Subject Index for Entomological Review, Volume 72, 1993 Acariformes: 1, 54-65; 2, 138-158; 8, 77-88, Gray larch leaftier: 1, 141-149 140-153 Leptotrombidium orientale: 2, 138-158 Acarina: 4, 164-165; 8, 77-88 Biphyllidae: 7, 52-55 Achilidae: 6, 7-27 Black flies (E Europe): 4, 127-134 Acricotopus lucens: 3, 28-34 Bracomidae: 9, 105-116 Adephaga: 9, 145-149 Bracon hebetor: 2, 162-165 Agekianella (2 n. spp.): 5, 165-168; 7, 56-59 Braconidae (Australian): 2, 46-65 Alfalfa pollination by wild bees: 2, 101-119 Braconidae: 6, 109-137 Alinia carinata gen. et sp. n. (Brazil): 9, 29-32 Brassicaceae pests: 5, 8-18 Allopsontus: 7, 75-89 Buprestidae: 3, 60-68 Alucitidae: 1, 23-39 Caddisflies: 3, 138-148 Alysia manducator: 9, 105-116 Callidulidae: 7, 16-27 Anatomy of: Callima dushanbella (n. sp.): 2, 5-9 Alucitidae: 1, 23-39 Calopteryx splendens: 7, 90-96 Eriocraniidae: 1, 23-29 Carabidae (Portugal): 1, 159-161 Incurvariidae: 1, 23-29 Carabidae: 1, 8-22; 4, 92-117, 152-156; 7, Psychidae: 1, 23-39 139-1718; , 9-20; 21-51; 9, 150-156, 157- Tineidae: 1 163 Anobiidae: 8, 153-161 Carabus (Eucarabus) michailovi n. sp.: 4, Antheraea pernyi: 3, 16-27 152-156 Anthrophytum spp.: 1, 78-88 Carabus: 4, 92-117 (larvae); 9, 157-163 Apatophysis (n. sp.): 3, 57-59 Cardiophorinae (C Asia): 4, 118-122 Aphididae: 3, 111-131; 8, 1-8, 102-106 Cardiophorus: 8, 52-56 Aphids; 6, 138-147 Casebearer moths (Russian Far East): 2, Aphis (9 n. spp): 3, 111-131 159-161 Apoidea: 2, 101-119 Catherinum (n. sp.; NW Pacific): 7, 133-135 Arachnida: 4, 148-151; 7, 50-51 Catopochrotides: 6, 28-51 Araneae (Central Asia): 1, 96-98 Cecidomyiidae: 3, 149-160; 6, 158-1687;, Aranet: 4, 148-151 121-1328; , 131-139 Asteraceae (host plants): 3, 111-131 Cerambycidae: 3, 57-59 Attacidae: 3, 16-27 Chalcidae: 9, 33-40 Attractants: 1, 105-113 Chalicodoma: 6, 83-94 Avetyan, A. S.: 9, 102-104 Chamaemyiidae: 2, 66-100 Azerbaijanian beetles: 2, 120-132 Charitopus manukyani (n. sp.; Mongolia): 9, Behavior of noctuid moths: 7, 97-105 11-14 Behavior of Trichogramma evanescens: 3, Chemical alteration of search behavior 92-99 (codling moths): 1, 105-113 Belomicrus (Kazakhstan): 9, 25-28 Chemistry of sex pheromones: 9, 133-144 Bembecia rushana sp. n.: 1, 40-53 Chenopodiaceae: 1, 66-73 Bethylidae: 9, 15-24 Chiggers: 2, 138-158; 8, 77-88 Biography (A.S. Avetyan): 9, 102-104 Chironomidae: 1, 122-128; 3, 28-34; 4, Biology: 135-147;8 , 123-130 Callidulidae: 7, 16-27 Chironomus: 4, 135-147; 8, 123-130 (n. sp.) Chiggers: 2, 138-158 Chironomus entis: 1, 122-128 Dendrophilia: 8, 107-122 Chromosomal polymorphism in Diptera: 1, Dendrolimus superans: 8, 162-165 122-128 Ephedromyia: 8, 131-139 Cibotogaster: 5, 19-34 Cicadellidae: 4, 157-163; 7, 60-66 Dichaeta: 9, 71-81 Cicadetta montana: 3, 1-15 Dichomeridinae: 2, 26-45 Cicadidae: 3, 1-15 Digger wasps: 1, 114-1213; , 100-110; 7, Cirripedia: 7, 133-135 33-49 Click beetles: 4, 118-122; 8, 52-56 Diodontus (Asia): 1, 114-121 Climatic factors, effect on prey cadavers: 