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Enrichment and Identification of Methylation at the Proteome Level Alexandra Star A thesis ... PDF

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Enrichment and Identification of Methylation at the Proteome Level Alexandra Star A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology Faculty of Medicine University of Ottawa ©Alexandra Star, Ottawa, Canada, 2016 ABSTRACT Methylation is a post-translational modification which occurs on lysine and arginine residues. Methylation is difficult to detect due to its low abundance and lack of charge. Our laboratory previously developed a novel enrichment approach, ProMENADe, for lysine and arginine methylation in the human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cell line which is coupled with mass spectrometry. Simplifying a lysate with subcellular fractionation prior to enrichment increased the identification of methylation sites by 39.5% while using multiple proteases for digestion increased identification by 27%. Combining these methods yielded a 47.2% increase. Analysis at the 1% methylation level FDR filtered for C-terminal methylation identified 169 sites and further analysis revealed 74 of these sites overlap with the PhosphoSite database. This ProMENADe enrichment strategy yielded 95 novel methylation sites to the field and can be a key tool in the field of methylation allowing for the enrichment and identification of methylated proteins. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Daniel Figeys for giving me the opportunity to study under his guidance and the guidance of Dr. Jean-François Couture. Over the past two years I have learned about proteomics, mass spectrometry, and the difficulties in studying post- translational modifications like methylation. Dr. Figeys gave me the opportunity to be independent, and for that I am grateful. I would also like to acknowledge my thesis advisory committee members Dr. Alexandre Blais and Dr. Jocelyn Côté for their guidance and re-direction in my project. I would also like to thank Deeptee Seebun for training me in the lab. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Janice Mayne for motivating and supporting me throughout my masters and for meeting with me weekly to discuss experiment ideas and working tirelessly to edit all of my TAC reports, presentations and my thesis itself. I am grateful to Dr. Zhibin Ning whose method has made my project possible and for all of his discussion and scientific advice. Although we work differently, he has helped me change the way I approach problems and has challenged me throughout my learning process. Lastly I would like to thank Dr. Sylvain Lanouette for the many discussions in regards to methylation and SMYD2, and for the guidance in writing my thesis I would also like to thank my lab mates Deeptee Seebun, Shelley Deeke, Dr. Amanda Starr, Myriam Cramet, Kiara Chu, Dr. Bo Xu, Dr. Zhibin Ning, Dr. Janice Mayne, Dr. Kerwin Chiang, Dr. Rui Chen, Dr. Xu Zhang, and Jasmine Moore for all the motivation, scientific discussion, and friendship over the course of my two years in the lab. I would also like to thank Ngoc Vuong for his friendship and support during my undergraduate thesis at Health Canada, and the mentorship of Dr. Renaud Vincent which has inspired me to pursue the path of scientific research. Finally, I would like to thank my friends, family and Matt. Their support and encouragement helped me get through the joys and the hardships both in life and during the course of my studies. iii STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTION All experiments were conducted by Alexandra Star (AS). Experimental design was conducted by Daniel Figeys (DF), Janice Mayne (JM) and Zhibin Ning (ZN) and AS. Data analysis was conducted by AS with the advice and mentoring of ZN. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................. iii STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTION ................................................................................................. iv ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................................ viii LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................. xi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... xii LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................... xii 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 I. Proteomics and Post-Translational Modifications.......................................................................... 1 II. Protein Methylation ...................................................................................................................... 2 i. Arginine Methylation ................................................................................................................. 3 ii. Lysine Methylation .................................................................................................................... 4 III. Biological Roles of Protein Methylation ..................................................................................... 7 i. Protein Methylation in Transcriptional Regulation .................................................................... 7 ii. Methylation in mRNA splicing ................................................................................................. 9 iii. Effect of Methylation on Protein Stability ............................................................................. 10 IV. Protein Methylation in Disease ................................................................................................. 11 i. Cancer ....................................................................................................................................... 11 ii. Embryo Development .............................................................................................................. 12 iii. Methylation in Vaccination .................................................................................................... 13 iv. Cardiovascular Disease ........................................................................................................... 14 v. Spinal Muscular Atrophy ......................................................................................................... 