ECAFERP The field of environmental science and technology has made enormous strides in recent years. This rapid growth has been stimulated both by the concerted efforts of scientists and engineers trained in traditional environ- mental disciplines, as well as by the diffusion of ideas from other (non-envi- ronmental) fields. This book is about the positive role that electrochemical science and engineering can play in the detection, quantification, and treat- ment of environmental pollutants. It is targeted both at an environmental specialist audience and at the practicing electrochemist. In so designing the theme, compromise necessarily had to be made between depth, breadth of coverage, and the size of the book; it is our hope that an appropriate balance has been achieved. The book is divided into eight chapters. The first two are introductory chapters. Those well versed in environmental problems will find httle that is new in Chapter .1 Similarly, practicing electrochemists can safely skip Chap- ter .2 Chapter 3 provides a survey of the electrochemical data base on com- mon types of environmental pollutants. Chapters 4 through 7 attempt to delve into the details of environmental electrochemical analyses (Chapter 4), electrochemical methods for pollution abatement (Chapter 5), photo-assisted XV xvi Preface methods for pollution control (Chapter 6), and water/air disinfection ap- proaches (Chapter .)7 The reference list is extensive in each case, and ought to facilitate easy entry into the specialized literature. Illustrations are liberally employed to illustrate a particular principle or approach. We realize that this book describes an evolving discipline, and undoubtedly there are many shortcomings. We hope to hear from readers about the flaws - in detail, logic, or in other respects - that have escaped our notice. The purist may also find some of our discussion approaches to be rather unconventional. For example, the classification of environmental pollutants into neat little "boxes" (see Table 1.3) is completely arbitrary, and has been done only to facilitate a con- cise review. Similarly, many environmentalists may be taken aback by the vir- tual lack of material related to nuclear waste treatment. Unfortunately, neither of us are knowledgeable enough about this topic to write about it. Many people made meaningful contributions to the preparation of this book. Gloria Madden managed to transcribe (with her usual efficiency) un- readable drafts into the final manuscript version, improving the organization along the way. Ivonne Konik, Flor Gomez Esparza and Yolanda Alegre also helped in the preparation of the manuscript. Sanjay Basak, AnnaLou Busboom and her staff at the Media Center, University of Texas at Arlington, and Alberto Sosa and Marco Antonio Villasefior at the Universidad Iberoamericana, suc- ceeded in translating primitive drawings into (hopefully more presentable) il- lustrations. Hannah Frieser and her staff, at the Office of University Publica- tions, University of Texas at Arlington, spent countless hours preparing the text and illustrations for camera-ready production. The University of Texas at Arlington and the Universidad Iberoamericana both contributed time and re- sources toward the completion of this book. We gratefully acknowledge the many authors (too numerous to list!) who made preprints/reprints available to us, as well as companies that provided brochures and information on their products and services (Chapter .)8 Last but not least, we thank David Packer and Jackie Garrett at Academic Press for their patience and encouragement. Finally, we offer simple thanks to our wives Rohini and Luz Teresa, and our daughters Reena, Rebecca, Georgina and Lucia, for their encouragement, patience, and understanding during the writing of this book. Krishnan Rajeshwar Jorge G. Ibanez RETPAHC ENO 1.1. INTRODUCTION Spectacular advances in technology and improvements in the quality of everyday life, especially in the industrialized parts of the world, unfortunately have come at the expense of ravages to our resource base and the environment. Several human-made chemical disasters in recent history (Table 1.1) tell only part of the environmental story. Every day our atmosphere, water resources and soil are being contaminated with human-made pollutants at levels that are unnoticed, and thus far more environmentally potent in a cumulative sense. We understand fairly well the health hazards associated with the acute overdose of many chemicals, but the same cannot be said about the long-term consequences of chronic exposure to them. Fortunately, however, environmental awareness also has grown dramatically, especially in the past few years. Several nations around the world are taking the lead in the implementation of new laws that regulate, and in many cases even ban, the use and disposal of hazardous chemicals. Figure 1.1 provides a perspective of how these legislative mandates have grown in an exponential manner in the United States. 1 Concomitantly, people and institutions are becoming increasingly aware that their actions can have not only local but also global environmental consequences; this bodes well for the future. 