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ENUMERATION AND STRUCTURE OF INHOMOGENEOUS GRAPHS E´LIE DE PANAFIEU 5 Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) 1 0 Johannes Kepler Universita¨t 2 Altenbergerstraße 69 A-4040 Linz, Austria v o N Abstract. Weanalyzeageneralmodelofweightedgraphs,introducedbydePanafieuandRavelomanana (2014) and similar to the inhomogeneous graph model of S¨oderberg (2002). Each vertex receives a type 5 among a set of q possibilities as well as a weight corresponding to this type, and each edge is weighted according to the types of the vertices it links. The weight of the graph is then the product of the weights ] O of its vertices and edges. We investigate the sum of the weights of such graphs and prove that when the numberofedgesissmall,almostallofthemcontainnocomponentwithmorethanonecycle. Thoseresults C allowustogiveanewproofinamoregeneralsettingofatheoremofWright(1961)ontheenumerationof . properlycoloredgraphs. Wealsodiscussapplications relatedtosocialnetworks. h Keywords. generatingfunctions,analyticcombinatorics,multivariateLaplacemethod,inhomogeneous t a graphs,graphcoloring. m [ Thesuccessofgraphsreliesontwocontradictoryproperties. Theyaresimpleenoughtoappearnaturallyin 2 manyapplications,butatthesametimerichenoughtoenjoynon-trivialmathematicalproperties. Extensions v 5 suchashypergraphsanddigraphs,andvariousnotionsofrandomnessonthoseobjectshavebeenproposedto 7 addressawiderrangeofapplications. Inthisarticle,wefocusonamodelofinhomogeneousgraphsintroduced 7 byde Panafieu and Ravelomanana(2014)andsimilartotheinhomogeneousgraphmodel ofSo¨derberg(2002). 7 Our main tool is analytic combinatorics, and this work has been influenced by the articles of Flajolet et al. 0 (1989) and Janson et al. (1993). . 1 InSection1,wepresentthemodelandtwoapplications. ThefirstoneisanewproofofaresultofWright 0 (1972) on the enumeration of properly colored graphs, the second is an enumeration of graphs where each 5 1 vertex receives a number of attributes and two vertices can only be linked by an edge if they share at least : one common attribute. Section 2 provides theorems for the enumeration of inhomogeneous graphs with a v givennumber of vertices n and edges m. The set of inhomogeneous graphsthat contain no component with i X more than one cycle is analyzed in Section 3. We prove in Section 4 that when m is small enough, almost n r allinhomogeneousgraphsbelong to this set, and derivemore explicitresults than in Section2 onthe global a enumeration of inhomogeneous graphs. Section 5 extends the previous results to inhomogeneous graphs without loops nor multiple edges. 1. Notations, models and applications 1.1. Notations. The row vector (u ,...,u ) is denoted by (cid:0)u, and the column vector (u ,...,u )⊺ by ~u. 1 q 1 q Thediagonalmatrixuˆ hasmaindiagonal~u,and~1isthevectorwithallcoefficientsequalto1. Weadoptthe notation ~u~v for the product uvi. The functions log and exp are applied coefficient-wise to the vectors, i i i.e. log((cid:0)u)=(log(u ),...,log(u )). When n =n, the multinomial notation n denotes n!/ n !. The 1 Qq i i ~n i i adjugate of a matrix M, equal to the transpose of the cofactor matrix, is adj(M). Open intervals, closed P (cid:0) (cid:1) Q intervals and integer intervals are denoted by ]x,y[, [x,y] and [a..b]. ThisworkwaspartiallyfoundedbytheANRMagnum,theAustrianScienceFund(FWF)grantF5004. 1 1.2. Graph model. The uniform graph model, also called multigraph process, has been studied using ana- lyticcombinatoricsbyFlajolet et al.(1989)andJanson et al.(1993). Thismodelproducesarandomvertex- labelled graph with n vertices and m edges by drawing 2m vertices v w ...v w uniformly independently 1 1 m m in [1..n], and adding to the graph the edges v w for i from 1 to m: i i edge(G)= v w 1 i m . i i { | ≤ ≤ } Thegraphissimple ifitcontainsneitherloopsnormultipleedges. Iftheoutputoftheprocessisconditioned to be simple, the model reduces to the classic G(n,m) graph model of Erdo˝s and R´enyi. The number of ordered sequences of vertices v w ...v w that correspond to a graph G is denoted by seqv(G) 1 1 m m seqv(G)= v w ...v w v w 1 i m =edge(G) . 