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Preview ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ideas in Action

greene_0538446145_FM, 1/18/8, 12:13, page: 1 ANNOTATED INSTRUCTOR’S EDITION ENTREPRENEURSHIP Ideas in Action 4e Cynthia L. Greene Australia (cid:127)Brazil (cid:127)Japan (cid:127) Korea (cid:127)Mexico (cid:127)Singapore (cid:127) Spain (cid:127) United Kingdom (cid:127) United States greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 2 Entrepreneurship:IdeasinAction, ©2009,2006South-Western,apartofCengageLearning FourthEdition ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.Nopartofthisworkcoveredbythecopyrighthereinmaybe CynthiaL.Greene reproduced,transmitted,storedorusedinanyformorbyanymeansgraphic,electronic,or VicePresidentofEditorial,Business: mechanical,includingbutnotlimitedtophotocopying,recording,scanning,digitizing,taping, JackW.Calhoun Webdistribution,informationnetworks,orinformationstorageandretrievalsystems,exceptas permittedunderSection107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withouttheprior VicePresident/Editor-in-Chief: writtenpermissionofthepublisher KarenSchmohe VicePresident/Marketing: BillHendee ExecutiveEditor: EveLewis Forproductinformationandtechnologyassistance,contactusat CengageLearningCustomer&SalesSupport,1-800-354-9706 Sr.DevelopmentalEditor: EnidNagel EditorialAssistant:VirginiaWilson Forpermissiontousematerialfromthistextorproduct, submitallrequestsonlineatwww.cengage.com/permissions MarketingManager: MikeCloran Furtherpermissionsquestionscanbeemailedto MarketingCoordinator: KelleyGilreath [email protected] ContentProjectManager: DarrellE.Frye ManagerofTechnology,Editorial: LizWilkes ExamView®andExamViewPro®areregisteredtrademarksofFSCreations,Inc. TechnologyProjectEditor: SallyNieman WebsiteProjectManager: EdStubenrauch TheCareerClustersiconsarebeingusedwithpermissionofthe: ManufacturingCoordinator: KevinKluck ProductionService: MacmillanPublishingSolutions ArtDirector: TippyMcIntosh InternalandCoverDesigner: States’CareerClustersInitiative,2007,www.careerclusters.org GrannanDesign,Ltd CoverImages: Veer,PhotoAlto/Getty ©2008CengageLearning.AllRightsReserved. PhotographyManager: JohnHill StudentEditionISBN13: 978-0-538-44614-3 StudentEditionISBN10: 0-538-44614-5 StudentEditionwithCDISBN13: 978-0-538-44626-6 StudentEditionwithCDISBN10: 0-538-44626-9 South-WesternCengageLearning 5191NatorpBoulevard Mason,OH45040 USA CengageLearningproductsarerepresentedinCanadaby NelsonEducation,Ltd. Foryourcourseandlearningsolutions,visitschool.cengage.com Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 09 08 greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 3 Reviewers Tatyana Berkovich Catherine Hayes President and Founder Teacher Ivy Academia Culinary Arts & Entrepreneurship K-12th grade Entrepreneurial Charter School Albuquerque Public Schools Woodland Hills, California Del Norte High School Albuquerque, New Mexico Becky Bernard Coordinator/Instructor, Small Business Linda Hughes Vanguard Sentinel Adult Career Centers Business Educator Fremont, Ohio Rapides High School Lecompte, Louisiana Julie Carney Program Manager Susan Krebsbach NFIB Young Entrepreneur Foundation Teacher Washington, DC Broken Arrow High School Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Pat Edwards Instructor, Hospitality Management Carol T. Majors Fairfax County Public Schools Consultant Chantilly Academy Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education Chantilly, Virginia Lee’s Summit, Missouri Mary A. Fugate Azzie L. Olds Business Education/OJT Instructor Business Instructor Grants High School North Caddo Magnet High School Grants, New Mexico Vivian, Louisiana Roger H. Fulk Michael Vialpando Professor, Office Information Systems Business Department Chair Wright State University—Lake Campus La Joya Community High School Celina, Ohio Phoenix, Arizona Arlene Gibson Kim Watson Director, Office of Career and Marketing Teacher Technical Education The Academy of Irving Career and Technical Education Irving, Texas Detroit Public Schools Jasper L. Wilson Detroit, Michigan Business Education Supervisor Michael Hackman Prince George’s County Public Schools Teacher, Business Department Upper Marlboro, Maryland Columbus North High School Columbus, Indiana Reviewers iii greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 4 Contents 1 Should You Become Lesson Assessment 41, 48, 54 Chapter Assessment 56 an Entrepreneur? 2 Build Your Business Plan Project 59 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Ideas in Action Making Job Connections 3 EffectivePresentationSkills 55 Planning a Career in 1-1 All about Entrepreneurship 4 PropertyManagement 60 1-2 Is Entrepreneurship Right for You? 10 Winning Edge 1-3 Exploring Ideas and Opportunities 16 FBLAEmergingBusiness IssuesEvent 61 1-4 Problem Solving for Entrepreneurs 21 BeYourOwn Boss 19 3 DevelopYourReadingSkills 5 Did YouKnow? 