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ENERGY POLICY Index to Volume 31 January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Articles—Titles Carbon emission and mitigation cost compar- tion utilities T Jamash and M_ Pollitt isons between fossil fuel, nuclear and renew- 31:1609-1622 Alternative energy able energy resources for electricity Investigation of greenhouse gas reduction Promotional issues on alternative energy tech- generation R E H Sims, H-H Rogner and K potential and change in technological selec- nologies in Nepal S Pokharel 31:307-318 Gregory 31:1315-1326 tion in Indian power sector J Mathur, N K A strategy for introducing hydrogen into Co-existence of electricity, TEP, and TGC Bansal and H-J Wagner 31:1235—1244 transportation A E Farrell, D W Keith and markets in the Baltic Sea Region M Hinds- The Italian Green Certificates market between J J Corbett 31:1357-1367 berger, M H Nybroe, H F Ravn and R uncertainty and opportunities A Lorenzoni Schmidt 31:85--96 31:33-42 Carbon trading Diffusion of green power products in Switzer- Market transformation of energy-efficient mo- Carbon quota price and CDM potentials after land R Wiistenhagen, J Markard and B tor technologies in the EU A T de Almeida, P Marrakesh W Chen 31:709-719 Truffer 31:621—632 Fonseca, H Falkner and P_ Bertoldi 31: Equity and carbon emissions trading: a model Disclosure of electricity products — lessons 563-575 analysis M Leimbach 31:1033-1044 from consumer research as guidance for Modelling the adoption of industrial cogenera- Green certificates and carbon trading in the energy policy J Markard and E Holt tion in Japan using manufacturing plant Netherlands M Boots 31:43—S0 31:1459-1474 survey data D Bonilla, A Akisawa and T Eco-labeling for energy efficiency and sustain- Kashiwagi 31:895-910 Climate change ability: a meta-evaluation of US programs A A multi-channel stakeholder consultation pro- Energy policy and climate change P Jean- Banerjee and B D Solomon 31:109-123 cess for transmission deregulation R Gre- Baptiste and R Ducroux 31:155-166 Economic assessment of combined cycle gas gory, B Fischhoff, S Thorne and G Butte Making the link: climate policy and the reform turbines in Australia. Some effects of micro- 31:1291-1299 of the UK construction industry S Sorrell economic reform and technological change The multidimensionality of electricity reform 31:865-878 B Naughten 31:225-245 an Australian perspective D Sharma UK’s climate change levy: cost effectiveness, Electric infrastructure failures in Nigeria: a 31:1093-1102 competitiveness and environmental impacts survey-based analysis of the costs and National environment targets and interna- A Varma 31:51-61 adjustment responses A F_ Adenikinju tional emission reduction instrument P E 31:1519-1530 Morthorst 31:73-83 Coal Electricity and externalities in South Africa R Optimizing the level of renewable electric R&D Optimal use of coal for power generation in Spalding-Fecher and D K Matibe 31:721—734 expenditures using real options analysis G A India R Mathur, S Chand and T Tezuka Electricity market reform failures: UK, Nor- Davis and B Owens 31:1589-1608 31:319-331 way, Alberta and California C-K Woo, D Principal players in utility restructuring: the Lloyd and A Tishler 31:1103-1115 case of Orissa R A Thillai 31:431-441 Cogeneration Electricity use in California: past trends and Project financing consequences on cogenera- Modelling the adoption of industrial cogenera- present usage patterns R E Brown and J G tion: industrial plant and municipal utility tion in Japan using manufacturing plant Koomey 31:849-864 co-operation in Sweden G Sundberg and J survey data D Bonilla, A Akisawa and T Energy subsidies in California’s electricity Sjédin 31:491—503 Kashiwagi 31:895-910 market deregulation A Ritschel and G P Scenario planning for electricity supply W Potential of gas turbine co-generation in China Y Smestad 31:1379-1391 Soontornrangson, D G Evans, R J Fuller Handong, L Yuhong and Y Dajun 31:931-936 Environmental labelling of electricity and D F Stewart 31:1647-1659 delivery contracts in Sweden T Kaberger Simultaneous attainment of energy goals by Cost-benefit analysis 31:633-640 means of green certificates and emission The impact of possible climate catastrophes on A green certificate market combined with permits S G Jensen and K Skytte 31:63-71 global warming policy A Baranzini, M liberalised power market P E Morthorst Chesney and J Morisset 31:691-701 31:1393-1402 Emissions trading Green certificate trading in the Netherlands in Co-existence of electricity, TEP, and TGC Eco-labeling the prospect of the European electricity markets in the Baltic Sea Region M Hinds- Eco-labeling for energy efficiency and sustain- market V Dinica and M J Arentsen 31: berger, M H Nybroe, H F Ravn and R ability: a meta-evaluation of US programs A 609-620 Schmidt 31:85—96 Banerjee and B D Solomon 31:109-123 Green paper with green electricity? Greening Emissions trading in transition economies: the strategies of Nordic pulp and paper industry link between international and domestic Electricity J Luukkanen 31:641-655 policy M Evans 31:879-886 An assessment of South African prepaid Greening of electricity in Europe: challenges Equity and carbon emissions trading: a model electricity experiment, lessons learned, and and developments A Midttun and A L analysis M Leimbach 31:1033-1044 their policy implications for developing Koefoed 31:677-687 Marketable emission permits with imperfect countries D D Tewari and T Shah 31:911-927 How to design greenhouse gas trading in the monitoring R San Martin 