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Preview Английский язык. Страноведение / English. Cross-cultural Studies

T. B. ltllnruuilrna, A. 11. Casrmna I IROSS{lJITURAt l.:4,|." STllIIIS llqe[m-meTolrqecfiog noco[re un cMellT0B By30B L B. illruouffira, [" ll. [mruom ITPAllOBEITlllIT ENETISH GROSS.GUIIllRAI STUDITS I.le[il0-ueroil'rgcroo nocffim flnn GryleilIo[ BysoB Muxcr <<TerpaCucreuc>> vAK 8l l.l I 1(075.8) EEK 81 .2Aurr923 M67 Pexoue ttdooatto xa(nc)poi) mcoputt rt ry)ilK'ttttKlt anuttitc xttil 1tc'ttt Unit 1. THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Eettttpyccxttztt tocydapc mac l'I oiro iKotIol't ltqc cKo?" y' ltutcpcunrc ma The Republic of Belarus Today: General Outlook Higher Education in the Republic of Belarus. 30 The Economy of the Republic of Belarus 46 r<ur[e4 Unit 2. THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION npenoJlansrcnr, V.^;."'# The Russian Federation Today: General Outlook 69 np.n,ioocryoAitanpt0"ln'RsC lxllalot[reoApsr reopuu u n xofi pe'rn Higher Education in the Russian Federation 91 l'ocyrapc'rBeHHoro SKoHoMl4qecKoro yHxBepwneta A' 14' Caeuuoea The Economy of the Russian Federation. 108 Unit 3. THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN PeueH3eHTbI: |RELAND..... ............124 rcaQedpa meoputt u npaKmuKu anztuilcrcoil peqlt Muncxoeo zocydapcmeenuozo The United Kingdom Today: General Outlook 124 ruJ*tu. HK,ozai"Alaupc:ormyB,u oA|lrer{cacKrAooe euorauy$uHe uyA7npepoPfcutu ,mnH"HeuCmo",ca trM ;pRna.pa llBlHHr oAbftltvrpxole, dia3xt3 TllxbinroteeKAHoaBror ol lrnP.nceqrceuncryKy6'HnranxrH <yauny pKBa'eAnroaruepenyHucTer'crux UnTiHt hi4ge.h TEeHrc oEEnd oUumNcayITt ioEofnD t hinSe TtUhAenT iUtEenSdi teKOdiFn gKAdinMogmEdRomICA.. 111648354 Outlook The United States of America Today: General .....184 America Higher Education in the United States of .............208 MnrPournuHa' T' B' The Economy of the United States of America ..................... ..................226 rsutrc. M67 Au'rufiowril ;tHi: Studies : )qe6'-MeroA' n 20ll' - OTBETbI 253 A'H' CasilHosa' Unit 1 253 PollrKuHa, 288 c' The Republic of Belafus Today: General Outlook 253 ISBN 978-9 S5-536-17 0-2' THhigeh Eerc oEndoumcayt ioofn t hine tRhee pRuebpliuc bolicf Boef laBreulsarus 225568 floco6rae BK:Iloqasr s ce6q lcxc'rrl Art rlrelltdq u ynpDKtlel{nq Jrri#"; Unit 2 261 The Russian Federation Today: General Outlook 261 ofi Peun' Higher Education in the Russian Federation 263 of 14qHLle The Economy of the Russian Federation 265 u 3KOHO- Unit 3 267 The United Kingdom Today: General Outlook 267 Icurnx Yue6ur'tx :a- Higher Education in the United Kingdom 270 "l#5Tffi:T#l xun'enoAaloul'x The Economy of the United Kingdom 273 "" gsHr' 275 aHrnrificxltil vAI{ 8l l'111(o7s'8) The United States of America Today: General Outlook 275 EEK 8l'2Asr'n-923 I ligher Education in the United States of America 278 I-he Economy of the United States of America 281 c n hcoK ncnon b3yEMol4 n rTEPAryPbt 284 v tlona A' ll" 201I |sFr?D9t$3*t7}2 2ol I <TvrPaCncrevc'>' @ BBEAEH14E Ilpopa6orrca KaxAor-o H3. rroApa3Aeloe c6opulrKa npeAnoJraraer r rcc KoJrbKo sTanoB: rrpeATeKCTOBSrfi, TeKCrosrr[ a nocJrereKcTOeSrfr <Cross-cultural Studies for Students of Englislr) - 3ro yve6Ho- l[crr'porra pa3Aena eBrxercfl TeKcr, npeABapseMrrfi cucremofi npe4_. MeroAHqecKoe noco6ne, aApecoBaHHoe cryAeHTaM H rrperroAaBare- loKcroBBlx ynpiDKHeHI4fi, a rarcxte crIHcKoM cJroB, rroAJre)Kaurux aKTh- JrrM Bbrcrunx yve6nux saoeqeunfi,, a raKxe urpoKoMy Kpyry nnq, B'3at\uvt. {onoluurenbHyro r,lHQopuraqnro no reMe MoxHo Hafrrn e H3yqarcu{Hx H nperroAaroulnx arruuficrcHI sssrrc. lry6pzre "It's interesting to knowl,. 