Anne Worrall *-S 'u*#' --I l '/ Helto! "-;{ 2 ReviewU nits5 and6 Twow orlds o e eMsdou I'md sncing! I [ikes urfing fi} l2 @ 54 .",.: . It Review Units1 and2 f8 '*l ReviewU nits7 and8 60 (} It'r snowin!g NewY ecr'sD og 20 62 I'ms cored! Vslentine'Dl oS O 63 "' Reviewu nits3 and4 32 Mother'rD og - Liones otm est Our Wortd e 34 6s Busr! @ 40 I Listen ond reqd. Then sog who it is. Hello!A gellowb olloono nd o pink bolloon,p leose! Hello!W hot's gour nome? ( t(- {.- -: I ^ft it \./ l al r -\ .Z I ( Beth,thot'sB-E-T-H ond Josmin, No, it's Yosmin- J-A-S-M-l-Nright? Y-A_S_M_I_N. ..*-o Listen ond chont. J AoristGb eD c,E cFf G$ ffih [n Fjj tSr<L t1M mM wO e iPp G)ei ,5s 'Jt Mm W W^, )-iri \? 2 -_= d,: .ffo Listeno nd reod. Then sog who it is. u-S r*-"il'.-,/f - t i -r itu{^-7ffi@#/t*--7{ !\-\ Comeo n, Horrg!M g 1F) luckgn umber's1 3! ll --'* | :\ ruLl\y llullllJt .1.- i I i. ,r t'fTi- /G, How old ore you? t'l .- -/ll i, ,'_i ii __.,l : iii <r."i i'l{ ,. i :-'sfrh ;i'. \1\ fi "_=5 -\\s--r_,. \ /."*d>* it l't -d.,' / Ri rU{ '€'.l- lir | ' --- tY- ^n. -** 6 /'1,t,i '".f , ,/_l 1t . ( -',- *{ ,1 \ %r-) t.l .,or"" ..-t d ! l-*- r l,-_ -' - j-' -- -- -r s-i.1 ;-'' l'm sorrg.N o drivers under 121 j qt.* T 1" 'i-d'' sk qnd onswer. "'*.\:"" 'a: l'm 9. Look ond sog with o friend. 3 .ff!f"o Listen ond reod. Then sog who it is. * 1 I like pizzo. 5 | fi ke chickenf,i sh,e gg,p azzo, 2 I don't like chips. ch-iPl'Jolodo nd sondwiches. 3 I like chicken. It L 4 I don't like pizzo. ,,,(: -" ':si.' ,- ,, "(a ):.... j'8 -l t .\ j g L .l 4. Ll q I Look ond sog. 4 ''' ) q{- ' Listen.T hen reod ond sog. '-'* 1 W ho t'sJoeqot? @ 2 W ho t'sBethsot?t .="'P 3 Whot'sHorryg ot? l/ 4 Whot'sYosming ot? \ Ir\ \r /''"\ i' $'i)i' *"r,.,],i,.-'..i', l'), i t,,l i.,/., -_;_\ i., " 1 ,t '.?'-- Ptog the gome. l've got 8. A cor! '..'-* Lool< ond tisten. Then reqd. I She'sg ot browne ges ...o toil! ond she'sg ot ... '$ tr' Thot isn'tm y rriend. Thot'so roc oon! q 3 j Listen ond point. Then sing. Dad'sg otblonAh air, 6r a ndad'sg otb lack arr, bfondh air,b londh air. bfa ck hair,b lack hair. DaA'sg otblondh air 6 ra nAaA 'sg of bla c k hair anda big anda lonjt blackbeard. ^ovsfache. [\um" got red glasses, 6ranny'sg ot no teeth, glassesg,l asses. no teefh, no feefh. Mvm" gol red glasses 6ranny's gof no teeth, and earringsfo o. just a lovely smile. Plout he oome. He'sg ot long hoir. He'sg ot blockh oir. He hosn'tg ot o beord. ' ,* Listen. Then reod qnd motch. r ' f f u j, il\ tf r / ,j ,/ t',l \.Jt /,'/| , y \qi"/"W: {,,' \ i\il tui J,) ? il-/,\'l / r,Ci, l l/ ll, i ' ii1 l 4 R people I trt\,h{,i,,r, .\ "-: ".:. i.:=:: boqt - '' n Listen ond reod. Then sog. oir's blond ond er oir's block. / 8 houses [, t: -:,-,1;- --l o Listen.T hen took ond sou, @ #,/ L, \hit*"tlat."llV W ,, Ask qnd onswer. i ' ) j L- """ Ask obout ... 1 the boots "a\ !\ 2 the people 3 the houses 4 thes hips f //- \ i( lV I'**j -\,