Environmental Controls Over the Distribution and Function of Antarctic Soil Bacterial Communities Kevin Michael Geyer Dissertation submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy In Biological Sciences John E. Barrett (Chair) Lisa K. Belden Brian D. Strahm Jackson R. Webster June 17, 2014 Blacksburg, VA Keywords: microbial ecology, biogeography, productivity/diversity theory, biogeochemistry, McMurdo Dry Valleys Environmental Controls Over the Distribution and Function of Antarctic Soil Bacterial Communities Kevin M. Geyer ABSTRACT Microbial community composition plays a vital role in soil biogeochemical cycling. Information that explains the biogeography of microorganisms is consequently necessary for predicting the timing and magnitude of important ecosystem services mediated by soil biota, such as decomposition and nutrient cycling. Theory developed to explain patterns in plant and animal distributions such as the prevalent relationship between ecosystem productivity and diversity may be successfully extended to microbial systems and accelerate an emerging ecological understanding of the "unseen majority." These considerations suggest a need to define the important mechanisms which affect microbial biogeography as well as the sensitivity of community structure/function to changing climatic or environmental conditions. To this end, my dissertation covers three data chapters in which I have 1) examined patterns in bacterial biogeography using gradients of environmental severity and productivity to identify changes in community diversity (e.g. taxonomic richness) and structure (e.g. similarity); 2) detected potential bacterial ecotypes associated with distinct soil habitats such as those of high alkalinity or electrical conductivity and; 3) measured environmental controls over the function (e.g. primary production, exoenzyme activity) of soil organisms in an environment of severe environmental limitations. Sampling was performed in the polar desert of Antarctica's McMurdo Dry Valleys, a model ecosystem which hosts microbially-dominated soil foodwebs and displays heterogeneously distributed soil properties across the landscape. Results for Chapter 2 indicate differential effects of resource availability and geochemical severity on bacterial communities, with a significant productivity-diversity relationship that plateaus near the highest observed concentrations of the limiting resource organic carbon (0.30mg C/g soil). Geochemical severity (e.g. pH, electrical conductivity) primarily affected bacterial community similarity and successfully explained the divergent structure of a subset of samples. 16S rRNA amplicon pyrosequencing further revealed in Chapter 3 the identity of specific phyla that preferentially exist within certain habitats (i.e. Acidobacteria in alkaline soils, Nitrospira in mesic soils) suggesting the presence of niche specialists and spatial heterogeneity of taxa-specific functions (i.e. nitrite oxidation). Additionally, environmental parameters had different explanatory power towards predicting bacterial richness at varying taxonomic scales, from 57% of phylum-level richness with pH to 91% of order- and genus-level richness with moisture. Finally, Chapter 4 details a simultaneous sampling of soil communities and their associated ecosystem functions (primary productivity, enzymatic decomposition) and indicates that the overall organic substrate diversity may be greater in mesic soils where bacterial diversity is also highest, thus a potentially unforeseen driver of community dynamics. I also quantified annual rates of soil production which range between 0.7 - 18.1g C/m2/yr from the more arid to productive soils, respectively. In conclusion, the extension of biogeographical theory for macroorganisms has proven successful and both environmental severity and resource availability have obvious (although different) effects on the diversity and composition of soil microbial communities. iii Acknowledgments My time as a graduate student would have been rather unproductive without the collaborations and support of family, friends, and coworkers. If nothing else, my five years at Virginia Tech have reinforced the role that those around you can have in shaping what you do and who you become. The most well-funded project in the most amazing field location asking the sexiest questions would be nothing without good mentors, energetic collaborators, and caring friends. I've been fortunate during my graduate work to have all of these forces at my back, and I'm very grateful for the multitude of influences that have brought me to where I am today. First and foremost I need to thank Jeb Barrett and the VT Stream Team (members past and present). Jeb first recognized my budding abilities way-back-when and offered the opportunity to become a soil ecologist through work at the McMurdo LTER. His mentoring would provide the direction and focus necessary to "soil" a freshwater algae guy. I'll always be grateful for his easy demeanor and open-door policy that never failed to encourage my efforts and calm any fears. His trust in my abilities also gave me the flexibility to try new things, mentor many undergraduate students, and take a diversity of classes as I desired. The broader VT Stream Team was also extremely instrumental throughout my graduate work. In particular, I'd like to thank faculty members Jack Webster, Mike Strickland, and Bryan Brown for their thoughtful input. Bobbie Niederlehner was an inexhaustible source of support in all-things analytical, without which I might still be trying to finish data generation. The academic siblings I gained within the Stream Team will remain important sources of collaboration and friendship throughout my career. Something can be said for sticking a bunch of graduate students into one communal office and the sense of community it fosters. Adam iv Altrichter, Jeff Norman, Eric Sokol, Robert Northington, and James Skelton were particularly influential, and for that I'll always be grateful. Other acknowledgments might take an entire dissertation in itself to mention, but these are at least the highlights. My academic committee (Jeb Barrett, Jack Webster, Lisa Belden, Brian Strahm) was a fantastic source of perspective and motivation at all stages of my graduate experience. (Sorry I never learned to make a decent pot of coffee!). The support staff both within the Department of Biological