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Environmental Control of Cell Synthesis and Function. The 5th International symposium on the Continuous Culture of Micro-Organisms, Held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, July 1971 PDF

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Preview Environmental Control of Cell Synthesis and Function. The 5th International symposium on the Continuous Culture of Micro-Organisms, Held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, July 1971

Environmental Control of Cell Synthesis and Function (The 5th International Symposium on the Continuous Culture of Micro-organisms, held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, July 1971) Edited by A. C. R. DEAN University of Oxford S. J. PIRT Queen Elizabeth College, University of London D. W. TEMPEST Microbiological Research Establishment For ton Down The papers in this volume were originally published in the Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Volume 22, Issues 1 to 4, between January and April 1972. They are reprinted as they appeared in the original publication—hence the fact that the pages are numbered in four sequential sets with gaps between the sets. Published for the SOCIETY OF CHEMICAL INDUSTRY by ACADEMIC PRESS 1972 ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LIMITED 24-28 Oval Road London NW1 United States Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC 111 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10003 Copyright © 1972 Society of Chemical Industry Second Printing 1973 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm, or any other without written permission from the publishers Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-79140 ISBN: 0-12-208050-5 Printed in Great Britain by The Whitefriars Press Ltd., London and Tonbridge Preface The 5th International Symposium on Continuous Culture of Micro-organisms was held at St. Catherine's College, University of Oxford, from the 19th to 24th July 1971. The scientific programme was divided into four main areas of interest (namely, Kinetics of Growth, Recent Advances in Equipment Design and Operation, Influence of Environment on the Control of Cell Synthesis, and Physico-chemical Effects on Cell Structure and Functioning) and some 20 individual topics were discussed. Each topic was introduced by a full-length review-type lecture. It is hoped that this collec- tion of papers provides an up to date and comprehensive survey of the application of Continuous Culture to research in Microbiology; particularly to problems of microbial physiology. The programme was designed to illustrate the great extent to which the structure and functioning of microbial cells is influenced by the chemical and physical nature of the growth environment. Since continuous culture techniques provide not only controlled environments, but a wide range of unique environments, the central role which they can play in microbiological research (and in their applica- tion to microbiological processes) is clearly evident, and amply illustrated. D /. appl. Chem. Biotechnol. 1972, 22, 55-64 Introductory Lecture Prospects and Problems in Continuous Flow Culture of Micro-organisms S. J. Pirt Microbiology Department, Queen Elizabeth College {University of London), Camp den Hill, London W.8 1. Introduction 12 This symposium marks the 21st anniversary ' of the publication of the theory of chemostat continuous-flow culture. The theory marks a turning point in studies on the physiology of cell growth and, as a result, the chemostat has become a major method for studies on the dynamics of function in growing populations of microbes and cells. This paper considers: (i) the basic concepts of continuous-flow culture, (ii) the need for extension of the theory of chemostat cultures, (iii) some conditions under which the theory breaks down, in particular, at slow growth rates, and (iv) future problems. 1.1. Terminology There is a need to be more precise about the meaning of the term "continuous cul- ture". There are many different types of continuous culture, all derived from two basic types: (i) the chemostat and (ii) plug-flow culture. In the chemostat, ideally the culture is completely mixed, whereas in the ideal plug-flow culture the culture flows along a tubular vessel without mixing. "Continuous-flow culture" is a preferable generic term for all the methods, especially since it has been extended to tissue cell culture where the term "continuous culture" has a quite different meaning. 1.2. Open and closed systems 3 Herbert introduced the concepts of open and closed culture systems. An open culture system is defined as one which has both input of material (substrates) and output of material (biomass and products). A closed system is one which has no input and output of materials. The open systems have, in theory, the possibility that biomass growth and output will balance and the system reaches a steady state in which constant conditions can be maintained indefinitely. In a closed system only transient states are possible in which conditions continually change and approach a static final state. The term "batch culture" is used as a synonym for a closed system of culture but the latter term would be more exact. The chemostat and plug-flow 56 S. J. Pirt cultures are open systems which differ fundamentally in the cultural conditions and in the nature of the steady states realised in them. Plug-flow culture simulates a batch culture, the only difference being that the sequence of conditions temporally separated in a