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Energy Transfer between Colloids via Critical Interactions. Ignacio A. Mart´ınez,1,2,∗ Clemence Devailly,1,3 Artyom Petrosyan,1 and Sergio Ciliberto1,† 1Laboratoire de Physique, E´cole Normale Sup´erieure, CNRS UMR5672 46 All´ee d’Italie, 69364 Lyon, France. 2Departamento de F´ısica Ato´mica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 3SUPA and School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh, JCMB, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FD, UK. Wereporttheobservationofatemperature-controlledsynchronizationoftwoBrownian-particles 7 in a binary mixture close to the critical point of the demixing transition. The two beads are 1 trapped by two optical tweezers whose distance is periodically modulated. We notice that the 0 motion synchronization of the two beads appears when the critical temperature is approached. In 2 contrast, when the fluid is far from its critical temperature, the displacements of the two beads are r uncorrelated. Smallchangesintemperaturecanradicallychangetheglobaldynamicsofthesystem. a We show that the synchronisation is induced by the critical Casimir forces. Finally, we present the M measure of the energy transfers inside the system produced by the critical interaction. 3 PACSnumbers: PACSnumbers: 05.70.Jk,05.40.-a,05.45.Xt,05.10.Gg ] h c INTRODUCTION inthetemperatureofthesystemwillpowerthoseforces. e Inthelastdecade,thenumberofexperimentalstudiesof m such a kind of systems has increased exponentially, be- - Synchronizationisthecoordinationofeventswhichal- cause the possibility of exploring those fluctuating fields t a lowasystemtooperateinunison[1]. Thiseffectappears locally,ofmanagingnanometricsystemsandofdetecting st in Nature at any size, from the smallest systems, as in femtoNewtonforceshasallowedthedirectobservationof t. the quantum world [2], to the rotation of binary stars theseforcesafewyearsagobyHertleinetal. [14]. Indeed a [3, 4], going through something as mundane as the pas- the application of critical Casimir force to nanotechnolo- m sageofpeopleonpublictransportationduringrushhour. gies has been proposed since its theoretical development - Inthespecificcaseofmesoscales,fromnanometerstomi- in the seventies. For example, very recently, aggrega- d n crons, the use of colloidal particles is widely accepted to tion of particles was induced by critical Casimir interac- o study synchronization. Different mechanisms have been tions[15]. Theperspectivesofimplementingtheseforces c proposed to induce interactions between particles. For in more complex mechanisms are giant. For example, [ example, hydrodynamics [5, 6], magnetic [7] or electric animportantapplicationcouldbetheminiaturizationof 2 [8], even Janus colloidal particles have been used to test thermodynamicenginestosingle-moleculedevices,which v what the synchronization may be like at the origin of require the development of switches with the ability of 4 structure formations [9]. In this article we present a new being turn on/off in a controllable way. 1 form of synchronization between two colloidal particles 9 In our experiment, a dual optical trap holds two col- inside a binary mixture close to its mixing critical point. 5 loidal particles inside a binary mixture. The equilibrium 0 Weshowthatthissynchronizationisinducedbythecrit- positionsofthetwoopticaltrapsareindependent, oneis . ical Casimir force and it is temperature-controlled. We 1 kept fixed while the other is periodically moved in order 0 alsostudytheenergytransferpropertiesofthistwoparti- to change the distance between the two particles. The 7 cles system using the stochastic thermodynamics frame- movingtrapinjectsenergyintothesystemandwestudy 1 work [10–12]. A binary mixture at the critical concen- the transfer of energy from the moving particle to the : v tration is a specific case of a system presenting a second fixed one. The novelty of our experiment is that the par- i order phase transition. When the mixture approaches X ticlesareabletointeractbymeansoftheCriticalCasimir the critical temperature, T , the correlation length ξ of c forcewhichcanbeeasilyactivatedbytuningthetemper- r its thermal fluctuations diverges, i.e., ξ = ξ ε−ν , where a 0 ature of the mixture close to T . C ε = (T −T)/T is the reduced