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Enforcing Prophetic Decrees - Nicholas Duncan-Williams PDF

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Thank you for purchasing this digital ebook. Enforcing Prophetic Decrees ©2012 Nicholas Duncan-Williams Published by Digital InQ (+ 233 243 652 700) All rights reserved. Excerpts may be quoted in reviews. All scriptural quotations are from King James Version of the Bible unless stated otherwise. 1 Books by same Author 1. Divine Timing 2. The Price of Greatness 3. The Supernatural Power of a Praying Man 4. The Incredible Power of a Praying Woman 5. Praying Through the Promises of God 6. Destined to Make an Impact 7. Binding The Strong Man 8. When Mother Pray Introduction God has blessed me to be in ministry for over 30 years and He has allowed me to preach in churches all over the world. To my amazement, I realized a consistent pattern in many Christians; their prayer life was either non-existent or ineffective. I found out that several Christians pray most when they are in a crisis and when they assemble in church. I decided that I was going to help God’s people experience a practical manner of praying by the use of declarations. Actually, the prayers contained in this book are prayers that I pray; and I must tell you that these declarations work! I believe these confessions are good for each segment of the body of Christ: be it a baby Christian or a 2 Bishop. I have heard it is said that Christianity is called the great confession. The word confession comes from the Greek word homologia meaning acknowledging and speaking what God says. To confess is also pronounced homologio in Greek, meaning to speak the same as and affirm what God says. II Corinthians 4:13 says, “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.” Furthermore, Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” So you see, Christianity has a lot to do with confession. We must declare what we believe in order to possess what God says concerning every area of our lives. In this book, by the special grace of God, you will find decrees and declarations which I have prepared for you so that you may experience practical Christian dominion. In order for you to receive the maximum benefit from this book, you are going to have to repeat the declarations continually and 3 consistently. I assure you, by the time you have completed ‘round one’; you would have acquired keys which would unlock doors concerning issues in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. As you use these confessions, decrees and declarations, they will allow you to access the invisible power of God, through the vehicle of the name of Jesus Christ and His superior blood. You will also find in this book, some of the many functions of the blood of Jesus Christ. Using the blood of Jesus is a grand privilege many believers miss out on as a result of them not being informed. Get ready to have your prayer life soar to a new dimension as you use these confessions! Chapter One DECLARATIONS FOR BREAKING CURSES In this Chapter, we will concentrate on overruling adverse words that were spoken over our lives. Sometimes words may have been spoken ignorantly or wilfully but the effect on your life may be damaging. I encourage you to utilize these declarations I have prepared for you because I believe God has given me the formula for your breakthrough and blessing – enforcing prophetic decrees. Decrees In the name of Jesus, I decree that my feet are set free from any demonic 4 influence, as a result of contact with contaminated grounds I have walked upon. I decree that any plots for my premature death or plans of satanic diseases within my body or mind as a result of contact with contaminated territories are immediately arrested and aborted, in Jesus’ name. I decree that satanic infiltration and demonic penetration assigned against me are blocked, in Jesus’ name. I arrest any satanic invasion of what concerns me. I arrest and overturn it, now. My hedge is sealed by the blood of Jesus. I decree that demonic forces assigned to set traps to snare my feet are intercepted and arrested; every snare already set for me, break, in Jesus name. Let the shackles break, let the nets be destroyed, I deploy the hand of God to break satanic cords set for me, in Jesus’ name. I command pits dug for me to be blocked and traps be destroyed by fire, in Jesus name. I escape all satanic landmines and declare they are defused, right now, in Jesus’ name. I decree that my heels escape satanic nets; and my feet released from any satanic plots and devices. I deploy the blood of Jesus to silence demonic incantations, counter occult spells, cause demonic 5 arrows to boomerang, satanic webs to be destroyed and demonic influences to hinder my spiritual ascension, be blocked. I decree that the ground where I stand, the ground where I live and the ground where I worship are consecrated unto the Lord, in Jesus’ name. I declare wherever I tread is holy ground, in Jesus’ name. I declare that the atmosphere surrounding me is cleansed by the blood of Jesus. I rebuke every demonic minion and every veiled demon that attempts to intrude upon my atmosphere, in the name of Jesus. I decree that my consecrated feet will not enter into any satanic territories by deception, emotional turmoil, negative confession, or spiritual indecision. I decree that my ears are open to the counsel of the Lord, in the name of Jesus. I decree in the name of the Lord that