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ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT An International Journal devoted to progress in the use of monitoring data in assessing environmental risks to Man and the environment VOLUME 114-2006 g) Springer MANAGING EDITOR: G. Bruce Wiersma College of Natural Resources, Forestry and Agriculture, Room 105, 5782 Winslow Hall, Orono, Maine 04469-5782, U.S.A. EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Robert Breckenridge, /daho Falls, U.S.A. Frederick W. Kutz, Columbia, U.S.A. Giorgio Brunialti, Genova, Italy Yu-Pin Lin, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China Dale Bruns, Wilkes-Barre, U.S.A, Deborah Mangis, Research Triangle Park, U.S.A. Joanna Burger, Piscataway, U.S.A. Michael E. McDonald, Research Triangle Park, Agneta Burton, London, U.K U.S.A. Janet M. Carey, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Jay Messer, Research Triangle Park, U.S.A, Charissa J. Chou, Richland, U.S.A. Steve Mizell, Las Vegas, U.S.A Cliff Davidson, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Jaroslav Mohapl, Waterloo, Canada Sidney Draggan, Washington, DC, U.S.A. V. Nayyar, Ludhiana Punjab, India Peter Duinker, Halifax, Canada Stephen A. Norton, Orono, U.S.A. Yusef J. Elmehrik, Tripoli, Libya Karen R. Obenshain, Washington, DC, U.S.A, Alexander E, Farrell, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. Raymond O’Connor, Orono, U.S.A. Ivan Fernandez, Orono, U.S.A. Rajendri Pachauri, New Dehli, India Richard A. Fleming, Sault Ste. Marie, Canada Miriam Rodon-Naviera, Research Triangle Park, Man Bock Gu, Gwangju, Korea U.S.A. S.K. Gupta, Bombay, India Estelle Russek-Cohen, College Park, U.S.A. David M. Hamby, Corvallis, U.S.A. Serguei Semenov, Moscow, Russia Paul F. Hudak, Denton, U.S.A. Vinod K. Sharma, Bombay, India Rudolf B. Husar, St. Louis, U.S.A. K.T. Valsaraj, Baton Rouge, U.S.A. Hilary I. Inyang, Charlotte, U.S.A. Gregory J. White, [Idaho Falls, U.S.A. K. Bruce Jones, Las Vegas, U.S.A. David Wilson, Nashville, U.S.A. Ray Kepner, Poughkeepsie, U.S.A. H.Th. Wolterbeek, Delft, The Netherlands Robert Kinnison, Las Vegas, U.S.A. Séren Wulff, Umed, Sweden Albert Kohler, Worms, Germany ISSN 0167-6369 All Rights Reserved © 2006 Springer No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner Printed in the Netherlands ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT Volume 114 Nos. 1-3 March 2006 LUIZ VITAL F. CRUZ DA CUNHA and ULYSSES P. DE ALBUQUERQUE / Quantitative Ethnobotany in an Atlantic Forest Fragment of Northeastern Brazil — Implications to Conservation CASMIR AKAOLISA / Aquifer Transmissivity and Basement Structure Determination Using Resistivity Sounding at Jos Plateau State Nigeria KAREN LOUISE ABIS and DUNCAN MARA / Temperature Measurement and Stratification in Facultative Waste Stabilisation Ponds in the UK Climate ZRINKA DRAGUN, BISERKA RASPOR, MARIJANA ERK, DUSICA IVANKOVIC and JASENKA PAVICIC/ The Influence of the Biometric Parameters on Metallothionein and Metal Level in the Heat-Treated Cytosol of the Whole Soft Tissue of Transplanted Mussels SHAOKUI GE, RAYMOND CARRUTHERS, PENG GONG and ANGELICA HERRERA / Texture Analysis for Mapping Tamarix parviflora