temperature and ξ is c c 0 the characteristic correlation length of the mixture. The exponent ν = 0.63 is the universal exponent associated with the transition. If the fluctuating field φ is con- RESULTS finedonlengthscalescomparabletoξthecriticalCasimir forcebetweentheconfiningwallsappears[13]. Thisforce The experiment is carried out in the following way: presents a great interest in the nanotechnology area due first, the two microsized beads 1 (fixed) and 2 (mov- to its long-range nature and to the possibility of being ing) are optically trapped in the low critical tempera- switched on-off in a simple way, because small changes turemicelles-solventsolutionatastabilizedtemperature 2 (±10 mK) and at a constant trap stiffness, κ1 = κ2 = a) 6 b) 6 o(0f.5th±e 0t.r1a)pspNΓ/iµsmim. pTohseend,bthyefipxriontgoctohleinpotshiteiopnosoiftiothnes x (μm) 24 ε=1.60 10-3 x (μm)24 ε=1.27 10-3 first trap at xT = 0.000 µm while the position xT(t) of 0 0 1 2 the second trap is periodically moved according to the 0 tim5e (s) 10 0 tim5e (s) 10 following procedure which lasts 4τ = 2 s. The trap 2 is c) 6 d) 1 akecpotnfsotran0t≤spte≤edτ(va2tTx=T2 v=(cid:39)5.515.7µµmm./Ist)isfrtohmenthdirsivsetnataict x (μm) 24 ε=0.40 10-3 obability0.5 position to a new position at xT2 =6.400 µm in the time 0 pr 0 τ. Again, this position is kept constant during the time 0 5 10 1 10 time (s) ×10-3ε τ. The cycle is closed with a symmetric backward pro- cess, giving a total cycle time of 4τ =2 s. Notice that τ FIG. 1: Trajectory of the beads 1 (blue) and 2 (red) (a) is much larger than the bead relaxation time (γ/κ ≈ 80 no synchronization, ε = 1.60 × 10−3, (b) weak synchro- ms ), so we consider as equilibrium the last 0.4 s of each nization, ε = 1.27 × 10−3, (c) complete synchronization, ε = 0.40×10−3. The black solid line corresponds to the time interval in which the trap position is kept constant. position of the optical traps versus time. (d) Probability Thisperiodicprotocolisrepeated400timesateachfixed to be in a synchronous state (p (T) ). Notice how the NS temperature to obtain enough statistics on the measure synchronizationincreasesmonotonicallywhenthesystemap- of the bead positions. The temperature is increased at proachesthecriticaltemperature. Theerrorispurelystatistic (cid:112) different steps depending on the distance from the criti- ∆p (T)=1/ N(T). i cal temperature. After each temperature step, we wait 1 min to let the system thermalize before acquiring data. This scheme is repeated up to the achievement of the thebeadsdominatesUe(d)≈kT exp[−(d−lS)/σ]where critical temperature. σ is the Debye screening length and lS depends on the surface charges of the particles. At large distances the InFigure1,weplotthetimeevolutionofthetwobeads harmonic potentials of the optical traps dominate and positionsx (t)andx (t)measuredatdifferent(cid:15)whenthe 1 2 createalocalenergyminimum. Theopticaltrappingpo- above mentioned protocol is applied. Looking at Figure tential can be assumed as parabolic at these distances, 1, we see that particle motion depends on (cid:15). Specifi- cally when (cid:15) (Figure 1c) is decreased, the motion tends Uopt,i(xi) = 21κ(cid:0)xi−xTi (cid:1)2 [16]. Between them, the to synchronize and the mean x and x are shifted with Casimir potential defines a local minimum, see Figure 1 2 respecttothemeanpositionsoftheopticaltraps. There- 2a). IndeedinourexperimenttheCasimirforceisattrac- fore,weusethemeanpositionoftheparticlesduringthe tive because both beads are made of the same material. two equilibrium periods of the protocols to define if the Thus their surfaces have the same affinity for the mix- particles are synchronized (S) or not-synchronized(NS). ture components and this produces an attractive critical More precisely, at each (cid:15), we count the number p of Casimir force [17]. S periodswherethefixedparticleisdisplacedfromitsnor- malopticalequilibriumpositiontoanewone. Wedefine DISCUSSION the probability p (ε) of being synchronized as the ratio S between p and 400, that is the total number of times S in which the protocol is applied. The probability p (ε) Under this assumption, we subtract the Casimir in- S (seeFigure1d)clearlydependsonthefluidtemperature. teraction from our experimental results, see Figure 2b. WhenthisgetsclosetoT ,p (ε)increasesmonotonically