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Alaviana Achim o Ecaterina Comigel r Felicia Dinu Loretta Mastacan . Ruxandra popovici r Elena Teodorescu STUDENT'S BOOK GRADE 7 OXFORD UNIVERSlTY PRESS Orlord LnnrFilt l'rrss (: \.1i.\t i?o:-imenr: .)\i,, 1 o\2 6DP. Lril: Auckland Bi,::r i a--:-n! \rcs Cape To$n Cheturai Thp autlf,.: JI !j-: : .r a.r:-:f, i: ihr lillo{ing tor l)a..\ -iaia:.: -ri il!!s Nong Isladul Karachi Kolkala (lil! KualaLunii: \tadJid \tclbou.nt Nlexno Munbai Nanlbl Sao laul: :.anghai Singaporc Taipr)i Tokyo loronlo PaLlSeamarHa\a! \liii:.! ilL.:::.: ::r 1\i-rliki Ilawaii (r.6)i ! .ni o .ssa.iar.Ll titupdhtJ in Berlin C.up. \lanar alLa Eiui.a lii !:, i 'ir FLrnrrnfu dan(iers lp 6)! The llalian Slare huisr Bra.i ri. P::, t a, lmiL\ ,\ndersed lor 0ar\.i r0.aHdlrr annadr kOsX FoOt RODf, lotr\dC LtlInSiHrosity Prcss dT(puis s2.so0a liub dJasot llidIlTbae!r topIl.a \r(lraat r\lr\oDrq.o1 1rt tr : Dllrzh.zdra .l nl!Er .\!rt2arl. 1;e-i -:Ln n,.x rgrlho ern l eil.xrlahr Dd(!sa.2pr0o )pril a \Mdlaru-ds isB\ 0 19 312122 0 fIoorr tthhc. tNsarsih, nAa Gl ,I\ irl. .alfnmdi nSgl alorer r\hlur s( cIunn'l 1ap nlanr \.l iG.hn\x r.rln Am Grnrol sosl, Ilirrf O O\tord {lni!.rsilt Press 1r)98 aourisl Ol'firrr ld fie Trj lilahal (p 2Sr: \ln'h!fL DtnirlL inr Cul,c.bury (:atherl.al {!.2r)): Queensland loufisr and Tra\el Co.porain i)r tll. Koala (p .1.1) and rh. a,r.at llari|r Reel i! I hird imprcssion 2002 Ihrmphrcr Spend.rllullod (i.L\ lor lli. l!r1l0s srfurt \.ene (!.6'165 \o unanthoriz.d piolo.opling Irum IIigh S.hool (p.67): I{ar! Elans l'i.rur. I ib.ar\ i,r the Tilr Ip.i4)iliulam CeLry irr Prnr.e (lhxrles aDd Prnr.rs\ Dirna on the :\llrights rr)se.ved. \o pa.t ol this pubiication mat tr{r rcprodu.ed, {rdding day Q.s1)i \esll6 n,r drc smarlies lnbc (p 8,1)iPopi)eril slorcd in a relrielal slslem, or ransminrd, nr anl l{)rm o. b! any ,nr Ehis Preslcr (p 8'l). nean\, $irhoul dre prior Dermission in {.iling olUxLrd Universill l'rcss, or as exlrcssly lcrnritlcd bt law. or und-Ar tPrms agreed sith tlie altropriai. r.prographnis .i8hts o.gani2aiioD. Enijun'lcs The pholosraphs on the liont corcr shoq,liorn L{)p lelr a San conccrning rrproduri)n oulside tlie scope ofthc aborc should francjsco cxble cari Lon\,1(asilc rvalls in \\alcs! a Scordsh pipe bc scnl tr) rhe EIT Eighls Deparhent, Oxtbrd Univcrsitl Press. Canary $hari. l.on.lonr wcsiminsl.r Blnlgc and Bi8 Ben,londo. You husr n.t .ir.ulale lhis book in anl oihrr bnnling or .o\er a''L t',1 ' .r, imf..4 'hi. . ,dr! rvehsit€s rclcrcd to jn this p!blicat)n ari) in lhe !ulli. donuin and thcir addrcsscs arr ]rrr)!nn d by Oxli)rd Universilt Press lor Oali)rd University Pr-"ss.lisdrnns anl responsibillty lor th. contcnt CONSI]L'I'AvTS Sue l{irrnrcd ,r.elan.e /edcho iantet atL.l ujriter, LtK Rod Bolitlro 1NIra,, lrnjersit! College olSt tl.tk dnd St Jahn, PRO.IET]T (]O ORDINITORS Ituxandra Popovnii 'lhe $iting of this book has bc.n snpporlri bt lhr ln nish Council and th. Soros Fo!ndatnnr Oaeruiew of contents TOPIC colutIu tcaTtvE afEAs GRAIUMAN VOCABIJURY AFEAS PR0tilutlcr,{fl0N it^tN st{LL( IASTES AND BIHAVIOUN Adjecl v"as eding n ard.lng "d lrecycliql. knes, ehdour u tital do $u lilcl Adjectiws des[b ng Eem r] I'ec,o Bl ,italhg low,llko, doil nild €n't etard L4 Table n|trtrPrs dotrtul thP unrld ladulMd