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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ENVIRONMENT ScienceDirect INTERNATIONAL Aa ELSE IER Environment International 32 (2006) 1106—1112 www.elsevier.com/locate/envint Author index for Volume 32 Agerso, Y., Wulff, G., Vaclavik, E., Halling-Sorensen, B. and Jensen, L.B. Bell, M.L. Effect of tetracycline residues in pig manure slurry on tetracycline-resistant The use of ambient air quality modeling to estimate individual and bacteria and resistance gene fet(M) in soil microcosms (32) 876 population exposure for human health research: A case study of ozone in Aguilar, A., see Borrell, A. (32) 516 the Northern Georgia Region of the United States (32) 586 Ahissou, H., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Belzunce, M.J., see Casado-Martinez, M.C. (32) 388 Ahissou, H., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Benedito, J.L., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 Akpona, S., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Bennett, D.G., see Kemp, R.V. (32) 1021 Akpona, S., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Bertenyi, Zs., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 Albaigés, J., see Diez, S. (32) 858 Bhanti, M., see Shukla, G. (32) 244 Allen, H.E., see You, S.-J. (32) 101 Bhaskar, P.V. and Bhosle, N.B. Alonso, A., see Camargo, J.A. (32) 831 Bacterial extracellular polymeric substance (EPS): A carrier of heavy Alis, S., see Borrell, A. (32) 516 metals in the marine food-chain (32) 191 Altay, O., see Kucuksezgin, F. (32) 41 Bhattacharya, B., see Saha, M. (32) 203 Amaraneni, S.R. Bhosle, N.B., Garg, A., Harji, R., Jadhav, S., Sawant, S.S., Krishnamurthy, V. Distribution of pesticides, PAHs and heavy metals in prawn ponds near and Anil, C. Kolleru lake wetland, Indic. (32) 294 Butyltins in the sediments of Kochi and Mumbai harbours, west coast of Amit, V.S., see Suryanarayana, A. (32) 180 India (32) 252 Anil, C., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Bhosle, N.B., see Bhaskar, P.V. (32) 191 Ansari, Z., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Bi, X., Feng, X., Yang, Y., Qiu, G., Li, G., Li, F., Liu, T., Fu, Z. and Jin, Z. Arancibia-Avila, P., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 Environmental contamination of heavy metals from zinc smelting areas in Arruda-Neto, J.D.T., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 Hezhang County, western Guizhou, China (32) 883 Asawasinsopon, R., Prapamontol, T., Prakobvitayakit, O., Vaneesorn, Y., Bikit, I., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Mangklabruks, A. and Hock, B. Birch, G.F., see McCready, S. (32) 455 The association between organochlorine and thyroid hormone levels in Birch, G.F., see McCready, S. (32) 638 cord serum: A study from northern Thailand (32) 554 Blackmore, M., see Wilby, R.L. (32) 1043 Ashraf P, M., Edwin, L. and Meenakumari, B. Blaha, L., Hilscherova, K., Mazurova, E., Hecker, M., Jones, P.D., Studies on the seasonal changes of phosphorus in the marine environments Newsted, J.L., Bradley, P.W., Gracia, T., Duris, Z.. Horka, I., Holoubek, off Cochin (32) 159 I. and Giesy, J.P. Averkina, O., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects (32) 749 Babu, M.T., Kesava Das, V. and Vethamony, P. Blanco-Penedo, I., Cruz, J.M., Lopez-Alonso, M., Miranda, M., Castillo, C., BOD-—DO modeling and water quality analysis of a waste water outfall off Hernandez, J. and Benedito, J.L. Kochi, west coast of India (32) 165 Influence of copper status on the accumulation of toxic and essential Babut, M., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 metals in cattle (32) 901 Baccarelli, A., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Bloor, M.C. and Banks, C.J. Badot, P.-M., see Gimbert, F. (32) 866 An evaluation of mixed species in-situ and ex-situ feeding assays: The Bagli, S., see Morra, P. (32) 444 altered response of Asellus aquaticus and Gammarus pulex (32) 22 Bai, Z., Dong, Y., Wang, Z. and Zhu, T. Bocio, A., see Segura-Munioz, S.I. (32) 52 Emission of ammonia from indoor concrete wall and assessment of human Boko, M., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 exposure (32) 303 Boko, M., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Banks, C.J., see Bloor, M.C. (32) 22 Borrell, A., Aguilar, A., Tornero, V., Sequeira, M., Fernandez, G. and Alis, S. Barioni, A., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 Organochlorine compounds and stable isotopes indicate bottlenose dolphin Barlas, H., see Coelhan, M. (32) 775 subpopulation structure around the Iberian Peninsula (32) 516 Batchelor, C., see Linkov, I. (32) 1072 Bradley, P.W., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Bayen, S., Obbard, J.P. and Thomas, G.O. Braekevelt, E., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 Chlorinated paraffins: A review of analysis and environmental occurrence Bray, M., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 (32) 915 Bridges, T., see Linkov, I. (32) 1072 Bayona, J.M., see Diez, S. (32) 858 Bruzzese, A., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Beattie, C.I., see Longhurst, J.W.S. (32) 934 Buceta, J.L., see Casado-Martinez, M.C. (32) 388 Bedell, J.-P., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Burns, B.P., see Pomati, F. (32) 743 0160-4120/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi: 10.1016/S0160-4120(061)6040-4 Author index for Volume 32 Camargo, J.A. and Alonso, A. Denman, A.R., see Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435 Ecological and toxicological effects of inorganic nitrogen pollution in Deppman, A., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 aquatic ecosystems: A global assessment (32) 831 Devaux, A., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Carlos Gutiérrez, J., see Diaz, S. (32) 711 Dhage, S.S., Chandorkar, A.A., Kumar, R., Srivastava, A. and Gupta, I. Casado-Martinez, M.C., Buceta, J.L., Belzunce, M.J. and DelValls, T.A. Marine water quality assessment at Mumbai West Coast (32) 149 Using sediment quality guidelines for dredged material management in Di Bella, G., Licata, P., Bruzzese, A., Naccari, C., Trombetta, D., Lo Turco, V., commercial ports from Spain (32) 388 Dugo, G., Richetti, A. and Naccari, F. Castillo, C., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 Levels and congener pattern of polychlorinated biphenyl and organo- Cavalieri, R., see Pomati, F. (32) 743 chlorine pesticide residues in bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the Cernat, R., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 Straits of Messina (Sicily, Italy) (32) 705 Chandorkar, A.A., see Dhage, S.S. (32) 149 Diaz, S., Martin-Gonzalez, A. and Carlos Gutiérrez, J. Chatterton, T.J., see Longhurst, J.W.S. (32) 934 Evaluation of heavy metal acute toxicity and bioaccumulation in soil Chen, C.-C. ciliated protozoa (32) 711 Development of a framework for sustainable uses of resources: More paper Diemont, S.A.W. and less plastics? (32) 478 Mosquito larvae density and pollutant removal in tropical wetland Chen, H.-L., Su, H.-J. and Lee, C.-C. treatment systems in Honduras (32) 332 Patterns of serum PCDD/Fs affected by vegetarian regime and consump- Diez, S., Jover, E., Albaigés, J. and Bayona, J.M. tion of local food for residents living near municipal waste incinerators Occurrence and degradation of butyltins and wastewater marker com- from Taiwan (32) 650 pounds in sediments from Barcelona harbor, Spain (32) 858 Cheng, H.-H., see Chou, B.Y.-H. (32) 545 Dirtu, A.C., Cernat, R., Dragan, D., Mocanu, R., Van Grieken, R., Neels, H. Chivas, A.R., see Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235 and Covaci, A. Chou, B.Y.-H., Liao, C.-M., Lin, M.-C. and Cheng, H.-H. Organohalogenated pollutants in human serum from Iassy, Romania and Toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics of arsenic for farmed juvenile milkfish their relation with age and gender (32) 797 Chanos chanos and human consumption risk in BFD-endemic area of Domingo, J.L., see Ocampo-Duque, W. (32) 733 Taiwan (32) 545 Domingo, J.L., see Schuhmacher, M. (32) 397 Ciesielski, T., Szefer, P., Bertenyi, Zs., Kuklik, I., Skora, K., Namiesnik, J. and Domingo, J.L., see Segura-Mufioz, S.I. (32) 52 Fodor, P. Domingo, J.L. Interspecific distribution and co-associations of chemical elements in the Polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs): Environmental levels, toxicity liver tissue of marine mammals from the Polish Economical Exclusive and human exposure: A review of the published literature (32) 121 Zone, Baltic Sea (32) 524 Dong, Y., see Bai, Z. (32) 303 Clement, B., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Donkin, P., see Okay, O.S. (32) 538 Clemente, S., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Dosemeci, M., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Coelhan, M., Strohmeier, J. and Barlas, H. Douay, F., see Gimbert, F. (32) 866 Organochlorine levels in edible fish from the Marmara Sea, Turkey (32) Dragan, D., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 775 Drew, G., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Coeurdassier, M., see Gimbert, F. (32) 866 D’Silva, C., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Covaci, A., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 D’Souza, S.F., see Saxena, S. (32) 199 Crockett, R.G.M., see Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435 Duan, J., see Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682 Cruz, J.M., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 Duarte-Davidson, R. and Pollard, S.J.T. Cui, Y.-S., see Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682 Guest editorial (32) 931 Curtis, L., Rea, W., Smith-Willis, P., Fenyves, E. and Pan, Y. Duarte-Davidson, R., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Adverse health effects of outdoor air pollutants (32) 815 Duarte-Davidson, R., see Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (32) 996 Dugo, G., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Da Silva Oliveira, A., see Segura-Mufioz, S.I. (32) 52 Duker, A.A., Portaels, F. and Hale, M. Dai, S., see Wang, L. (32) 907 Pathways of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection: A review (32) 567 Duri’, Z., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Dalal, S.G., see Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235 Dalmacija, B., Prica, M., Ivancev-Tumbas, I., van der Kooij, A., Roncevic, S., Durrieu, C., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Krcemar, D., Bikit, I. and Teodorovic, I. Pollution of the Begej Canal sediment-metals, radioactivity and toxicity Ebbs, S., Talbott, J. and Sankaran, R. assessment (32) 606 Cultivation of garden vegetables in Peoria Pool sediments from the Illinois Dalvie, M.A. and Ehrlich, R. River: A case study in trace element accumulation and dietary exposures Community mercury levels in the vicinity of peri-urban waste disposal (32) 766 sites and fossil fuel burning operations (32) 493 Eduljee, G.H., see Pollard, S.J.T. (32) 1010 Darilmaz, E., see Kucuksezgin, F. (32) 41 Edwin, L., see Ashraf P, M. (32) 159 Dayal, P., see Kumar, A. (32) 248 Ehrlich, R., see Dalvie, M.A. (32) 493 De Pauw, E., see Pirard, C. (32) 466 Engwall, M., see Hagberg, J. (32) 851 De Vaufleury, A., see Gimbert, F. (32) 866 Evans, J., Wood, G. and Miller, A. Delolme, C., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 The risk assessment—policy gap: An example from the UK contaminated DelValls, T.A., see Casado-Martinez, M.C. (32) 388 land regime (32) 1066 DelValls, T.A., see Riba, I. (32) 891 Evans, J.S., see Zhou, Y. (32) 365 Demirer, G.N., see Ozeler, D. (32) 405 Denafas, G., Sitnikovas, D., Galinis, A., Kudrenickis, I., Klavs, G. and Farrar, D., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 Kuusik, R. Feng, X., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Corrigendum to “Predicting CO, and SO> emissions in the Baltic States Fenyves, E., see Curtis, L. (32) 815 through reorganization of energy infrastructure” [Environment Interna- Ferguson, E., see Linkov, I. (32) 1072 tional 30(2004) 1045-1053] (32) 433 Fernandez, G., see Borrell, A. (32) 516 1108 Author index for Volume 32 Ferré-Huguet, N., see Ocampo-Duque, W. (32) 733 Highwood, E.J. and Kinnersley, R.P. Fisher, B., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 When smoke gets in our eyes: The multiple impacts of atmospheric black Fodor, P., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 carbon on climate, air quality and health (32) 560 Forrow, D., see Wilby, R.L. (32) 1043 Hilali, A., see Kadmiri, M. (32) 690 Franco, A., Schuhmacher, M., Roca, E. and Luis Domingo, J. Hilscherova, K., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Application of cattle manure as fertilizer in pastureland: Estimating the Hilty, L.M., see Scharnhorst, W. (32) 656 incremental risk due to metal accumulation employing a multicompart- Hock, B., see Asawasinsopon, R. (32) 554 ment model (32) 724 Hofman, J., see Sochova, I. (32) 374 Fu, Z., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Holoubek, I., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Holoubek, I., see Sochova, I. (32) 374 Gale, P., see Hamilton, P.D. (32) 958 Hope, B.K. Galinis, A., see Denafas, G. (32) 433 An examination of ecological risk assessment and management practices Garcia, F., Barioni, A., Arruda-Neto, J.D.T., Deppman, A., Milian, F., Mesa, J. (32) 983 and Rodriguez, O. Horka, I., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Uranium levels in the diet of SAo Paulo City residents (32) 697 Hrudey, E.J., see Hrudey, S.E. (32) 948 Garg, A., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Hrudey, S.E., Hrudey, E.J. and Pollard, S.J.T. Garric, J., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Risk management for assuring safe drinking water (32) 948 Ghaly, A.E. Huang, S., see Qiao, M. (32) 28 Waste Treatment and Disposal (32) 432 Hughes, R., see Wethasinghe, C. (32) 312 Giesy, J.P., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Giesy, J.P., see Song, M. (32) 676 Ikonomou, M., see Rayne, S. (32) 575 Gimbert, F., de Vaufleury, A., Douay, F., Scheifler, R., Coeurdassier, M. and Ingole, B., Sivadas, S., Goltekar, R., Clemente, S., Nanajkar, M., Sawant, Badot, P.