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Entanglementnegativityafteralocalquantumquenchinconformalfieldtheories Xueda Wen,1 Po-Yao Chang,1 and Shinsei Ryu1 1DepartmentofPhysics, UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL61801, USA (Dated:August11,2015) Westudythetimeevolutionoftheentanglementnegativityafteralocalquantumquenchin(1+1)-dimensional conformalfieldtheories(CFTs),whichweintroducebysuddenlyjoiningtwoinitiallydecoupledCFTsattheir endpoints.Wecalculatethenegativityevolutionforbothadjacentintervalsanddisjointintervalsexplicitly.For twoadjacentintervals,theentanglementnegativitygrowslogarithmicallyintimerightafterthequench. After developing a plateau-like feature, the entanglement negativity drops to the ground-state value. For the case 5 oftwospatiallyseparatedintervals,alight-conebehaviorisobservedinthenegativityevolution;inaddition,a 1 long-rangeentanglement,whichisindependentofthedistancebetweentwointervals,canbecreated.Ourresults 0 agreewiththeheuristicpicturethatquasiparticles,whichcarryentanglement,areemittedfromthejoiningpoint 2 andpropagatefreelythroughthesystem. Ouranalyticalresultsareconfirmedbynumericalcalculationsbased g onacriticalharmonicchain. u A I. INTRODUCTION respecttoA2’sdegreesoffreedomisdefinedas 8 ] A. Introduction (cid:104)e(i1)e(j2)|ρTA21∪A2|e(k1)e(l2)(cid:105)=(cid:104)e(i1)e(l2)|ρA1∪A2|e(k1)e(j2)(cid:105), h (3) c where |e(1)(cid:105) and |e(2)(cid:105) are arbitrary bases in H and H , e Recently, it has been recognized that quantum entangle- i j A1 A2 respectively. Thenthelogarithmicnegativityisdefinedas m ment provides us a powerful tool to study quantum proper- - ties of many-body systems in condensed matter physics [1– E :=ln||ρT2 ||=lnTr|ρT2 |, (4) at 4]. When the system is prepared in a pure state |Ψ(cid:105), a good A1,A2 A1∪A2 A1∪A2 t quantity that describes the bipartite entanglement is the von whereT indicatesthepartialtranspositionwithrespecttoA , s 2 2 . Neumannentropy,whichisdefinedas andthetracenorm||ρT2 ||isdefinedasthesumofallthe at absolute values of theAe1i∪gAen2values of ρT2 . Recently, the m S =−Trρ lnρ (1) A1∪A2 A A A logarithmicnegativityhasbeenextensivelyusedtostudyvari- - ousmany-bodysystems,includingone-dimensionalharmonic d n where ρA = TrBρ is the reduced density matrix of subsys- chains[9,10],quantumspinchains[11–17],freefermionsys- o temA,withρ = |Ψ(cid:105)(cid:104)Ψ|. Analternativemeasureofbipartite tems[18],andtopologicallyorderedsystems[19,20]. Inpar- c entanglementinpurestatesistheRenyientropy ticular, the universal features of the entanglement negativity [ inone-dimensionalcriticalsystemshavebeenunderstoodby 2 S(n) = 1 lnTrρn. (2) developingaconformalfieldtheory(CFT)approach[21,22]. v A 1−n A Lateron,thecomparisonofCFTresultsandnumericalcalcu- 8 lations of one-dimensional critical systems were studied in a 6 Theseentanglementmeasureshaveprovedtobeofgreatuse seriesofworks[23–25]. 5 incharacterizingquantumentanglementofmany-bodystates. Althoughmanyworkshavebeendoneontheentanglement 0 However, for a mixed state, neither the von Neumann en- negativity,thereislessunderstandingonthenon-equilibrium 0 tropy nor the Renyi entropy is a good measure of entangle- propertiesoftheentanglementnegativity. Mostrecently,time . 1 mentsincequantumandclassicalcorrelationsarenotclearly evolution of the logarithmic negativity after a global quench 0 separatedinthesemeasures.Nowsupposeweareinterestedin wasstudiedwithCFTapproach[26]. InRef.[27], thenega- 5 theentanglementbetweentwosubsystemsA andA ,which tivityevolutionfortwoadjacentintervalsafteralocalquench 1 1 2 : arenotnecessarilycomplementarytoeachotherand,areem- was numerically studied in a harmonic chain. However, a v bedded in a larger system, the union A ∪A cannot be de- thoroughstudyofthenegativityevolutionafteralocalquan- 1 2 i X scribedbyapurestateafterintegratingoutdegreesoffreedom tum quench is still lacking, and it is appealing to unveil the inthecomplementofA ∪A . Inthiscase,weneedtosearch universalfeaturesofthedynamicalbehavioroftheentangle- r 1 2 a for other quantities that may characterize quantum entangle- mentnegativitypropagation. ment for a general mixed state. Among different proposals Inthispaper, ourmotivationistostudythetimeevolution [5,6],acomputablemeasurementofentanglement,theloga- of the entanglement negativity after a local quantum quench rithmic negativity [7], turns out to be very useful and practi- analytically. Forsimplicity,weconsidera(1+1)-dimensional cal. In particular, it is proved that the logarithmic negativity criticalsystem,whichisphysicallycutintotwopartsthatare is a proper entanglement monotone in Ref. [8]. Following preparedintheirowngroundstates. Thenattimet = 0, we Ref. [7], the negativity can be obtained by first taking a par- join the two parts together at their endpoints, and study the tialtransposition. Tobemoreprecise,givenadensitymatrix time-evolutionoftheentanglementnegativityafterwards. As ρ which describes a bipartite mixed state in a Hilbert shown in Fig. 1, once the two CFTs are joined at the end- A1∪A2 spaceH = H ⊗H ,thepartialtranspositionwith points,theinteractionbetweenthemisintroducedsimultane- A1∪A2 A1 A2 2 intervalτ ∈[0,β]: 1 (cid:90) (cid:89) ρ= [dφ(x,τ)] δ(φ(x,0)−φ(cid:48)(x(cid:48))) Z x (6) (cid:89) × δ(φ(x,β)−φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(x(cid:48)(cid:48)))e−SE, x wheretherowsandcolumnsofthedensitymatrixarelabeled by the fields {φ(x,τ)} at τ = 0 and β respectively, with β beingtheinversetemperature,S istheEuclideanactionand E Z =Tre−βH isthepartitionfunction. Nowweconsidersub- FIG.1: Setupforalocalquantumquench. TwoseparateCFTsde- systems A1 and A2 located in intervals [u1,v1] and [u2,v2], finedontwosemi-infinitelinesarejoinedtogetherattheirendpoints. respectively. ThenthereduceddensitymatrixρA1∪A2 maybe Then quasiparticles, which may be viewed as entangled pairs, are obtainedbysewingtogetherallthepointsalongedgesτ = 0 generatedatthejointingpoint,andpropagatefreelythroughthesys- andτ =βexceptthepointsinA ∪A . Thatis,weleavetwo 1 2 tem. Theentanglementnegativitybetweentwointervalswhichare opencutsat[u ,v ]and[u ,v ]alongτ =0. 1 1 2 2 farfromeachothermaybebuiltwiththehelpofthesepropagating Next,beforewecomputeTr(ρT2 )ne,itisbeneficialto entangledpairs. seehowtocalculateTr(ρ )nA1fi∪rAst2. Inordertocalculate Tr(ρ )n,weconsiderAn1∪cAo2piesofthecutplane,andthen A1∪A2 ously,whichgeneratesquasiparticles(excitations)atthejoint- sewtogetherthecut[ui,vi]jτ=0− withthecut[ui,vi]jτ+=10+ for ing point. These quasiparticles may be viewed as entangled i=1,2andallthecopiesj =1,··· ,n. Notethatforj =n, pairs [28–32] which carry entanglement information. When wesewtogetherthecut[ui,vi]jτ==n0− withthecut[ui,vi]jτ==10+. the entangled pairs arrive at two intervals separately, the en- Inthisway,wedefinean-sheetedRiemannsurfaceRn. The tanglement negativity can be built immediately. Because the traceof(ρA1∪A2)nisthengivenby (1+1) dimensional critical system is Lorentz invariant at the Z lowenergylimit,wecanutilizethepowerofconformalfield Tr(ρ )n = Rn, (7) theoryandunderstandtheuniversalfeatureofthisdynamical A1∪A2 Zn phenomenon. where Z is the partition function for the orbifold CFT on The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In part B of Rn R . Ratherthandealingwiththefieldsonanontrivialmani- n this section, we give a brief review of the path integral rep- fold,itisfoundmoreconvenienttoworkonasinglecomplex resentationoftheentanglementnegativity,andthenintroduce plane. It turns out Eq. (7) can be expressed in terms of lo- theCFTsetupforalocalquantumquenchinpartC.InSection caltwistedfieldsdefinedat(u ,0)and(v ,0)onthecomplex i i II,byusingCFTapproach,wecomputethetimeevolutionof planeasfollows theentanglementnegativityfortwoadjacentintervalsinpart A,andtwodisjointintervalsinpartB.Weconsiderbothcases Tr(ρ )n =(cid:10)T (u )T¯ (v )T (u )T¯ (v )(cid:11). (8) wherethetwointervalsaresymmetricallyandasymmetrically A1∪A2 n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 located. In section III, we describe the numerical method of Intuitively, the effect of twist fields T and T¯ is shown in n n calculatingtheentanglementnegativityforaharmonicchain, Fig. 2. Winding anticlockwise (clockwise) around the twist based on which we study the local quench of the entangle- fieldT (T¯ ),oncethebranchcutiscrossed,onewillgofrom n n mentnegativity. Thenwecomparethenumericalresultswith layerj tolayerj+1. theCFTresults. InsectionIV,weconcludeourworkandlist With the introduction of twist fields, the