Sciences and McMurdo LTER were incredible resources without which none of my work could have been accomplished. Work at McMurdo also exposed me to many amazing scientists with whom I hope to maintain collaboration, including Craig Cary and Charlie Lee (University of Waikato), Tina Takacs-Vesbach and Dave Van Horn (University of New Mexico), and Mike Gooseff (Colorado State University). A host of undergraduates also played pivotal roles in my research, most notably Julia Campus, Laura Véru, Samanata Shrestha, Matt Hedin, Nick Warren, and Mahtaab Bagherzadeh. Finally, critical stages in methods development would have been impossible without guidance from the Stevens Lab (Biological Sciences) and Griffey Lab (Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences). I don't know that a four sentence paragraph can adequately express my thanks to family and friends. I have had the honor of meeting and coming to know in the preceding years many fine individuals both on campus and within Blacksburg itself, a place I began to miss before I even left. To my parents and family I can't say enough. As a first generation college graduate (much less PhD recipient) I can only hope that my graduate work stands as a source of pride and testament to the sacrifices of my family which have made my life goals a possibility. Thank you all. v Table of Contents Abstract........................................................................................................................................ii Acknowledgments.........................................................................................................................iv Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................vi List of Tables................................................................................................................................vii List of Figures.................................................................................................................................x Attributions.................................................................................................................................xiii Chapter 1: General Introduction.................................................................................................1 Literature Cited...............................................................................................................................5 Chapter 2: Environmental controls over bacterial communities in polar desert soils............9 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................9 Methods.........................................................................................................................................11 Results...........................................................................................................................................18 Discussion......................................................................................................................................22 Literature Cited.............................................................................................................................26 Chapter 3: Bacterial community composition of divergent soil habitats in a polar desert...............................................................................................................42 Introduction...................................................................................................................................42 Methods and Analysis...................................................................................................................43 Results and Discussion..................................................................................................................45 Literature Cited.............................................................................................................................49 Chapter 4: Productivity-diversity relationships in a simple terrestrial ecosystem................57 Introduction..................................................................................................................................57 Site Description and Methods......................................................................................................59 Results...........................................................................................................................................64 Discussion.....................................................................................................................................66 Literature Cited.............................................................................................................................71 Chapter 5: Synthesis...................................................................................................................83 Literature Cited.............................................................................................................................88 Appendix A: McMurdo Regional Soil Characteristics.............................................................90 Appendix B: Bacterial Diversity of Soil Habitats....................................................................92 Appendix C: Ecosphere Copyright Permission for Chapter 2...............................................93 Appendix D: FEMS Copyright Permission for Chapter 3......................................................94 vi List of Tables Chapter 2: Environmental controls over bacterial communities in polar desert soils Table 1: Average (n=3) soil characteristics of regional sampling sites and ad hoc productivity classes: soil organic carbon (SOC, mg/kg dry soil); total nitrogen (TN, mg/kg dry soil); moisture (% gravimetric); electrical conductivity (EC, µS/cm). Values are means with SD in parentheses.....................................................................................................................32 Table 2: Average (n=3) soil characteristics of regional sampling sites and ad hoc productivity classes: microbial biomass carbon (MBC, mg/kg dry soil); ratio of beta- to alpha- glucosidase enzyme activity (βgluc/αgluc, g SOC/kg dry soil); invertebrate density (Total inverts, number of individuals/kg dry soil); TRFLP ribotype richness (Bacterial richness). Values are means with SD in parentheses. N/A data unavailable....................................33 