IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 1 Energy Efficiency and Reliability in Wireless Biomedical Implant Systems Jamshid Abouei, Member, IEEE, J. David Brown, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Senior Member, IEEE and Subbarayan Pasupathy, LifeFellow, IEEE TABLEI Abstract—The use of wireless implant technology requires COMPARINGSOMEMICSSPECIFICATIONSWITHTHEIEEE802.15.4 correct delivery of the vital physiological signs of the patient STANDARDUSEDFORWSNS alongwiththeenergymanagementinpower-constraineddevices. 1 Towardthesegoals,wepresentanaugmentationprotocolforthe Parameter MICS IEEE 802.15.4 1 physical layer of the Medical Implant Communications Service Frequency Band 402−405MHz 868/915 MHz(Eur./US) 0 (MICS) with focus on the energy efficiency of deployed devices 2.4GHz(Worldwide) 2 over the MICS frequency band. The present protocol uses the Bandwidth 300KHz 62.5KHz(for2.4GHz) n ratelesscodewiththeFrequencyShiftKeying(FSK)modulation DataRate supportmorethan 250kbps(for2.4GHz) 250kbps a scheme to overcome the reliability and power cost concerns in TransmitPower 25µw(−16dBm) 0.5mw(−3dBm) J tiny implantable sensors due to the considerable attenuation Operating Range Typically0−2m Typically0−10m 5 of propagated signals across the human body. In addition, the protocol allows a fast start-up time for the transceiver ] circuitry.Themainadvantageofusingratelesscodesistoprovide T an inherent adaptive duty-cycling for power management, due [4]. A wearable WBAN provides RF communications be- I to the flexibility of the rateless code rate. Analytical results tween on-bodysensors and a central controllerfor the remote s. demonstrate that an 80% energy saving is achievable with the monitoring of vital signs of a patient such as ECG, blood c proposedprotocolwhencomparedtotheIEEE802.15.4physical [ layer standard with the same structure used for wireless sensor pressureandtemperature.Suchawearablestructureisashort- networks. Numerical results show that the optimized rateless range communication system based on the Wireless Medical 1 codedFSKismoreenergyefficientthanthatoftheuncodedFSK Telemetry Service (WMTS) officially adopted by the Federal v scheme for deep tissue (e.g., digestive endoscopy) applications, Communications Commission (FCC) [5]. On the other hand, 6 wheretheoptimizationisperformedovermodulationandcoding 0 in an implantable WBAN, a biosensor embedded within the parameters. 9 body communicates with an apparatus sticking on the body 0 Index Terms—Energy efficiency, green modulation, medical or with an external monitoring device in the vicinity of the . implants, wireless body area networks (WBANs) 1 human body. Examples of implantable devices are cardiac 0 pacemakers, insulin dispensers, neurostimulators and bladder 1 I. INTRODUCTION controllers [6]. Such a wireless implantable technology is a 1 : A. Background very short-range communication system used for monitoring v health conditionsof patients such as brainwaves in paralyzed Recent advances in wireless sensor technologies have i X persons, glucose levels in diabetic patients and patients with opened up a new generation of ubiquitous body-centric sys- gastrointestinal disorders. The medical implantable devices r tems, namely Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), for a operate according to the Medical Implant Communications providing efficient health care services [1]. WBANs sup- Service (MICS) rules established by FCC [7]. port a broad range of medical/non-medical applications in The MICS standard is distinguished fromthe existing stan- home/health care, medicine, sports, etc. Of interest is the use dardsusedforWirelessSensorNetworks(WSNs)[8],[9]due of WBANs for the continuous remote monitoring of the vital to the size, power consumption and frequency band require- physiological signs of patients, regardless of the constraints ments for implantable devices (see Table I). For instance, the on their locations and activities [2]. MICS protocol uses an 25 µW (-16 dBm) Effective Isotropic Broadly, WBANs can be classified into two categories of Radiated Power (EIRP) at the 402-405 MHz frequency band. wearable (on-body) and implantable (in-body) systems [3], This provides a low power transmitter with a small size Manuscript received November 28, 2010; accepted January 4, 2011. The antenna resulting in a compact and lightweight implantable workwassupportedinpartbyanOntarioResearchFund(ORF)projectenti- device, while, today’s low power radio devices which use tled“Self-PoweredSensorNetworks”.TheworkofJ.Aboueiwasperformed standards such as ZigBee and Bluetooth (IEEE 802.15.1) when he was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University ofToronto,Toronto,ONM5S3G4,Canada. cannot meet these stringent requirements. Furthermore, the J.AboueiiswiththeDepartmentofElectrical andComputerEngineering, limit -16 dBm EIRP in the MICS standard reduces the effect YazdUniversity, Yazd,Iran(e-mail:[email protected]). ofthe interferenceon theotherbiosensordevicesoperatingin J. D. Brown is with the DRDC Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada. He completed his Ph.D. in ECE at University of Toronto (e-mail: the same frequencyband [7]. In addition, deployingultra low david jw [email protected]). power devices minimizes the heat absorption and the temper- K. N. Plataniotis, and S. Pasupathy are with the Edward S. Rogers Sr. ature increase caused by implantable biosensors, reducingthe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto,ONM5S3G4,Canada(e-mails:{kostas,pas} thermal effects on the body tissues [10]. IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 2 Besides the simplicity and low power consumption charac- the above dynamic channel conditions is desirable. Existing teristics,implantabledevicesmustberobustenoughtoprovide protocols use various methods to overcome the packet loss the desired service for long-term applications. Furthermore, and decoding error concerns in classical wireless sensor