Using Aerial Photographs Along the Cache Creek, California DANA F. MORAWITZ, TINA M. BLEWETT, ALEX COHEN and MARINA ALBERTI / Using NDVI to Assess Vegetative Land Cover Change in Central Puget Sound 85-106 QUANFA ZHANG, CHRISTOPHER O. JUSTICE, MINGXI JIANG, JAKE BRUNNER and DAVID S. WILKIE / A GIS-Based Assessment on the Vulnerability and Future Extent of the Tropical Forests of the Congo Basin 107-121 ESMAEIL KHAZAEI, J. D. STEDNICK, W. E. SANFORD and J. W. WARNER/ Hydrochemical Changes Over Time in the Zahedan Aquifer, Iran 123-143 HAKAN DOYGUN and HAKAN ALPHAN / Monitoring Urbanization of Iskenderun, Turkey, and its Negative Implications 145-155 S. KILIC, F EVRENDILEK, S. BERBEROGLU and A. C. DEMIRKESEN / Environmental Monitoring of Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes in a Mediterranean Region of Turkey 157-168 P. MADEJON, J. M. MURILLO, T. MARANON and F. CABRERA / Bioac- cumulation of Trace Elements in a Wild Grass Three Years after the Aznalcéllar Mine Spill (South Spain) 169-189 S. G. SHARMA and B. D. PRASAD / Airborne Dust Particle Counting Techniques 191-198 INDRANI GUPTA, SHIVANI DHAGE, NOBLE JACOB, S.V. NAVADA and RAKESH KUMAR / Calibration and Validation of Far Field Dilution Models for Outfall at Worli, Mumbai 199-209 D. C. PANIGRAHI, J. K. PANDEY and G. UDAYBHANU / Pattern of Hexa- Valent Chromium in Air Borne Respirable Dust Generated at Various Workplaces in Opencast Chromite Mines 211-223 J. BELLO-PINEDA, R. PONCE-HERNANDEZ and M. A. LICEAGA- CORREA / Incorporating GIS and MCE for Suitability Assessment Modelling of Coral Reef Resources 225-256 ADAM G. YATES and ROBERT C. BAILEY / The Stream and its Altered Valley: Integrating Landscape Ecology Into Environmental Assessments of Agro-Ecosystems 257-271 UGUR SUNLU /T race Metal Levels in Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis L. 1758) from Turkish Aegean Sea Coast 273-286 JEFFREY T. F. ASHLEY, KAREN BUSHAW-NEWTON, MATT WILHELM, ADAM BOETTNER, GREGG DRAMES and DAVID J. VELINSKY/ The Effects of Small Dam Removal on the Distribution of Sedimentary Contaminants 287-312 ANDREAS BOLLHOFER, JOHN STORM, PAUL MARTIN and STEPHEN TIMS / Geographic Variability in Radon Exhalation at a Rehabilitated Uranium Mine in the Northern Territory, Australia 313-330 BIRGIT M. BRAUNE and BRIAN J. MALONE/ Organochlorines and Mercury in Waterfowl Harvested in Canada 331-359 STEFANO LOPPI and LUISA FRATI / Lichen Diversity and Lichen Transplants as Monitors of Air Pollution in a Rural Area of Central Italy 361-375 SUSANA TRIPOLE, PATRICIA GONZALEZ, ADRIANA VALLANIA, MARCELA GARBAGNATI and MIGUEL MALLEA / Evaluation of the Impact of Acid Mine Drainage on the Chemistry and the Macrobenthos in the Carolina Stream (San Luis — Argentina) 377-389 FEZA KARAER and ASLIHAN KUCUKBALLI/ Monitoring of Water Quality and Assessment of Organic Pollution Load in the Niliifer Stream, Turkey 391-417 I. SCHIFTER, L. DIAZ and E. LOPEZ-SALINAS / Assessment of New Vehicles Emissions Certification Standards in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico City 419-432 SYLVIE SEURINCK, ELLEN DESCHEPPER, BISHAW DEBOCH, WILLY VERSTRAETE and STEVEN SICILIANO / Characterization of Escherichia coli Isolates from