rulrEJinlomail0nlkble nonw$ n undtheuotkl ord inRannnio lnlc8ramd rkilk L5 flc suord in the slone l$0si\r pading a d ljrr|ning 2 A 8IITHDAY PARTY Modalvebs yould ( rN tati06, acceptarcss, r shes) lrccctilEl Presnt ConUnuous sth iuturc Passive Voce SimOe Presnt Desdb |g things ad wenh in tiecF lngl Birihd2aXs0 i r rhe Ihitd Sraks Frtnal and cuttuBl int0m tim, celcr,rr,rg bithkqithri:;d,;Wnil,;;ti iA page tDregramd skills Thad{sgiving and lh{ Pilgrin Fnrhen llhsiF readhg mrl lislcning iUUSEUMS ne srpphire ngad Desdlrng a rode h a museum Lst".dng compaml ws Irk]c lql + as ... ai Uneiing Seaking L4 Sighls nonnd 11rc $orld IarIUal dnd flrltural infumation: fl6 pms nn|/ld Lhe utkt Intt in Ronqnia Ls lltro lriendship tades trknstle rading md tinening Tastes and behaaiour Greetings from ... 1..,.n ,'r':! ! I , - ;;il;i .., t' ;i-: t '! 'i,,il!n':,I'il a 1 Look at the postcards above and gucss which countrics they come from. m\ 2 a Read the three postcards and match the two halves of each onc. Which postcar was sent from which country? GreetihOg from flawoti- lt'b a I eat oran4eg every aay. There are faaaihatinq place. Thera are rain beeulriful folk aaaf.umee and dahoeg. faregt-e on Lhe i6bha and fantaotic Yeeterday I went lto a flamenao dancinq bri 7htly - ca lo u red bi rd e, buI:. ahow. lt wae very excitih7 but ilt waa Itoo omaky. tsye, Davia E it'5 tao holt, and you know I cant 6tand heet and thera are a lot of naaty It'g a wanaeriul coun'ry. li'b verJ/ holt here. Sometinee ito too hat tto .it on in5eci6. I'm terrifiell. By the way, the beach. The people are open and yeste ay I broke my leq. Naw I have to really nice. The fruilt ie qreat atey in the hof,el all Aay, l'm oo bored. E I'm havinq a fanta^tia holi)ay in It'a deliaious. The traffia is really heaw Teople here ara raally very friendly and here, therc are terrible jame half a mile the faa4 ia wonderful. I have eat6n lote lonq. Sometimee it'e annayin1, of epaqhel;ti, I meah real epaqheltltL like Tamaftaw I'h1 1ainq back to Venice. here, they make I 5a lonq, Feltet ff b Re.rd_lhe postcards again. Make notcs about what Darid.:\nna. alc .; r- and didn'l likc about the places they visited. c Read thc postcards and find three adjectives ending ilr -lng aod 11\ o iD _.: Look at the Languagc Focus box and answcr these questioni. a) How did Anna flnd the island,/rsclza ting ot (ascinated? b) How did Pcter. Ieel about the heavy traffic. ttnnr.tlting or annogedl 4 Choosc the right adjoctivo. LANG UAG E FOCUS a) Are you interesteMnterostilg in -ingl+d adjecttves Iootball? Something is.,. peopte feet._. interesting b) The noise rvas vory annoyed/annoying. exciting interested excited c) Itverybody was shocked/shocking by amusiog amused his attitude. fascinating fascinated borhg d) He has a very tired/tiring job. bored depresslng cl depressed Tlro filnr was horpd,/boring. teiriting terrified lm. I) Hc is deprossed./depressing by tho tvel tiring tjred annoying $,eather annoyed relaxing ch postcard ^ relaxed -_?5a Rcad th€ convarsation. In groups of four, look at thc words and pictures belo\l and mako similar conversations. Use adjectives endi"g i" _i"g i.i; th"' t"li above. You may use an aqjective more than onee. I donl like them. Ithink they're bortng. Well, I don't know. They're all right but some ofthem are really