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Preview Enhanced Transmission and Giant Faraday Effect in Magnetic Metal-Dielectric Photonic Structures

Enhanced Transmission and Giant Faraday Effect in Magnetic Metal-Dielectric Photonic Structures Kyle Smith,1 Turhan Carroll,2 Joshua D. Bodyfelt,3 I. Vitebskiy,2 and A. A. Chabanov1,2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA 2Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA 3ElectroScience Laboratory & Department of Electrical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43212, USA (Dated: January 15, 2013) Due to their large electrical conductivity, stand-alone metallic films are highly reflective at mi- crowave frequencies. For this reason, it is nearly impossible to observe Faraday rotation in ferro- magnetic metal layers, even in films just tens of nanometers thick. Here, we show using numerical simulationsthatastackofcobaltnano-layersinterlacedbetweendielectriclayerscanbecomehighly 3 transmissive and display a large Faraday rotation and extreme directionality. A 45-degree Faraday 1 rotation commonly used in microwave isolators can be achieved with ferromagnetic metallic layers 0 2 as thin as tens of nanometers. n PACSnumbers: 41.20.Jb,78.20.Ls,78.67.Pt,78.66.Bz a J 4 I. INTRODUCTION tric component – for the absorption losses. In this case, 1 a properly designed magneto-photonic structure can en- Magnetic materials are of great importance to mi- hance magnetic Faraday effect, while drastically reduc- ] s crowave(MW)engineeringandopticsduetotheirnonre- ing the absorption losses [16]. Indeed, in the vicinity c ciprocal properties, such as the Faraday and Kerr effects of a resonance of magnetophotonic structure, the nodes ti (see, e.g., [1,2]andreferencestherein). Theseproperties of the electric field component usually coincide with the p areutilizedinvariousnonreciprocaldevicesincludingiso- antinodes of the magnetic field component, as shown in o . lators,circulators,phaseshifters,etc. Thefunctionalities Fig. 1. Therefore, when a conducting magnetic layer s ofthesedevicesstemfromtheintrinsicgyrotropyoftheir c i magneticcomponents,suchasferritesandothermagnet- s ically polarized materials, in which left and right circu- y h larly polarized waves experience nonreciprocal differen- p tialphaseshiftsand/orattenuation. Whenthemagnetic [ material is placed in a resonator or introduced in a pho- tonicstructure,thenonreciprocalresponsecanbesignif- 2 v icantlyenhanced[3,4]. Anoticeableenhancementofthe 3 magneto-opticalFaradayeffectwasobservedinmagnetic 9 thin-film layers sandwiched between Bragg reflectors [5– 3 7],periodicmultilayers[8,9]andothermagnetophotonic 4 structures supporting slow and localized modes [10]. In . 2 all those cases, however, the Faraday rotation enhance- 1 ment was accompanied by a significant decrease in the 2 optical transmittance [5–10]. Although the transmit- 1 FIG. 1: Schematic representation of the quarter-wave dielec- tance can be somewhat improved by minimizing the re- : triclayerstack3:3withacentralhalf-wavedefectandspatial v flectanceofthephotonicstructures[4,11,12],theoutput distributionsoftheelectricfielde (z)(red)andmagneticfield x Xi canstillbeseverelyaffectedbyabsorptionlosses[13,14]. hy(z) (blue) components of the defect localized mode. The This limitation stems from the fact that at optical fre- electricfieldisseentohaveanodeatthemiddleofthedefect, r a quencies,boththenonreciprocalresponseandphotonab- whereasthemagneticfieldhasamaximumatthesameloca- sorption are governed by the permittivity tensor of the tion. H andLindicatehigh(alumina)andlow(air)refractive magneto-optical material [2]. Thus, any enhancement of index constitutive layers of the structure. the Faraday effect is inevitably accompanied by similar enhancement of absorption losses. is positioned at a node of the electric field, the Ohmic AtMWfrequencies,thenonreciprocalresponseisusu- losses will be suppressed dramatically, while the nonre- ally associated with the magnetic permeability tensor of ciprocal (magnetic) light-matter interactions will be en- the gyrotropic magnetic material, whereas the absorp- hanced. The nodes and antinodes of the electric and tion is often caused by the electric conductivity of the magnetic components of electromagnetic wave are only magnetic material. In other words, the magnetic com- well-defined at high-Q resonances or under slow-wave ponentoftheelectromagneticwaveisresponsibleforthe conditions. In addition, the magnetic layer displaying nonreciprocal light-matter interactions, while the elec- a significant electric conductivity should be thin enough 2 to fit in the electric field node. Otherwise, the Ohmic degenerate localized states at the midgap frequency f . 