net- since biosensors frequently switch between the sleep mode works (e.g., see [17]). The Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) andthe activemode,theyshouldhavefast start-uptimes. The approach, for instance, requires many retransmissions in the protocolusedforsuchimplantabledevicesmustsupportahigh case of poorchannelconditions,resulting in a high latencyin degreeofreliabilityandenergyefficiencyinarealisticchannel thenetwork.Thisisincontrasttothetransmissionofpatient’s model for the human body. Each of these characteristics real time vital signs which are sensitive to the latency. More presents considerable design challenges for different layers recently,the attention of researchershas been directed toward of implantable WBANs, including the MAC layer and the deploying rateless codes (e.g., Luby Transform (LT) code physical layer [11]–[13]. Central to the study of the physical [18]) in conventionalwireless networks due to the significant layer design of implantable WBANs is the modulation and advantages of these codes in erasure channels. However, to coding. Deploying proper modulation schemes which mini- thebestofourknowledge,thereis noexistinganalysisonthe mize the total energy consumption in both circuit and RF energy efficiency and reliability of rateless coded modulation signaltransmissionprolongsthebiosensorslifetime.Enhanced in implant WBANs. reliability,onthe otherhand,is achievedby addingredundant This work deals with the first in-depth analysis on the en- information bits in the data packets in the Forward Error ergyefficiencyandreliabilityofawirelessbiomedicalimplant Correction (FEC) coding stage at the cost of an extra power system which uses LT codeswith the FrequencyShiftKeying consumption. Thus, there is generally a trade-off between a (FSK) modulation scheme. The present analysis is based on higherreliabilityandalowerpowerconsumptioninusingFEC a realistic channel model for the human body as well as the codes. requirementsstated in the MICS standard. The main outcome of this work is to introduce an augmentation protocol for the physicallayeroftheMICSstandardforimplantWBANs.The B. Related Work and Contribution protocol allows a fast start-up time for implantable devices There are several works in the literature that study the along with the lower power consumption during active mode physical layer design of implantable WBANs. Oh et al. [11] duration. It is demonstrated that an 80% energy saving is proposea new type of phase shift keyingmodulationscheme, achievable compared to the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer namelyPhase Silence ShiftKeying(PSSK), forhighdata rate protocol with the same structure used for wireless sensor implantablemedicaldeviceswhichismorebandwidthefficient networks. Furthermore, we show that an inherent adaptive than orthogonalmodulation schemes such as OOK. Under an duty-cyclingfor power managementis providedwhich comes Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channelmodelwith from the flexibility of the LT code rate. Numerical results for pathlossforthehumanbody,reference[11]showsthattheBit deep tissue applications show a lower energy consumption in Error Rate (BER) of an 8-PSSK is lower than that of various the optimized coded scheme compared to the uncoded case. sinusoidal carrier-based modulation schemes. Reference [12] The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sections proposes a simple and ultra low power hardware design II and III, the implant wireless system based on a realistic for an FSK/MSK direct modulation transmitter in medical channel model for the human body is described. The energy implant communications which supports the data rate and consumption of an uncoded FSK modulation scheme is an- the EIRP requirements in the MICS standard. However, no alyzed in Section IV. Design of LT codes and the energy channel coding scheme and energy efficiency analysis were efficiency of the LT coded FSK are presented in Section considered in [11] and [12]. Reference [14] investigates the V. Section VI provides some numerical evaluations using feasibility of applying an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) scheme realisticparameterstoconfirmouranalysis.Also,somedesign to implantable applications. However, according to the FCC guidelinesforusingLTcodesinpracticalimplantWBANsare regulations in [15], UWB technologies with a typically 3-10 presented. Finally in Section VII, an overview of the results GHzfrequencybandareusedfortransmittinginformationover and conclusions are presented. a wide bandwidthat least500MHz,which arewiderthan the frequencybandandthebandwidthusedintheMICSstandard. II. SYSTEMMODEL AND ASSUMPTIONS Since, the human body is a lossy medium, and due to the adverse circumstances in the patient’s body (e.g., variable In this work, we consider a wireless biomedical implant body temperature due to the fever, changing the location of system depicted in Fig. 1 with a bidirectionalcommunication the implant capsule in the digestive system), the RF signal between an implantable biosensor, denoted by IBS, and an transmittedfromthein-bodybiosensorexperiencesadynamic external Central Control Unit (CCU), where the transmission channel environment to reach to its corresponding on-body ineachdirectiontakesplaceinahalf-duplexmode.Wedefine receiver. In addition, it is shown in [16] that the efficiency the link used for the transmission of signals from the IBS to of wireless implantable devices is related to the human body theCCUasanuplink,whilethelinkfromtheCCUtotheIBS structure (e.g., male or female, body size, obese or thin and is represented as a downlink. During the uplink transmission tissue composition). Clearly, finding a proper FEC coding period, the IBS wakes up after receiving a command signal scheme which overcomes the patient’s vital information loss, from the CCU, and transmits the processed raw physiological and operates in a high degree of flexibility and accuracy over signals to the