-M. R., D’Silva, C., Sarkar, A. and Ansari, Z. Modelling chronic exposure to contaminated soil: A toxicokinetic Ecotoxicological effect of grounded MV River Princess on the intertidal approach with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa (32) 866 benthic organisms off Goa (32) 284 Giridhar, V.V., see Kuppusamy, M.R. (32) 174 Ingole, B.S., see Vardanyan, L.G. (32) 208 Glouib, K., see Kadmiri, M. (32) 690 Irving, P., see Rothstein, H. (32) 1056 Gnassia-Barelli, M., see Sidoumou, Z. (32) 384 Ivancev-Tumbas, I., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Goltekar, R., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Gorbanev, S., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Jadhav, S., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Gorinstein, A., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 Jensen, L.B., see Agerso, Y. (32) 876 Gorinstein, S., Arancibia-Avila, P., Moncheva, S., Toledo, F., Trakhtenberg, S.., Jiang, G., see Song, M. (32) 676 Gorinstein, A., Goshev, I. and Namiesnik, J. Jiang, Q., see Song, M. (32) 676 Changes in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis protein profile as a reaction Jin, Z., see Bi, X. (32) 883 of water pollution (32) 95 Jolliet, O., see Scharnhorst, W. (32) 656 Goshev, I., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 Jones, K.C., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 Gracia, T., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Jones, P.D., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Greely, C.R., see McCready, S. (32) 638 Joseph, P.E., see Kumar, A. (32) 248 Groves-Kirkby, C.J., Denman, A.R., Phillips, P.S., Crockett, R.G.M., Joseph, P.E., see Shukla, G. (32) 244 Woolridge, A.C. and Tornberg, R. Jover, E., see Diez, S. (32) 858 Radon mitigation in domestic properties and its health implications—a Jyoti, see Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630 comparison between during-construction and post-construction radon reduction (32) 435 Kadmiri, M., Glouib, K., Verschaeve, L. and Hilali, A. Gupta, I., see Dhage, S.S. (32) 149 Cytogenetic monitoring of domestic mammals exposed to wastewaters from the localities of Dladla and Boukallou near Settat, Morocco (32) 690 Hagberg, J., Olsman, H., van Bavel, B., Engwall, M. and Lindstrém, G. Kaisary, S., see Krishna Kumari, L. (32) 229 Chemical and toxicological characterisation of PBDFs from photolytic Kalantzi, O.I., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 decomposition of decaBDE in toluene (32) 851 Kaluarachchi, J.J., see Wethasinghe, C. (32) 312 Hale, M., see Duker, A.A. (32) 567 Karpe, R., see Singhal, R.K. (32) 224 Hall, D., see Pollard, S.J.T. (32) 1010 Kellmann, R., see Pomati, F. (32) 743 Halling-Sorensen, B., see Agerso, Y. (32) 876 Kemp, R.V., Bennett, D.G. and White, M.J. Hamilton, P.D., Gale, P. and Pollard, S.J.T. Recent trends and developments in dialogue on radioactive waste A commentary on recent water safety initiatives in the context of water management: Experience from the UK (32) 1021 utility risk management (32) 958 Kesava Das, V., see Babu, M.T. (32) 165 Hammitt, J.K., see Zhou, Y. (32) 365 Kiker, G., see Linkov, I. (32) 1072 Han, X. and Naeher, L.P. Kim, K.T., Lee, Y.G. and Kim, S.D. A review of traffic-related air pollution exposure assessment studies in the Combined toxicity of copper and phenol derivatives to Daphnia magna: developing world (32) 106 Effect of complexation reaction (32) 487 Haryji, R., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Kim, S.D., see Kim, K.T. (32) 487 Hayes, E.T., see Longhurst, J.W.S. (32) 934 Kinnersley, R.P., see Highwood, E.J. (32) 560 Hecker, M., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Klara, S.M., see Litynski, J.T. (32) 128 Hedger, M., see Wilby, R.L. (32) 1043 Klavs, G., see Denafas, G. (32) 433 Hegde, A.G., see Singhal, R.K. (32) 224 Klimkina, I., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Hegde, D.S., see Unnikrishnan, S. (32) 87 Kontas, A., see Kucuksezgin, F. (32) 41 Hernandez, J., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 Kremar, D., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Author index for Volume 32 Krishna Kumari, L., Kaisary, S. and Rodrigues, V. Longhurst, P.J., see Pollard, S.J.T. (32) 1010 Bio-accumulation of some trace metals in the short-neck clam Paphia Lopez-Alonso, M., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 malabarica from Mandovi estuary, Goa (32) 229 Luis Domingo, J., see Franco, A. (32) 724 Krishnamurthy, V., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Kucuksezgin, F., Kontas, A., Altay, O., Uluturhan, E. and Darilmaz, E. Maal-Bared, R. Assessment of marine pollution in Izmir Bay: Nutrient, heavy metal and Comparing environmental issues in Cuba before and after the Special total hydrocarbon concentrations (32) 41 Period: Balancing sustainable development and survival (32) 349 Kudrenickis, I., see Denafas, G. (32) 433 Macleod, C., Duarte-Davidson, R., Fisher, B., Ng, B., Willey, D., Shi, J.P., Kuklik, I., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 Martin, I., Drew, G. and Pollard, S. Kumar, A., Dayal, P., Shukla, G., Singh, G. and Joseph, P.E. Modeling human exposures to air pollution control (APC) residues DDT and HCH residue load in mother’s breast milk: A survey of lactating released from landfills in England and Wales (32) 500 mother’s from remote villages in Agra region (32) 248 Mangklabruks, A., see Asawasinsopon, R. (32) 554 Kumar, A., see Shukla, G. (32) 244 Manic, G., Petrovic, S., Vesna, M., Popovic, D. and Todorovic, D. Kumar, R., see Dhage, S.S. (32) 149 Radon concentrations in a spa in Serbia (32) 533 Kumar, S.C., see Singhal, R.K. (32) 224 Mago, I.-F., see Lin, C.-M. (32) 624 Kummrow, F., see Umbuzeiro, G.d.A. (32) 359 Maria, V.L., Pacheco, M. and Santos, M.A. Kuppusamy, M.R. and Giridhar, V.V. Anguilla anguilla L. Genotoxic responses after in situ exposure to Factor analysis of water quality characteristics including trace metal speciation freshwater wetland (Pateira de Fermentelos, Portugal) (32) 510 in the coastal environmental system of Chennai Ennore (32) 174 Martens, D., see Tolun, L. (32) 758 Kuusik, R., see Denafas, G. (32) 433 Martin, F.L., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 Martin, I., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Laffon, B., Rabade, T., Pasaro, E. and Méndez, J. Martin-Gonzalez, A., see Diaz, S. (32) 711 Monitoring of the impact of Prestige oil spill on Mytilus galloprovincialis Matilainen, A., Vieno, N. and Tuhkanen, T. from Galician coast (32) 342 Efficiency of the activated carbon filtration in the natural organic matter Lal, R., see Shrestha, R.K. (32) 781 removal (32) 324 Laléye, P., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Matsunaga, I., see Yoshida, T. (32) 58 Laléye, P., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Mazurova, E., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Lam, P.K.S., see Song, M. (32) 676 McCready, S., Birch, G.F. and Long, E.R. Lee, C.-C., see Chen, H.-L. (32) 650 Metallic and organic contaminants in sediments of Sydney Harbour, Lee, W.J., Baccarelli, A., Tretiakova, M., Gorbanev, S., Lomtev, A., Klimkina, Australia and vicinity — A chemical dataset for evaluating sediment I., Tchibissov, V., Averkina, O. and Dosemeci, M. quality guidelines (32) 455 Pesticide exposure and lung cancer mortality in Leningrad province in McCready, S., Birch, G.F., Long, E.R., Spyrakis, G. and Greely, C.R. Russia (32) 412 Predictive abilities of numerical sediment quality guidelines in Sydney Lee, Y.G., see Kim, K.T. (32) 487 Harbour, Australia, and vicinity (32) 638 Leksmono, N.S., see Longhurst, J.W.S. (32) 934 Mcllvried, H.G., see Litynski, J.T. (32) 128 Levy, J.I., see Zhou, Y. (32) 365 Meenakumari, B., see Ashraf P, M. (32) 159 Li, C.