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Preview English Pronunciation in Use Advanced Book with Answers, 5 Audio CDs and CD-ROM

3]�lUl � l!{] • fi rfi I U cd] (Q)J][u]lUJ:»D1lD�� 0 to) lUJ n s a aSJl-sl pneAup es s)lJOO Wsna eI U11aMIU 116 "s'":,: "'J"VWRHrUDtl ::: fiNIA31ISUA d:!:UISS Conetnst Acknowledgements 5 Aboutth bioso k 6 SecitoAn Getitgn started 1 Accen)tV:sa r ieotfEi neigssl h 8 2 Accnet((s12 E )n:ig slahs iatnnren atiloannagleu ag 10 3 Findoiunatgb opurtou nncia(t1id)oi:cn t riioensa 12 4 Fingdo iunatbo uptr oncuinat(i2oo)nn: l rienseo urces 14 5 Pornunciianst lioaownn fd sa ts peech 16 6 Prounnciaitnsi lwoo ann fdsa ts pee((c12h)) 18 SecitonB Pronunciaotfiw oonr dasn dp hrases Consonanctl utesrs 7 pl,ag yroswp,l aCsohn socnlasnuttea rtts h bee ngnigi nwofo rds 20 8 jmup,n exgtl,i mpCsoendos nacnlttu esartst heen odf w ords 22 9 abstrancetxFt,r idCaoyn socnlasunttew rist hainandc rwoosrsd s 24 Sterssi nw odrsa ndp harses 10 ,ocnt'vreoirasaln cdo ntrRosViEaWlo rsdt raenspdsor mnience 26 1 1 'ocmfoarnt'd o cmfortaSbufilfxees a nwdo drs tress 28 1 2 acc'elearnaadtc, eec l'reatiSounfif xeasn wdo rsdt (r1e)s s 30 1 3 ext'reamneed x t'remiStufiyfxe sa nwdo rsdt r(e3s)(s 2 ) 32 14 diosr'gnaisaend,d e rco'insdePrr efiaxnewdso rsdt r(e1s)s 34 1 5 'usbwaayn 'du spe,prowePrr efiaxnewdso rsdt r(e2s)s 36 1 6' enw,psapaenrd, b asoel' ueztroS triencs osm ponuonudn s 38 1 7' ahi-rr,aisainnd,ga h r'dw-orkiSntgr iencs osm poaudncjdte iavneds 40 ina bebvriations 1 8, ocsled-c'eitlrecvuiiastni d'eo slnl d-abtySe t rienls osn cgoemrp onuonudn s4 2 1 9' rdeaomfa nd'i lvfeo rO n-estprehasrssva elr bs 44 20 ,ahnagr' ouannd,d o lok'p ut oT wo-stprhersasvser abls 46 Stersseadn du nstressseyldla ebsl 21 somteh,fe r,o emt,e W.ea kf romosf f nuctiodns wor 48 22 WellY,O U ditoth e! nPromifnnuecnttiw oonr ds 50 23 cal/cuu/laantcdea l/c;)u/lVaowtee lisnu n stressysblelldiea snc o ntweonrtd s 52 24 lisbtoetntp,lo el,i teitcciS.ay nl,lc aobnisco nants 54 Foreigwno drs 25 deajv ua,n gtsstu,n aFmoeiri gwno rdisnE nigslh 56 SecitonC Pronunciaitnic oonnve rsiaotn Featrueosf f ulenstp eech 26 one�evesntionpg�,,ng oow�aw,ea t.ye Lnikgis nounds 58 27 I'gleiltt T ,he seem 'irneC ontrafcomtrse d 60 28 Im nostu rNeo,ts ur'emn, o stu rEeli lpsains'dn ree allisips' 62 ' 29 lansii;g Ihh ta,v esne'ehi;ne rL eavoiunctgo nsosnoaunnt(d 1Is)It : 64 30 ano lcda, r bao tot�lw ea teLrea vgio nucto nsosnoaunnt(d 2Is)d :JJ h,1/ 1,J/ v,l 6 6 31 avernaogev,e hlaipspte,n Wionrgdt sh altos sey llable 68 a EnglPirosnhu nciinaU tsi(eoA nd vanced) Organsiinigfn ormatiioncn o nversation 32 IwI es tuacp ki ctoufrae nel lle npt/hIaB rkenaigs peeictnhou nits 70 33 III tB'LsU EDlAIR Kb lluleP romiwnoernditsns p eeucniht( s1 ) 72 34 III 'ea vlwabyeset ne rroiffiS ePdI d!!e Prrsomiwnoernditsns peeucnisht 74 35 III 'blelL IEiVwtEh eInS EEi t/IF ixpehrda saensid id omisns p eeucnish(t 2) 76 36 she'sa nEg SoStta oyw ritNoen -mpinreonocnefi na'le mpctoyn't weondrts 78 37 Ic atnS 'TANtD hset fu Nfonp-ronmeinocnefi navla geuxeep ssrions 80 38 Justh elypo urSTEhLrFo;iw tt o M E Prominienrne cflee axnidve 82 pernsaoplr