3a rencrou ,uour^", floco6ue [peAHa3HarreHo AJrfl Hc[oJrb3oBaHVA Ha 3aHflTuqx no lla[paBJIeHHbIe Ha KoHTponb noHVMaHHfl npoqlrra"HnHaooryoa r,. I BeAeHHe auuuficxol'ty t3blKy 14. Aaer ytrauruMcff Bo3Mo)KHocrs nponecrn cpab- )rL'tcKyCCHU nO coAepx(aHr4ro TeKCTa. B xoHqe Ha:NAOfi TeMarrzr{ecKr,r unrelsHslft aHaJrH3 HeKoropr,rx crpaHoBeAr{ecKux pearuit, $arcroe tr6o3HaqenHofi qacrn - 3a1aHv$t npo6leuHol-o xapaKTepa, HarrpaB_ o6qecreeHHo-nonnTHqecxofi xnsHh, cncreMbr Bbrcurero o6pa:ora- rrcuHsre Ha pa3BHTHe HenoAroroueHHOft peqfl cryAeHTOB H Cnoco6- Hvtfl, a raKxe coBpeMeHHono gKoHoMHqecKoro cocrotHltt Pecrry6nr,r- .,rByfoll{fie upocBneH,ro HX TBopr{ecrnx cnoco6socrefi. Kponae roro, ru Belapycr, Poccnficxofi @e4eparlnn 14 llByx ns Frafl6oree pa3Br4Trrx rraxglrfi pa3Aen BKJIrOqaer TeKCTbr An, AononHlrrenbHoto qreHHfl aHrJroroBoprrrlnx crpaH Mrrpa - CoeqrHennoro Kopolescrsa BerH- ("optional Reading"). flocle4oeareJrbHoe BbrnoJrHeHHe ynpaxHeHufi rco6puravuu ra Cerepnofi Vpnawpuu N CoeAuueHrrsrx LUraroe Ar\ae- n saaaauit KDKAoto DTa[a no3Bonr,rr yqarqurnlcr csoprralapo"ur" ,u_ pLrKH. rrbrKrr H yn'eH*fl B pa.n'rrHbrx Br{Aax pe.reeofi Ae.flTenbHOCr.,.3arauux OcnosHofi uenblo Kypca flDJrfle'l'cl $oprtar,rpoeaHue y cryAeHToB 11 yIIpzDKHeHUf HMeIor ruIIoqI4, qro lro3BoJIfier l,rcnoJrb3osars uoco6ne ToqHbrx, cr4creMarhqecKHx, o'r'Bcr{a}ourH x coBpeMeH nu ru rpe6onauu- r(aK AJrr ay4nropuofi, TaK u AJu caMocro.srelsHofi pa6oru. rnl gHaunfi o reorpa$nu, oco6eHnoc'rrx HcTopnqecKoro pa3Burnq, flpegraraeurle s noco6nu TeKcrbr orJnsarorc.fl mrconofi arry_ [oJrHTHqecKoIo c'rpor H nocJreAHhx TeHAeHqr4gx pa3Br4Tr4fl 3KOHOMHK irlrbHocrsro' lTO yKpenur yBepeHHOCTb yqaurnxcq e Heo6xoAr4MOCT' yKa3aHHbrx cTpaH. r1x ocBoeHnfl v Aacr Honrrfi crHMyJr r yrny6reHurc gsanufi no aHr- ,{n4arrnuecKuMu 3aAariaMu AaHHoro noco6uq qBrrrorcr: co- rrnficroruy fl36rKy. BepueHcTBoBaHrre HaBbrKoB pa3JlHrrHbrx BHAOB qTeHlrr, pa3BvrTvre vl Anroprr 6laro4aprr pelleH3eHroe: rca$e4py reopr,rn u npaKTHKH coBepueHcrBoBaHhe yrueHrfi H lraBbrKoB ycrHofi peqh, yMeHHil aecrN irrruHficxofi pevra MfJIV r,r 3aM. 3aBeAyrouero xaQeapofi lruocrpaH_ 6ece4y r,r Bbrpaxarb co6creeHHoe MHeHHe, $opvraponaHue HaBbrKoB rrbrx r3brKoB Vncrntyra ynpaBneHrrecKr,rx KaApos AxaaeMHH yfipaB_ o6qeHuq e porenoft ilFpe, a raKxe 3aKpenneHr4e H aKTHBrr3aIIHq reK- )rcHr4s npa llpe:rz4eure pE, a rarur(e BbrprDralor oco6yro 6laroaap_ cnqecKoro MaTepuana no H3yqaeMbrM TeMaM. rocrb cr. [penoAaBarenro xaSeap'r reop'r, ]r npaKTr,rKH aHmaficrofi flpe4craueHHrlfi s noco6n n Marepxan crpyKTypHo pacnpe4elen pcvz Ef3Y Po4vtou C.K. sa rleHHbre ,u"""u"r" r,r rrrlareJrbHoe pe_ rto qerbrpeM pzuAenaM: "The Republic of BelarLls", "The Russian r lcH3HpOBaHrre pyKonHcH. Federation", "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", 'lThe United States of America". KaxAsrfi pa3Aen BKrloqaer TpH OCHOBHbTX TeKCTa Am H3yqaloqero qTeHI,rt, paCCMaTpI,IBarcqI4e ynoMrH)irble crpaHrr c ror{Ku 3peHn.fl r,rx Hcropr,rH, reorpa$nn, o6ule- crBeHHo-nolurnqecxofi )Kr,r3Hlr ("General Outlook"), cncreMbr BbIc- urero o6pasoBaHnq ("Higher Education"), a raKxe Iix coBpeMeH 3KOHOMHqeCKOTO pa3BHTl4t, nOrO)KeHU{ B MHpOBOM XO3tt4CTBe, MeX- AyHapoAHbrx gKoHoMuqecKHX orHouresufi ("Economy"). 4 co n t i n n ity (n ) - HenpepbrBHocrb, Hepa3pbrB Hocrb, rleJrocrHocrh sontribute (v) - nnocnrb BKJraq, coAeftcrsosars, cnoco6crBoBarb crrrrently (adv) - Tenepb, B Hacrorrqee BpeMq tlcclare (v) - npoeo3rrarrrarb rlcvastate (v) - onycrouarb, ptBoprrb The Republic of Belarus Today: General Outlook domestic policy - BFD/TpeHHrr rroJrtrrnKa clect (v) - ns6npars (rorocoaaHneu) f,D Pre-Reading Activitiet clectoral suffrage - z:6nparelbHoe npaBo cnact a decree - r,BAarb yKa3 { Task I. study the vocabutary notes that will help you to understand cnsure (v) - o6ecneqilBarb, rapaHTr,rpoBarb ontire (adj) - qelsrfi, aecr the text better: ospouse (v) - no4gep)KuBarb (r.raero) accountable (a-dj) - o6qgaHHrtfi orql'ITblBarbcq, orBercreeuHrtft, no4- cxecute (v) - ocyuecrBJlrrb, Bbr[orH.flTb orqerHuil cxecutive (n) - racnonHrnreJrbHar BnacTb adopt (v) - nphHnMarb oxercise authority - ocyqecrBnrrb npaBneHae