4 Diphyllidae (n. sp.): 4, 166-169 56-69 Diplocoelus (n. sp.): 4, 166-169 Coccophagus (SE China): 9, 33-40 Diptera: 1, 122-128; 2, 66-100; 3, 28-34 , Codling moths: 1, 105-113; 4, 44-48 149-160, 161-163; 4, 127-134, 135-147; 5, Coleophoridan genitalia: 2, 159-161 1-7, 8-18, 19-34, 35-47, 48-61; 7, 121-132; Coleoptera (n. spp.): 4, 123-126 8, 123-130, 131-139; 9, 41-70, 71-81, 82-98, Coleoptera: 2, 120-132; 3, 57-59, 60-68, 99-101, 123-130 69-84, 85-91; 4, 92-117, 118-122, 152-156, Diptera (Central Asia): 1, 66-77 166-169; 5, 62-78, 79-80, 81-108; 6, 28-31, Diptera (Kazakhstan): 1, 78-88 32-66; 7, 52-55, 139-171; 8, 9-20, 21-51, Diptera (Palearctic): 1, 89-95 52-56, 57-63, 64-76, 153-161; 9 145-149, Diptera invading tamarisks: 6, 158-168 150-156, 157-163 Diptera (n. spp.): 8, 131-139 Collembola (Kazakhstan): 7, 67-74 Diptera (Russian Far East): 1, 150-158 Collembola (Taimyr): 8, 89-101 Distribution of Orthoptera (S Siberia): 4, Collembola (Crimea and Caucasia): 5, 70-80 157-164 Drosophila virilis (Palearctic): 1, 89-95 Collembola (Carpathian Mts.): 5, 150-156 Dryinidae (Siberia, Far East): 7, 28-32 Competition between natural and synthetic Dyschirius nitidus: 1, 8-22 pheromones: 6, 148-157 E. kulaginae (n. sp.): 7, 50-51 Cribramara (3 n. spp.): 8, 9-20 Ebo distinctivus sp. n. (Altay): 1, 96-98 Crop protection: 4, 81-91 Ecology: 4, 20-43; 7, 67-74, 139-171; 9, Cryptocarabus: 9, 157-163 150-156 Cryptomyzus (3 n. spp.): 6, 138-147 Elachistidae: 7, 1-15 Cryptophagidae: 3, 69-84, 85-91; 6, 28-31 Elateridae: 4, 118-122; 8, 52-56 Cryptophagus (2 n. spp.): 3, 85-91 Electrophoretic techniques of identification of Cryptophagus (n. sp.; Caucasus): 3, 69-84 genetic variability: 1, 89-95 Culture: Leptotrombidium orientale: 2, Encyrtidae: 5, 165-168; 7, 56-59; 9, 1-10, 11- 138-158; Podiscus maculiventris: 3, 14 132-137 Encyrtus (n. sp.; Cuba): 9, 1-10 Curculionidae (Caucasus): 5, 109-122 Endocrinology of Megoura viciae: 8, 1-8 Curculionidae: 5, 81-108; 6, 32-66 Enzymology of anobiid larvae: 8, 153-161 Cydia pomonella: 1, 105-113 Ephedromyia: 8, 131-139 Cytology: Acricotopus lucens: 3, 28-34, Ephydridae: 9, 71-81 Chironomus: 4, 135-147 Epilohmannia kulaginae (n. sp.; Azerbaijan): Darkling beetles: 8, 64-76 4, 164-165 Dendrolimus superans (Siberia): 8, 162-165 Epilohmanniidae: 4, 164-165 (n. sp.); 7, 50-51 Dendrophilia (n. spp.; Far East): 8, 107-122 Enocraniidae: 1, 23-39 Derodontidae (n. sp.): 4, 166-169 Enophyid mites from Russian grasses: 1, Derodontidae: 7, 52-55 54-65 Derodontus osseticus (n. sp.,; Caucasus): 7, Ermine moth: 2, 1-5 52-55 Euceros Grav.: 6, 95-108 Derodontus (n. sp.): 4, 166-169 Evolution (caddisflies): 3, 138-148 Development of Tortricidae: 3, 35-56 Exochus (11 n. spp.; Palearctic): 7, 106-120 Diapause in Bracon hebetor: 2, 162-165 Faunistics: Diapause in Tortrix viridana: 3, 35-56 Carabidae: 9, 150-156 Dibrachia n. gen. (Palearctic): 1, 102-104 Coleoptera: 3, 60-68 Cryptophagidae (Caucasus): 3, 69-84 1-10, 