Energy Efficient Iterative Waterfilling for the MIMO Broadcasting Channels Jie Xu, Ling Qiu Shunqing Zhang University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Huawei Technologies, Co. Ltd., Hefei, China, 230027 Shanghai, China Email: [email protected], [email protected] Email: [email protected] 2 Abstract—Optimizing energy efficiency (EE) for the MIMO in OFDM systems [8], [9]. The optimization for point to 1 broadcasting channels (BC) is considered in this paper, where point MIMO channels is not applicable for the MIMO BC, 0 a practical power model is taken into account. Although the 2 as the MIMO BC cannot be simply transformed into parallel EE of the MIMO BC is non-concave, we reformulate it as a sub-channels1. There are few literatures discussing the EE n quasiconcave function based on the uplink-downlink duality. a After that, an energy efficient iterative waterfilling scheme is for the MIMO BC. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, J proposed based on the block-coordinate ascent algorithm to only [11] and our previous work [12] addressed this topic, 8 obtaintheoptimaltransmissionpolicyefficiently,andthesolution but they both assumed linear precoding design and equal 1 is proved to be convergent. Through simulations, we validate transmitpowerallocationforsimplification.Theassumptionof the efficiency of the proposed scheme and discuss the system ] parameters’ effect on the EE. linearprecodingmakesboth worksfar awayfromthe optimal T Index Terms—Energy efficiency, MIMO broadcasting chan- solution. To optimize the system performance (both SE and I nels, iterative waterfilling. EE) of the MIMO BC, the precoding matrices and power . s allocationshouldbejointlydecided.Forinstance,thecommon c I. INTRODUCTION way to achieve the maximum sum capacity is employing the [ Wireless communication turns to the era of green. This is dirtypapercoding(DPC) anditerativewaterfilling[10],[13]– 1 not only because of the exponential traffic growth with the [15]. From the standpoint of EE, joint precoding and power v popularity of the smart phone but also the limited energy allocationdesign should also be carefully designedto achieve 7 source with ever higher prices. Energy efficiency (EE), as a the optimum, which is the main concern of this paper. 9 6 result, becomes one of the major topics in the research of We consider the problem of optimizing EE with joint 3 wireless communications [1] and plenty of research projects precoding and power allocation for the MIMO BC, where 1. either governmentfunded or industrial fundedstart to investi- a practical power model including signal processing, circuit 0 gate the energy efficient solutions for the wireless network as power, etc. at the base station (BS) [12], [16] is taken into 2 wellasthesustainablefutureforthewirelesscommunications. account.AfterformulatingthemaximumEEproblem,wefind 1 Meanwhile,multipleinputmultipleoutput(MIMO),especially that the energy efficient joint precoding and power allocation : v downlink multiuser MIMO (also called MIMO broadcasting design is equivalent to only optimizing the transmit covari- i channels, BC), has become a key technology in the cellular ance matrices. However, optimizing the transmit covariance X networks due to its significant spectral efficiency (SE) im- matrices is difficult, as the EE function achieved by DPC is r a provement.Therefore,studying the EE of the MIMO BC is a nonconcave.Fortunately,wefindanefficientiterativesolution critical issue. based on uplink-downlink duality and the contributions are The EE is in generaldefined as the capacity dividedby the summarized as follows. power consumption,which denotes the delivered bits