The Casimir potential is evaluated under the Derjaguin C S inthisrangeoftemperature,becausethecriticalCasimir approximation for two spheres geometry and symmetric force becomes dominant. boundary conditions: Up to this point we have defined a phenomenologi- (cid:18) (cid:19) ARπkT d cal feature: the dynamics of our system depends on the Ucas =− ξ exp −ξ (1) temperature of the surrounding critical mixture. The next step is to analyze the origin of this behavior by where d = x − x − 2R is the distance between the 2 1 measuring the probability density function ρ(d), where surfaces and A ≈ 1.3 is a numerical constant from the d=x −x −2R is the distance between the beads sur- numericalapproximationunderDerjaguinapproach[17]. 2 1 faces when the trap 2 is in one of the two equilibrium The only free parameter in this equation is ξ, which is positions. From the logarithm of ρ(d) we obtain the to- obtained by fitting the experimental data of Figure 2b). tal potential U (d) (Notice that in equilibrium this is The measured evolution of ξ as a function of tempera- total valid even when the dissipation is a function of d as in tureisplottedintheinsetofFigure2b). Thebehavioris this case (see Equation (4) ) . in agreement with the values measured from light scat- The total potential can be split in three main parts: tering [18, 19], from which one estimates ξ ≈ 1.4 nm. 0 at shortest distances, the electrostatic repulsion between These results show in a convincing way the contribution 3 a) 0 cross correlation between the particles because the dis- tance between their surfaces, during the experimental -4 protocol, is smaller than the radius of the beads [20]. ) This cross correlation can be interpreted as a viscosity T k -8 gradient, which implies the presence of a multiplicative ( noise compensated by an entropic force Fi = T∂ S, U ent xi -10 where S = k logγ and γ is an r dependent damping 2 r r (see Appendix and References [21–24]). The dynamical 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 evolutionofthetwopositionsisexpressedbythecoupled d(nm) Langevin equations: (cid:16) (cid:17) b) γ (cid:126)x˙ =H˜F(cid:126) =H˜ F(cid:126) +F(cid:126) +F(cid:126) +F(cid:126) +ξ(cid:126) (2) 0 0 opt elec cas ent T) where H˜ is the hydrodynamic coupling tensor [6] with (k -4 m)102 dependence on r˜=(x2−x1)/R, see Appendix : U n -8 ξ( H˜ =(cid:18)1−15/4r˜4 3/2r˜−1/r˜3(cid:19) (3) 101 1 10 3/2r˜−1/r˜3 1−15/4r˜4 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 The stochastic force has zero mean and correlation (cid:104) (cid:105) d(nm) given by (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105)=2kTγ H˜−1 δ(τ). i j 0 ij The strong dependence of the dynamics on the hydro- FIG. 2: (a) Total potential U (d) as a function of the total dynamical coupling can be simplified using the eigenvec- distance between the spheres surfaces d = x − x − 2R. 2 1 tors of the system: the relative motion r = x −x and The potential has been measure using the probability den- 2 1 the collective motion ϕ = x +x of the particles. The sity function ρ(d) of d. It is possible to divide it in three 2 1 main parts. At small distances, electrostatic repulsion avoid evolutionofthenewcoordinatescanbeexpressedbytwo the sphere to stick together. At further distances the opti- Langevin equations as: cal potential dominates and creates a local minimum of en- ergy. The Casimir potential changes with temperature and γϕ(r)ϕ˙ = −κ[ϕ−xT2(t)]+ξϕ, allow the critical force to dominate the dynamic of the sys- γ (r)r˙ = −κ[r−xT(t)]+2F (r)−2F (r)− tem. (b) Critical Casimir potential corresponding to ξ ≈ 30 r 2 elec cas kT nm,Tc−T ≈2.0K,bluecircles,andξ≈70nm,Tc−T ≈0.5 − ∂ logγ +ξ , (4) K, red squares. Solid lines corresponds to a fit to Derjaguin 2 r r r approximation, Equation (1), keeping the correlation length where ξ = ξ + ξ and ξ = ξ − ξ , with correla- as a free parameter. Inset) The correlation lengths obtained ϕ 1 2 r 2 1 tions (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105)=4kTγ (r)δ(τ), (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105)= bythepreviousfitarerepresentedasafunctionofthereduced r r r ϕ ϕ temperature (blue solid squares) while the theoretical evolu- 4kTγϕ(r)δ(τ) and (cid:104)ξr(t)ξϕ(t+τ)(cid:105) = 0. The drag terms tion is represented by the red solid line ξ = ξ ε−ν , where aredefinedincludingthehydrodynamiccouplingasγ = 0 r ε = (Tc−T)/Tc is the reduced temperature, ξ0 = 1.4 nm is γ0/(H˜11−H˜12) and γϕ = γ0/(H˜11+H˜12). Notice that the characteristic correlation length of the mixture and ν = both viscosities depend on the relative position r, but 0.63 is the universal exponent associated with the transition. not on the position of the center of mass because of the isotropy of the surrounding fluid. Oncethechangeofcoordinatesisdone, wemustpoint ofthecriticalCasimireffectintheobservedsynchroniza- out two important features in the new Langevin equa- tion. Itisimportanttonoticethatthetemperaturerange tions. First, the Casimir and electrostatic forces only where we observe the critical effects is almost one order appears explicitly in the relative coordinate, even if the of magnitude larger than in previous experiments [14]. global dynamics is linked with them. Second, the only This increase is due to the fact that the characteristic variable with an explicit dependence on time is the po- correlation length of our mixture ( ξ ≈1.4 nm) is much sition of the moving trap xT. Within the stochastic en- 0 2 larger than that of water-lutidine, i.e. ξ ≈0.3 nm. ergetics framework [11], we can define the work exerted 0 on (by) the system as the change of energy produced by Let us analyze the energetics of the applied proto- the external parameters. The differential of the work in cols. The system has the following forces acting on it: optical, F(cid:126) = −κ((cid:126)x − (cid:126)xT); electrostatic, F(cid:126) = each coordinate during the given process is defined as: opt elec kT/σexp(−(d−l)/σ);viscous,γ0(cid:126)x˙ whereγ0 =6πηRand δW =−κ(x −xT)◦dxT, (5) η is the dynamic viscosity of the mixture; stochastic, ξ(cid:126); δ δ 2 2 Casimir,F(cid:126) (r),wherer =x −x andF =−F . where the subindex δ corresponds to each coordinate cas 2 1 1,cas 2,cas It is important to notice that there is a non negligible (r,ϕ) and ◦ denotes the Stratonovich integration [11]. 4 Theexternalforce−κ(x −xT)isdirectlymeasuredfrom work when the beads are taken away is plotted as func- δ 2 the displacement of each particle from the equilibrium tionofthereducedtemperature. Weseehowtheenerget- point. The values of work are averaged on the 400 tra- icsofthecollectivemotionisnotsignificantlyaffectedby jectories to obtain the average value (cid:104)W (cid:105) in the both theCasimirforce,whiletherelativeworkincreaseswhen δ coordinates, see Figure 3. the critical interaction arises. The change in the exerted workagreeswiththeincreaseofthedepthoftheCasimir 90 potential, once we take into account the dissipated work along the protocol in the relative position coordinate. The fact that the collective motion is not significantly ) affectedbytheCasimirforceisinagreementwiththeim- 60 T plicitassumptionthattheglobaldynamicsofthesystem k isnotchangingwhenapproachingthecriticality. Indeed, ( thecriticalexponentfortheviscosityisknowntobevery W 30 small, about 0.036 [25]. We tried to measure the critical change of the viscosity with the beads motion, but the effect is very small and remains within the experimental error. Thus we can safely conclude that the critical het- 0 erogeneities affect the interaction through the Casimir 0 1 10 10 10-3ε force but not the hydrodynamic coupling. Finally one maywonderwhethertheelectrostaticinteractionandthe FIG.3: Energeticsofthesystemasafunctionofthereduced stiffnessofthetrapareaffectedbythecriticalpoint. We temperatureε. Work(cid:104)W (cid:105)producedinthecollectivemotion carefully checked that these two quantities remain con- ϕ of the particles ϕ (red empty circle). Work (cid:104)Wr(cid:105) in the rela- stant within error bars in the temeperature range of our tivemotionoftheparticlesr(bluesolidsquares). (cid:104)Wϕ(cid:105)shows experiment. no dependence with the Casimir force, due to its purely dis- sipative nature. On the other hand, (cid:104)W (cid:105) has a dependence r in ε, as the Casimir force starts to dominate the dynamics. MATERIALS AND METHODS Horizontal dashed lines corresponds to the pure dissipative work in each coordinate. Notice how the higher value of the relative viscosity appears in a higher value of (cid:104)Wr(cid:105) even far Ourexperimentsaredoneinalowcriticaltemperature from the critical