11-14, 15-24, 25-28, 29-32, 33-40, Cryptophagidae (Holarctic): 3, 84-91 105-116 Dryinidae: 7, 28-32 Ichneumonidae: 7, 106-120 Encyrtidae: 9, 1-10 Ichneumonids (Palearctic): 6, 95-108 Plecoptera: 6, 1-6 Idiogramma Forst.: 6, 95-108 Lycidae: 8, 57-63 Immature stages: Fishes (predation): 7, 90-96 Chalicodoma: 6, 83-94 Food plants of Macropsis: 4, 157-163 Megachile: 9, 41-70 Formicidae (Russia): 1, 129-140 Poecilonota: 3, 60-68 Gall midges (Central Asia): 1, 66-77; 6, 158- Incurvariidae: 1, 23-39; Syrphinae: 9, 41-70 168 Insecta: 4, 56-69; 6, 109-137 Gall midges (Kazakhstan): 1, 78-88; 5, 8-18; Intrapopulation behavioral polymorphism 7, 121-132 (codling moths): 1, 105-113 Gall midges (Kazakhstan and Turkmenia): 8, Karyopools of Chironomus entis: 1, 122-128 131-139 Kazakhstan aphids: 6, 138-147 Gall midges developing on Chenopodiaceae: Kessleria (E Siberia): 2, 1-5 1, 66-77 Kessleria longipenella (E Siberia): 2, 1-5 Gall midges feeding on Arthrophytum spp.: 1, Larval description: 78-88 - Carabus: 4, 92-117 Gelechiidae: 2, 26-45, 133-137; 8, 107-122 Carabus (Eucarabus) michailovi: 4, Gelechioid moths: 2, 10-25 152-156 Genitalia: Coleophoridae: 2, 159-161, Cardiophorinae: 4, 118-122 Dichomeridinae (o"): 2, 26-45 Lasiocampidae: 8, 162-165 Gephyraulus (Kazakhstan): 5, 8-18 Lasiopterni: 1, 66-77 Goniozus hanoiensis (n. sp.; N Vietnam): 9, Lasiostola (n. spp.; subgen; ssp.): 8, 64-76 15-24 Laspeyresia pomonella: 4, 44-48 Gray larch leaftier: 1, 141-149 Lauxaniid flies: 1, 150-158 Ground beetles (Eurasia): 1, 8-22 Lepadomorpha: 7, 133-135 Ground beetles: 4, 92-117; 4, 152-156; 7, Lepidoptera (E Siberia): 2, 1-5 139-171; 8, 9-20, 21-51 Lepidoptera (Tajikistan): 2, 5-9 Habits: 4, 20-43 Lepidoptera: 1, 40-53; 2, 10-25, 26-45, Halodiplosis (n. sp.; Kazakhstan): 7, 121-132 133-137, 159-1613; , 16-27, 35-56; 4, 44-48, Harmful Lepidoptera: 4, 81-91 49-55; 5, 123-1496;, 67-76; 7, 1-15, 16-27, Harpactus (n. spp.): 6, 77-82 97-105; 8, 107-122, 162-165; 9, 117-124, Harpalus: 8, 21-51 125-132 Hemiptera: 3, 132-137 Leptotrombidium orientale: 2, 138-158 Heteroptera: 4, 20-43 Lestiphorus: 7 33-49 Hippophae rhamnoides (food plant): 4 Levitinia (n. sp.; Kazakhstan): 5, 1-7 157-163; 7, 60-66 Life cycle: Leptotrombidium orientale: 2, Homoptera: 1, 1-7; 3, 1-15, 111-131;4 138-158 157-163; 6, 7-27; 7, 56-59, 60-66; 8, 1-8, Life history: 102-106 C. splendens: 7, 90-96 Host resistance (Mamestra brassicae): 9, M. persicariae: 4, 49-55 125-132 Linyphiidae: 4, 148-151 Host transfer in Antheraea pernyi: 3, 16-27 Loxostege sticticalis: 9, 117-124 Host relationship (7. evanescens): 3, 92-99 Lycaenidae butterflies: 5, 123-149 Hydradephaga: 9, 145-149 Lycidae: 8, 57-63 Hymenoptera (E Palearctic): 6, 95-108 Machilidae: 7, 75-89 Hymenoptera: 2, 46-65, 162-165; 3, 92-99; 3, Macrolycus (3 n. spp.; Far East): 8, 57-63 100-110; 4, 1-4; 5, 165-168; 6, 7-27, 77-82, Macropsis: 4, 157-163 83-94, 109-137; 7, 28-32, 33-49, 56-59; 9, Macropsis: 7, 60-66 Mamestra brassicae: 9, 