0 losses will be prohibitively large, and the Faraday rota- Thespatialprofilesoftheelectricandmagneticfieldam- tion enhancement will also be compromised. In order plitudes of the localized mode of the 3 : 3 structure are to use a very thin magnetic layer and to produce a suf- shown in Fig. 1. Whereas the electric field is seen to ficiently large Faraday rotation, the magnetic material have a node at the middle of the defect, the magnetic should have strong enough circular birefringence. field is sharply peaked at the same position. The MP In this work we use numerical simulations to demon- structureNCN isthenconstructedbyinsertingacobalt stratethatferromagneticmetals,suchascobalt,meetthe (C)layerinthenodeoftheelectricfieldatthemiddleof aboveconditionsandcanbeutilizedinmagneto-photonic the defect. We also consider periodic arrangements with structures to produce large Faraday rotation with negli- multiple defects (N : M : N, N : M : M : N, etc.) and gible losses. This is in spite the fact that stand-alone multiple cobalt layers (NCMCN, NCMCMCN, etc.) metallic layers are almost completely reflective at MW The MW permittivity of cobalt is large and almost frequencies – even when the layers are so thin (a few purely imaginary, (cid:15) ≈i4πσ /ω, where ω is the angular C C tens of nanometers) that they do not produce any mea- frequency,andtheelectricconductivityofcobaltisσ = C surable Faraday rotation. For this reason, it is nearly 1.44×1017s−1[17]. Stand-alonemetalliclayersarehighly impossible to observe Faraday rotation in ferromagnetic reflective to MW radiation even at thicknesses far less metals. Here, we demonstrate that when one or a few than the skin depth, due to multiple reflections in the cobalt nano-layers are incorporated into a properly de- metallic layer [18]. The MW transmittance of a cobalt signed stack of dielectric layers, the entire layered struc- layer of thickness d at frequencies not too close to the C ture not only can be highly transmissive, but it can also ferromagnetic resonance can be approximated by T ≈ producealargeFaradayrotation. Inaddition,aproperly (1 + 2πd σ /c)−2, where c is the speed of light. For C C designed metallo-dielectric, magneto-photonic structure example, for d =33 nm, T ∼10−4. C can feature extreme directionality, transmitting the inci- The MW permeability of cobalt is described by the dentradiationpropagatingonlyinasingledirection,e.g., Polder permeability tensor [19]. We assume that a static theforwarddirectionalongthez axis(the+z direction). uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the The radiation incident from all other dirctions, includ- cobaltlayeralongthewavepropagationdirection(z-axis ing −z, will not pass through the structure. This unique inFig. 1)andthattheinternalstaticfield,H ,saturates i property owns its very existence to the high electric con- thecobaltlayerwhosemagnetizationM isorientedalong ductivity of the magnetic material. In other words, the the z-axis. In the presence of the MW field, h (h (cid:28) affect of electric conductivity of the magnetic material is H ), which is applied perpendicular to the z-axis, the i not just what we want to suppress. Quite the opposite, ac component of the internal flux density, b, is given by theconductivity,alongwiththemagneticFaradayeffect, b=µˆh, where the permeability tensor µˆ is areessentialinprovidingtheextremetransmissiondirec- (cid:12) (cid:12) tionality. Finally, we briefly discuss coupled-resonance (cid:12) µ iκ 0(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) structures in which high transmission and large Faraday µˆ =(cid:12)−iκ µ 0(cid:12), (1) (cid:12) (cid:12) rotation can be achieved over a finite frequency range. (cid:12) 0 0 1(cid:12) with the elements [15] II. MAGNETIC