Enhancement of mobility by periodically modulating the slanting slope of a washboard potential 1 0 Mangal C. Mahato† and A.M. Jayannavar⋆ 0 †Department of Physics, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur 495 009, Chattisgarh, India. 2 ⋆ Institute of Physics, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar-751005, India n a J Average mobility of very feebly damped particles in tilted periodic potentials is considered. Un- 9 der the combined action of thermal fluctuations and small temporal modulation of the tilt of the 2 potentialtheparticles ,in thesmalltilt range,becomemoremobilethanwithout modulation. The enhancement of mobility depends (nonmonotonically) on the frequency of modulation. For small ] modulations the enhancement shows a peak as a function of frequency. This has an obvious impli- h cationonthemeasuredvoltageacrossaJosephsonjunctiondrivenbyasmallamplitudealternating c e current of suitable frequency. m PACS numbers: 05.40.-a, 05.40.Jc, 05.60.Cd - t a t s The inertia of a particle plays spectacular role when qualitatively different result. However, quantitatively it t. themotionisveryfeeblydampedevenwhentheeffective makes difference. We, therefore, consider space depen- a applied force is very small. The temperature of the sys- dent friction coefficient in our study. m tem helps overcomethe effect of damping on the motion - d significantly. The present work concerns motion of such 20000 n particles in a periodic potential system of period 2π/k λ=0,∆F=0 o and amplitude V . When a tilt as small as F =0.07V k 0 0 0 λ=.9,∆F=0 [c isgivento the potentialatatemperatureT =0.4V0/kB, 15000 λ=0,∆F=.01 where kB is the Boltzmann constant, the particles make λ=.9,∆F=.01 1 several, at times hundreds, of crossings across the po- v x 10000 tential peaks before making a ”halt” in a potential well. 5 The particles start and continue the journey (on the av- 2 4 erage downhill) again assisted by thermal fluctuations. 5000 1 The intervals of these continued motions and halts (that 0 is, the intervals of the particles being in running and 1 locked states, respectively) are not regular but must fol- 0 0 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 low broad distributions. A more or less similar picture / t t appearswhenthepotentialtiltismodulatedperiodically a FIG.1. Distancex(t)travelledintime(t). Theperiodicity m in time with amplitude ∆F = 0.01V0k,0.02V0k,..etc TΩofmodulationis8000. Notethattheperiodicityofthepo- (Fig. 1). Ithasbeenshownearlierthatuponmodulation - tential is only 2π. (All quantities are in dimensionless units; d the mobility of the particle exhibits hysteretic behavior. forexamplekxisplottedasx.) Eventhesmallverticalsteps n The condition of criticality of such hysteresis loops and correspond to the particle travelling for hundreds of periods o correspondingjump distributions, whichshow transition of the potential. c : between exponential to power law behavior, have been v discussed in reference [1]. It is also stated there that Consider the equation of motion [3], i X no appreciable hysteresis loop could be obtained if the d2x dx ar average tilt F0 is chosen relatively far from a threshold mdt2 +γ(x)dt −V0kcos(kx)−F(t)−√(kBTγ(x))fˆ(t)=0, valuedependentonthe productofthe frictioncoefficient γ and V . We find that if the friction coefficient be- (1) 0 0 comes space dependent, and in particular periodic with where γ(x) = γ (1 λsin(kx+φ)) is the space depen- the same periodicity 2π/k but with a phase shift φ and 0 − dent friction coefficient and V(x) = V sin(kx) is the amplitudeλ,appreciablehysteresisloopscanbeobtained − 0 potential profile. The external force has two parts one forvaluesofF roughlyintherangebetween0.05V kand 0 0 giving the average tilt to the potential and other giving 0.14V k. Theperiodicallyvaryingfrictioncoefficientcor- 0 the time periodic modulation: F(t) = F +∆Fcos(Ωt). responds analogously to the term representing interfer- 0 encebetweenthequasiparticletunnelingandtheCooper The fluctuating term fˆ(t) satisfies Dfˆ(t)E = 0 and pair tunneling across Josephson junctions [2]. The in- fˆ(t)fˆ(t′) =2δ(t t′)andmayrepresentthermalnoise clusion of nonuniform friction coefficient does not give D E − at temperature T. Equation (1) is exactly the same as 2 Mangal C. Mahato and A.M. Jayannavar the Josephson junction equation except that one needs as a function of F with ∆F = 0. As can be seen from 0 to replace φ by π/2 [2,4]. In our calculations we take the figure the enhancement occurs where the curvature λ=0.9(incidentally,the choicehappens tobe inconfor- of the