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Environmental Factors and Asthma: What We Learned from Epidemiological Studies, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics PDF

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Preview Environmental Factors and Asthma: What We Learned from Epidemiological Studies, An Issue of Immunology and Allergy Clinics

ImmunolAllergyClinNAm 28(2008)xiii–xiv Foreword Environmental Factors in Asthma RafeulAlam,MD,PhD ConsultingEditor Whether you take the biblical quotationd‘‘for dust you are and to dust you will return’’ (Genesis 3:19)dor the theory of evolution, which implies thatenvironmentalchangestriggeredthebiologicalevolution,itisallabout environment.Weasbiologistshaverecognizedthepowerofgeneseversince Mendeldemonstratedtheprinciplesofgeneticinheritance,andWatsonand Crick resolved the structure and beauty of the double helix. The driving powerofgenesintheexpressionofaphenotypeisundeniable.Nonetheless, phenotype is not the same as genotype, and we are yet to fully understand the complexity of the gene–environment interaction. Our simple paradigm of promoter-driven exon-based gene expression is losing its ground. We nowunderstandthattheexpressionofageneisfarmorecomplex.Geneex- pression is controlled by proximal and distant enhancers and silencers, epi- genetic modulation of the gene locus, secondary regulation by microRNA, gene splicing, single nucleotide polymorphism, and other factors. Many of the foregoing processes are influenced by the environment. Asthma,beingapolygenicdisease,isfarmoresusceptibletoenvironmen- talchanges.Thus,researchintheenvironmentalaspectofasthmaisveryim- portant.Acomprehensiveunderstandingoftheenvironmentalcontribution to asthma requires population-based case control and prospective epidemi- ologic studies, which areextremely difficultto conduct. Nonetheless, signif- icant progress has been made in this field. We have observed continued evolution of the hygiene hypothesis. We have a better understanding of 0889-8561/08/$-seefrontmatter(cid:2)2008ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.iac.2008.04.002 immunology.theclinics.com xiv FOREWORD indoor pollution. We recognize the complex biologic effect of indoor aller- gens. To elaborate on the complexity of environmental factors, Dr. Mark Eisner,aleaderinthefield,hasinvitedsomeofthetopexpertstocontribute to this issue. The issue addresses such important areas as indoor allergens, indoorandoutdoorpollution,hygienehypothesisdealingwithmicrobialen- vironment, social environment that includes diet and obesity, and others. This will be an exciting reading. Rafeul Alam, MD, PhD Division of Allergy and Immunology National Jewish Medical and Research Center University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center 1400 Jackson Street Denver, CO 80206, USA E-mail address: [email protected] ImmunolAllergyClinNAm 28(2008)xv–xvi Preface MarkD.Eisner,MD,MPH GuestEditor The morbidity and mortality from asthma have increased greatly during the past few decades in the United States and most developed countries. Although recent developments in genetics have provided exciting break- throughs in airway disease, genetic factors, by themselves, cannot explain thedramaticincreasesinasthmaprevalenceandseverity.Dramaticchanges in the environment have occurred concurrently with the asthma epidemic, raising the possibility that environmental factors may be responsible for the increased burden of asthma. Indeed, the alterations of the indoor and outdoorenvironmentaredramaticfeaturesofthetwentiethandtwenty-first centuries. Changes in diet, body composition, and workplace conditions have also occurred. In this issue of the Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America, we review recent epidemiologic studies that implicate the environment as a cause of asthma and its exacerbation. The term ‘‘environment’’ is broad and all encompassing. Indeed, it re- flectsallthatisexternaltothehumanorganism.Formany,theterm‘‘envi- ronment’’ connotes the outdoor environment and its pollution by traffic, other sources of combustion, and industrial contamination. But for most residents of industrialized countries, the majority of time, in excess of 90%, is spent indoors. Consequently, the indoor environment, which in- cludes homes, schools, workplaces, and other public