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Preview Energy-Efficient Memories using Magneto-Electric Switching of Ferromagnets

1 Energy-Efficient Memories using Magneto-Electric Switching of Ferromagnets Akhilesh Jaiswal, Indranil Chakraborty and Kaushik Roy, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Voltage driven magneto-electric (ME) switching of an electric field [13]. Similarly, strain coupled magnetization ferro-magnets has shown potential for future low-energy spin- reversal in PMN-PT has been proposed in [11] . tronic memories. In this paper, we first analyze two different Note,sincemulti-ferroicsingeneralandMEeffectinpartic- ME devices viz. ME-MTJ and ME-XNOR device with respect ular, is currently an area of intense research investigation, we 7 to writability, readability and switching speed. Our analysis 1 is based on a coupled magnetization dynamics and electron do not follow a particular material set or experiment. Rather, 0 transport model. Subsequently, we show that the decoupled in this work, we treat the ME effect by a generic parameter 2 read/write path of ME-MTJs can be utilized to construct an referredtoasthemagneto-electricco-efficient(α )[8],[9], ME n energy-efficient dual port memory. Further, we also propose a [13](explainedlaterinthemanuscript).Suchanabstractionof novelcontentaddressablememory(CAM)exploitingthecompact a theMEeffectisjustified,sincetheaimofthepresentpaperis XNOR operation enabled by ME-XNOR device. J not to explore the various physical phenomenons driving the 7 Index Terms—Magneto-electric effect, CAM, dual port, mem- ME effect. Instead we intend to examine the implications of 2 ory, XNOR, LLG. ME based devices with focus on memory applications. I. INTRODUCTION T] MAGNETO-RESISTIVE memories based on current III. MEDEVICESUNDERCONSIDERATION E driven Spin Transfer Torque (STT) [1], have attracted 1 a) b) s. immense research interest due to their non-volatility, almost tME=5nm c unlimited endurance and area-efficiency [2]. However, STT [ basedmemoriessufferfrominherentlowswitchingspeedand tME=5nm tFL=2.5nm high write-energy consumption [3]. Recently, voltage induced 2 tFL=2.5nm 1 3 3 v Magneto-Electric(ME)effect,hasshownpotentialforfastand 4 1 8 energy-efficient switching of ferromagnets [4]. tMgO=1.4nm 2 0 Many device proposals for memory [5], [6] and logic Fig.1. (a)SchematicoftheME-MTJand(b)ME-tMXgON=1O.4nRm.Wehaveassumed 2 applications [7]–[9] of the ME effect can be found in the MS = 1257.3KA/m [14], α = 0.1, Ki = 1mJ/m2 [14], αME = 8 literature. In this paper, we explore two different ME devices 1/cms−1,wherecisspeedoflight,(cid:15)ME =500[8],T =300K. 0 . - i) ME magnetic tunnel junctions (ME-MTJs) [7] and ii) WeconsidertwoMEbaseddevices−ME-MTJ[7]andME- 1 ME-XNOR device [7], [9]. We analyze the ME devices with XNOR [7], [9], with focus on memory applications. ME-MTJ 0 7 respect to writability, readability and switching speed using a consistsofanMTJincontactwithanMEoxideunderlayeras 1 coupledmagnetizationdynamicsandtransportmodel.Further, shown in Fig. 1(a). The MTJ itself is composed of a pinned v: we propose two novel energy-efficient memories - i) a dual layer(PL),afreelayer(FL)andanoxidespacer(usuallyMgO i port memory and ii) a content addressable memory (CAM), [15]).Dependingontheorientationsofthefreeandthepinned X using the aforementioned ME devices. layer the ME-MTJ can be in either low resistance parallel (P) r stateorhighresistanceanti-parallel(AP)state.Thenormalized a II. MEEFFECT differenceintheresistancesoftheAPandPstateisexpressed Various single phase [10] and composite multi-ferroic ma- by the tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) ratio of the MTJ. terials [11] have been experimentally demonstrated to exhibit In order to switch the ME-MTJ from P (AP) to AP (P) the ME effect. ME effect is due to exchange bias coupling stateapositive(negative)voltageexceedingacertainthreshold in single phase materials [12] and is usually due to strain needs to be applied on terminal 1 in Fig. 1(a). The metal coupling [11] in case of composite materials. For example, in contact to the ME oxide, the ME oxide itself and the free single phase BiFeO3 due to the coupling between the ferro- layer of the MTJ can be considered as a capacitor. On the electricpolarization,the(anti)ferromagnetismofBiFeO3,and other hand, the value stored in the ME-MTJ can be read by theferromagnetismofanunderlyingnano-magnet,themagne- sensing the resistance between terminals 1 and 2. tization of the nano-magnet can be switched by application of In Fig. 1(b) we show the ME-XNOR device. The ME- XNOR device consists of two free layers separated by MgO A.Jaiswal,I.ChakrabortyandK.RoyarewiththeSchoolofElectricaland and in contact with respective ME oxides. If the voltage ComputerEngineering,PurdueUniversity,WestLafayette,IN,47907USA e-mail:[email protected];[email protected]; [email protected] polarity on the terminals 1 and 2 are the same, the MTJ stack work was supported in part by, C-SPIN, a MARCO and DARPA sponsored would be in P state (measured between terminals 3 and 4), StarNet center, by the Semiconductor Research Corporation, the National while a different voltage polarity on the two terminals would Science Foundation, Intel Corporation and by the DoD Vannevar Bush Fellowship. lead to an AP state. Thus, the proposed device emulates an 2 a) b) a) b) Fig.2. (a)Magnetizationdynamics.