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Preview Environmental Ethics 2007: Vol 29 Index

ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Vol. 29 INDEX TO VOLUME 29 Articles The Aesthetic Value of Animals Glenn Parson Automobility, Liberalism, and the Ethics of Driving ......... Sudhir Chella Rajan Beyond the Earth Charter: Taking Possible People Seriously Robin Attfield Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations ..... William J. FitzPatrick Communicative Ethics and Moral Considerability RichardJ . Evanoff A Critique of Mary Anne Warren’s Weak Animal RCRA MES NON cod ersten ee coat at Rate e hace esta res accuse calidsS eeea Aaron Simmons Dome, Allows, and Precaution .i:5.....5s0s.080teeieeccssencdessceessen Marion Hourdequin The Eco-Ontology of Social/ist Ecofeminist Thought Whitney A. Bauman Ethical Sight Dana Anderson Metastandards in the Ethics of Adam Smith and Aldo Leopold Patrick Frierson Nature, Landscape, and Neo-Pragmatism .................csccseseessees Simon Hailwood Nature Naturalized Paul Vetch Moriarty Norton’s Conception of Sustainability Kevin Elliott Politics and Epistemology Bryan G. Norton Schweitzer Reconsidered David K. Goodin Sustainability and Property Rights in Environmental Resources ... Murray Sheard What Religion Contributes to Environmental Ethics Lloyd Steffen Why Environmental Ethics Shouldn’t Give Up on Intrinsic Value Katie McShane WIG WVO ME SANG WOIVES 5505665 desi tiedd b sactens dossasesadsssoadacecseass Colette R. Palamar Worldly (In)Difference and Ecological Ethics Mick Smith Authors and Book Reviewers Dana Anderson, Ethical Sight Susan Armstrong, Book Review: Brian G. Henning, Beauty, Morality, EMERGE T-EOGESSEUE LCO SIM fas et ce oec eden a Foe sa tac decuceeT cabecoe ae eG Gee RTeG Robin Attfield, Beyond the Earth Charter: Taking Possible People Seriously .... Whitney A. Bauman, The Eco-Ontology of Social/ist Ecofeminist Thought Peter F. Cannavo, Book Review: Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett, Deliberative Environmental POlitic ...........:.cccccccccecessssennsesccceceeeees Seamus Carey, Book Review: Gail Stenstad, Transformations .............c000000eeeeeeees Deane Curtin, Book Review: Clare Palmer, ed., Teaching Environmental Ethics ... Frank W. Derringh, Book Review: J. Claude Evans, With Respect for Nature .... ———., Book Review: Patrick Curry, Ecological Ethics: An Introduction Daniel Dombrowski, Book Review: Ralph Acompora, Corporal Compassion Kevin Elliott, Norton’s Conception of Sustainability Richard J. Evanoff, Communicative Ethics and Moral Considerability William J. FitzPatrick, Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations ... Patrick Frierson, Metastandars in the Ethics of Adam Smith and Aldo Leopold David K. Goodin, Schweitzer Reconsidered ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Vol. 29 INDEX TO VOLUME 29 Articles The Aesthetic Value of Animals Glenn Parson Automobility, Liberalism, and the Ethics of Driving ......... Sudhir Chella Rajan Beyond the Earth Charter: Taking Possible People Seriously Robin Attfield Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations ..... William J. FitzPatrick Communicative Ethics and Moral Considerability RichardJ . Evanoff A Critique of Mary Anne Warren’s Weak Animal RCRA MES NON cod ersten ee coat at Rate e hace esta res accuse calidsS eeea Aaron Simmons Dome, Allows, and Precaution .i:5.....5s0s.080teeieeccssencdessceessen Marion Hourdequin The Eco-Ontology of Social/ist Ecofeminist Thought Whitney A. Bauman Ethical Sight Dana Anderson Metastandards in the Ethics of Adam Smith and Aldo Leopold Patrick Frierson Nature, Landscape, and Neo-Pragmatism .................csccseseessees Simon Hailwood Nature Naturalized Paul Vetch Moriarty Norton’s Conception of Sustainability Kevin Elliott Politics and Epistemology Bryan G. Norton Schweitzer Reconsidered David K. Goodin Sustainability and Property Rights in Environmental Resources ... Murray Sheard What Religion Contributes to Environmental Ethics Lloyd Steffen Why Environmental Ethics Shouldn’t Give Up on Intrinsic Value Katie McShane WIG WVO ME SANG WOIVES 5505665 desi tiedd b sactens dossasesadsssoadacecseass Colette R. Palamar Worldly (In)Difference and Ecological Ethics Mick Smith Authors and Book Reviewers Dana Anderson, Ethical Sight Susan Armstrong, Book Review: Brian G. Henning, Beauty, Morality, EMERGE T-EOGESSEUE LCO SIM fas et ce oec eden a Foe sa tac decuceeT cabecoe ae eG Gee RTeG Robin Attfield, Beyond the Earth Charter: Taking Possible People Seriously .... Whitney A. Bauman, The Eco-Ontology of Social/ist Ecofeminist Thought Peter F. Cannavo, Book Review: Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett, Deliberative Environmental POlitic ...........:.cccccccccecessssennsesccceceeeees Seamus Carey, Book