-Y., see Lin, C.-M. (32) 624 Mehrotra, P.K., see Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630 Li, F., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Méndez, J., see Laffon, B. (32) 342 Li, G., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Mesa, J., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 Li, X., Zheng, B., Wang, Y. and Wang, X. Milani, D., see Riba, I. (32) 891 A survey of radon level in underground buildings in China (32) 600 Miles, R., see Strutt, J.E. (32) 1094 Liao, C.-M., see Chou, B.Y.-H. (32) 545 Milian, F., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 Licata, P., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Miller, A., see Evans, J. (32) 1066 Lin, C.-M., Li, C.-Y. and Mao, I.-F. Miranda, M., see Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901 Birth outcomes of infants born in areas with elevated ambient exposure to Mocanu, R., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 incinerator generated PCDD/Fs (32) 624 Moncheva, S., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 Lin, M.-C., see Chou, B.Y.-H. (32) 545 Montuelle, B., see Perrodin, Y. (32) 804 Lindstrém, G., see Hagberg, J. (32) 851 Moore, M.N. Linkov, I., Satterstrom, F.K., Kiker, G., Batchelor, C., Bridges, T. and Do nanoparticles present ecotoxicological risks for the health of the Ferguson, E. aquatic environment? (32) 967 From comparative risk assessment to multi-criteria decision analysis and Morra, P., Bagli, S. and Spadoni, G. adaptive management: Recent developments and applications (32) 1072 The analysis of human health risk with a detailed procedure operating in a Litynski, J.T., Klara, S.M., MclIlvried, H.G. and Srivastava, R.D. GIS environment (32) 444 The United States Department of Energy’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Morton, V., see Sidoumou, Z. (32) 384 Partnerships program: A collaborative approach to carbon management Mukherji, S., see Parvez, S. (32) 265 (32) 128 Liu, T., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Naccari, C., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Lo Turco, V., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Naccari, F., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Lomtev, A., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Naeher, L.P., see Han, X. (32) 106 Long, E.R., see McCready, S. (32) 455 Namiesnik, J., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 Long, E.R., see McCready, S. (32) 638 Namiesnik, J., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 Longhurst, J.W.S., Beattie, C.I., Chatterton, T.J., Hayes, E.T., Leksmono, N.S. and Nanajkar, M., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Woodfield, N.K. Neels, H., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 Local air quality management as a risk management process: Assessing, Neilan, B.A., see Pomati, F. (32) 743 managing and remediating the risk of exceeding an air quality objective in Newsted, J.L., see Blaha, L. (32) 749 Great Britain (32) 934 Ng, B., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 1110 Author index for Volume 32 Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Paustenbach, D. and Duarte-Davidson, R. Portaels, F., see Duker, A.A. (32) 567 New developments in exposure assessment: The impact on the practice of Prakobvitayakit, O., see Asawasinsopon, R. (32) 554 health risk assessment and epidemiological studies (32) 996 Prapamontol, T., see Asawasinsopon, R. (32) 554 Nigam, R., Saraswat, R. and Panchang, R. Preetha, J., see Singhal, R.K. (32) 224 Application of foraminifers in ecotoxicology: Retrospect, perspect and Prica, M., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 prospect (32) 273 Puranik, V.D., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 240 Nikaido, M., see Segura-Munoz, S.I. (32) 52 Puranik, V.D., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 259 Obbard, J.P., see Bayen, S. (32) 915 Qiao, M., Wang, C., Huang, S., Wang, D. and Wang, Z. Ocampo-Duque, W., Ferré-Huguet, N., Domingo, J.L. and Schuhmacher, M. Composition, sources, and potential toxicological significance of PAHs in Assessing water quality in rivers with fuzzy inference systems: A case the surface sediments of the Meiliang Bay, Taihu Lake, China (32) 28 study (32) 733 Qiu, G., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Okay, O.S., Tolun, L., Tiifekci, V., Telli-Karako¢, F. and Donkin, P. Effects of pyrene on mussels in different experimental conditions (32) 538 Rabade, T., see Laffon, B. (32) 342 Okay, O.S., see Tolun, L. (32) 758 Raj, V.V., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 259 Olsman, H., see Hagberg, J. (32) 851 Ray, A.K., Tripathy, S.C., Patra, S. and Sarma, V.V. Orr, H.G., see Wilby, R.L. (32) 1043 Assessment of Godavari estuarine mangrove ecosystem through trace O’Toole, D.K., see Song, M. (32) 676 metal studies (32) 219 Ould-Dada, Z. Rayne, S., Wan, P. and Ikonomou, M. Dealing with uncertainty in the assessment of human exposure to Photochemistry of a major commercial polybrominated diphenyl ether radioactivity in food and the environment (32) 977 flame retardant congener: 2,2',4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl ether Ozeler, D., Yetis, U. and Demirer, G.N. (BDE153) (32) 575 Life cycle assesment of municipal solid waste management methods: Rea, W., see Curtis, L. (32) 815 Ankara case study (32) 405 Reynoldson, T.B., see Riba, I. (32) 891 Riba, I., DelValls, T.A., Reynoldson, T.B. and Milani, D. Pacheco, M., see Maria, V.L. (32) 510 Sediment quality in Rio Guadiamar (SW, Spain) after a tailing dam Pacheco, M., see Teles, M. (32) 470 collapse: Contamination, toxicity and bioavailability (32) 891 Pan, Y., see Curtis, L. (32) 815 Richetti, A., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Panchang, R., see Nigam, R. (32) 273 Roca, E., see Franco, A. (32) 724 Pandit, G.G., Sahu, S.K., Puranik, V.D. and Raj, V.V. Rodrigues, V., see Krishna Kumari, L. (32) 229 Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across the air—water Rodriguez, O., see Garcia, F. (32) 697 interface at the creek adjoining Mumbai harbour, India (32) 259 Roméo, M., see Sidoumou, Z. (32) 384 Pandit, G.G., Sahu, S.K., Sharma, S. and Puranik, V.D. Roncevic, S., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Distribution and fate of persistent organochlorine pesticides in coastal Rothstein, H., Irving, P., Walden, T. and Yearsley, R. marine environment of Mumbai (32) 240 The risks of risk-based regulation: Insights from the environmental policy Parvez, S., Venkataraman, C. and Mukherji, S. domain (32) 1056 A review on advantages of implementing luminescence inhibition test Roubicek, D.A., see Umbuzeiro, G.d.A. (32) 359 (Vibrio fischeri) for acute toxicity prediction of chemicals (32) 265 Pasuro, E., see Laffon, B. (32) 342 Saha, M., Sarkar, S.K. and Bhattacharya, B. Patra, S., see Ray, A.K. (32) 219 Interspecific variation in heavy metal body concentrations in biota of Paustenbach, D., see Nieuwenhuijsen, M. (32) 996 Sunderban mangrove wetland, northeast India (32) 203 Pazou, E.Y.A., Boko, M., van Gestel, C.A.M., Ahissou, H., Laleye, P., Sahu, S.K., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 240 Akpona, S., van Hattum, B., Swart, K. and van Straalen, N.M. Sahu, S.K., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 259 Organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in the Ouémé Sankaran, R., see Ebbs, S. (32) 766 River catchment in the Republic of Bénin (32) 616 Santos, M.A., see Maria, V.L. (32) 510 Pen-Mouratov, S., see Shukurov, N. (32) 1 Santos, M.A., see Teles, M. (32) 470 Perrodin, Y., Babut, M., Bedell, J.