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Preview Energy Sources 2002: Vol 24 Table of Contents

ENERGY SOURCES Volume 24 Tables of Contents Volume 24, Issue 1 Leachability of Major and Trace Elements of Fly Ash from Ptolemais Power Station, Combustion Kinetics of Crude Oils Northern Greece Mustafa Versan Kok Andreas Georgakopoulos, Anestis Filippidis, Anna Kassoli-Fournaraki, Personal Computer Application of Well Test Jose-Luis Ferndndez-Turiel, Analysis Techniques Jose-Francisco Llorens, and Francis Mousty Serhat Akin and Mustafa Versan Kok Incineration of Municipal Solid Waste with Energy and Environmental Correlation for Electricity Production and Environmental Safety: Renewable Energy Systems in India The Case of a Small Capacity Unit in Greece Jyotirmay Mathur, Narendra Kumar Bansal, and A. Zabaniotou and N. Giannoulidis Hermann-Joseph Wagner Humic Acid Derivatives (HAD) from Low Rank Sustainable Developments of Hydropower Energy Turkish Brown Coals in Turkey Ayhan Demirbas 127 Ayhan Demirbas Oil Shale: Pyrolysis, Combustion, and Comparison Between Two-Stage Waste Environment: A Review Combustion with HCI Recovery and Conventional Mustafa Versan Kok Incineration Plants Loay Saeed and Ron Zevenhoven 4] Numerical Investigations on the Transport Hydrogen Production from Biomass by the Properties of Fractally Fractured Media Gasification Process I. S. Jang, J. M. Kang, J. Choe, H. W. Park, Ayhan Demirbas and D. G. Huh Mineral Matter in the Philippi Peat in Relation to Rheological Behavior of Coal-Water Slurry Peat/Lignite-Forming Conditions in Greece S. K. Mishra, P. K. Senapati, and D. Panda Stavros Kalaitzidis and Kimon Christanis 69 Present Status of Cogeneration Applications Environmentally Important Elements in Fly Ashes in Turkey and Their Leachates of the Power Stations Arif Hepbasli and Nesrin Ozalp 169 of Greece Andreas Georgakopoulos, Anestis Filippidis, Book Reviews 179 Anna Kassoli-Fournaraki, Andreas lordanidis, Jose-Luis Ferndndez-Turiel, Jose-Francisco Llorens, and Domingo Gimeno Volume 24, Issue 3 A Novel Plasma Technique to Stimulate Tight Carbonate Rocks Volume 24, Issue 2 Muftah H. El-Naas and Abdulrazag Y. Zekri Heavy Crude Oil Viscosity Reduction for Pipeline Transportation Development of Cogeneration in Turkey Basma M. Yaghi and Ali Al-Bemani Arif Hepbasli and Nesrin Ozalp Volume 24 Tables of Contents Utilization of Urban and Pulping Wastes to Pyrolysis of Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Chips: Volu Produce Synthetic Fuel via Pyrolysis 2. Structural Analysis of Bio-oil Ayhan Demirbas 205 Sevgi Senséz and Mukaddes Can 357 Ener, Part Fuel Characteristics of Olive Husk and Walnut, Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis of a Kam Hazelnut, Sunflower, and Almond Shells Steam Reformer—Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Ayhan Demirbags Fed by Natural Gas and Ethanol Num Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Well Savvas Douvartzides and Panagiotis Tsiakaras 365 a Me Inhil Productivity Under Steady-State Conditions Shedid A. Shedid and Abdulrazag Y. Zekri Chemical Analysis and Fuel Properties of Oils Won from Oilseeds by Supercritical Fluid Extraction Chu Modelling Analysis for the Carbonylation Stage Necmettin Yilmaz, Hayati Sari, and of Two-Step Methanol Synthesis AC Ayhan Demirbas 375 Wensheng Linghu, Zhenyu Liu, Bing Zhong, CO/ and Yongwang