per-unit Contributions: We transform the EE into a quasiconcave energymeasuredinbitsper-Joule.Therearealotofliteratures functionthroughemployingthefamousuplink-downlinkdual- discussing the EE of the point to point MIMO channels ity.ThedualitytransformsthenonconcaveMIMOBCcapacity [2]–[7]. The point to point MIMO channels can always be into the dual convex MIMO multi-access channels (MAC). separated into parallel sub-channels through singular value Afterthat,we proposeanovelenergyefficientiterativewater- decomposition (SVD) or after detection. In this case, only filling schemebased onthe block-coordinateascentalgorithm powerallocationacrossthesub-channelsneedstobeoptimized to solve the quasiconcave EE optimizing problem efficiently. to compromisethetransmitpowerandcircuitpower,andthus During each iteration, the transmit covariance matrices opti- maximizetheEE[3]–[5].Asthesub-channelsareparallel,the mization is formulated as a concave fractional program, and solution is similar with the energy efficient power allocation solvedthroughrelatingittoaparametricconcaveprogramand then applying the Karush-Kuhn-Tuckeroptimality conditions. Thisworkissupported inpartbyHuaweiTechnologies, Co.Ltd.,Shang- hai, China and National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 1Although afterzero-forcing (ZF)precoding, forexample, theMIMOcan 2007CB310602. beseparated into parallel sub-channels, the ZFscheme isfaraway fromthe Corresponding author: LingQiu,[email protected]. optimalsolution[10]. n where η denotes the power amplifier (PA) efficiency; MP 1 dyn denotes the dynamic power consumption proportional to the H1 + y1 x1 H1H number of radio frequency (RF) chains, e.g. circuit power of RF chains which is always proportional to M; and P n sta 2 n accounts for the static power independent of both M and P which includes power consumption of the baseband process- H2 + y2 x2 H2H + yMAC ing, battery unit etc.. x (cid:23) (cid:23) III. ACHIEVABLE SUMCAPACITY AND ENERGY n K EFFICIENCY The sum capacity of the MIMO BC is achieved by DPC, HK + yK xK HHK which can be denoted as follows [10] given a total transmit power P. Fig. 1. System model of the MIMO BC (left) and its dual MIMO MAC C (H ,...,H ,P) BC 1 K (right). 1 = max Wlog I+ H Σ HH {Σi}Ki=1I:Σ+i≥01,PHKi=1(TΣr(Σ+i)≤ΣP)HH (cid:12)(cid:12) σ2 1 1 1 (cid:12)(cid:12) Interestingly, the solution of each iteration has a feature of +Wlog σ2 2 1 2 2 (cid:12)+··· (cid:12) waterfilling.Weprovetheconvergenceoftheproposedscheme (cid:12) I+ σ12H2(Σ1)HH2 (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) and validates it through simulations. Moreover, the system +Wlog(cid:12) I(cid:12)+ σ12HK(Σ1+···+(cid:12) Σ(cid:12)K)HHK , parameters’ effect on the EE is discussed finally. I+(cid:12) 1 H (Σ +···+(cid:12)Σ )HH (cid:12) σ2 K 1 K−1 K(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (4) II. SYSTEMMODEL where the o(cid:12)(cid:12)ptimization is performed to choose(cid:12)(cid:12) the optimal The system consists of a single BS with M antennas and downlink transmit covariance matrices Σi ∈ CM×M,i = K users each with N antennas2, which is shown in Fig. 1. 1,...,K. The downlink channel can be denoted as TheEEisdefinedastheachievablesumcapacityofMIMO BC divided by the total power consumption at the BS, which yi =Hix+ni,i=1,...,K, (1) can be denoted as C (H ,...,H ,P) and the dual uplink channel is denoted as ξBC(H1,...,HK,P)= BPC+M1P +KP (5) K η dyn sta y = HHx +n, (2) MAC i i undera fixedtransmitpowerP. Based on(5), theoptimalEE i=1 for the MIMO BC can be obtained through optimizing P3, P where Hi ∈ CN×M is the channel matrix of the ith user, which is denoted as x ∈ CM×1 is the transmitted signal on the