................................................85 7.5 Conclusions and recommendations...........................................................................88 vi Chapter 8 Management of water resources and quality............................................................91 - 108 8.1 The state of waters....................................................................................................91 8.2 Water use and pollution pressure..............................................................................95 8.3 Policy and institutions for managing water.............................................................100 8.4 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................106 Chapter 9 Air management........................................................................................................109 - 124 9.1 State and determinants of air pollution...................................................................109 9.2 Policy objectives and management practices..........................................................115 9.3 Policy objectives and management practices in the transport sector......................119 9.4 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................121 Chapter 10 Management of mineral resources..........................................................................125 - 136 10.1 Mineral resources: potential and use......................................................................125 10.2 Environmental concerns in mining and mineral processing...................................128 10.3 Instruments for the management of mineral resources...........................................131 10.4 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................134 PART III: ECONOMIC AND SECTORAL INTEGRATION Chapter 11 Environmental concerns in agriculture..................................................................139 - 158 11.1 The situation of agriculture.....................................................................................139 11.2 Major environmental issues in agriculture..............................................................144 11.3 Policy priorities and management...........................................................................148 11.4 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................153 Chapter 12 Environmental concerns in energy..........................................................................159 - 172 12.1 Energy resources and technical infrastructure........................................................159 12.2 The national energy economy and environmental issues........................................161 12.3 The situation in the energy sector...........................................................................166 12.4 Management of the energy sector...........................................................................168 12.5 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................170 Chapter 13 Human health and the environment........................................................................173 - 192 13.1 Overall health status and environmental conditions...............................................173 13.2 Environmental conditions associated with health risks..........................................176 13.3 Environmental health policy and management.......................................................181 13.4 Conclusions and recommendations.........................................................................187 ANNEXES Annex I Selected economic and environmental data.........................................................................195 Annex II Selected bilateral and multilateral agreements.....................................................................197 SOURCES.....................................................................................................................................................201 vii LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1: Legal instruments and institutional arrangements for environmental protection Figure 1.1 Map of Armenia (administrative units and main cities) Chapter 3: Spatial planning Figure 3.1 Built-up areas Chapter 5: Forest, biodiversity and nature management Figure 5.1 Annual regular cuttings Figure 5.2 Forest fires Chapter 7: Hazardous chemicals and waste management Figure 7.1 Municipal waste generation in selected countries, mid-1990s Chapter 8: Management of water resources and quality Figure 8.1 Hydrographic network of Armenia Figure 8.2 Waste-water discharge, 1998 Chapter 9: Air management Figure 9.1 Air emission, 1996 Figure 9.2 Emissions by sector, 1987 Figure 9.3 Emissions by sector, 1998 Chapter 10: Management of mineral resources Figure 10.1 Location of principal mineral deposits Figure 10.2 Extracted reserves of raw materials for construction Figure 10.3 Mineral prospecting activities by category and type of resource Chapter 11: Environmental concerns in agriculture Figure 11.1 Rough mapping of the agricultural regions and environmental threats Chapter 12: Environmental concerns in energy Figure 12.1 Hydro power production and change in water level of Lake Sevan Figure 12.2 Supply of district heat, 1989-1997 Figure 12.3 Natural gas supply 1989-1998 and days of maximum available supply Figure 12.4 Consumption of petroleum products, 1991-1998 Chapter 13: Human health and the environment Figure 13.1 Mortality rates in a few newly independent States, 1985-1997 viii LIST OF TABLES Chapter 2: Economic instruments, regulatory instruments and their enforcement Table 2.1 Water use charges