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Enterprise architecture as a collaboration tool. Discursive Process for Enterprise Architecture PDF

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Academicdissertationtobepubliclydiscussed,bypermissionof theFacultyofInformationTechnologyoftheUniversityofJyväskylä, intheBuildingVillaRana,BlomstedtHall,onNovember13,2008at12o'clocknoon. UNIVERSITYOF JYVÄSKYLÄ JYVÄSKYLÄ2008 Enterprise Architecture as a Collaboration Tool Discursive Process for Enterprise Architecture Management, Planning and Development JYVÄSKYLÄSTUDIESINCOMPUTING93 Mirja Pulkkinen Enterprise Architecture as a Collaboration Tool Discursive Process for Enterprise Architecture Management, Planning and Development UNIVERSITYOF JYVÄSKYLÄ JYVÄSKYLÄ2008 Editors SeppoPuuronen DepartmentofComputerScienceandInformationSystems,UniversityofJyväskylä PekkaOlsbo,Marja-LeenaTynkkynen PublishingUnit,UniversityLibraryofJyväskylä URN:ISBN:978-951-39-3409-5 ISBN978-951-39-3409-5(PDF) ISBN978-951-39-3378-4(nid.) ISSN1456-5390 Copyright ©2008, by University of Jyväskylä JyväskyläUniversityPrintingHouse,Jyväskylä 2008 Sic Transit Gloria Mundi – Soli Deo Gloria. ABSTRACT Pulkkinen, Mirja Enterprise Architecture as a Collaboration Tool: Discursive Process for Enterprise Architecture Management, Planning and Development Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä, 2008, 130 p. (+ included articles) (Jyväskylä Studies in Computing ISSN 1456-5390; 93) ISBN 978-951-39-3409-5 (PDF), 978-951-39-3378-4 (nid.) Finnish summary Diss. The information and communication technology (ICT) advancements change the role of ICT in organizational use to a central concern, since both business and public enterprises heavily depend on information systems and technological infrastructure. Management, planning and development of the organizational ICT are no more a task for the ICT experts only. The expertise of both business and ICT specialists is needed to align ICT deployment with organizational goals, ensuring appropriateness of related investments with respect to the enterprise resources. However, collaboration between the business and ICT communities of practice is perceived as a challenge. Enterprise architecture (EA) proposes a holistic approach to the management of organizational ICT systems and infrastructure. By structuring the collaboration, it interlinks the contributions from different communities of practice to the decision making process. From both IS and EA literature, a common framework of reference is derived and validated through practitioner experience. Distinct levels of abstraction in the framework accommodate the concerns of different decision makers: managerial overview for the whole enterprise, business operations management at the level of the activity domains, and the systems design and development concerns for the implementers. An understanding of the ICT management and planning in the context of a deploying organization is deduced as a prerequisite for an eligible EA methodology. An EA process meta-model is constructed to guide the overall EA process for well-informed strategies and decisions on the organizational ICT and, as well, for consulting assignments. The study is conducted as an action research effort within an ICT consultancy, for which it develops an EA methodology. Case studies of client projects in different industry domains and various types of organizations provide the empirical basis. The constructed results are validated in practical use along the research effort. Reflective analysis of the series of studies reported on academic fora conveys a discursive process. Establishing a common agenda and giving empowered roles for different expert groups characterize both the research process and the EA process meta-model that logically guides and coordinates the dynamics of the collaborative enterprise development. Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, IS planning, IS methodologies, process ACM Computing Review Categories: K.6; K6.0, K.6.1, K.6.4; K.4, K.4.3 Author’s address Mirja Pulkkinen University of Jyväskylä Information Technology Research Institute P.O. BOX 35, 40014 Jyväskylänyliopisto Finland. E-mail: [email protected] Supervisors Matti Rossi, Professor Department of Information Systems Helsinki School of Economics Ari P. Hirvonen, Chief Technology Officer TietoEnator GMR Docent, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä Jukka Heikkilä, Professor Department of Computer Science and Information Systems University of Jyväskylä Reviewers Richard Baskerville, Board of advisors Professor of Computer Information Systems Department of Computer Information Systems J. Mack Robinson College of Business Georgia State University Kari Smolander, Professor Department of Information Technology Lappeenranta University of Technology Opponents John Gøtze, Associate professor Copengagen Business School IT University of Copenhagen Kari Smolander, Professor Department of Information Technology Lappeenranta University of Technology ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Research