Review: Gail Stenstad, Transformations .............c000000eeeeeeees Deane Curtin, Book Review: Clare Palmer, ed., Teaching Environmental Ethics ... Frank W. Derringh, Book Review: J. Claude Evans, With Respect for Nature .... ———., Book Review: Patrick Curry, Ecological Ethics: An Introduction Daniel Dombrowski, Book Review: Ralph Acompora, Corporal Compassion Kevin Elliott, Norton’s Conception of Sustainability Richard J. Evanoff, Communicative Ethics and Moral Considerability William J. FitzPatrick, Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations ... Patrick Frierson, Metastandars in the Ethics of Adam Smith and Aldo Leopold David K. Goodin, Schweitzer Reconsidered Winter 2007 INDEX TO VOLUME 27 Jeanne Kay Guelke, Book Review: Daniel Hillel, The Natural History of the Bible: An Environmental Exploration of Hebrew Scripture ..... Simon Hailwood, Nature, Landscape, and Neo-Pragmatism Ronnie Hawkins, Book Review: Robert Garner, Animal Ethics Marion Hourdequin, Doing, Allowing, and Precaution Willis Jenkins, Book Review: Ben A. Minteer, The Landscape of Reform ........... Eric Katz, Book Review: Eric Higgs, Nature by Design ———, Book Review: Hugh P. McDonald: John Dewey and Environmental Philosophy Robert Kirkman, Book Review: C.A. Bowers, Mindful Conservatism Katie McShane, Why Environmental Ethics Shouldn’t Give Up on Intrinsic Value Paul Veatch Moriarty, Nature Naturalized Bryan G. Norton, Politics and Epistemology Colette R. Palamar, Wild, Women,and Wolves Glenn Parson, The Aesthetic Value of Animals Anna Peterson, Book Review: David M. Lodge and Christopher Hamilin, eds., Religion and the New Ecology Sudhir Chella Rajan, Automobility, Liberalism, and the Ethics of Driving Darren J. Ranco, Book Review: Devan G. Pena, Mexican Americans and the Environment Elizabeth Reynolds, Book Review: Ellen Bernstein, The Spleonf dCreoatrion ... Ben Ridder, Book Review: Thomas Heyd, ed., Recognizing the Autonofo Nmatuyre : Theory and Practice Per Sandin, Book Review: Cass R. Sunstein, Laws of Fear Murray Sheard, Sustainability and Property Rights in Environmental Resources Aaron Simmons, A Critique of Mary Anne Warren’s Weak Animal Rights View Kimberly K. Smith, Book Review: Dianne D. Glave and Mark Stolls, eds., To Love the Wind and Rain Mick Smith, Worldly (In)Difference and Ecological Ethics Lloyd Steffen, What Religion Contributes to Environmental Ethics Gail Stenstad, Book Review: Frank Schalow, The Incarnality of Being . Jerome A. Stone, Book Review: Roger Gottlieb, A Greener Faith Allen Thompson, Book Review: Jeremy Bendick-Keymer, The Ecological Life: Discovering Citizenshanidp a Sense of Humanity Steve Vanderheiden, Book Review: Stephen Cohen, Understanding Environmental Policy Gary Varner, Book Review: Bryan G. Norton, Sustainability Steven Vogel, Book Review: Andrew Biro, Denaturalizing Ecological Politics ... Anthony Weston, Book Review: R. Bruce Hull, /nfinite Nature Books Reviewed Ralph Acampora, Corporal Compassion: Animal Ethics and Philosophy of Body Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett, Deliberative Environmental Politics: Democracy and Ecological Rationality ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS Vol. 29 Jeremy Bendick-Keymer, The Ecological Life Ellen Bernstein, The Spleonf dCreoatrio n Andrew Biro, Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature C. A. Bowers, Mindful Conservatism Stephen Cohen, Understanding Environmental Policy Patrick Curry, Ecological Ethics: An Introduction J. Claude Evans, With Respfoer Ncattur e Robert Garner, Animal Ethics Dianne D. Glave and Mark Stolls, eds., To Love the Wind and Rain Roger Gottlieb, A Greener Faith Brian G. Henning, Beauty, Morality, anda Processive Cosmos Thomas Heyd, ed., Recognizing the Autonoof Nmatyur e Eric Higgs, Nature by Design Daniel Hillel, The Natural Histoofr tyh e Bible R. Bruce Hull, /nfinite Nature David M. Lodge and Christopher Hamilin, eds., Religion and the New Ecology: Environmental Responsibility ina Worolfd Fl ux Hugh P. McDonald, John Dewey and Environmental Philosophy Ben A. Minteer, The Landscape of Reform Bryan G. Norton, Sustainability Clare Palmer, ed., Teaching Environmental Ethics Devan G. Pena, Mexican Americans and the Environment Frank Schalow, The Incarnality of Being Gail Stenstad, Transformations: Thinking after Heidegger Cass R. Sunstein, Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (2006-2007) (1) Publication Title: Environmental Ethics; (2) Publication No: ISSN 0163-4275; (3) Date of Filing:1 October 2007; (4) Issue Frequency: Quarterly; (5) No. of Issues Published Annually: 4: (6) Annual Subscription Price: $30/$60; (7) Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: Center for Environmental Philosophy, University of North Texas, P.O. 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