CCU. For this period, the CCU is set to the IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 3 (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:2)(cid:3)fi (cid:5)(cid:6) (cid:5)(cid:6) (cid:5)(cid:6)fi (cid:2)(cid:3) (cid:2)(cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:7)(cid:11)(cid:7)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:4)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:4)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:4)(cid:9)(cid:15)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:4)(cid:21)(cid:6) (cid:4) (cid:11)(cid:7)(cid:22)(cid:9)(cid:23)(cid:15)(cid:14)(cid:4)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:4)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:4)(cid:9)(cid:15)(cid:7)(cid:17)(cid:4)(cid:21)(cid:6) (cid:8) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:6) (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:6) (cid:1) (cid:4) (cid:4) (cid:8) (cid:7) Fig.2. Apractical multi-modeoperation inareactive implantWBAN. switching process which achieves a significant energy saving in the uplink mode. For the proposed communication system, the IBS and the CCU mustsynchronizewith oneanotherandoperateina real time based process known as duty-cycling as depicted in Fig 2. DuringtheactivemodeperiodT fortheuplinkdatapath, ac the weak raw signal sensed by the implantable biosensor is first passed through the amplification and filtering processes toincreasethesignalstrengthandtoremoveunwantedsignals (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:5)(cid:8)(cid:4)(cid:9)(cid:10) (cid:11)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:14)(cid:9)(cid:6)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:15)(cid:10) and noise. The filtered analog signal is then digitized by (cid:16)(cid:1)(cid:11)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:10) an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), and an L-bit binary message sequence M = {m }L is generated, where L L i i=1 (cid:19)(cid:9)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:15)(cid:5)(cid:4)(cid:10) is assumed to be fixed. The bit stream is then sent to the (cid:19)(cid:13)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:15)(cid:13)(cid:4) FEC coding unit. The encoding process begins by dividing (cid:20)(cid:6)(cid:12)(cid:7)(cid:10)(cid:16)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:18) the message M into blocks of equal length denoted by L B =(m ,...,m ), j =1,...,L, where k is the length j (j−1)k+1 jk k of any particular B . Each block B is encoded by a rateless j j code (in a mannerto be describedin Section V) to generatea Fig.1. Awireless biomedical implant system. coded bit stream C = (a ,...,a ), j =1,...,L, with j (j−1)n+1 jn k blocklengthn,wherenisarandomvariableandisdetermined based on the channel condition. listen mode. For the downlink transmission interval, the IBS is switched to the listen mode to receive control commands ThecodedstreamisthenmodulatedbyanFSK modulation from the CCU. It is worth mentioning that uplink has much schemeandtransmittedtotheCCUacrosstissuesinthehuman more data to transmit than downlink, meaning the downlink body. We will explain later the advantages of using FSK transmissiontimeismuchsmallerthanthatoftheuplink.The modulation scheme in the proposed implant system. Finally, mainadvantageofthishalf-duplexoperationisthatacommon the IBS returns to the sleep mode, and all the circuits of carrier is shared between the uplink and the downlink (by the transceiver are powered off for the sleep mode duration switchingthebandwidthresourceintime),resultinginfurther Tsl for energy saving. It should be noted that only the wake- reductionoftheIBScomplexity.Inaddition,incontrasttothe up circuit in the IBS remains on during Tsl, and waits for a full-duplex systems, where they use two different frequency wake-up command from the CCU. Since the wake-up circuit bands for transmitting and receiving signals, using the half- isbattery-free(similartothatusedinpassiveRadioFrequency duplex solution maximizes the data rate for each link over Identification(RFID)tagtechnologies),itspowerconsumption the whole bandwidth. This arises from the Shannon capacity is very low [19]. We denote Ttr as the transient mode formulaC =Blog (1+SNR), wherethechannelcapacityC duration consisting of the switching time from sleep mode 2 is proportional to the bandwidth B. The assumption of half- to active mode (i.e., Tsl ac) plus the switching time from → duplex operation is used in many studies on this topic (e.g., activemodetosleepmode(i.e.,Tac sl),whereTac slisshort see [16] for implant WBANs). Longer transmission time for enough compared to Tsl ac to b→e negligible. Fu→rthermore, → the uplink compared to the downlink time interval makes the the amount of power consumed for starting up the IBS is uplink to be considered as a critical path in wireless in-body more than the power consumption during Tac sl. Under the communications from the power consumption point of view. above considerations, the IBS/CCU devices h→ave to process More precisely, unlike the CCU which has a power source, oneentireL-bitmessageML during0≤Tac ≤TL−Tsl−Ttr theIBShaspowerconstraint,anditneedsto reduceitspower in the uplinkmode beforea new sensed packetarrives,where consumption for minimizing the tissue heating, extending the TL =Ttr+Tac+Tsl with Ttr ≈Tsl ac. → batterylifeintheIBSandmeetingthepowerrestrictioninthe Since an implant WBAN communicates over a very short- MICSstandard.Forthispurpose,weintroduceasynchronized rangeacrossthehumanbody,thecircuitpowerconsumptionis IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 4 TABLEII comparabletotheRFtransmitpowerconsumption.Wedenote ELECTRICALPROPERTIESOFTHEMAINTISSUELAYERSOFANADULT thetotalcircuitpowerconsumptionintheuplinkpathasPc = HUMANBODYAT403.5MHZ P +P ,whereP andP representthepowerconsumption ct cr ct cr of the circuits embedded in the IBS (as the transmitter) and Tissue εr σ (S/m) Skin(Dry) 46.706 0.6895 