advocate (v) - noqAep)Kl{Barb' 3aqnqarb lbreign policy - BHeurHrfl noJrr4ruKa ally (n) - colo3HnK, cropoHHl'lK lbrest nature reserve - rryqa anthem (n) - runan liagrant (adj) - apouarntrfi, 6laroyxaroulufi appoint (v) - Ha:Havaru lulfilment (n) - eurnolHeHHe, lacnorHeHr4e approximately (adv) - npn6rnsxrerbHo gain recognition - nonyrrnTr npr,r3HaHue ascendancy (n) - uacrr, BJIHflHHe' rocnoAcrBo guideline (n) - o6rqrail Kypc, HanpaBJreHHe, renepanbHa.r lr4Httfl, at the expense - 3a cqer habitation (n) - upoxr.rBaHr.re auspicious (adj) - 6raronPnrrHufi heritage (n) - nacle4crBo, HacJreAne ballot (n) - noJlocoBaHre human trafficking - roproBn{ nroAbMH bicameral (adj) - 4aYxnanarustfi impeachment trial - rporleAypa r{Mrrur{MeHra bilateral (adj) - 4eYcroPouuufi i nr p I ementati on (n ) - uc rroJr HeH he, ocyulecrBJre Hr,re, peanv3a\r4fl bill (n) - 3aKoHonpoeKr in a framework - e paMKax, B rrpeAenax birch (adj) - 6ePesoesrfi integrity (n) - qenocrHocrb chamber (n) - narara intermediation (n) - nocpeAHnrrecrBo checks and balances - (cAepxffa H fiporllBoBecbl) irrternal (adj) - nnyrpeHHuft collapse (n) - rcpyueHlle, KPax iudicial (adj) - cyAe6Hufi Commander-in-Chief (n) - uarnoxotuangyroqufi jrrdiciary (n) - cyae6Har Brracrb comprise (v) - cogepxarb, Blclllorlarb, 3arurroqars e ce6e lrrndlocked (adj) - He lrMerculnfi stxola x rvroprc confine (n) - rpaHulra, rPeAeJI lcgaiy (n) - Haene4crBo, HacJleAr,re coniferous (adj) - xeofiHrtfi lcgal and physical persons - rcplrAuqecrcue u SueuuecKlre JrHrIa consent (n) - couaclle I cg i slative (adj ) - 3aKoHoAarelsnufi constitute (v) - cocraelrrl legislature (n) - sarcouoAareJrbHaq BJracrb constitutional amendment - nonpanKa K KoHcrI4TyqHl'I 6 maintain (v) - no44epll(HBarb, coxpaHrrb I lrritcd Nations Organisation - C)praHusaqur O6r,e4rzHeHHbrx Haqr,rfi marshy (adj) - 6olorncrrtfi World Bank - BcevnpHsrfi 6aHrc moderately (adv) - YMePeHHo negotiate (v) - aecru repenoBopbt @ Reading and Comprehension Activities personif (v) - oruuerBopcrb {i prevention (n) - nPeaorBpauleHue fask lll. Go through the text and check y.our understanding by do- pursue a policy - npoBoAHTb nonl{Tl'lKy ing the tasks that fotliw: respectively (adv) - coorBercrBeHHo Belarus is an ancient Slavonic country situated in the centre of revival (n) - eo:poNgeHlae lrurope. The territory of the Republic of Belarus covers 207,600 si gn ifi cant (adj ) - 3HaqlrreJlbHrtfi , eaxnrtfi , cyulecrneHnufi square kilometres, stretching 650 kilometres from west to east and state body - rocyAapcrseHustfi opraH .5(>0 kilometres from north to south and bordering on Russia in the supervision (n) - ynpaaJleHue, KoHTpoJIb, na6nrcAeHue rrorth-east and east, on Ukraine in the south, on Poland in the west and term of office - cpoK nolnotuoqrlfi on Lithuania and Latvia in the north-west. The most important cities thorou gh fare (n) - rpaHc rl o prHafl MarH crpzlrlb lre Minsk, the capital, Brest, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev and Vitebsk. 'l'hey tract (n) - noJloca, YqacroK are not only administrative, but also industrial and cultural cen- urban area - ropoAcKafl reppnlopnfl trcs of the six territorial regions of Belarus. vote of confidence - BoryM AoBePHfl The country is populated by approximately l0 million people. lithnic Belarusians constitute 81.2% of the total population. Tlre next O lask ll. Mind the following proper nouns: lalgest ethnic groups are the Russians (11.4%), the Poles (3.9%o), and cIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) - cHf, coApyrxecrno tlre Ukrainians (2.4%). Belarus' two official languages are Belarusian irnd Russian, spoken at home by 36.7% and 62.8%o of the Belarusians, HesaeucHMux focyAaPcra collective Security Treaty organisation - opraHn3alllle AoloBopa o rcspectively. More than 70o/o of Belarus' population resides in the rrrban'areas surrounding Minsk and other regional