125-132 Palearctic aphids: 6, 138-147 Mamestra perscicariae (Caucasus): 4, 49-55 Palearctic Elachistidae: 1, 102-104 Margarodidae (Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Palearctic Lepidoptera: 1, 102-104 Vietnam): 1, 1-7 Paleontology: 3, 138-148 Matesovia gen. n.: 1, 1-7 Paleozoic: 3, 138-148 Meadow moth: 9, 117-124 Pambolini (Australian): 2, 46-65 Megachile: 6, 83-94 Parasitism: 9, 15-24 Megachilidae: 6, 83-94 Pentatomidae: 3, 132-137 Megaselia (3 n. spp.): 3, 161-163 Pentatomomorpha (Karakum): 4, 20-43 Megoura viciae: 8, 1-8 Pest control: Codling moth: 4, 44-48 Mesozoic: 3, 138-148 Pests of Brassicaceae: 5 8-18 Metopiinae: 7, 106-120 Phaonia (W Himalayas): 5, 48-61 Microlepidoptera (Russia): 1, 23-39 Phenology: Zeiraphera diniana: 1, 141-149 Micromorphology of Megoura viciae: 8, 1-8 Pheromones: Miscophus (8 n. spp.): 3, 100-110 Chemotaxonomic characters of: 9, 133-144 Monophlebinae (n. gen. & n. spp.): 1, 1-7 Competition between natural and synthetic: Morphology: 6, 148-157 Antheraea pernyi: 3, 16-27 Moths: 9, 133-144 Acricotopus lucens: 3, 28-34 Optimal attractive mixtures: 9, 133-144 Anobiidae larvae: 8, 153-161 Sensitivity of Ostrinia nubilalis: 6, 148-157 Callidulidae: 7, 16-27 Species specific response in butterflies: 6, Chamaemyiidae: 2, 66-100 148-157; Cicadetta montana (adult ¢ , 5th-state Traps, population monitoring with: 4, 81-91 nymph): 3, 1-15 Pholicodes: 6, 32-66 Dichomeridinae: 2, 26-45 Phoridae: 3, 161-163 Ephydridae (immature): 9, 71-81 Photoperiodic response: Bracon hebetor: 2, Enophyid mites: 1, 54-65 162-165 Lepidoptera: 2, 10-15 Phthorimaea operculella: 2, 133-137 Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera): 4, 20-43 Phylogeny: Scolytid larvae: 2, 120-132 Achilidae: 6, 7-27 Siphonaptera: 4, 5-19 Chamaemyiidae: 2, 66-100 Tectocepheus veelatus: 8, 140-153 Gelechiidae: 2, 26-45; Trombiculidae: 8, 77-88 Gelechioid moths: 2, 10-25 Morphometrics of Chironomidae in various Pilichremylus gen. n.: 2, 46-65 stages of metamorphism: 1, 122-128 Platyscelidini (n. spp.): 4, 123-126 Muscidae: 5, 48-61 Plebeius pylaon: 5, 123-149 Mymedophila: 6, 28-31 Plebejides: 5, 123-149 Myzaphis (2 n. spp.; Kazakhstan): 8, 102-106 Plecoptera: 6, 1-6 Natural variability of Drosophila: 1, 89-95 Pleurota (n. spp.; n. ssp.): 6, 67-76 Noctuidae: 4, 49-55; 7, 97-105; 9, 125-132 Plinthus sp. (Caucasus): 5, 109-122 Notiphila: 9, 71-81 Podiscus maculiventris: 3, 132-137 Odonata: 7, 90-96 Poecilonota (2 spp.; Tajikistan): 3, 60-68 Oecophonidea: 2, 10-25; 6, 67-76 Pollinator efficiency: 2, 101-119 Oecophorid moths (Tajikistan): 2, 5-9 Population density: 9, 117-124 Olgia: 7, 33-49 Population dynamics: 9, 117-124 Ontogenesis in A. manducator: 9, 105-116 Population estimation of of wild bees: 2, Onibatei: 4, 164-165; 8, 140-153 101-119 Orthoptera (S Siberia): 4, 70-80 Population monitoring with pheromone traps: Oryttus: 7 33-49 4, 81-91 Oxytelinae (NE Asia): 1, 162-164 Potato moths: 2, 133-137 Pachyscelis (n. sp.; Kyrgyzstan): 5, 79-80 Prays beta: 2, 1-5 Predatory beetles of Belarus: 9, 145-149 15, 16-27; 8, 107-122 Psychidae: 1, 23-39 Thysanura: 7, 75-89 Pterodecta felderi: 7, 16-27 Tamarix (host plant): 3, 149-160 Rearing of 7. evenescens in laboratory: 3, Tamarix. 