31:1369-1378 Can negotiated agreements replace efficiency EU G T Svendsen and M Vesterdal 31: Simultaneous attainment of energy goals standards as an instrument for transforming 1531-1539 by means of green certificates and the electrical appliance market? P Menan- International benchmarking and regulation: an emission permits S G Jensen and K Skytte teau 31:827-835 application to European electricity distribu- 31:63-71 ll Index Energy Energy efficiency Energy policy Analytical search of problems and prospects of Can negotiated agreements replace efficiency An assessment of South African prepaid power sector through Delphi study: case standards as an instrument for transforming electricity experiment, lessons learned, and study of Kerala State, India P D Sharma, P the electrical appliance market? P Menan- their policy implications for developing S$ C Nair and R Balasubramanian 3} teau 31:827-835 countries D D Tewari and TS hah 31:911-927 1255 1245 Consumer demand for “green power and A comparison of discounted cashflow and Deregulation and growth in China's energy energy efficiency J Zarnikau 31:1661—-1672 modern asset pricing methods project sector: a review of recent development Y Wu Demand Side Management in a competitive selection and policy implications M Emhjel- 31:1417-1425 European market: Who should be respon- len and C M Alaouze 31:1213-1220 Energy consumption with sustainable develop- sible for its implementation M H Didden and Disclosure of electricity products lessons ment in developing country: a case m W D D/haeseleer 31:1307-1314 from consumer research as guidance for Jiangsu. China A Wang and Z Feng Disseminating energy-efficient technologies: a energy policy J Markard and E Holt 31:1679 1684 case study of compact fluorescent lamps 31:1459-1474 Does energy integrate? A Hira and 1 {maya (CFLs) in India A Kumar, S K Jain and N K Dynamic formulation of a top-down and 31-185 199 Bansal 31:259-272 bottom-up merging energy policy model C The direct and indirect energy requirement ot Efficiency, performance and regulation W Frei, P-A Haldi and G_ Sarlos 3}: households in the European Union A H M I of the international gas industry a boot- 1017-1031 Reinders, K Vringer and K Blok 31:139-153 strap DEA approach D Hawdon es Emissions trading in transition economies: the An econometric study on China's economy, 1167-1178 link between international and domestic energy and environment to the year 2030 / Governments should implement energy-effi- policy M Evans 31:879-886 ZhiDong 3121137 1150 ciency standards and labels — cautiously S$ Energy analysis of Jordan's commercial sector Energy and emission scenarios for China in the Wiel and J E McMahon 31:1403- 1415 J O Jaber, M § Mohsen, A Al-Sarkhi and B 21 century — exploration of baseline devel- Industrial energy efficiency: the need for Akash 31:887-894 opment and mitigation options D> van investment decision support from a manager Energy policy and climate change P Jean- Vuuren, Z Fenggi, B de Vries J Kejun, ¢ perspective P Sandberg and M Séderstrém Baptiste and R Ducroux 31:155-166 Gravelan land L. Yun 31:369- 387 31:1623. 1634 How to design greenhouse gas trading in the Energy systems and the climate dilemma Phe insurance and risk management industries: EU G T Svendsen and M_ Vesterdal 31: Reflecting the impact on CO, emissions by new players in the delivery of energy-efficient 1531-1539 reconstructing egional energy systems A and renewable energy products and services Implications of transportation policies on Carlson 31:95] 959 E Mills 31:1257-1272 energy and environment in Kathmandu The energy transition in action: urban domes- Long-term outlook of energy use and CQ, Valley. Nepal S Dhakal 31:1493-1507 tic fuel choices in a changing Zimbabwe B M emissions from transport in Central and \ lifestyle-based scenario for US buildings: Camphell, S J Vermeulen J J Mangono and Eastern Europe T Zachariadis and N Kou- implications for energy use R Diamond R Mahugu 31:553-562 varitakis 31:759-773 31:1205-1211 External costs and taxes in heat supply systems Making the link: climate policy and the reform LIHEAP reconsidered M J Kaiser and A G { Karlsson and Ll Gustavsson 31 1541 1560 of the UK construction industry S Sorrell Pulsipher 31:1441- 1458 Global energy scenarios meeting stringent CO 31:865-878 LPG: a secure, cleaner transport fuel? A policy constraints — cost-effectiveness fuel choices Market transformation of energy-efficient mo- recommendation for Europe FE Johnson in the transportation sector C Azar, K tor technologies in the EU 4 T de Almeida, P 31:1571-1577 Lindgren and B A Andersson 31:961-976 Fonseca, H= Falkner and P Bertoldi 31: National environment targets and interna- Impact of energy subsidies on energy con- 563-575 tional emission reduction instrument PE sumption and supply in Zimbabwe. Do the New horizons for Korean energy industry Vorthorst 31:73-83 urban poor really benefit? 