1 1 m m i i |{ | { | ≤ ≤ } }| Observe that a graph G with m edges is simple if and only if its number of sequences of vertices seqv(G) is equal to 2mm!. For this reason, Janson et al. (1993) introduced the compensation factor seqv(G) κ(G)= . 2mm! Thenumber of graphs inafamilyisdefinedasthesumoftheir compensationfactors,althoughthis quantity needs not be an integer. However, when the graphs are simple, the number of graphs is equal to the actual cardinalityofthefamily. Forexample,thetotalnumberofmultigraphswithnverticesandmedgesis n2m . 2mm! 1.3. Inhomogeneousgraphmodel. Theoriginalinhomogeneousgraphmodel wasintroducedbySo¨derberg (2002)asageneralizationoftheclassicG(n,p)randomgraphmodel,andextendedbyBollob´as et al.(2007). In this model, each vertex receives a type, which is an integer in [1..q], and the probability that a vertex of type i and one of type j are linked is the coefficient (i,j) of a symmetric q q matrix R. We consider in × this paper a variant of this model, introduced by de Panafieu and Ravelomanana (2014) and closer to the uniform graph model. Its parameters are an irreducible symmetric q q matrix R and a vector~r of size q, × both with non-negative coefficients. We call inhomogeneous graph, or (R,~r)-graph, a labelled graph where (loops and multiple edges are allowed) where each vertex v has a type t(v) which is an integer in [1..q] and a weight r , t(v) • each edge vw receives a weight R . t(v),t(w) • The weight ω(G) of an (R,~r)-graph G is the product of the compensation factor of the underlying graph (which is equal to 1 if the graph is simple), the weights of the vertices and the weights of the edges ω(G)=κ(G) r R . t(u) t(v),t(w) u∈G vw∈G Y Y Onecanalsothinkoftheparameters(r )and(R )asvariablesmarkingtheverticesandtheedgesaccording i i,j to their types and the types of their ends. We define the number of (R,~r)-graphs in a family as the sum of theirweights. Thisconventionwillbejustifiedbytheapplications. An(n,m)-(R,~r)-graph isan(R,~r)-graph with n vertices and m edges. Let n(G) denote the number of vertices of a graph G and be a family of F (R,~r)-graphs, then the generating function F(z) of is defined by F zn(G) F(z)= ω(G) . n(G)! G∈F X Observe that an (R,~r)-graph that contains an edge of weight zero has weight zero, and thus does not contribute to the number of(R,~r)-graphs. The next lemma justifies our assumptionfor R to be irreducible. Lemma 1. Let G∗ denote the set of (R,~r)-graphs with non-zero weight. If the matrix R is reducible, then R,~r there exist a non-trivial partition T T = [1..q] of the set of types, symmetric irreducible matrices 1 k ⊎···⊎ S ,...,S andvectors~s ,...,~s suchthatG∗ isinbijectionwiththeCartesianproductG∗ G∗ . 1 k 1 k R,~r S1,~s1×···× Ss,~sk Specifically, for any graph G in G∗ , R,~r for all i=j, there is no edge between a vertex of type in T and one of type in T , i j • 6 for all i, the graph induced by G on the vertices with types in T is in G∗ . • i Si,~si 2 Proof. Let (~e ,...,~e ) denote the canonicalbasis of Rq. Since R is reducible, there is a partition T ,...,T 1 q 1 k of [1..q] such that the matrix of R on the basis (~e ,~e ,...,~e ,~e ,...) T1[1] T1[2] T2[1] T2[2] has a block-diagonalshape diag(S ,...,S ). For eachi, we set~s =(r ,r ,...). There canbe no edge 1 k i Ti[1] Ti[2] between types in T and in T for i = j because its weight would be 0. Therefore, any component of G∗ with a vertex of typie in T hajs all its6 types in T . By construction, such a component is in G∗ . R(cid:3),~r i i Si,~si In the following, the matrix R is therefore always assumed to be irreducible. In this paper, we analyze asymptotic properties of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs when n goes to infinity, m is equal to cn, and R, ~r and c are fixed. We look forward to applications that would require to relax those conditions, to guide us toward the generalization of the model. 