downlink, x ∈ i C (H ,...,H ,P) aCnNd×n1 i∈s thCeMt×ra1nsamreittethdesiignndaelpeonndetnhteGupaulisnskia,nnino∈iseCNw×ith1 ξBC(H1,...,HK)=Pm:Pa≥x0 BPηC+M1Pdyn+KPsta . (6) each entry CN(0,σ2). Frequency flat fading channels with In the above optimization problem, transmit power level P bandwidthW is consideredand the channelstate information and transmit covariance matrices Σ ∈CM×M,i= 1,...,K i (CSI) is assumed to be perfectly knownat the transmitter and needtobe jointlyoptimized.Note thatalthoughnomaximum receivers. transmitpowerconstraintisconsideredin(6),thesolutioncan About the power model, as BSs take the main power be easily extended to the constrained case based on [8], [18]. consumption in the cellular networks, the users’ consumed We omit the extension here due to page limit. power is omitted. The BS power model is motivated by [12], As (6) is nonconcave, optimizing (6) is nontrivial. Fortu- [16]. As the power radiated to the environment for signal nately, motivatedby [19], [20], we find out that the following transmission is only a portion of its total power consumption property. If the numerator (sum capacity) can be transformed [16], the practical circuit power, signal processing power, into a convex function, the EE can be formulated as a cooling loss etc. at the BS should be taken into account. quasiconcave function, because the denominator (total power Withoutloss of generality,giventhe total BS antenna number consumption) is affine. Based on this observation, we try to M and total transmit power P, the total power consumption transform the sum capacity into a concave function. of a BS can be denoted as Applying the uplink-downlinkduality [13], the MIMO BC P sum capacity (4) is equal to the concave sum capacity of the P = +MP +P , (3) total η dyn sta 3Indeed,theEEofMIMOBCishighlyaffected bythetransmitpowerP andtransmitantennanumberM,andjointlyoptimizingP andM isrequired 2Theresultsherecanbeextendedtothegeneralcasewithdifferentantenna to maximize the EE.We only consider the optimization of P in this paper, numberateachuser.Moreover,theresultsarealsoapplicabletothemulti-cell and the M optimizing to further improve the EE based on active transmit scenario withBScooperation. antenna selection canbefoundin[17]. MIMO MAC (2) with sum transmit power constraint, which For ease of description, we define the following function can be denoted as g(·) at first. C HH,...,HH,P K =M{AQCi}(cid:0)Ki=1:1Qi≥m0,PaxKi=K1Tr(Q(cid:1)i)≤PWlog(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)I+ σ12 XiK=1HHi QiH(7i)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12), For thegb(Qlo1c,k.-c.o.,oQrdKin)at=e aWPscKi=elo1ngηtT(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)Ira(+Qlgσi12)o+riPi=Mt1hPHmdHi,ynQg+iivPHesitna(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12).the cur(r1e0n)t where the uplink transmit covaria(cid:12)(cid:12)nce matrices Qi ∈(cid:12)(cid:12) iterate Q(k) = Q(1k),...,Q(Kk) , the next iterate Q(k+1) = CN×N,i = 1,...,K need to be optimized. Thus, the dual Q(k+1),...,Q(cid:16)(k+1) can be g(cid:17)enerated as MAC optimal EE should be rewritten as 1 K (cid:16) (cid:17) ξMAC(H1,...,HK)=Pm:Pa≥x0CMPηAC+(cid:0)MHH1P,d.yn..