-P., Bray, M., Clement, B., Delolme, C., Sarangi, R., see Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630 Devaux, A., Durrieu, C., Garric, J. and Montuelle, B. Saraswat, R., see Nigam, R. (32) 273 Assessment of ecotoxicological risks related to depositing dredged Sarkar, A., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 materials from canals in northern France on soil (32) 804 Sarkar, A., see Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235 Petrovic, S., see Manic, G. (32) 533 Sarkar, A. Phillips, P.S., see Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435 Biography of Dr. Simao Nascimento de Sousa (32) 148 Pirard, C. and De Pauw, E. Sarkar, A. Toxicokinetic study of dioxins and furans in laying chickens (32) 466 Guest editorial (32) 145 Pollard, S.J.T., see Duarte-Davidson, R. (32) 931 Sarkar, S.K., see Saha, M. (32) 203 Pollard, S., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Sarma, V.V., see Ray, A.K. (32) 219 Pollard, S.J.T., Smith, R., Longhurst, P.J., Eduljee, G.H. and Hall, D. Satterstrom, F.K., see Linkov, I. (32) 1072 Recent developments in the application of risk analysis to waste Sawant, R., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 technologies (32) 1010 Sawant, S.S., see Bhosle, N.B. (32) 252 Pollard, S.J.T., see Hamilton, P.D. (32) 958 Saxena, S. and D’Souza, S.F. Pollard, S.J.T., see Hrudey, S.E. (32) 948 Heavy metal pollution abatement using rock phosphate mineral (32) 199 Pomati, F., Kellmann, R., Cavalieri, R., Burns, B.P. and Neilan, B.A. Scharmhorst, W., Hilty, L.M. and Jolliet, O. Comparative gene expression of PSP-toxin producing and non-toxic Life cycle assessment of second generation (2G) and third generation (3G) Anabaena circinalis strains (32) 743 mobile phone networks (32) 656 Popovic, D., see Manic, G. (32) 533 Scheifler, R., see Gimbert, F. (32) 866 Author index for Volume 32 Schramm, K.W., see Tolun, L. (32) 758 Strutt, J.E., Sharp, J.V., Terry, E. and Miles, R. Schuhmacher, M. and Domingo, J.L. Capability maturity models for offshore organisational management (32) Long-term study of environmental levels of dioxins and furans in the 1094 vicinity of a municipal solid waste incinerator (32) 397 Su, H.-J., see Chen, H.-L. (32) 650 Schuhmacher, M., see Franco, A. (32) 724 Sun, H., see Wang, L. (32) 907 Schuhmacher, M., see Ocampo-Duque, W. (32) 733 Suryanarayana, A. and Amit, V.S. Segura-Munoz, S.I., da Silva Oliveira, A., Nikaido, M., Trevilato, T.M.B., GIS analysis for the marine environmental data off Karnataka coast (32) Bocio, A., Takayanagui, A.M.M. and Domingo, J.L. 180 Metal levels in sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) samples from an area under Swart, K., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 the influence of a municipal landfill and a medical waste treatment system Swart, K., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 in Brazil (32) 52 Szefer, P., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 Sequeira, M., see Borrell, A. (32) 516 Sharma, S., see Pandit, G.G. (32) 240 Takayanagui, A.M.M., see Segura-Mufioz, S.I. (32) 52 Sharp, J.V., see Strutt, J.E. (32) 1094 Talbott, J., see Ebbs, S. (32) 766 Shi, J.P., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Taneja, A., see Shukla, G. (32) 244 Shirodkar, P.V., Xiao, Y.K., Sarkar, A., Dalal, S.G. and Chivas, A.R. Tang, L., see Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682 Influence of air-sea fluxes on chlorine isotopic composition of ocean Tang, X.-Y., Zhu, Y.-G., Cui, Y.-S., Duan, J. and Tang, L. water: Implications for constancy in 6°’Cl—A statistical inference (32) The effect of ageing on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of cadmium 235 in some typical soils of China (32) 682 Shrestha, R.K. and Lal, R. Tchibissov, V., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 Ecosystem carbon budgeting and soil carbon sequestration in reclaimed Teles, M., Pacheco, M. and Santos, M.A. mine soil (32) 781 Biotransformation, stress and genotoxic effects of 17(-estradiol in juvenile Shukla, G., Kumar, A., Bhanti, M., Joseph, P.E. and Taneja, A. sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) (32) 470 Organochlorine pesticide contamination of ground water in the city of Telli-Karakog¢, F., see Okay, O.S. (32) 538 Hyderabad (32) 244 Teodorovic, I., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Shukla, G., see Kumar, A. (32) 248 Terry, E., see Strutt, J.E. (32) 1094 Shukurov, N., Pen-Mouratov, S. and Steinberger, Y. Thakali, S., see You, S.-J. (32) 101 The influence of soil pollution on soil microbial biomass and nematode Thomas, G.O., Farrar, D., Braekevelt, E., Stern, G., Kalantzi, O.1., Martin, F.L. community structure in Navoiy Industrial Park, Uzbekistan (32) 1 and Jones, K.C. Siau, Y., see Sidoumou, Z. (32) 384 Short and medium chain length chlorinated paraffins in UK human milk Sichilongo, K. and Torto, N. fat (32) 34 Determination of endocrine disruptors in Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche Thomas, G.O., see Bayen, S. (32) 915 kafuensis) samples from the Lochinvar National Park of Zambia (32) 718 Tirumalesh, K., see Singhal, R.K. (32) 224 Siddiqui, M.K.J., Jyoti, Singh, S., Mehrotra, P.K., Singh, K. and Sarangi, R. Todorovic, D., see Manic, G. (32) 533 Comparison of some trace elements concentration in blood, tumor free Toledo, F., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 breast and tumor tissues of women with benign and malignant breast Tolun, L., Martens, D., Okay, O.S. and Schramm, K.W. lesions: An Indian study (32) 630 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in coastal sediments of the Sidoumou, Z., Gnassia-Barelli, M., Siau, Y., Morton, V. and Roméo, M. Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea): Case studies before and after the Izmit Heavy metal concentrations in molluscs from the Senegal coast (32) 384 Earthquake (32) 758 Sillanpaa, M., see Virkutyte, J. (32) 80 Tolun, L., see Okay, O.S. (32) 538 Singh, G., see Kumar, A. (32) 248 Tominaga, M.Y., see Umbuzeiro, G.d.A. (32) 359 Singh, K., see Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630 Tornberg, R., see Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435 Singh, S., see Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630 Tornero, V., see Borrell, A. (32) 516 Singhal, R.K., Preetha, J., Karpe, R., Tirumalesh, K., Kumar, S.C. and Torto, N., see Sichilongo, K. (32) 718 Hegde, A.G. Trakhtenberg, S., see Gorinstein, S. (32) 95 The use of ultra filtration in trace metal speciation studies in sea water (32) Tretiakova, M., see Lee, W.J. (32) 412 224 Trevilato, T.M.B., see Segura-Munoz, S.I. (32) 52 Sitnikovas, D., see Denafas, G. (32) 433 Tripathy, S.C., see Ray, A.K. (32) 219 Sivadas, S., see Ingole, B. (32) 284 Trombetta, D., see Di Bella, G. (32) 705 Skora, K., see Ciesielski, T. (32) 524 Tiifek¢i, V., see Okay, O.S. (32) 538 Smith, R., see Pollard, S.J.T. (32) 1010 Tuhkanen, T., see Matilainen, A. (32) 324 Smith-Willis, P., see Curtis, L. (32) 815 Sochova, I., Hofman, J. and Holoubek, I. Uluturhan, E., see Kucuksezgin, F. (32) 41 Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology (32) 374 Umbuzeiro, G.d.A., Kummrow, F., Roubicek, D.A. and Tominaga, M.Y. Song, M., Xu, Y., Jiang, Q., Lam, P.K.S., O’Toole, D.K., Giesy, J.P. and Evaluation of the water genotoxicity from Santos Estuary (Brazil) in Jiang, G. relation to the sediment contamination and effluent discharges (32) 359 Measurement of estrogenic activity in sediments from Haihe and Dagu Unnikrishnan, S. and Hegde, DS. River, China (32) 676 An analysis of cleaner production and its impact on health hazards in the Spadoni, G., see Morra, P. (32) 444 workplace (32) 87 Spyrakis, G., see McCready, S. (32) 638 Uyak, V. Srivastava, A., see Dhage, S.S. (32) 149 Multi-pathway risk assessment of trihalomethanes exposure in Istanbul Srivastava, R.D., see Litynski, J.T. (32) 128 drinking water supplies (32) 12 Steinberger, Y., see Shukurov, N. (32) 1 Stern, G., see Thomas, G.O. (32) 34 Vaclavik, E., see Agerso, Y. (32) 876 Strohmeier, J., see Coelhan, M. (32) 775 Van Bavel, B., see Hagberg, J. (32) 851 1112 Author index for Volume 32 Van der Kooij, A., see Dalmacija, B. (32) 606 Wilby, R.L., Orr, H.G., Hedger, M., Forrow, D. and Blackmore, M. Van Dijk, N. Risks posed by climate change to the delivery of Water Framework Online submission and review for Environment International (32) 293 Directive objectives in the UK (32) 1043 Van Gestel, C.A.M., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Willey, D., see Macleod, C. (32) 500 Van Gestel, C.A.M., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Wood, G., see Evans, J. (32) 1066 Van Grieken, R., see Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797 Woodfield, N.K., see Longhurst, J.W.S. (32) 934 Van Hattum, B., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Woolridge, A.C., see Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435 Van Hattum, B., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Wu, Y., see Wang, L. (32) 907 Van Straalen, N.M., see Pazou, E.Y.A. (32) 616 Wulff, G., see Agerso, Y. (32) 876 Van Straalen, N.M., see Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) 594 Vaneesorn, Y., see Asawasinsopon, R. (32) 554 Xiao, Y.K., see Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235 Vardanyan, L.G. and Ingole, B.S. Xu, J., see Wang, L. (32) 907 Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Xu, Y., see Song, M. (32) 676 Sevan (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems (32) 208 Venkataraman, C., see Parvez, S. (32) 265 Yang, Y., see Bi, X. (32) 883 Verschaeve, L., see Kadmiri, M. (32) 690 Yearsley, R., see Rothstein, H. (32) 1056 Vesna, M., see Manic, G. (32) 533 Yehouenou A. Pazou, E., Laleyé, P., Boko, M., van Gestel, C.A.M., Ahissou, H., Vethamony, P., see Babu, M.T. (32) 165 Akpona, S., van Hattum, B., Swart, K. and van Straalen, N.M. Vieno, N., see Matilainen, A. (32) 324 Contamination of fish by organochlorine pesticide residues in the Ouémé Virkutyte, J. and Sillanpaa, M. River catchment in the Republic of Bénin (32) 594 Chemical evaluation of potable water in Eastern Qinghai Province, China: Yetis, U., see Ozeler, D. (32) 405 Human health aspects (32) 80 Ying, G.-G. Fate, behavior and effects of surfactants and their degradation products in Walden, T., see Rothstein, H. (32) 1056 the environment (32) 417 Wan, P., see Rayne, S. (32) 575 Yoshida, T. and Matsunaga, I. Wang, C., see Qiao, M. (32) 28 A case study on identification of airborne organic compounds and time Wang, D., see Qiao, M. (32) 28 courses of their concentrations in the cabin of a new car for private use Wang, L., Wu, Y., Sun, H., Xu, J. and Dai, S. (32) 58 Distribution and dissipation pathways of nonylphenol polyethoxylates You, S.-J., Thakali, S. and Allen, H.E. in the Yellow River: Site investigation and lab-scale studies (32) Characteristics of soil organic matter (SOM) extracted using base with 907 subsequent pH lowering and sequential pH extraction (32) 101 Wang, X., see Li, X. (32) 600 Yuen, S.T.S., see Wethasinghe, C. (32) 312 Wang, Y., see Li, X. (32) 600 Wang, Z., see Bai, Z. (32) 303 Zheng, B., see Li, X. (32) 600 Wang, Z., see Qiao, M. (32) 28 Zhou, Y., Levy, J.I., Evans, J.S. and Hammitt, J.K. Warhurst, A.M. The influence of geographic location on population exposure to emissions Assessing and managing the hazards and risks of chemicals in the real from power plants throughout China (32) 365 world—the role of the EU’s REACH proposal in future regulation of Zhu, T., see Bai, Z. (32) 303 chemicals (32) 1033 Zhu, Y.-G., see Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682 Wethasinghe, C., Yuen, S.T.S., Kaluarachchi, J.J. and Hughes, R. Zoller, U. Uncertainty in biokinetic parameters on bioremediation: Health risks and Estuarine and coastal zone marine pollution by the nonionic alkylphenol economic implications (32) 312 ethoxylates endocrine disrupters: Is there a potential ecotoxicological White, M.J., see Kemp, R.V. (32) 1021 problem? (32) 269 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ‘*.” ScienceDirect ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL nS 4 ELSEVIER Environment International 32 (2006) 1113—1129 www.elsevier.com/locate/envint Subject index for Volume 32 Absorption Air pollution control residues Toxicokinetic study of dioxins and furans in laying chickens (Pirard, C. Modeling human exposures to air pollution control (APC) residues (32) 466) released from landfills in England and Wales (Macleod, C. (32) Accumulation 500) Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan Air quality (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems (Vardanyan, L.G. (32) When smoke gets in our eyes: The multiple impacts of atmospheric black 208) carbon on climate, air quality and health (Highwood, E.J. (32) 560) Accumulation Air quality impact Application of cattle manure as fertilizer in pastureland: Estimating the Modeling human exposures to air pollution control (APC) residues incremental risk due to metal accumulation employing a multicompart- released from landfills in England and Wales (Macleod, C. (32) 500) ment model (Franco, A. (32) 724) Air quality modeling Accumulation The use of ambient air quality modeling to estimate individual and Modelling chronic exposure to contaminated soil: A toxicokinetic population exposure for human health research: A case study of ozone approach with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa (Gimbert, F. (32) 866) in the Northern Georgia Region of the United States (Bell, M.L. (32) Activated carbon (AC) filtration 586) Efficiency of the activated carbon filtration in the natural organic matter Air—sea fluxes removal (Matilainen, A. (32) 324) Influence of air—sea fluxes on chlorine isotopic composition of ocean Adaptive management water: Implications for constancy in 5°’Cl—A statistical inference From comparative risk assessment to multi-criteria decision analysis and (Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235) adaptive management: Recent developments and applications (Linkov, I. Air—water interface (32) 1072) Exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons across the air—water Adverse birth outcomes interface at the creek adjoining Mumbai harbour, India (Pandit, G.G. Birth outcomes of infants born in areas with elevated ambient exposure to (32) 259) incinerator generated PCDD/Fs (Lin, C.