14 V. Current Approaches to Studying Methylation ............................................................................ 15 i. Low-Throughput Targeted Approaches ................................................................................... 15 ii. High-Throughput Enrichment-Based Screening ..................................................................... 15 iii. Methyl-Lysine Binding Domains to Enrich for Methylated Proteins .................................... 16 iv. Pan-Methyl Antibodies to Enrich for Methylated Peptides .................................................... 16 v. Derivatization Coupled with Affinity Enrichment .................................................................. 17 vi. Click Chemistry to Determine Methyltransferase Targets ..................................................... 17 vii. Predictive Modeling of Methylation Sites ............................................................................. 18 VI. Novel Approach to Enrich for Methylated Peptides ................................................................. 18 VII. Rationale .................................................................................................................................. 20 v VIII. Statement of Hypothesis and Objectives ................................................................................ 21 i. Hypothesis ................................................................................................................................ 21 ii. Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 21 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................................................... 26 I. Cell Culture .................................................................................................................................. 26 II. Heavy-Methionine Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture (SILAC) ............ 26 III. Cell Lysis ................................................................................................................................... 27 IV. Subcellular Fractionation........................................................................................................... 27 V. Immunoblotting .......................................................................................................................... 28 VI. Proteomics Sample Preparation ................................................................................................. 29 i. Protein Precipitation ................................................................................................................. 29 ii. In-solution Protein Digestion .................................................................................................. 29 iii. Peptide Desalting .................................................................................................................... 30 iv. Synthesis of 1,1,3,3-tetraisopropoxypropane (TiPP) .............................................................. 31 v. Preparation of Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) Reagent .................................................................... 31 vi. ProMENADe Enrichment Reaction ....................................................................................... 31 VII. LC-MS/MS Measurement ........................................................................................................ 32 VIII. Mascot Database Search ......................................................................................................... 33 IX. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 34 i. Proteomics Tool Suite .............................................................................................................. 34 ii. Statistical Analysis .................................................................................................................. 34 iii. Gene Ontology Analysis ........................................................................................................ 35 iv. SILAC Incorporation Calculation........................................................................................... 35 v. Protein Abundance Across Organisms Database (PaxDb) Analysis ....................................... 35 3. RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 37 I. Optimization of the ProMENADe Protocol in Biological Samples ............................................. 37 i. Determination of Optimal Amount of Protein Starting Material .............................................. 37 ii. Discussion of Optimal Amount of Protein Starting Material .................................................. 38 iii. ProMENADe Reaction Identifies More Confident Methylation Sites ................................... 41 iv. Discussion for ProMENADe Reaction Identifies More Confident Methylation Sites ........... 45 II. Simplification of the Protein Mixture to Increase MS Identification.......................................... 52 i. Subcellular Fractionation to Increase Methylation Site Identification by MS/MS ................... 58 vi ii. Discussion for Subcellular Fractionation to Increase Methylation Site Identification by MS/MS ......................................................................................................................................... 62 iii. Digestion with Multiple Proteases to Increase Methylation Site Identification by MS/MS .. 65 iv. Discussion for Digestion with Multiple Proteases to Increase Methylation Site Identification by MS/MS .................................................................................................................................... 72 v. Comparison of Tryptically-Digested Whole Cell Lysate to Nuclear and Cytosolic Fractions Digested by Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Glu-C .......................................................................... 73 vi. Discussion for the Comparison of Tryptically-Digested Whole Cell Lysate to Nuclear and Cytosolic Fractions Digested by Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and Glu-C .......................................... 82 III. Heavy Methionine Labeling in Cell Culture to Reliably Identify Methylated Peptides ............ 83 i. Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 84 4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS .......................................................................... 