(b)Switchingprobabilityversusvoltage. XNOR functionality. ME-XNOR device in previous works Fig.3. (a)TMRversusMgOthickness(b)Atypical3Dswitchingtrajectory hwcdoaeovnsuceslrtdirbbueecleattntheaernussseeihmndoeuwrflgoaIyrVttiho.leoanftDgfiimcEcMioVeaEdnIpCe-tpXlE.ClNiMcAOaMtORioD.nEIdsLneI[vN9tihc]G.eeInnceaxtnhtissbeewctouiorsnke,,dwwtoee RWWWLL ( (GVNDDD)) LB)0VW>(PW W‘r1i’t e LB)0VW<(NWW‘r0i’te ]noitarepO etirW[ Under mono-domain approximation, magnetization dynam- RWL (VDD) ]n iLcasndcaanu,bLeifsm∂hmioˆtzdealnedd Gusilibnegrtt,haesLshLoGwneqbuealotiwo∂n[,m1ˆ6p]r,op[1o7se]d by R‘e1a’d V(LBRDAER) R‘e0a’d V(LBRDAER)oitarepO da ∂t =−|γ|mˆ ×HEFF +αmˆ × ∂t (1) WWL (-VWN) eR[ where HEFF is the effective magnetic field. HEFF is the Fig.4. Dualportmemoryusingdecoupledread/writepathofME-MTJs sum of the demagnetization field [18], [19], the interface anisotropy field [3] and any other external field. mˆ is the unit bit-cellTMRasafunctionofMgOthicknessassuminga45nm magnetization vector, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and α is the PTM[24]transistorinserieswithvaryingW/L(width/length) ratios. It can be seen a higher value of MgO thickness is Gilbertdampingconstant.Thethermalnoiseismodeledusing required to increase the bit-cell TMR and reduce the parasitic the Brown’s model [20] and is accounted for by expressing a contributing field to H as H(cid:126) = ζ(cid:126)(cid:113) 2αkT , effect of the transistor series resistance [3], [25]. For the ME EFF thermal |γ|MSVdt devices, due to the decoupled read/write paths, the thickness where ζ(cid:126) is a vector with components that are zero mean of the MgO oxide can be increased without degrading the Gaussian random variables with standard deviation of 1. V writeefficiency(whichisdictatedbytheMEoxide).Thus,the is volume of the free layer, T is the temperature and k is decoupled read/write paths for ME devices allows for better the Boltzmann’s constant and dt is time step. The ME effect sensing due to increased bit-cell TMR. can be included in H by writing the ME field as [8] EFF C. Switching Speed HeleMctEric=conµs10taαnMtiEsEα = [2µ110]α,MEEisVtMMthEEe,elwechterircefitehledamnadgVneto- Though, a detailed switching dynamics for ME devices ME ME is the voltage across the ME capacitor. is still under research investigation [13], yet it is expected Equation (1) can be solved numerically through the Heun’s that ME switching would be much faster as compared to method [22]. In addition, we used the Non Equilibrium STT switching [21]. This is because ME switching dynamics Green’s Function (NEGF) formalism [23] for estimation of behavesasifthemagnetizationdirectionisbeingswitchedby the resistance of the MTJ stack. an external field which does not require an incubation delay [26] to initiate the switching process. In Fig. 3(b) we have V. DEVICECHARACTERISTICS shownatypical3DtrajectoryoftheMEswitchingmechanism, A. Writability based on the model presented in section IV. It can be seen if Writing into ME devices is accomplished by application of the applied electric field is strong enough, the magnetization appropriate voltages across the ME capacitor. An important vector starts switching without any initial incubation delay. In parameter that dictates the write voltage and hence the write our simulations for an α of 1/c, complete reversal was energyisthemagneto-electricco-efficient(α ).α isthe ME ME ME obtained within 500ps. ratioofmagneticfieldgeneratedperunitappliedelectricfield [13]. Experimentally, various ME materials have shown α VI. MEMEMORYDESIGN ME in the range 0.1/c to 1/c (c is speed of light) [21]. In Fig. 2 A. ME Dual Port Memory (a), we show a typical magnetization switching curve and in The proposed dual port memory using ME-MTJs is shown Fig. 2 (b) we plot the switching probability as a function of in Fig. 4. Each bit-cell consists of one ME-MTJ and two voltage across the ME capacitor for different values of α . ME transistors. The transistor connected to WWLs are the write It can be seen, ME materials with high α are desirable for ME transistors and those connected to RWLs are the read transis- achieving low write energy. tors. Data can be written into the ME-MTJs by activating the B. Readability write transistors of a particular row and applying appropriate In a memory configuration, a CMOS transistor