places, becomes especially important. Although it is true that the outdoor (ambient) environment greatly influences the indoor one by entrainment of air and othersubstances,thereareuniquepointsourcesofpollution,allergenexpo- sure,andviralinfectionindoors.Andfinally,thesocialenvironment,which 0889-8561/08/$-seefrontmatter(cid:2)2008ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.iac.2008.04.001 immunology.theclinics.com xvi PREFACE reflects the broader context of our lives, may have important influences on asthma. Randomizedcontrolledtrialshavebecomethegoldstandardforaddress- ing many problems in clinical medicine and health. But such trials are not suitedtostudyingmostoftheeffectsofenvironmentalexposuresonhealth. Althoughshort-termexposurestudiesareconductedinhighlycontrolleden- vironments, they provide limited insight into the development of chronic diseases such as asthma, which have a long induction period (ie, develop overalongperiodoftime). Ethical and logisticconcerns preclude random- izing humansubjectstopotentially hazardousexposures overalongertime period.Therefore,epidemiologicmethodsarethebestonesforassessingthe impactofenvironmentalexposuresonhealthoutcomes,suchasasthmaand other respiratory diseases. In this issue, we review the evidence that exposures to indoor pollution (passive smoking, indoor combustion), other indoor exposures (allergens, viralinfections,occupationalexposures,dampness,mold),andoutdoorpol- lution (traffic, other ambient pollution) are important factors for the devel- opment and clinical course of asthma. The issue also considers the social environment and how it influences asthma status. The impact of diet and obesity, which have changed markedly during the past several decades, may also contribute substantively to the asthma epidemic. And living on afarm,withexposuretomicrobesandallergens,hasfascinating,andsome- times counterintuitive, effects on asthma induction and course. Finally, an articleonasthmaandtheinnercityintegratestheissuesofpollutantandal- lergen exposure that often occur concurrently in the urban environment. Ultimately,thegoalofepidemiologyandpublichealthispreventiondin thiscase,preventionofasthmaincidenceandexacerbation.Thisissueeluci- dates the impact of the environment, defined broadly, on asthma with the goalofhighlighting possibleareas inwhichexposureprevention or remedi- ation might decrease the burden of asthma. Mark D. Eisner, MD, MPH University of California San Francisco 505 Parnassus Avenue, M1097 San Francisco, CA 94143, USA E-mail address: [email protected] ImmunolAllergyClinNAm 28(2008)485–505 Dampness and Mold in the Indoor Environment: Implications for Asthma N.M. Sahakian, MD, MPH*, J.-H. Park, ScD, CIH, J.M. Cox-Ganser, PhD CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention,NationalInstituteofOccupationalHealth andSafety,DivisionofRespiratoryDiseaseStudies,1095WillowdaleRoad, MS-H2800,Morgantown,WV26505,USA The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health receives weekly requests to help with issues of indoor environmental quality in rela- tion to illness in nonindustrial workplaces, such as office buildings and schools.Sincethe mid-1990s, there has been a marked increasein the num- beroftheserequeststothepointwherein2007theyrepresented57%ofthe total of 390 requests for evaluation of the workplace in relation to health and safety issues. As an example of requests concerning work-related asthma,fromJanuary2007throughDecember2007,therewere39requests inrelationtoasthma,34(87%)fromnonindustrialworkplaceswithworkers concerned about indoor environmental quality. Of these 34 requests, 23 (68%) listed dampness or mold as exposures of concern. Thus, asthma in the nonindustrial environment accounts for the majority of the public’s concern for possible work-related asthma, and requesters have made the association between their work-related asthma symptoms and damp/moldy environments. A recent calculation estimates that 21% (95% confidence interval [CI], 12%–29%) of current asthma in the United States is attribut- able to dampness/mold in homes [1]. This article presents epidemiologic findings pertinent to asthma and asthma-like symptoms in relation to exposure to dampness/mold in homes, schools,andworkplaces.Withregardtospecificagentsfoundindampindoor environmentsthatmayplayaroleinasthma,itconcentratesonmold(used synonymouslywithfungi)andincludessomefindingsonbacteria.Thelitera- tureonasthmainrelationtodustmiteorcockroachallergensisnotaddressed. Thefindingsandconclusionsinthisreportarethoseoftheauthorsanddonotnecessar- ilyrepresenttheviewsoftheNationalInstituteforOccupationalSafetyandHealth. * Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress:[email protected](N.M.Sahakian). 