Table 2.2 Inflation and exchange rates, 1994-1999 Table 2.3 Quantities of pollutants and corresponding charges, estimated for 1997 and 1998 Table 2.4 Environmental revenues, 1995-1999 Table 2.5 Environmental and nature use charges Table 2.6 Environmental fines and compensation, 1994-1998 Table 2.7 State environmental expenditure, 1995-1999 Table 2.8 Expenditures for waste removal, treatment and disposal, 1997-1998 Table 2.9 Environmental expenditures by enterprises, 1997-1998 Chapter 3: Spatial planning Table 3.1 Dwelling stock, 1990-1998 Table 3.2 Dwellings in urban areas by type of equipment, 1990-1998 Table 3.3 Dwellings in urban areas by number of rooms, 1996 Table 3.4 Responsibility for land administration by cadastral category, 1998 Chapter 4: International cooperation Table 4.1 Ministerial programmes financed by external donors Chapter 5: Forest, biodiversity and nature management Table 5.1 Plant diversity in Armenia Table 5.2 Fauna of Armenia Table 5.3 Number of rare and endangered plant species by region Table 5.4 Number of threatened animal species found in Armenia Table 5.5 Protected areas in Armenia Table 5.6 State reservation and State reserves in Armenia Table 5.7 State forest resources Table 5.8 Forest plantations Table 5.9 Hunted species and number of hunting licences Chapter 6: Land management and soil protection Table 6.1 Structure of land resources, 1999 Table 6.2 Types of soils, their characteristics and planned use Table 6.3 Irrigation, 1995 Table 6.4 Extent of soil erosion within the natural soil zones, 1998 Table 6.5 Extent of soil erosion by type of soil Table 6.6 Fertilizer use, 1985-1994 Table 6.7 Change in crop areas and yield before and after independence Table 6.8 Cadastral value of land classes in the Ashtarak area Chapter 7: Hazardous chemicals and waste management Table 7.1 Classification of wastes Table 7.2 Generation of industrial wastes, treatment, use and disposal, 1997 and 1998 Table 7.3 Solid waste components in Hrazdan and Yerevan Table 7.4 Pesticide use, 1988-1994 Table 7.5 Dumping sites served by the State Enterprise of the Ministry of Urban Development Table 7.6 Waste average composition, 1999 Chapter 8: Management of water resources and quality Table 8.1 Underground water resources in Armenia Table 8.2 Main rivers in Armenia Table 8.3 Water abstraction and use in Armenia, 1985-1998 Table 8.4 Trends in estimated water supplies, 1980-1997 ix Table 8.5 Sewerage network characteristics Table 8.6 NEAP identification of main issues and problems regarding water management in Armenia Table 8.7 Prices for drinking water, 1998 Chapter 9: Air management Table 9.1 Trends in anthropogenic emissions of selected pollutants, 1987-1998 Table 9.2 Annual total emissions by sector, 1987 and 1998 Table 9.3 Spatial distribution of emissions, 1996 Table 9.4 Ambient air quality in selected towns, 1987-1996 Comparison of selected Armenian air quality standards with recommended WHO guiding Table 9.5 values and present and future EU standards Table 9.6 Transport infrastructure, 1998 Table 9.7 Fuel consumption in the transport sector, 1985-1998 Chapter 10: Management of mineral resources Table 10.1 Heavy metal concentration in areas adjacent to the Kapan copper deposit and its tailings Table 10.2 Volumes of extracted minerals and related charges, 1997-1998 Chapter 11: Environmental concerns in agriculture Table 11.1 Farm structures and livestock Table 11.2 Actual environmental threats and measures in agriculture (by region) Table 11.3 Potential environmental threats and measures in agriculture (by region) Chapter 12: Environmental concerns in energy Table 12.1 Summary of energy balances, 1991-1998 Table 12.2 Final energy consumption, 1991-1998 Table 12.3 Planned supply development Table 12.4 Forecast of energy supply, 2000-2010 Table 12.5 Forecast of energy demand, 2000-2010 Table 12.6 Forecast of fuel demand, 2000-2010 Table 12.7 Forecast of electricity generation, 2000-2010 Table 12.8 Emissions of CO , CH and N O from the use of natural gas and coal, 1990-2010 2 4 2 Table 12.9 CO emissions from energy use, 1991-1998 2 Table 12.10 Power plants Chapter 13: Human health and the environment Table 13.1 Standardized mortality rates for the most important causes of death, 1997 Table 13.2 Intestinal and diarrhoeal diseases, 1997-1998 Table 13.3 Comparison between Armenian and WHO Water Quality Guidelines for selected pollutants x LIST OF BOXES Chapter 1: Legal instruments and institutional arrangements for environmental protection Box 1.1 Basic environmental laws in Armenia Chapter 7: Hazardous chemicals and waste management Box 7.1 Processing of tailings at Ararat Gold Recovery Company Chapter 8: Management of water resources and quality Box 8.1 Lake Sevan Box 8.2 Vanadzor water supply facility Box 8.3 Management policy for Lake Sevan Box 8.4 The Vorotan tunnel and Yehvards reservoir projects and Lake Sevan Chapter 10: Management of mineral resources Box 10.1 Construction material exploitation Box 10.2 The Alaverdi metallurgical plant Box 10.3 Projects relevant to the management of mineral resources Chapter 11: Environmental concerns in agriculture Box 11.1 Small and large farms in the irrigated plain Box 11.2 New farming structures on a former kolkhoz in the northern hills Box 11.3 The grazing problem in Armenia Box 11.4 Integrated agro-business: a model for the future?

Change in crop areas and yield before and after independence. Table 6.8. Cadastral Underground water resources in Armenia. Table 8.2. Main rivers in to Armenia mainly the production of fruit (apricots, peaches, quinces,.
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