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OECD DOCUMENTS Environmental and ethical aspects of long-lived radioactive waste disposal Proceedings of an International Workshop organised by the Nuclear Energy Agency 1m covoperation wlth the Environment Directorate Paris, 1-2 Septber 1994 NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT ‘Porsuant to Article 1 of the Convention signe! in Paris on 14(h December 1960, and which ‘came inww ferce on 3th September 1961, the Organisation for Euonamie Co-nperation und Development (OECD) shall promotopolicos designe —~ louchieve the highest sustainable economic growth and employment and a rising ‘Sandardof living in Member countries, whilo matolaing financial sabi, and thos to ‘arerbnts tothe developsnent of ths world ocancmy ‘connibue fo sound econoinic expansion in Momber as wel au con-member entries in the procoss of oeanomnie development; and te contrite 0 the expansion of world (ade on a mubilstra, nou-disoximutony basis 4 accordance with itoranional obligates. ‘Te arlginal Mombor cauntras of the OBCD are Ausiri, Belgium, Camda, Denmark, France, Germeny, Greece, Ieclnd, Ireland, aly, Lixemabunrg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tutkey, the United Kingdom and the Uniled Stiss, The following couatics, bbecume Members subsequently through accession atthe dates indicated hereafes: Japan (2th April 1964), Find (2h January 1969), Australia (7 Tono 1971), New Zealand (29th May 1973) snd Mexicn (18th May 1994), The Camtnision ofthe Eutopesn Commnurites tates part in the Work of ‘ho OECD (Amite 13 of the OBCD Convention). NUCLEAR ENERGY AGENCY The OECD Nuclear Eneray Agency (NEA) was exiblished om It February 1058 under the sume of the OBEC Bxropenn Nuciear Energy Agency. I raceved lis prosmt designation on 2004 Apr 1972 ‘when Japan became ls fst non-European fit Member. NEA manberiip toy consists of all ropean ‘Member countries uf OBCD as well ax Auricall, Canada, Zopan, Republic of Korea, Mexico and the United Stas. The Coramission ofthe European Conus thes part the work of de Agenty. The primary objective of NEA is 10 promote co-operation among the governments ofits paricipatiag couairies im frshecing the development of nuclear power ws o safe, environmentally ‘cceptatte and econamte energy someee. This is achieved by: encouraging harmontation of navional regulatory police and practices, wit porter reference 16 the softy of wuclearinstllutins, protection of man ryan ionising radaron Aad preservation ofthe envionment, radloarive waste management and nuclear rd party ably ad nsrance: assessing the eovribtion of meter power 10 the overall ery sappy by heaping wader ‘evicw the telndcal ard economic aspect of mictear power growth and forecating dead ‘nd supply forte diferem phases of te nuclear ful epee = developing exchanges of scientific and technical information partleularty through ‘Parkelpaon tn commen serdces — Setting up interunttona esearch end development programesey and join waderakings. 4 shese end reloted tank, NEA. warks it closacollahoration with the dnteradionel Aone Energy Agency ts Vien, with which it has couctuted a Co-operation Agreemions, ax nell ze with othe? lncernaionel organisations ith mucleer fed. @oxCD 1995 -Applitatfons fr permiasion a toproduce or relate all or pa ‘ofthis publication shake be made 1a Head of Pubilcatlons Service, OECD 2. nue And6-Paacal, 75775 FARIS CEDEX 16, France Foreword All counties engaged In nuclear production give particular attanlion to the safe disposal of radioactive waele, paricularly as tegards the aeed 10 protecl humans and the environment in the distant fuiure. Many other counfrias making usa of radiaaciive materials for medical, industrial or esearch purpases aniy are also cancarmed dy this Issua. Practically speaking all countvios ara ganerally inlerestad in keeping abreast of the development of radioactive wasle management policies and of undarlying technical and non-technical studies, ‘The NEA Radioaclive Waste Managemiant Comittee (RWMC} has been instrumental, since the ate 70s, in organising periodic reviews ol national polices and scientific developments focusing ‘on the practical solution offered by deep geological repositories for tha long-term isolation of radioactive wasta ftom the blosphera. However, in splta of their importance for the assessment of tong-term safaty, solentific and technical studies are arly one part of the current debata on radioactive waste management. Broader issues, such a5 environmental protection in general, ethical aspects, fublic