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Engineering Software III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Imperial College, London, England. April 1983 PDF

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Preview Engineering Software III: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Imperial College, London, England. April 1983

Engineering Software I I I Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, Imperial College, London, England. April 1983 Editor: R.A. Adey Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH 1983 R.A. Adey Computational Mechanics Centre, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, Hampshire, S04 2AA, UK. ISBN 978-3-662-02337-2 ISBN 978-3-662-02335-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-02335-8 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or pan of the material is concerned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of the Gennan Copyright Law where copies are made for other than private use a fee is payable to 'Verwenungsgesellschaft Won', Munich. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1983 Originally published by Computational Mechanics Centre, Southampton 1983 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1983 The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. CONTENTS Preface ENGINEERING SOFTWARE DESIGN Menu Input Generating System for the FORTRAN 3 Programs I. Kovacic, University of Ljubljana, ::iA.goslavia The Criteria for Selecting an Application Package 13 D.A. Plunkett, MSS Computer & Business Consultancy Ltd., Eng land HYDRAULICS Program Package used for Optimal Control of the 21 DJERDAP Hydropower System M. Miloradov, Institute for Development of Water Resources, S. Opricovic & B. Djordjevic, University of Belgrade, ::iA.goslavia Development of a Solute Transport Model for Multi- 30 Layer Groundwater Basin A. Das Gupta & W.E.R. De Mel, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Microcomputer Applications to Design of the Low 45 Head Pumped Hydro System at River Site H. Kinno, University of Tokushima Computer Programs for Risk Optimization in Water 60 Resources s.P. Simonovic, Institute for the Development of Water Resources, ::iA.gos lavia A Real Time River Flow Forecasting System 78 P.J. Wolfenlen, Data Processing Dept. & J.R. Douglas, severn Area Resources Unit, Birmingham, England Software Design for a Versatile Flood Frequency Analy- 93 sis K.P. Singh, Illinois state Water Eitrvey, U. S.A. An Interactive Package with Graphic Facilities 108 A . .Y. Barraud, S. Gentil & C. &leyman, Nat. Poly tech. de Grenoble, P. Laporte, C.N.R. s., E.N. S. France Micro Computer Controlled Laboratory Tests on a Storm 123 Water Overflow Chamber E.A. Delo & A.J. Slul, Simon Engineering Laboratories, Manahestep, England SIMULATION A Theoric-Experimental Computer Aided Method for the 139 Prediction of Overhead Line Dynamic Behaviour at High Speed M.No, R. MUguepza, L. Caprasaosa, J.G.Gi menez y J. GaPaia de Jalon, Univepsity of Navapra, train Micro-Computers: A New Simulation Program for Truck 151 Travel Time in Open Pit Mines T. Abdallah, Caipo Univepsity, Egypt & C. Chambon, E.N. S.M.I.M. Fpanae CAPS: A Simulator of Shovel-Truck System in Open Pit 164 Mines Using a Micro-Computer T. Abdallah, Caipo Univepsity, Egypt & C. Chambon, E.N. S.M.I.M. Fpanae Chemical Process Calculations Using the Mini Des 171 Programs J. Ii. Epbap, Ok lahoma state Uni vepsi ty, U. S. A., M. W. Slavin M.O.M. Kent, England & M.A. Bpanton, M.O.M. Kent, England Software Aspects of a Multi-Microprocessor Simulation 186 System P.L. Hzrpod & D.C. Bapkep, Univepsity of Manahestep, England The Application of Goal Programming for Determination 200 of Optimal Concrete Mixes N. Mladineo & B. Ramljak, Univepsity of ~lit, JUgoslavia A Computer Program for Time Series Analysis, Matrix 209 Operations, and Data Manipulation C. Geopgiadis, II NTEF, Tpondheim, Noroay Numerical Analysis of Energy Dissipating Devices by 224 an Explicit Time Integration Procedure J.M. Goiaolea, K.R.F. AndPews & G.L. England, King's College, London, England BOUNDARY ELEMENTS Applying Analytical Functions to Define Special Boundary 237 Elements in a Elasto-Plastic Problem with Singularities Idealized by Finite Elements O. Ohtmep, Messepschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm Gmbh, GePmany BEASY A Boundary Element Analysis System 254 D.J. Danson, C.A. Bpebbia & R.A. Adey, CM Consultants, southampton, England C.A.E. INFORMATION, EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Microcomputer Based Computer Aided Design System 275 Applications in Engineering Education B. S. Charles, Lwnbermate Company, Missouri, U. SA., P.L. Gould, Washington University, Missouri, U.