closed system are spatially separated in a plug-flow culture. Thus the biomass in a plug-flow culture is subjected to changing conditions as it passes along the vessel. Plug-flow culture with feedback may be convenient as a means for the auto- matic renewal of the cycle which occurs in a closed system, or for maintenance of particular phases of the cycle in the culture vessel. It suffers from the disadvantage that it requires complex apparatus difficult to realise in practice. The chemostat greatly extends the range of conditions possible in a culture. Many of the advantages of the chemostat stem from the fact that it is a simple means for obtaining substrate-limited growth, that is, growth rate limited by the supply of an essential nutrient whilst maintaining a constant environment. In a closed system such as the simple batch culture with common media, most of the growth occurs with an excess of substrate, growth proceeding at the maximum rate until the substrate is virtually exhausted. Substrate-limited growth may be maintained for a period in a closed system by the use of a substrate feed, but the environment will not be constant, which may make it difficult or impossible to discover the effects of a given environmental condition. It is misleading to regard the chemostat as a means for extending the period of exponential growth. The latter, in most people's minds, refers to the period of growth at a constant maximum rate which occurs in a batch culture while there is excess of nutrients; this is only one extreme case of the constant conditions possible in a chemostat. The basic advantages of the chemostat over other means of culture are five in number. (i) It provides a means of controlling growth rate. This is achieved not by changing either the nature of the substrate or the physical conditions of the culture but by changing the concentration of growth-limiting substrate 4 in the medium. This principle was applied by Herbert to determine the effect of growth rate on the synthesis of RNA, DNA and cell size in a 5 bacterial culture; similarly, Tempest and Herbert determined the effect of growth rate on the activity of respiratory enzymes. (ii) The growth rate can be held constant whilst physical and nutritional con- ditions are changed; this is the converse of (i). Thus the effect of temperature 6 on RNA synthesis was elucidated. (iii) It provides a means of achieving "substrate-limited growth" with constant concentration of the limiting substrate. The great importance of substrate- limited growth in metabolic control is now emerging largely as a result of chemostat studies. The wide-reaching effects of substrate limitation is illustrated by the effect of phosphate limitation on growth of Gram-positive bacteria. Species of Bacillus** and Staphylococcus (Tempest, private communi- cation) change their cell wall composition, having teichuronic acid present with phosphate limitation and teichoic acid with excess phosphate. The difference between substrate-limited growth and the state of an exponentially Prospects and problems in continuous flow culture 57 growing batch culture was unexpected and consequently has proved difficult to appreciate. (iv) The chemostat permits the biomass in a culture to adjust itself to a steady state in any given environment. This is a unique feature of the chemostat made possible because a given environment can be maintained indefinitely. In a plug-flow culture, in contrast, although the system as a whole can reach a steady state, the biomass does not because it is moving through an environment which is changing faster than the organism can adapt its structure and metabolism. An instance of this is the change in catalase 7 content of cells throughout a batch culture. In contrast, in a chemostat the enzyme activities settle down to constant values, e.g. Tempest and Her- 5 bert. Only by achieving the steady state in the biomass can one separate the effects of a given environment from the effects of the history of the organism. (v) The final advantage of the chemostat is that it permits the most rapid conversion of substrate into biomass plus growth-limited products such 8 as carbon dioxide. For this reason the chemostat is required for large-scale biomass production and for the bio-degradation of wastes such as effluents. 2. VALIDITY OF CHEMOSTAT THEORY 1 The Monod relation of growth and substrate utilisation holds reasonably well for chemostat culture of a single type of organism with a single growth-limiting substrate. 910 4 The deviations due to maintenance energy ' and to storage products are generally agreed upon. Deviations which seem to depend on biomass concentration are less 11 well understood. With carbon-limited growth, Contois found that the experimental value of the biomass became progressively less than the predicted value as the biomass concentration increased. To account for this he proposed that in the Monod relation between growth rate (μ) and the concentration of growth-limiting substrate )s) 9 that is, μ = /w/C? + ^s), the K value depends on the biomass concentration (x). H So he postulated that K = Bx, where Β is a constant. The tests of this model, how- s ever, depended on the assumption that the substrate concentration s could be cal- culated from the equation s = s — x\ Y, where the growth yield Y was assumed T constant. In fact, Y for carbon and energy sources is known to decrease at high growth rates through incomplete oxidation, e.g. see reference 12, and this could 13 account for the deviations which Contois observed. Jannasch observed that the