expression of someinterestingfutureproblemstobestudied. Tr(ρT2 )n is very straightforward. As discussed in Refs. A1∪A2 [21,22],theeffectofpartialtranspositionwithrespecttoA 2 isequivalenttochangingthetwotwistoperatorsT (u )and n 2 B. Entanglementnegativityinquantumfieldtheory T¯ (v ). Thenonehas n 2 Adetaileddescriptionofpathintegralrepresentationofthe Tr(cid:16)ρT2 (cid:17)n =(cid:10)T (u )T¯ (v )T¯ (u )T (v )(cid:11). (9) entanglement negativity can be found in Ref. [22]. For the A1∪A2 n 1 n 1 n 2 n 2 completenessofthispaper,wegiveabriefreviewhere. If the two intervals [u ,v ] and [u ,v ] are adjacent to each First,asdiscussedinRef.[22],byusingareplicatrick,one 1 1 2 2 other,wesimplysetu →v ,andthenEq.(9)canbewritten canrelatetheentanglementnegativitywiththeintegerpowers 2 1 as ofρT2 as A1∪A2 E = lim lnTr(cid:16)ρT2 (cid:17)ne, (5) Tr(cid:16)ρTA21∪A2(cid:17)n =(cid:10)Tn(u1)T¯n2(u2)Tn(v2)(cid:11). (10) A1,A2 ne→1 A1∪A2 Therefore,fromEqs.(5),(9)and(10),itisfoundthatthecom- wheren isaneveninteger,andthedensitymatrixρmaybe putationoftheentanglementnegativityreducestothecompu- e expressedasa(Euclidean)pathintegralintheimaginarytime tationofexpectationvaluesoftwistfieldsinacomplexplane. 3 FIG.2:Pathintegralrepresentationof(a)Tr(ρ )nand(b)Tr(ρT2)nfortwodisjointintervals. A A C. CFTapproachtoalocalquench ofthepathintegralonamodifiedword-sheet,wherethephys- ical cut corresponds to two ‘walls’ with one extending from Before we study the CFT approach to a local quantum τ = −∞to−(cid:15)andtheotherextendingfromτ = +(cid:15)to+∞ quench,itisbeneficialtocommentonthedifferencebetween in a complex z-plane. No energy nor momentum can flow localquenchesandglobalquenches.Localquenchesaremore through the two ‘walls’, and therefore conformal boundary complicated than global quenches because they are inhomo- conditions are imposed on the wall (As will be shown later, geneous. Forglobalquenches,wechangetheparametersofa theconcreteboundaryconditiondoesnotaffecttheuniversal translationalinvariantHamiltonianglobally,andthereforethe resultweconsider.). Forconvenienceofcalculation,wemap system before and after global quenches are always transla- the z-plane to a right half plane (RHP) with Rew > 0 by tionalinvariant. Inthiscase,asdiscussedinRefs.[31,32],the usingtheconformalmapping initial state can flow to a conformal invariant boundary state underrenormalizationgroup(RG).Forlocalquenches,how- (cid:114) ever,beforewejointhetwodecoupledCFTstogether,theto- z (cid:16)z(cid:17)2 talsystemisapparentlynottranslationalinvariant. Therefore, w = + +1. (11) (cid:15) (cid:15) theinitialstatecannotflowtoaconformalinvariantboundary state. In addition, for global quenches, quasiparticle excita- tionsareemittedfromeverywhereinthebulkofCFT;forlo- Then the local quench problem is reduced to the calculation calquenches, quasiparticleexcitationsareemittedonlyfrom ofcorrelationfunctionsoftwistfieldsintheRHP[33],which thepointwheretwoCFTarejoinedtogether. wewillstudyindetailinthenextsection. Thetimedependentdensitymatrixcanbewrittenasρ(t)= |φ(x,t)(cid:105)(cid:104)φ(x,t)|, where |φ(x,t)(cid:105) = e−iHt|φ (x)(cid:105). In path 0 integralrepresentation,onehas (cid:104)φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(x(cid:48)(cid:48))|ρ(t)|φ(cid:48)(x(cid:48))(cid:105) 1 = (cid:104)φ(cid:48)(cid:48)(x(cid:48)(cid:48))|e−iHt−(cid:15)H|φ (x)(cid:105)(cid:104)φ (x)|e+iHt−(cid:15)H|φ(cid:48)(x(cid:48))(cid:105), Z 0 0 wherethefactore−(cid:15)H isintroducedtodampouthigh-energy modes and make the path integral absolutely convergent. If theCFTarisesasthelowenergylimitofalatticemodel,then (cid:15)maybeviewedasthelatticespacing. Inthestudyofglobal quenches[31–33],|φ (x)(cid:105)maybeconsideredasaconformal 0 invariant boundary state under the RG. For local quenches, as we discussed above, the initial state cannot flow to a con- formal invariant boundary state under the RG. In this case, FIG.3: IllustrationoftheconformalmappinginEq.(11),basedon onemayintroduceboundaryconditionchangingoperators,as whichthez-planeismappedtoarighthalfplane(RHP)withRew> utilizedinRefs.