γ µ-F plot is concave upward. And this happens 0 0 mitywiththeexperimentalvalue[5])andforcomparison at lower values of F . At low values of F , during the 0 0 λ=0 (corresponding to uniform friction). positive half cycle of the modulating field F(t) the sys- We solve the Langevin equation (1) (in fact, in its di- temsamplesmorehighervelocitiesthanitsampleslower mensionlessform)numerically[6]tocalculatetheaverage values during the negative half cycle resulting in a pos- mobility µ (= limt→∞(x(tt))/F0) as a function of F0 for itive gain in the average mobility. The situation is just various values of ∆F and Ω = 2π, T is the periodic- the reverse for higher values of F0. The explanation is TΩ Ω supported by the shapes of the hysteresis loops (Fig. 3) ity of the external field F(t). Here x(t) is the distance obtainedbecauseofmodulation. Ascanbeseenfromthe travelled by the particle in time t [7]. figure, for example, the hysteresis loop for F = 0.8V k 0 0 Fig. 2 shows the plot of γ µ versus F 0 0 is more oval upward right whereas for F = 0.11V k the 0 0 for ∆F = 0, 0.01V k, 0.02V k and 0.04V k 0 0 0 loop is more oval downwardleft. However,the shapes of and choosing T in all these cases such that Ω the loops themselves are determined by the distribution (∆F)/( TΩ )=constant=0.00001 (i.e., with a con- V0k m.5V0−.5k−1 of intervals of locked and running states of the particles. stantrateofchangeoftheexternalfield). Theinteresting AndthedistributionsaresensitivetothevaluesofF and 0 aspect to note in the figure, which is also the main re- otherparameterssuchastheamplitudeandfrequencyof sult of this paper, is that for a range of values of small modulation, etc. The choice of frequency of modulation F0 (the range depending on the value of ∆F) the av- is very important for mobility enhancement. erage mobility is larger for ∆F = 0 than for ∆F = 0. 6 Theresultindicatesthatthemobilityhasbeenenhanced 1.2 by modulating the slanting (small F0, smaller than the ∆F=0 known critical values [1]) slope of the periodic potential. 1 F0=.06 In other words, the effective friction could be reduced F0=.08 F0=.10 below the mean friction just by modulating the poten- 0.8 F0=.11 tialperiodically. Itisworthmentioningthatintribology F0=.14 suchproblemsareoftensoughttoaddressandsometimes µ 0.6 F0=.14 0 similarsolutionshintedat[8]. Itisalsotobe notedfrom γ 0.4 the figure that the enhancement of mobility is larger for larger ∆FF0 . However, we restrict our attention to V∆0Fk = 0.2 0.01 and 0.02 which are relatively quite small compared to F0 ofourinterestwherewe expectmobilityenhance- 0 V0k 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 ment. F FIG. 3. γ0µ is plotted as a function of F0 (solid curve). The hysteresis curves are for various constant values of F0 1 ∆F=0 and ∆F = .02 with period of modulation TΩ = 2000. (All ∆F=.01 quantitiesin dimensionless units.) 0.8 ∆F=.02 ∆F=.04 0.6 Figure 4 shows the variation of average mobility as µ a function of frequency Ω(= 1/T ) of modulation. For 0 Ω γ 0.4 large frequencies the mobility is small and close to the value for the one without modulation (shown by the 0.2 horizontal line in the figure). As the frequency is de- creased the mobility increases, attains a maximum and 0 thereafter tends to decrease. The maximum enhance- 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 F0 ment for ∆F = 0.01V0k is about 10 per cent whereas FIG.2. γ0µ versus F0 for various values of ∆F. The peri- for ∆F = 0.02V0k it is as large as about 70 per cent odicity TΩ for ∆F =.01 is taken to be1000, for ∆F =.02 it of the mobility obtained without modulation [9]. For is 2000, and for ∆F = .04 it is 4000 so that the rate of field ∆F = 0.01V k the curve has a distinct peak. How- 0 sweep is the same for all the three cases. (All quantities in ever, for ∆F = 0.02V k the peak is not as clear. For 0 dimensionless units) small modulation, as the frequency goes toward zero (∆F = 0,Ω 0) the mobility decreases and tends to 6 → The occurrence of the mobility enhancement can become closerto the one correspondingto without mod- mainly be attributed to the nonlinear variation of γ µ ulation (∆F = 0). But for relatively large modulation 0 Enhancement of mobility by periodically modulating ... 3 (e.g., ∆F = 0.02V k, for F = 0.07V k) the same does partial support and hospitality. The authors thank 0 0 0 not seem to be true [10]. Therefore, for relatively small BRNS, DAE, India for financial support. amplitude modulation it is possible to maximize the en- hancement of mobility by properly tuning the frequency of modulation. In the Josephson junction parlance it is reasonabletostatethatthesensitivityofacSQUIDscan beimprovedbyproperlychoosingtheamplitudeandfre- quency of applied alternating current [11]. ⋆ email: [email protected] [1] B. Borromeo, G. Constantini, and F. Marchesoni, Phys. Rev. Lett.82, 2828 (1999). ((aa)) [2] C.M. Falco, Am. J. Phys. 44, 733 (1976). 