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AuthOr’s VIew AuthOr’s VIew OncoImmunology 1:9, 1655–1657; December 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience Enhancing anti-melanoma immunity by electrochemotherapy and in vivo dendritic-cell activation Gianni Gerlini,1,* Paola Di Gennaro2 and Lorenzo Borgognoni1 1Plastic surgery unit; regional Melanoma referral Center; tuscan tumor Institute (Itt); santa Maria Annunziata hospital; Florence, Italy; 2Clinical, Preventive and Oncologic Dermatology section; Dept. Critical Care Medicine and surgery; university of Florence; Florence, Italy Keywords: cancer immunity, cancer immunotherapy, dendritic cells, electrochemotherapy, melanoma Abbreviations: CpG-ODN, CpG oligodeoxynucleotide; CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; DC, dendritic cell; dDC, dermal DC; ECT, electrochemotherapy; GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; LC, Langerhans cell; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell; TAA, tumor associated antigen; TLR, Toll-like receptor Combining electrochemotherapy with dendritic cell-based immunotherapy is a promising strategy against human metastatic melanoma that deserves to be clinically assessed. while electrochemotherapy induces a rapid regression of metastases, immunotherapy generates systemic anticancer immunity, contributes to eradicate the tumor and maintains an immunological memory to control relapse. In the last few years, there has been a ren- the administration of antineoplastic drugs metastases contains a high number of ovated interest in cancer immunotherapy, followed by the electroporation of tumor plasmacytoid (pDCs) and dermal DCs and a specific field of this area, dendritic cells, which strongly increases thera- (dDCs). It also suggests that ECT induces cell (DC)-based immunotherapy, is living peutic efficacy. Although ECT has only a rapid migration of tumor-associated epi- a renaissance. local effects, the innovative combination dermal Langerhans cells (LCs) to drain- Given the ability of DCs to orchestrate of ECT and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides ing lymph nodes. The role played by these the immune system and their essential (CpG-ODNs), a potent immune adju- DC subsets in tumor regression is still role in generating antitumor immunity vant, triggers a systemic anticancer immu- unknown but certainly these cells repre- in mice, several efforts have been made nity with regression of distant untreated sent key targets to strengthen the efficacy to harness these properties for cancer tumors in mouse melanoma models.5 The of the therapy. therapy.1,2 Although sporadic regressions underlying rationale is that ECT-induced DC recruitment and TAA availabil- of metastases have been described, the cell death releases tumor-associated anti- ity at the tumor site are two essential laborious protocols for in vitro DC prepa- gens (TAA), which can be captured by factors for generating systemic antican- ration have greatly limited the use of this local DCs and presented to tumor-specific cer immunity (Fig. 1). This is essential appraoch.2 However, recent studies in cytotoxic T cells in draining lymph nodes5 but not sufficient, as the regression of animal models have shown the possibility (Fig. 1). It is worthwhile to reason on the untreated distant metastases does not to exploit endogenous DC populations.3 possibility to modulate this scenario in occur in the clinical practice. Probably, Targeting of tumor antigens to local DCs cancer patients to enhance the potential a heavily immunosuppressive microenvi- is feasible and represents an effective form of ECT to induce a systemic response. ronment at metastatic sites may drive DC of cancer immunotherapy, paving the Combining ECT with DC activation pro- to induce tolerance.1 However, it is pos- way for other forms of in vivo DC-based tocols would be a valid method to reach sible that the massive tumor regression immunotherapy.2,3 this goal also in humans. triggered by ECT may be accompanied A particular type of chemotherapy, A recent study by our group provides by a significant decrease in the levels of electrochemotherapy (ECT), is emerging a contribute to rationally associate these immunosuppressive factors. This is a cru- as a highly effective treatment for human two approaches in a clinical setting.6 cial point that requires further investi- cancers and particularly for unresectable Our results indicate that the inflamma- gation. A tumor milieu more permissive metastatic melanoma.4 ECT is based on tory infiltrate