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i ADAPTATION PROCESSES OF CULTURE SHOCK IN “ENGLISH VINGLISH” MOVIE AS UNDERSTOOD BY STUDENTS OF ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT A THESIS Submitted to the Adab and Humanity Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar in partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora By: YENNI YANA Reg. Num. 40300112149 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITY FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MAKASSAR 2017 i ii ii iii iii iv iv v v vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT All praises to Allah Swt who has blessed, guided and given the health to the researcher during writing this thesis. Then, the researcher would like to send Invocation and Peace to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW peace be upon Him, who has guided the people from the darkness of civilization to the better life. The researcher realizes that in writing and finishing this thesis, there are many people that have provided their suggestion, advice, help and motivation. Therefore, the researcher would like to express thanks and highest appreciation to all of them. For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to her parents, (alm) Abd. Rasyid and Hj. Nurmia who have been giving their loves, cares, supports and prayers in every single time. Researcher feels nothing without them in her side. Then, the researcher gives thanks to her uncle and aunty Drs. H. Syahrir Langko M.A, Dra. Hj. Salmiah and her lovely brothers, Guntur Putra and Hendra Wijaya, thanks to her lovely sister Lina Rose S.Pd who have motivated, helped, the happy and colorful life, guided the researcher. Secondly, the greatest thanks to the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Musafir, M.Si., the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor M.Ag., all the Vices of Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Abd. Rahman R, M.Ag., Dr. H. Syamzan Syukur, M. Ag., and Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum., the Head of English and Literature Department, H.Muh. Nur Akbar vi vii Rasyid, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., and specially to the Secretary of English and Literature Department Syahruni Junaid, S.S., M.Pd for the help, and administrative support. Thirdly, the researcher would be an honor to express her big thanks to H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd.,M.Ed.,PhD., as the researcher‟s first supervisor all at once as the head of English and Literature Department and to Serliah Nur., S.Pd., M.Hum., M.Ed. as her second supervisor who have made so much times guided, gave correction and advise her during completing this thesis. Her big thanks is also addressed to his examiners, Kustiwan. S.Ag., M.A. and Hj. Nahdhiyah. S.S., M.Pd for all their advices, criticisms, suggestions in proposal seminar to make this thesis better. Besides, the researcher does not forget to say a lot of thanks to all the lecturers of English and Literature Department for their patience in sharing knowledge to the writer during academic years. Besides, the deepest appreciation individually and collectively thanks to students of English and Literature Department academic year 2012; AG 1 and 2, AG 3 and 4 and especially to her friends in AG 5 and 6 for the togetherness that the researcher passed in university. Furthermore, for dearest friends that always give support and help during writing this thesis, Hardillah Fatahuddin, Esy Sartiah S.Hum, Meilla Nur izani M, Wiwin Rahimuddin, Muh. Fathul Amin K S.Hum, Imran Anshari S.Hum, Masriah Pakku S.Hum, Nurhidayati S.Hum, and Ambran Bin J S.Hum who have helped the researcher in accomplishing this thesis. Then thanks to Wahyuni Puspita Sari, A. Tenri Pada, Kurniawati, Herina, Hasmiati, Pika S.Hum, Ita Sari S.Hum, Fitriyani, Eka Serli Sudarni, Haerani, Robing vii viii S.Hum, Abd. Rahim, St. Ramdhani, Babul Khair, Muh. Yunus, Resa Ardiansyah, alimin, Rendi, Abd. Razak, Ashari Ilyas, Danial, Nur Imam Syafar and all researcher‟s friends in English and Literature Department of 2012, member of Sampek Engtay‟s Drama especially for all member of Caterpillar and all the friends that cannot be mentioned one by one who always make researcher‟s day full of laugh and happiness. and In the deepest heart, the researcher realizes that her thesis is imperfect and still need suggestions and criticism. Despite of its imperfection, she hopes that this thesis will be useful for the students, the lecturers and the readers in general who need it. Finally, May Allah Swt reward lot of happiness and blessing to the researcher. Makassar, February 14th 2017 The Researcher Yenni Yana viii ix LIST OF CONTENTS COVER ....................................................................................................... i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI....................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING.................... ........................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................. iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI............................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................ vi LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ ix ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background ....................................................................................... 1 B. Research Question ............................................................................. 4 C. Objective of Research........................................................................ 5 D. Significances of Research .................................................................. 5 E. Scope of Research ............................................................................. 6 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Findings .............................................................................. 7 B. Pertinent Ideas ................................................................................... 9 1. Culture ........................................................................................ 9 2. Culture Shock .............................................................................. 10 3. Reader‟s Response ...................................................................... 16 4. The Nature of Movie .................................................................. 18 5. The Synopsis of “English Vinglish” Movie ................................. 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research design ................................................................................. 21 B. Subject of the Research ..................................................................... 21 C. Instrument of the Research ................................................................ 22 ix x D. Procedures of Collecting Data ........................................................... 23 E. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................... 24 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Findings ............................................................................................ 25 B. Discussions ....................................................................................... 34 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ....................................................................................... 43 B. Suggestions ....................................................................................... 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 46 AUTOBIOGRAPHY...................................................................................... 49 APPENDIX................................................................................................. ..... 50 x

University of Makassar, Prof. Dr. Musafir, M.Si., the Dean of Adab and Humanities .. watching the movie. Keywords: Culture shock, Reader‟s response, English Vinglish. recording the interview used tape recorder. Interview has
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