parcaplion and decision-making, become increasingly Important al a time when radioaclive ‘waste disposal pragrammes start to be Implemented at natlonallavel, Accordingly, the RWMC decided 1m 1984 10 organise a workshop to sllmulate an exchange ol views on these quastions and to provide a broad basis for an in-depth reflection on long-term waste disposal issues, particularly the non- echnical questions which may not tave bean sullicierily discussed and expiainad, ‘The workshap was organised In Perla, on tsI-2nd Seplember 1994, in ce-operation will the QECD Environment Directorate. The focus was the concept of deep geological disposal and the associated non-technical long-term issues. Invited spectallss in environmental protection and ethics, addresead these Issues and took part in an exchange ol views with members of Ihe FIWIC. ‘These proceedings reproduce the papers by the Invilad speakers, and the full workshop discussions. The opinions presented are those of the speakers only and do not necessarily express the views of any Member country or international organisation, Thase proceedings are published on the responsibly of the Secrelary-General of he OECD. ORGANISATION DE COOPERATION ET DE DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUES En verw de Particle J de 1a Convorton signée 1¢ 14 décombre 196), & aris, 1 entée on vigueur lo 30 septembre 1961, I'Organisition de Coopération et do Développement Beoremiquos (GCDE) 3 pour cbjeel de promouvote des polities visa — “a réalisr a plus fone expansion de Péconamle et de l'emploi ot une progression du niveau do vie dans lex pays Membres, rout en malufenant In etabiltéfinaneibe, et & contribu afnsi ma développement de 'écanumie mondiale; — A contrtuer & une saine expansion économique dans les pays Membres, Days non membres, un vole de développement économique; = A contesbuse & Pexpansion du commerce mondial sur une base multilalérale er non ‘Bsiminutlre couforméinon aux ablgationa internationales ‘Los pays Membres originaires de OCDE sont :1'Allemagne, l'Avtrihe, la Relgiquc, te Canad, le Dancmark, Esqngne, les Etots-Uais, la France, la Grace, iIlaude, "islando, Mts, 1 Lavembourg, la Norvage, les Paya-Ets, le Portugal, le Roysume-Uni, I Suéde, la Suiste o¢ a wrquie, Let pays suivants soot ullrieurement devenus Merabres par adhesion aux datex [ndiquées cl-apads: le Japon (23 aril 1964), i Finlende 28 janvier 1969), PAusealic (7 jin 1971), la Nauvelle-Zélande (29 ma 1973) ot le Mosiguo (18 mai 1994) La Commission dea Commonantés couropéenes particle aux travaux de OCDE (arie 13 de Is Convention de OCDE). isi quo los L'AGENCE DE L’OCDE POUR L’ENERGIE NUCLEAIRE Agence de POCDE pour Energie Nuctdatre (AEN) au créte fe I" ferer 1958 sous te nom Agence Européewie pou: FBnergie Nucléaite de POECE. Elle « prs sa donominatin actuelle ‘ec 2b avril 1972 lorsgue le Japon ea dveru son premier pays dfenbre de plein erercce nom eavopson Leagerce groupe anjourdhul sous les pays Membres envopéens de POCDE, winsi que P'Awsralie, fe Canada, la République de Corée, fe Erats-Uvis, te Japon ot te Mexiqec. Lu Comision des Cormunauitscuropcentes parc des nova. TAABN a pour principal objec de praneutotr la coopération ome les gonvernemerts de set paps pariciponis parle développement de Péocrgle muciéaire en ont gue source Energie shee, ‘ceptable du pie de ve de Veironnemerd ef économie. Fear ancindre ct object PAEN. encourage Pharaunisation des pobines et pratiguesréglomenates notamment on ce gut concorne fa streté des instlintions nucteeres, ta protection de T'hamme contre fes rayonncmentslontsants et fa préservation de Uenvironnement, fa nesion des déchats rediociyaiat qu i responsi civil et Feauronee en marie aula: — Botte tx contribution de 'eleciranuctécire aux approvisiontenents en énergie, cx texuminuntréigiéremen es aspect éonoigue ci teckrdgucs de fa eolsance de éxrale tecltuir een éinblasnn des préviionscovcertant Poff ein demande de srvlees pour les dferomes phases du yet cu combustible melee = develope lee dchanget d'information scieatiques et techwigues notamment par Viermestnire de service conus met sur pied ses programmes invernationaus de recherche et développemen, et des nears cams, oar ces wesivites, eis gue pour autres ravens eanneses, PABN colebore ecotement avec Agence therationate de FEnergc Atontgne de Vieme, avec faguetie elle a conch an Accord de aoperation ainsi guar eutesurgensaions intrutienates open) dans fe dome mci. @OCDE 1995 repruducilon ax de aduction ttaes ou pariles publleacon coven scores Mle Chat do Servic des Publications, OCDE, 2 rue Ande-Possl, 78775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France Avant-propos Dans tous tas pays dotés d'un pare Blecironuciéalre, 'évacuation des déchets radioaciits dans dos conditions de sdreté fait objet d'una atlention particuliére, compte tenu de fa nécessilé c'aseurer tune protection de Itiorme ef de Fanvisonnement dans un avenislointaln. I) en gst da méma dans la plupart des autres pays ol les matores radioaclives ne sont utlisées qu’ des lins médicales ot industries ou dans la recharche. En pratique, 10us 8s pays s'intérossent & la mise au poinl des otliques de gestion des déchets radioactis alns! quraux études techniques ef on techniques qu y sont ides, Depuls ta tin das andes 70, ta Comité de ta Gestion des Oéchets Radioactls (RWMC) a procédé a des examons périadiques des ooltiques nationales el des dévaloppemants sciontifiques, €n nettant Faecent ur la solLtion pratique offota par les dépdis géologiques profonds pour lisolemont a Tong terme des déchets ractoaclis ds (a biosphare. Cependant, malgré leur importance dy point ds vue de Vévaluation de la sdseté along tarma, los études scienifiques of techriques ne constituent ‘que Tun des éléments du débat actue! sur la gestion des déchots radioactts, La prise en compis de uastons ius targes, telles que la proladian de Penvironnement en général, ea aspects striquas, la arceplion dy public et les procedures de prise de décision, revéi une importance croissante au ‘moment od la miss en oauwre des programmes d évacuatlon de déchets radioactis ast antraprise au plan nalional. En conséquence, fa RWMC a décidé, en 1994, dorganiser une réunion de travail pour stimuler un échange de wes sur ces questions ef foumir una base plus large a une réflexion approfondie sur les aspects & long terme de évacuatlon das déchets, notamment sur tes questions fon techniques qui nont paut-ét pas été sulisamment examinges el explquées, ‘Une réunion da travail a été organisée a Paris, los 1 at 2 soplombre 1994, en coopération avec ta Direction de Environnement da TOCDE. ‘accent porte sur ie concept d'évacuation en formations ‘Sologiques 1 les questions non techniques & long terms, Des spécialistes de ia protection de renvironnement et de Vthique ont été Invilés a débatire de oe sujet et ont particing & ln échange da vues avec les membres du WMC. Le présent comple randy contient fos exnosés présentés par les orateuts invités, ainsi que Vintégraité das discussions de la réunion de travall Les opinions qui y figurent sont celles des ‘oratours et rvexpriment pas nécassaiemant les points de vue das pays Membres ou des organisations internationales. “Le compte rendu est pubtié sous la reeponeabilté du Seorétalre général de YOCDE. Table of Contents. Introductory Seasion: Session I: Session Ii: Welcoming Addrasa(Kumihike UEMATSU, Director Genarat of NEA} Inveductory Remarss (Aan FLOWERS, Workshop Chairman) Rledioactive Waste Management Stratagies: Ssiting the Scene (Colin ALLAN, AECL Research, Canada, RWMC Vico-chairman) @ackground ta Current Environmental Policies and their implementation Evolution and Gurrent Thoughts aboul Environmental Policies {Bill L. LONG, Director, OECD Enviranment Dirsctorate) . . Managing Hazardous ActWilles and Subslances (Victor MORGENROTH, Environmental Heath ‘and Safety Division, OECD Environment Directorate) Emanging Concepts and Requirements for the Long-term Management of Non-radioactive Hazardous Wastes - Would Gaological Disposat Be ‘an Appropriate Solution for Some of These Wasies? (Mrs Kristina von REIN, Swedish Environmental Protection Boaed) General Discussion ... Ethles and the Environment Ethical Principles and the Environment in a Democratic Society (dona F. AHEARNE, Executive Olractor of Sigma Xi, United States} Fadloactive Waste Disposal - Ethical and Environmental Considerations: ‘A Canadian Perspective (Fted ROOTS, Dspantment of Enviconment, Canada) Ethical Guestions Within the Context of Final Storage of Radioactive Wastes (ites Herind GUNDELACH, BMU, Germany) Responsables aujourd’hu pour demain (Yi QUERE, Este Pytectniqe et Maurice ALLEGRE, ANDRA, France} : " 13 6 2 44 a 99 ‘Session Il: Managing Today for Toriorrow : Translation) (Yves QUERE, Ecole Polytechnique and Maurice ALEGRE, ANDRA, France) Cost Benefit Analysis, Sustainability and Long-lvad Radioactive Waste Management {Frans BERKHOUT, Stones Poy Rassarch Uni, University of Sussex ‘United Kingctom) Balancing Risks and Genetis Falny Across Generations: Cos/Benetil Considerations (Prok, Bay L. GATRON, The Goorge Wastingion Universtiy, United