point. micelle-solvent solution, C E in milliQ water at 1.2% 12 5 mass concentration. The sample is always prepared un- Then,wecancombinethedefinitionofwork,Equation der nitrogen atmosphere to prevent external contamina- (5),withtheLangevinequations,Equation(4),toobtain tion. Thismixturehasacorrelationlengthofξ ≈1.4nm 0 a global view of the evolution of the system energetics. and a critical temperature T ≈(30.5±0.1) oC [18, 19]. C We can split the total work in a dissipative part and in Few microspheres (Fluka silica, R = (2.50±0.35) µm) a part associated to the external force: permilliliterareaddedtothefinalmixtureinalowcon- centration to allow long time measurement without in- (cid:90) W = (γ ϕ˙ −ξ )◦dxT, (6) terference. The mixture is injected into a custom made ϕ ϕ ϕ 2 Γ cell 100µm thick and mechanically sealed to avoid con- (cid:90) tamination. Within the fluid cell, the two optical traps W = 2F ◦dxT + (7) r cas 2 are created by a near infrared laser beams (LaserQuan- Γ (cid:90) kT tum λ = 1064 nm ) which is focused thanks to a high + (γ r˙+2F (r)− ∂ logγ −ξ )◦dxT, r elec 2 r r r 2 NAimmersionoilobjective(Leica×63,NA=1.4). The Γ laser beam position is controlled by an acousto optical where Γ defines the imposed protocol, that, in our par- deflector (AA optoelectronics) which allows us to create ticularcase, movestheparticlesfromaclosetoafurther two different traps using the time sharing regime at 5 position at a velocity v =1.70 µm/s. kHz as well as to change their relative positions. One As (cid:104)W (cid:105) has only a dissipative nature, there is no of the two position is kept fixed (1) and the other is pe- ϕ change in the free energy associated to this coordinate riodically moved (2). The two optical trap are kept 15 during the protocol. Then, we can obtain a value of this µm from the cell bottom slide. The beads images are energy as: (cid:104)W (cid:105) = (cid:82) ((cid:104)γ ϕ˙ − ξ (cid:105)) ◦ dxT ≈ γ vL = acquired by a high speed camera (Mikrotron MC1310) ϕ Γ ϕ ϕ 2 ϕ 8.6 kT, which is in agreement with the observed value and their positions are tracked in real time by a suitable (cid:104)W (cid:105)=(8.0±0.5) kT. The case of (cid:104)W (cid:105) is different, be- software. The tracking resolution is ±5 nm. The acqui- ϕ r cause the free energy increases when the traps are taken sition frequency is fixed at 500 frames per second for all away and it decreases when they are approached. This experiments. The images of the camera are also used to fact is shown in Figure 3, where the mean values of the preciselydeterminedthecriticaltemperatureclosetothe 5 two particles as explained in Appendix . 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The system has the following forces acting on γ r˙ = −κ[r−xT(t)]+2F (r)−2F (r)− (11) r 2 elec cas it: optical, F(cid:126)opt = −κ((cid:126)x − (cid:126)xT), electrostatic, F(cid:126)elec = −T∂rS+ξr, kT/σexp(−(d − l)/σ); viscous, γ (cid:126)x˙ where γ = 6πηR 0 0 and η is the dynamic viscosity of the sample; stochas- where ξ = ξ + ξ and ξ = ξ − ξ , with correla- ϕ 1 2 r 2 1 tic, ξ(cid:126); Casimir F(cid:126) (x −x ), where F =−F . As tions (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105) = 4kTγ δ(τ), (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105) = cas 2 1 1,cas 2,cas r r r ϕ ϕ the distance between the beads surfaces is smaller that 4kTγ δ(τ) and (cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105) = 0. Both drag terms ϕ r ϕ the radius there is a non negligible cross correlation be- areredefinedtakingintoaccountthehydrodynamiccou- tween the particles motions. The dynamical evolution of pling, which makes the two terms different: the two positions is expressed by the coupled Langevin γ γ equation: γ = 0 = 0 ,(12) r H˜ (r)−H˜ (r) 1−3/2r˜+1/r˜3−15/4r˜4 11 12 γ(cid:126)x˙ =H˜F(cid:126) =H˜(cid:16)∇(cid:126)U −T∇(cid:126)S+ξ(cid:126)(cid:17) (8) γ = γ0 = γ0 ,(13) ϕ H˜ (r)+H˜ (r) 1+3/2r˜−1/r˜3−15/4r˜4 11 12 where U is the sum of all the different potentials acting Inthecaseofthecollectivemotionϕ, thetermsofthe in the system and S is the entropy associated to the vis- expression compensate, making possible to consider γ cosity gradient. The stochastic forces has zero mean and ϕ (cid:104) (cid:105) as a constant value. On the other hand, the drag term correlationgivenby(cid:104)ξ (t)ξ (t+τ)(cid:105)=2kTγ H˜−1 δ(τ). i j associatedtotherelativemotionhasastrongdependence ij The Langevin equation requires the hydrodynamic cou- on the relative position, see Figure 5. pling tensor H˜ to introduce the high correlation between the motions of the particles. The tensor is symmetric 4 and is expressed as follows up the fourth order [6]: (cid:18)1−15/4r˜4 3/2r˜−1/r˜3(cid:19) H˜ = (9) 3/2r˜−1/r˜3 1−15/4r˜4 Figure4showsthemagnitudeofbothcomponents,di- 2 agonalandnondiagonal,intherangeofourexperiment. 