onouns Inotnatiiontn e llnig.a skianngd a nswering 39 I'qmu ibtues ya tt hmeo ment Falilnagn rdi stionnge s 84 40 Thetya sgtre11e att hebsies cIIuI iTtaisl s 86 41 Grefialtm w11a,s inIIt'? t QueIItsIi otang s 88 42 WhaItd o11n,u' ntd erstainhsdo wi gto tth ereC ltes fentences 90 43 Findoiunotgr m akisnBilugl?r eQuest(i1o)n s11 �2 44 Wasnti' tte rrIIi?bA lreye o cur aIIz?y Quetsions 94 45 'pIa i€d2 00,f0oi0r't0 ' . Homwu hc ?Il'lR epeqa(ust2et) ions 96 46 AlthoIuw gahst i redIc oultgd entt'os leepC ompsaornaisn cdo nttrsa 9s8 47 'Yowue raes lienetIlph cl el, a !'s'.Is W ASna'stl 11e epC ontradictio1n0s0 48 Yocuo ulcdanr'irtuty p STAfIoRmrSe BIl l? R11e.q'su teasn rde rsveation 102 49 Ont hweh ole iwte nvte rwye lAltt itwuodreda snp dh arse(s1 ) 104 50 Shjesu tf orl1ligp,or te,s umIIa? bAltiytt uwdoer dasnp dh sreas 106 51 Howe mbraarss11:51i!n gE xclmaatis on (2) 108 Inotntaioinnm anagicnogn versation 52 Mhm,R ighIst e,eK epeignc onrvsteaiogoni ng 101 53 Ont oopf t h.a.t Anyw.a.y. Addiinnogfr matainodn 121 . chagnintgo pi1!i.'l2Jc; 11 SecitonD Prounnciatiinfo onr masle titgns 54 Befosrhleee sfcth ooVls tsahrhete eordw nb usinDeisivsd ipnrge epda r 141 speeicnohtu nsi t Oneo ft hpeai nn(tg1is)hl ell e tftoh issi stDierv igdp ierpnaedrs peech 161 55 itnou nsi t Lim-aa s(I2 's)m u ryeo kun ow itsh cea piotfPa elr Pu rounnciati1o1n 8 56 ofi snerts � - Wee xpecptreodfit tods r obpu,tt h eyr osSeet p-u-cposrn atsatnsd 120 newt opics W Theh eadte,Ma rc heLree, bewt ialllkt iopn ager ntSst ep-sd oa-wdndin1g2 2 58 inofrmatainoednn dW itnpogic s Smamleld,i uamn,ld a rgToen eisn s eroifse ism iieltmasr 124 a 59 'Ploitiacriea ntsh ael olsv ae..mr.'e L evetlo nienq uoting and 126 60 buigls dsuipnense SecitonE Refenrcee Thep honeamlipbche aPtr:a ctice 128 El Consoncalntutres sF:u rtphrearec tic 132 E2 Worsdte rsfsu:r tphrearc tice 136 E3 Closys ar 140 E4 furtrhaeedri ng 143 Key 144 Keyt op honeamniodct hseyrm bols 192 EnglPirsohn unicniU ast(eiA odnv anced) Acknowledgements Iw oulldit koet haFnrka nAcmersa fnoigr u idtihnpegr eocjatn,Rd oslHyenn derasnoAdnl yson Maskfeoltrlh eiinrlv uaasbulegegs tiaonntdsh eaitrt enttodi eotnia nei dli ttihmneag t elr.i a Ia lswios thot hatnhkfe o llorweivnigef woetrrh ses iurg gesitnti hoeena srs ltya ogfew sr iting: BarbBarraaod rfdK,e nUtK, laCnh titMye,l boUuKr n, DavDiedt erSdiinngga,p ore AmandLal oyCda,m birdgUeK, AndrPeaau Mle,l bouArunset,r alia DoloRraemsi Vreerzd ugMoa,d rSipda,i n A numboefpr e ophlaevp er oviidnesdp iarnaidtn ifoonr maantadil ossnpo,e caidfivcio cnte h e pronuncoifna otni-onnEa ntgilvsieps eha kTehrasni.knp s a rtitcoRu ilcahrCa arudl dFwrealnlc,e s Hotim,Ps hkiyKliinpGg e,r aOr'drG ady DaonrdoP taac eIhk a.v der awenx tensfioivrn efloyr mation and iodnae w aisdv ea rioeftt eya cmhaitnegr ainardle sf erweornkcasen, Id a cknowtlhepeda gret thehya vpel ayiensd h aptihnbego oIknp. a rutlr,ia cwIi sthoa cknowHleadhgnLe,.D . Dickerson, B.