Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 NANO EXPRESS Open Access Enhanced optical output power of blue light-emitting diodes with quasi-aligned gold nanoparticles Yuanhao Jin1,2, Qunqing Li1,2*, Guanhong Li1,2, Mo Chen1,2, Junku Liu1,2, Yuan Zou1,2, Kaili Jiang1,2 and Shoushan Fan1,2 Abstract The output power of thelight from GaN-based light-emitting diodes(LEDs) was enhanced by fabricating gold(Au) nanoparticles on the surface of p-GaN. Quasi-aligned Au nanoparticle arrays were prepared by depositing Au thin film onan aligned suspended carbon nanotube thinfilm surface and then putting the Au-CNT system onthe surface of p-GaN and thermally annealing the sample. The size and position of the Aunanoparticles were confined bythecarbon nanotube framework, and no other additional residual Au was distributed on thesurfaceof the p-GaN substrate. The output power of the light from theLEDs withAu nanoparticleswas enhanced by55.3%for aninjected current of100mA withtheelectrical property unchangedcomparedwiththeconventional planar LEDs. The enhancementmay originate from thesurface plasmon effect and scattering effect of theAu nanoparticles. Keywords: GaN; Light-emitting diodes (LEDs);Au nanoparticles;Carbon nanotube Background enhance the light emission efficiency in LEDs [12]. Se- Much research has been devoted towards gallium nitride veral methods have been suggested to fabricate metal (GaN)-based semiconductor devices, especially in terms nanoparticles (NPs) on LEDs to improve their efficiency. of applications for light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which These include thermal annealing process [13-16], chem- operate in the blue and green wavelength regions. GaN- ical synthesis [17], and gas etching technique. For noble based LEDs have attracted interest for use in full-color metal nanoparticles on GaN surfaces, the collective os- display panels and solid-state lighting [1] because they cillations of the electrons are localized surface plasmons have advantages such as low energy consumption, long (LSPs) [18,19]. Under the resonance condition, this LSP lifetimes, and relatively small sizes. However, in conven- effect enables the metallic nanoparticles to capture the tional planar LEDs, the light extraction efficiency is lim- trapped light in the p-GaN layer of the LEDs, enhancing ited by several factors including the high refractive index the extracted efficiency of the light. However, the LSP of p-GaN (approximately 2.52), leading to a low total in- resonance effect is affected by the geometry and separ- ternal reflection (TIR) angle [2]. To enhance the output ation of the nanoparticles. When noble metal nanopar- light power, various approaches, such as surface textur- ticles are fabricated with a thermal annealing process, it ing [3,4], photonic crystals [5-7], and metal oxide nano- is important to control the distribution and size of the particles[8-11],havebeen studied. nanoparticles. Furthermore, the residual metal after the Surface plasmons (excitations on a rough metallic sur- annealing process has a negative influence on the device face by the interaction between light and the metal performance. nanoparticles) were suggested as a way to significantly We report a simple method for making quasi-aligned Au nanoparticle arrays on p-GaN surfaces using supe- raligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The LED *Correspondence:[email protected] 1StateKeyLaboratoryofLow-DimensionalQuantumPhysics,Departmentof devices containing quasi-aligned Au particles exhibited Physics&Tsinghua-FoxconnNanotechnologyResearchCenter,Tsinghua efficient electrical properties, and the optical output po- University,Beijing100084,China wer was significantly increased compared with devices 2CollaborativeInnovationCenterofQuantumMatter,Beijing100084,China ©2014Jinetal.;licenseeSpringer.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommons AttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproduction inanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 Page2of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 without Au particles. By eliminating any chemical or distributed along the former CNT path and the quasi- etching processes, this method has potential for excellent alignedparticlearrayswereformed.TheCNTfilmsplayed integration with semiconductor technologies. Further- animportantroleinactingasaframeandcouldbeeasily more,weobservedthatthequasi-alignedAunanoparticle removedwithanannealingprocess.TheAuwasdeposited arrays also had an effect on the polarization performance around the CNTs, and there was no redundant Au depo- oftheLEDs. sited on the device surface. Thus, there was no residual Authatneededtoberemovedaftertheannealingprocess, Methods preventing any negative impacts on the performance of The CNT thin films were directly drawn out from the the device from the optical and electrical aspect. Further- CNT arrays [20], which were composed of CNTs with more, we could control the distribution of the nanoparti- diameters around 10 nm and were aligned parallel in cles by adjusting the deposition volume. The size and one direction. This method