1 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 FIG.5: Dragtermredefinedinthenewsystemofcoordinates as a function of the distance between the surfaces. The col- lectivedragterm(bluedashedline)isalmostconstantinthe 0 experimental range, while the relative drag term (red solid 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 line)hasanonnegligiblevariationinthetemperaturerange. Next step is to write down the associated Fokker FIG.4: Couplingtensorasafunctionofthedistance. Diago- Planck equation. Let us work with the equation asso- nal(bluesolidline)andnondiagonal(greendashedline)are representedasafunctionofthedistancebetweenthesurfaces ciated with the relative position. Being coherent with overtheradiusofthebead. Theverticalsolidblacklinesrep- the selected stochastic integration, Stratonovich inte- resent the interval where our experiment is performed. The gral, and having a spatial dependence of the viscosity, hydrodynamic coupling is non negligible in this range. γ (r) = 1/Ω(r) for simplicity, the Fokker Planck equa- r 7 tion associated with Equation (12) is written as: pixelseach(5.85µm2)localizedinthefourcornersofthe images, see Figure 6. (cid:104)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:105) ∂ ρ(r,t) = ∂ Ω(r)∂ (U˜(r)−TS) ρ(r,t) + Thevarianceoftheintensityofeachregionisrecorded t r r foreachframeandanalyzedasafunctionofthetemper- (cid:20) (cid:21) kT∂ Ω(r) −∂ r ρ(r,t) + ature. For an explicit understanding of the technique we r 2 showtheresultthatcorrespondstoanexperimentwhich +∂2 [kTΩ(r)ρ(r,t)], (14) crosses the critical temperature, see Figure 7. We see rr that when the critical temperature is crossed, the fluctu- where ρ is the position probability density function. For ations become very large whereas the intensity is almost simplicity, thesumofalldifferentconservativeforcesare constant at large (cid:15). This effect allows us to identify the grouped in U˜(r) as ∇U˜ ≡ −κ[r −xT2(t)]+2Felec(r)− transition temperature close to the measurement point 2F (r). The stationary solution ∂ ρ(r,t)=0 is: cas t (cid:16) (cid:17) exp − 1 (U˜(r)−TS(r))+logγ(r)/2 kT ρ(r)= (15) Z which implies that S = k logγ to satisfy Boltzmann 2 r distribution. DETERMINATION OF THE CRITICAL POINT One of the major problems in the experimental study ofthelocalpropertiesofthecriticalbinarymixturesclose to the critical point, is the interaction with the measure- ment tools (in our particular case, the optical tweezers) with the sample. In other words, the laser is highly fo- cused in a small spot, making possible a local heating of the sample around the microsystem. On the other hand, theexperimentisruninamicrofluidiccell,increasingthe hysteresis effects associated to the different affinities of the walls of the cell and of the cover-slips. Indeed, once the transition is crossed, the sample does not behave in FIG. 6: Typical frame of the videocamera used to detect the the same way, needing several hours to have a complete particlepositioInordertocharacterizethetransitionpointin mix of the two components. In order to know exactly realtime,weanalyzethemarkedsquareineachofthecorners when the system transits, we study the evolution of the of the image. images intensity along the experiment, making a local analogy of the classical experiments of critical temper- ature characterization. We select four regions of 20×20 8 ) u . a ( x ² p I δ −0.5 0 0.5 1 ×10-3 ε FIG.7: Varianceofthepixelsintensitiesineachoftheregions (solid lines) as a function of the reduced temperature. The meanvalueofthefourregionsisrepresentedwithblackempty circles. The behavior is almost constant until the liquid goes through the transition, where the droplets of the different components change the optical properties of the sample.

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