( 1999S)p eechWcorrbkaoftof:kor a cademdsiicco uArnsnAe r.b oUrn:i veorfMs& ii cthyi gan W. Pre(sUsn 4i0t s4 1f)o trh aen aloyfss tirsae dsasp teUdn i1ft2o .r & Ath omet,h antkoAs n nS,uz annaen,Dd a vfiodtr h esiurp pta onrwdi lglnientsols i sten. MartHienw in2g0s0 7 Thea uthoarn pdu blsihearrsge r atteotf hufleo llofwoiprne gr mistsori eopnr ocdoupcyer ighted mateirniE anlg lPirnsouhc niatiinUo snAe d vanced. Jones(,2 0)D0C .6a mrbidEgneg lPiorsnho cuinnDgi ctio1nt7ah reyEd,dn i.tb eyPd .R oach, J.Se tatneJdr.H a rtmCaanm.b riCdagmeb:gr eiU dnivePrerssist.y CamrbidAgdev anLceeadrn eDri'cst i(o2n0a)02ry,5n d eCdanm.b riCdagmeb:r iUdngiev ePrerssist.y Developomfte hnpitusb licahtamisao dnue s oeft hCea mbirdgIen tneartiCoonrapl(u ICsC ). TheC ICia sc omupterdiazteadb oafcs oen tempsoproakarenynw d r itEtnegnl wihsihcc,uh r rently stanadt1s b illwiodorsnI. ti nclBurdietsEi nsghlA imsehr,i Ecnagnl ainsodht hvearr ioeft ies EnlgisIhat. l sion cltuhdCeea smb ridLgeea rCnoerrp us, diencv oelbllooarpaetwdii ottnhh e UniveorfsC iamtbyrd igEeS OELx amiinoanCtsa.mb ridUgnei vePrrseihstasybs u iulptt h CeI C top roveivdied eanbcoleuna tg uaugsete h ahte ltpops r odbuectelt aegnru atgeea cmhaitneglr si.a Audireoc orbdyJi anmgRe isc harAdVPss otnu,d Lioonsd,o n. IltlruastbiyoJ noBs l aMkaer,kD rayi,Js uelMioasne daanlDdea vSihde nton. Covdeers ibgyDn a lTeom linson. Degsnieadn tdy pebsyKe atm aDee siOgxnof,r d. EnglPirosnhu nciinaU ts(ieAo dnv anced) 5 Abuott ihbs o ko EnglPirsohnc uinatiinUo snAe d vangcievsdet su doefnE tnsg lpirsahc itni cper onutnoc iation helipm prboovtesh p eakainnldgi steAnlitnhgoi.ut g hbh eaewsnr itstote hnai ctta bne u sefdo r selfd-yis,wt ti uwlolr ekq uawlellyla c ilna ss swiittauht a etaic.oh ne r Itwi blelp atricuulsaerfflouysrl t udwehnotssEe n gliiassd he qufaotre msoosctip arelosf,s ional ore ducationablu wtph uowr apnottsow e osr,fk u rtohnpe rro nunctioia mtpirotonhv eei r understaanneddn isnutgrh eat th eayre ea suinldye rsbtootbohynd a tainvndeo n-tniEavneg lish speakTehrefs o.ci upssr imaornii mlpyr opvrionngu nciinca otmimounn icraattithohenar n practiinsdiinvgsi oduun'aod lrws odrs. Organiastion Thearre6e 0 u niitnts h beo oEka.c h luonoiakttas d iff.eoprienontfpt r onunc.Ei aactuhin oint has ptawgoTe hsep. a goent hlee hfta esx planaantedix oanmsp alnetdsh ,pe a goent he right haesx ceirsTehse6. 0u niatrsde i viidnetfdoo usrei cotns. SectAi ionnt roadcucceeinsndt isf fevraernite tEinegslr ieossfhco ,eu fsro irn depesntduednyt • ofp ronuncainaddti iffoenr ebnectewpse reonn unciinsa ltoiawon nd sfpaesetc h. SectBii oasnb opurto nunciinwa otridaosnnp d h raisnecsl,u cdoinnsgo cnlatunestar nsd • stressed ansdy lulnaasbntldre esps,rs oendu nfcoiraewtioigdronsn . of SectCi ioasnb otpu ronunciinca otnivoaentr ison, ihnocwil nutdoinncagot nitorni tbou tes • meanmg. SectDi ioasnb opurto nunciation iinn cflourpdmrieaonslfgs siceootnntatilen xgtsas,s such • givbinugs ionrec sosn ferpernecseei notnast. After 6t0uh nei tthsei rase fisfetcht Sieocnt,Ei ,wo hni ch conftloalionwsi ntgh:e Exerctiops reasc tthipesh eo neamlipceh ta b • Furtphrearc otfi cceo nscoltnueasrnst • Furtphrearc otfwi ocresd t ress • Glossary • Further reading • Att heen odf t hbeo otkh eiraseK eywi tahn sw.e rs Toa ccomptahbneoy o tkh,e irases eotffi vCeD sa,v ailsaebplaeerlo