+,HPHKco,nP(cid:1). Q=(iakr+g1)Qim:Qaix≥0g Q(1k+1),...,Q(i−k+11),Qi,Q(i+k)1,...,Q(Kk) . (8) (cid:16) (11(cid:17)) According to the duality and the mapping between Σ and However,to apply the iterative algorithm efficiently, there are i Q [13], optimal Σ ,i = 1,...,K and P can be obtained conditions need to be satisfied. For one thing, the solution of i i if we can get the optimal Q ,i = 1,...,K and P in (11) should be uniquely attained [21, Proposition 2.7.1]. For i (8). Furthermore, since the maximum power constraint is another, the solution should be simple and easy to employ. K Veryfortunately,thetwoconditionsbothfulfillandthesolu- not considered and Tr(Q ) = P is always required for i tion can be obtainedfollowingan energyefficientwaterfilling i=1 optimizing (7) [14], (P8) can be simplified and rewritten as feature. We are interested to show it in the next subsection. ξ HH,...,HH B. Energy Efficient Waterfilling MAC 1 K K (cid:0) Wlo(cid:1)g I+ σ12 HHi QiHi (9) Based on [14], [15], it is fulfilled that = max (cid:12) i=1 (cid:12). K {Qi}Ki=1:Qi≥0 PKi=1ηTr(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(Qi) +MPPdyn+Psta(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) log(cid:12)I+ σ12 i=1HHi QiHi(cid:12) (cid:12) P (cid:12) Finally, the optimizationof (6) is transformedinto optimizing =lo(cid:12)g I+ 1 HHQ H(cid:12) (9). If we can obtain the optimal Qi,i = 1,...,K for (cid:12) (cid:12) σ2 j6=i j j(cid:12) j(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (9), the optimal P can be decided correspondingly based (cid:12) P (cid:12) −1/2 K +log(cid:12)(cid:12)I+ σ2I+ HHQ(cid:12)(cid:12) H (12) on Tr(Qi) = P. That is to say, designing the joint (cid:12)(cid:12) j6=i j j j! preciPo=d1ingand power allocation to maximize EE is equivalent (cid:12)(cid:12) P −1/2 to optimizingthe transmit covariancematrices. Once transmit ×HH(cid:12)(cid:12)Q H σ2I+ HHQ H i i i j j j (cid:12) covariance matrices are decided, the transmit power level can j6=i ! (cid:12) be correspondingly determined. =log|Z |+log I+PGHQ G , (cid:12)(cid:12) i i i i (cid:12) Letuslookat(9)again.Sincethenumeratorisconcaveand (cid:12) where Z = I + (cid:12) 1 HHQ H(cid:12) and G = the denominator is affine, (9) is a quasiconcave optimization, i (cid:12)σ2 j j(cid:12) j i j6=i which can be solvedthroughthe bisection methodor interior- −1/P2 point methods. However, the numerical methods would be H σ2I+ HHQ H . By denoting still toocomplexwhenthe user numberbecomessignificantly i j6=i j j j! large. Motivated by [14], [15], an energy efficient iterative P Tr(Q ) waterfilling is proposed in the next section to solve it more j j6=i efficiently. ai = P η +MPdyn+Psta, IV. ENERGY EFFICIENT ITERATIVEOPTIMIZATION bi =W log|Zi| A. Motivation and substituting (12) into (10) we have that AstheEEisdistinctfromthecapacity,thespectralefficient b +Wlog I+GHQ G iltoenrgateirv.eNwevateerrtfihellliensgs,[1w4e] nisotnicoet tahpaptlitchaeblebafsoicr tihdeeaEoEf atnhye g(Q1,...,QK)= i Tr(ηQ(cid:12)(cid:12)i) +aii i i(cid:12)(cid:12) (13) spectral efficient iterative algorithms are based on the block- Therefore, we can redefine the problem (11) by removing coordinate ascent algorithm [21, Sec. 2.7]. That is to say, if the iteration number as to we can write the EE as the similar structure with the block- maximizeg(Q ,...,Q ,Q ,Q ,...,Q ) 1 i−1 i i+1 K coordinate ascent algorithm and then prove it satisfies the Qi:Qi≥0 b +Wlog I+GHQ G (14) conditionof[21,Sec. 2.7],we can obtainan iterativesolution = i i i i of the problem (9). Tr(ηQ(cid:12)(cid:12)i) +ai (cid:12)(cid:12) by treating Q ,...,Q ,Q ,...,Q as constant. Based As (21) is concave in S , the problem (20) can be solved 1 i−1 i+1 K i on section IV-A, we need to solve the above problem and for a given λ by solving the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality prove that the solution is unique. conditions, and the solution can be denoted as Since the numerator and denominator in (13) are concave + and affine respectively, (14) is a concave fractional program [S∗]λ = η − 1 ,k =1,...,L, (22) i kk ln(2)λ [Di]kk [20]. Define a non-negativeparameterλ, (14) is related to the h i following convex function