7 Dube 31:1635 shifting paradigms and challenges ahead H-J Oil supply and oil politics: Deja Vu all over 1645 Chang 31:1073-1084 again C J Cleveland and R K Kaufmann International greenhouse gas trading pro- Overcoming the energy efficiency gap in 31:485-489 grams: a discussion of measurement and India’s household sector B S_ Redd Policy options to promote energy efficient and accounting tssues E Vine, G Kats. J Sathave 31:1117-1127 environmentally sound technologies in and H Joshi 31:21) 224 Policy options to promote energy efficient and small- and medium-scale industries M Thir- “Key” sectors in final energy consumption: an environmentally sound technologies — in uchelvam, S Kumar and C Visvanathan input-output application to the Spanish case small- and medium-scale industries VM Thir- 31:977-987 Ve Alcantaarnda E Padilla 3\:1673-1678 uchelvam, S Kumar and C Visvanathan Prices versus quantities: choosing policies for Management structure and technology diffu- 31:977-987 promoting the development of renewable sion in Chinese state-owned enterprises A Public policy analysis of energy efficiency and energy P Menanteau, D_ Finon and Fisher-Vanden 31:247-257 load management in changing electricity M-L Lamy 31:799-812 Regional cooperation and energy development business E Vine, J Hamrin, N Eyre, D Public policy analysis of energy efficiency and in the Greater Mekong Sub-region Y Yu Crossley Vo Maloney and G Watt 31: load management in changing electricity 31:1221- 1234 405 430 business E Vine, J Hamrin, N Evre, D \ theoretical analysis of price elasticity of Risk transfer via energy-savings insurance E Crossley, M Maloney and G Watt 31: energy demand in multi-stage energy con- Mills 31:273-281 405-430 version systems R Lowe 31:1699- 1704 Sumulating R&D of industrial energy-efficient Quest for Middle East oil: the US versus the Three types of decline in energy intensity — an technology: the effect of government inter- Asia-Pacific region M G_ = Salameh 31: explanation for the decline of energy inten- vention on the development of strip casting 1085-1091 sity in some developing countries J W Sun technology E E M Luiten and K_ Blok Role of nuclear fusion in future energy systems 31-519 526 31:1339 1356 and the environment under future uncertain- Tradable Green Certificates in selected Eur- ties K Tokimatsu, J Fujino, S Konishi, Y opean countries — overview and assessment Energy market Ogawa, K Yamaji 31:775-797 L Nielsen and T Jeppesen 31:3-14 Competition in the market for space heating. Some challenges related to introducing trad- Transport and energy demand in Mexico: the District heating as the infrastructure for able green certificates P Fristrup 31:15-19 personal income shock M Bauer, E Mar and competition among fuels and technologies Strategic choices: Swedish climate intervention 1 Elizalde 31:1475-1480 P E Grohnheit and B O G Mortensen 31: policies and the forest industry’s role in Weatherizing the homes of low-income home 817-826 reducing CO, emissions / Nystrém and D W energy assistance program clients: a pro- Energy subsidies in California’s electricity Cornland 31:937-950 grammatic assessment B Tonn, R Schmover market deregulation A Ritschel and G P Take-or-Pay under Japanese energy policy R and S Wagner 31:735 744 Smestad 31:1379-1391 Namikawa 31:1327-1337 Index Ill Energy taxes Greenhouse gas emissions trading in BP M Petroleum installations UK’s climate change levy: cost effectiveness, Akhurst, J Morgheim and R_ Lewis 31: Decommissioning of petroleum installations competitiveness and environmental impacts 657-663 major policy issues P Osmundsen and R A Varma 31:51-61 How to design greenhouse gas trading in the Tveteras 31:1579-1588 EU G T Svendsen and M Vesterdal 31: Financial risk 1531-1539 Photovoltaics Financial risks for green electricity investors International greenhouse gas trading pro- Dissemination of solar photovoltaics: a study and producers in a tradable green certificate grams: a discussion of measurement and on the government programme to promote market J Lemming 31:21-32 accounting issues E Vine, G Kats, J Sathave solar lantern in India S K Velayudhan and H Joshi 31\:211-224 31:1509-1518 Forward contracts Investigation of greenhouse gas reduction Status of photovoltaic industry in China Yang Financial risks for green electricity investors potential and change in technological selec- H, Wang H, Yu H, Xi J, Cui R and Chen C and producers in a tradable green certificate tion in Indian power sector J Mathur, N K 31:703-707 market J Lemming 31:21—32 Bansal and H-J Wagner 31:1235-1244 The Italian Green Certificates market between Power sector Fossil fuels uncertainty and opportunities A Lorenzoni Liberalisation of the Russian power sector D Carbon emission and mitigation cost compar- 31:33-42 Kennedy 31:745-758 isons between fossil fuel, nuclear and renew- “Key” sectors in final energy consumption: an Power sector reform in developing countries: able energy resources for _ electricity input-output application to the Spanish case mismatched agendas N Wamukonya generation R E H Sims, H-H Rogner and K V Alcantara and E Padilla 31:1673-1678 31:1273-1289 Gregory 31:1315-1326 National environment targets and interna- “inancial subsidies to the Australian fossil fuel tional emission reduction instrument P E Refrigeration and air conditioning industry C Ri’y and M_ Diesendorf 31: Morthorst 31:73-83 Evaluation of refrigerating and air-condition- 125-137 Simultaneous attainment of energy goals by ing technologies in heat cascading systems means of green certificates and emission under the carbon’ dioxide emissions Global warming permits S G Jensen and K Skytte 31:63-71 constraint: the proposal of the energy Energy systems and the climate dilemma. Some challenges related to introducing cascade balance table Y Shimazaki 31: Reflecting the impact on CO, emissions by tradable green certificates P Fristrup 31: 1685-1697 reconstructing regional energy systems A 15-19 Carlson 31:951-959 Tradable Green Certificates in selected Eur- Regulation The impact of possible climate catastrophes on opean countries — overview and assessment Deregulation and growth in China’s energy global warming policy A Baranzini, M L Nielsen and T Jeppesen 31:3-14 sector: a review of recent development Y Wu Chesney and J