States) : . General Discussion Review of tha Geological Disposal Stretegy tor Long-lived Radioactive Waste and Its Implementation + Tople A Have Al the Retavant Issues Been Wentlied? (Rapporteur: Robert M. BERNERO, USNAC) General Discussion + Topic B Disposal Objectives: Ara they Fair and Properly Delined? (Rapporteur: Charles MCCOMBIE, NAGRA, Switzerianc} General Discussion *Tople C —Impler and of Programmes} (@apporteut: Per-Eric Aidt STROM, SKB, Sweden) Goneral Discussion . + Tople D —Aetriovabilty: A Specimum of Views Radioactive Waste Disposal: Taking Socletal Views into Account {Wim A. SMIT, Universty of Twanta, The Netherlands) Geoiagical Disposal of Long-ived Radioactive Waste and "Sustainable Development” { Mantes BLOSER, BMUUtoim Roihemeyer BS Germany) ‘The Issue of Rlatiavabiity (Staven BROWN, DOE, United Kingdom) Ganorat Discussion lation Strategies (with Emphasis on Storage/Disposal 109 "7 129 142 169 392 167 "1 7 180 134 203 207 209 Sexsion IV: Final Discussion and Conclusions... a7 Annex: Background Document... . cette ete en eeeee 243 Annex it: List of Parllcipanie . . an INTRODUCTORY SESSION Welcoming Addrese Kunihiko UEMATSU Diractor General of NEA Lam happy to welcome you to this workshop on the environmental and athiea! aspects af long- lived radioactive waste disposal organised by the NEA Radioactive Waste Management Cammites. ‘Tha NEA hae a fong tradi in the tetd of radioactive waste management and this meeting gives mo the opportunity to note the considerable evolution that has taken place over the past few decadus and the role of the NEA. Qur general abjective at the NEA Is to be at the forefront of the sclentitic and technical debate in the field of nuctear energy an to provide a fonum for discussions of poticy-oriented Fscues of Interest 10 our Member cauntrias.. We started to be active on radiation protection and technical questions releted to the menagement of radlosclive waste some thiny years ago wih discussion on effluent releases and treatment, canditaring and storage techniques. However, we have always considered that dlepasal \was key step to be addressed because Interim storage Is uavally designed as a temporary solution ‘which must necessarily be followed by actlon to take care of the uncertainties for the future in a responsible and definitive manner. Gradually, therefore, the NEA activites in this field have evolved {0 cover disposal of solid wastes and this recelved stzong support from the AWN, the Fladioactive Wasi Management Committea, sat up by the NEA In 1975, In spite of all the technical efforts atthe nationai and intemstional favels we hava to admit hat tinal disposal of radioactive waste continues to be regarded as a signiticant chalenge, partculasly with regard to the non-technical aspects which wirectly affect the futura deployment of nuclear energy programmes in most countries, This may be the reason that radlaaciive waste management is sometimea refered to as lechniealpoliical anginsering. ‘Over the fae ffleen years or so, the Radioactive Weste Management Committee has placed ‘the emphaels of lis programme on long tarm disposal issues; notably on the concept of geclogical disposal, Accordingly, salety assessmant stucles and the characterisation of potential disposal sles are the main piles: of our programmes. These are essentelly sclantflc and technical actives. ‘The other major aspect of tho wasle management lssve is of a diferent, but related, nature, ‘This [athe palltical, or et us call lethal or philosophical, dimension which ls becoming Increasingly Important with the prograea being made in science and technology, We kaow ftom ihe Radioactive ‘Waste Managemen! Committee's most recently published collective opinion’ that gealagical disposal of long-lived radioactive waste could be made sate provided we select suitable ates which can be properly evaluated, However, given tha need to ensure safety over many thousands of years wo fneed fo use our sclentific and technofogieal expertisa to the best of our abilly to offer satisfactory answers to the philosophical lasues which aro unavoldably associated with the tong term protection ‘of our descendants and environment, This is whare our workahop comes in. {n view of he ongoing debate in many of aur Mamber countries, this workshop does sesm fo be particularly imely and fl may constitute an important stap in the resolution of the dificules facad at the non-technical evel in general. Although this resolution may take time, | am relatively optimistic ” ee

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