-M. (32) 624) Alkylphenol ethoxylates Aerosols Estuarine and coastal zone marine pollution by the nonionic alkylphenol When smoke gets in our eyes: The multiple impacts of atmospheric black ethoxylates endocrine disrupters: Is there a potential ecotoxicological carbon on climate, air quality and health (Highwood, E.J. (32) 560) problem? (Zoller, U. (32) 269) Age variation Ammonia Organohalogenated pollutants in human serum from Iassy, Romania and Emission of ammonia from indoor concrete wall and assessment of human their relation with age and gender (Dirtu, A.C. (32) 797) exposure (Bai, Z. (32) 303) Ageing Anabaena circinalis The effect of ageing on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of cadmium Comparative gene expression of PSP-toxin producing and non-toxic in some typical soils of China (Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682) Anabaena circinalis sirains (Pomati, F. (32) 743) Agra region Analysis DDT and HCH residue load in mother’s breast milk: A survey of lactating Chlorinated paraffins: A review of analysis and environmental occurrence mother’s from remote villages in Agra region (Kumar, A. (32) 248) (Bayen, S. (32) 915) AhR Analysis Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment Recent developments in the application of risk analysis to waste contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects technologies (Pollard, S.J.T. (32) 1010) (Blaha, L. (32) 749) Analytic hierarchy process Air pollution Assessing water quality in rivers with fuzzy inference systems: A case A review of traffic-related air pollution exposure assessment studies in the study (Ocampo-Duque, W. (32) 733) developing world (Han, X. (32) 106) Anguilla anguilla L. Air pollution Anguilla anguilla L. Genotoxic responses after in situ exposure to The influence of geographic location on population exposure to emissions freshwater wetland (Pateira de Fermentelos, Portugal) (Maria, V.L. (32) from power plants throughout China (Zhou, Y. (32) 365) 510) Air pollution Aquatic ecosystems The use of ambient air quality modeling to estimate individual and Contamination of fish by organochlorine pesticide residues in the Ouémé population exposure for human health research: A case study of ozone in River catchment in the Republic of Bénin (Yehouenou A. Pazou, E. (32) the Northern Georgia Region of the United States (Bell, M.L. (32) 586) 594) 0160-4120$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0160-4120(06)00165-6 1114 Subject index for Volume 32 Aquatic ecosystems Bioaccumulation Ecological and toxicological effects of inorganic nitrogen pollution in Effects of pyrene on mussels in different experimental conditions (Okay, aquatic ecosystems: A global assessment (Camargo, J.A. (32) 831) O.S. (32) 538) Aquatic macrophytes Bioaccumulation Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan Evaluation of heavy metal acute toxicity and bioaccumulation in soil (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems (Vardanyan, L.G. (32) ciliated protozoa (Diaz, S. (32) 711) 208) Bioassay Armenia Chemical and toxicological characterisation of PBDFs from photolytic Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan decomposition of decaBDE in toluene (Hagberg, J. (32) 851) (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems (Vardanyan, L.G. (32) Bioassays 208) Assessment of ecotoxicological risks related to depositing dredged Arsenic materials from canals in northern France on soil (Perrodin, Y. (32) Toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics of arsenic for farmed juvenile milkfish 804) Chanos chanos and human consumption risk in BFD-endemic area of Bioavailability Taiwan (Chou, B.Y.-H. (32) 545) Modelling chronic exposure to contaminated soil: A toxicokinetic Arylhydrocarbon receptor approach with the terrestrial snail Helix aspersa (Gimbert, F. (32) Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment 866) contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects Bioavailability (Blaha, L. (32) 749) Sediment quality in Rio Guadiamar (SW, Spain) after a tailing dam Asellus aquaticus collapse: Contamination, toxicity and bioavailability (Riba, I. (32) 891) An evaluation of mixed species in-situ and ex-situ feeding assays: The Bioconcentration factors altered response of Asellus aquaticus and Gammarus pulex (Bloor, M.C. Toxicokinetic study of dioxins and furans in laying chickens (Pirard, C. (32) 22) (32) 466) Asthma Biodegradation Adverse health effects of outdoor air pollutants (Curtis, L. (32) 815) Fate, behavior and effects of surfactants and their degradation products in Atmospheric the environment (Ying, G.-G. (32) 417) Community mercury levels in the vicinity of peri-urban waste disposal Biodegradation index sites and fossil fuel burning operations (Dalvie, M.A. (32) 493) Occurrence and degradation of butyltins and wastewater marker com- Atmospheric dispersion modeling pounds in sediments from Barcelona harbor, Spain (Diez, S. (32) 858) The influence of geographic location on population exposure to emissions Biokinetic parameters from power plants throughout China (Zhou, Y. (32) 365) Uncertainty in biokinetic parameters on bioremediation: Health risks and Atomic absorption spectrometer economic implications (Wethasinghe, C. (32) 312) Comparison of some trace elements concentration in blood, tumor free Biokinetics breast and tumor tissues of women with benign and malignant breast Uranium levels in the diet of Sao Paulo City residents (Garcia, F. (32) lesions: An Indian study (Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630) 697) Bioluminescence Baltic Sea A review on advantages of implementing luminescence inhibition test Interspecific distribution and co-associations of chemical elements in the (Vibrio fischeri) for acute toxicity prediction of chemicals (Parvez, S. (32) liver tissue of marine mammals from the Polish Economical Exclusive 265) Zone, Baltic Sea (Ciesielski, T. (32) 524) Biomarker BCF Effects of pyrene on mussels in different experimental conditions (Okay, Distribution and fate of persistent organochlorine pesticides in coastal O.S. (32) 538) marine environment of Mumbai (Pandit, G.G. (32) 240) Bioremediation Behavior Uncertainty in biokinetic parameters on bioremediation: Health risks and Fate, behavior and effects of surfactants and their degradation products in economic implications (Wethasinghe, C. (32) 312) the environment (Ying, G.