Morisset 31:691—701 31:1417-1425 Kyoto Protocol Energy subsidies in California’s electricity Green power Carbon quota price and CDM potentials after market deregulation A Ritschel and G P Diffusion of green power products in Switzer- Marrakesh W Chen 31:709-719 Smestad 31:1379-1391 land R Wiistenhagen, J Markard and B The costs of the Kyoto Protocol in the International benchmarking and regulation: an Truffer 31:621—632 European Union L L Viguier, M H Babiker application to European electricity distribu- Eco-labeling for energy efficiency and sustain- and J M Reilly 31:459-481 tion utilities 7 Jamash and M_ Pollitt ability: a meta-evaluation of US programs A Defining Investment Additionality for CDM 31:1609-1622 Banerjee and B D Solomon 31:109—-123 projects — practical approaches S Greiner and A multi-channel stakeholder consultation pro- Environmental labelling of electricity delivery A Michaelowa 31:1007-1015 cess for transmission deregulation R Gre- contracts in Sweden T Kaberger 31:633-640 Demand Side Management in a competitive gory, B Fischhoff, S Thorne and G Butte Green certificate trading in the Netherlands in European market: Who should be respon- 31:1291-1299 the prospect of the European electricity sible for its implementation M H Didden and The need for regulation of gas storage: the case market Vo Dinica and M J Arentsen 31: W D D-haeseleer 31:1307-1314 of France B Esnault 31:167-174 609-620 How to design greenhouse gas trading in the Regulation in developing countries is different: Green paper with green electricity? Greening EU G T Svendsen and M Vesterdal 31: avoiding negotiation, renegotiation and frus- strategies of Nordic pulp and paper industry 1531-1539 tration M Bell 31:299--305 J Luukkanen 31:641-655 Simultaneous attainment of energy goals by Greening of electricity in Europe: challenges Nuclear power means of green certificates and emission and developments 4A Midttun and A L Carbon emission and mitigation cost compar- permits S G Jensen and K Skytte 31:63-71 Koefoed 31:677-687 isons between fossil fuel, nuclear and renew- Supporting renewable energy on liberalised able energy resources for electricity markets: green electricity between addition- Greenhouse gases generation R E H Sims, H-H Rogner and K ality and consumer sovereignty R Menges Co-existence of electricity, TEP, and TGC Gregory 31:1315-1326 31:583-596 markets in the Baltic Sea Region M Hinds- The issue of the fourth nuclear power plant berger, M H Nybroe, H F Ravn and R and its impact on 3-E problems in Taiwan Renewable energy Schmidt 31:85-96 empirical evidence from the energy forecast- A critical assessment of renewable energy Empirical evidence in the analysis of the ing (EnFore) system Y J Bor and F-Y Chou usage in the USA D L Klass 31:353-367 environmental and energy policies of a series 31:1129-1136 Avoiding perverse effects of baseline and of industrialised nations, during the period Quest for Middle East oil: the US versus the investment additionality determination in 1960-1997, using widely employed macro- Asia-Pacific region M G_ Salameh 31: the case of renewable energy projects S Bode economic indicators A Focacci 31:333-352 1085-1091 and A Michaelowa 31:505—517 Financial risks for green electricity investors Brazilian waste potential: energy, environmen- and producers in a tradable green certificate Oil tal, social and economic benefits L B Oliveira market J Lemming 31:21—32 The linkage between oil price shocks and and L P Rosa 31:1481-1491 A green certificate market combined with economic growth with inflation in the pre- Carbon emission and mitigation cost compar- liberalised power market PE Morthorst sence of technological advances: a CGE isons between fossil fuel, nuclear and renew- 31:1393-1402 model K Doroodian and R Boyd 31:989-1006 able energy resources for _ electricity Green certificates and carbon trading in the Is Russia a viable oil source for Japan? J generation R E H Sims, H-H Rogner and'K Netherlands M Boots 31:43-50 Phillips and J Challacombe 3\:837-847 Gregory 31:1315-1326 Green certificates and emission trading P F Oil price fluctuations and Singapore economy Consumer demand for ‘green power’ and Morthorst 31:1-2 Y Chang and J F Wong 31:1151-1165 energy efficiency J Zarnikau 31:1661—1672 IV Index Danish energy reform: policy implications for =nergy consumption with sustainable develop- Bansal, N K see Kumar, A renewables N / Mever and A L Koefoed ment in developing country: a case in Bansal, N K see Mathur, J 31:597--607 Jiangsu, China Y Wang and Z Feng Baranzini, A, Chesney, M and Morisset, J The Environmental and economic effects of renew- 31:1679-1684 impact of possible climate catastrophes on able energy sources use on a local case study Globalization of the automobile industry in global warming policy 31:691—701 C Caosmi, M Macchiato, L Mangiamele, G China: dynamics and barriers in greening of Bauer, M, Mar, E and Elizalde, A Transport Marmo, Pietrapertosa and M_ Salvia 31: the road transportation L Gan 31:537-551 and energy demand in Mexico: the personal 443-457 Sustainable energy development: a challenge income shock 31:1475—1480 European schemes for promoting renewables for Asia and the Pacific region in the 21 Bell, M Regulation in developing countries is in liberalised markets NV / Mever 31:665-676 century P C Saha 31:1051-1059 different: avoiding negotiation, renegotiation A green certificate market combined with and frustration 31:299-305 liberalised power market P E Morthorst Technology Bertoldi, P see de Almeida, A T 31:1393-1402 Future implications of China’s energy-technol- Blok, K see