0889-8561/08/$-seefrontmatter.PublishedbyElsevierInc. doi:10.1016/j.iac.2008.03.009 immunology.theclinics.com 486 SAHAKIANetal Reviews of the epidemiologic literature up to 2003 AEuropeanreview(NORDDAMP)ofwell-designedepidemiologicstud- ies published prior to July 1998 found that odds ratios (ORs) for cough, wheeze, and asthma associated with indoor dampness ranged from 1.4 to 2.2 [2]. A subsequent review (EUROEXPO) of studies published from 1998 to 2000 confirmed indoor dampness as a risk factor for health effects, regardlessofatopicstatus.Theinvestigatorsconcludedthatadditionalpro- spective studies were needed [3]. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention askedtheInstituteofMedicine(IOM)tocomplete areviewofthescientific literature. The IOM committee reviewed studies published up to late 2003 believed influential in shaping the scientific understanding of dampness- associated health effects [4]. With respect to asthma and asthma-related symptoms,theIOMfoundthattherewassufficientevidenceforassociations betweenexposuretodamp indoorenvironments ormold orotheragentsin damp indoor environments and cough, wheeze, and asthma symptoms in asthmatic persons, and limited or suggestive evidence for associations with asthma development and dyspnea. They concluded that excessive in- doordampnessisapublichealthproblemandthatpreventionorreduction of this condition should be a public health goal. Among the research needs formulated by the committee were improved characterization of dampness- relatedmicrobial emissions andchemical emissions from buildingmaterials andfurnishingsandtheirrolesinadversehealthoutcomes;studiesoninter- action effects of multiple exposure factors in damp indoor environments; and studies on intervention effectiveness. Meta-analysis in 2007 Ameta-analysisof33peer-reviewedepidemiologicstudiesonrespiratory health outcomes and home dampness or mold included studies published from 1989 to 2006 [5]. The estimated OR for cough in adults was 1.52 (95% CI, 1.18–1.96); for cough in children 1.75 (95% CI, 1.56–1.96); for wheeze in adults 1.39 (95% CI, 1.04–1.85); for wheeze in children 1.53 (95% CI, 1.39–1.68); for current asthma 1.56 (95% CI, 1.30–1.86); for ever-diagnosed asthma 1.37 (95% CI, 1.23–1.53); and for asthma develop- ment 1.34 (95% CI, 0.86–2.10). The investigators estimated that home dampness or mold is associated with a 30% to 50% increase in respiratory health outcomes. Dampness/mold and asthma developmentdrecent publications Recent research not included in the 2004 IOM report has increased the body of evidence regarding the association between dampness and asthma development (Tables 1 and 2). DAMPNESSANDMOLDINTHEINDOORENVIRONMENT 487 Adults Inastudythatinvestigatedoccupationalexposures,researchersreviewed medical records at clinics in a Swedish town covering a 1.5-year period to identifycasesofnewlydiagnosedasthmaamong20to65yearolds[6].Con- trols were randomly selected from the Swedish population registry, lived in the same town, and were matched by age and gender to cases. Response rates and study numbers for cases and controls were 90% (n ¼ 120) and 84% (n ¼ 446), respectively. The OR (adjusted for occupational exposure to dust, fumes, or vapors, childhood allergy symptoms, and ever smoking) for workplace exposure to building mold or moisture damage that lasted 3ormoreyearsandoccurredbeforetheyearofasthmadiagnosis(forcases) orreferenttime(forcontrols)was4.7(95%CI,1.5–14.3).Becausethisstudy included agricultural and maintenance workers whose exposure may differ inintensityandtypefromoffice workersindampbuildings,cautionshould be exercised when applying these findings to workers of nonindustrial in- door environments. AstudybyGunnbjo¨rnsdo´ttirandcolleaguesuseddatafromthe1990–1994 European Community Respiratory Health Surveys (ECRHS) and a follow- up survey conducted in 1999–2001 [7]. Participants from four Nordic coun- trieswere20to44yearsoldatthetimeoftheinitialsurvey.Responserates and study numbers