separating numerator and denomi- where [x]+ = max(x,0). Then the water level λ∗ can be nator with help of λ. decided by setting Y(λ∗)=0 based on Theorem 1 as AFnd(Qthie,nλ)d=efibnie+aWconlvoegx(cid:12)(cid:12)Io+ptiGmHiizaQtiioGnip(cid:12)(cid:12)r−obλle(cid:16)mTra(sηQi) +a(i1(cid:17)5) −biλ+∗k×P=L1lokPg=L1(cid:18)h1ln(+2η)λh∗ln−([2ηD)λi1]∗kk−i+[D+i1]akki+=[D0i.]kk(cid:19) (23) Y(λ)= max F(Qi,λ). (16) η i Qi:Qi≥0 We will try to solve(16), andthen thesolution of(14) can be As Y(λ) is strictly decreasing, and F(0) = ∞, F(∞) = obtained correspondingly based on the following Theorem. −∞ (see detailed proof in Appendix C), we can solve (23) Theorem 1: The optimum feasible transmitcovariancema- efficiently based on the bisection methods. trix Q∗i achieves the maximum value of (14) if and only if Based on (23) and (22), the optimalS∗λ∗ is derived.Based Y(λ∗)=F(Q∗,λ∗)=maxF(Q ,λ∗|Q ≥0)=0. i i i i on the mapping between S and Q , finally, the optimal Proof: See Appendix A. i i solution of (14) can be derived as Theorem 1 gives us insights to solve (14). We should optimizing (16) at first under a given λ and then solve the Q∗ =US∗λ∗UH. (24) i i equation Y(λ)=0 to get the optimal λ. To solve (16), we can denote To prove that the solution of (14) is unique, we only need to prove that λ∗ is unique. We give the following Theorem GHG =UD UH (17) i i i and the proof is given in the Appendix C. based on the eigenvalue decomposition at first, where D ∈ Theorem 2: The derived water level λ∗ in (23) is unique i CM×M is diagonalwith nonnegativeentriesandU∈CM×M and globally optimal. is unitary. Without loss of generality, we assume that D has To make the description more clearly, we summarize the i L non-zero diagonal entries (1 ≤ L ≤ M), which means energy efficient waterfilling algorithm for optimizing (13) in [D ] > 0 for k = 1,...,L and [D ] = 0 for k = L+ TABLE I. i kk i kk 1,...,M. TABLEI And then we have the following equation based on ENERGYEFFICIENTWATERFILLINGALGORITHM I+AB=I+BA [14]: log I+GHQ G =log I+Q GHG =log I+iQ Ui Di UH =log Ii+Ui HQi UD (18) 1) Calculate Zi = I + σ12 HHj QjHj, Gi = (cid:12) i i(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)i i j6=i DefineS(cid:12)i =(cid:12)(cid:12) UHQiU.(cid:12)AsU(cid:12)(cid:12)is(cid:12)unita(cid:12)(cid:12)ry,wehav(cid:12)ethat(cid:12)(cid:12)Tr(Si)= Hi σ2I+ HHj QjHj −1/2,Pai = jP6=iTηr(Qj) + Tr(Q ). Thus, (15) can be rewritten as j6=i ! i MPdyn+PPsta,bi=Wlog|Zi|; Tr(S ) 2) Definetherelated parametric convexprogram in(15)and(16); G(Si,λ)=bi+W log|I+SiDi|−λ η i +ai 3) Transform the parametric convex program into diagonal forms (cid:18) (cid:19) (19)and(20)byperformingeigenvalue decomposition in(17); (19) 4) Solve (20)bysolving theKarush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality con- As each Si correspondsto a Qi via the invertible mapping ditions andobtain thesolutionS∗iλ in(22); S = UHQ U, solving (16) is equivalent to solving the 5) Calculate theenergyefficient waterlevel λ∗ basedon(23)and i i determine theoptimalS∗λ∗; following convex optimization problem. i 6) ObtainQ∗ basedonthemapping(24)finally; i Y(λ)= max G(Si,λ) (20) Si:Si≥0 It is proved in the Appendix B that the optimal S∗ to i solve (20) is diagonal with [S∗i]kk > 0 for k = 1,...,L C. Iterative Algorithm and [S∗] = 0 for k = L+1,...,M. Thus, G(S ,λ) with i kk i Based on the derivation in section IV-B and the block- diagonal S is i coordinate ascent algorithm, the energy efficient iterative wa- L terfilling scheme can be derived as shown in TABLE II, and G(S ,λ)=b +W log(1+[S ] [D ] ) i i i kk i kk the proof of converge is given as follows. k=1 L P (21) Proof of converge: Firstly, during each step, the energy −λ kP=1[Si]kk +a . efficient waterfilling can achieve an global maximization of η i (14) treating the other users’ transmit covariance matrices as TABLEII ENERGYEFFICIENTITERATIVEWATERFILLINGSCHEME 4.2x 105 Energy Efficiency vs. BS Antenna Number Initialization: SetQi=0,i=1,...,K., 4 Repeat: 3.8 Fori=1:K ule) E21n))dRiCneaflTcrAeuslBahtLeQEQiI∗i;asbaQse∗id;ontheenergyefficientwaterfillingalgorithm Efficiency (bits/Jo333...246 Until theEE converges. nergy 3 K=4 E 2.8 k=6 K=8 4.5x 105 Energy Efficiency vs. Iteraton 2.6 K=10 2.