Luiten, E E M Green certificate trading in the Netherlands in ogy choices E D Larson, W Zongxin, P Blok, K see Reinders, AH M E the prospect of the European electricity DeLaquil, C Wenving and G Pengfei Bode, S and Michaelowa, A Avoiding perverse market FV Dinica and M J frentsen 31: 31:1189-1204 effects of baseline and investment addition- 609-620 ality determination in the case of renewable Greener energy solutions for a sustainable Tradable permits energy projects 31:505—517 future: issues and challenges for Malaysia National environment targets and interna- Bonilla, D, Akisawa, A and Kashiwagi, T VM Z Jaafar, W H Kheng and N Kamaruddin tional emission reduction instrument P E Modelling the adoption of industrial cogen- 31:1061-1072 Vorthorst 31:73-83 eration in Japan using manufacturing plant The insurance and risk management industries: survey data 31:895-910 new players in the delivery of energy-efficient Transportation Bor, Y J and Chou, F-Y The issue of the fourth and renewable energy products and services Global energy scenarios meeting stringent CO, nuclear power plant and its impact on 3-E E Mills 31:1257-1272 constraints — cost-effectiveness fuel choices problems in Taiwan — empirical evidence The Italian Green Certificates market between in the transportation sector C Azar, K from the energy forecasting (EnFore) system uncertainty and opportunities 4 Lorenzoni Lindgren and B A Andersson 31:961-976 31:1129-1136 31:33-42 Implications of transportation policies on Boots, M Green certificates and carbon trading Optimizing the level of renewable electric R&D energy and environment in Kathmandu in the Netherlands 31:43-50 expenditures using real options analysis G A Valley, Nepal S Dhakal 31:1493-1507 Boyd, R see Doroodian, K Davis and B Owens 31:1589- 1608 LPG: a secure, cleaner transport fuel? A policy Brown, R E and Koomey, J G Electricity use in Prices versus quantities: choosing policies for recommendation for Europe E Johnson California: past trends and present usage promoting the development of renewable 31:1571-1577 patterns 31:849-864 energy P Menanteau, D Finon and M-L A strategy for introducing hydrogen into Butte, G see Gregory, R Lamy 31:799-812 transportation A E Farrell, D W Keith and Campbell, B M, Vermeulen, S J, Mangono, J J The renewables portfolio standard in Texas: an J J Corbett 31:1357-1367 and Mabugu, R The energy transition in early assessment O Langniss and R Wiser Transport and energy demand in Mexico: the action: urban domestic fuel choices in a 31:527-535 personal income shock M Bauer, E Mar and changing Zimbabwe 31:553-562 Simultaneous attainment of energy goals by 1 Elizalde 31:1475-1480 Carlson, A Energy systems and the climate means of green certificates and emission dilemma. Reflecting the impact on CO, permits S G Jensen and K Skytte 31:63-71 Wind power emissions by reconstructing regional energy Some challenges related to introducing trad- Danish energy reform: policy implications for systems 31:951-959 able green certificates P Fristrup 31:15-19 renewables N J Mever and A L Koefoed Challacombe, J see Phillips, J Supporting renewable energy on liberalised 31:597-607 Chang, H-J New horizons for Korean energy markets: green electricity between addition- industry ~ shifting paradigms and challenges ality and consumer sovereignty R Menges Articles — Authors ahead 31:1073-1084 31:583-596 {denikinju, A F Electric infrastructure failures Chang, Y and Wong, J F Oil price fluctuations Tradable Green Certificates in selected Eur- in Nigeria: a survey-based analysis of the and Singapore economy 31:1151-1165 opean countries — overview and assessment costs and adjustment responses 31: Chen, G see Yang, H L Nielsen and T Jeppesen 31:3-14 1519-1530 Chen, W Carbon quota price and CDM fkash, B see Jaber, J O potentials after Marrakesh 31:709-719 Rural energy {khurst, M, Morgheim, J and Lewis, R Green- Chesney, M see Baranzini, A China’s rural electrification and poverty reduc- house gas emissions trading in BP 31: Chou, F-Y see Bor, Y J tion M Yang 31:283-295 657-663 Cleveland, C J and Kaufmann, R K Oil supply tkisawa, A see Bonilla, D and oil politics: Deja Vu all over again Solar energy flaouze, C M see Emhijellen, M 31:485-489 Barriers and opportunities in realising sustain- ticdntara, V and Padilla, E “Key” sectors in Corbett, J J see Farrell, A E able energy concepts — an analysis of two final energy consumption: an input-output Cornland, D W see Nystrom, 1 Swiss case studies C Pohl and P Gisler application to the Spanish case 3a 1: Cosmi, C, Macchiato, M, Mangiamele, L, 31:175-183 1673-1678 Marmo, G, Pietrapertosa, F and Salvia, M Dissemination of solar photovoltaics: a study {/-Sarkhi, A see Jaber, J O Environmental and economic effects of on the government programme to promote Amaya, L see Hira, A renewable energy sources use on a local case solar lantern in India S K Velayudhan Andersson, B A see Azar, C study 31:443-457 31:1509-1518 frentsen, M J see Dinica, | Crossley, D see Vine, E Azar, C, Lindgren, K and Andersson, B A Cui, R see Yang, H Sustainable energy Global energy scenarios meeting stringent Dajun, Y see Handong, Y Barriers and opportunities in realising sustain- CO, constraints cost-effectiveness fuel Davis, G A and Owens, B Optimizing the level able energy concepts — an analysis of two choices in the transportation sector 31: of renewable electric R&D expenditures Swiss case studies C Pohl and P Gisler 961-976 using real options analysis 31:1589- 1608 31:175-183 Bahiker, M H see Viguier, L L De Almeida, A T, Fonseca, P, Falkner, H and Dynamic formulation of a top-down and