ENGLISH ZIONISTS AND BRITISH JEWS ENGLISH Z I O N I S T S A N D B R I T I S H J E W S The Communal Politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1895º920 STUART A. COHEN Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersey Copyright ' 1982 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, Guildford, Suney All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data will be found on the last printed page of this book This book has been composed in Linotron Goudy Clothbound editions of Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and binding materials are chosen for strength and durability Printed in the United States of America by Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey For Tova PROVERBS 31:28-29 Contents Illustrations ix Preface xi Abbreviations xv Introduction 3 PART ONE: Opening Moves,1 895-1904 1. The Foundation oft he EnglishZ ionist Federation,1 895- 1899 25 2. The English Zionist Federation andC ommunal Strategy, 1899-1904 47 PART TWO: The Politics of Zionism, 1904-1914 3. Storm over EastA frica and Stress withint he EnglishZ ionist Federation,1 904-1914 79 4. The Zionistsa nd CommunaPl olitics, 1904-1914 124 PART THREE: Anti-Zionism in Theory andP ractice 5. Versions of the Past,V isions of the Future 155 6. Zionists andA nti-Zionists, 1914-1917 215 PART FOUR: Zionism and the Politics of Anglo-Jewry, 1914-1920 7. Anglo-Jewry andZ ionism, 1914-1917 243 8. English Zionists andB ritish Jews,1 917-1920 277 Conclusions 314 Bibliography 325 Index 341 Illustrations Between pages 32-33 1. Handbill advertising Herzl's first public appearancLeo innd on, 1896. Courtesy of Mr. A. SchischaLondon. 1 2. Col. A.E.W. Goldsmid (c. 1900). Courtesy of CentraZl ionist Ar chives, Jerusalem. 3. Herzl with delegatesto the first EnglishZ ionist Federation Confer ence, London, June 1899. Courtesyo f Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem. 4. Israel and Edith Zangwill (1905). Courtesy of Central Zionist Ar chives, Jerusalem. Between pages 96-97 5. Title page of HermannA dler's sermon," Religious versus Political Zionism" (1898). Courtesy of Mr. A. Schischa,L ondon. 6. Herbert Bentwich( c. 1925). Courtesy ofC entral Zionist Archives, Jerusalem. 7. Hakham Moses Gaster (1898). Courtesy of CenZtriaoln ist Archives, Jerusalem. 8. Leopold Greenberg( 1910). Courtesy of Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem. 9. Jacob deH aas (1898). Courtesyo f Central Zionist Archives, Jeru salem. 10. Sir Francis Montefiore (c. 1905). Courtesy of Central Zionist Ar chives, Jerusalem. 11. Lucien Wolf caricaturedi n the Daily Graphic, 1904. Courtesy of Central ZionistA rchives, Jerusalem. 12. Delegatest o the English Zionist FederationC onference,L ondon, 1920. Courtesyo f Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem.