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Environmental assessment for Continental Lime, Inc. application for life-of-mine expansion amendment to Department of State Lands operating permit 00105 PDF

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Preview Environmental assessment for Continental Lime, Inc. application for life-of-mine expansion amendment to Department of State Lands operating permit 00105

622.3516 L3eacL 1993 DEPARTMENTOFSTATELANDS MARCRACICOT,GOVERNOR P.O.BOX201601 STATE OF MONTANA' (406)444-2074 HELENA1,62M5OENLTEVAENNAT5H9A62V0E-1N6U0E1 October 7, 1993 Dear Reader: Enclosed for your review is an Environmental Assessment (EA) perveaplauraetedsbya tphreopoDseaplartbmyenCtontofineSnttaatle LLiamned,s I(nDcS.L)f.orTheexpaEnAsion of mining south into the Limestone Hills. Public comment on this EA will be received by DSL until 5:00 p.m. October 29, 1993. Comments should be about the adequacy of the EA in assessing issues, new information not considered that may influence the analysis, and clarification. Comments should be specific. The DSL will use these comments and agency responses, the EA, and the application to make a final decision on the permit. The decision may be to approve the proposal, deny the proposal, or approve the proposal with modifications. Comments will be accepted by calling Bob Winegar (444- 2074), or written comments directed to: Bob Winegar Department of State Lands PO Box 201601 Helena, MT 59601-1601 Thank you for your time and consideration. Please call Dept. of State Lands (444-2074) if you have any questions. Sincerely, 5Pr?o5gr™a™mcSiu»pSerJ5v?i!snorr- ^mDocumentscollection Hard Rock Bureau Reclamation Division !4 I'M /etc HMEOLNETN1AA5N,15AMESO.TNA6TtTAhENAALVIE5B.9R6AR2Y0 enclosure a c L i L "ANEQUALOPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER' ES!>"661222X.!M3U5O?1S6N?LTS3eA°a»cN"L"A1n9'9Se3nTctA1toTrCEontLinIeBntRalARY 30864000871841 DATEDUE DEMCO38-301 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT for CONTINENTALLIME,INC. APPLICATIONFORLIFE-OF-MINE-EXPANSIONAMENDMENTTO DEPARTMENTOFSTATELANDSOPERATINGPERMIT00105 PREPAREDBY: DEPARTMENTOFSTATELANDS HARDROCKBUREAU HELENA,MONTANA PURSUANTTOTHE MONTANAENVIRONMENTALPOLICYACTS OCTOBER8, 1993 I TABLEOFCONTENTS CHAPTERI-INTRODUCTION 1 A. ProposedAction 1 B. PurposeandNeedforAction 1 C. BackgroundandProjectLocation 1 D. LandStatus 2 E. PublicInvolvement 2 1. Va.egetatiRoanrePlantsandCommunities 22 b. MountainMahoganyCommunity 4 2. Wildlife 4 a. RareAnimals 4 b. BigGame 4 3. SurfaceWaterHydrology 4 a. StormwaterRunoffControl 4 b. WaterQuality 4 4. Socioeconomics 5 5. Safety 5 6. CulturalResources 5 F. AgencyResponsibilities 6 21.. DBuerpeaarutmoefntLaonfdSMtaatneagLeanmdesnt . 67 3. OtherStateAgencies 7 a. DepartmentofFish,WildlifeandParks(FWP) 7 b. StateHistoricPreservationOffice(SHPO) 7 c. DepartmentofHealthandEnvironmentalSciences(DHES) .... 8 (1) AirQualityBureau(AQB) 8 (2) WaterQualityBureau(WQB) 8 4. OtherFederalAgencies 8 a. U.S.FishandWildlifeService 8 CHAPTERII-PROPOSEDPLANANDALTERNATIVES 9 A. Company'sProposedPlan 9 1. MinePlan 9 2. ReclamationPlan 11 a. MineArea 12 b. WasteRockDumps 12 c. RejectsPile 12 d. HaulandAccessRoads 12 e. SurfaceWaterManagement 14 B. AlternativestotheProposedPlan 14 C. R1e.latedAAlctteironnastive1-NoAction 1144 CHAPTERIII-AFFECTEDENVIRONMENT 15 A. Vegetation 15 21.. RPlaanngteDeosfctrhieptPiloannt 1155 3. MountainMahoganyintheLimestoneHills 16 B. Wildlife 16 C. S1o.cioecMounloemiDceser 1188 October8,1993 ii CHAPTERIV-ENVIRONMENTALCONSEQUENCESANDCUMULATIVEEFFECTS 21 A. ProposedAction 21 1. Vegetation 21 a. Curl-leafMountainMahogany 21 2. Wildlife 22 a. MuleDeer 22 3. Socioeconomics 23 B. No-ActionAlternative 24 1. VegetationandWildlife 24 2. Socioeconomics 24 C. CumulativeEffects 24 1. No-actionAlternative 24 2. ProposedAction 24 a. Vegetation 24 b. Wildlife 25 c. Socioeconomics 26 CHAPTERV-CONCLUSIONS 27 GLOSSARY 28 REFERENCES 29 October8,1993 iii LISTOFFIGURES Figure1: SiteLocation 3 Figure2: ProposedExpansionArea 10 Figure3: ProposedRejectsDump(NottoScale) 13 Figure4: GeneralDistributionofCurl-leafMountainMahoganyinMontana 17 Figure5: MuleDeerWinterRangeinVicinityofMine 19 October8,1993

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