[34,35]. Inthiswork,however,wewillfol- 0.Forlateruse,wealsolabelw(cid:101)i =−w¯i,whichistheimageofwi. low the method proposed by Calabrese and Cardy [33]. As showninFig.3,thedensitymatrixcanbeexpressedinterms 4 Withananalyticalcontinuationτ →it,onecanobtain (cid:10)T2(z )(cid:11)=c˜ (cid:18) a(cid:15) (cid:19)∆(n2). (16) n 1 n 2((cid:15)2+t2) As discussed in Refs. [21, 22], the scaling dimension ∆(2) n dependsontheparityofnas (cid:26)∆ oddn, ∆(2) = n , (17) n 2∆ evenn, n/2 where FIG.4:Configurationsoftwointervalsconsideredinthiswork:two adjacentintervals(up)andtwodisjointintervals(bottom). c (cid:18) 1(cid:19) ∆ = n− . (18) n 12 n II. ENTANGLEMENTNEGATIVITYAFTERALOCAL ThenbyusingtheexpressionsinEqs. (5)and(9),onecanget QUENCH:CONFORMALFIELDTHEORYAPPROACH c a(cid:15) E =− ln +c˜(cid:48), (19) In this section, we calculate the time evolution of the en- 4 2((cid:15)2+t2) 1 tanglement negativity after a local quench in conformal field wherec˜(cid:48) =lnc˜ . AsinRefs.[3,33],theshorttimebehavior theories. We will consider adjacent intervals in part A and 1 1 of E(t) allows us to fix the regulator (cid:15) in terms of the non- disjointintervalsinpartB,respectively. universalconstantc˜ byrequiring 1 c a E(t=0)=− ln +c˜(cid:48) =0, (20) A. Twoadjacentintervals 4 2(cid:15) 1 basedonwhichonegets 1. Semi-infiniteintervals a (cid:15)= e−4c˜(cid:48)1/c. (21) Asawarmup,weconsiderthesimplestcase,i.e.,thetotal 2 systemisbipartitionedintotwosemi-infinitepartsA andA . 1 2 Nowitispossibletoeliminateaandc˜(cid:48) inEq.(19)intermsof Inthiscase,ρ ispure,andthelogarithmicnegativityis 1 A1∪A2 (cid:15),andthenonecanget the same as the Renyi entropy with n = 1/2 [21, 22]. This casewasalsostudiedinRef.[27]. c (cid:15)2 For two adjacent semi-infinite intervals, we only need to E =− ln . (22) 4 (cid:15)2+t2 consider a single twist field T2(z ) in z-plane, which is in- n 1 sertedat Inthelimitt(cid:29)(cid:15),oneendswith c t z =l+iτ. (12) 1 E = ln , (23) 2 (cid:15) By choosing the insertion position at the origin l = 0, i.e., whichwasobservedinthenumericalcalculationsbasedona A ∈ (−∞,0]andA ∈ (0,+∞), onesimplyhasz = iτ. 1 2 1 criticalharmonicchain[27]. TheexpectationvalueofT2(z )canbeexpressedas[33] n 1 (cid:10)Tn2(z1)(cid:11)=c˜n(cid:32)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) 2Rea(w )(cid:33)∆(n2), (13) 2. Symmetricfiniteintervals z1 1 Inthispart,weconsiderthecaseofsymmetricfiniteinter- wherec˜ isanonuniversalconstantwhichdependsonthepar- vals with l = l = l, i.e., A ∈ [−l,0] and A ∈ (0,l], as n 1 2 1 2 ticularboundaryCFT,aisanUVcutoff(e.g.,thelatticespac- showninFig.4.Inthiscase,ρ representsamixedstate, A1∪A2 inginaharmonicchain),and∆(2)isthescalingdimensionof andthereisnocorrespondencebetweenthelogarithmicneg- n T2(z). ByusingtheconformalmapinEq.(11),onehas ativityandtheRenyientropies. ByusingEq.(10)anddoing n aconformalmappingontotheRHP,onehas τ 1(cid:112) w1 =i(cid:15) + (cid:15) (cid:15)2−τ2, (14) Tr(cid:16)ρT2 (cid:17)n =(cid:10)T (z )T¯2(z )T (z )(cid:11) A1∪A2 n 1 n 2 n 3 and (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)dw(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) = √ 1 . (15) =i(cid:89)=31(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)∆zi(i)(cid:10)Tn(w1)T¯n2(w2)Tn(w3)(cid:11)RHP, (cid:12)dz(cid:12) (cid:15)2−τ2 (24) z1 5 3.0 3.0 (a) l=25 (b) l=25 l=50 l=50 2.5 l=75 2.5 l=75 l=100 l=100 y 2.0 2.0 vit gati 1.5 1.5 e N 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time Time FIG. 5: Entanglement negativity E for two symmetric adjacent intervals as a function of time. Here we choose the central charge c = 1, (cid:15)=0.1,l=25,50,75and100,respectively.Shownin(a)istheCFTresult,and(b)isthenumericalcalculationbasedonacriticalharmonic chain. wherethescalingdimensions∆ =∆ =∆ and∆ = whichmaybefurtherexpressedas (1) (3) n (2) ∆(n2). Thethree-pointcorrelationfunctionontheRHPcanbe c (cid:15)2 c w w w expressedas E =− ln − ln 13 1˜2 2˜3, (28) 4 (cid:15)2+t2 4 w w w 1˜3 12 23 (cid:10)T (w )T¯2(w )T (w )(cid:11) wherewehavedefinedw =|w −w |,w =|w −w |and n 1 n 2 n 3 RHP ij i j i˜j i (cid:101)j c˜ η∆(n2)−2∆n1/2 w˜i˜jW=ith|w(cid:101)thie−exw(cid:101)pjr|e,srseisopnesctoifvewly. that are calculated in the Ap- =(cid:81)3i=1|(wi−nw(cid:101)i)/a|∆(i) η11∆,,23(n2)η2∆,3(n2) F({ηj,k}), pfuenncdtiixo,noonfetimcaenaosbfotalilnowthse iejntanglement negativity E as a (25)  c (cid:15)2 c l+t whereη arecrossratioswhichcanbeconstructedfromthe  − 4ln(cid:15)2+t2 − 