1.4. Applications. Inhomogeneousgraphshavebeenusedinde Panafieu and Ravelomanana(2014)toan- alyze the phase transition of satisfiability problems. We present two new applications. In the properly q-colored graphs, each vertex has a color in [1..q] and no edge links two vertices with the same one. We give a new proof of (Wright, 1972, Theorem 3) on their enumeration. This result is not to be confused with an enumeration of q-colorable graphs, a problem expected to be much more difficult and addressed by Achlioptas and Coja-Oghlan(2008). Application 1. Let R(col) denote the q q matrix with all coefficients equal to 1, except on the diagonal × where they are equal to 0. Then the number of properly q-colored (n,m)-graphs is equal to the number of (n,m)-(R(col),~1)-graphs. When mn is in a compact interval of R>0, its asymptotics is n2m 2 m −q−21 1 m 1+ 1 qn+o(1). 2mm! q 1 n − q (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) For properly q-colored simple graphs, the previous asymptotics is replaced by n2m 2 m −q−21 1 m m 2 q 1+ 1 qnexp +o(1). 2mm! q 1 n − q n q 1 (cid:18) − (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0)(cid:16) (cid:17) − (cid:1) Proof. Letus identify the types andthe colors. Ifan(R(col),~1)-graphis properlycolored,the product ofthe weights of its edges is 1, otherwise it is 0, hence the first assertion of the theorem. The eigenvalues of R(col) areq 1and 1,withmultiplicities1andq 1. TheasymptoticsisthenadirectapplicationofTheorem12 and t−he remar−k following Theorem 14. − (cid:3) As a second example, we consider a world where each person has a number k of topics of interest among a setofsizet 2k,andwhere twopeople canonlybecome friend ifthey shareatleastone commontopic of ≥ interest. Wecallfriendship graph thegraphwhereeachvertexrepresentsapersonandeachedgeafriendship relation. The graph is naturally assumed to be simple. To analyze the friendship graphs, we introduce the following notations. Let σ denote a numbering of the subsets of size k of [1..t], and R(fs) the adjacency matrix of the complement of the Kneser graph (see, for example, Godsil and Royle (2001)). This matrix of dimension q = t is defined by k (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 if σ(i) σ(j) 1, R(fs) = | ∩ |≥ i,j (0 otherwise. Application 2. The number of friendship graphs with n people and m friendship relations is equal to the number of simple (n,m)-(R(fs),~1)-graphs. When m is in a closed interval of ]0,1[, almost all friendship n 2 graphs contain no component with more than one cycle. There is a value β > 1 such that when m is in a 2 n compact interval of ]0,β[, the asymptotics of friendship graphs is n2m t t k m t n−m − C+o(1) 2mm! k − k k (cid:18)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 3 where the value C, bounded with respect to n, is t m m k 2m t−k−j −12((jt)−(j−t1)) C =exp k 1+ 1 ( 1)j k−j . − kt −(cid:0) (cid:1)t−kk n (cid:16) n(cid:17)!jY=1 − − n kt(cid:0) − t−k(cid:1)k ! (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. Identifyingeachtypeiwiththesetoftopicsofinterestσ(i), thedefinitionofthematrixR(fs) implies thattheweightofasimple(R(fs),~1)-graphis1ifitisafriendshipgraph,and0otherwise. Thespectrumofthe Kneser graph is known, and available in Delsarte and Levenshtein (1998). The spectrum of its complement follows: the dominant eigenvalue is t t−k and for all j from 1 to k, ( 1)j t−k−j is an eigenvalue k − k − k−j with multiplicity t t . The result is then a consequence of Theorem 12 and the remark that follows j − j−1 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 14, with parameters Tr(R(fs))= t and Tr((R(fs))2)= t t−k . (cid:3) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) k k − k (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Inhomogeneous graphs can as well handle generalizations of the model. For example, the weight of a friendship could be a real value, function of the number of common topics of interest. The parameters of the asymptotics, although still computable, will become less explicit. 