the CCU (asthereceiver),respectively.In addition,the power Fat 5.5783 0.0411 consumption of RF signal transmission in the IBS is denoted Muscle 57.10 0.7972 byP .Takingtheseintoaccount,thetotalenergyconsumption t TABLEIII during the active mode period in uplink, denoted by E , is ac PARAMETERSFORTHEPATHLOSSMODELOFAHUMANBODYAT403.5 given by Eac = (Pc+Pt)Tac. Since the downlink data path MHZ[23] is onlyused for transmissionof commandsignals, we assume thatthetotalenergyconsumption(inbothRFtransmissionand Tissue L0 (dB) η σχ (dB) DeepTissue 47.14 4.26 7.85 circuits)duringthedownlinktransmissionperiodisnegligible NearSurface 49.81 4.22 6.81 compared to that of the uplink case. The energy consumption in the sleep mode period is given by E = P T , where sl sl sl Psl is the corresponding power consumption. The present the in-body channel model is extremely difficult. Reference state-of-the art in implantable devices aims to keep a very [23] uses a sophisticated 3D virtual simulation platform to low sleep mode leakage current (coming from the CMOS extract a simple statistical path loss model for the in-body circuits in the IBS), resulting in Psl ≈ 0 when compared channel over the MICS frequency band. We denote Pt and to the power consumption in the active mode duration. This P as the transmitted and the received signal powers for the r assumption is used in many studies on the energy efficiency uplink, respectively. In addition, it is assumed that the IBS of wireless sensor networks (e.g., see [20], [21]). As a result, and the CCU are separated by distance d. In this case, the the energy efficiency,referredto as the performancemetric of gain factor L for a ηth-power path loss channelis expressed d the proposed implant WBAN, can be measured by the total as energy consumption during the uplink transmission interval P d η and corresponding to L-bit message ML as follows: Ld = Pt =L0(cid:18)d (cid:19) χr (2) r 0 EL =(Pc+Pt)Tac+PtrTtr, (1) d L (dB) = L (dB)+10ηlog +χ (dB), (3) d 0 10(cid:18)d (cid:19) r where P is the circuit power consumption during the tran- 0 tr sient mode period. It is seen from (1) that the active mode whereL is the gainfactorat thereferencedistanced which 0 0 duration T is an influential factor in energy saving, as E is specified by the transmitter and the receiver antenna gains ac L is a monotonically decreasing function of T . and wavelength λ, η is the path loss exponent, and χ ∼ ac r N(0,σ2) is a normal random variable which represents the χ deviation caused by differenttissue layers (e.g., skin, muscle, III. IN-BODY CHANNELMODEL fat) and the antenna gain in different directions [23]. Table Animportantelementintheoptimumdesignofimplantable III shows the parameters for the statistical path loss model devices is to characterize a realistic channel model for the corresponding to the channel between the IBS and the CCU human body. For this purpose, we first study the tissue for near-surface (e.g., cardiac pacemaker located in the left characteristics and their effects on the signal propagationloss pectoral region) and deep tissue (e.g., digestive endoscopy) across the human body over the MICS frequency band. applications. Humanbodyisaninhomogeneousandlossymediumwhich For the above channel model and denoting s (t) as the i consistsofvarioustissue layerswith differentthicknessesand RF transmitted signal with energy E , the received signal t their own unique electrical characteristics over the frequency at the CCU is given by r (t) = 1 s (t) + z (t), where of interest. Each tissue layer absorbs the electromagnetic z (t) is the AWGN atthe CCiU with√twLod-siidedpowierspectral energywhichresultsinaconsiderableattenuationofultralow i densitygivenby N0.Itshouldbenotedthatthepowerspectral power waves propagated from the IBS to the CCU. In this 2 density of the noise introduced by the receiver front-end at work, we consider three different tissue layers composed of the CCU is calculated by N0 = κT010N10F (W/Hz), where muscle, fat and skin, approximating the structure of a human κ=1.3806503×10 23 is the Boltzmann constant, T is the torsoformodelingthechannelbetweentheIBSandtheCCU. − 0 body temperature (in Kelvin) and NF is the noise figure of This model is used in many recent published works (e.g., see the receiver at the CCU. Under the above considerations, the [4],[13]).TableIIdetailsthefrequency-dependentpermittivity Signal-to-NoiseRatio (SNR), denoted by γ, can be computed ε andconductivityσ oftheaforementionedtissueofanadult r as γ = Et . male at 403.5 MHz [4], [22]. The electrical properties of the LdN0 bodytissueshelpindesigningproperantennasforimplantable devices,andthein-bodypathlosschannelmodel.Thephysical IV. UNCODED FSK MODULATION radio propagation with implanted antennas through human A challenge that arises with implantable medicaldevices is tissueshasbeenextensivelystudiedintheopenliteratureover to design a small size and ultra low power transceiver which thepastfewyears(e.g.,see[16]anditsreferences),andisout operates efficiently over the MICS frequency band. With this of scope of this work. Derivation of the exact expression for observation in mind, finding the energy efficient modulation IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 5 with low-complexity implementation is a crucial task in the IVsummarizestheparametersofan uncodedNC-MFSK over design of tiny biosensors. Broadly, the transceivers can be an AWGN channel with path loss which is the same as the dividedintotwocategoriesbasedonthefollowingmodulation channelmodelforthehumanbody.Therearesomeinteresting techniques:i)sinusoidalcarrier-basedand ii)UWB schemes. points extracted from Table IV. UWBmodulationschemessuchasOOKbenefitinverysimple i) It is observed that the active mode duration T is a ac design in transmitters along with low power consumption in monotonically increasing function of constellation size M, circuits.However,accordingto theFCC regulationsforUWB when L and B are fixed. Since, we are interested in having