11 Develop a Business Famous Entrepreneur 7 Net Bookmark 17 Plan 62 Teamwork 9,15,20,25 WhatWentWrong? 13 Ideas in Action Turning an Idea into a Lesson Assessment 9, 15, 20, 25 Business 63 Chapter Assessment 28 Build Your Business Plan Project 31 3-1 Why a Business Plan Is Important 64 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills 3-2 What Goes into a Business Plan? 69 EffectiveBusiness Letters 26 3-3 How to Create an Effective Business Planning a Career in Plan 78 Human Services 32 BeYourOwnBoss 80 Winning Edge DevelopYourReadingSkills 65 BPA PresentationManagementTeam 33 DidYouKnow? 79 FamousEntrepreneur 67 2 NetBookmark 81 Teamwork 68,77,82 Entrepreneurs in a WhatWentWrong? 72 Lesson Assessment 68, 77, 82 Market Economy 34 Chapter Assessment 84 Build Your Business Plan Project 87 Ideas in Action Web Site Design 35 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills UsingTechnologyTools 83 2-1 EntrepreneursSatisfyNeedsandWants 36 Planning a Career in 2-2 How Economic Decisions Are Made 42 LandscapeArchitecture 88 2-3 What Affects Price? 49 Winning Edge BeYourOwn Boss 47 BPAPrepared Speech 89 DevelopYourReadingSkills 37 Did YouKnow? 46 Famous Entrepreneur 44 Net Bookmark 38 Teamwork 41,48,54 WhatWentWrong? 53 iv Contents greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 5 4 Identify and Meet a Lesson Assessment 125, 130, 138 Chapter Assessment 140 Market Need 90 Build Your Business Plan Project 143 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Ideas in Action ServingCustomers’Needs 91 Breakeven Point 139 Planning a Career in 4-1 Identify Your Market 92 E-marketing 144 4-2 Research the Market 97 Winning Edge 4-3 Know Your Competition 104 BPA GlobalMarketingTeamEvent 145 BeYourOwnBoss 107 DevelopYourReadingSkills 93 6 DidYouKnow? 99 FamousEntrepreneur 98 Distribution, NetBookmark 101 Teamwork 96,103,110 Promotion, and WhatWentWrong? 94 Selling 146 Lesson Assessment 96, 103, 110 Chapter Assessment 112 Ideas in Action Build Your Business Plan Project 115 Turning a Bad Experience Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills into a Million Dollars 147 UsingSpreadsheets toAnalyzeData 111 Planning a Career in 6-1 The Marketing Mix—Distribution 148 MarketingResearch 116 6-2 The Marketing Mix—Promotion 154 Winning Edge 6-3 Selling and Promoting 164 FBLAMultimedia Presentation 117 BeYourOwn Boss 150 DevelopYourReadingSkills 149 5 Did YouKnow? 155 Famous Entrepreneur 167 Market Your Net Bookmark 157 Teamwork 153,163,168 Business 118 WhatWentWrong? 161 Lesson Assessment 153, 163, 168 Ideas in Action Chapter Assessment 170 Turning Creative Fun into Build Your Business Plan Project 173 Dollars 119 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills 5-1 Develop the Marketing Plan 120 Marketing andtheWeb 169 5-2 The Marketing Mix—Product 126 Planning a Career in 5-3 The Marketing Mix—Price 131 PublicSafety 174 BeYourOwnBoss 136 Winning Edge DevelopYourReadingSkills 121 DECAEntrepreneurship PromotionProject 175 DidYouKnow? 127 FamousEntrepreneur 122 NetBookmark 129 Teamwork 125,130,138 WhatWentWrong? 128 Contents v greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 18:13, page: 6 7 Select a Type of BeYourOwnBoss 227 DevelopYourReadingSkills 211 Ownership 176 DidYouKnow? 220 FamousEntrepreneur 221 Ideas in Action NetBookmark 222 Capitalize on Youth Teamwork 217,223,228 Marketing 177 WhatWentWrong? 215 Lesson Assessment 217, 223, 228 7-1 Decide to Purchase, Join, or Start Chapter Assessment 230 a Business 178 Build Your Business Plan Project 233 7-2 Choose a Legal Form of Business 187 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills 7-3 Legal Issues and Business Ownership 194 E-MailEtiquette 229 BeYourOwn Boss 192 Planning a Career in DevelopYourReadingSkills 179 Architecture andConstruction 234 Did YouKnow? 184 Famous Entrepreneur 197 Winning Edge Net Bookmark 183 DECABuyingand MerchandisingManagement Teamwork 186,193,200 TeamDecisionMakingEvent 235 WhatWentWrong? 190 9 Lesson Assessment 186, 193, 200 Chapter Assessment 202 Plan and Track Your Build Your Business Plan Project 205 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Finances 236 EffectiveTelephone Conversations 201 Planning a Career in Ideas in Action Electronic Safekeeping 237 Franchising 206 Winning Edge 9-1 Finance Your Business 238 DECABusiness LawandEthicsManagement 9-2 Pro Forma Financial Statements 246 TeamDecision MakingEvent 207 9-3 Recordkeeping for Businesses 253 BeYourOwnBoss 259 8 DevelopYourReadingSkills 239 DidYouKnow? 245 Locate and Set Up FamousEntrepreneur 243 Your Business 208 NetBookmark 244 Teamwork 245,252,260 WhatWentWrong? 