ayrat sp atro fap ack. A CD-ROiMs also faouvrsa oein al c aobmlpeeur Ot.n t hCeD -ROaMd ditpiroancatli ce exceirsaerpser oviodnae ldol ft huen i(tidfsfe rfernottm h oisnte h beo o)kT.h eC D-ROcMa n beb ougshetp aroarat sepl ayro tfa p ack. Additiloe nqauimpentn eeded A CDp layiensre edteold i sttote hnre e cormdaetde trhiagatol e wsi tthh bioso k. Iwti allls boeu seffousrlt udteonh tasve eq uiptmoer netc otrhdeo iwnrv oeisc. Thesy mb.o lindictahCteDe t sr ancukm bfeorrr e cormdaetde rii.CaeDl.A , ,t ra1c.k At EngliPsrho nunciiantU isoeIn n termedainadt e EngliPsrho nunciiantU isoeAn d vanced Iitns o t necteohs asvaer yw oonrE knegdl Pirsohnc uinatiinUo snIe n term(eesdeSi eacttEei5 o n Furtrheeardb ienfgou)rs eit nhgbi oso Hko.w e,vt eopr racptriosneu ncoifpa atrcituoilnla ert ters ansdo uniditsrs ,e commetnhdasettd u duesnEetn sg lPirsohnc uinatiinUo sInen termediate, wheraed ditpiroancaotlfis cter esisn taonndca atanil osbnoe f uondB.o tbho ohkasv teh sea me formoafet x planaantedix oanmsp olnte hsle e pfta gaen edx ercoints heresi gphatgi ene acuhn it EnglPirsohn unicniU astei o(nA dvanced) Usnigt heb ook Theirnseo fi xed oirnwd heirct hhu en isthso ublewd o rktehdr o.uH gohwe,vi ewtri blelu seful tod ot huen iitnSs e ctAi Goentt isntga rfitretsotdp rovideb ascokmgert oolu antdue nri.I t ns additiiwtoi nbl,elu setfous lt utdhybe a suincio tnis n ton(aUntii3to2-sn3 4 borne aksipnege ch intuon iatnshd i ghliignhftoairtnmigao nnUd,n i3t9o nf lalianngrd i stionng)be esfodroegi n latuenriw thsi ch ofnoi cnutso nation. Phoneimcs ymbols Iitns o nte ceyst soua nrderspthaonnde mic tsouy smtebh obilosso Wkh.e rpeh onesmyimcb ols arues eedx,a mwpolred asr e gainvde/tnoh wreo rdasrf eo uonndt hree corHdoiwneg,v.b e ering ablteou nderspthaonndes myimcb ioaslu ss esfkuiltl ohl a vieno rdteomr a kues oeft he inofrmataiboonpu rto nunciinda itcitaoirnoi Tnehsep. h onesmyimcb uoslesid nt hbioso akr e ltiesodn p ag1e29 a ntdh earreee x erctiops reasc tthipesh eo neamlipch aibnSe etc tEil.o n Pronunctiiaoinns pekainga ndl sietnign Althotuhgfeho coufts h beo oiks pronuinnsc pieaatkiiiaotnln gs g,oi v tehsoe p porttuon ity praclttiiessneit nosg p eeactch o nvaetrisosnpaele di naav nadr ioefEt nyg laicsche Wnhtesra.en explanraetfiteooran s feaotfpu rroen unctihaaittpsi a torinc urlealrelvyau nntd etros tanding Engilsrha,t thhearo nn teh astt udsehnotusnl eedcs satrrityloi yn cliuntd heeo iwrns peetchhi,s issh owwni tthh sei g/n1 ����Wh+e�rae�ne +xp"'l�an::ap;tati7rio.cnu rlieaslr elfvyoa rn t Ir r-0r. LI ,. sJ.,\ "OWl,:! develoapdivnagnf1 c�ue��di, th�ii;sh own twhiseti hg� n Accnetso fE nlgihs usedi nt her ecoirgnd Form oad eolfp ronunctioca otpiyo nws hpeena kwienh agv,e tuhsaeec dc enEtn golfi sh sometriemfeestr ora es'd B BECn lghi'sH.o we,vi enwr orokrt raavw eild rea nogfEe n gilsh accemnitgsbh eth ea.rT odh elppr eparteh iafns ou,rmb eorfa cceanrtfeso uonndt he recorTdhiensge. ibnoctnlhau tdiev e-vsapreiaoekftEe inreg sl( irfsohmt hUen itSetda tes, Canada, ASuosutAtrfhar liJicaaam,,a iIcnada,in avd a ripoarutsos fB raiitann)nd o na-tnive speavkaerri oeftE inegsl( irfsohmC