rarely, if ever emerges from isolation. Rather, a researcher draws on multiple resources and contributions of the academic community, both the scientific discourse in those disciplines his or her effort is building on, and on the immediate community where he or she conducts the inquiry. Beyond that, and maybe even more importantly, there are all the loved ones and friends from whom the researcher enjoys inspiration, encouragement and support. Therefore it would not be fair to merit a piece of work to the researcher alone. The contribution of those who enabled and encouraged is as essential as the work of the dissertation author. This volume is to be acknowledged as an achievement also by them. First and foremost I would like to thank Dr. Ari P. Hirvonen for trusting with me the research project. Collaboration with him was a great learning experience, producing valuable resources of professional knowledge and know- how I can keep drawing on. Besides myself, both the project and the group greatly profited from his subtle and supportive, at the same time very effective management style. To Prof. Matti Rossi I owe a lot, and I greatly appreciate his accepting the role of supervisor during the meta-analysis part of the research and the writing of the introduction. His great capabilities helped to see the forest for the trees. I very much appreciate his encouraging and effective scientific work methods which essentially helped to evolve my ideas to a completed thesis. I was also able to work with Prof. Jukka Heikkilä in his project ValtIT/KA, which gave me valuable insights into the e-government area and the EA use in it. For this enrichment to my work I am most grateful. I am much obliged to Associate Prof. Eleni Berki and Prof. Jari Veijalainen for their supervising earlier work in this research line, and their persistent encouragement and support. With gratitude I think of all colleagues in the research projects I was participating during the thesis work. The Larkki project team was of great support, especially the supervisor of the project, Prof. Jarmo Ahonen and Lic.Sc. Veikko Halttunen, as the project manager, who introduced me to the work with architectures. For learning about metamodeling and meta-level thinking, I am deeply in debt to the MetaPHOR research group and the RAMSES project team. I am grateful and feel honoured for getting introduced to this legacy of research at the Jyväskylä IT Faculty. The MoDPA project team deserves warm thanks for giving me an opportunity to test my architecture thinking against another set of thinking patterns. Especially Dr. Anton Naumenko and Dr. Kari Luostarinen I want to thank for many new insights won through collaboration and co-authoring, and also for their encouragement and support in the thesis work. Last but not least, I am greatly in debt for the enriching opportunity to work in the SmarTop project with Prof. Pasi Tyrväinen and his delightful research team during the final phase of my thesis work. The reviewers of the dissertation, Prof. Richard Baskerville and Prof. Kari Smolander, I would like to thank for reading the draft with engagement and providing insightful and elaborate comments. Through their contribution the thesis improved a lot. Prof. Baskerville’s expertise in the action research methodology is unique in IS field, and his advice was both helpful and supportive. Associate Prof. John Gøtze I would also like to thank for accepting the role of opponent in the process and bringing into it his great EA knowledge. Prof. Alain Wegmann of EPFL, Switzerland, gave significant input to the final refinement of the result, for which I am most grateful. Prof. Seppo Puuronen was helping me beyond his role of the scientific editor, and Dr. Steve Legrand was providing most valuable help with the English language. Dr. Virpi Lyytikäinen kindly assisted with manuscript details. Them, and numerous other teachers, colleagues and friends in the IT Faculty and also beyond, who have supported, assisted and encouraged during the work on this dissertation, I would like to thank warmly. With debt not to be discharged easily if at all, and with deep gratitude I would like to commemorate my late parents Kaarlo and Hilda Myllykoski. Their legacy among many other invaluable things is the learner attitude and the interest in intercultural exchange. Expression of greatest gratitude is due to my dear family. My husband Jouko has calmly and with patience followed the capricious twists and turns of my professional career. He faithfully facilitated this extravagancy of pursuing academic interests with unsecured payoffs, for better or for worse. Our children, Elisa and Juha have bravely tolerated the absent-mindedness and the necessary absences of their mother due to the research work, and have helped by simply being a constant source of joy and delight.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi –. Soli Deo Gloria. The Archimate project in The Netherlands is a leading effort in enterprise modelling and enterprise
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