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4.4 BS Antenna Number e) ul bits/Jo4.3 Fig.3. TheeffectofantennanumberM ontheEE,whereN =1,d=1km ncy (4.2 areconsidered. e Effici ergy 4.1 8x 105 Energy Efficiency vs. Distance En M=2 M=4 7 4 M=6 M=8 3.9 oule)6 x 104 0 5 10 Iteraton 15 20 25 bits/J5 15 ncy (4 10 e Fig.2. EEconverge behavior oftheproposedscheme. gy Effici3 5 er n 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5 E2 constant, the EE is non-decreasingwith each step. As the EE 1 is bounded, the EE converges to a limit. Secondly, according to Theorem 1 and Theorem 2, the 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 derivation of each step is unique. Based on [21, Sec. 2.7], Distance(km) the set of Q ,...,Q also converge to a limit. (cid:3) 1 K Note that as the proof does not depend on the starting Fig.4. Effectofdistance between BSandusersontheEE,whereN =1, point, we can start the algorithm from any starting values of K=4areconsidered. Q ,...,Q . To show the efficiencyof the proposedscheme, 1 K we give the simulation results in the next section. power. Moreover, when M > K ×N, the increasing of M V. SIMULATION RESULTS always decreases the EE performance. That is because the In the simulation, large scale pathloss and small scale benefits of transmit diversity gain caused by the increasing Rayleigh fading are considered. The parameters are set in of M is much smaller than the drawbacks of dynamic power TABLE III based on [12] and all users are with the same increasing. The user number K and transmit antenna number distance. In Fig. 2, the converge behavior of the proposed M affect the EE in a complicated manner, adjusting these scheme is shown and it is set that d = 1km, M = 4, N = 4 parametersadaptivelyisimportantforimprovingtheEE.This and K = 10. We can see that our proposed iterative scheme is distinct from the spectral efficient systems, where more M convergesveryfast.ItcanachievetheoptimalEEundernearly always benefits. five iterations. Fig.4comparestheeffectofdontheEEwithdifferentM, Fig. 3 compares the effect of M on the EE with different where N = 1, K = 4 are considered. It is observed that the K, where N = 1, d =1km are considered. Different from optimalBS antenna numberis differentunderdifferentd. For the SE which is always increasing linearly as M increases example, M = 4 is optimal when d = 0.2km and M = 2 is when M ≤ N ×K, the EE increases much slower or even lessbest,butthetrendschangewhenK =5km,whereM =2 decreases. For example, when K =8, the EE with M =7 is performsworst.Thissituationvariesduetothetradeoffamong better than M = 8. The reason comes from the effect of the capacity,transmitpower,dynamicpowerandstaticpower.For practical dynamic power MP . In this case, increasing M instance,whenthedistanceislarge,transmitpowerwouldtake dyn can cause the linear increasing of both capacity and dynamic the main part of the total power consumption, thus, M = 2 TABLEIII Furthermore, as shown in [20], in a concave fractional SIMULATIONPARAMETERS program,anylocalmaximumisaglobalmaximum.Therefore, the derived λ∗ is global optimal. 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