0.175 [3] A.M. Jayannavar and M.C. Mahato, Pramana J. Phys. 45, 369 (1995); cond-mat/9509059. M.C.Mahato, T.P. µ 0.15 Pareek and A.M. Jayannavar, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B10, γ0 3857 (1996); cond-mat/9603103. [4] V. Ambegaokar and B.I. Halperin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 22, 0.125 1364 (1969). [5] See thelast para of AppendixB of reference [2]. 0.1 0 0.002 0.004 [6] TheequationwassolvedusingtheRunge-Kuttamethod of order 4: SubroutineRK4 of W.H. Press, S.A. Teukol- (b) sky, W.T. Vetterling, and B.P. Flannery, Numerical 0.112 Recipes (in Fortran):The Art of Scientific Computing, Cambridge Univ.Press, 1992. µ 0.108 [7] To be exact we should have taken a large number of re- 0 alizations of x(t) to get the average mobility. However, γ 0.104 since t is very large one realization of the trajectory is assumed to be quite reasonable and adequate for calcu- lating theaverage. 0.1 0 0.002 0.004 [8] S. Granick, Physics Today 52, (July, 1999). Ω [9] Mobilities on an overdampedpotentialsystem drivenby FIG. 4. γ0µ versus Ω, the frequency of modulation with additiveandmultiplicativedichotomouscorrelatednoises F0 = .07 and (a) ∆F = .02 and (b) ∆F = .01. The hor- have been investigated earlier. The constant tilt F0 re- izontal line is drawn for reference corresponding to γ0µ for quired there were large, as they should be. There too ∆F =0. (All quantitiesin dimensionless units.) a similar situation was encountered when mobility re- mainedlargeevenwhentherelevantrateofdichotomous In the entire process of particle motion temperature fluctuations was reduced to a small value. See Fig. 11 plays a very important role. At zero temperature, for of V. Berdechevsky and M. Gitterman, Phys. Rev.E56, example, once the particle gets trapped at any one of 6340 (1997). the troughs of the potential, given the values of F0 and [10] For a reasonably good average of mobility one needs to V considered, it will remain locked for ever making the calculate x(t) for about 5000 cycles of modulations. For 0 particle effectively immobile. It is the thermal fluctua- scaledTΩ =6000thecorrespondingscaledtimesaretyp- tions thatreleasethe particlefromthe lockedstates into ically of the order of 107 to 108. The CPU time needed the running states [12]. As one can see from Fig. 1b of by a PII machine is more than 15 days. For larger val- reference [1] that the mobility versus F curve (for small ues of TΩ the averaging costs enormous computer time 0 andisneitherpracticalnorfeasible,withfacilities atour F )changesveryrapidlywithtemperature. Theircurva- 0 disposal, to get results for smaller frequencies. And for tures at small F too differ. One would thus expect that 0 ∆F = 0.02V0k to see the peak, if at all it has one, one mobilityenhancementforgivenvaluesofF ,∆F andT 0 Ω eitherhavetoemployabetternumericalmethodforthe will show a peaking behavior showing the phenomenon solution or a faster machine. ofstochasticresonanceasaresultofsynchronizationdue [11] If one chooses (see, for example, Josephson Effect - totheinterplaybetweenexternaldriveandthermallyas- Achievements and Trends, ed. by A. Barone, World sisted running to locked transitions [13]. This aspect is Scientific, 1986) a Josephson junction of capacitance presently being investigated. 0.5pF, and critical current 10−9 Coul.s−1, the choice of F0 = 0.07V0k corresponds to dc component of current = 7 × 10−11 Coul.s−1 and that of ∆F = 0.01V0k to themodulatingcurrentamplitudeof1×10−11 Coul.s−1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The choice of γ0 = 0.035m.5V0.5k would correspond to theresistanceof theJosephson junctionof about23 kilo Ohm and temperature T = 0.4V0/kB to about 0.1K. It MCM thanks the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar for 4 Mangal C. Mahato and A.M. Jayannavar turns out that the voltage measured across the junction [13] L. Gammaitoni, P. Hanggi, P.Jung and F. Marchesoni, will peak at the modulating current frequency of about Rev. Mod. Phys. 70, 223 (1998); M.C. Mahato, and 0.4×106 cycles s−1. A.M. Jayannavar, Phys. Rev. E55, 6266 (1997); Phys- [12] H.Risken,TheFokker-PlanckEquation(Springer,Berlin ica A248, 138 (1998); M. Borromeo and F. Marchesoni, 1984), Ch. 11. cond-mat/0009177.