centres. KoJIJIeKTHBHoft 6esonacHocrn Belarus is landlocked, relatively flat and contains large tracts of Council of the Republic - Coeer Pecny6rr'mu Eurasian Economic Community - Enpa:nficKoe sKoHoMuqecKoe co- rnarshy land. The country is,rich in water resources. There are more than 10,000 lakes in Belarus and the river network comprises about o6uecrso General Public Prosecutor - feHepansHuft nporypop ,10,800 rivers and streams. The longest rivers are the Dnieper, the House of Representatives - flalara npe4crannrenefi Western Dvina, the Nieman, the Bug and the Prypyat. The biggest International Monetary Fund - MexAyHapoAuslft ealrcrnr,rft Qon4 lirke is Naroch. Almost a third of the country is a coniferous and birch National Assembly - HaquoHaruHoe Co6paune lirrestland. Due to a great number of lakes and forests the Belarusian Norogna-Anils ia gtnioend Mfoor vSeemceunritt y- ar{nedn xceoHolp4eer aHteionnp nicno eEAulrlHopeeH n-fl opraHnsaqur lp,,cr'ooepnle f ocraells tthse'. ir'l 'hcoeu ennt{dyle s'bsl uweo-eoydeladn' dosr, 'ade ceopu rnivtreyr so fa bnldu el alkaekse,s vaansdt l'iclds and meadows of fragrant grass have always been an enjoyable no 6esonacHocru H corpyAHnqecrBy B Eepone State Control Committee - Kot'lwrgr rocyAapcrBeHHolo KoHTporq right for residents and visitors. Belarus possesses such valuable natu- rrl complexes as the national parks Belavezhskaya Forest Nature Re- Supreme Court - BePxonHstfi cYA I serve and Braslav Lakes, Nalibokskaya Forest Nature Reserve' Bere- and interaction of bodies of state power, maintains the intermediation zina reserve, the lakes Natoch, Svityaz and others' The plane charac- among.the bodies of state power. Under the Constitution, the Presi- ter of the territory, the moderately continerrtal climate, the developed dcnt is elected directly by the people of the Republic of Belarus for a hydrographic system and the forest reserves create auspicious condi- term of office of five years by universal, free, equal,-direct electoral ti,ons ior-habitation of people, managing agriculture, building indus- suffrage and by secret ballot. trial enterprises and thoroughfares. State power in the Republic is exercised on the principle of divi- The ctuntry,s advantageous geographical position at the crossing sion of powers between the legislature, executive and judiciary. State of roads going from east to west and from north to south often turned bodies, within the confines of their powers, are independent: they co- into a disadvantage. B'elarus wbs the arena of many wars' invasions operate among themselves acting on the principle of checks and ba- and aggressions. The territory and its nation were especially devas- lances. tated in world war II, during which Belarus lost about a third of its The country's supreme legislative authority is the National As- population and more than half of its economic resources. But the re- sembly, however the President may enact decrees that are executed pulti" managed to recover in the post-war years - it restored its cities the same way as laws. The National Assembly is a bicameral Parlia- ment comprising the ll0-seat House of Representatives (the lower and rebuilt its economY. The Parliament of the Republio of Belarus declared tlre so- house) and the 64-seat Council ofthe Republic (the upper house). lhe I'louse of Representatives has the power to appoint the Prime Minis- vereigntyofthecountryon2TJulylgg0,andfollowingthecollapse of the Soviet Union, Belarus declared its independence on 25 August ter, make constitutional amendments, call for a vote of confidence on 1991. According to tlre Constitution, adopted in March 1994, the Re- the Prime Minister, and make suggestions on foreign and domestic public of Belarus is a unitary democratic social state based on the rule policy. The Council of the Republic has the power to select various of lu*, which exercises supreme control