for the initial and follow-up surveys were 84% (n ¼ 21,802)and74%(n¼16,190).New-onsetasthmawasdefinedasanasthma attackoruseofasthmamedicationsduringthepast12monthsonthesecond surveywithnegativeresponsestobothofthesequestionsonthefirstsurvey. The OR (adjusted for age, study center, gender, body mass index, rhinitis, smoking status,typeofhousing,ageofbuilding,andsocioeconomicstatus) fortheassociationbetweenthepresenceofhomedampnessanytimebetween thetwosurveysandnew-onsetasthmawas1.13(95%CI,0.92–1.40)andthus didnotquitemeetstatisticalsignificance.Associationsfornew-onsetasthma symptoms were significant. Researchers also investigated the remission of asthma-like symptoms and found that presence of home dampness in- betweenthetwosurveyssignificantlydecreasedremissionofnocturnaldysp- neaandnocturnalcough.Analysisofasubset(Swedishsubjects,n¼1854)of second survey, also by Gunnbjo¨rnsdo´ttir and colleagues, participants demonstrated significant positive associations between home dampness and dyspneaat rest, dyspnea after exertion, and nocturnal dyspnea[8]. A Finnish population-based incident case-control study compared 521 adults, who had newly diagnosed asthma (defined as reversible airways ob- struction with at least one asthma-like symptom) identified over a 2.5-year period, to 932 randomly selected controls who did not have asthma [9]. Response rates for cases and controls were 90% and 80%, respectively. Casesandcontrolswere21to63yearsoldandlivedwithinthesamehospi- tal district in South Finland. Workplace wall-to-wall carpeting and work- place mold independently increased the risk for new-onset asthma. Table1 4 8 Epidemiologicstudiesinvestigatinganassociationbetweenindoordampnessormoldandnew-onsetasthmaornew-onsetasthma-likesymptomsthatuse 8 oddsratiosasameasureofrisk Reference Studydesign Environmentalexposure Healthoutcome Oddsratio(95%CI) Adults Flodinand Longitudinalcase-controlstudy Reportedworkplacedampness New-onsetphysician-diagnosed 4.7(1.5–14.3) Jo¨nsson[6] (20–65yearsold) (moldormoisturedamage)a asthmaatage20–65years Gunnbjo¨rnsdo´ttir Prospectivestudywitha7.9-year Reporteddampness(water New-onsetasthmaattack 1.1 (0.9–1.4) etal[7] follow-upperiod(meanage damage,leakage,ormold orcurrentuseofasthma atfollowup:40years) growth)inthehomeb medicationsc New-onsetwheezec 1.3 (1.1–1.5) New-onsetnocturnaldyspneac 1.3 (1.1–1.6) New-onsetnocturnalcoughc 1.3 (1.1–1.4) S A H A K Jaakkolaetal[9] Population-basedincident Reportedvisiblemoldormold New-onsetphysician-diagnosed IA case-controlstudy odoratworkcand asthmawithbothreversible N e (21–63yearsold) –Nowall-to-wallcarpetatwork airwaysobstructionand 1.4 (0.9–2.1) t a –Wall-to-wallcarpetatwork ahistoryofatleastone 4.6 (1.1–19.4) l asthma-likesymptom Children Wickmanetal[12] Prospectivestudyofabirth Reportedwaterdamage, Threeormoreepisodesof 1.7(1.3–2.4) cohortfromage2months windowpanecondensation, wheezingafterage3months to2yearsofage visiblemold,ormoldodorwhen andeitheruseofinhaledsteroids childwas2monthsofage orsymptomssuggestiveof bronchialhyper-reactivity Emeniusetal[13] Nestedcase-controlstudyof Onesignofdampnessbased Threeormoreepisodesof 1.3 (0.8–2.2) abirthcohort(2yearsold) onhomeinspection wheezingafterage3months Threeormoresignsofdampness andeitheruseofinhaled 2.7 (1.3–5.4) basedonhomeinspection steroidsorsymptomssuggestive ofbronchialhyper-reactivity Pekkanenetal[15] Population-basedincident Moldodorbasedoncurrent New-onsetphysician-diagnosed 4.1 (0.6–26.0) case-controlstudy homeinspection asthmaornewreferral (1–7yearsold) Visiblemoldbasedoncurrent tohospitalaftertwoor 1.2 (0.7–2.1) homeinspection moreattacksofwheezing Visiblemoldinmainliving 2.6 (1.2–5.8) areabasedoncurrent homeinspection Waterdamageinmainliving 2.2 (1.2–4.0) areabasedoncurrent D A homeinspection M P N a Presentfor3ormoreyearsandoccurredatleast3yearsbeforeyearofasthmadiagnosis. ES S b Presentanytimeinbetweentheinitialandfollow-upsurvey. A N c Presentduringthepastyear. D M O L D IN T H E IN D O O R E N V IR O N M E N T 4 8 9

Topics include: ''Passing smoking and adult asthma'', ''Traffic, outdoor air pollution, and asthma'', ''Social environment, neighborhood stress, and adult asthma'', ''Viral infections and asthma exacerbations in children and adults'', ''Occupational exposures and exacerbation of adult asthma'', ''As
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