hina, Spaainnd, J)PaIo.pnlt a ahnKneed yi ,n formcaatni on bef ouanbdo wuhte rsep eakceormfser oomnt hree corfdoitrnh geesx ceirses. Moraeb oBuBtC E ngilsh oatnhdve arr ioeftE inegslc iasbnhe f ouinndU ni1ta sn 2d. Usnigt hef urthperrca tiec mateirla Aftweorr kitnhrgo Uungih7t ,8s anodn c o9n socnlatunestrf su,r tphrearc ctaibnce ef o und in SectEi2oC no nsocnlaunstAt fetrweosrr. k ing Utnhir1to,1su g1h2 1 3ao nnsd u ffiaxnewdso rd stersfsu,r tphrearc ctaibnce fe o uinndS ectioWnor dSE t3r ess. Theg lossary InS ectEi4oG nl osseaxrplya,n caatbnie of nosuo nfdt erumsse idn tbhoioMsko .s otft heasree spectiotfi hcse u bcjtoe fp ronunciation. Usnigt her ecdoirng Whewno rkiwnitgth hr ee coradt irnagsc,hk o ublepd l ayaesod f taesnn e cersyWs.ha edn oing ane xeirsciemt,a yb en ecestsopa rrey's psa usee'a csahef ntteterong cievt ei mteot hionrwk r ite ana nwse.rW heni nstrtuorc etpeesdai tn gle twhoeirrssdep s a,oc net hree cortdoi nsdgoob , u t tor epeat wholteh rees ceonrtdeinhncagevt seo w ipblaelu seeadct hi mIens. o meex ceirses, speciinaslt ruacrtgeii ovonensnh owt ou steh ree cording. Toh elypo fuu rtihmeprr yoovuepr r onuncainaudtn idoenr stoafsn pdoiknEegnn g liiitss h , importtola tinesttn oa sm ucEhn glaisys ohcu a nT.h ei nteprrnoevtia dcecsteo sa ws i drea nge of sooufrs cpeosk en EngilnUi nsi4hty , o cuaa nfindn ds ueggstioonsn osm e ytohmuai tg ht findu suelf. EnglPirosnhu nciinaUt s(ieAo dnv anced) 7 (1): AccentsV arieotfEi ngelsi sh Althowuegc ho mmotnalalykb o'unEtg lpirsohn unc(iniactliuodinin'n tgti htoefl t eh bioso )k, obvionuostl syap lela koefEr nsg lpirsohn ouiintnc t ehs ea mwea yE.v ebne twceoeunt nries wherel iEisntshgh fier sltag nuaogfet hmea ojriotfty h peo pulatthieaorrnece o nsiderable differaennwdce ce asdn,i stinbgeutwiteshehpen r onuncoif'a rBtiitoEinnsl ghi s'hA'm,e rican Enlgis'hA'u,si tnarE anllgis'hS'to,huA friEcnalgni sahn'd, o sno. �[iID��: u- .'';� I;'��. �. +�;+"'/ differences consonaanrtes ... .,.,.?cArosst hevsea rioefaEtre ni gelsti hsaemhrna,edyb i e nto natiionnh. o wv olwieastlnesdn �orl isqt,)M ipb"'erotnwoeuenn ced,hostwrwe(osserdBdsr), i n Foex(raU mSp)l e,a nd notice differences standardE nBgrliitasinhsAd hm eriEcnagnli shp ronuncitahtesiseoenn t einnc es (you Engfilirst)s:h will Bhreiatri sh Tht'abste ter. InUS I Iti 'slf papesdot' h iasttuo dnsl eiI kld( nado ftetnrn asbcerdi idn itciorsnia aesI! fw)h einct o mbeest wtewevono ewl. s I'pmiki cnugpt e hc ra cra Iko1:i nBr a nIdk :olri nUS I.Bn r l,rilps or noeudno cnly • = netTx udeasy. wheinit fs lo olwebdya v owwehli,il UneS iiasstl op ornoeudn c befcooronens asan ntadtt heen odfa w odr . TuesdIjatyu-I :i nBr a nIdut :Ii- nUS T.h seuo dnsIt /j/,n/j, • = Id/je,t acer.n outs eidUn S . Whta'ysuo ard edsrs? Somweo raderss tredsiesffrede nitnBl ray nU dS i,n clau'dedisdnsrg (B)ar n'da rded(sUsS ). Iw entou btea csueIw asS omsep keesaor fU S( nadas loA usatalrnia nNde Zwae laEnnldigs h) hot waannetdds moe usae' hirginhsgt i'o nfeos rt amteesnw theem rosts pkeesaor fB r fersah.i r wouulsdaef lalgti onne. accents. listen {1t1.tptlo;Ar.t3/t.,/'. �WiBtrhiitanan tidhn e tUhSea rerea selnmsota