METAL-DIELECTRIC ω (ω +iαω) ω ω µ=1+ M H , κ= M , PHOTONIC STRUCTURES (ω +iαω)2−ω2 (ω +iαω)2−ω2 H H (2) MP structures that are studied here are constructed where ω =γH , ω =γ4πM, γ/2π =2.8 GHz/kOe is H i M as the following. We consider 1D MW photonic crystals the gyromagnetic ratio, and α is the dissipation param- consisting of layers of alumina (H) and air (L) of di- eter. Here we use the cobalt parameters [20], 4πM = electric constants (cid:15) = 10 and (cid:15) = 1, respectively, and 17900 G and α=0.027. H L magneticpermeabilityµ=1. Sincealuminaandairhave The nonreciprocity of cobalt is determined via the off- negligibleabsorbingatMWfrequencies,wetakethemto diagonal elements of the permeability tensor. One can be lossless in our numerical simulations. The dielectric showthatforcircularlypolarizedwavesthepermeability √ layers have quarter-wave thicknesses d = λ /4 (cid:15) , for tensorbecomesdiagonalwiththeeffectivepermeabilities j 0 j j =H,L, at the wavelength λ =4 cm corresponding to 0 ω the midgap frequency f0 =7.5 GHz of the quarter-wave µ± =µ±κ=1+ ω +iMαω∓ω , (3) layer stack. Starting with a periodic stack HLH...L H of M = 2N +1 unit cells (N is a positive integer), we where the resonant behavior occurs only for the right add layer H at the end of the stack and remove the mid- (+) circularly polarized wave. For α (cid:28) 1, the imagi- dle layer L, to construct a symmetric layer stack with a narypartofµ ,whichisresponsibleformagneticlosses, + central half-wave defect. The resulting structure is des- is important only in the vicinity near the ferromagnetic ignated N :N (Fig. 1 depicts 3:3 structure). resonance, ω2 = (1+α2)ω2, where it develops a steep H The half-wave defect introduces a pair of polarization- maximum [21]. On the other hand, the real part of κ, 3 κ(cid:48) =(cid:60)k, which is responsible for magnetic circular bire- fringence, remains considerable even far from resonance where it can be approximated as κ(cid:48) ≈ω ω/(ω2 −ω2). M H We consider a linearly polarized MW field normally incident on MP structures. Designating the incident, re- flected and transmitted electric field components by E , i E and E , respectively, we define the complex reflec- ρ τ tion and transmission coefficients of the MP structure, ρ = |ρ|exp(iϕ) and τ = |τ|exp(iφ), by E = ρE and ρ i E = τE . The reflectance R and transmittance T are τ i given by R = |ρ|2 and T = |τ|2, and the absorptance A is A = 1−R−T. Since the linearly polarized incident wave can be considered as composed of two circularly polarized components of equal amplitude, the reflected and transmitted waves are in general elliptically polar- ized due to the difference in the permeabilities µ and + µ ofEq. (3). Forthetransmittedwave,theFaradayro- − tation of the plane of polarization of the wave relative to the incident polarization is θ =(φ −φ )/2, and the FR + − Faradayellipticityise =(|τ |−|τ |)/(|τ |+|τ |)[22]. F + − + − Thetransfer-matrixmethodisusedtocalculatethevari- ation of ρ and τ with wave frequency f, cobalt thickness d and magnetic field H . C i FIG. 2: Frequency response of 3C3 structure (3 : 3 struc- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ture with a cobalt layer added into the defect) to a linearly- polarized, normally incident MW field. Upper panel: trans- mittance, T, (blue), reflectance, R, (black) and absorptance, A. Normal incidence A, (red) are plotted versus the detuning δf from the midgap frequency f = 7.5 GHz; left and right circularly polarized 0 The frequency response of the 3C3 structure in the transmissioncontributions,|τ |2(dashedline)and|τ |2(bro- + − vicinity of the transmission resonance as a function of ken line). Lower panel: phase spectra of the circularly polar- detuning δf =f −f is presented in Fig. 2. izedcomponents,φ (dashed)andφ (broken),andFaraday 0 + − The transmission of linearly polarized incident wave rotation, θFR = (φ+−φ−)/2. The 3C3 structure was opti- (solid blue line) can be decomposed into the sum of two mizedforapure450 FaradayrotationwithdC =180nmand components, |τ |2 and |τ |2, shown in Fig. 2(a) by dot- Hi =0.1 kOe. + − ted and broken lines, respectively. The splitting of the transmission resonance into two peaks is caused by the transmittance T is 0.46, which is