6, 158-168 92-99 Taxonomy: Reproduction (black flies): 4, 127-134 Cibotogaster: 5, 19-34 Rove-beetles (Palearctic): 5, 62-78 Drosophila virilis: 1, 89-95 Scolytid larvae: 2, 120-132 Lepidoptera: 9, 133-134 Scolytidae: 2, 120-132 Micophus: 3, 100-110 Search behavior in codling moths: 1, 105-113 Megaselia: 3, 161-163 Sepsidae: 9, 99-101 Pentatomomorpha: 4, 20-43 Sestidae: 1, 40-53 Poecilonota: 3, 60-68 Simuliidae: 4, 127-134; 5, 1-7 Tectocepheus velatus: 8, 140-153 Siphonaptera: 4, 5-19 Temperature preferences of Collembola: 8, Snout beetles: 6, 32-66 89-101 Social behavior: Hymenoptera: 4, 14 Temperature: effect on on development of Species-specific pheromone response in Gelechiidae: 2, 133-137 butterflies: 6, 148-157 Tenebrionidae: 4, 123-126; 5, 79-80; 8, 64-76 Sphecidae (Asia): 1, 114-121 Tephritidae: 5, 35-47; 9, 82-98 Sphecidae: 3, 100-110; 6, 77-82; 7, 33-49; 9, Tetracanthella bescidica (n. sp.; Carpathian 25-28, 29-32 Mts.): 5, 150-156 Sphenoptera (Central Asia and Afghanistan): Tetracanthella caucasica: 5, 157-164 1, 99-101 Tetracanthella gr. wahlgreni: 5, 157-164 Sphenoptera kepelensis sp. n.: 1, 99-101 Tetracanthella hatipara: 5, 157-164 Sphinctus Grav.: 6, 95-108 Tetracanthella osetica: 5, 157-164 Staphylinae: 5, 62-78 Tetracanthella tarbae: 5, 157-164 Stenolophus portugalicus sp. n. (Portugal): 1, Tetracanthella tuberculata: 5, 157-164 159-161 Tetramorium gen. (Russia): 1, 129-140 Stoneflies: 6, 1-6 Tetrapodili: 1, 54-65 Stratiomyidae: 5, 19-34 Thysanura: 7, 75-89 Swaneticus group: 5, 109-122 Tineidae: 1, 23-39 Syntomium gen. (Magadan Province): 1, Tortricidae: 4, 44-48 162-164 Tortrix viridana: 3, 35-36 Syrphinae: 9, 41-70 Trichogramma (n. sp.; C Asia): 7, 136-138 Systematics: Trichogramma evanescens: 3, 92-99 Coleoptera: 3, 69-84, 85-91; 4, 118-122, Trichogrammatidae: 3, 92-99; 7, 136-138 123-126; 5, 62-78, 79-80, 81-108; 6, 28- Trichoptera: 3, 138-148 31, 32-66; 7, 52-55; 8, 9-20, 21-51, 52-56, Trombiculidae: 2, 138-158; 8, 77-88 57-63, 64-76; 9, 157-163 U. anthropovi sp. n.: §, 35-47 Diptera: 2, 66-100;3 , 149-160; 5, 1-7, 19- Uralophantes troitskensis (n. gen and sp.): 4, 34, 35-47, 48-61; 7, 121-132; 8, 131-139; 148-151 9, 82-98, 99-101, 123-130; 9, 41- 70, 71- Urophora (s. str.) (E Palearctic): 5, 35-47 81 Urophora (E Palearctic): 9, 82-98 Homoptera: 3, 111-131; 4 157-163; 7, 56- Weevils: 5, 81-108, 109-122 59; 8, 102-106 Wild bees: 2, 101-119 Hymenoptera: 5, 165-168; 6, 7-27, 77-82, Xeroresistance of 7. velatus: 8, 140-153 109-137; 7, 33-49; 9, 1-10, 15-24, 25-28, Y ponomeutidae (Russian Far East): 2, 1-5 29-32, 33-40 Zeiraphera diniaana (N Siberia): 1, 141-149 Lepidoptera: 2, 10-25, 26-45; 6, 67-76; 7, 1- Zoogeography of Hydradephaga: 9, 145-149