Li B.S Computer Simulation and Visualization of the Volume 24, Issue 5 Dev Thermodynamic Properties of Steam and Review of Biomass Energy in Turkey Equ Steam Processes K. Kaygusuz and M. F. Tiirker 383 Ten: M. H. Barakat 247 Frac Source Rock Potential and Tectonic Effect on the Thermochemical Conversion of Residual Biomass re Regional Maturity on the Central Taurus Region, to Hydrogen for Turkey SW Turkey: New Exploration Targets Yusuf Stirmen and Ayhan Demirbas 403 Pot Turhan Ayyildiz 263 and Bacteria for Improvement of Oil Recovery: M. | Biomass to Bio-Oil via Fast Pyrolysis of Cotton A Laboratory Study Straw and Stalk K. Behliilgil and M. T. Mehmetoglu 413 Env Ayse Eren Piitiin 275 Stet Hydropyrolysis of Extracted Euphorbia rigida in Fie! a Well-Swept Fixed-Bed Tubular Reactor Nes Volume 24, Issue 4 Hasan Ferdi Gercel, Ayse Eren Piitiin, and Ane An Inverse Channel Model for Modeling Ersan Piitiin 423 Cle Contaminant Transport Minchul Jang, Jonggeun Choe, and Joe M. Kang 287 The Effects of Diesel-Ethanol Blends on Diesel Co: Engine Performance Ho Synthesis of Methyl Acetate from Dimethyl] Atilla Bilgin, Orhan Durgun, and Zehra Sahin 43] Ether Using Group VIII Metal Salts of Cai Phosphotungstic Acid Sit? End Effect Evaluation in Rheological Abhay Sardesai, Sunggyu Lee, and Measurement of Drilling Fluids Using Coutte Timothy Tartamella 301 Coaxial Cylinder Viscometer Vo Overview of NOx Emission Controls in Marine i. Hakki Giictiyener, Mustafa Versan Kok, and Diesel Engines Taner Batmaz 44] Ro Ismail Deha Er 319 Bi Fast Pyrolysis of Sunflower-Pressed Bagasse: Fri Rapeseed Cake as a Biomass Source Effects of Sweeping Gas Flow Rate An Esin Culcuoglu, Elif Unay, and Hasan Ferdi Gercel and Ersan Piitiin 451 Filiz Karaosmanoglu 329 Fu Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential Analysis of Liquid Products from Biomass via Flash Pyrolysis from Well Data on the Elmali Nappes, Western for Ayhan Demirbas 337 Taurus Region, Turkey Ay Ismail Hakki Demirel, Yilmaz Gunay, and Pyrolysis of Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Chips: Tugrul Sukru Yurtsever 461 1. Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and Heating De Rate on the Product Yields An Overview of Biomass Pyrolysis fo Sevgi Sens6z and Mukaddes Can 347 Ayhan Demirbas and Goéneng Arin 47| Hi Volume 24 Tables of Contents Volume 24, Issue 6 Thermal Conductivity of Oil Shale Particles in a Packed Bed Energy and Sustainable Development in Turkey. fahya H. Khraisha 613 Part I: Energy Utilization and Sustainability Kamil Kaygusuz and Abdullah Kaygusuz 483 Biodesulfurization of Mengen Lignite with Numerical Study for Production Performances of Rhodoccocus rhodochrous: Effects of Lignite 365 a Methane Hydrate Reservoir Stimulated by Concentration and Retreatment Inhibitor Injection Zafer Bayram, Tijen Bozdemir, Tiilay Durusoy, Wonmo Sung, Hoseob Lee, Huen Lee, and and Yuda Yiiriim 625 Chulsoo Lee 499 The Effect of a Sweeping Gas Flow Rate on the A Chemical Kinetics Study of Oxygen-Enriched Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass . 375 CO/H>/Air Flames Hasan Ferdi Gerce 633 D. S.