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EnPro Investor and Analyst Meeting PDF

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Engineered for Performance EnPro Investor and Analyst Meeting June 19, 2012 Forward-Looking Statements Statements in this presentation that express a belief, expectation or intention, as well as those that are not historical fact, are forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. They involve a number of risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events and results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions in the markets served by our businesses, some of which are cyclical and experience periodic downturns; prices and availability of raw materials; and the amount of any payments required to satisfy contingent liabilities related to discontinued opperations of our ppredecessors,, includingg liabilities for certain pproducts,, environmental matters, guaranteed debt payments, employee benefit obligations and other matters. In addition, adverse developments could arise in regard to voluntary petitions filed by certain of our subsidiaries in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to enter into a process to resolve all current and future asbestos claims. Our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the Form 10-K for the year eennddeedd DDeecceemmbbeerr 3311,, 22001111,, aanndd tthhee FFoorrmm 1100-QQ ffoorr tthhee qquuaarrtteerr eennddeedd MMaarrcchh 3311,, 22001122,, ddeessccrriibbee tthheessee and other risks and uncertainties in more detail. We do not undertake to update any forward- looking statement made in this presentation to reflect any change in management's expectations or any change in the assumptions or circumstances on which such statements are based. We own a number of direct and indirect subsidiaries and, from time to time, we mayy refer collectively to EnPro and one or more of our subsidiaries as “we” or to the businesses, assets, debts or affairs of EnPro or a subsidiary as “ours.” These and similar references are for convenience only and should not be construed to change the fact that EnPro and each subsidiary is an independent entity with separate management, operations, obligations and affairs. TThhiis presentatiion allso contaiins certaiin non-GGAAAAPP ffiinanciiall measures as ddeffiinedd bby thhe SSecuriitiies Exchange Commission. A reconciliation of these measures to the most directly comparable GAAP equivalents is included as an appendix to this presentation. 2 Today’s Agenda 8:00 Welcome Don Washington Director, Investor Relations EEnnPPrroo OOvveerrvviieeww SStteevvee MMaaccaaddaamm President and CEO Financial Review and Alex Pease Enterprise Excellence Overview Sr. VP and CFO Garlock family of companies; Dale Herold Technetics Group Division President Stemco Jon Cox DDiivviissiioonn PPrreessiiddeenntt 9:45 Break 10:00 GGB Steve Macadam CPI; Fairbanks Morse Tony Gioffredi DDiivviissiioonn PPrreessiiddeenntt M&A Update Milt Childress VP, Planning & Development ACRP update Rick Magee Senior Vice President 11:30 Summary, Q&A Steve Macadam 3 SStteevvee MMaaccaaddaamm President and Chief Executive Officer ENPRO OVERVIEW 4 Corporate Management Steve Macadam President and Chief Executive Officer Education: University of Kentucky, BSME; Boston College, MS Finance; Harvard Business School, MBA Prior Experience: DuPont, McKinsey & Company, Georgia-Pacific, Consolidated Container Company LLC, BlueLinx Holdings Inc Joined EnPro: 2008 in current capacity Alex Pease Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Education: United States Naval Academy, BS; Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College, MBA Prior Experience: US Navy, McKinsey & Company Joined EnPro: 2011 in current capacity Rick Magee Senior Vice President Education: University of North Carolina, BA, JD Prior Experience: United Dominion Industries, Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson PA Joined EnPro: 2002 as General Counsel Milt Childress Vice President, Strategic Planning and Business Development Education: University of Tennessee, BS; University of Virginia, MBA Prior Experience: Ernst & Young, Unitedd Dominion Inddustries, McGuire Woodds Capitall Group Joined EnPro: 2005 in current capacity 5 Operating Management Dale Herold Division President, Garlock Education: Grove City College, BSME Prior Experience: General Electric, Consolidated Container Company LLC, BlueLinx Holdings Inc Joined EnPro: 2008 as Vice