Different Fecal Sources by Means of Classification Tree Analysis of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (Fame) Profiles 433-445 Z. BATJARGAL, JUGDER DULAM and Y. S. CHUNG / Dust Storms are an Indication of an Unhealthy Environment in East Asia 447-460 WINFRIED SCHRODER, ROLAND PESCH and GUNTHER SCHMIDT / Identifying and Closing Gaps in Environmental Monitoring by Means of Metadata, Ecological Regionalization and Geostatistics Using the Unesco Biosphere Reserve Rhoen (Germany) as an Example 461-488 RACHNA AGARWAL, GIRIJA JAYARAMAN, SNEH ANAND and P. MARIMUTHU / Assessing Respiratory Morbidity through Pollution Status and Meteorological Conditions for Delhi 489-504 MUNIR H. SHAH, N. SHAHEEN, A. KHALIQUE, A. A. A. ALRABTI and M. JAFFAR / Comparative Metal Distribution in Hair of Pakistani and Libyan Population and Source Identification by Multivariate Analysis 505-519 JON OLAV SK@IEN and GUNTER BLOSCHL / Sampling Scale Effects in Random Fields and Implications for Environmental Monitoring 521-552 [VOR GROWNS, KAREN ASTLES and PETER GEHRKE/ Multiscale Spatial and Small-Scale Temporal Variation in the Composition of Riverine Fish Communities MUNIR H. SHAH, N. SHAHEEN and M. JAFFAR / Characterization, Source Identification and Apportionment of Selected Metals in TSP in an Urban Atmosphere AUTHOR INDEX OF VOLUME 114 Abis, K. L., 35 Drames, G., 287 Agarwal, R., 489 Dulam, J., 447 Akaolisa, C., 27 Alberti, M., 85 Erk, M., 49 Alphan, H., 145 Evrendilek, F., 157 Alrabti, A. A. A., 505 Anand, S., 489 Frati, L., 361 Ashley, J. T. F., 287 Astles, K., 553 Garbagnati, M., 377 Ge, S., 65 Bailey, R. C., 257 Gehrke, P., 553 Batjargal, Z., 447 Gong, P., 65 Bello-Pineda, J., 225 Gonzalez, P., 377 Berberoglu, S., 157 Growns, I., 553 Bléschl, G., 521 Gupta, I., 199 Blewett, T. M., 85 Boettner, A., 287 Herrera, A., 65 Bollhofer, A., 313 Braune, B. M., 331 Ivankovié, D., 49 Brunner, J., 107 Bushaw-Newton, K., 287 Jacob, N., 199 Jaffar, M., 505, 573 Cabrera, F., 169 Jayaraman, G., 489 Carruthers, R., 65 Jiang, M., 107 Chung, Y. S., 447 Justice, C. O., 107 Cohen, A., 85 Cruz Da Cunha, L. V. F,, 1 Karaer, F., 391 Khalique, A., 505 Diaz, L., 419 Khazaei, E., 123 De Albuquerque, U. P., 1 Kilic, S., 157 Deboch, B., 433 Kiiciikballi, A., 391 Demirkesen, A. C., 157 Kumar, R., 199 Deschepper, E., 433 Dhage, S., 199 Liceaga-Correa, M. A Doygun, H., 145 L6épez-Salinas, E., 419 Dragun, Z., 49 Loppi, S., 361 Madejoén, P., 169 Shah, M. H., 505, 573 Mallea, M., 377 Shaheen, N., 505, 573 Malone, B. J., 331 Sharma, S. G., 191 Mara, D., 35 Siciliano, S., 433 Marafion, T., 169 Skgien, O. J., 521 Marimuthu, P., 489 Stednick, J. D., 123 Martin, P., 313 Storm, J., 313 Morawitz, D. F., 85 Sunlu, U., 273 Murillo, J. M., 169 Tims, S., 313 Navada, S. V., 199 Tripole, S., 377 Pandey, J. K., 211 Udaybhanu, G., 211 Panigrahi, D. C., 211 Pavicié, J., 49 Vallania, A., 377 Pesch, R., 461 Velinsky, D. J., 287 Ponce-Hernandez, R., 225 Verstraete, W., 433 Prasad, B. D., 191 Raspor, B., 49 Warner, J. W., 123 Wilhelm, M., 287 Sanford, W. E., 123 Wilkie, D. S., 107 Schifter, I., 419 Schmidt, G., 461 Yates, A. G., 257 Schréder, W., 461 Seurinck, S., 433 Zhang, Q., 107

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