2. Global enumeration In this section, we reduce the problem of deriving the asymptotics of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs to the location of the minimums of a function parameterized by R, ~r and m. We start with an explicit formula. n Theorem 2. The number of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs is (1) G (n,m)= 1 n ~r ~n (cid:0)nR~n m. R,~r 2mm! ~n {~n∈NqX| (cid:0)1~n=n}(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. Letusconsiderafixedpartitionofthesetoflabels[1..n]intoq setsV ,...,V ofsizesn ,...,n ,and 1 q 1 q denote by G(~n,m) the set of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs where the type ofthe vertices in V is i. Then the number i of graphs in G(~n,m) is expressed by summation over all sequences of vertices as q m 1 ω(G)= rni R . 2mm! i t(vi),t(wi) G∈GX(~n,m) iY=1 v1,w1,...,vmX,wm∈[1..n]2mYi=1 Switching the sum and the product, the previous equation becomes 1 q m ((cid:0)nR~n)m ω(G)= rni n n R =~r ~n . 2mm! i i j 2mm! ! G∈GX(~n,m) Yi=1 1≤Xi,j≤q Equation (1) is obtained by summation over all possible partitions V V =[1..n]. (cid:3) 1 q ⊎···⊎ To obtain the asymptotics of G (n,m), we will apply in the proof of Theorem 5 a multivariate Laplace R,~r method. This method requires to give to the previous expression a more suitable shape. Lemma 3. Let S denote the set {~x∈Rq≥0 | (cid:0)1~x=1}. The number of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs is (2) GR,~r(n,m)= 2nm2mm!(2πn1)q−21 {~n∈NqX| (cid:0)1~n=n}An(cid:18)~nn(cid:19)e−nΦmn(n~n), where, with the usual conventions 0log(0)=0 and 00 =1, the functions A and Φ are defined on by n c S n! q (nxi)nxie−nxi√2πnxi 1 A (~x)= , n nne−n√2πn Γ(nxi+1) √xi i=1 Y Φ (~x)= log((cid:0)x) log((cid:0)r) ~x clog (cid:0)xR~x . c − − (cid:0) (cid:1)4 (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. We introduce in Expression(1) the Stirling approximationsof the factorials of the multinomial coef- ficient, and rescale each n by a factor 1/n i G (n,m)= n2m 1 n! q nniie−ni√2πni ~r ~n/n n (cid:0)nR~n m. R,~r 2mm!(2πn)q−21 ~n∈Nq nne−n√2πni=1 ni! ni/n (~n/n)n~/n! (cid:18)n n(cid:19) (cid:0)X Y 1~n=n p The functions A and Φ are then introduced to simplify this expression. (cid:3) n c (cid:0) Let E denote a q (q 1) matrix with left-kernel of dimension 1 containing the vector 1, e.g. × − 1 0 ··· 0 0 1 ... ... E = ... ... ... 0 . 0 ··· 0 1 −1 ··· ··· −1   Two vectors ~u and ~v belong to only if there is a vector~ǫ of dimension q 1 for which ~u = ~v+E~ǫ. The S − following lemma provides tools to locate the minimums of the function Φ . c Lemma 4. For all c>0, the Taylor expansion of Φ near any point ~x in the interior of is c S 1 Φc(~x+E~ǫ)=Φc(~x)+∇(cid:0)Φc(~x)~ǫ+ 2(cid:0)ǫHΦc(~x)~ǫ+O(kǫk3), where the gradient vector and the Hessian matrix have dimension q 1 and are defined by − 2c ∇(cid:0)Φc(~x) = log((cid:0)x)−log((cid:0)r)− (cid:0)xR~x(cid:0)xR E, (cid:18) (cid:19) 2c 2 =E⊺ xˆ−1+ R~x(cid:0)xR R E. HΦc(~x) (cid:0)xR~x (cid:0)xR~x − (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:0) If ϕ~ is a minimum of Φc, then ϕ~ is in the interior of S, ∇Φc(ϕ~) = 0 and HΦc(ϕ~c) is positive-semidefinite. Proof. LetΨc denotethefunction~x log((cid:0)x) log((cid:0)r) ~x clog (cid:0)xR~x from[0,1]q ~0 toR. Itsrestriction → − − \{ } to is equal to Φ and its Taylor expansion starts with c S (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Ψ (~x+~ǫ)=Ψ (~x)+ (cid:0) ~ǫ+ 