256 Ideas in Action A Neighborhood Lesson Assessment 245, 252, 260 Business 209 Chapter Assessment 262 Build Your Business Plan Project 265 8-1 Choose a Location 210 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills 8-2 Obtain Space and Design the Physical PrepareaResume 261 Layout 218 Planning a Career in 8-3 Purchase Equipment, Supplies, and Finance 266 Inventory 224 Winning Edge FBLABusiness Financial Plan 267 vi Contents greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 7 10 Operations Lesson Assessment 306, 314, 322 Chapter Assessment 324 Management 268 Build Your Business Plan Project 327 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Ideas in Action Entertaining and Promoting Teamwork 323 Planning 269 Planning a Career in Audio-Video Technology 328 10-1 Operating Procedures 270 Winning Edge 10-2 Inventory Management 276 FBLABusinessPlan 329 10-3 Financial Management 283 BeYourOwnBoss 278 12 DevelopYourReadingSkills 271 DidYouKnow? 284 Risk Management 330 FamousEntrepreneur 281 NetBookmark 272 Teamwork 275,282,290 Ideas in Action Growth Is Risky 331 WhatWentWrong? 285 Lesson Assessment 275, 282, 290 12-1 Business Risks 332 Chapter Assessment 292 12-2 Insure Against Risks 338 Build Your Business Plan Project 295 12-3 Other Risks 345 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills BeYourOwn Boss 336 Leadership Skills 291 DevelopYourReadingSkills 333 Planning a Career in Did YouKnow? 339 Information Technology 296 Famous Entrepreneur 351 Winning Edge Net Bookmark 335 FBLAPartnershipwithBusiness 297 Teamwork 337,344,352 WhatWentWrong? 342 11 Lesson Assessment 337, 344, 352 Chapter Assessment 354 Human Resource Build Your Business Plan Project 357 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Management 298 Respect CulturalDiversity 353 Planning a Career in Ideas in Action Working for What You Insurance 358 Believe In 299 Winning Edge DECABusiness ServicesMarketing 11-1 Identify Your Staffing Needs 300 SeriesEvent 359 11-2 Staff Your Business 307 11-3 Direct and Control Human Resources 315 BeYourOwnBoss 316 DevelopYourReadingSkills 301 DidYouKnow? 311 FamousEntrepreneur 312 NetBookmark 304 Teamwork 306,314,322 WhatWentWrong? 318 Contents vii greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 8 13 Management for the Lesson Assessment 369, 377, 384 Chapter Assessment 386 Future 360 Build Your Business Plan Project 389 Sharpen Your Entrepreneurial Skills Ideas in Action Starting Young and TimeManagement 385 Moving Up 361 Planning a Career in Transportation 390 13-1 Growth Strategies 362 Winning Edge 13-2 Ethical and Social Issues 370 BPASmallBusiness Management 13-3 Global Trends and Opportunities 378 TeamEvent 391 BeYourOwn Boss 380 DevelopYourReadingSkills 363 Glossary 392 Did YouKnow? 375 Index 397 Famous Entrepreneur 383 Net Bookmark 374 Teamwork 369,377,384 WhatWentWrong?364 viii Contents greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 9 About the Author Cynthia L. Greene taught business education at the high school level for 25 years. She taught in the Fulton County School System in Atlanta, Georgia, and she was the program specialist for Business and Information Technology for the Georgia Department of Education for six years. She has been active in the National Business Education Association (NBEA), serving as NBEA President in 2005–2006 and on the Entrepreneurship Standards Committee as a writer and reviewer and as a writer for the Entrepreneurship Lesson Plans. About the Author ix greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 10 Excellent Business Plan Coverage Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action takes you step-by-step through the entire process of owning and managing a business. Business plan coverage has been moved earlier in the text and expanded. You learn what it takes to get an entrepreneurial venture off to a good start. Build Your Business Plan Project concludes each chapter and is designed to help you prepare a complete business plan by the end of the course. Comprehensive Coverage of BPA, FBLA, and DECA Competitive Events Winning Edge features help you prepare for competitive events. BPA Presentation Management Team 33 FBLA Emerging Business Issues Event 61 BPA Prepared Speech 89 FBLA Multimedia Presentation 117 BPA Global Marketing Team Event 145 DECA Entrepreneurship Promotion Project 175 DECA Business Law and Ethics Management Team Decision Making Event 207 DECA Buying and Merchandising Management Team Decision Making Event 235 FBLA Business Financial Plan 267 FBLA Partnership with Business 297 FBLA Business Plan 329 DECA Business Services Marketing Series Event 359 BPA Small Business Management Team Event 391 x

greene_0538446145_FM, 1/15/8, 17:31, page: 2. Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action,. Fourth Edition. Cynthia L. Greene. Vice President of Editorial,
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