4lnl−t, t<l i,j E = (29) eansdfoplolionwtsswi(andtheirimagesw(cid:101)i)oftheintervalsintheRHP  − 4c ln(cid:15)2(cid:15)+2t2 − 4c ln4(cid:15)tl2, t>l. (w −w )(w −w ) Inthelimitl,t(cid:29)(cid:15),E canbesimplifiedas η = i j (cid:101)i (cid:101)j (26) i,j (wi−w(cid:101)j)(w(cid:101)i−wj)  c t2+(cid:15)2(l−t) 4ln (cid:15)2 (l+t), t<l with w = −w¯ being the image of w (see Fig.3). The E = (30) nonun(cid:101)iviersalfuncitionF({ηj,k})dependsionthefulloperator  c ln l +const, t>l. 4 2(cid:15) contentoftheCFT.F({η })isusuallydifficulttocalculate j,k and only known for several specific CFTs and BCFTs. But ShowninFig.5(a)istheplotofE withdifferentl. Atthevery it is found that in the limits ηi,j → 0, 1, or ∞, the function beginning of the local quench t (cid:28) l, based on Eq. (30), one F({ηj,k})isjustaconstant,whichfollowsfromthelong-and has short-distanceexpansionsofthecorrelationfunctionsoftwist c t operators[3,32,36–38]. Forsymmetricintervalsinthispart, E = ln , (31) 2 (cid:15) wecalculatethecrossratiosη explicitlyintheappendix. It i,j isfoundthatonealwayshasη =1or0forthecasest(cid:28)l, which agrees with the result of semi-infinite intervals as ij t=l+0−andt>l. Inotherwords,ourresultsareuniversal shown in Eq. (23). This is reasonable because in the limit fortheabovethreecases. t (cid:28) l,thequasiparticlesessentiallypropagatewithoutnotic- ByusingEqs. (5)and(10),andneglectingvariousnonuni- ingthefinitesizeeffect. Fort<l,theentanglementsaturates versalterms,wehave for a certain time. Then for t > l, we get the ground-state valueofE,i.e., E =− c ln (cid:15)2 − c ln η1,3 , (27) E = c ln l , (32) 4 (cid:15)2+t2 8 η1,2η2,3 G 4 2(cid:15) 6 which is also observed in the numerical calculations in Ref. Ontheotherhand,fromthescalingbehaviorinRef.[27],one [27]. Note that in the numerical calculations, E tends to the canfind ground-state value gradually. In our CFT results, E drops to the ground-state value immediately after t = l. This is l 1 l E (t= )= ln +0.13ln3−0.28ln2. (35) because all quasiparticles propagate at the same velocity in numerical 2 2 2 CFTs. In lattice models, however, the dispersion relation is not linear for all momentum vectors, and therefore not all Inthelargellimit,i.e.,l(cid:29)(cid:15),onealwayshas quasiparticlespropagateatthesamevelocity,asdiscussedin detailinsectionIV. l l 1 l Inaddition,thescalingbehaviorofE foraharmonicchain E (t= )(cid:39)E (t= )(cid:39) ln . (36) wasnumericallystudiedinRef.[27].Fort<l,theyproposed CFT 2 numerical 2 2 2 theansatz Beforeweendthispart,wementionthatitisinterestingto tα (l−t)β E ∼ln . (33) checkhowE(t)behavesinotherlatticemodels. Considering l−ρ(l+t)−γ E(t < l) depends on the non-universal functions F({η }), j,k whichvariesfordifferentCFTs,weexpectthatforothercrit- By fitting the numerical results, they found α = 1/2, β (cid:39) ical lattice models such as the critical Ising model one may 0.15, γ (cid:39) 0.13 and ρ = −(β +γ) (cid:39) −0.28. For our CFT observedifferentscalingbehaviorsinE(t<l). resultsinEq.(30),bysettingc=1andtakingthelimitt(cid:29)(cid:15), one has α = 1/2, β = 0.25, γ = −0.25 and ρ = −(β + γ) = 0. On the other hand, in the limit t (cid:28) l, both Eq. (30) and Eq. (33) collapse to E = 1lnt. We attribute the 2 abovedisagreement/agreementtothefollowingfact. Fort ≤ 3. Asymmetricfiniteintervals l, because we neglect the non-universal functions F({η }) j,k whichmaynotbeconstants, ourresultsarenotaccurateand Inthispart,weconsiderthecaseofasymmetricfiniteinter- thereforemaynotobtainthecorrectscalingbehavior.Fort(cid:28) valswithA ∈ [−l ,0]andA ∈ (0,l ],asshowninFig.4. l, however, ourCFTresultsareuniversalandindependentof 1 1 2 2 Withoutlossofgenerality,wesupposel < l . Thecalcula- thespecificCFT.Toreproducethenumericalresultsfort≤l 1 2 tionsaresimilartothesymmetriccase, andweneedtoeval- in Ref. [27], we have to consider the nonuniversal functions uatethethreepointcorrelationfunctionsinEq.(24). First,as F({η }), which is a difficult task, and out of the scope of j,k shownintheappendix,wecalculatethecrossratioη explic- ourwork. ij itly. Itisfoundthatonealwayshasη = 1or0forthecases Nevertheless, by comparing the values of the plateau be- ij t (cid:28) l , t = l +0− and t > l . That is to say, our results tweenCFTresultsandnumericalresultsinFig.5,itisfound 1 2 2 areuniversalintheseregions. Second,byneglectingvarious they are very close to each other. To be concrete, let’s take nonuniversalterms,wearriveatthesameresultasinEq.