Table 3: Spearman rank correlations among soil variables. CHLA = chlorophyll a concentration (µg/g dry soil); all other abbreviations are as in Tables 1 and 2. n=32 (29 for total invertebrates)......................................................................................................................34 Table 4: MANOVA results using productivity class (n=3) and regional site location (n=11) as predictors of common soil properties. Abbreviations are as in Tables 1 and 2. n=32 (29 for total invertebrates)........................................................................................................35 Chapter 3: Bacterial community composition of divergent soil habitats in a polar desert Table 1. Spearman non-parametric correlation matrix between soil parameters (square-root transformed), Chao1 estimated richness, and bacterial community richness at the phylum (Phy R), order (Ord R), and genus (Gen R) taxonomic levels. TN = total nitrogen (mg/kg dry soil); SOC = soil organic carbon (mg/kg dry soil); NO -N = nitrate-N (mg N/kg dry 3 vii soil); MBC = microbial biomass carbon (mg/kg dry soil); EC = electrical conductivity (µS/cm); Moist. = % gravimetric moisture; Chla = chlorophyll a concentration (µg/g dry soil)....................................................................................................................................53 Table 2. Multiple linear regression results for the prediction of phylum, order, and genus-level richness through mixed stepwise selection of model effects (α = 0.15). Effects included the soil parameters pH, SOC (soil organic carbon), electrical conductivity, gravimetric moisture, and chlorophyll a concentration. All variance inflation factors < 3.................54 Chapter 4: Productivity-diversity relationships in a simple terrestrial ecosystem Table 1. Additional information for enzymatic assays of soils. Standards for the phenol oxidase assay were created by reacting a known mass of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine substrate with a horseradish peroxidase. 4-MUB = 4-methylumbelliferyl......................................76 Table 2. Average untransformed parameters for 15 soil habitats clustered into three zones by gravimetric moisture using a nonhierarchical k-means technique. Standard error in parentheses except when missing data reduced n < 3 (NA). Number of observations are Low (n = 3), Intermediate (n = 7), and High (n = 5). Electrical conductivity (EC, µS/cm); chlorophyll a (Chla, µg/g dry soil); gravimetric moisture (% Moist); soil organic carbon (SOC, mg/kg dry soil); total nitrogen (TN, mg/kg dry soil); microbial biomass carbon (MBC, mg/kg dry soil); TRFLP bacterial diversity (Bact. H’); α-glucosidase activity (AG, µmole/g MBC/hr); β-glucosidase activity (BG, µmole/g MBC/hr); N-acetyl-β- glucosaminidase activity (NAG, µmole/g MBC/hr); phenol oxidase activity (POX, µmole/g MBC/hr); leucine aminopeptidase activity (LAP, µmole/g MBC/hr); electron transport rate (ETR, µmol/m2/s); gross primary production (GPP, µmol O /m2/s). 2 viii Lowercase letters indicate significant difference by ANOVA of transformed values (P < 0.05)...................................................................................................................................77 Table 3. Spearman correlation matrix for soil properties. Electrical conductivity (EC, µS/cm); chlorophyll a (Chla, µg/g dry soil); gravimetric moisture (% Moist); soil organic carbon (SOC, mg/kg dry soil); total nitrogen (TN, mg/kg dry soil); microbial biomass carbon (MBC, mg/kg dry soil); TRFLP bacterial diversity (Bact. H’). α-glucosidase activity (AG, µmole/g MBC/hr); phenol oxidase activity (POX, µmole/g MBC/hr); index of activity for all carbon-acquiring enzymes (Enz. H’); electron transport rate (ETR, µmole/g MBC/hr). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.................................................78 Table 4. Test results for comparisons of PAM measures taken from moss communities found in different physical states. PAM measures include effective quantum yield (YII), electron transport rate (ETR, µmol/m2/s), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, µmol/m2/s), and temperature (°C)..........................................................................................................79 ix List of Figures Chapter 2: Environmental controls over bacterial communities in polar desert soils Figure 1. Location of sixteen regional sampling sites in Wright and Taylor Valley of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Site labels from Table 1...........................................36 Figure 2. Productivity (chlorophyll a) gradient observed for 48 local plots, log scale. Error bars represent standard deviation. Gradient divided by horizontal lines into three productivity classes created using k-means non-hierarchical clustering. Regional sites ranked by increasing maximum chlorophyll a content. Closed circles indicate locations where DNA could be extracted (32 of 48 plots)....................................................................................37 Figure 3. PCA ordination of the soil properties moisture, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), electrical conductivity, and pH for 32 local plots. Biplot of soil properties, as correlated with major axes, is overlain. Labels indicate productivity classes determined via clustering of local plots by soil surface chlorophyll a concentrations......38 Figure 4. nMDS ordination of square-root transformed relative abundance bacterial (TRFLP) data for 32 local plots. Labels indicate productivity classes determined via clustering of local plots by chlorophyll a concentrations. Biplot of soil properties moisture, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), electrical conductivity, and pH (as correlated with major axes) is overlain...............................................................................................39 Figure 5. CCA ordination of 32 local plots using weighted average site scores. Labels signify productivity classes determined via clustering of local plots by chlorophyll a concentrations. Biplot of soil properties soil organic carbon (SOC), electrical conductivity, and pH is overlain to emphasize the relationship between site bacterial communities and environment...........................................................................................40 x