systems[15], UWB technologyis used solely fortransmitting T as small as possible for energy saving (according to (1)), ac information over a wide bandwidth at least 500 MHz, which as well as having a low complexity detector at the CCU, the ismuchwiderthanthebandwidthusedintheMICSstandard. higherorderof constellationsize M for the aboveNC-MFSK In addition, the 3-10 GHz frequency band used for UWB is not desirable. Another advantage of using a lower order systems is far from the 402-405 MHz frequency range in of M is to improve the bandwidth efficiency which is the implantable devices. On the other hand, sinusoidal carrier- main concern in MFSK scheme. Of course, a good spectral based modulation schemes can meet the MICS specifications, efficiency is achieved using Minimum-Shift Keying (MSK) in particular the frequency band 402-405 MHz and the data and in particular Gaussian Minimum-Shift Keying (GMSK) rate of at least 250 kbps. Among various sinusoidal carrier- as a special case of FSK. based modulation techniques, Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), ii) Using B = M = 300 KHz, the data rate is obtained 2Ts known as the green modulation, has been found to provide as R= b =2Blog2M which must be greater than 250 kbps a good compromise between high data rate, simple radio accordinTgstotheMIMCSspecificationsinTableI.Itisseenthat architecture, low power consumption, and requirements on only M =2 and M =4 satisfy this requirementemphasizing linearity of the modulation scheme [24], [25]. Note that more using the lower order of M for MFSK modulation scheme. complex modulation schemes such as QAM which are often iii) Assuming M and L are fixed, it is revealed from used in conventional RF communication applications are not T = ML thattheactivemodedurationinthe IBSwith ac 2Blog M easily amenable to the ultra low power communication de- B = 300 KH2z is approximately 20% of T for the wireless ac manded by implantable medical devices, due to higher power sensorapplicationswith the same NC-MFSK structure,where consumption. they use the bandwidth B = 62.5 KHz according to Table An FSK scheme is a very simple and low power struc- I. Thus, an 80% energy saving is achievable for implantable ture which is widely utilized in energy-constrained wireless devices with the MICS standard as compared to the IEEE applications [12], [25] and the IEEE 802.15.6 WPAN Work 802.15.4physical layer protocolwith the same structure used Group (WG) (e.g., see [19]). In an M-ary FSK modulation for sensor networking applications. This interesting result scheme, M orthogonal carriers are mapped into b = log2M justifies the reason of using a wider bandwidth in the MICS bits. The main advantage of this orthogonal signaling is that standard than that of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for WSNs. the received signals at the CCU do not interfere with one Now, we are ready to derive the total energy consumption another in the process of detection at the receiver. An MFSK ofanNC-MFSKbasedontheresultsinTableIV.Recallfrom modulator benefits in using the Direct Digital Modulation E =P T ≈2L N ln M , we have (DDM) approach, meaning that modulation is implemented t t s d 0 4Pb T L N L M digitallyinsidethefrequencysynthesizer.Thispropertymakes P T =E ac =2 d 0 ln . (4) MFSKconsumeverylittlepowerandhasafasterstart-uptime t ac t Ts log2M 4Pb than other sinusoidal carrier-based modulations. The output Substituting (4), T = ML and P = αP in (1), ac 2Blog M Amp t of the frequency synthesizer can be frequency modulated and the total energy consumption2of an NC-MFSK scheme for controlled simply by b bits in the input of a “digital control” transmittingLbitsduringtheuplinktransmissionintervaland unit. The modulatedsignalis then filtered again,amplified by for a given P is obtained as b the Power Amplifier (PA), and finally transmitted across the L M humanbodychannel.Wedenotethepowerconsumptionofthe E = 2(1+α)L N ln + L d 0log M 4P frequency synthesizer, filters and the power amplifier as P , 2 b Sy ML cPoFnisltumanpdtioPnAomfpth,ereIsBpSecitsivgeilvye.nInbythPicstc=asPe,Styh+ePcFiriclut+itPpAowmepr, (Pc−PAmp)2Blog2M +1.75PSyTtr. (5) where P = αP and the value of α is determined based In transmitting the vital physiologicalsigns of patients, the Amp t on type of the power amplifier. Also, denoting P , P , BER should be as small as possible. Since, the BER is a LNA Filr P , P and P as the power consumption of Low- function of the received SNR and to maintain the BER in ED IFA ADC NoiseAmplifier(LNA),filters,envelopedetector,IFamplifier a specific limit, one would increase the transmit signal power andADC,respectively,thepowerconsumptionoftheCCUcir- whichis notdesirablein ultra low powerimplantablemedical cuitrywiththe Non-CoherentM-aryFSK (NC-MFSK)canbe devices with EIRP=-16 dBm. One practical solution to avoid obtainedasP =P +M×(P +P )+P +P an increase in the transmit power is to use channel coding cr LNA Filr ED IFA ADC [25]. In addition, it is shown that the energy consumption schemes. For energy optimal designs, however, the impact of during T is obtained as P T =1.75P T [25]. channelcodingontheenergyefficiencycomputedin (5)must tr tr tr Sy tr The energy and bandwidth efficiency of FSK have been be considered as well. It is a well known fact that channel extensivelystudiedintheliterature(e.g.,see[20],[25]).Table coding is a fundamental approach used to improve the link IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 6 TABLEIV PARAMETERSFORANUNCODEDNC-MFSKOVERAWGNCHANNELWITHPATHLOSS Parameter Formula TransmittedSignal si(t)=q2TEst cos(2π(f0+i∆f)t), i=0,1,...,M−1 SymbolDuration Ts FirstCarrierFrequency f0 MinimumCarrierSeparation ∆f = 1 2Ts Channel Bandwidth(Hz) B≈M×∆f = M 2Ts DataRate(b/s) R= b Ts Bandwidth Efficiency(b/s/Hz) Beff = BR = 2loMg2M Active ModeDuration Tac= LbTs= 2BMlogL2M BitErrorRate Pb≤ M4 e−γ2 = M4 e−2NE0tLd TransmitEnergyPerSymbol Et=PtTs≈2LdN0ln4MPb PowerConsumption ofIBSCircuitry Pct=PSy+PFilt+PAmp PowerConsumption