-K. Ting and C. Uykur The Effect of Lime Addition on the Combustion Development of a FEM Reservoir Model Properties and Sulfur Contents of Three Equipped with an Effective Permeability Different Coals 383 Tensor and its Application to Naturally Kazim Esber Ozbas, Cahit Higyilmaz, and Fractured Reservoirs Mustafa Versan Kok 643 Y. C. Park, W. M. Sung, and S. J. Kim Depositional Environments of Oligo/Miocene 403 Potential of Extremophiles for Biotechnological Coal-Bearing Strata and Coal Quality from the and Petroleum Applications Oltu-Balkaya Basin, Northeastern Turkey M.S. A. Tango and M. R. Islam Alt Ihsan Karayigit, 1. Erdal Kerey, and Cevdet Bozkus 653 413 Environmental Effects of Lignite and Intermediate Steriles Coexcavation in the Southern Lignite Field Mine of Ptolemais, Northern Greece Pyrolysis of Polystyrene Plastic Wastes with Some Nestoras Kolovos, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Organic Compounds for Enhancing Styrene Yield Anestis Filippidis, and Constantinos Kavouridis 561 Ali Karaduman 667 Clean and Direct Production of Acetylene— The Effect of Moisture on the Liquefaction of Coal Pyrolysis in a H2/Ar Plasma Jet Some Turkish Coals in Tetralin with Honggang Chen and Kechang Xie vA)~ —a n Microwave Energy 43] Emir H. Simgek, Ali Karaduman, and Taner Togrul 675 Catalytic Decarboxylation of Elbistan Lignite Siimer Ozvatan and Yuda Yiiriim Deflection Criteria for Numerical Assessment of the Sand Production Potential in an Openhole Completion Volume 24, Issue 7 A. Nouri, M. M. Al-Darbi, H. Vaziri, and 44] Robust Control for a Gas Turbine in M. R. Islam 685 Biomass-Based Electric Power Plants Francisco Jurado Melguizo, Manuel Ortega, and Antonio Cano 59] Volume 24, Issue 8 451 Fuel Properties of Hydrogen, Liquefied Petroleum Mineralogy and Elemental Contents of the Sirnak Gas (LPG), and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Asphaltite, Southeast Turkey for Transportation Ali Ihsan Karayigit and Xavier Querol 703 Ayhan Demirbas 601 Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracturing Pressure 461 A Technical Note on “Modeling of Gas in a Porous Medium by Using the Finite Demand Using Degree-Day Concept: Case Study Element Method for Ankara” A. Nouri, A. Komak Panah, A. Pak, H. Vaziri, and 471 Haydar Aras 611 M. R. Islam 715 Volume 24 Tables of Contents Paleocene Volcano-Clastic Sequences in the Simple Correlations for Estimating the Energy | Tuz Gélii Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Production of Turkey An Evolution of Petroleum Reservoir Rock Arif Hepbasli, Galip Oturanc, Aydin Kurnaz, Properties Using Logs Erkan Ergin, Asir Genc, and Neslihan lyit Turhan Ayyildiz Comparison of Hydrous Pyrolysis Products from Comparison of Total Horizontal Solar Radiation Organic-Rich Sediments and Biomass Measurements with Some Existing Models Ayhan Demirbas 869 for Turkey Mustafa Giines Seismic Techniques of Enhanced Oil Recovery: Experimental and Field Results Effect of the Use of a Gas Motor in a O. L. Kuznetsov, E. M. Simkin, G. V. Chilingar, Biomass-Based Electric Power Plant M. V. Gorfunkel, and J. O. Robertson, Jr. 877 Francisco Jurado, Manuel Ortega, and Antonio Cano 743 Utilization of Lignin Degradation Products from Effects of Heating Rate and Particle Size on Hazelnut Shell via Supercritical Fluid Extraction Pyrolysis Kinetics of Gediz Lignite Ayhan Demirbas 89] Yilser Giildogan, Tiilay Durusoy, Tijen Bozdemir The Effects on the Mined Lignite Quality Volume 24, Issue 10 Characteristics by the Intercalated Thin Layers of Carbonates in Ptolemais Mines, Northern Greece An Investigation into the Thermai Behavior Nestoras Kolovos, Andreas