Balasubramanian, R see Sharma, D P Bertoldi, P Market transformation of en- bottom-up merging energy policy model C Banerjee, A and Solomon, B D Eco-labeling for ergy-efficient motor technologies in the EU W Frei, P-A Haldi and G Sarlos 31: energy efficiency and sustainability: a meta- 31:563-575 1017-1031 evaluation of US programs 31:109-123 De Vries, B see van Vuuren, D Index Vv DeLaquil, P see Larson, E D Grohnheit, P E and Mortensen, B O G Langniss, O and Wiser, R The renewables Dhakal, S \mplications of transportation po- Competition in the market for space heating. portfolio standard in Texas: an early assess- licies on energy and environment in Kath- District heating as the infrastructure for ment 31:527-535 mandu Valley, Nepal 31:1493—1507 competition among fuels and technologies Larson, E D, Zongxin, W, DeLaquil, P, Diamond, R A lifestyle-based scenario for US 31:817-826 Wenying, C and Pengfei, G Future implica- buildings: implications for energy use Gustavsson, L see Karlsson, A tions of China’s energy-technology choices 31:1205—-1211 Haldi, P-A see Frei, C W 31:1189-1204 Didden, M H and D‘haeseleer, W D Demand Hamrin, J see Vine, E Leimbach, M Equity and carbon emissions Side Management in a competitive Eur- Handong, Y, Yuhong, L and Dajun, Y Potential trading: a model analysis 31:1033—-1044 opean market: Who should be responsible of gas turbine co-generation in China Lemming, J Financial risks for green electricity for its implementation 31:1307—1314 31:931-936 investors and producers in a tradable green Diesendorf, M see Riedy, C Hawdon, D_ Efficiency, performance and certificate market 31:21—32 Dinica, V and Arentsen, M J Green certificate regulation of _ the international gas Lewis, R see Akhurst, M trading in the Netherlands in the prospect industry a bootstrap DEA approach 31: Lindgren, K see Azar, C of the European electricity markt 31: 1167-1178 Lloyd, D see Woo, C-K 609-620 Hindsherger, M, Nybroe, M H, Ravn, H F and Lorenzoni, A The Italian Green Certificates Doroodian, K and Boyd, R The linkage between Schmidt, R Co-existence of electricity, TEP, market between uncertainty and opportu- oil price shocks and economic growth with and TGC markets in the Baltic Sea Region nities 31:33-42 inflation in the presence of technological 31:85-96 Lowe, R A _ theoretical analysis of price advances: a CGE model 31:989-—1006 Hira, A and Amaya, L Does energy integrate? elasticity of energy demand in multi-stage Dube, I Impact of energy subsidies on energy 31:185-199 energy conversion systems 31:1699-1704 consumption and supply in Zimbabwe. Do Holt, E see Markard, J Luiten, E E M and Blok, K Stimulating R&D the urban poor really benefit? 31:1635—1645 Jaafer, M Z, Kheng, + H and Kamaruddin, N of industrial energy-efficient technology: the Ducroux, R see Jean-Baptiste, P Greener energy solutions for a sustainable effect of government intervention on the Elizalde, A see Bauer, M future: issues and challenges for Malaysia development of strip casting technology Emhjellen, M and Alaouze, C M A comparison 31:1061—1072 31:1339-1356 of discounted cashflow and modern asset Jaber, J O, Mohsen, M S, Al-Sarkhi, A and Luukkanen, J Green paper with green electri- pricing methods project selection and Akash, B Energy analysis of Jordan’s com- city? Greening strategies of Nordic pulp and policy implications 31:1213—1220 mercial sector 31:887-894 paper industry 31:641-655 Esnault, B The need for regulation of gas Jain, S K see Kumar, A Mcbugu, R see Campbell, B M storage: the case of France 31:167—174 Jamash, T and Poilitt, M International bench- Macchiato, M see Cosmi, C Evans, D G see Soontornrangson, W marking and regulation: an application to Maloney, M see Vine, E Evans, M Emissions trading in transition European electricity distribution utilities Mangiamele, L see Cosmi, C economies: the link between international 31:1609-1622 Mangono, J J see Campbell, B M and domestic policy 31:879-886 Jean-Baptiste, P and Ducroux, R Energy policy Mar, E see Bauer, M Eyre, N see Vine, E and climate change 31:155-166 Markard, J and Holt, E Disclosure of electri- Falkner, H see de Almeida, A T Jensen, S G and Skytte, K Simultaneous city products lessons from consumer Farrell, A E, Keith, D W and Corbett, J J A attainment of energy goals by means of research as guidance for energy policy strategy for introducing hydrogen into green certificates and emission permits 31:1459-1474 transportation 31:1357—1367 31:63-71 Markard, J see Wiisterhagen, R Feng, Z see Wang, X Jeppesen, T see Nielsen, L Marmo, G see Cosmi, C Fengqi, Z see van Vuuren, D Johnson, E LPG: a secure, cleaner transport Mathur, J, Bansal, N K and Wagner, H-J Finon, D see Menanteau, P fuel? A policy recommendation for Europe Investigation of greenhouse gas reduction Fischhoff, B see Gregory, R 31:1571-1577 potential and change in technological selec- Fisher-Vanden, K Management structure and Joshi, H see Vine, E tion in Indian power sector 31:1235—1244 technology diffusion in Chinese state-owned Kaberger, T Environmental labelling of elec- Mathur, R, Chand, S and Tezuka, T Optimal enterprises 31:247—257 tricity delivery contracts in Sweden 31: use of coal for power generation in India Focacci, A Empirical evidence in the analysis of 633-640 31:319-331 the environmental and energy policies of a Kaiser, M J and Pulsipher, A G LIHEAP Matibe, D K see Spalding-Fecher, R series of industrialised nations, during the reconsidered 31:1441—1458 McMahon, J E see Wiel, S period 1960-1997, using widely employed Kamaruddin, N see Jaafar, M Z Menanteau, P Can negotiated agreements macroeconomic indicators 31:333-352 Karlsson, A and Gustavsson, L External costs replace efficiency standards as an instrument Fonseca, P see de Almeida, A T and taxes in heat supply systems 31: for transforming the electrical appliance Frei, C W, Haldi, P-A and Sarlos, G Dynamic 1541-1560 market? 