President, Continuous Improvement Assumed current role: 2009 Jon Cox DDiiviisiion PPresiiddentt, SSttemco Education: GMI Engineering & Management Institute, BSME Prior Experience: Federal-Mogul Joined Coltec (EnPro predecessor): 1995 as Vice President, Engineering, Stemco Other EnPro positions: Vice President, Engineering, GST; Vice President and General Manager, GST Klozure Assumed current role: 2007 Ken Walker Division President, GGB Bearing Technologies Education: Virginia Tech, BSCE; University of Delaware, MBA Prior Experience: W.L. Gore & Associates Inc, G5 Technologies Inc Joined EnPro: 2001 as Vice President , Sales and Marketing, Plastomer Technologies OOtthheerr EEnnPPrroo ppoossiittiioonnss:: VViiccee PPrreessiiddeenntt aanndd GGeenneerraall MMaannaaggeerr, GGGGBB NNoorrtthh AAmmeerriiccaa;; VViiccee PPrreessiiddeenntt, CCoonnttiinnuuoouuss IImmpprroovveemmeenntt Assumed current role: 2010 Tony Gioffredi Division President, CPI; President, Engine Products and Services Segment Education: Iowa State University, BSME Prior Experience: Westinghhouse, Dresser-Randd Company Joined EnPro: 2001 as Vice President, Operations, Fairbanks Morse Engine Assumed current role: 2007 6 EnPro: A Journey to Growing Value 2002 2002-2007 2008-2010 2011 and beyond Build on A solid base Prepare for growth Unlocking true value fundamentals • Strong brands • Operational Excellence • Comprehensive • Enterprise Excellence Enterprise Excellence supports organic • LLeeaaddiinngg mmaarrkkeett sshhaarreess • FFaacciilliittiieess iinnvveessttmmeennttss growth • Aggressive response to • Critical products • Expanded international weak economy • Acquisitions expand presence product lines, market • Broad customer base • Began to optimize access • Initiated strategic “bolt ppoorrttffoolliioo;; ssoolldd QQuuiinnccyy •• “CCaasshh ffllooww” aassbbeessttooss on” acquisition program and reinvested • Focus on effective strategy at GST proceeds integration of • GST strategy controlled acquisitions cash outflows • Tort system abuses lead GST to seek permanent • GST remains profitable, resolution of claims prepares strong case 7 Driving Shareholder Value Proprietary products for critical applications •••• RRRReeeeppppeeeeaaaattttaaaabbbblllleeee bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaattttttttrrrraaaaccccttttiiiivvvveeee rrrreeeettttuuuurrrrnnnnssss •• HHiigghh ccuussttoommeerr vvaalluuee pprrooppoossiittiioonn •• PPoossiittiioonneedd iinn mmaannyy ssttaabbllee,, ggrroowwiinngg mmaarrkkeettss BBrraanndd ssttrreennggtthh •• CCuussttoommeerr llooyyaallttyy •• BBrraanndd rreeccooggnniittiioonn DDiisciiplliinedd growthh •• DDeeppllooyy ccaasshh ttoo ccrreeaattee vvaalluuee •• EEnntteerr nneeww mmaarrkkeettss,, eexxppaanndd pprroodduucctt ooffffeerriinnggss •••• SSSSiiiiggggnnnniiiiffffiiiiccccaaaannnntttt ooooppppeeeerrrraaaattttiiiinnnngggg lllleeeevvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee ddddrrrriiiivvvveeeennnn bbbbyyyy ggggrrrroooowwwwtttthhhh Culture of excellence •• RReelleennttlleessss ffooccuuss oonn ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss iimmpprroovveemmeenntt •• CCCCoorrppoorraattttee ccoommmmiiiittttmmeenntttt ttttoo ttttaalllleenntttt ddddeevveellllooppmmeenntttt 88 Setting a Path for Growth ($ in millions) Pro Forma Sales Pro Forma EEBBIITTDDAA 65% 119% $$11,008811 $$115533 $776 $105 $$665544 $70 22000099 22001100 22001111 22000099 22001100 22001111 Results are pro forma to reflect effect of GST deconsolidation as if it occurred on January 1, 2009; any and all contributions by GST have been removed. 9 Corporate Model Maximizes Value, Execution of Strategy Continuous Improvement •• CCeenntteerrss ooff eexxcceelllleennccee ssuuppppoorrtt •• CCoommmmeerrcciiaall iinniittiiaattiivveess •• OOppeerraattiioonnaall iinniittiiaattiivveess Disciplined capital deployment •• MM&&AA aanndd iinntteeggrraattiioonn bbeesstt pprraaccttiicceess •• FFaacciilliittyy aanndd ssyysstteemmss mmooddeerrnniizzaattiioonn Talent and leadership development •• CCoorrppoorraattee--wwiiddee ttaalleenntt iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn •• CCrroossss--ffuunnccttiioonnaall eedduuccaattiioonn aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt 10

ended December 31, 2011, and the Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2012, .. Q1 '12 short term debt pro forma for Motor Wheel acquisition. b k d. — 90% CentriFuse® brake drums. — 10% assemblies and fasteners.
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