terriring. Report your group,s opinions. tI! E-\ANlPI,E ty, D:n likes horror films, he thinks the!'re erciting. Mary doesn,t tike them. She t.hinks the! re bonng Rt)d thinks thiy're a rigit but"""*",rfii"* te rri fA in (t . "r""r".tt, \" 6 " What sorl ot things would you gencrally write about on a postcard? . the weather . the physical desr:ription of a person / neavy . youl school routine . places . pooplc you moet . details about your family . tr description oI your house . food lmalJinc you are on holiday. lvritc a postcard to your British or.dmerican penfricnd. Use as many adjcctivcs from the Lanirug" Fr;;;;;*;;;;; ".". 8 What do you like? ,ryy z->aL _soqP Operus --.\.\-- classical concerts thrillets VJ'4 cofiedies documeataries nouers 1 Read the conversation. Then, in pairs, rnake two similar dialogucs about the topics above. A Do you like snop operos? B Yes, I do. But I'd rather watch ririll A So would I. Do you like reading poems? B No, I don't. A Neither do I 2 You will ]rear these expressions in an interview rater in the lesson. Match them with their maaning. 1 I love it. a) I hate it. 2 I don't mind it. b) I like it very mirch. :l I can't stand it. c) I nolther like it nor dislike it. 2 Listen.and ch€ck your answers. Repeat the scntences you hear, paying attention to tho strcss and rhythm. EXANlP],E I lo,e watching TV t like it rery much. 2 Look at the Language Focus box and rewrite these sentences. I]XAMPLtJ I watch this programme a lot. I quite like it. LANG UAG E FOC US lquilc likp aotrhing this prsg1a..". Vbs + ing don't mind a) I visit my relatives at the weekend. enjoy dislike I don't mind. like b) I get up early every morning. I can't quite like can't stanrt stand it. She loves meeting people. c) "l never fight. I hate it. He enioys playing football. d) I work in fte garden every day. I love it. I like going shopping. Do you mlnd people smoking? e) I don't cook. I don't Iike it. I hate golng to the dentist. 0 I dance a lot. I enioy it. I can't stand peopte being rude. 3 The words below describe personality. Look up thc words you don.t understand your glossary on page 97. List them like this: Positive Negative frir:ndly jealous friendly, jealou-s, assertive, extravagant, intelligent, shy, sensitive, unreliable, bossy, lively, honest, fun-loving, reliable, bitchy, cool,1onfi clent a 4a Look at the picture and use some of the words in Exercise 3 to say what you ,00K5 think each person is like. p0ems Listen to the tape Une by line and put a lick in the correct column to show if zuels you thi[k Sue ]ikes Joannc. Yes No borl the Line 1 Line 2 LL] ;att)h thrillcr Line :l Line 4 I Linc 5 atci theD 4c Listen to the tape again and, in pairs, say why Suc likes/dislikes Joanne. 4d ln pairs, say whal you do if someone makes unpleasant comments about you. Use some of tha ideas below to express your opinion: a) you ignore him,4rer b) you go straight up to him,4rer and ask what his,41er problem is c) you always have a nasty answer read]. Match a word in Exercise 3 to cach question in thc questionnaire below. I]XAMPI,E 'ilo you enjoy bei[g in tho company oI other peoplo.?, means ,Arc youy'lezdly?, US I ? Are you unha.ppy if someone has I something i,hai you don,t hEwe 8 Do you find it ea,sy to sta,nd up for yourself? b. yolDser if you feel someone has a Do you like making peopb ra,ugh? a. treated you badty? g 9 Do you a,lways keep appojntmenrs a,nd EE? Do you always find the best solutions to L your problems? E.rde. 4 Do you atways telt ihe truth? 