is used in write voltages (positive or negative) on WBLs. Similarly, for serieswiththestoragedevice.Therefore,thebit-cellTMRi.e. reading out the data, the read transistors of a given row are theTMRofthedevicewiththeseriesresistanceoftheCMOS activated and a read voltage is applied on RBLs. The current transistor is a more relevant metric for the sensing margin as flowing through the bit-cell is then compared with a reference opposed to the device TMR. In Fig. 3(a), we have shown the to sense the current state of the ME-MTJ. 3 Din1BL1 Din0BL0 DWL1 turnsallthep-MOSOFFandmatchgoeslow,indicatingthat RefMTJ amatchisfound.Thewriteandreadenergyperbitwasfound DAE M1 M2 tobe0.072fJand15fJ,respectively,indicatingtwoordersof VR magnitude improvement in write energy and comparable read DWWLL1 VBIAS energy as compared to previous works as in [29]. 0 VII. CONCLUSION Theprospectsofachievingvoltagedrivenswitchingofmag- netization has renewed the interest for future low-power non- WL0 VBIAS volatilespintronicmemories.Inthispaper,wefirstanalyzethe Fig.5. ProposedCAMbasedonME-XNORdevice. writability,readabilityandswitchingspeedofdevicesbasedon MEeffect.Further,weproposetwoenergyefficientmemories A dual port memory is characterized by simultaneous read usingtheMEdevices.Theproposeddualportmemoryallows and write operations i.e. while one row of the memory array forenergy-efficientwriteoperationsinadditiontofasterspeed, isbeingreadsimultaneouslyanotherrowofthememoryarray improved TMR and throughput. The proposed CAM requires canbewritteninto,thereby,improvingthememorythroughput lesser number of transistors due to the compact XNOR oper- [27]. The dual port nature of the proposed ME-MTJ memory ation enabled by the ME XNOR device, resulting in an area- can be explained as follows. efficient as well as energy-efficient CAM. Let us consider row-1 in Fig. 4 is being written into. The write transistors corresponding to row-1 would be activated and by application of proper voltages on WBLs, a P or an AP state can be written into the ME-MTJs. Simultaneously, the read transistors corresponding to row-2 are activated and by sensing the current flowing through the RBLs, the state of the ME-MTJs connected to row-2 can be sensed. Our simulations indicate, write energy consumption per bit of 0.072 fJ for α = 1/c and read energy consumption of ME 1.3fJ for read voltage of 200mV and read time of 0.5ns. For the present proposal ME switching enables two orders of magnitude improvement in write energy and 8x improvement in switching speed as compared to STT based MTJs [28], in addition to improved TMR and throughput. B. ME CAM The ME-XNOR based CAM cell is shown in Fig. 5 (a). The function of M1 is to selectively provide the ME- oxide capacitor with a ground connection when Data Input Line (D ) is activated. In the read circuit, a reference MTJ in (Ref ) forms a voltage divider with the resistance of the MTJ MTJ (R ). The match signal is obtained at the drain of MTJ p-MOS M2 (denoted by node match), where a low voltage indicatesamatchisobtainedandvice-versa.Thenodematch is pre-charged to V . The strengths of the n-MOS and the DD p-MOS transistors, connected to the match line, are adjusted such that even one activated p-MOS in a row is enough to maintain the output node in its pre-charged state. Theoperationofthecircuitcanbedividedintothreemodes: i) Write Mode, ii) Data Input Mode and iii) Read Mode. To write data in the lower (upper) ferromagnet, a write pulse corresponding to bit ‘1’ (positive voltage) and ‘0’ (negative voltage), respectively, is applied on the BL (D ) with the in WL (DWL) activated. If the digital bit written in the lower ferromagnet is same as the data to be matched (stored in the upper ferromagnet), the MTJ switches to low resistance state. Finally in the read mode, a read pulse of 1 V (V ) is READ applied for the read process. The output of the inverter goes ‘high’onlyiftheMTJisinlowresistancestateindicatingthat the bit written in the top magnet in mode (ii) matches the bit stored in the bottom magnet. Matching of all bits in a row 4 REFERENCES [23] X.Fong,S.K.Gupta,N.N.Mojumder,S.H.Choday,C.Augustine,and K.Roy,“Knack:Ahybridspin-chargemixed-modesimulatorforeval- [1] H. Noguchi, K. Ikegami, K. Kushida, K. Abe, S. Itai, S. Takaya, uatingdifferentgenresofspin-transfertorquemrambit-cells,”in2011 N.Shimomura,J.Ito,A.Kawasumi,H.Haraetal.,“7.5a3.3ns-access- InternationalConferenceonSimulationofSemiconductorProcessesand time71.2µw/mhz1mbembeddedstt-mramusingphysicallyeliminated Devices. IEEE,2011,pp.51–54. read-disturb scheme and normally-off memory architecture,” in 2015 [24] [Online]http://ptm.asu.edu/. IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference-(ISSCC) Digest of [25] P.K.Amiri,Z.Zeng,P.Upadhyaya,G.Rowlands,H.Zhao,I.Krivoro- TechnicalPapers. 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