Georgakopoulos, of Coals Anestis Filippidis, and Constantinos Kavouridis 761 Mustafa Versan Kok 899 Prediction of Solar Radiation Parameters Through Thermogravimetry of Selected Bentonites Clearness Index for Izmir, Turkey Mustafa Versan Kok 907 Koray Ulgen and Arif Hepbasli Effect of Axial Stresses on Reservoir Rocks Renewable Energy Sources: The Key to a Mustafa Versan Kok, A. Gurkan Iscan, and Better Future E. Buket Ulker 915 Kamil Kaygusuz 787 Production Potential of Electricity from Biomass Call for Papers 801 in Turkey Ayhan Demirbas 921 Volume 24, Issue 9 Effect of Heating Rate on Pyrolysis Kinetics of Sustainable Development of Hydroelectric Power Goyniik Oil Shale Kamil Kaygusuz 803 Levent Degirmenci and Tiilay Durusoy 931 Fractionation and Analysis of Supercritical Fluid Geothermal Energy: Power for a Extracts from Lignite Sustainable Future Géneng Arin and Ayhan Demirbags 817 Kamil Kaygusuz and Abdullah Kaygusuz 937 A Kinetic Method to Calculate the Amount of Evaluation of Aegean Region Agro-Industrial Hydrocarbon Generated from Kerogen Wastes as a Potential Energy Source Shuyuan Li, Shaohui Guo, and Jialin Qian R. Cengiz Akdeniz, Fazilet Vardar-Sukan, and Diesel Fuel from Vegetable Oil via Arif Hepbasli 949 Transesterification and Soap Pyrolysis Ayhan Demirbas 835 Numerical Study on the Effect of Fracture Characteristics on Flow and Solute Transport Energetic Utilization of Used Tires in a Fractured Medium A. Zabaniotou, J. Lagoudakis, E. Toumanidou, Choongyong Han, Joe M. Kang, and and G. Stavropoulos 843 Jonggeun Choe 961 Volume 24 Tables of Contents Volume 24, Issue 11 Volume 24, Issue 12 Some Hydrodynamic Models for Studying the Solar Energy Potential in Turkey Displacement of One Liquid by Another. Part I. R. Tugrul Ogulata and §. Noyan Ogulata 1055 Cylindrical Flow J. A. Reyes and J. Cruz-Hernandez 977 The Effects on the Lignite Ash Quality Characteristics by the Coexcavated Thin Some Hydrodynamic Models for Studying the Intercalations in Ptolemais Mines, 869 Displacement of One Liquid by Another. Part II. Northern Greece Flow Within a Wedge N. Kolovos 1065 J. A. Reyes and J. Cruz-Herndndez 985 Sedimentological and Petrographical 877 A New Theory and Methodology for Modeling Characteristics of Coal and Oil Shale Sand During Oil Production Bearing Strata from the Ilisilik Region, A. Nouri, H. Vaziri, M. M. Al-Darbi, and Central Anatolia, Turkey M. R. Islam 995 Mehmet Sener and ilker Sengiiler 1081 89] Control of Microbial Corrosion Using Coatings Study of Coal Conversion in an Arc Plasma Jet and Natural Additives Ke-Chang Xie, Yong-Kang Lu, Ya-Jun Tian, and M. M. Al-Darbi, Z. M. Muntasser, M. Tango, and Da-Zhi Wang 1093 M. R. Islam 1009 Desulfurization of Coal Using Biomass Ash The Inhibitive Characteristics of Mixed Ayhan Demirbas 1099 Inhibitor Combinations Under Heat and Mass 899 Transfer Conditions M. M. Al-Darbi, A. Nouri, M. R. Islam, and Turkey’s Geothermal Energy Potential A. A. Jaralla 1019 Ayhan Demirbas 1107 907 A Novel Method for Arsenic Removal at Current Status and Future Directions of Wind Low Concentrations Energy Applications in Turkey N. M. Wasiuddin, M. Tango, and M. R. Islam 1031 Onder Ozgener and Arif Hepbasli 1117 915 A Novel Method for Heavy Metal Removal Statistical Analysis of Solar Radiation Data Using S. Mustafiz, A. Basu, M. R. Islam, A. Dewaidar, Cubic Spline Functions and O. Chaalal 1043 Asir