1(cid:0)ǫ ~ǫ+ ( ~ǫ 3) c c ∇Ψc(~x) 2 HΨc(~x) O k k (cid:0) where the gradient and the Hessian matrix of Ψ are computed using partial derivations. It ∇Ψc(~x) HΨc(~x) c follows that the Taylor expansion of Φ near any point ~x in the interior of is c S Φ (~x+E~ǫ)=Φ (~x)+ (cid:0) E~ǫ+ 1(cid:0)ǫE⊺ E~ǫ+ ( ~ǫ 3). c c ∇Ψc(~x) 2 HΨc(~x) O k k (cid:0) Observing the limit of the gradient ∇Φc(~x) of Φc when one coordinate of ~x vanishes, we conclude that the local minimums of Φc cannot be reached on the boundary of S, and must therefore cancel ∇(cid:0)Φc(~x). (cid:3) Gathering the previous results, we can finally apply the multivariate Laplace method. Theorem 5. Let [a,b] be a compact interval such that the function (c,~x) det( ) from [a,b] to R (cid:0) (cid:0) → HΦc(~x) ×S does not vanish, and let ϕ~c,1,...,ϕ~c,s denote the solutions of ∇Φc(ϕ~) = 0 that correspond to local minimums of Φ , then when c= m is in [a,b], the asymptotics of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs is c n n2m ~rϕ~ n ϕ(cid:0)Rϕ~ m G (n,m) . R,~r ∼ 2mm!ϕ~∈{ϕ~cX,1,...,ϕ~c,s}(cid:18)ϕ~ϕ~(cid:19) det(H(cid:0)Φc(ϕ~)(cid:1)) qi=1ϕi q Proof. We inject in the integral representationof the sum (2) the following relQations An(ϕ~+E~ǫ)∼ q ϕi−1/2+O(k~ǫk), e−nΦc(ϕ~+E~ǫ) = ϕ~~rϕ~ϕ~ n ϕ(cid:0)Rϕ~ me−12n(cid:0)ǫHΦc(ϕ~c)~ǫ+O(nk~ǫk3), i=1 (cid:18) (cid:19) Y (cid:0) (cid:1) validforanyminimumϕ~ofΦ ,andapplythemultivariateLaplacemethod,presentedin(Pemantle and Wilson, c 2013, Chapter 5)). (cid:3) 5 The previous theorem requires to locate the minimums of Φ , and to avoid the values of c for which c those minimums cross or merge. Even when the dimension of the matrix R is 2, those minimums can exhibit interesting behaviors. For example, for R=(21), Φ has a unique minimum when c 1/6 and two 12 c ≤ local minimums when c > 1/6. It would be interesting to investigate if this transformation in the analytic properties ofΦ matches anevolutionin the typicalstructure of(R,~r)-graphs. Theorems 10and 12provide c two examples of families of parametersR,~r and m for whichΦ has a unique minimum anda more explicit n c asymptotics for the number of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs can be derive. 3. Trees and unicycles An(R,~r)-treeisaconnected(R,~r)-graphthatcontainsnocycle. Suchagraphisrooted ifonevertex,called the root, is marked. An (R,~r)-unicycle is a connected (R,~r)-graph with exactly one cycle. A classic result ofErdo˝s and R´enyi(1960)statesthatalmostall(n,m)-graphswith m < 1 containonlytreesandunicycles. n 2 In this section, we derive a similar result for (R,~r)-graphs. We also give a more explicit asymptotics for the numberof(n,m)-(R,~r)-graphsthaninTheorem5when m issmallerthanavalueβ,definedinTheorem10. n Lemma 6. Let T (z), U(z) and V(z) denote the generating functions of (R,~r)-rooted trees with root of type i i, (R,~r)-trees and (R,~r)-unicycles, and let T~(z) denote the vector (T (z),...,T (z))⊺, then 1 q T~(z)=zrˆexp RT~(z) , U(z)=(cid:0)1T~(z) 1T(cid:0)(z)RT~(z), V(z)= 1log det I Tˆ(z)R . − 2 −2 − (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) Proof. An (R,~r)-rooted tree is a root with a set of sons which are (R,~r)-rooted trees themself. Let i denote the type of the root, and j the type of the root of one of those sons, then the root has weight r and the i weight of the edge linking the root to the son is the coefficient R . Using the Symbolic Method (see for i,j example the book of Flajolet and Sedgewick (2009)) the previous combinatorial description translates into thefirstrelationonT~(z). TheexpressionforU(z)isobtainedusingtheDissymmetry Theorem presentedby Bergeronet al. (1997). The proof of the expression of V(z) is a variation of (Flajolet and Sedgewick, 2009, Proposition V.6). (cid:3) Lemma 7. The generating functions T~(z) has the following singular expansions T~(z)=~τ ~γ 1 z/ρ+ (1 z/ρ) − − O − where the value ρ and the vectors ~τ and ~γ have ppositive coefficients and are characterized by the system 1 (cid:0) (cid:0) (3) ~τ =ρrˆexp(R~τ), (I τˆR)~γ =0, γRγˆR~γ = 1~γ. − 2 Proof. The square-root singular expansion of T~(z) is a consequence of (Drmota, 1999, Proposition 3). The constraints on its coefficients are obtained by injection of this expansion into the relation T~(z) = zrˆexp(RT~(z)) and identification of the coefficients corresponding to the same power of 1 z/ρ. (cid:3) − p We can now build (R,~r)-graphs that contain only trees and unicycles. (cid:0) Theorem 8. We set α = 1 τR~τ. For c = m in any closed interval of ]0,α[, let ζ and ϕ~ be characterized 2 (cid:0)1~τ n c c by 1T(cid:0)(ζ )RT~(ζ ) T~(ζ ) c c c (4) =c and ϕ~ = , 2 (cid:0)1T~(ζc) c (cid:0)1T~(ζc) then the number of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs that contain only trees and unicycles is G(U,V)(n,m) n2m C−1/2 ~rϕ~c n ϕ(cid:0) Rϕ(cid:0) m, R,~r ∼ 2mm! c,ϕ~c ϕ~ϕ~c c c (cid:18) c (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 2c −1 2c (cid:0) (5) where Cc,~x = c (1−c)1 I− (cid:0)xR~xxˆR ~x−1 det I− (cid:0)xR~xxˆR . (cid:18) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 6 Proof. A tree with n vertices has n 1 edges, and a unicycle with n vertices has n edges. Therefore, an − (n,m)-(R,~r)-graph that contains only trees and unicycles is a set of n m trees and a set of unicycles − U(z)n−m G(U,V)(n,m)=n![zn] eV(z). R,~r (n m)! − We apply (Flajolet and Sedgewick, 2009, Theorem VIII.8) to extract its asymptotics. The saddle-point equation is Equation (4). We then introduce the notation ϕ~, which satisfies the relation 2c T~(ζ )= ϕ~ , c ϕ(cid:0) Rϕ~ c c c and apply Stirling approximations to rearrange the expression. (cid:3) In a longer version of this article, we plan to enumerate connected (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs when m n 1 − ≥ is fixed, and to prove that such components appear with a non-zero probability when m = αn+ (n2/3). O This would extend to (R,~r)-graphs the result obtained for graphs by Janson et al. (1993) with α = 1. 2 Therefore, we conjecture that m = α is the threshold for the emergence of components with at least two n cycles. Followingthe approachof Flajolet et al.(1989), one couldas wellderive the limit law ofthe number of edges when the first cycle appear in a random (n,m)-(R,~r)-graph. The following lemma links the determinant of the Hessian matrix to the value C . HΦc(~x) c,~x (cid:0) Lemma 9. Let ~τ, C and be defined by Equations (3), (5) and Lemma 4, and set α to 1 τR~τ, then c,~x HΦc(~x) 2 (cid:0)1~τ for all c [0,α[ and ~x , the following identity holds ∈ ∈S q C =det( ) x . c,~x HΦc(~x) i i=1 Y Proof. We introduce the matrix M = (cid:0)xR~xxˆ−1 R and the vector~v = 2/((cid:0)xR~x)~x. Since E is a q (q 1) 2c − × − matrix, it becomes a square matrix F if we concatenate to its right the column vector~v. The determinant p of F⊺MF can be expressed as det(F)2det(M) or using a block-determinant formula. The equality between those two expressions is 2 (6) det(M)=((cid:0)vM~v+1)det(E⊺ME) det(E⊺(M +M~v(cid:0)vM)E). (cid:0)xR~x − The properties of the matrix E imply (cid:0)xR~x det(E⊺ME)=det(M)(cid:0)1M−1~1 and E⊺(M +M~v(cid:0)vM)E = 2c HΦc(~x). The result is obtained by injection of those relations in Equation (6) and rearrangementof the terms. (cid:3) 4. Global enumeration when Φ has a unique minimum c In this section, we present two cases where the result of Theorem 5 can be made more specific. Theorem 10. Let β denote the value sup c ~x , det( ) > 0 , then β is greater than α. The (cid:0) (cid:0) { | ∀ ∈ S HΦc(~x) } equation ∇Φc(ϕ~) = 0 defines implicitly on [0,β[ a unique solution ϕ~c, given by Equation (4) when c ∈]0,α]. Finally, when m is in a compact interval of ]0,β[, the asymptotics of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs is n G (n,m) n2m ~rϕ~c n ϕ(cid:0)cRϕ~c m . R,~r ∼ 2mm!