2 Chapter I Table 1.1. Examples of Documented Instances of Environmental Disasters Attributable to Hazardous Chemical Exposure Comments Incident(s) Period Lead poisoning and the 1845 Members of this ill-fated expedition from England Franklin Expedition to discover the Northwest Passage through the Canadian Arctic are suspected to have died from lead poisoning from the lead solder which was used for the crew's provision storage. Mercury poisoning in 1953-1960 About 200 people died from mercury poisoned fish Minamata in this Japanese fishing village off Minamata Bay. Love Canal pollution 1942-1953 Approximately 23,000 tons of chemical wastes were dumped in this canal in Niagara Falls, New York. A health emergency was declared by the State in 1978, and cleanup efforts began. The Reed Paper controversy 1962-1970 About 10 tons of mercury were lost from the chlor-alkali plant into the Wabigoon-English River system. This plant supplied the chemicals needed to bleach the pulp at the pulp mill in Dryden, Ontario. The vinyl chloride episode 1971-1974 Exposure to this chemical--an integral component of the plastics (PVC) industry--is now regulated following studies of cause-and-effect relationship between vinyl chloride and human angiosarcoma of the liven PCB poisoning in Yusho 1968, 1978 Contamination of rice oil with PCB occurred in and Yu-Cheng Japan and Taiwan in which thousands of people were afflicted with skin problems. TCDD pollution in 1976 Although no human deaths were attributed to Seveso and Times Beach, these incidents, entire neighborhoods were Missouri evacuated in these communities in Italy and in the United States. Lekkerkerk 1986 The Rhine River drains a vast basin in four countries (Switzerland, Germany, France and the Netherlands) as it runs from the Alps to the North Sea. The basin is heavily industrialized and the river accumulates and transports to the Netherlands a heavy load of pollutants. Bhopal explosion 1984 A chemical plant explosion in India released methyl isocyanate causing more than 3,000 deaths and blindness and other permanent injuries to thousands in the adjacent village community. Castleford explosion 1992 An explosion in a distillation vessel associated with a mononitrotoluene plant killed five people and injured many others in this incident in the United Kingdom. 1.1. Introduction 3 (cid:12)9 SARA (cid:12)9 MWPA 20-- (cid:12)9 RCRA (cid:12)9 CERCLA (cid:12)9 RCRA (cid:12)9 FWPCA (cid:12)9 SDWA 15-- (cid:12)9 CAA (cid:12)9 TSCA (cid:12)9 RCRA 0 (cid:12)9 FIFRA 6 (cid:12)9 HMTA z 10-- (cid:12)9 SDWA (cid:12)9 FEPCA (cid:12)9 FIFRA (cid:12)9 (cid:12)9 CAA 5-- (cid:12)9 OSHA (cid:12)9 NEPA (cid:12)9 FHSA (cid:12)9 FHSA (cid:12)9 FIFRA I I I I 0 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 Year ERUGIF 1.1. Growth fo evitalsigel mandates rof latnemnorivne quality lortnoc ni eht detinU .setatS decudorpeR( with noissimrep morf .illessarG )1 This chapter begins with a bird's-eye view of pollutants in the environment. A survey of existing technologies for pollutant sensing and treatment is given next. While there can possibly be no argument about the importance of developing new assay techniques, pollution control itself and an extensive discussion of this topic may be considered retrograde. In other words, is it not true that efforts to discover new approaches for controlling pollution is an admission that pollution is a necessary evil of growth? Indeed, it has been stated that the time has come to move away from "end-of-the-pipe" thinking toward pollution reduction (or even prevention) at the source. 3,2 While this is indeed a laudable approach, it is unlikely that we can dispense with the "command-and-control" strategy altogether, especially giventhe cumulative result of the widespread use of harmful chemicals over the past decades and the growing recognition that pollution is not a local but a global problem. Advocates of the new (pollution prevention) strategy also associate the command-and-control approach with the problem of moving pollution from air to land to water and back. This is undoubtedly true with many of the current pollution control strategies, as we shall see shortly. However, there are many important exceptions to this trend. 4 Chapter I The strategy of treating potential pollutants at the discharge end of the pipe also is not incompatible with the concept of chemical recycling. Indeed, the argument could be made that a parallel strategy to the reduction (or abolition) of the use of h ~ chemicals (and a search for potentially more costly alternative synthetic routes) could involve efficient recycling of chemicals back into the process. This latter approach is likely to be more universally applicable and, equally important, more economically viable in many cases. Many electrochemical approaches to pollution control are amenable to incorporation of chemical recycling, and this is well exemplified by the Cr(III) ~ Cr(VI) conversion system discussed later in this book. In summation of this discussion, all three approaches to environmental remediationmnamely, pollution prevention, pollution control, and