ofCCUCircuitry Pcr =PLNA+M×(PFilr+PED)+PIFA+PADC reliability using redundant information bits along with the this may be done by adaptively adjusting the transmitted transmitter energy saving due to the providingof coding gain powerbasedonthechannelcondition.Suchanadaptivepower [26].However,theenergysavingcomesatthecostofextraen- control is not feasible for the IBS due to the complexity ergyconsumedintransmittingtheredundantbitsincodewords concerns for implantable medical devices. LT codes, on the as well as the additional energy consumption in the process other hand, can adapt to different channel realizations via ofencoding/decoding.Foracertaintransmissiondistanced,if changing the code rate (instead of the power control) to theseextraenergyconsumptionsoutweighthetransmitenergy achieve a certain BER. In addition, they have the capability savingduetothechannelcoding,thecodedsystemwouldnot ofhighdegreeofreliabilityincorrectdeliveryofdatapackets be energy efficient compared with an uncoded system. In the over a lossy channel. subsequent sections, we will argue the above issue for LT iii) Simplicity: The LT encoding process is extremely codes and show that the LT coded NC-MFSK surpasses the simplewhencomparedwithsometraditionalblockcodessuch distance constraint (or equivalently the dynamic environment as Reed Solomon (RS) codes and Low-Density-Parity-Check between the IBS and the CCU) achieving a given BER in the (LDPC) codes, and has a tight power budget. In addition, proposed system. most of the complexity of an LT code (i.e., message passing decoder)ispushedtotheCCUwhichhaseffectivelyunlimited V. ENERGY EFFICIENCY ANDRELIABILITY OFLT CODES power and computational resource. TheabovecapabilitiesofLTcodeshaveremovedthecritical The task of the IBS is to communicate vital signs of the obstaclesofusingtheclassicalfixed-ratecodes(e.g.,blockand patient as accurately as possible to the CCU, due to the convolutional codes), where the transferred data experience potentially life-threatening situations in patient monitoring. different packet loss or error rates in different SNRs due This is called data reliability which depends strongly on to the dynamic channel conditions for the human body. In the channel conditions. Reliability in a wireless network, in this section, we briefly introduce some basic concepts and general,is evaluatedin termsof the probabilityof packetloss definitions for the LT codes. Then, we analyze the energy or the probability of a data packet being delivered correctly efficiency and the reliability of LT coded NC-MFSK for the to the receiver. Enhanced reliability is achieved by adding proposed implant WBAN. To get more insight into how LT redundant bits in data packets in the FEC coding stage at codes affect the circuit and RF signal energy consumptions the cost of an extra power consumption. Thus, there exists in the system, we modify the energy concepts in Section IV, a tradeoff between a higher reliability and a lower power in particular, the total energy consumption expression in (5) consumption in using FEC codes. Finding a proper FEC based on the LT coding gain and code rate. codingschemeforbalancingenergyconsumption,complexity and data reliability is a challenging task in designing implant Following the notation of [27], an LT code is specified by WBANs; in particular, when data transfer across tissues is the number of input bits k and the output-node degree dis- susceptible to loss and transmission errors. The emerging LT tribution Ω(x) = k Ω xi, where Ω , i = 1,...,k, denotes i=1 i i codes (as the first practical rateless codes) have exhibited the probability thaPt an output node has degree i. Without loss strongcapabilitiesinreachingtheabovetargetsoverthelossy of generality and for ease of our analysis, we assume that channelmodel for the human body for the following reasons: a finite k-bit message B = {m }k ∈ M is encoded to 1 i i=1 L i) Optimality: It is shown in [18] that LT codes are near the codeword C = {a }n with Ω(x) : {m }k → a , 1 j j=1 i i=1 j optimalerasurecorrectingcodeswithouttheknowledgeofthe j = 1,...,n. More precisely, each single coded bit a is j channel erasure rate at the transmitter. generated based on the encoding protocol proposed in [18]: ii) Code-Rate Flexibility: To ensure reliable communica- i) randomlychoose a degree 1≤D≤k from a priori known tion across tissues, a sufficient amount of energy must arrive degree distribution Ω(x), ii) using a uniform distribution, at the CCU. For fixed-rate codes (e.g., linear block codes), randomly choose D distinct input bits, and calculate the IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 7 (cid:1)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:6)(cid:7)(cid:8)(cid:8)(cid:9)(cid:10)(cid:7)(cid:2)(cid:11)(cid:7)(cid:12)(cid:13)(cid:7)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:7) nearly identical manner to the “Algorithm E” decoder in [30] for Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes. Description of the ternary message passing decoding is out of scope of this work, and the readeris referredto Chapter 4 in [28] for more details. It should be noted that the degree distribution Ω(x) in (6) was optimized for a ternary decoder in a BSC and we areawareofnobetterΩ(x) fortheternarydecoderinAWGN channels. ToanalyzetheenergyefficiencyoftheLTcodedNC-MFSK (cid:2)(cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:15)(cid:17)(cid:18)(cid:7)(cid:18)(cid:2)(cid:3)(cid:4)(cid:5)(cid:2)(cid:11)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:7)(cid:9)(cid:20) scheme, we note that the number of transmitted bits during the uplink transmission period is increased from the L-bit Fig.3. FactorgraphofanLTcodewithk=3andn=4. uncoded message to L = Ln bits coded one. In order to Rc k keep the bandwidth of the coded system the same as that of encoded bit a as the XOR-sum of these D bits. The above the uncodedcase, we must keep the informationtransmission j encoding process defines a factor graph connecting encoded