(28). E(t= l)forexample. BasedonEq.(30),onecanget 2 The difference is that for asymmetric intervals, we have dif- ferentexpressionsofw ,asexplicitlygivenintheappendix. l 1 l ij E (t= )= ln +const. (34) Bypluggingw intoEq.(28),oneobtains CFT 2 2 2(cid:15) ij  c (cid:15)2 c (l +t)(l +t)  − 4c ln(cid:15)2(cid:15)+2t2 − 8c ln(cid:32)(l112−(cid:115)t()l(l22+−lt))(,t+l )(t−l )t2(cid:33) t<l1 E = − ln − ln 1 2 1 1 , l <t<l  − 44c ln(cid:15)(cid:15)22(cid:15)++2tt22 − 44c ln2((cid:15)l1(cid:15)l+ll2)t2, (l2−l1)l12 1 t>l22. 1 2 Inthelimitl,t(cid:29)(cid:15),E canbesimplifiedas Notethatinthelimitl =l ,wecanreproducethesymmetric 1 2 adjacentintervalsresultinEq.(30).TheplotofE fordifferent 8cc ln((ll11+−(ttl))((ll−22+−l )ttl))2(cid:15)tt442, t<l1 (cclaa1ns,elfi.2n)Adicstthusehaltoliwym,nebeianvseoFdliugot.ino6nE(aoq)f..E(F3(i7tr))s,ti,sofnsoiemrctialan(cid:28)rctohmetchinke[lst1hy,amlt2mi]n,eottrhniece E = ln 2 1 1 , l <t<l (37) 84c ln((cid:15)l(1ll+1+l2l2l)()t++clo1n)(stt,−l1) 1 t>l22. 1 2 7 3.0 3.0 (a) l1=25, l2=75 (b) l1=25, l2=75 2.5 l1=50, l2=75 2.5 l1=50, l2=75 l1=75, l2=75 l1=75, l2=75 y 2.0 2.0 vit gati 1.5 1.5 e N 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time Time FIG.6:EntanglementnegativityEfortwoasymmetricadjacentintervalsasafunctionoftime.Herewechoosecentralchargec=1,(cid:15)=0.1, (l ,l )=(25,75),(50,75),and(75,75),respectively.Shownin(a)istheCFTresult,and(b)isthenumericalcalculationbasedonacritical 1 2 harmonicchain. limitt(cid:28)min[l ,l ] 4(b). In this case, we need to consider the correlation func- 1 2 tionoffourtwistfieldsasshowninEq.(9). Byapplyingthe c t E = ln , (38) conformalmapinEq.(11),onehas 2 (cid:15) which shows the lnt behavior again, as expected. For t > (cid:10)T (z )T¯ (z )T¯ (z )T (z )(cid:11) n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 max[l ,l ],weobtainthegroundstatevalueoftheentangle- mentn1eg2ativity[21,22],i.e., =(cid:89)4 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)ddwz(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)∆n(cid:10)Tn(w1)T¯n(w2)T¯n(w3)Tn(w4)(cid:11)RHP, E = c ln l1l2 . (39) i=1 zi G 4 (cid:15)(l1+l2) wherethefour-pointcorrelationfunctionontheRHPhasthe Interestingly,itisfoundthatthesuddendropofE happensat form t=min[l1,l2], (40) (cid:10)Tn(w1)T¯n(w2)T¯n(w3)Tn(w4)(cid:11)RHP which is again straightforward to understand based on the c˜2 1 (cid:18)η η (cid:19)∆(n2)/2−∆n = n 1,4 2,3 hveieuwriesdticaspheynstiacnagllepmicetnutrepathirast otfhetwqouaqsiupaanrttaic.lesFomrayt b<e (cid:81)4i=1|(wi−w(cid:101)i)/a|∆n η1∆,2nη3∆,4n η1,3η2,4 min[l1,l2],twoentangledquasiparticlesareinA1andA2sep- ×F({ηj,k}). arately, andcreatetheentanglementbetweenA andA . At (41) 1 2 t = min[l ,l ] = l (herewesupposel < l ),althoughone 1 2 1 1 2 For the nonuniversal functions F({η }), as explicitly cal- quasiparticleisstillinA , theotherquasiparticlepropagates j,k 2 culated in Ref. [36], they are simply a constant in the limit outofA ,andthereforetheentanglementbetweenA andA 1 1 2 l/d(cid:28)1. Inotherwords,whenthetwointervalsarefarapart, decreasessuddenlyatt=min[l ,l ]. 1 2 we do not need the knowledge of F({η }). By using the Beforeweendthispart, weemphasizethatourresultsare j,k definitioninEq.(5),anddroppingvariousmultiplicativecon- universalfortheregimest(cid:28)l ,t=l +0− andt>l . For 1 2 2 stants,wehave thecaseoft ≤ l ,however,similarwiththesymmetriccase, 2 because we neglected the nonuniversal functions F({ηj,k}) E =−c ln(cid:18)η1,4η2,3(cid:19), (42) whichmaynotbeconstants,ourresultsarenotaccurate,and 8 η η 1,3 2,4 onehastocalculateF({η })fordifferentCFTs. j,k whichisalternativelywrittenas c w w w w w w w w B. Twodisjointintervals E =− ln 14 1˜3 23 2˜4 ˜1˜4 ˜13 ˜2˜3 ˜24. (43) 8 w w w w w w w w 1˜4 13 2˜3 24 ˜14 ˜1˜3 ˜23 ˜2˜4 1. Symmetricfiniteintervals By noting that wij = w˜i˜j and wi˜j = w˜ij, Eq. (43) can be simplifiedas In this part, we consider the symmetric disjoint intervals, E =− c lnw14w1˜3w23w2˜4. (44) i.e., A1 ∈ [−d−l,−d] and A2 ∈ [d,d+l], as shown Fig. 4 w1˜4w13w2˜3w24 8 (a) (b) 0.4 0.06 d=140, l=10 d=140, l=10 d=160, l=10 d=160, l=10 