ennrcyee sg,i onaa lFo re xamplea,n(s ndeo eti 2c)e �olirs ..ti...q) e.. differae innpc reosn unciinta hteisoen safiirsdt ( ysbwpyoie ulal k 'eBrBE Cno gflfi irst)sU:hn 'i ta nd thebny s peaker ciftyroo mfB itrhmei nignEh nagml and heaBrB ECn glish Seyeo tuno ih.gt Thsee ncdov owie'nlot nhitgi'ps r ounneocdI milBn B ECn igsblhu t 1';)11( ais'n ob yi'an)B imringahccaemn t. Aert ohsyeuo rbor hte'rs?T hveo wienl o s'ietps'hor noeudnI :cmilnB BECn ligsbhu mto er leil kau(lai s'n n wo'i)an B imringahccaemn t. Thfei vroswtie 'nlo b trrh'eisps'or noeudnI IAc( ais'n b)ui fn BBC Enligsbhul tu( lai s'n ow u)li dan'B imringahccaemn t. Shew assm oikn. g Thlesa ts onudi ni nwodrsiI sIJ iIBn B ECn igslbhu,It IJ gilan - Bimringahcaecmn,gi t .teh.e i psor noeudn.c -g SectEi5Fo nu rtrheeardg iinvsgeu sg gesotnwi hoenryseo c ua finn mdo rien formaabtoiuotn pronunciinna attiioaonnn rdae log niavla rioeftE ingelsi sh. EnglPirsohn unicniU ast(eiA odnv anced) 8 SectioGn eAt tsitnagr ted Exercises 11. LsitneY.ou w ihlelsa prke easfr rmo Braiittnh,Ue SA ,C anadAaut,sarl iaanS do uAtfrhai t claiknagb out whatthy ee jnyod oiintngh esiprraet ime. A4 Whiocfth eh saec ecnsat ery omuo stfm ailwiiatIrhts ?h e eo rnyeo funi de aesrti ou ndsetnradt han thoet hse?r 1. 2 Heeri ast exrted aa lofurisdbt ya B irtiEsnlshgih skpeaerna tdh eannA meriEcnlasginh skpe.er a Lsitnea sm aynt isma esy onuee da nndto ed ifrefecneisnp or nnuciatiyoonou sb tehrfavcoteu ,ns gi AS ont huedn enrelwdio drsA.f we aerd onferoy ou(.I itns o ntee csrsyta ou speh onesmybmiocil tnsh is exerbcuiatsl s eitc, na b ef uonodn p ag1e29i yfo wua nttor erft eoi. t) Iw asr eadiinnag m agazitnheeo thedra ya bout sia'dy noo' thferi st howc ommon esii sn owS.o me e research( /un:lji/ nB ra nd vowemlo eri s asf ountdh aotv efur:t.¥r perceonftt h ep opulatio'non o('n/ ul:i /UnS 'opienUnS ' iso velWeigMhots.pt e opilnet hes urvesya id thed herd ritvhea wna lka.n dt haitt b'estt etro thferi st thferi st spenlde istuirmeae t h omet haonu tsiTdhea.t 's vowiedslif refnet voweils understanidnta hbewl ien tIeg ru,e sbsu,t el 1::>(:le1'i rok') - difrefnet1 01: - everyoncea nb uislodm ee xerciinstteoh ediari ly in aBnlrdu l (le'i ckairnB'r ) schedule? (le'i pk'ui)tnU S; anldrel ( lei k alot sh'er ' 'h'ai)tnU S ipsor noeudn c inU S Youw ihlelfa uorrm oerp epoltela kianobguw th atthy ee nyjd ooiintngh esiprraet imTehy.ea er 1.3 frmo notrheErnng lSacnoadtn,lWd a,ls ea nNdo trheIrernl aLnsidtn.e maasy nt ism eyaosnu e eadn d wrietb rinetofea sb outt hwyesh aayt. northEenlrgann .d.:. ........................................................................................... ................ . Scloatnd: Wale.s.:.. .................................................. ..................................................... ............ NorthIeerrlna nd: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................... Nowr edat htern aspctrisitn h Kee Ayr.te h eep ratrilcafuraet rueosft heoinrnu cpiratiyoonhu a tdh at porbleumdnses artndiInwngh ?aw tas yi tsh eoinrnu cpiradtifirefonentf rmo BBECn igsl-ht hiast, BriEtniigsslshhp okweihnto uart e igonaacclen (tsU enet2 i )? Folulpo:Rw e cyoorrudsl refae dionnogeft heex triaencx teisrs1 ce.1( .T haersweer itdtoewinnn thKee yC.op)ma yruoerr e iandagnt dh veesr ioontn h ree cionrWgdh.aa etrt hmea idnife fnreces ipnor nnuciatthiyaootnnu o tice? EnglPirosnhu nciinaU ts(ieAo dnv anced) 9 Accen(t2sE) :ngl iassha ni nternaltaiunoageng al Int hibso o.k. . .y.o.wu i ulslBe r itIinpsa hr lt,aiy rcowuui ulslte h vear eittyh haatcs o mteob ek noaws'n B BC Enigsalhsa m odelE nlsgihB:B ECn igsilhts h peor nnuciautsiebodysn p keesasr ucahsn wesrdeesar frop ornnuciatiaonnad.n o nuncseo rnt leveiosnai nrdda i,io ncltuhdWeior nlSgde rvice. Somoeft ehssep keesahr vaer eigonaacelcns ft rmo thUen iKtniegdd osmu,c h asS cotWteilsoshrNh, o t rheIrirsnah c cseb,nu ttth aece cnyto wui hlerlai n thbiosoi ktspy iacolft o hswei tahnE nigsalhcc enTtha.ic csne tit sa kaestn h e 'modbeeuclsa'ie t a w iisd beorldayac tsa nrdep secvtareidye ,at nfdro m ost peoipesla els uyin dsetrood. .y.o.wu i hlerla a Recomradteideau rls emda iyf nollsriet niincnugld sse pkeesawr itdhifre fnet widvreaei toyf Enigsalhcc nestS.o mheae vE nligsht haefsii lrrsa tn g(ueaf.grgmeo A. u tsrlaia Enigsalhcc nest. antdh Ueni tSetda twehsio)lt,ehs h e vareE nigsalhsa s encdoo rf roeign lang(u.eagfg.rme o J apaannPd ol nadT)h.wi ishl elpl erpp raye otuo unedrnstddaf ifreneto npnurciaotfEi nolsgnihsI.f nr omataiobouwnth ee r spkeesacr omferm o igsvi eintn h Kee y. ��;l�l::�$!fml� Theu soef E nglhiassshp refaadbr e yotnhdo csoeu ntwrhieersie ti su seadsa firslta nguaIgnse o.m e (I�rp�o?couun\trs-riuecash sI, n diMaa,la wi,P hilipapnidSn iensg apEonrgel,ii sas nhi mportsaenctol nadn guage �olri qs f-romre.tl.a nyi nandh aosft etbnhe eco me languuasgeeid no fficicaoln tesxutcash sc ourts, speakers, the ��---.-�-". parliaamnedhn itg heedru catMioornre.e cenmtalnyyo, t hceoru ntrsiuecashsB, r azCihli,nT ah,a iland andR usshiaav,re e cogntihsieem dp ortoafnE cneg laissa hni nternaltainognuaoalfgc eo mmunication, ande ncouriagttesed a chiinsn cgh oaonldcs o lleIgenea sc.ch o unttrhyeE, n glsipsohk iesin n fluenbcye d othlearn guawgiedseu lsye tdh eraen,de acvha riiesdti yff erienn t itgsr ammvaorc,a bulary featuorfes andp ronunciation. widespurseoeaf dE nglaissa hni nternational The langumaegaen tsh amtu cho ft hien teraicnt ion Engltihsahnt o wg oeosna routnhdwe o rlidsb e tween· speakwehrods o nh'atv Een glaissa fh i rlsatn guage. Foerx ampwlhee,Gn e rmaann dS panipsohl iticians meett odi scpuoslsi ocfit ehsEe u ropUenaino tnh,e ir chosleann guoafgc eo mmunicmaitgihowtne lble EnglTihsesh a.m mei ghatp pwlhye Sna udAir abian andJ apanpeesoep mleee tto d ob usiness. il1);!J:",��-�at_. --Th;:7ec o nsequoeftn hciiess t hatth eirsae n e normovuasr ioeftya cceontfEs n gliinas dhd ittioto hno soef lt1Apo'Brri-rEtnig?lslhi' nsAhm-r'e,rn i Ecnagli'sAhu's,t rEanlgilaainns dhs 'oo na,n dy oum ayb em orlei kteols yp eatko v./ �/ Ios-!