of ECT-treated melanoma for immune responses could be further *Correspondence to: Gianni Gerlini; Email: gianni.gerlini@asf.toscana.it Submitted: 08/25/12; Accepted: 08/27/12 http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/onci.21991 www.landesbioscience.com OncoImmunology 1655 Figure 1. the immunological scenario in electrochemotherapy treated melanoma metastases. A schematic representation of electrochemotherapy (eCt) treatment is shown: the electrode inserted in the subcutaneous melanoma metastasis (MtX) after bleomycin administration induces tumor cell electroporation. this results in massive tumor cell death with the release of tumor-associated antigens (tAA) and mitigation of the immunosuppres- sive microenvironment. these tAAs are captured by different dendritic cell (DC) subsets—Langerhans cells (LCs), dermal DCs (dDCs), plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs)—that migrate to draining lymph nodes and present them to tumor-specific t cells. the combination of eCt with DC-targeting adjuvants and/or with the inhibition of immunosuppressive factors might lead to an effective systemic anti-melanoma immunity, accompanied by the regres- sion of untreated distant metastases. conditioned by adding DC activators (or Among various adjuvants, Toll-like the corresponding agonists (imiquimod immune adjuvants). Thus, DCs together receptor (TLR) agonists administered and CpG-ODNs, respectively), two with TAAs and immune adjuvants are the locally deserve a special consideration. promising candidates.1–3,5 Imiquimod and ingredients required for in vivo DC-based The presence of pDCs, which express both CpG-ODNs have been shown to exert a cancer immunotherapy. TLR7 and TLR9, in the infiltrate makes strong anti-melanoma immunity either 1656 OncoImmunology Volume 1 Issue 9 in combination with ECT5 or in the the blockade of immune system regula- advantages. First, the efficacy of DC-based contest of a DC-based immunotherapy.3 tory checkpoints. Inhibition of the cyto- immunotherapy would be higher in ECT- Importantly, although pDCs may play a toxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 treated patients, who have reduced tumor tolerogenic role in cancer immunology,1,2 (CTLA-4) molecule results in strong and burden thanks to the potent clinical the treatment of melanoma with imiqui- durable antitumor responses.9 Notably, a response, than in late stage cancer patients, mod leads to pDC recruitment and their combinatorial approach including radio- who are the current candidates of this transformation into cytotoxic pDCs, therapy and immunotherapy with anti- immunotherapeutic intervention. Second, which are able to directly kill tumor cells.7 CTLA-4 antibodies has been shown to the development of antitumor responses Another crucial DC-targeting adjuvant exert a synergic effect leading to the gen- and the consequent clinical effects usu- is the granulocyte-macrophage colony- eration of systemic antitumor responses ally take time with immunotherapeutic stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a cytokine and complete regression of distant non approaches, while ECT has more rapidly that further increases DC recruitment at irradiated lesions.10 Similarly, the blockade visible effects. This latter aspect is of pri- tumor site, enhances the ability of DCs to of immune checkpoints could strengthen mary importance for the quality of life of capture TAAs and promotes DC matu- and extend the beneficial effects of ECT. cancer patients. ration. Most importantly, GM-CSF, in In analogy, removal of other tumor pro- Currently, there is great interest in synergy with TLR agonists, promotes moting mechanisms such as those cen- combinatorial approaches to cancer the secretion of pro-inflammatory cyto- tered around IL-10, transforming growth therapy. Here, we have proposed some kines such as interleukin (IL)-12 that factor β and regulatory T cells (Tregs) hints for a novel combinatorial thera- stimulate Th1-cell and cytotoxic T-cell may be instrumental to promote antican- peutic strategy based on ECT and in proliferation (Fig. 1).8 To enhance immu- cer immune responses. vivo DC-based immunotherapy, two nity, an alternative or complementary Combination of ECT with DC-based approaches that might have synergistic strategy to the use of adjuvants could be immunotherapy might have further effects. References 5. Roux S, Bernat C, Al-Sakere B, Ghiringhelli F, Opolon 8. Min L, Mohammad Isa SA, Shuai W, Piang CB, Nih P, Carpentier AF, et al. 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