&A. Computer Aided Engineering - the Educational Environ 281 ment W.E. Carroll, University of Central Florida, U. &A. The Clearing House for Engineering Software 292 B. Stanford-9nith, The National Computing Centre, UK CIVIL ENGINEERING Models for the Prediction of Forces Induced in Off 303 shore Platform Cranes During Lifting J.A.D. Ba~four, lkriot-watt University, U. &A. Mathematical Modelling of the Load Bearing Character 318 istics of a Dynamically Driven Pile R. De~pak, W.M. lague, G.C. Lake, V. Peshkam, G.O. Rowlands, Polytechnic of Wales, U.K. FREEWALL - A Membrane Retaining Wall Design Package 327 for Micro-Computers L.A. Wood, Queen Mary CoUege, London, England Civil Engineering Design Programs for Microcomputers 337 W.T. Bell & R.J. Plank, University of Sheffield, England Solving Concrete Cracking Problems with a General 347 Purpose Finite Element Program E. Grodtkjaer, Concrete and Structural Research Inst itute, Denmark Computation of Pile-Head Impedances by the Transfer 359 Matrix Method A.K. Basu, Brown & Root, London, England & A. Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India Bills of Quantities at a Stroke 375 J.J. Gibson & J.C. McIlwrath, Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland & M.I. Reid, W.R. H. Barton, Kirk, McClure and Morton, Consulting Engineers The Variational Inequality Method on Contact Problems 387 and its Application Software C. Jun-Zhi, The Computing Center, China, L. Guo-Ren, Chengdu University of tcience and Technology, China, Li Guang-Zhong, Institute of Chengdu JYdroelectric Power &rvey and Design, China & L. Fu-Gang, H. JU Xia, Shi Guang-Jue, The Computing Center, China Use of Microcomputer to Determine Slip-Line Fields 401 for Strip Footings J. H. Atkinson, City University, London, England, R. Delpak & G.T. Jones, Polytechnic of Wales. UK Microcomputer Analysis of Prefabricated Turbular 416 Scaffolding G. T. lblvorsen, West Virginia University, Ui B.A. & T.J. Parsons, National Institute for Occupational Blfety and marth, U. B.A. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATIONS Practical Application of Micro Computers in a Struc- 429 tural Consultancy J. seifert and Dr. M.J. Wyatt, Associated British Consultants Ltd., England Concise Equations and Program for Exact Eigensolutions 443 of Plane Frames Including Member Shear W.P. lbwson, J.R. Banerjee and F.W. Williams, Univer sity of Wales, Caridff, UK The Use of Micro-Computers in the Elastic Analysis 453 of Multi-Cell Structures D.l{. Pugh, R. Delpak, Polytechnic of Wales and H.R. Evans, University College, Cardiff, Wales, [J{ MABEL - A Micro-Computer Program for the Modal 467 Analysis of Buildings Under Earthquake Loads H.E. Blnto, CMESI', Portugal Vibration Analysis of Elastic Rotational Shells Using 481 Micro-Computers R. Delpak, & V. Peshkam, Polytechnic of Wales, [J{ Computer Aided Static and Fatigue Full-Scale Tests: 495 Possible Applications of Desktop Computers A. Nappi, Technical University, Milan, Italy VPCREEP - Finite Element Analysis Computer Code for 511 Concrete Structures Subjected to the Combined Influence of CREEP, Sustained and Time-Varying Temperatures Y. F. Cheng, G. L. Eng land & K. R. F. Andrews, King IS College, London, England STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING An Extension of the Continuous Medium Method for 529 Interconnected Shear Walls A. Cholewicki, Centre for Building tystems Research & Development, Warsaw & M. Winiarski, Technical University of Warsaw, Poland BAVOMU: A Computer Program Devoted to Multiple-Arch Dams 541 R.E. Arnould, University of Liege, Belgium Computer System SYNAR for Nonlinear Analysis of Frames 555 and Beams M. Blran, Technical University of Warsaw, Poland Analysis of Plane Reinforced Concrete Structures Accor- 566 ding to Second Order Theory Z. Prascevic, University of Belgrade, lUgoslavia A Technique to Predict the Post Cracking Behaviour 580 of RCC Plated Structures s. Agrawal, Maulana Azad CoUege of Teahnology, India MECHANICAL ENGINEERING A General Program for the Optimum Synthesis of Plane 595 Mechanisms R. Aviles, M.B. Ajuria, J.A. TaPpago, Esauela SUpep iop de Ingeniepos Industpiales, fPain A General Program for the Solution of Non-Linear Prob- 608 lems in Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms R. Aviles, M.B. Ajupia & J.A. Tappago, Esauela SUpepiop de Ingeniepos Industriales, fPain GRAFFIC - A Computer Package for the Interactive 623 Graphical Representation of Fluid-Flow Phenomena N.C. Markatos & C.A. Perialeous, C~M, London, England PHOENICS: A