growth of a spirillum at very low biomass concentration (<15 mg dry wt/1) was less than that predicted. It appeared that at low biomass concentrations the growth yield Ffrom lactate decreased and K increased. This effect could be attributed to inhibition s 14 by oxygen which decreased the value of // . Meers and Tempest observed an increase m 2 8 in the limiting Mg + concentration at concentrations of Bacillus sp. below 10 bacilli/ 2+ ml. The decrease in the limiting Mg concentration with increase in biomass con- centration was attributed to the secretion of an activator. This activatory substance, it was postulated, increased the maximum growth rate according to the relation 58 S. J. Pirt where ρ is the concentration of the activatory product and λ a constant. A similar expression has been derived from Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics to account for activation of an enzyme (see reference 15, p. 323). The chemical nature of the activator for uptake of magnesium ions remains unknown. Much effort in studies with the chemostat has been wasted because it was directed towards ad hoc studies on substrate utilisation and product formation rather than systematic tests of theory. As a result, systematic tests of theory have been limited to studies on a few of the more common energy sources such as glucose and by ammonia, potassium, magnesium and phosphate limitation, and nearly all the tests have been done with bacteria. These tests need to be extended to the fungi, protozoa, algae and tissue cells of animals and plants. Deviations from the model behaviour bring to light unexpected properties of the organism. For instance, in the author's laboratory it has been observed that in filamentous mould cultures the 16 critical dilution rate instead of being equal to the maximum growth rate is much less (about 50%). The cause of this deviation remains to be discovered. 1 3. EXTENSIONS TO CHEMOSTAT THEORY: EFFECTS OF INHIBITORS 3.1. ASSOCIATIONS OF ORGANISMS Theoretical models for the dynamics of associations of protists and cells in chemostat culture need to be developed and tested experimentally. Of the different systems which can be conceived, only a few can be mentioned here. (i) Interdependence of two organisms A and Β with different growth-limiting substrates and organism A requiring a growth factor produced by B. Systems such as this may exist among the lactobacilli and streptococci which often occur together. (ii) Interdependence in which one organism (A) produces a growth factor for organism B whilst Β removes a substance which is toxic for A. Such systems 9 may occur with methane-oxidising bacteria which are known to grow poorly alone but seem to flourish in mixed cultures with bacteria which cannot utilise methane. (iii) Predator-prey relations such as protozoa ingesting bacteria: it is important to note that the relation between the growth rate of protozoa and the bacterial substrate conforms to a Monod type of relation in which K is of s 17 the same order as that for the carbon substrates of bacteria. The protozoa- bacteria predator-prey system is highly relevant to studies on effluent purification. Although the protozoa may perform a useful function in disposing of the bacteria at the end of the process, presumably they are detrimental if they prey on the bacteria in the early stage before the bacteria have finished their task. Assuming the protozoa have a lower D nt than the c bacteria, the protozoa could be eliminated from the first stage by making the dilution rate above the D vit for the protozoa. C Prospects and problems in continuous flow culture 59 3.2. Inhibitor effects The dynamics of inhibitor effects on chemostat cultures need theoretical study. It may be anticipated from the important role inhibitors have played in enzyme studies and in chemotherapy that they will be important in control of metabolism and product formation in chemostat cultures. The basis of the theory of inhibitor effects is either Michaelis-Menten enzyme 18 kinetics as used, for instance, by Van Uden in a study of competitive inhibition of glucose uptake for yeast growth, or pure mathematical modelling of the type used 19 by Aiba, Shoda and Nagatani in a study of alcohol inhibition of yeast growth. However, the results of Aiba et al. show that the alcohol effect corresponds to the case of non-competitive inhibition in enzyme kinetics. Cases of product inhibition of growth must frequently be met and we need to know how this will modify the relation between biomass and dilution rate in a chemostat. Also growth inhibition by substrates is becoming increasingly important in studies on the microbial degrada- tion of toxic compounds such as phenols and hydrocarbons. A theoretical study of 20 substrate inhibition has been given by Edwards. 