rate constant, i.e., the symbol duration Ts of uncoded and nodes to input nodes (see, e.g., Fig. 3). It is seen that the LT coded NC-MFSK would be the same. According to Table IV, encoding process is extremely simple and the encoder has a however,the active mode duration increases from Tac = LbTs in the uncoded system to much lower computational burden than the block codes. For instance,thecomplexityoftheLTcodesisoforderO(nlogn) L T ML comparedtoO(n2)forRScodesusedinWiMAXintheIEEE Tac,c = bR Ts = Rac = 2R Blog M, (7) c c c 2 802.16 standard. This low complexity comes from exploiting XOR operationsin LT codes (unlike field operations used for for the LT coded case, where we use Tac = 2BMlogLM in Table IV. An interesting point raised from (7) is that2 T RS codes). Thus, one can with a good approximation assume ac,c is a function of the random variable R which results in an that the energy consumption of an LT encoder is negligible c inherentadaptiveduty-cyclingforpowermanagementin each compared to the other circuit components in the IBS. As a channelcondition.Tocomputethetotalenergyconsumptionof result, the energy cost of the IBS circuitry with the LT coded codedscheme,we usethefactthatchannelcodingcanreduce NC-MFSK scheme is approximately the same as that of the the required SNR value to achieve a given BER. Denoting uncoded one. codOenweoirndhebrleonctkprloepnegrtthysotfoLmTactocdhesaiswtihdaettrhaenygceanofvaproyssthibelier γsch=emLEedNst,0reasnpdecγtciv=elyL,EdttNh,ce0 caosdtihnegSgNaRinoGfcun(ecxopdreedssaenddincoddBed) is defined as the difference between the values of γ and γ channel conditions. In fact, for a specific value of SNR, c an ∈ C1 is the last bit generated at the output of the LT trheiqsuiinretodatoccaocuhnite,vteheapcreorptaoisnedBEimRp,lawnhtesryestEemt,cw=ithEGctL.TTcaokdinegs encoderbeforereceivingtheacknowledgementsignalfromthe CCU in the uplink path indicating terminationof a successful benefits in transmission energysaving specified by Gc. Tables V and VI (also see Fig. 4) give the LT code rates and the decoding process. This is in contrast to classical linear block corresponding coding gains of LT coded NC-MFSK scheme and convolutionalcodes, in which the codeword block length is fixed. As a result, the LT code rate, denoted by R = k, using Ω(x) in (6) and for M = 2 and 4 and different values c n of BER. It is observed that the LT code is able to provide a displays a random variable indicating the rateless behavior of the LT code. largevalue of codinggain Gc givenBER, butthis gain comes at the expense of a very low code rate, which means many We now turn our attention to the LT code design for the additional code bits need to be sent. This results in higher augmentation protocol. As seen in the LT encoding process, energy consumption per information bit. An interesting point theoutput-nodedegreedistributionΩ(x)isthemostinfluential extractedfromFig.4istheflexibilityoftheLT codetoadjust factor in the complexityof the LT code. Typically,optimizing its rate (and its corresponding coding gain) to suit channel Ω(x) for a specific wireless channel is a crucial task in conditions in implant WBANs. For instance, in the case of designingLTcodes.Inthiswork,weusethefollowingoutput- favorablechannelconditions,theLT codedNC-MFSK is able nodedegreedistributionwhichwasoptimizedforaBSCusing toachieveacoderateapproximatelyequaltoonewithG ≈0 a hard-decision decoder [28], [29]: c dBin the BER=10 3, whichis similar to the case of uncoded − Ω(x) = 0.00466x+0.55545x2+0.09743x3+ NC-MFSK. The effect of LT code rate flexibility on the total 0.17506x5+0.03774x8+0.08202x14+ energyconsumption is also observed in the simulation results 0.01775x33+0.02989x100. (6) in the subsequent section. To getmore insightinto the resultsof Tables V and VI, we The LT decoder at the CCU is able to reconstruct the illustrate the LT code rates versus SNR for several different entire k-bit message B with a high degree of reliability after valuesofBER forthe caseswhereM =2 andM =4 inFig. 1 receivingany(1+ǫ)k bitsinitsbuffer,whereǫdependsupon 5. These results were obtained by evaluating the performance the LT code design and channel condition [27]. In this work, of the LT code using density evolution, as described in [28]. we assume that the CCU recoversa k-bitmessage B using a An interesting phenomenon exhibited in the figure is that the 1 simple hard-decision “ternary message passing” decoder in a curves tend to converge for a given M as SNR decreases. IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 8 TABLEV CODERATEANDCODINGGAIN(dB)OFLTCODEDNC-MFSKOVER 12 M=2 AWGNFORDIFFERENTVALUESOFPbANDM=2. Pb=10−3 Pb=10−3 Pb=10−4 Pb=10−5 10 PPbb==1100−−45 SNR(dB) Rc Gc Rc Gc Rc Gc 8 3 0.1624 7.94 0.1624 9.31 0.1624 10.35 4 0.2346 6.94 0.2346 8.31 0.2346 9.35 6 5678 0000....3456234540318483 5432....99994444 0000....3456234540318483 7654....33331111 0000....3345186408951998 8765....33335555 Coding Gain (dB) 24 9 0.7378 1.94 0.7378 3.31 0.6075 4.35 10 0.8003 0.94 0.8003 2.31 0.6479 3.35 0 11 0.8650 -0.06 0.8419 1.31 0.6671 2.35 12 0.9229 -1.06 0.8488 0.31 0.6732 1.35 −2 13 0.9553 -2.06 0.8498 -0.69 0.6748 0.35 14 0.9685 -3.06 0.8508 -1.69 0.6754 -0.65 −4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 LT Code Rate TABLEVI (a) LTCODERATEANDCODINGGAIN(dB)OFLTCODEDNC-MFSKOVER AWGNFORDIFFERENTVALUESOFPbANDM=4. M=4 Pb=10−3 Pb=10−4 Pb=10−5 10 Pb=10−3 SNR(dB) Rc Gc Rc Gc Rc Gc Pb=10−4 7 0.1613 7.37 0.1613 8.64 0.1613 9.62 8 Pb=10−5 8 0.2380 6.37 0.2380 7.64 0.2380 8.62 9 0.3365 5.37 0.3365 6.64 0.3190 7.62 6 10 0.4525 4.37 0.4525 5.64 0.4051 6.62 11111234 0000....5678786358844513 3210....33337777 0000....5678786358844513 4321....66664444 0000....4566972620805995 5432....66662222 Coding Gain (dB) 24 15 0.9032 -0.63 0.8468 0.64 0.6720 1.62 16 0.9486 -1.63 0.8498 -0.36 0.6746 0.62 0 17 0.9654 -2.63 0.8503 -1.36 0.6748 -0.38 −2 Thisresultcomesfromthefactthatforlargeblocklengths,LT −4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 