only slightly below difference in the magnetic permeability for the left and 450 T =0.5forthecaseofnoabsorption. Theabsorptance right circularly polarized waves propagating in the di- 450 and reflectance are shown in Fig. 2(a). rection of M. The amount of the splitting depends on the cobalt thickness d and the magnetic field H . It C i increases with increasing d and as H approaches the C i resonance field, 2πf /γ. In the vicinity of the resonance 0 peak, the transmission phase (φ and φ , shown in Fig. + − 2(b) by the dotted and broken lines, respectively) in- creases by π, so that the Faraday rotation θ (shown FR bysolidblackline)hasamaximumatδf =0. Notethat thepureFaradayrotationoflinearlypolarizedwave,i.e., with no wave ellipticity, occurs when |τ | = |τ |, and + − thus falls between the resonance peaks. The 3C3 struc- ture can be optimized for the pure 450 Faraday rotation by adjusting the separation of the resonance peaks with FIG.3: NCN structureparameters,cobaltfilmthicknessd C a proper combination of d and H . A π/2-phase differ- and internal static field H (open symbols), optimized for a C i i ence occurs at the midpoint between the two resonances pure450 FaradayrotationandassociatedtransmittanceT450 at which |τ | = |τ | when the resonance separation is (filledsymbols)forN =2(circle),3(square),and4(triangle). + − equaltotheFWHMoftheresonance. InFig. 2,the3C3 structure is optimized for a pure 450 Faraday rotation For NCN structures, there is a range of combinations withd =180nmandH =0.1kOe. Thecorresponding of d and H for the pure 450 Faraday rotation. A few C i C i 4 such combinations with corresponding values of T are CRS,itispossibletoachieveauniformFaradayrotation 450 shown in Fig. 3 for N = 2 (circles), N = 3 (squares), in a finite and high transmission miniband. and N = 4 (triangles). Except for N = 2, high values Thefrequencyresponseofthe3C7C3structure(2-unit of T occur both above and below the resonant field, cell CRS) is presented in Fig. 4. As in the 3C3 struc- 450 2πf /γ = 2.68 kOe, at which T vanishes due to mag- ture, the cobalt layers lift the polarization degeneracy of 0 450 netic circular dichroism. Note that in Fig. 3 suitable localizedmodes,resultinginsplittingoftransmissionres- valuesofthecobaltthicknessd differbyordersofmag- onances for |τ |2 and |τ |2 (Fig. 4a). In contrast to the C + − nitude for different N, falling to tens of nanometers for 3C3 structure, however, each of the two resonances rep- N =4. resents a band of two overlapping localized modes. The transmission phases φ and φ increase by 2π through + − theresonances(Fig. 4b),andthepure450 Faradayrota- tioncanbeachievedwithasmallerresonanceseparation (notethedifferentscalesonthefrequencyaxesinFigs. 2 and4). This,inturn,leadstoasignificantlyhighertrans- mittance,T =0.82,ascomparedtothe3C3structure. 450 The results of Fig. 4 are obtained with d =70 nm and C H =0.1kOe. Wenotethatawiderandhighertransmis- i sion miniband of the pure 450 Faraday rotation can be obtained with a larger number of unit cells of the CRS. Furthermore,whenthemgnetophotonicstructure3C3 or 3C7C3 is placed between linear polarizers with a 450 misalignmentanglebetweentheiracceptanceplanes, the entire structure acts as a MW isolator, as illustrated in Fig. 5. FIG. 4: Same as in Fig. 2, but for 3C7C3 structure (3:7:3 structurewithidenticalcobaltlayersaddedintothedefects). Note a decreased range of the frequency axis compared to Fig. 2. The 3C7C3 structure was optimized for a pure 450 Faraday rotation with d =70 nm and H =0.1 kOe. C i FIG.5: Forward(FW)andbackward(BW)transmissionvia a3C3structuresandwichedbetweenlinearpolarizersoriented The periodic arrangements with multiple defects, N : sothattheiracceptanceplanesmakeanangleof450witheach M : N, N : M : M : N, etc., can be consid- other. Adipinthebackwardtransmission(i.e.,isolation),oc- ered as a superlattice of N : N structures coupled via cursfora450 Faradayrotationinducedbythe3C3structure phase-matching air layers, or coupled-resonance struc- and is limited by a small ellipticity of the transmitted wave. tures (CRS) (cf. [23]). As a result of the coupling, the The 3C3 structure is optimized for a 450 Faraday rotation eigenmodes of individual N : N structures split into a with dC =180 nm and Hi =0.1 kOe. minibandofpolarization-degeneratelocalizedstatescen- teredatthemidgapfrequencyf oftheN :N structure. 