31:827—-835 formulation of a top-down and bottom-up Kashiwagi, T see Bonilla, D Menanteau, P, Finon, D and Lamy, M-L Prices merging energy policy model 31:1017-1031 Kaufmann, R K see Cleveland, C J versus quantities: choosing policies for pro- Fristrup, P Some challenges related to introdu- Kats, G see Vine, E moting the development of renewable energy cing tradable green certificates 31:15—19 Keith, D W see Farrell, A E 31:799-812 Fujino, J see Tokimatsu, K Kejun, J see van Vuuren, D Menges, R Supporting renewable energy on Fuller, R J see Soontornrangson, W Kheng, W H see Jaafar, M Z liberalised markets: green electricity between Gan, L Globalization of the automobile Kennedy, D Liberalisation of the Russian additionality and consumer sovereignty industry in China: dynamics and barriers in power sector 31:745—758 31:583-596 greening of the road transportation 31: Klass, D L A critical assessment of renewable Meyer, N I European schemes for promoting 537-551 energy usage in the USA 31:353-367 renewables in liberalised markets 31:665—676 Gisler, P see Pohl, C Koefoed, A L see Meyer, NI Meyer, N I and Koefoed, A L Danish energy Graveland, C see van Vuuren, D Koefoed, A L see Midtunn, A reform: policy implications for renewables Gregory, K see Sims, R E H Konishi, S see Tokimatsu, K 31:597-607 Gregory, R, Fischhoff, B, Thorne, S and Butte, Koomey, J G see Brown, R E Michaelowa, A see Bode, S G A multi-channel stakeholder consultation Kumar, A, Jain, S K and Bansal, N K Michaelowa, A see Greiner, S process for transmission deregulation Disseminating energy-efficient technologies: Midtunn, A and Koefoed, A L Greening of 31:1291-1299 a case study of compact fluorescent lamps electricity in Europe: challenges and devel- Greiner, S and Michaelowa, A Defining Invest- (CFLs) in India 31:259-272 opments 31:677—-687 ment Additionality for CDM_ projects Kumar, S see Thiruchelvam, M Mills, E The insurance and risk management practical approaches 31:1007—1015 Lamy, M-L see Menanteau, P industries: new players in the delivery of Vi Index energy-efficient and renewable energy pro- Salvia, M see Cosmi, C Tveteras, R see Osmundsen, P ducts and services 31:1257-1272 San Martin, R Marketable emission permits Van Vuuren, D, Fenggi, Z, de Vries, B, Kejun, Wills, E Risk transfer via energy-savings with imperfect monitoring 31:1369—-1378 J, Graveland, C and Yun, L Energy and insurance 31:273-281 Sandberg, P and Séderstrém, M_ \ndustrial emission scenarios for China in the 21" Mohsen, M S see Jaber, J O energy efficiency: the need for investment century — exploration of baseline develop- Morgheim, J see Akhurst, M decision support from a manager perspective ment and mitigation options 31:369-387 Morisset, J see Baranzini, A 31:1623-1634 Varma, A UK’s climate change levy: cost Mortensen, B O G see Grohnheit, P E Sarlos, G see Frei, C W effectiveness, competitiveness and environ- Morthorst, P E A green certificate market Sathave, J see Vine, E mental impacts 31:51-61 combined with liberalised power market Schmidt, R see Hindsherger, M Velayudhan, S K_ Dissemination of solar 31:1393-1402 Schmover, R see Tonn, B photovoltaics: a study on the government Vorthorst, P E Green certificates and emission Sims, R E H., Rogner, H-H and Gregory, K programme to promote solar lantern in trading 31:1 Carbon emission and mitigation cost com- India 31:1509-1518 Vorthorst, P E National environment targets parisons between fossil fuel, nuclear and Vermeulen, S J see Campbell, B M and international emission reduction instru- renewable energy resources for electricity Vesterdal, M see Svendsen, G T ment 31:73-83 generation 31:1315-1326 Viguier, L L, Babiker, M H and Reilly, J M Nair, P S C see Sharma D P Shah, T see Tewari, D D The costs of the Kyoto Protocol in the Namikawa, R Take-or-Pay under Japanese Sharma, D The multidimensionality of electri- European Union 31:459-481 energy policy 31:1327-1337 city reform an Australian perspective Vine, E, Hamrin, J, Evre, N, Crossley, D, Vaughten, B Economic assessment of com- 31:1093-1102 Maloney, M and Watt, G Public policy bined cycle gas turbines in Australia. Some Sharma, D P, Nair, P S C and Balasubrama- analysis of energy efficiency and load man- effects of microeconomic reform and tech- nian, R Analytical search of problems and agement in changing electricity business nological change 31:225-245 prospects of power sector through Delphi 31:405-430 Nielsen, L and Jeppesen, T Tradable Green study: case study of Kerala State, India Vine, E, Kats, G, Sathave, J and Joshi, H Certificates in selected European countries 31:1245-1255 International greenhouse gas trading pro- overview and assessment 31:3-14 Shimazaki, Y Evaluation of refrigerating and grams: a discussion of measurement and Vvhroe, M H see Hindsherger, M air-conditioning technologies in heat cascad- accounting issues 31:211-224 Nystrém, I and Cornland, D W Strategic ing systems under the carbon dioxide emis- Visvanathan, C see Thiruchelvam, M choices: Swedish climate intervention poli- sions constraint: the proposal of the energy Vringer, K see Reinders, AH M E cies and the forest industry's role in reducing cascade balance table 31:1685-1697 Wagner, H-J see Mathur, J CO, emissions 31:937-950 Skytte, K see Jensen, S G Wagner, S see Tonn, B Ogawa, Y see Tokimatsu, K Smestad, G P see