(cid:18)ϕ~cϕ~c(cid:19) det((cid:0)HΦc(ϕ~c)(cid:1))det(ϕˆc) Proof. Whenc=0,forall~x the matrix is pospitive-definite. Bycontinuityofits eigenvalueswith ∈S HΦ0(~x) respect to c and ~x, stays positive-definite for all c [0,β[ and ~x , so the function Φ is convex. HΦc(~x) ∈ ∈ S c According to Lemma 4, Φ has no minimum on the boundary of , so it has a unique minimum, which c (cid:0) S cancels its gradient∇Φc(~x). The asymptotics is then a consequence of Theorem5. For c∈]0,α[, let us define 7 ϕ~c as in Eq(cid:0)uation(4). A directcomputationshows that log(ϕ(cid:0)c)−log((cid:0)r)−2cϕ(cid:0)R/(ϕ(cid:0)Rϕ~) is collinearto (cid:0)1, so ϕ~c cancels ∇Φc(~x). We extend continuously ϕ~c for c=0 and c=α with T~(z) ~r T~(z) ~τ ϕ~ = lim = , ϕ~ = lim = . 0 z→0(cid:0)1T~(z) (cid:0)1~r α z→ρ(cid:0)1T~(z) (cid:0)1~τ The last point we need to prove is that β > α. According to Lemma 9, det( ) vanishes only if C HΦc(~x) c,~x does, and Theorem 8 implies in particular C > 0 when c ]0,α[. Observe that is independent of ~r and that for each ~x , there is a vector~rc,ϕ~cRq such tha∈t ϕ~ =~x. This provesHβΦc(~xα). For c=α, ϕ~ is (cid:0) ∈S ∈ >0 c ≥ α equal to ~τ/(1~τ). The definitions (3) of ~τ and (5) of Cc,ϕ~c then imply 2α 1 α ~τ (cid:0) det(cid:18)I− ϕ(cid:0)αRϕ~αϕˆαR(cid:19)=0 and Cα,ϕ~α = −α 1adj(I −τˆR)(cid:0)1~τ. Thevalueofthegeneratingfunctionofunrooted(R,~r)-trees(cid:0)1T~(z) T(cid:0)(z)RT~(z)/2ispositiveatitsdominant singularityρ,and~τ =T~(ρ),soα=(cid:0)τR~τ/(2(cid:0)1~τ)issmallerthan1. By−definitionof~τ,theirreduciblematrixτˆR hasdominanteigenvalue1ofdimension1witheigenvector~γ,definedinEquation(3). Therefore,adj(I ~τR) (cid:0) − is proportionalto~γγ, which has positive coefficients. This implies C >0, so det( ) is positive for all ~x in and Φ is still strictly convex. Therefore, β is greater thanα,αϕ~.α HΦα(~x) (cid:3) α S The following corollary is obtained by comparison of the asymptotics of G(U,V)(n,m) from Theorem 8 R,~r and G (n,m) from Theorem 10, using the relation C =det( ) q x from Lemma 9. R,~r c,~x HΦc(~x) i=1 i Corollary 11. When c = m is in a closed interval of ]0,α[, then almoQst all (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs contain n only trees and unicycles. When R is the adjacency matrix of a regular graph, then~1 is an eigenvector and ϕ~c becomes explicit. Theorem 12. Let λ1 λq denote the eigenvalues of R, and assume that~1 is an eigenvector of R, ≥ ··· ≥ then when m is in a compact interval of ]0,β[, the asymptotics of (n,m)-(R,~1)-graphs is n n2m q λ m −1/2 G (n,m) λmqn−m 1 2 i . R,~1 ∼ 2mm! 1 − λ n i=2(cid:18) 1 (cid:19) Y If λ is positive, β < λ1 , otherwise the previous asymptotics holds for m in any compact interval of R . 2 2λ2 n >0 Proof. R has non-negative coefficients and is irreducible. The Perron-Fr¨obenius theorem implies that its dominant eigenvalue is positive and corresponds to the unique eigenvector with positive coefficients, thus R~1=λ1~1. The first assertion of the theorem is then a consequence of Theorem 10 with ϕ~c =~1/q, qq 2c q λ ∇(cid:0)Φc(~1/q) =(cid:0)0 and det(HΦc(~1/q))= 1−2cdet(cid:18)I− λ1R(cid:19)=qqi=2(cid:18)1−2cλ1i(cid:19). Y Observe that det( ) vanishes at c= λ1 . Let us now consider the case λ 0. The function log((cid:0)x)~x HΦc(~1/q) 2λ2 2 ≤ reaches its unique minimum on at~1/q. To prove that the function Φc(~x)=log((cid:0)x)~x clog((cid:0)xR~x) does the same, it is then sufficient to proSve that (cid:0)xR~x reaches at~1/q its global maximum. Sinc−e ~x is in , there is a vector ~y Rq−1 that satisfies ~x=~1/q+E~y. Since (cid:0)1E is equal to (cid:0)0, we obtain S ∈ λ (cid:0)xR~x= 1 +(cid:0)yE⊺RE~y. q (cid:0) The symmetry of R implies the existence of an orthogonal matrix Q with first row 1/√q such that R = Q⊺diag(λ1,...,λq)Q. The firstrowofQE is (cid:0)0. LetP denote the (q 1) (q 1) matrixin the lowerblock − × − of QE. Then P is invertible, and