0 The miniband width depends on the coupling strength, and thus on N. One of the most important properties B. Oblique incidence of CRS is that the dispersion relation and transmission spectrum for a moderate number of unit cells of the su- Letusnowbrieflydiscussthecaseofobliqueincidence. perlattice can be optimized to closely approximate that At oblique incidence, the effect of induced transparency oftheinfiniteCRS[24,25]. Asaresult,thetransmission doesnotgoaway,buttherespectiveresonancefrequency phase via a finite-size CRS exhibits a smooth increase increases with the incident angle, as shown in Fig. 6(a). through a finite and high transmission miniband sum- Qualitatively, this behavior is the same for both TE and ming up to a total phase shift equal to the number of TMpolarizations. Ifwekeepthefrequencyconstant,the half-wave defects in the structure multiplied by π [25]. 1D magnetic metal-dielectric photonic structure will act When magnetic layers are introduced into the finite-size as a collimator, transmitting EM radiation only along 5 Fig. 1, the resonance conditions automatically imply thattheintroducedmetallicnano-layerisindeedlocated at the electric field node. If we modify the defect by making it asymmetric, the induced transparency van- ishes for all frequencies and all incident directions. We can modify the defect layers, however, so that the in- duced transparency only persists at normal incidence, as shown in Fig. 6(b). In such a case, the layered structure becomesextremelydirectionalandonlytransmitsthein- cidentradiationatnormalincidenceandwithinanarrow frequencyband. Whensuchastructureisplacedbetween linear polarizers with a 450 misalignment between each other,itonlypassestheradiationalongthe+z direction. We emphasize that such an extreme directionality of the asymmetric layered structure is caused by high electric conductivityofthemetallicnano-layer. Indeed,whenthe cobalt nano-layer is replaced by a non-conducting mag- netic material of the same magnetic properties (see Fig. 6c), the effect of extreme directionality of Fig. 6b goes away. IV. CONCLUSION In this paper, we analyzed the scatterring problem of aplaneelectromagneticwavenormallyincidentonalay- ered structure containing ferromagnetic metallic nano- layers. The location of the metallic nano-layers inside theresonantcavitycoincideswiththeelectricfieldnode, which suppresses the Ohmic losses by four to six or- ders of magnitude. At the same time, the magnetic Faraday rotation is enhanced because the ferromagnetic nano-layers are located at the antinodes of the oscillat- ing magnetic field. As a result, the layered structure FIG.6: Transmissionspectraofthe3C3structurewithsym- becomesnearlyperfectlytransmissive,whileproducinga metric(a)andasymmetric(b)defectatobliqueincidence. In strong, 450 Faraday rotation. By contrast, depending on the latter case, as the angle of incidence increases, the trans- its thickness, a stand-alone ferromagnetic metallic layer mission spectra are increasingly blue shifted and strongly re- would be either totally reflective, or would not produce ducedduetoreflectionfromthemetalliccobaltlayer,ascom- anymeasurableFaradayeffectatall. Inaddition,acom- paredtothatfornormalincidence. (c),whenthecobaltlayer bination of high electric conductivity and magnetic cir- is replaced by a non-conductive magnetic layer of the same cular birefringence of the metallic magnetic nano-layers thickness, the magneto-photonic structure remains transmis- canleadtotheextremetransmissiondirectionalityofthe sive. layered structure. a single direction. This transmission direction, though, will depend on frequency. Acknowledgements At the resonant frequency, the position of metallic nano-layer must coincide with the node of the electric This research is supported by the Air Force Office of field. In all cases involving the symmetric structure of Scientific Research, LRIR 09RY04COR. [1] D. A. Pozar, Microwave Engineering (John Wiley, New [3] M. Inoue, K. Arai, T. Fujii, and M. Abe, J. Appl. Phys. York, 1998). 83, 6768 (1998). [2] A. K. Zvezdin and V. A. 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