d=180, l=10 y 0.3 d=180, l=10 gativit 0.04 e 0.2 N 0.02 0.1 0.0 0.00 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Time Time FIG.7:EntanglementnegativityEfortwosymmetricdisjointintervalsasafunctionoftime.Herewechoosethecentralchargec=1,(cid:15)=1, (d,l) = (140,10), (160,10) and (180,10), respectively. Shown in (a) is the CFT result, and (b) is the numerical calculation based on a criticalharmonicchain. Withtheexplicitformsofw givenintheAppendix,wecan simultaneously. Note that at t = d + l/2, taking the limit ij obtaintheentanglementnegativityE asafunctionoftimeas d(cid:29)l,onehas follows c l 0c ln(2d+l)(d+l−t)(t2−d2) d<t<td<+dl which is independenEtto=fd+th2le(cid:39)dis4talnnce2(cid:15)d,, as also can be(4o6b)- E = 4 (cid:15)dl(d+l+t) served in Fig. 7. That is to say, with the help of entangled  c ln (2d+l)2 t>d+l pairs, we can create a long-range entanglement between two 4 4d(d+l) intervals which are far from each other. Note that this long- (45) range entanglement was also observed in the time evolution Notethatinthestudyofthenegativityevolutionafteraglobal ofmutualinformationI(t)inRef.[36],whereitisfoundthat quench, it was found that E(t) shows the same behavior as I (cid:39) c ln l . t=d+l 3 2(cid:15) the Renyi mutual information apart from the prefactor [26]. 2 Forthelocalquenchstudiedhere,bycomparingourresultin Eq.(45)withtheresultofmutualinformationinRef.[36],it 2. Asymmetricfiniteintervals isfoundthattheexpressionsarealsothesameexceptforthe prefactor. Inotherwords,ourresultsparallelwiththestoryin thenegativityevolutionafteraglobalquench.Therelationbe- Inthispart, weconsidertheasymmetricdisjointintervals. tweentheentanglementnegativityandthemutualinformation Wehavemultiplechoicesasfollows: (i)d1 (cid:54)=d2,l1 =l2,(ii) afteralocalquantumquenchwillbesystematicallydiscussed d1 = d2, l1 (cid:54)= l2 and (iii) d1 (cid:54)= d2, l1 (cid:54)= l2. For simplicity, insectionIV. weconsiderthecase(i),i.e.,A1 ∈ [−d1+l,−d1]andA2 ∈ As shown in Fig. 7(a), we plot the evolution of the entan- [d2,d2+l]. Withoutlossofgenerality,wechoosed1 <d2 ≤ glementnegativitywithdifferent(d,l)accordingtoEq.(45). d1+l. A ‘light-cone’ effect can be observed: For t < d, there is The calculation of the negativity evolution is similar with no entanglement negativity between A and A . At t = d, thesymmetriccase,andweobtainthesameresultinEq.(44). 1 2 theentanglementnegativitybeginstodevelop,andreachesthe The difference is that we should express w in terms of d , ij 1 maximumapproximatelyatt=d+l/2. Att=d+l,theen- d and l, as explicitly shown in the appendix. By plugging 2 tanglementnegativitydecreasessuddenly,whichcorresponds the expressions of w into Eq. (44), one arrives at the time ij totheentangledpairspropagatingoutofintervalsA andA evolutionoftheentanglementnegativity 1 2 9 0.6 (a) (b) d1=150, d2=150, l=15 d1=150, d2=150, l=15 0.10 0.4 d1=150, d2=155, l=15 d1=150, d2=155, l=15 y vit d1=150, d2=160, l=15 d1=150, d2=160, l=15 gati d1=150, d2=165, l=15 d1=150, d2=165, l=15 e N 0.05 0.2 0.0 0.00 100 120 140 160 180 100 120 140 160 180 Time Time FIG.8:EntanglementnegativityEfortwoasymmetricdisjointintervalsasafunctionoftime.Herewechoosethecentralchargec=1,(cid:15)=1, l=15,(d ,d )=(150,150),(150,155),(150,160),and(150,165),respectively. Shownin(a)istheCFTresult,and(b)isthenumerical 1 2 calculationbasedonacriticalharmonicchain. 0 t<d  −− 8cc llnn((dd(cid:15)11(++d1dd+22)+d(2dl)2)(−d(cid:115)2t)+((ddl12−++tll)−(+d2dt)2+()d(t2d)2(−d+2d1−l−+d1dl))1)(d1+l+t)(d2+l+t) d <d1t<<td<+d21l E = 4 2(d +d +l) (d +l−t)(d +l−t)(t2−d2)(t2−d2) 2 1 (47) 1 2 1 2 1 2  −− 84cc llnn[(td21−+((ddd21+++(dd2l2)l)2+−(](ddld1)112+)+(ddd212)+)2(dd22++l)l3−(td21−)(dd211)+d2+2l) d1+l<tt<>dd22++ll 1 2 Onecancheckthatwhend = d = d,theresultinEq.(45) entanglement negativity for a harmonic chain has been nu- 1 2 isreproduced. merically studied in several works [9, 22, 26, 27, 39]. Here AccordingtoEq.