God has enlarged my path so that my feet will not slip. I decree that God has destroyed and wounded my enemies and that all who come against me will be under my feet. In the name of Jesus, I decree that any adversary assigned by Satan to dig a pit for me will fall into the pit he or she has made, (Psalm 7:15-16, Ps.9:15 and Ps.35:1-8). I decree that demonic 6 assignments to cause accidents, falls injuries, or wounds are terminated, in Jesus’ name. I decree that I, continually, receive instructions in the way I should go, that God guides me with His eye and I have understanding about where I go, therefore I escape demonic devices. (Psalm 32:7- 8) I decree that God has ‘made my feet like hinds feet’ and has set me high upon the rock, (II Samuel 22:34). I decree that my feet are firmly planted in the divine pathways that have been ordained for me by the Lord, (Ps.17:5; Ps.119:105). I proclaim that the Lord commands his angels to guard me in all of my ways, therefore I am kept safe and secure, in all my ways. (Ps 91:11) In Jesus’ mighty name, I decree that the Lord is my refuge. Therefore, my feet trample the serpent (Psalm 91:13) and I subvert and subdue all satanic activity of the underworld concerning my spiritual destiny, and general advancement in life. (Ps.91:9-13) I dust myself from the stress of yesterdays and erase my footprints, fingerprints, my voice and any form or means, by which I could be demonically identified. I decree let them be perpetually 7 wiped out by the blood of my eternal covenant, in Jesus’ name. I decree the permanency of my deliverance from the influence of demonic contaminations and I declare I am set free, in Jesus’ name. Prayer of Blessing Father, I bless your holy name for the privilege and the ability to veto every curse and things that have caused me to be disadvantaged over the years. Thank you Lord, I am permanently released from every curse and I boldly announce that from today, I walk in your bountiful benefits (Psalm 103:1-5), even your abundant blessings, in the name of Jesus, Amen! Chapter Two DECLARATIONS OF RENUNCIATION AND CANCELLATIONS ‘ Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; but have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth. ’ (2 Cor. 4: 1-2a) In this chapter, you are going to strategically renounce some subject matters that may have been materializing in your lives that cause you set back, discouragement and pain. I repent, right now, of all hidden sins committed by me – whether by omission or wilful 8 commission, I repent, in Jesus name. (Ps. 90:8). And now, by divine authority, every afflicting demon, that accessed me through secret sins, depart from me to the place of divine appointment; and I block you from returning to me, ever again. In the name of Jesus, I release myself from mental and emotional turmoil produced by satanic attacks. I speak to my conscience and decree that it fully cleansed through the blood of Jesus Christ. I decree I am acquitted, discharged and justified. I thank you, Jesus. Renunciation of satanic manipulations In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce every sin reigning in my life. I decree that sin shall, no longer, have dominion over my mind or my body. (Rom. 6: 12) I declare that my delight is and will be in the law of the Lord, according to the inward man, (Rom. 7: 22) Renunciation of soul agreements In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce any soul agreements, demonic attachments, demonic seductions or demonic entanglements concerning my life and those of my household. In the name of Jesus, I repent of any spiritual intercourse with demonic entities, thereby granting contamination to my soul. I renounce any permission granted to any agent of Satan; which resulted in 9 demonic infiltration, satanic encroachment or spiritual defilement. (Isaiah 28: 18). I destroy their altars, tokens and anointing influencing my life and relinquish any dealings with demonic contacts. I now declare that I am one with Christ (1 Corinthians 6:17) and only the anointing and influence of the Holy Spirit operates in and through my life. Renunciation of satanic masquerade In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce the hidden things of shame (I Cor. 4: 2). I renounce the demons of secrecy and guilt, which have produced deception, hypocrisy and pretence in my life. I decree that I am strengthened with might by the Holy Spirit, in my inner man. (Ephesians 3: 16) Renunciation of carnality In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce all speeches, all actions, and thoughts that produce or reinforce all manner of carnality in my life. I put to death the deeds of the flesh (Roman 8: 13). I take control of my mind and direct my attention away from the things of the flesh (Rom. 8: 5); for the carnal mind is enmity against God, (Rom. 8: 7). It is written that whatsoever a man soweth, that will he also reap (Gal. 6: 7). In the name of Jesus, I decree the immediate destruction of every seed of 10 carnality confronting me. Renunciation of demonic influences In the name of Jesus, I renounce any associations that were used to influence me to do wrong. I release my mind and my soul from the snare of the bad choices I have made as a result evil associations (Psalm. 