is convenient for mass pro- densityoftheAunanoparticlesdependedonthethickness duction of CNT films at a low cost. In our experiment, of the Au film evaporated on the CNTs. Larger particles the CNT thin films were pulled out from a superaligned andahigherdensitydistributioncouldbefabricatedfrom CNT array grown on a 4-in.silicon wafer and fixed to the Au-CNT system with a thicker Au film. The size of metal frames. We then fabricated the Au films using theparticlesandtheirquantitychangedcontinuouslywith electron beam evaporation on the suspended CNTfilms the Au thickness on the CNT films. Figure 2 shows a with thicknesses in the range of 1 to 5 nm. The GaN comparisonofthe2-and5-nmAu-CNTsystemstoinves- LED wafers consisted of a 200-nm-thick p-type GaN tigate the morphology of the Au nanoparticles obtained. layer, a layer containing InGaN/GaN quantum wells, Compared with the Au nanoparticles derived from the an n-type GaN layer, and a GaN buffer layer. The as- 2-nmAu-CNTsystem,theAunanoparticlesderivedfrom prepared Au-CNT films were transferred directly onto the 5-nm Au-CNT system were larger in both size and the GaN substrates. We used alcohol on the Au-CNT/ quantity.Theaveragediameterswerearound20to25nm GaN interface to make the carbon nanotubes shrink, and 30 to 35 nm for the nanoparticles derived from the allowing the film to form a close contact with the sub- 2- and 5-nm Au-CNTsystems, respectively. The heights strate. Afterwards, the Au-CNT films were thermally were measured using an atomic force microscope (AFM) annealed at 600°C for 30 min in ambient air, and then acquired with aVeeco Dimension V (Veeco Instruments the CNTfilms were completely removed because of the Inc., Plainview, NY, USA). The spaces between the nano- high temperature, inhibiting a decrease in the transmit- particles were from 20 to 70 nm for the 2-nm Au-CNT tance of the carbon nanotubes. During the annealing system. The spaces between the nanoparticles from the process,themetalAufilmsintheAu-CNTsystemformed 5-nmAu-CNTsystemwerearound30to70nm. Au nanoparticles that were bound to the surface. The After fabricating the Au nanoparticles, the GaN wafers fabrication process of the Au nanoparticles using an were used to fabricate LEDs using standard procedures Au-CNT system is illustrated in Figure 1. with a mesa area of 1 mm2. A transparent conducting A scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a car- layer (TCL) of Ni (2 nm)/Au (5 nm) was deposited on bon nanotubethin filmisshown in Figure2a. Figure2b,c the p-GaN surface. Ni (5 nm)/Au (100 nm) electrodes shows top views of the scanning electron microscope im- were then deposited by photolithography exposure and agesoftheAunanoparticlesonGaNsubstratesthatwere electron-beam evaporation on the n-GaN layer and the derived from the 2- and 5-nm Au-CNTsystems through TCL as n- and p-pads, respectively. For comparison, a an annealing process. The schematic representation of a standard LED device was fabricated with a TCL depo- GaN LED with embedded Au nanoparticles is shown in sited directly on the p-GaN surface with all other fabri- Figure 2d with a cross-sectional view of the local region. cation processes kept the same as those used for the Au From Figure 2, it can be seen that the Au nanoparticles nanoparticle LEDs. Figure1FabricationprocessoftheAunanoparticlesusinganAu-CNTsystem. Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 Page3of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 Figure2SEMimagesandschematic3Drepresentation.(a)SEMimageofacarbonnanotubethinfilm(thescalebaris2μm).SEMimagesof Aunanoparticlesfroma(b)2-nmand(c)5-nmAu-CNTsystemwherethescalebarsare500nm.(d)Schematic3DrepresentationofaGaNLED withembeddedAunanoparticles. Results and discussion forward injection currents from 10 to 100 mA at room To evaluate the optical properties of the as-prepared temperature. Figure 3 shows that the devices with and LEDs, we performed electroluminescence (EL) spectros- without Au nanoparticles exhibited similar spectra peaks copyexperimentsforallofthedevices. TheEL spectros- at 470 nm and similar full-width half-maximum values copy was measured from the top of the samples with of about 18 to 19 nm, demonstrating that the annealing Figure3ELspectraofLEDs.TheLEDsarewithAunanoparticlesfromthe2-and5-nmAu-CNTsystemswithaninjectioncurrentof100mA measuredatroomtemperature,usingaplanarLEDasareference.TheinsetshowsopticalmicroscopeimagesoftheLEDs(a)withoutanyAu nanoparticles,(b)withAunanoparticlesfromthe5-nmAu-CNTsystem,and(c)withAunanoparticlesfromthe2-nmAu-CNTsystem.Allofthe deviceswereoperatedwithaninjectioncurrentof100mA. Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 Page4of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 process used to fabricate the Au nanoparticles on the Figure 4b. The forward voltage for LEDs with Au nano- p-GaN layers did not damage the GaN-based LED struc- particles on the p-GaN surface was 2.7 V, which is al- ture. With an injection current of 100 mA, the EL spec- most the same as that of the planar LEDs without any tra intensities were enhanced by approximately 55.3% Au nanoparticles, indicating that fabricating Au nano- and 41.3% for the Au nanoparticles fabricated from the particles on the p-GaN surfaces did not cause the elec- 2- and 5-nm Au-CNT systems, respectively, compared trical propertiestodeteriorate. with the reference conventional planar LEDs. In our EL To further confirm these results, photoluminescence spectra counting, the peak intensity of LEDs with Au (PL) spectra measurements were taken for all of the nanoparticles from the 2- and 5-nm Au-CNT systems LEDs. The samples were pumped at a normal incidence were 290.8 and 264.6, respectively, compared with 187.2 angle with light from a He-Cd laser source (λ=325 nm) for conventional LEDs. According to the research status with an excitation laser power of 10 mW at room of surface plasmon in LED devices based on GaN mate- temperature. The polarization direction of the laser was rials [12-14,16], the improvement in the optical output perpendicular to the Au nanoparticle chains. The laser power could be attributed to the surface plasmon effect beam penetrated through an attenuator and then was from the Au nanoparticles. Meanwhile, the Au nanopar- focused on the sample from the top using a 40×UV ob- ticles on the surface of LED devices could increase the jective lens with a focused spot diameter of approxi- roughness of the surface. So the enhancement of optical mately 5 μm. Figure 5 shows that the results for the output power may also originate from the surface scat- devices from the PL measurements were in agreement tering effect. When comparing the Au nanoparticles with that in the EL experiments. The PL intensity of the from the 5-nm Au-CNTsystem with the LEDs that had LEDs with Au nanoparticles was much higher than that Au nanoparticle arrays from the 2-nm Au-CNTsystem, for the planar LEDs. The PL intensity peaks of the the latter showed more enhanced light emission Optical LEDs with Au nanoparticles were enhanced by 3.3 microscopyimagesofthe LEDs withand without the Au and 2.7 times for the 2- and 5-nm Au-CNT systems, nanoparticles with an injection current of 100 mA are respectively. shown in the inset of Figure 3. Further optimization of As the Au nanoparticles were distributed along the the particle-forming conditions would lead to an even CNT direction, polarization measurements were per- higher increase in the efficiency of the LEDs with nano- formed on the LEDs with Au nanoparticles for the particlesfrom themetal-CNTsystem inthefuture. Au-CNTsystem. Figure 6 shows that the P polarization Figure 4a showsthe optical outputpowerfortheLEDs is defined as the direction that is parallel to the quasi- with and without Au nanoparticles on p-GaN surfaces aligned Au particle array, while the S polarization in- versus the injection current(L-I) characteristics for allof dicated the vertical direction of the array. There was the devices. The enhancement factor in the optical out- almost no difference in the intensity between the S and put power increased as the injection current increased. P polarizations with respect to the planar LED, which il- The voltage–current (I-V) characteristics for the LEDs lustratedthattheplanarLEDwasanon-polarizedlighting with and without an Au nanoparticle layer are shown in source. For the LEDs with embedded Au nanoparticles Figure4OpticaloutputpowerandI-Vcharacteristics.(a)OpticaloutputpowerasafunctionoftheinjectioncurrentwithAunanoparticles fromthe2-and5-nmAu-CNTsystems,comparedwithaplanarLED.(b)I-VcharacteristicsofGaNLEDswithAunanoparticlesfromthe2-and 5-nmAu-CNTsystemscomparedwithaplanarLED. Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 Page5of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 Figure5Room-temperaturePLspectraofGaNLEDs.TheLEDsarewithAunanoparticlesforthe2-and5-nmAu-CNTsystemswithaplanar LEDasareference. derived from the Au-CNT system, polarization was ex- This gives reason for the unsatisfactory polarization mea- hibited to a certain degree. The polarization degree was surements and also provides an effective method in opti- approximately2.1and1.3fortheLEDswithAunanopar- mizingtheAunanoparticlesystem. ticlesderivedfrom the5-and2-nmAu-CNTsystems,re- spectively. Compared with the Au nanoparticles derived Conclusions from the 2-nm Au-CNTsystem, the 5-nm Au-CNTsys- In conclusion, the optical output power of the LEDs was tems could get Au nanoparticles with a more efficient enhanced by employing Au nanoparticles fabricated morphologyarrayforthepolarizationandarelativelyhigh from an Au-CNTsystem. The enhancement was mainly density. However, the distance between nanoparticle ar- originated from the surface plasmon effect and surface rayswasirregular,andinonenanoparticlearray,thespace scattering effect from the Au nanoparticles. The optical between particles was relatively large in both situations. output power of these LEDs was enhanced up to 55.3% Figure6PolarizationmeasurementsofLEDswithAunanoparticlesfrom2-and5-nmAu-CNTsystemscomparedwithplanarLED. Jinetal.NanoscaleResearchLetters2014,9:7 Page6of6 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/9/1/7 for an input currentof 100 mA. The Au nanoparticle ar- 14. 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