-G. (32) 417) Bio-TEQ Benign breast disease Chemical and toxicological characterisation of PBDFs from photolytic Comparison of some trace elements concentration in blood, tumor free decomposition of decaBDE in toluene (Hagberg, J. (32) 851) breast and tumor tissues of women with benign and malignant breast Biotransformation lesions: An Indian study (Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630) Biotransformation, stress and genotoxic effects of 17®-estradiol in juvenile Benthic fauna sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) (Teles, M. (32) 470) Ecotoxicological effect of grounded MV River Princess on the intertidal Black carbon benthic organisms off Goa (Ingole, B. (32) 284) When smoke gets in our eyes: The multiple impacts of atmospheric black Best Practical Environmental Option carbon on climate, air quality and health (Highwood, E.J. (32) 560) Recent trends and developments in dialogue on radioactive waste Blackfoot disease management: Experience from the UK (Kemp, R.V. (32) 1021) Toxicokinetics/toxicodynamics of arsenic for farmed juvenile milkfish Bioaccessibility Chanos chanos and human consumption risk in BFD-endemic area of The effect of ageing on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of cadmium Taiwan (Chou, B.Y.-H. (32) 545) in some typical soils of China (Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682) Blood Bio-accumulation Anguilla anguilla L. Genotoxic responses after in situ exposure to Bio-accumulation of some trace metals in the short-neck clam Paphia freshwater wetland (Pateira de Fermentelos, Portugal) (Maria, V.L. (32) malabarica from Mandovi estuary, Goa (Krishna Kumari, L. (32) 229) 510) Bioaccumulation Bloom Assessment of marine pollution in Izmir Bay: Nutrient, heavy metal and Comparative gene expression of PSP-toxin producing and non-toxic total hydrocarbon concentrations (Kucuksezgin, F. (32) 41) Anabaena circinalis strains (Pomati, F. (32) 743) Subject index for Volume 32 BOD Carrying capacity BOD-—DO modeling and water quality analysis of a waste water outfall off Development of a framework for sustainable uses of resources: More paper Kochi, west coast of India (Babu, M.T. (32) 165) and less plastics? (Chen, C.-C. (32) 478) BOD Cattle Mosquito larvae density and pollutant removal in tropical wetland Cytogenetic monitoring of domestic mammals exposed to wastewaters treatment systems in Honduras (Diemont, S.A.W. (32) 332) from the localities of Dladla and Boukallou near Settat, Morocco (Kadmiri, Body concentrations M. (32) 690) Interspecific variation in heavy metal body concentrations in biota of Cattle Sunderban mangrove wetland, northeast India (Saha, M. (32) 203) Influence of copper status on the accumulation of toxic and essential Bottlenose dolphin metals in cattle (Blanco-Penedo, I. (32) 901) Organochlorine compounds and stable isotopes indicate bottlenose Cattle manure dolphin subpopulation structure around the Iberian Peninsula (Borrell, Application of cattle manure as fertilizer in pastureland: Estimating the A. (32) 516) incremental risk due to metal accumulation employing a multicompart- Brazil ment model (Franco, A. (32) 724) Metal levels in sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) samples from an area under Caveolae the influence of a municipal landfill and a medical waste treatment system Do nanoparticles present ecotoxicological risks for the health of the in Brazil (Segura-Munioz, S.I. (32) 52) aquatic environment? (Moore, M.N. (32) 967) Breast cancer Chamber Comparison of some trace elements concentration in blood, tumor free Emission of ammonia from indoor concrete wall and assessment of human breast and tumor tissues of women with benign and malignant breast exposure (Bai, Z. (32) 303) lesions: An Indian study (Siddiqui, M.K.J. (32) 630) Chem-TEQ Breast-milk Chemical and toxicological characterisation of PBDFs from photolytic Short and medium chain length chlorinated paraffins in UK human milk decomposition of decaBDE in toluene (Hagberg, J. (32) 851) fat (Thomas, G.O. (32) 34) Chicken Brominated 2-hydroxybiphenyls Toxicokinetic study of dioxins and furans in laying chickens (Pirard, C. Photochemistry of a major commercial polybrominated diphenyl ether (32) 466) flame retardant congener: 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl ether China (BDE153) (Rayne, S. (32) 575) The influence of geographic location on population exposure to emissions Brominated dibenzofurans from power plants throughout China (Zhou, Y. (32) 365) Photochemistry of a major commercial polybrominated diphenyl ether China flame retardant congener: 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl ether Environmental contamination of heavy metals from zinc smelting areas in (BDE153) (Rayne, S. (32) 575) Hezhang County, western Guizhou, China (Bi, X. (32) 883) Building Regulations Chlorinated paraffin Radon mitigation in domestic properties and its health implications—a Chlorinated paraffins: A review of analysis and environmental occurrence comparison between during-construction and post-construction radon (Bayen, S. (32) 915) reduction (Groves-Kirkby, C.J. (32) 435) 6°'Cl Butyltin compounds Influence of air-sea fluxes on chlorine isotopic composition of ocean Occurrence and degradation of butyltins and wastewater marker com- water: Implications for constancy in 56°’Cl—A statistical inference pounds in sediments from Barcelona harbor, Spain (Diez, S. (32) 858) (Shirodkar, P.V. (32) 235) Cleaner technology Cadmium An analysis of cleaner production and its impact on health hazards in the The effect of ageing on the bioaccessibility and fractionation of cadmium workplace (Unnikrishnan, S. (32) 87) in some typical soils of China (Tang, X.-Y. (32) 682) Climate change Cancer risk When smoke gets in our eyes: The multiple impacts of atmospheric Multi-pathway risk assessment of trihalomethanes exposure in Istanbul black carbon on climate, air quality and health (Highwood, E.J. (32) drinking water supplies (Uyak, V. (32) 12) 560) Carambolim Lake Climate change Studies on heavy metal accumulation in aquatic macrophytes from Sevan Risks posed by climate change to the delivery of Water Framework (Armenia) and Carambolim (India) lake systems (Vardanyan, L.G. (32) Directive objectives in the UK (Wilby, R.L. (32) 1043) 208) Coal sediment Carbon dioxide database Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by organic sediment The United States Department of Energy’s Regional Carbon Sequestration contaminants and relationships to other endocrine disrupting effects Partnerships program: A collaborative approach to carbon management (Blaha, L. (32) 749) (Litynski, J.T. (32) 128) Coastal waters Carbon dioxide sequestration Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in coastal sediments of the The United States Department of Energy’s Regional Carbon Sequestration Izmit Bay (Marmara Sea): Case studies before and after the Izmit Partnerships program: A collaborative approach to carbon management Earthquake (Tolun, L. (32) 758) (Litynski, J.T. (32) 128) Coliform bacteria Carbon monoxide (CO) Mosquito larvae density and pollutant removal in tropical wetland Adverse health effects of outdoor air pollutants (Curtis, L. (32) 815) treatment systems in Honduras (Diemont, S.A.W. (32) 332) Carbon sequestration Combined toxicity Ecosystem carbon budgeting and soil carbon sequestration in reclaimed Combined toxicity of copper and phenol derivatives to Daphnia magna: mine soil (Shrestha, R.K. (32) 781) Effect of complexation reaction (Kim, K.T. (32) 487) Cardita ajar Comet assay Heavy metal concentrations in molluscs from the Senegal coast Monitoring of the impact of Prestige oil spill on Mytilus galloprovincialis (Sidoumou, Z. (32) 384) from Galician coast (Laffon, B. (32) 342)

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