and absolute authority over government officials; conduct an impeachment trial of the President, its entire territory, and puisues an independent internal and foreign and accept or reject the bills passed by the House of Representatives. policy. currentlythe Republic pf Belarus is a sovereign independent llach chamber has the ability to veto any law passed by local officials state with its own goveinment, constitution, state emblem' flag and if it is contrary to the Constitution of Belarus. anthem. The nationi anthem of the Republic of Belarus is "We, Bela- Executive power in the Republic of Belarus is exercised by the Government - the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus - the central body of state administration. The Government in its activ- ity is accountable to the President and responsible to Parliament. The head of the Council is the Prime Minister, appointed by the President ' constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the rights and liberties of with the consent of the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister nranages the activities of the Government and informs the President mimapnl eamnde nctiatitzioenn . oTfh teh gP iemsaidine ngt upideresloinneifsie s^o ff tht+heLe ^u 'dnl^oimtmyp eoctsfi ntti ch eaq nnndad t iffononrre,e iqtighn4e.i orr itTsh bea jsuicd gicuiaidle plinoewse ra nind othne a Rll.ethpeu bmlico sits i mpeprofortramnet dd ebcyis tiohnes .Supreme poii"y, represents the State in the relations with other states and inter' ('ourt and specialized courts such as the Constitutional Court, which l"ai"""r organizations. The President provides the protection of thq tlcals with specific issues related to constitutional and business law. sovereigntyof the Republic of Belarus, its national security and terri' I lrc judges of national courts are appointed by the President and con- torial integrity, ensures its political and economic stability, continuity lirrled by the Council of the Republic. Supervision of the exact and 10 11 unifoffn execution of laws by all bodies of state management, local llrc l6tl'to the 18th century is considered the golden age of Belarusian councils and other legal and physical persons is carried out by the culture. The l8th and 19'l'centurieswere a time of Polish and Russian General Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Belarus. cultural ascendancy. The revival of Belarusian culture began only in control over the fulfilment of the republican budget, the utiliza- llrc late 1980s. At present the Ministry of Culture finances events tion of state property, the execution of parliamentary acts, regulating promoting Belarusian arts and culture both inside and outside the the relations with state property, economic, financial and tax rela- country. The Belarusian Government sponsors various cultural festi- vals like the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk, which showcases Belaru- sian performers, artists, writers, musicians, and actors. Several state lrolidays, for example, Victory Day and Independence Day, draw big crowds and often include displays such as fireworks and military pa- nic expression, and a market.economy. The Belarusian Social Democ- rades. ratic Assembly advocates an independent Belarus, which does not Belarus and Russia have been close trading partners and diplo- rnatic allies since the break-up of the Soviet Union. Since 1996, Bela- rLrs has been negotiating with Russia to uniff into a single state called tlre Union of Russia and Belarus. Belarus has trade agreements with scveral European Union member states as well as with its neighbours l,ithuania, Poland and Lafvia. Bilateral relations with the United vate propertY, and peaceful relations States are based on intellectual property protection, prevention ofhu- parties include the Communist Party rnan trafficking and technology crime, and disaster relief. Belarus has ocratic Party of Belarus, the Liberal D recently increased its cooperation with China, India, Venezuela, the the All-Belarusian Party of Popular Unity a United Arab Emirates, the Republic of South Africa and Syria. In ad- Party of Labour and Justice, the Agrarian dition to the CIS, Belarus has membership in the Eurasian Economic arusian Ecological Party, etc. All in all in 2 Community and tbe Collective Security Treaty Organisation. Belarus interacts with the major international institutions such as the United Nations Organisation, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Non-Alignment Movement, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. State University in 1921 became an impoftant step in the development The Republic of Belarus owns a valuable potential of natural, ar- of Belarusian soience. In 1929 the Academy of Sciences of Belarus chitectural and ethnic resources, rich cultural and historical heritage, was founded. The achievements of Belarusian scientists in the fields lavourable geographical position on tourist routes connecting Western lrurope, Russia, Scandinavia and Asia. International economic and cultural activity of Belarus today is becoming more and more inten- sive. [t contributes to the world peace, friendship and cooperation irlrong nations. 12 13- runder the power of Rzecz Pospolita), there is an interesting ver- sion of its origin. Mensk originates from the word 'menyat' (to It's interesting to know .'' change), which allows to make a conclusion about intensive trade activities there since ancient times. The literal translation of Belarus is 'white Russia" after the an- Minsk has been the nation's capital since 1919, and 4t present it cient term ,Belaya Rus',. The 'white' may refer to the beauty of is home to [,741,400 of Belarus' residents. There are about 0.88 males per female in Belarus. The average thebirchforestsortothesnowthatblanketstheeartheveryyear. Another explanation is that in ancient times the word 'whitg' life expectancy is 63 years for males and 74.9 years for females. meant free, in the sense of free from conquering invaders' Belarus has a negative population growth rate. In 2007 Belarus' Belarus was named 'Byelorussia' until 1991, when the Supreme population declined by 0.41% and its fertility rate was l.22,well soviet of th'e Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic decreed by below the replacement rate. law that the new independent republic should be called 'Belarus' According to Article l6 of the Constitution, Belarus has no offi- in Russian and in all other language transcriptions of its name' cial religion, although the primary religion in the country is Rus- Until the 20tl century, the Belarusians lacked the opportunity to sian Orthodox' While the freedom of worship is granted in the create a distinctive national identity, since the lands of modern- same afticle, religious organisations tlrat are deemed harmful to day Belarus belonged to several countries, including the Princi- the government or social order of the country can be prohibited. puiity of Polotsk, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Polish- Belarus is the only nation in Europe that retains the death penalty Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Russian Empire and t6e Soviet for ceftain crimes during times of peace and war. Belarus lras four World Heritage Sites: the Mir Castle Complex, Union. Belarus is twice as small as France, Spain, Sweden' It is twice as the Nesvizh Castle, the Belovezhskaya Forest Nature Reserve large as Greece and Bulgaria; three times as large as lreland and (shared with Foland), and the Struve Geodetic Arc (shared with thJCzech Republic; five times as large as Estonia and Denmark' nine other countries). Belarus o""upi., some 2%o of the territory of Europe and ranks The Belovezhskaya Forest Nature Reserve is home