3.3. Inhibitor added to medium The addition to the medium of a substance which competitively inhibits uptake of 18 the growth-limiting substrate is expected from Michaelis-Menten kinetics to affect the biomass-dilution rate relation as shown in Figure 1. Van Uden used L- sorbose as the inhibitor of glucose uptake and in general one would expect non- JT, ι = 0 Ο 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 Dilution rate (h~ ) Figure 1. Effect of a competitive inhibitor of uptake of growth-limiting substrate (s). The effect was modelled by substituting / f , rr / 1 + * \ \ in the Monod theory, where / = inhibitor concentration; K= 0.01 g/1; Ki = 0.01 g/1; χ = biomass s concentration; s = limiting substrate concentration. metabolisable analogues of the substrate to be competitive inhibitors and to act specifically at the first step in the metabolic pathway of the substrate. It seems possible, however, that some analogues might undergo the first one or two steps of metabolism 60 S. J. Pirt and act as competitors at each of these steps. For example, a glucose analogue might be phosphorylated but not subject to further metabolism. Non-competitive inhibition of growth seems more likely than competitive inhibition because there are obviously more sites for non-competitive effects. The expected effect of a non-competitive inhibitor of growth in the chemostat is shown in Figure 2. The predominant effect is a decrease in the maximum growth rate. The latter effect might be exploited in studies on mixed cultures to eliminate one organism from the population. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 — 1 1-0 - \ 1 I _ 1 1 / 1 1 1 J 1 - / / / 5, , Ao J /=*; / Ο I .I 0.2 1 L0.'4 0.16 1 .01. 8 1 ^ 1.0 Dilution rate ( h- I) Figure 2. Effect of a non-competitive inhibitor of growth. The effect was modelled by substituting μ = BumsKs + K), where Β = 1/(1 + i/Ki) in the Monod theory: / = inhibitor concentration; s K = 0.01 g/1; Ki = 0.01 g/1; χ = biomass concentration; s = limiting substrate concentration. B The addition of an inhibitor would be expected to bring about both genetic and phenotypic changes in the population. In this way, the organism might be constrained to change its enzyme content or excrete intermediary metabolites. Some of the possibilities might be elucidated by studies with the chemostat of some of the classical inhibitors of glycolysis or the respiratory pathway. 3.4. TWO OR MORE GROWTH-LIMITING SUBSTRATES If substrate uptake follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics, then, when two substrates are growth-limiting, the rate of growth, by analogy with enzyme kinetics (see reference 15, p. 72), would be expected to conform to the relation 1 where μ = specific growth rate (HR ), μ = maximum specific growth rate, a and b ΊΆ are the concentrations of the two growth-limiting substrates and AT and Kt> are the A saturation constants. It is clear from the above equation that if a and b are of the same order as and A^, respectively, μ may be much less than it would be if either a or b were large compared with its respective saturation constant. For example, if a = Κ and b = Κχ>, then μ = 0.25 /z , whereas it would be 0.5 // if either a or b Ά m m Prospects and problems in continuous flow culture 61 were present in excess. Fortunately, for economy of substrate, because growth- limiting concentrations are generally very low (for example, only a few parts/million for carbon sources and much less for sources of nitrogen and other substrates), it should usually be possible to work with all substrates but one in excess. There seems to be no reason why this consideration should not apply even in effluent purification where one aim is to free the effluent from substrates as far as possible. 4. MINIMUM GROWTH RATE There are a number of reports which suggest that the growth rate of micro-organisms can only be decreased to a finite limit and that if the nutrient feed rate is insufficient for this then all or a part of the cell population ceases to grow. Another possibility if there is a minimum growth rate and the dilution rate is below this, is that there could be bursts of growth followed by periods of no growth. The evidence for a finite minimum growth rate (//MIN) is as follows. 4.1. IN FUNGI In a glucose-limited Pénicillium chrysogenum culture a marked change in the properties 1 of the mould occurs when the growth rate is <0.014 h" : the penicillin production 21 rate decays to zero; conidia formation begins and extensive macromolecular change 22 22 occurs. More recently, Bainbridge et al. > have shown that Aspergillus nidulans does not grow if supplied glucose at 1.5 χ maintenance ration which would corres- _1 pond to a specific growth rate of 0.007 h . Again, extensive hyphal and macro- molecular changes were observed although no conidia were formed. These results indicate that there is a minimum growth rate of moulds which is about 5% of the maximum rate (//MAX). Below this critical growth rate differentiation into a resting state occurs. 4.2. IN BACTERIA The evidence for a "minimum growth rate" in bacteria was reviewed and added to 24 by Tempest, Herbert and Phipps. They showed that the growth rate of Klebsiella _1 aerogenes tended to a minimum of 0.009 h at 37 °C irrespective of whether glycerol or ammonia were the growth-limiting substrates. Their estimate of the minimum growth rate took into account the non-viability (that is, inability to grow) of a part of the population. However, the "viability" they determined may not have been a valid estimate of the number of growing bacteria in the chemostat since it was deter- mined by plating out the bacteria on rich (complete) media instead of the minimal _1 media used in the culture. Hence the value of 0.009 h could be a serious under- estimate of the minimum growth rate. A reconsideration of the data of these experi- ments shows that a sharp discontinuity in the properties of the bacteria occurred at _1 _1 a growth rate of 0.06 h . Figure 3 shows that below a growth rate of 0.06 h the RNA and DNA in the cells decreased abruptly whilst the graphs of the QO2 against growth rate (Figure 4) and of the reciprocal growth yield for glycerol against reciprocal growth rate (Figure 5) departs from linearity. The linear part of the graph in Figure 5

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