E⊺Q⊺diag(λ ,...,λ )QE =P⊺diag(λ ,...,λ )P. 1 q 2 q We set ~z = P~y and obtain (cid:0)xR~x = ~1 + q λ z2. Therefore, (cid:0)xR~x reaches its global maximum λ /q when q i=2 i i 1 ~z =~0, which implies ~y =~0 and ~x=~1/q. (cid:3) P 8 AfuturedirectionofresearchistheexpansionofthefamilyofparametersR,~randcforwhichwecanlink the asymptotics of (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphsto the spectrum of R. Informationon the location of the minimums of Φ for c greater than β would also be instructive. c 5. Simple (R,~r)-Graphs The previous sections focused on (R,~r)-graphs where loops and multiple edges were allowed. We now extend those results to simple (R,~r)-graphs, starting with a theorem similar to Theorem 2. Theorem 13. The number of simple (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs is q n (7) SG (n,m)=[wm] ~r~n (1+R w)ninj (1+R w)ni(ni−1)/2. R,~r i,j i,i ~n (cid:0) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1≤i<j≤q i=1 1X~n=n Y Y Proof. We consider a partition V V = [1..n] of the set of vertices and define n = V for all i. Let 1 q i i ⊎···⊎ | | SG(~n,m)denotethesetofsimple(n,m)-(R,~r)-graphswhereeachvertexofV hastypei. Wheni=j,there i 6 are n n available edges between vertices of V and V , and for all i, there are n (n 1)/2 possible edges i j i j i i − between vertices of V . Therefore, the number of graphs in SG(~n,m) is i q ω(G)=[wm]~r~n (1+R w)ninj (1+R w)ni(ni−1)/2. i,j i,i G∈SG(~n,m) 1≤i<j≤q i=1 X Y Y The result of the Lemma is obtained by summation over all partitions V V =[1..n]. (cid:3) 1 q ⊎···⊎ Theorem 14. With the notations of Theorem 5, for all c = m in [a,b], the asymptotics of simple (n,m)- n (R,~r)-graphs is SG (n,m) n2m ~rϕ~ n ϕ(cid:0)Rϕ~ m e−(cid:0)ϕRcϕ~Tr(ϕˆR)−(cid:16)(cid:0)ϕRcϕ~(cid:17)2Tr((ϕˆR)2). R,~r ∼ 2mm!ϕ~∈{ϕ~cX,1,...,ϕ~c,s}(cid:18)ϕ~ϕ~(cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) det(HΦc(ϕ~)) qi=1ϕi q Proof. Starting with the exact expression (7), we replace w with nw Q n (8) SG (n,m)=nm ~r~n[wm]eFn(~n/n,w), R,~r ~n (cid:0) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1X~n=n q w nxinxj w nxi(nxi−1)/2 where F (~x,w)=log 1+R 1+R . n i,j i,i n n ! 1≤Yi<j≤q(cid:16) (cid:17) iY=1(cid:16) (cid:17) An expansion of the logarithm reduces this expression to w 1 1 F (~x,w)=n(cid:0)xR~x Tr(xˆR)w Tr((xˆR)2)w2+ (n−1). n 2 − 2 − 4 O With c = m bounded, we apply (Flajolet and Sedgewick, 2009, Theorem VIII.8) with saddle-point ζ = n 2c/((cid:0)xR~x): nm 1 2c 1 2c 2 [wm]eFn(~x,w) = ((cid:0)xR~x)mexp Tr(xˆR) Tr((xˆR)2) (1+ (n−1)) 2mm! −2 (cid:0)xR~x − 4 (cid:18)(cid:0)xR~x(cid:19) ! O holds uniformly for ~x . Adopting the notation Φ of Lemma 3, Equation (8) then becomes c ∈S SGR,~r(n,m)= 2nm2mm!(2πn1)q−21 {~n∈NqX| (cid:0)1~n=n}SAn(cid:18)~nn(cid:19)e−nΦmn(n~n), where SAn(~x)= q (nxi)nxie−nxi√2πnxi 1 e−Tr(xˆR)(cid:0)xRc~x−Tr((xˆR)2)(cid:16)(cid:0)xcR~x(cid:17)2(1+ (n−1)). Γ(nxi+1) √xi O i=1 Y The end of the proof is the same as in Theorem 5. (cid:3) Theorems10 and 12 extend to simple (R,~r)-graphs in the same way. 9 Corollary 15. When m is in a closed interval of ]0,α[, almost all simple (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs contain only n trees and unicycles. Proof. We verify that the asymptotics of simple (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs containing only trees and unicycles is equalto the asymptotics of all simple (n,m)-(R,~r)-graphs,derivedin Theorem14. The generating function U(z) of (R,~r)-trees is the same for graphs and simple graphs. The generating function SV(z) of simple (R,~r)-unicycles becomes 1 1 SV(z)=V(z) Tr(Tˆ(z)R) Tr (Tˆ(z)R)2 − 2 − 4 to avoid loops and double edges in the cycle. The end of the proof(cid:16)is the sam(cid:17)e as in Theorem 8. (cid:3) References D. Achlioptas and A. Coja-Oghlan. Algorithmic barriers from phase transitions. 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