-ire. npeiolew nitq'hI n)dEin galni s'hS'i,n gapEonrgelaoinrs' hR'u ssiEanng lpirsohn'u nciation. p "-'"'''' ""'''''�'M�_''_'''��/ Itw oulbdei mposshiobwleev,te orl ,e atron' swiytocuhpr'ro nunciaetaictohin m yeo uw "etrael ktiona g speawkietrah v arioeftE yn gldiisffhe rfernotym o uorw n- tou saen A ustraElnigalpnir sohn unciation witahn A ustraolrCi hainn,eE sneg lpirsohn unciwaittaihC o hni nepseers oCno.n sequeintit sul sye,ft uol 'modyeolu'pr r onuncioanot nievo anr i-ebtutya lsroe cogtnhiastteh iisjs u sotn eo fm aneyq ually acceptvaabrliee ties. EnglPirosnhu nciinaU ts(ieAo dnv anced) 10 SectioGn eAt tsitnagr ted Exercises 2.1Y ouw ihlelsa prke easwr itihne trniaotnaacelcns ot fE nligsfhrm o fviec uotnrsit laeiknagob utth eir A7 fmaiisleW.h eer ydoot uih ntkhy ea erf ormL?i satnewdnri ttehn ea moeft hceuo tnyri tnh sepc ae. Spea1ki efsrr o.m. .... Poland Spea2ki efsrr om Spea3ki efsrr om Spea4ki efsrr om India Spea5ki efsrr o.m... ....... . Nowc heycoukra nwsesri tnh Kee Wy.h iocfth eh saec ecnst ydoof uni de aesstitou dnesrtnada nd whicmhos td ififclutC?an y osua wyhy ?W hicohft e hsEen igslahcc esni tcsol setsoyt ou ro wn? 2.2L sitneY.ou w i:hl eatrhs ema et erxte atrdhe temi esfri:sb tya s pkeeaorfB BECn igslshe,nc dob ya ASs pkeeaorfJ amiaacnE nigslahn,td h dib rya lPsiohs pkeeaorfE nlsgihT.hy ea ert lakianbgom uovtni g ino tnae hwou saen sdo moeft hteh itnhygeh sa evh atdob u.y Heera ers moen toeosnh ow ptorhneui nactiinpora not ft hreae dibnytg h sep eaokfJe armi acan Enigslhd ifirefnset f rmo thaittn h reae dibnytg h sep keeaorfB BECn igslh. thferi svto welo stieo1s 0 (ac1sl thveo wiesl thveo wiecsll s oe in' ht);o'h :1i nBB ECn igslAhlo.s, colsteol ia:n1d tolu :(a1si n' t)o;Io �'ul 'iIn'so ptor noneucd suondlsei' kepelts'; inB BECn igslh leliln EBnBlsgCih L:.: �ead'-J.h adc utlaenrdyc upasn ds aucearnsd, � �� myb r rg avmee somen ew esa nd thveo ewils I Ih adt og eqtu itale o otf f urnittuoroIe.d , i dn't colsteoI I/a�, nd suodnsl ei k needan ewb edb,u tIb oughatn icoel dw ooden 'chse'lee;�r i1n tabalned s omec fso r sittirnogo .m. .. BBECn igslh ..I.h adt od oq uitale o otf d ecoratIi'nvge. Nowd ot hsema ef ro wallpaptehrebe edd rooamn dp ainttehde thpiastr tohfte e xt bathrosoomfgr, butt herstei'lqslu iatl eo tto raedb yt hPeol sih do.B utI 'imn n oh urrya ndI 'rme alelnyj oying spkeeaorfE nligsh. itI.t g'rse haatv imnygo wnp lacaetl ast. 23. Arteh eea ryna cecnsot fE nigslthh aaetro fp atrilcaiutrne ersotri pmortnacteoy ou? Prcateil ssietnitnopg ep olwei ttehhs aecc esna tsm ucahsp osbslIieyf.o hua eva ccetssot he inetrenty,o cuuo lrdeu gllalyrt iestnoE nlsgihl aunaggber ocasadtwsh eey rowui hlelta ehrs aece cnst. Foerxm ap,lf eroN ewZ elaaanccde snt,tr hytt p/w:/ww.aridozn.nc/zo;f .roS weidsahcc esno tfE nligsh, RadSitcook lhmoh aasw eekElnliygs nhwe sb rocaad(satth t t:p/w/ww.s/rr/sr.es/iden_deng.)hw thmeel r manoyft hsep keeasar erS weids(Fho.mr o eri nofrmatsieUoen n4i,.t ) Folulpo:Rw e cdyo uorsrlerfed aitnhgte e ixnetx er2c.iP2src.eat iafs eetw i mbeesf roerdceio nrTgh.ew nr ite out tteahxgeta ainnmd,a e kn toeosni thg,ih iglhitndgi rffneeecsb etwyeuoerpnor nuinancta inotdh oaft thsep keeaorfB BECn lgi(sAhel.rt invaetyloucy uo,l gdea tf rnidoe rtae chteomr ae kn toefsoy ro u.) EnglPirosnhu nciinaU ts(ieAo dnv anced) I I

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