87 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 92 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 104 Appendix 1: Supplementary Results ............................................................................................. 104 Appendix 2: List of methylation sites identified by MS/MS in ranging amounts of starting material from 0.2 mg to 10 mg. ................................................................................................................... 106 Appendix 3: List of methylation sites identified by MS/MS in a ProMENADe-enriched and non- enriched samples. ........................................................................................................................... 130 Appendix 4: List of methylation sites identified by MS/MS in starting material, cytosolic and nuclear fractions. ........................................................................................................................... 172 Appendix 5: List of methylation sites identified by MS/MS in tryptic, chymotryptic and Glu-C digested samples. ........................................................................................................................... 187 Appendix 6: List of methylation sites identified by MS/MS in a tryptically digested whole cell lysate compared to cytosolic and nuclear fractions digested with trypsin, chymotrypsin, and Glu-C. ....................................................................................................................................................... 199 Appendix 7: Curriculum vitae for Alexandra Star. ........................................................................ 212 vii ABBREVIATIONS ACN: acetonitrile ADAM10: a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain-containing protein 10 ADMA: asymmetric di-methylation of arginine ADP: adenosine diphosphate ANOVA : analysis of variance Blimp1: PR domain zinc-finger protein BRG1: Brahma-related gene1, also known as transcription activator BRG1 or ATP- dependent helicase SMARCA4 CA150: coactivator 150 kDa CARM1: coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase CBP: CREB-binding protein CDK: cyclin-dependent kinase Clr4: Histone lysine-N-methyltransferase, histone H3 lysine-9 specific COMPASS: Complex of Proteins Associated with Set1 CREB: cAMP response element-binding protein DAVID: The Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery DDAH: dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydralase DMEM: Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid DNMT: DNA methyltransferase DOT1L: DOT1-like histone H3K79 methyltransferase DTT: dithiothreitol E2F: transcription factor E2F E2F1: transcription factor E2F1 EEF1A1: elongation factor 1 A 1 EHMT1: histone-lysine-N-methyltransferase EHMT1, also known as GLP1 EHMT2: histone-lysine-N-methyltransferase EHMT2, also known as G9a ERα: estrogen receptor alpha ESCC: esophageal squamous cell carcinoma EZ/E(z): enhancer of zeste FA: formic acid FBS: fetal bovine serum FDR: false discovery rate G9a: see EHMT2 GLP1: see EHMT1 GO: Gene Ontology GRAVY: grand average of hydropathy H3K4: histone H3 at lysine 4 H3K9: histone H3 at lysine 9 viii H3K36: histone H3 lysine 36 H3K79: histone H3 lysine 79 H3R8: histone H3 at arginine 8 H4R3: histone H4 at arginine 3 HBHA: heparin-binding hemagglutinin hBRM: human Brahma protein HCD: high energy C-trap dissociation HCT116: human colon colorectal cell line HCl: hydrochloric acid HEK: human embryonic kidney HeLaS3: a human cervix adenocarcinoma cell line HILIC: hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography HP1: heterochromatin protein 1 HP1β: heterochromatin protein 1 β HPLC: high performance liquid chromatography HRP: horseradish peroxidase IAA: iodoacetamide KMTs: lysine methyltransferases L3MBTL1: lethal (3) malignant brain tumour like protein 1 LBP: lipopolysaccharide binding protein LC: liquid chromatography 3XMBT: 3 malignant brain tumour repeats MDA: malondialdehyde MEFs: mouse embryonic fibroblasts MMA: mono-methylation on arginine mmu: milli mass unit mRNA: messenger RNA MS: mass spectrometry MYND: Myeloid, Nervy, and DEAF-1 MYPT1: myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 m/z: mass to charge ratio NaOH: sodium hydroxide NFĸB: nuclear factor kappa B NO: nitric oxide NOS: nitric oxide synthase OmpB: outer membrane protein B OPA: ortho-phthaldialdehyde p21 : cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p53: tumour protein p53 p300: histone acetyltransferase p300 PaxDb: Protein Abundance Across Organisms Database ix PBS: phosphate buffered saline pI: isoelectric points ppm: parts per million pRb: tumour suppressor retinoblastoma protein PRMTs: protein arginine methyltransferases ProMENADe: Protein Methylation Enrichment by Neutralizing Amine through Derivatization PTM: post translational modification REAP: Rapid Efficient and Practical RelA: REL-associated protein, nuclear factor kappa B p65 subunit RIZ: retinoblastoma-interacting zinc-finger RNA: ribonucleic acid SAH: S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine SAM: S-adenosyl-L-methionine SAP49: RNA binding protein SAP49 SCX: strong cation exchange SDMA: symmetric di-methylation of arginine SDS: sodium dodecyl sulphate SET: Suppressor of variegation 3-9, Enhancer of zeste, and Trithorax SET1A/B: SET-domain protein 1 A/B SET7/9: SET-domain protein 7/9 SILAC: stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture siRNA: small interfering RNA SMA: spinal muscular atrophy SMN: survival of motor neuron SMYD: SET and MYND domain-containing protein Snail: zinc-finger protein SNAI1 snRNA: small nuclear ribonucleic acid snRNP: small nuclear ribonucleic protein SRC3: steroid-receptor coactivator-3 STAT3: signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 SUV39: suppressor of variegation 3-9 Suv39h1: human homolog of SUV39 SUV4-20: suppressor of variegation 4-20 Swi6: chromatin-associated protein Swi6 TAF10: TBP-associated factor TAF10 TBP: TATA-box binding protein TBST: tris-buffered saline and tween THW loop: threonine-histidine/tryptophan loop TiPP: 1,1,3,3-tetraisopropoxypropane Trx: trithorax x

First, arginine residues on the peptide are reacted with malondialdehyde (MDA) in strongly 32.77 SLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase-activating protein 3.
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