General-Purpose Program for Fluid-Flow, 639 Heat-Transfer and Chemical-Reaction Processes H.I. Rosten, D.B. Spalding & D.G. TataheU, C~M, London, Eng land Computer Aided Piping System at Engineers India 656 S. Krishnamurti, G.M. Deshpande and V.K. Gupta, Engineers India Limited High-Speed Control and Data Acquisition System for 666 a Novel Combustion Rig D.J. Barker, P. H. Prest & J.P. Paaker, University of Bath, England P.A.I.D. - An Interactive Graphic Package to Support 679 Piping Analysis Zs. Revesz, Electrowatt Engineering services, twitzerland Resolution of the Static and Dynamic Problem in Elastic 695 Cables Through a Variational Principle A. Lopez, J.A. Tarrago, C. Bastero, J.M. Bastero, E. T. S. CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design of Interior Artificial Lighting 715 of Buildings D.J. Capter, Muspratt Laboratories, Liveppool, England The Software Interface Between CAD and CAM 731 P.P. MaGoldrick, University of Nottingham, England Modified Parametric Lagrangian Interpolation for CAD 741 A. Pramila, University of Oulu, Finland Latest Advances in Computer Aided Design for the Process 751 Industries V.T. Taylor, I SJPIPE Ltd. Development Aspects of a Small C.A.D. System 759 Z. Grodzki and M. Winiarski, Technical University of Warsaw, Poland Data Parametrization in a Pre-Processor for Computer 771 Aided Design of Electromagnetic Devices B. Ancelle, D. Boillon, J.L. Coulomb, EN SfEG, France Experience with Computer Aids for Routing Pipes - 779 Isoroute A.G. Foord, ICI Engineering Department DATABASES The Further Development of a Geotechnical/Geological 791 Database L.A. Wood, E. V. Tucker and R. Day, Queen Mary College, London, England A Microcomputer Orientated Material Property Database 805 for Process Engineering and Design P. Norman, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England A Virtual Storage Data Management System for Finite 819 Element Analysis on Micro's E. Backx & J.P. Rammant, K.U. Leuven & XIA S. V. Network Data Management System General Architecture 832 and Implementation Principles W. ~aniszkis, CPIZI, Poland, M. Kowalewski, G. Turco, K. Krajewski, M. Eaccone, CRAI, Rende, Italy An Integrated Approach to Laboratory Data Management, 847 Processing ~nd Display G.P. Ellis, Simon Engineering Labs. England An Engineering Data Management System for Computer 863 Aided Design F.J. Beerema, National Aerospace Laboratory, The Nether lands & H. van mdel, Control Data B. V. The Netherlands FINITE ELEMENTS A Plate Bending Elasto-Plasto Equivalent Grid Finite 887 Element W. McCarthy, L. Traina, A. Melhem, New Mexico state University An Applications Software Library for Finite Element 899 Analysis I.M. 3nith, University of Manchester, England An Interactive Approach to Control Nonlinear Finite 906 Element Solution Procedures Th. Friedrich, ET H Zurich. 8»itzerland Design by Analysis and the Finite Element System FINEL 915 D. Hitchings, Imperial College of SCience & Technology & o. lbpkin, Babcock Power Limited A Description of the BERSAFE System 927 T.K. &Uen, CEGB, Glos, IK Fluid Mechanics Using Finite Elements 942 P. Ward, S. D.H. C. Engineering Services Ltd. England Finite Element Upsetting Analysis of a Ring: An 952 Incremental Solution to the Contact Problem I.M. Al-Chattat, Yarmouk University, Jordan Automatic Generation of Hybrid and Disp1acement 965 Type Finite Elements Ii. Alaylioglu, NMEH, wuth Africa Design of Structural Continua by Finite Element 976 Analysis of Equilibrium Models E.A.W. Maunder, University of Exeter, England Finite Element Analysis with Micro-Computers 991 Le Minh Tri, M. Picco and F. Van Den Burg, CE71M France The FEGS Pre-Processor FEMGEN 1005 J. Ii. Lamont & G• . Butlin, FEGS Ltd., England The FEGS post-processor FEMVIEW 1040 J. H. Lamont & S. Ii. Warde, FEGS Ltd., England A Computer Code for Finite Element Analysis with an 1052 Engineering Data Base J.H. Levesque, Ii. Noe, M. Paolillo & P. Thomas, Electricite de France, France A Computer Package for the Optimization of Welding 1067 Processes J. C. Gelin, H. Andrzeje1Jski, IUT Le Creusot, France Calculation of Steady-State Stresses in Continuous 1082 Prestressed Concrete Beam Structures Subjected to Creep and Cyclic Temperatures C.L. England, Y.F. Cheng & K.H.F. Andre1Js, King's College, London, LK

These proceedings contain the papers presented at the Third International Conference and Exhibition on Engineering Software held at Imperial College, London during the period April 11th - 13th, 1983. I must thank again the authors who submitted the large numbers of papers which made selection a diff
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