to the Euro- pean bison (or wisent), a relative of the American buffalo. This 85tl'in area in the world. ./ The Belarusians account for l.5Yo of the population of Europe creature is often depicted in prehistoric wall paintings found all and the country ranks 86tl' among the countries of the world in over Europe. It survives only in the reserve. In 1945 Belarus was one of the 50 member countries that formed population. ,/ bn 3l May 2008 a memorial sign was put up in the city of Po- the United Nations Organisation to promote peace and interna- lotsk, Vitebsk region to mark the geographical centre of Europe' tional cooperation and security. ./ The relief of the territory bears the witness of the Ice Age' name- In December l99l Belarus was one of the three Slavic republics ly the Valday's Glacier' which shaped the landscape l4-18 thou- of the former USSR to set up the Commonwealth of Independent States with the purpose of economic, financial and monetary co- sand years ago' ./ For the first time Minsk wa6 mentioned in chronicles in 1067 un- operation. The headquarters of the CIS is in Minsk. der the name of Mensk in connection with the battle of the Ne- Almost two thirds (61.5%) of the Belarusians do not support any miga River during which it was completely destroyed' As for its political party. original name - Mensk (the current name 'Minsk' was acquired onl*y in the late l Ttl' century as a result of transferring the lands 15 14 6. 1g TasR IV. Consutt a dictionary to fill in.the missrng pafts of speech in relating to the administration ofjustice 7. the table below: the system or body of fundamental principles according to which a nation or state is constituted and governed Noun Verb Adiective tl. suDervlstng to assiln officially, as for a position,,responsibility, etc. 9, an addition, alteration, or improvement to a document constitute 10. supreme and unrestricted power,.as of a state. declaration Drevent I C lask Vt. Check your understanding of the text by marking these sovernrnenl indeoendent statements as True or False. Provide evidence from the text to support your answers: nreside l. 'fhe lesislature geographical position of Belarus is tactic, Iinking Western authorize Europe with the Russian Federation. unlon 2. More than 80% of the population is native Belarusians, with siz- & Task v. scan the text and find the words which correspond to these: able miriorities of the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Poles. definitions. comptete the puzzle and'frnd a key wod in the entre boxes: 3. Approximately l+V" of the country's territory is foiested. 4. The Republic of Belarus as a sovereign country was formed in 1.990, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union. 5. A nat,ional Constitution was adopted in Maich 1994 in which the functions of the Prime Minister were given to the President. (r. According to the Constitution,:the Republic of Belarus is a presi- dential republic, governed by the President and the National As- sembly. 7. Alexander Lukashenko has been tlre President of Belarus since 1992. 8. The unicameral Parliament consists of the Council of the Repub- lic and the House of Representatives. 9. The Council of Ministers is the legislative branch of state power, and is appointed by the President of Belarus. 10. Control over the constitutional compliance of nermative acts in l0 the country is fulfilled by the Supreme Court. l. affecting or undertaken by two parties; mutual O lask Vll. Read the text more carefully and complete the suggested 2. to talk (with others) to achieve an agreement statements: 3. reakdown )s l. The 4. ice of selecting a representative'of, a,course ol 2. The the options to a vote of all qualified personq I. Stat etc' ' realized through ... 5. a renewed use, acceptance of, or interest i4 past customs, styles' l 17 16

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