Ritschel, A Wamukonya, N Power sector reform in devel- Oliveira, L B and Rosa, L P Brazilian waste Sdderstrém, M see Sandberg, P oping countries: mismatched agendas potential: energy, environmental, social and Solomon, B D see Banerjee, A 31:1273-1289 economic benefits 31:1481-1491 Soontornrangson, W, Evans, D G, Fuller, R J Wang, H see Yang, H Osmundsen, P and Tveteras, R Decommission- and Stewart, D F Scenario planning for Wang, X and Feng, Z Energy consumption ing of petroleum installations — major policy electricity supply 31:1647-1659 with sustainable development in developing issues 31:1579-1588 Sorrell, S Making the link: climate policy and country: a case in Jiangsu, China 31: Owens, B see Davis, G A the reform of the UK construction industry 1679-1684 Padilla, E see Alcantara, | 31:865-878 Watt, G see Vine, E Pengfei, G see Larson, E D Spalding-Fecher, R and Matibe, D K Electricity Wenying, C see Larson, E D Phillips, J and Challacombe, J \s Russia a and externalities in South Africa 31:721-73 Wiel, S and McMahon, J E Governments viable oil source for Japan? 31:837-847 Stewart, D F see Soontornrangson, W should implement energy-efficiency stan- Pietrapertosa, F see Cosmi, C Sun, J W Three types of decline in energy dards and labels — cautiously 31:1403-1415 Pohl, C and Gisler, P Barriers and opportu- intensity an explanation for the decline of Wiser, R see Langniss, O nities in realising sustainable energy con- energy intensity in some developing coun- Woo, C-K, Lloyd, D and Tishler, A Electricity cepts — an analysis of two Swiss case studies tries 31:519-526 market reform failures: UK, Norway, Al- 31:175-183 Sundberg, G see Sjddin, J berta and California 31:1103-1115 Pokharel, S Promotional issues on aiternative Svendsen, G T and Vesterdal, M How to design Wong, J F see Chang, Y energy technologies in Nepal 31:307-318 greenhouse gas trading in the EU 31: Wu, Y Deregulation and growth in China's Pollitt, M see Jamash, 1 1531-1539 energy sector: a review of recent develop- Pulsipher, A G see Kaiser, M J Tewari, D D and Shah, T An assessment of ment 31:1417-1425 Ravn, H F see Hindsherger, M South African prepaid electricity experi- Wiistenhagen, R, Markard, J and Truffer, B Reddy, B S Overcoming the energy efficiency ment, lessons learned, and their policy Diffusion of green power products in Swit- gap in India’s household sector 31:1117-1127 implications for developing countries zerland 31:621-632 Reilly, J M see Vigtuier, L L 31:911-927 Xi, J see Yang, H Reinders, A H M E, Vringer, K and Blok, K The Thillai, R A Principal players in utility re- Yamaji, K see Tokimatsu, K direct and indirect energy requirement of structuring: the case of Orissa 31:431-441 Yang, H, Wang, H, Yu, H, Xi, J, Cui, R and households in the European Union 31: Thiruchelvam, M, Kumar, S and Visvanathan, C Chen, C Status of photovoltaic industry in 139-153 Policy options to promote energy efficient China 31:703—707 Riedy, C and Diesendorf, M Financial subsidies and environmentally sound technologies in Yang, M China’s rural electrification and to the Australian fossil fuel industry 31: small- and medium-scale industries 31: poverty reduction 31:283-295 125-137 977-987 Yu, H see Yang, H Ritschel, A and Smestad, G P Energy subsidies Thorne, S see Gregory, R Yu, X Regional cooperation and energy devel- in California’s electricity market deregula- Tishler, A see Woo, C-K opment tn the Greater Mekong Sub-region tion 31:1379-1391 Tokimatsu, K, Fujino, J, Konishi, S, Ogawa, Y 31:1221-1234 Rogner, H-H see Sims, RE H and Yamaji, K Role of nuclear fusion in Yuhong, L see Handong, Y Rosa, L P see Oliveira, L B future energy systems and the environment Yun, L see van Vuuren, D Saha, P C Sustainable energy development: a under future uncertainties 31:775—797 Zachariadis, T and Kouvaritakis, N Long-term challenge for Asia and the Pacific region in Tonn, B, Schmover, R and Wagner, S Weath- outlook of energy use and CO, emissions the 21" century 31:1051-1059 erizing the homes of low-income home from transport in Central and Eastern Salameh, M G Quest for Middle East oil: the energy assistance program clients: a pro- Europe 31:759-773 US versus the Asia-Pacific region 31: grammatic assessment 31:735-744 Zarnikau, J Consumer demand for ‘green 1085-1091 Truffer, B see Wiistenhagen, R power’ and energy efficiency 31:1661-1672 Index Vil ZhiDong, L An econometric study on China’s Viewpoints Conference reports, 31:813-814, 31:1427 economy, energy and environment to the The natural and social properties of year 2030 31:1137-1150 CO, emission intensity J W Sun 31: Zongxin, W see Larson, E D 203-209 Book reviews The peaceful uses of nuclear energy: technol- Small is profitable A-M _ Borbely-Bartis Editorials ogies of the front and back-ends of the fuel 31:1705-1708 31:99-100, 1047-1049 cycle J Percebois 31:101—108 Turning numbers into knowledge: mastering The seven brothers S Thomas 31:393-403 the art of problem solving M Maniates (J G Forum Stalemate in energy markets; supply extension Koomey) 31:1301 Comment on: R W Bentley, “Global oil & gas versus demand reduction A Verbruggen depletion”, Energy Policy 30(2002)189-205 31:1431-1440 M A Adelman 31:389-390 Technology growth curves: a new approach to Meetings on energy, 31:97, 201, 297, 391, 483, reducing global CO, emissions J J MacK- 577, 689, 815, 929, 1045, 1179, 1305, 1429, Communications enzie 31:1183-1187 1571, 1711 Perfect decomposition techniques in energy and environmental analysis B W Ang, F L Liu and E P Chew 31:1561-1566 Guest editorial, 31:579-581

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