(47),weplotE(t)withdifferent(d ,d ) wefollowthemethoddevelopedintheseworks,andapplyit 1 2 inFig.8(a).Comparedtothesymmetriccase,the‘light-cone’ to the local quench problem. We will first introduce the lat- effect is still observed. The difference is that the time when ticemodelandthecovariancematrixinpartA.InpartB,we E(t)increasesquicklynowhappensat introducetheevolutionmatrixandshowhowtocalculatethe entanglement negativity. In part C, we apply the method to t=max[d ,d ], (48) 1 2 thecasesstudiedwithCFTapproach,andcomparetheresults andthetimewhenE(t)decreasesquicklyhappensat accordingly. t=min[d +l,d +l], (49) 1 2 whichisalsoinagreementwiththequasiparticlepicture. A. Harmonicchainandthecovariancematrix TheHamiltonianoftheharmonicchainis III. NUMERICALEVALUATIONOFTHENEGATIVITY FORAHARMONICCHAINAFTERALOCALQUENCH (cid:88)N p2 Mω2 K H = [ n + 0q2 + (q −q )2], (50) 2M 2 n 2 n+1 n In this section, to confirm our CFT results, we study the n=1 timeevolutionofthelogarithmicnegativityafteralocalquan- where N is the number of sites of the chain, M is the tumquenchinalatticemodel,acriticalharmonicchain. The mass scale, ω is the characteristic frequency, and K is the 0 10 nearest-neighborcoupling. p andq denotethemomentum ForDBC,thecorrelatorsare n n and position operators with canonical commutation relations L−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) [p ,p ]=[q ,q ]=0and[q ,p ]=iδ . 1 (cid:88) 1 πkn πkm n m n m n m n,m (cid:104)0|q q |0(cid:105)= sin sin , For periodic boundary condition (PBC), the Fourier trans- n m L Mω L L k k=1 formofthecanonicalvariablesare L−1 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)  1 (cid:88) πkn πkm  qn =(cid:88)L q(cid:101)k√1Le2πikn/L, (cid:104)0|pnpm|0(cid:105)= L k=1Mωksin L sin L , k=1 (cid:104)0|q p |0(cid:105)=iδ /2. (58) (51) n m n,m  q(cid:101)k =(cid:88)L qn√1Le−2πikn/L, n=1 B. Evolutionmatrixandthelogarithmicnegativity wheren = 1,··· ,L. Forp ,theFouriertransformisidenti- n FromtheHeisenbergequationofmotion,q˙ (t) = 1 p (t) caltoqn. TheHamiltonianisdiagonalizedinthemomentum (cid:101)k M(cid:101)k space andp(cid:101)˙k(t)=−Mωk2q(cid:101)k(t),wehave  1 H =(cid:88)L (cid:18) 1 p2 + Mωk2q2(cid:19), (52) q(cid:101)k(t)= √M(cosωktq(cid:101)k(0)+ωk−1sinωktp(cid:101)k(0)), 2M(cid:101)k 2 (cid:101)k √ k=1 p (t)= M(−ω sinω tq (0)+cosω tp (0)). (cid:101)k k k (cid:101)k k (cid:101)k where Thetime-dependentcanonicalvariablesintherealspaceare (cid:114) 4K πk  1 (cid:88) ωk = ω02+ M sin( L )2, k =1,··· ,L, (PBC()5.3) qn(t)=√×M(cid:0)coks,mωφt∗kq(n()0φ)k+(mω)−1sinω tp (0)(cid:1) k m k k m For the Dirichlet boundary condition (DBC), the Fourier √ (cid:88) tmraentrsyf.orHmowisenvoetr,vtahliedFdouueriteortshienberteraaknisnfogromftcraannsblaetdioenfianlesdymas- pn(t)= M k,mφ∗k(n)φk(m) ×(−ω sinω tq (0)+cosω tp (0)),  L−1 (cid:114) (cid:18) (cid:19) k k m k m qn =(cid:88)q(cid:101)k L2 sin πLkn , where k=1 (54) 1 q(cid:101)k =L(cid:88)−1qn(cid:114)L2 sin(cid:18)πLkn(cid:19), φn(k)= √2Le−2πikn/L, (PBC), n=1 φ (k)= √ sin(πkn/L), (DBC). (59) n L wheren = 1,··· ,L. Forp ,theFouriersinetransformation n isdefinedsimilarly. TheHamiltonianinthemomentumspace Therefore,thetimeevolutionofthecovariancematrixis isidenticaltoEq. (52). Butthefrequencyω hasadifferent k γ(t)=S(t)γ(0)S(t)T, (60) form, wheretheevolutionmatrixis (cid:114) 4K πk ωk = ω02+ M sin(2L)2, k =1,··· ,L−1, (DBC). Sn,m(t)=(cid:88)φ∗k(n)φk(m) (55) k (cid:32) (cid:33) The covariance matrix is constructed from the two-point × √√1M cosωkt √1√Mωk−1sinωkt . − Mω sinω t Mcosω t correlators k k k (61) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:104)0|q q |0(cid:105) (cid:104)0|q p |0(cid:105) γ =Re n m n m . (56) n,m (cid:104)0|p q |0(cid:105) (cid:104)0|p p |0(cid:105) The entanglement properties are encoded in the reduced n m n m densitymatrix,whichcanbeextractedfromthethecovariance ForPBC,thecorrelatorsare matrixγ associatedwiththethesubsystemA. Thelogarith- A mic negativity is defined by the partial transposition of the L (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 (cid:88) 1 2πk(n−m) reduceddensitymatrixρ withthesubsystemA = A ∪A (cid:104)0|q q |0(cid:105)= cos , A 1 2 n m 2L Mω L as E = lnTr|ρT2|. We first consider the partial transposition k=1 k A ofγ ,whichcanbeconstructedbyinvertingthesignsofthe A L (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 (cid:88) 2πk(n−m) momentacorrespondingtoA [9]. (cid:104)0|p p |0(cid:105)= Mω cos , 2 n m 2Lk=1 k L γT2 =(cid:18) IlA 0lA (cid:19)·γ ·(cid:18) IlA 0lA (cid:19), (62) (cid:104)0|q p |0(cid:105)=iδ /2. (57) A 0 R A 0 R n m n,m lA A2 lA A2

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