chemical recyclingmare likely to continue to play important roles in the foreseeable future. An increased level of understanding nature's capacity to repair itself from environmental damage is equally important but beyond the scope of this book. 1.2. SOME DEFINITIONS AND CLASSIFICATION OF POLLUTANTS Environmental science and technology cuts across many disciplines. Thus, the definition of the underlying terminology and the "trade jargon" is a necessary prelude to undertaking an overview of the field. We begin with the term pollutant. A reasonable definition of a pollutant is a substance present in greater than natural concentration as a result of human activity and that has a net detrimental effect upon its environment or upon something of value in that environment. Interestingly enough, time and place determine what may be called a pollutant. Thus, the phosphate that has to be removed from wastewater in a sewage treatment plant is chemically indistin- guishable from the commodity that anearby farmer buys at high prices as fertil- izer! A contaminant causes a deviation from the normal composition of an environment. Contaminants are not normally classified as pollutants unless they have a deleterious effect on the environment. Every pollutant has a source from which it originates. This source can be either natural or anthropogenic (i.e., human-made). The definition of waste has been problematical. 3 Waste has been defined by the U.S. EPA as any material emanating from a process that is not directly used in another process. Under this definition, many chemical products (even benign ones) could reasonably be considered as wastes and thus subjected to 1.2. Some Definitions and Classification of Pollutants 5 regulatory restrictions. A further conceptual roadblock to this definition is that it does not make sense to expect an output from a chemical process to be reduced or eliminated, but rather is to be increased in the interest of enhanced industrial productivity! An alternative and perhaps more reasonable definition would be to classify waste as something released into the environment. Hazardous wastes have been classified according to their source or their characteristics. 4 Thus, in the first category, the U.S. EPA has compiled a list of industrial sources that generate hazardous substances (mostly chemicals). As many as 13 lists of chemicals are similarly available in a computerized database, s The second category comprises waste materials not listed but that exhibit one or more of five hazardous characteristics: ignitability, toxicity, corrosivity, reactivity, or biological activity. This brings us to another controversial issue; the definition of toxicity. The standard method for measuring the toxicity of a chemical is to perform bioassays on genetically sensitive animals. Unfortunately, these laboratory tests require relatively high chemical dosagemmuch higher than levels typical of the en- vironment-to generate adverse effects in the test animals. Predictive models are then used to extrapolate to the lower doses to which people are usually exposed. However, whether it is even meaningful to extrapolate data from test animals to humans is far from settled, as are conclusions drawn from epide- miological studies. Given all these, it is perhaps not surprising that there is disagreement between scientific experts and public opinion on the seriousness of risks from hazardous waste, relative to other environmental problems. Table 1.2 illus- trates this priority gap in the United States. 7,6 Indeed, the controversial Superfund legislation in the United States quietly passed legislation for clean- ing up abandoned hazardous waste sites in spite of concerns expressed about the economic viability of (and even the need for) such remedial action. 8 In Table 1.3 we have attempted a classification of pollutants commonly found in air, water, soil, and biota. We shall discuss them in more detail in a subsequent section of this chapter. It must be noted that the examples listed in Table 1.3 are by no means comprehensive. The four types of environmental media provide the path that the pollutants take from the source to the sink, where they remain for a long time, though not necessarily indefinitely. We review next the major transport pathways for the pollutants in environmental media, and then discuss the individual categories of the pollutants listed in Table 1.3 later in this chapter. Finally, examples of specific pollutants are provided, along with identification of their sources and their toxic effects. 