5 Do you lie awe,tle at ight jf 1l Dz]o1d y to€lhu otfote pr efoinptde ?it difficutt io meet Erand ilr someone haB said something unkind rA Do you ofter matre mpleasant comments about peopte in order to be 6 Do you often buy things because yon like them, not bece,use you need 13 Do you have a ?ela-real attitude rowards I lif-.? to.ry, I Answcr the questionnaire and then describe vourself. {l 10 An unusual expetience aL Ans\rer thesc questions. i\lr"i 1 are \nur faloLLtite animals? \\h 2 d,r \,-)r1 think peoplo like animals? \\ ri,.i rii, r ou think of keeping animals as pels or in captivitl,? z /[-1-\ Read rhe storl and thc advertiscment bclow and " cboose tho correct definition. \ sa-fari park is a place where pcople 3'\- al can see animal shows bJ aan see animals irr natural surroundings c) can see animals living in cages li{iff i}PS,}$ t}F rrill,} Srdlilrdi$,ld Sitrljg"iHi?S{J$# l?f Egl}glrg 8l}rtr gu5lllf ilgr, 5llStr i$,lrd An Unusual Experience We werc ol1 our summer holiday when Aunl Anylvay. lvc uent on oul \t,ay to the lions, Enlily, nry mothcr's sistel. took us i]ll to a salari enclosure whcre we had 1() lock ourseh,es in tlc park. nol lirr tioln Livcrpool. car as we kne\r lions could be darngerous. A I was very hrppy to go xs I had nevcr been to liurr L .Inc up \ (r) clo,c lo u,. fhe r\r lhin! a salari piuk before and T am curious by nature. we knew, it was on the bonnel. lt looked calnl It's a very interesting park, lull of wilcl a mals but \re felt leffificd. Aunt Emi]y, who isn,r very running liee. brave. sterled to call fbr he1p. The kids started When we got there, r,c bought our tickets crymg- Only my brother, Geotge, staycd cool. I and drove into the park_ We wcre very excitecl sounded thc horn but nobody heard us. at the lhought o[ going 1() sec the iions_ But to In the cnd a warden imived h his Landrover. get to the lions'enclosure you had to go and the lion just got off the car and stafled through the monkeys enclosure llrsr. : licking the waldeD's ha d And tlat was an experience as if nothing \\,1s tle becausc they climbed all over mattel-. the car, ate apples and banaoas. aod threw all kinds of lhings al us. They seemed very aggressive. l1 b Rc-rcad thc story and put the pictures above in the correct order. Number c .Read the story agail. In pairs, take it in turns to ask and answer the following qucstions. in the a) Whcrc was tho satbri park? b) Which enclosure did the fan ly most want to visit? lrg JrD c) What did they have to drive through l'rrsl? rery d) What did the monkeys do? .d e) Did they got a good view o[ thc lion? rl. I fl \\hat did the lion do when the warden arrived? a Read the story agaio and tind the past lbnns of these irregular vcrbs. 1nd 1{] be drivo go lbcl lakc have know throw heirr get eat can b.,y come b Find thc past forms of seven regular verbs in the storT. \." 4 Use some of the verbs above to Rcmernier to bring in shccts of write a half-pagc paragraph about paper, tblt tip pens, and magazinc your summer holiday. pictures lor your project next time.

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