1:1) I decree immediate termination of mental fatigue, spiritual fatigue and weariness caused by outside influences upon my life. By the authority given me in Jesus’ name, I command these demons and their allies to take their leave off me, now, never to return to me. I terminate their present and future assignments and I block all satanic channels they use to locate me. Renunciation of unfruitfulness In the name of Jesus, I renounce any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5: 11). In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree that the activities of satanic agents producing spiritual incapacitation and demonic harassment, terminate, now. Renunciation of covenants In the name of Jesus, I renounce any satanically initiated covenants that have impacted my 11 anointing, my spiritual condition or my spiritual resourcefulness for the kingdom of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, I abolish any covenants that I have knowingly or unknowingly entered into, that have produced an unresponsive mental, emotional, physical or spiritual condition within me, to the demands of my covenant with the Lord Jesus. I decree that every access point for demonic infiltration or demonic influence is immediately blocked. I decree that the blood of Jesus seals all perforations and breaks in my hedge of protection, my hedge is now sealed (Psalm 121:7). Renunciation of self-defilement In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce statements that established any self- imposed curse or self- imposed bondage hindering my divine purpose. I renounce my acceptance of statements spoken concerning me by parents, siblings, relatives, neighbours, friends, former friends, relations, brethren in the church, co-workers or persons unknown to me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast down all strongholds on my mind or my emotions concerning the activations produced by words spoken against me, or spoken against the divine prophecies concerning my future, my well-being or my divine 12 purpose (Ezekiel 18: 2 – 3; Jeremiah 31: 29). Renunciation of self-deceptions In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and repent of all self-deceptions, delusions and counterfeit works produced by my acceptance of false prophecies. Furthermore, I renounce any point of acceptance of lies spoken about me by Satan and his allies. I intercept and destroy all lies from Satan that were spoken about me by any persons who were associated with me during my infancy, childhood, adolescence or in my adulthood. I decree the immediate destruction of satanic records bearing my name. I decree that the blood of Jesus is now applied to cleanse and heal every condition created by the words and actions and impressions of others concerning me. Cancellation of generational demonic transference I cancel any genetic disorders, adverse generational influences and, patterns contrary to my well- being, in the name of Jesus Christ. I overrule any spiritual defilement from my maternal and paternal background, by the influence of the Holy Spirit. I flush out any spiritual corruption, contamination or defilement in my father’s family or ancestry. I speak divine alignment regarding my bloodline, and I decree that demonic pathways from my 13 mother’s background and my father’s background are permanently blocked, in Jesus’ name. I decree the dissolution of any satanic seeds planted by anyone connected to me. I decree that the blood of Jesus blocks off all demonically familiar pathways to my life, in Jesus’ name. Cancellation of satanic entrapment In the name of Jesus Christ, I cancel all demonic operations that attack me, operating through the spirit of Sanballat and Tobiah (Nehemiah 4: 8) and Shemaiah (Nehemiah 6: 10). I demand the immediate demolition of satanic structures, and spiritual roadblocks that have been activated by statements made by me or statements made by others concerning my destiny. I escape schemes and devices crafted to sap my health, thwart my divine blessings, future, gifts, spiritual development, academic well-being, professional opportunities, block my financial opportunities, divert my ministry opportunities and, the delay the fulfilment of divine prophecies concerning my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I demolish the blockades and fortresses erected by the demons of doubt, disappointment, vain labour, mockery, futility and abandonment. I take hold of the reins of my thoughts and declare my victory, by the blood of Jesus over the enemy. I declare I prevail against 14 every gate of the enemy erected against me, in Jesus’ name. In the name of Jesus, I permanently erase the lies spoken by these demons that were received in my faculties. I decree that I no longer stagger at the promises of God through unbelief; I move in the strength of renewed faith, giving glory of God (Romans 4: 20). Prayer of liberations In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare the permanent deliverance and release of my spirit, soul and body from the hands of the enemy. I yield myself to the service of the Lord, in Jesus’ name. (Luke 1:74). Chapter Three DECLERATIONS FOR BREAKING ANCESTRAL COVENANTS One of the root causes for the struggles in your walk with God may be due to the fact that someone in your ancestry entered into various kinds of ungodly spiritual exercise or experience. This offered the door for reaping negative consequences either from God or the enemy, based on what was done on our behalf, knowingly or unknowingly. According to Numbers 14: 18, ‘ The LORD is long- suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and 15

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