Geng, Ismail Kinaci, Galip Oturang, 921 Aydin Kurnaz, Sefik Bilir, and Necdet Ozbalta 1131 Announcement of Expanded Scope 1053 Book Reviews 931 Climate Change Policy: A Survey 1139 Energy Efficient Buildings: Architecture, Engineering, and Environment 1139 949 961 Author Index to Volume 24 Akdeniz Cengiz, R., 949 Geng, A., 855, 1131 Lagoudakis, J., 843 Akin, S., 9 Georgakapoulos, A., 83, 103, Lee, Ho., 491 Al-Bemani, A., 93 561, 761 Lee, Hu., 491 Al-Darbi, M. M., 685, 995, Gercel, H. F., 423, 451, 633 Lee, C., 491 1009, 1019 Giannoulidis, N., 115 Lee, S., 301 Aras, H., 611 Gimeno, D., 83 Li, ’S., 825 Arin, G., 471, 817 Gorfunkel, M. V., 877 ba. ¥:,129? Ayyildiz, T., 263, 725 Giiciiyener, I. H., 444 Guldogan, Y., 753, 877 Llorens, J.-F., 83, 103 Bansal, N. K., 19 Gunay, Y., 461 Lu, Y.-K., 1093 Barakat, M. H., 247 Gunes, M., 735 Batmaz, T. 441 Guo, S., 825 Mathur, J., 19 Bayram, Z., 625 Mehmetoglu, M. T., 413 Behliilgil, K., 413 Han, C., 961 Melguizo, F. J., 591 Bilgin, A., 431 Hepbasli, A., 169, 195, 773, Mishra, S. K., 159 Bilir, $., 1131 855, 949, 1117 Mousty, F., 103 Bozdemir, T., 625, 753 Hicyilmaz, C., 643 Bozkus, C., 653 Huh, D. G., 145 Nouri, A., 685, 715, 995, lordanidis, A., 83 1019 Can, M., 347, 357 Iscan, A. G., 915 Cano, O., 591, 743 Islam, M. R., 543, 685, 715, Ogulata, R. T., 1055 Cano, A., 591, 743 995, 1009, 1019, 1031, Ogulata, S. T., 1055 Chen, H., 575 1043 Ortega, M., 591, 743 Chillingar, G. V., 877 lyit, N., 855 Oturang, G., 855, 1131 Choe, J., 145, 287, 961 Ozalp, N., 169, 195 Christanis, K., 69 Jang, I. S., 145 Ozbalta, N., 1131 Cruz-Hernandez, J., 977, 985 Jang, M., 287 Ozbas, K. E., 643 Culcuoglu, E., 329 Jurado, F., 743 Ozgener, O., 1117 Ozvatan, S., 581 Degirmenci, L., 931 Kalaitzidis, S., 69 Deha, I., 319 Kang, J. M., 145, 287, 961 Pak, A.,. 715 Demiral, I. H., 461 Karaduman, A., 667, 675 Panah, A. K., 715 Demirbas, A., 27, 59, 127, Karaosmanoflu, F., 329 Panda, D., 159 205,215, 337, 375, 403, Karayigit, A. I., 653, 703 Park, H. W., 145 471, 601, 817, 869, 921, Kassoli-Fournaraki, A., 83, Piitiin, A. E., 275, 423 1099, 1107 103 Piitiin, E., 423, 451 Douvartzides, S., 365 Kavouridis, C., 561, 761 Durgun, O., 431 Kaygusuz, K., 383, 483, 787, Qian, J., 825 Durusoy, T., 625, 753, 931 803, 835, 937° Querol, X., 703 Kaygusuz, A., 483, 937 El-Naas, M. H., 181 Kerey, I. E., 653 Reyes, J., 977, 985 Erkan, E., 855 Khraisha, Y. H., 613 Robertson Jr., J. O., 877 Kok, M. V., 1, 9, 135, 441, Fernandez-Turiel, J.-L., 83, 643, 899, 907, 915 Saeed, L., 41 103 Kolovos, N., 531, 761, 1065 “Sahin, Z., 431 Filippidis, A., 83, 103, 561, Kurnaz, A., 855, 1131 Sardesai, A., 301 761 Kuznetsov, O. L., 877 Sari, H., 375 Author Index to Volume 24 Senapati, P. K., 159 Tian, Y.-J., 1093 Wagner, H.-J., 19 Sener, M., 1081 Ting, D. S. K., 513 Wang, D.-Z., 1093 Sengiiler, [., 1081 Togrul, T., 675 Sensoz, S., 347, 357 Toumandiou, E., 843 Xie, K., 575, 1093 Shedid, S. A., 223 Tsiakaras, P., 365 Simkin, E. M., 877 Tiirker, M. F., 383 Yilmaz, N., 375 Simsek, E. H., 675 Speight, J., 179, 1139, 1141 Yurtsever, T. me 461 Stavropolous, G., 843 Ulgen, K., 773 Yurum, Y., 581, 625 Ulker, E. B.,. 915 Sung, W., 499 Unay, E., 329 Siirmen, Y., 403 Zabantiou, A., 115, 843 Zekri, A. Y., 181 Tango, M. S. A., 543 Vardar-Sulkan, F., 949 Zevenhoven, R., 41 Tartamella, T., 301 Vaziri, H. 685, 715, 995 Zhong, B., 239

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