6 Chapter I Table 1.2. A Comparison of the U.S. Public Environmental Concerns and the Priorities of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The Public's Concerns a EPA's 12 Highest Concerns (ranked) (not ranked) .1 Active hazardous waste sites (67%) Ecological risks 2. Abandoned hazardous waste sites (65%) Global climate change .3 Water pollution from industrial wastes Stratospheric ozone depletion (63%) Habitat alteration 4. Occupational exposure to toxic Species extinction and biodiversity chemicals (63%) b loss 5. Oil spills (60%) Health risks .6 Destruction of the ozone layer (60%) b Criteria air pollutants (e.g., smog) .7 Nuclear power plant accidents (60%) Toxic air pollutants (e.g., benzene) .8 Industrial accidents releasing pollutants Radon (58%) Indoor air pollution 9. Radiation from radioactive wastes Drinking water contamination )%85( Occupational exposure to chemicals .01 Air pollution from factories (56%) 8 Application of pesticides .11 Leaking underground storage tanks (55%) Stratospheric ozone depletion .21 Coastal water contamination (54%) .31 Solid waste and litter (53%) .41 Pesticides risks to farm workers (52%) b .51 Water pollution from agricultural run-off (51%) .61 Water pollution from sewage plants (50%) .71 Air pollution from vehicles (50%) b .81 Pesticide residues in foods (49%) .91 Greenhouse effect (48%) b 20. Drinking water contamination (46%) b 21. Destruction of wetlands (42%) 22. Acid rain (40%) 23. Water pollution from city runoff (35%) 24. Non-hazardous waste sites (31%) 25. Biotechnology (30%) 26. Indoor air pollution (22%) 27. Radiation from X-rays (21%) 28. Radon in homes (17%) b 29. Radiation from microwave ovens (13%) a Figures in parentheses represent the percentages of those surveyed who rated the problem as "very serious." b Also appears on EPA's list of highest concerns. Source: Kunreuther and Patrick 6 and Roberts. 7 1.2. Some Definitions and Classification of Pollutants 7 Table 1.3. Classification of Pollutants in the Environment and Some Examples Organics Inorganics Microorganisms Herbicides Metals Bacteria Alachlor Lead Escherchia coli Butachlor Cadmium Salmonella typhi Atrazine Mercury Pseudomonas aeruginosa Cyanazine Copper Salmonella enteritis Dioxin Chromium Shigella dysenteriae Shi gella paradysenteriae Insecticides Metalloids Shigella flexneri Chlordane Arsenic ShigeIla sonnei Dieldrin Selenium Staphylococcus aureus Heptachlor Legionella pneumophilia Vibrio cholerae Solvents Anions Viruses Acetone Chloride Poliovirus 1 Benzene Cyanide Coliphage Toluene Bromide Hepatitis A virus Ethylbenzene Nitrate Rotavirus AS 11 Xylene Fluoride Trichloroethylene Phosphate Chloroform Polycyclic Aromatic Gases Protozoan cysts Hydrocarbons (PAHs) SO ,x NO Giardia muris Benzo(a)pyrene Ozone Acanthamoeba castellanii Cyclopenta(cd)pyrene Carbon dioxide Cryptosporidium Carbon monoxide Ammonia Dyes and Surfactants Algae Other Industrial Organics Phenols Formaldehyde Polychlorinated biphenyls )sBCP( Chlorofluorocarbons )sCFC( 8 Chapter I 1.3. ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA AND POLLUTANT TRANSPORT Traditional control of environmental pollution has focused primarily on the immediate vicinity of the pollution source. For example, tall stacks were once hailed as the panacea to local sulfate emissions from coal-fired power plants. However, acid rain is now recognized as a global environmental problem. Similarl)~ CO 2 emissions are leading to global climate w~g~ and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) releases are resulting in the depletion of the earth's protective ozone layer. 9 Other dramatic examples for the global transport of pollutants include the finding of high lead levels in Greenland snow, and the detection of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and pesticides in the Arctic. ~1 It is clear that multimedia environmental transport models u are needed to account for global distribution of pollutants. Concomitantly, pollutant regulation has gradually shifted from local governments to national level and even to an international scale. A recent example of the latter is the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. This unprecedented international regulatory action requires the signatory nations to severely curtail the production and use of five CFCs. This accord sets two important precedents. It recognizes the atmosphere as a limited, shared resource, and it curtails the right of individual countries to release wastes to the atmosphere. Regulation of other regional and global pollutants such as CO ,2 NO ,x and SO x on an international level, however, appears to be much more difficult. We shall now discuss each environmental medium in turn. 1.3.1. Air The atmosphere's composition has changed at a significantly faster pace in the past two centuries than it has at any time in human history. Yet the ,2N( concentrations of the major constituent gases 02, and the inert gases) have remained nearly constant over a timespan much longer than human life on this planet. On the other hand, trace level constituents such as methane, CO, SO ,x and NO/and pollutants such as the CFCs have largely undergone increases in their concentrations with rather disastrous environmental consequences in- cluding acid rain, photochemical smog, and climatic changes. A good rule of thumb for understanding pollutant transport is the partitioning rule; that is, chemicals, once they are released into the environment, seek out the environmental medium in which they are most soluble. For example, volatile organics (see Table 1.3) such as benzene and trichloroethylene (TCE) are most soluble in air. Hence, they tend to partition into the vapor phase and inhalation is the principal means of human exposure.