codesexhibitadecodingthresholdinmuchthesamewaythat LT Co(deb R)ate LDPC codes do. Essentially, this means that for a particular Fig.4. LTcodinggainversusLTcoderatefordifferentvaluesofBERand SNR there exists a threshold rate above which the LT code fora)M =2,b)M =4. will not successfully decode. At or below this threshold rate, the LT code will decode and the decoded message will have NC-MFSK scheme, denoted by E , and for a given P is a particular BER. As the rate is further decreased, the BER L,c b obtained as will decrease in a continuous manner. Thus, there exists a L N L M discontinuityin the BER at the decodingthreshold,where the E = 2(1+α) d 0 ln + BER of an LT decoded message drops from being very high L,c Gc Rclog2M 4Pb (i.e., many errors since the LT decoder failed to converge to ML (P −P ) +1.75P T + a solution for rates above the threshold) to very low (i.e., the c Amp 2R Blog M Sy tr c 2 LT code converged at a successful solution for rates below E +E L enc dec, (9) thethreshold).Thisdiscontinuityismorepronouncedatlower R c SNR, meaning that the BER values of 10 3, 10 4, and 10 5 − − − where the goal is to minimize E in each distance d, in L,c all appear to occur at the same points on the rate-SNR curve. termsof modulationand codingparameters.Although,higher We denoteE andE asthecomputationenergyofthe enc dec reliability (corresponding to the lower BER) results in an encoder and decoder for each information bit, respectively. increase in the total energy consumption E , the effect of L,c Thus, the total computation energy cost of the coding com- the coding gain G and the code rate R on E for a given ponents for L bits is obtained as LEenc+Edec. Substituting c c L,c sEigtn=al2eLndeNrg0yRlcnco4nMPsbuminptEiotn,cd=uriEGnctgaancdtivuesimRngcod(e7)d,utrhaetitoontaTl RF Pb should be considered as well. ac,c VI. NUMERICAL EVALUATION for the coded case is given by This section presents some numerical evaluations using T L N L M P T =E ac,c =2 d 0 ln . (8) realistic parameters from the MICS standard and state-of- t,c ac,c t,c T G R log M 4P s c c 2 b the art technology to confirm the reliability and energy effi- Substituting (7) and (8) in (1), and using the fact that ciencyanalysisofuncodedandLTcodedNC-MFSK schemes P = αP , the total energy consumption of transmitting discussed in Sections IV and V. We assume that the NC- Amp t,c L bitsduringtheuplinktransmissionperiodforanLTcoded MFSK modulation scheme operates in the carrier frequency Rc IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 9 optimized uncoded NC-MFSK for the cases P = 10 3 b − and P = 10 5, and for the proposed three different tissue b − layers with the aforementioned thicknesses. The optimization 1 is performedover M and the parametersof codingscheme in 0.9 MM==22,, PPbb==1100−−34 Tables V and VI. For the case of Pb = 10−3, it is revealed M=2, Pb=10−5 from Fig. 6-a that for distance d less than the threshold 0.8 MM==44,, PPbb==1100−−34 level dT ≈ 70 mm (near surface scenario), the total energy 0.7 M=4, Pb=10−5 consumptionofoptimizeduncodedNC-MFSKislessthanthat Rate0.6 of the coded NC-MFSK schemes. However, the energy gap LT Code 0.5 basetwexepenectthede.LFTocrodded>andd unwcohdicehd acpopvreoraschthees idseneepgltiigsisbulee T 0.4 scenario, the LT coded NC-MFSK scheme is more energy efficient than the uncoded one, in particular when d grows. 0.3 This result comes from the high coding gain capability of 0.2 LT codes. An interesting phenomenon exhibited in Fig. 6- 0.1 a is that the optimized LT coded NC-MFSK surpasses the 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 SNR (dB) distanceconstraintinimplantWBANapplications.Inaddition, the flexibility of the LT code rate (and the corresponding LT Fig.5. LTcoderateversusSNRfordifferent values ofBERandM=2,4. coding gain) allows the system to adjust its duty-cycling for powermanagementandto suitto differentchannelconditions TABLEVII SYSTEMEVALUATIONPARAMETERS for the human body for any distance d. In the case of P = 10 5 as depicted in Fig. 6-b, b − B=300KHz Ttr =5µs PADC =7mw the uncoded NC-MFSK scheme is preferable to use for d0=30mm PSy =10mw PLNA=9mw N0=−110.91dBm PFilt=2.5mw PED =3mw d < dT ≈ 120 mm which corresponds to the near-surface TL=1.4sec PFilr =2.5mw PIFA=3mw applications.This result followsfrom the maximumcode rate of R ≈ 0.675 for both M = 2 and M = 4 in P = 10 5. c b − However,forthedeeptissueapplicationswhered>d ≈120 T f0 =403.5MHz accordingto the frequencybandrequirement mm,theoptimizedLTcodedNC-MFSKismuchmoreenergy in the MICS standard. As shown in Section IV, we only efficient than the uncoded case. consider the constellation sizes M = 2,4. We assume that Itis concludedfromthe aboveobservationsthatthe thresh- in each period T , the sensed data frame size L = 1024 old level d for a certain BER is a fundamentalparameter in L T bytes (or equivalently L = 8192 bits) is generated, where thephysicallayerdesignof implantWBANs, asit determines T is assumed to be 1.4 seconds. The channel bandwidth is “when the LT codes are energy efficient” in the proposed L assumed to be B = M = 300 KHz, according to Table I. wireless biomedical implant system. The parameter d is 2Ts T As a result, the symbol duration T for M = 2 and M = 4 obtained when the total energy consumptions of coded and s η is obtained as 3.33 µs and 6.67 µs, respectively. Also, the uncoded systems become equal. Using L = L d χ , data rate R = Tbs for both M = 2,4 will be 300 kbps andtheequalitybetween(5)and(9)foruncdodedan0d(cid:16)LdT0(cid:17)coderd whichsatisfies the datarate requirementin Table I.Assuming NC-MFSK, we have T =310 K forthe bodytemperatureand NF=8 dB, the total 0 ◦ 1 noise power at the bandwidth B = 300 KHz is obtained as N =κBT 10NF/10 =−110.91dBm. TableVII summarizes M(P −P ) G (1−R ) η the0systemp0arametersforsimulation.TheresultsinTablesIII- dT =d04(1+α)N cBL χAmlnp M GccRc−1c . VI are also used to comparethe energyefficiency of uncoded 0 0 r (cid:16)4Pb(cid:17) and LT coded NC-MFSK schemes. In addition, the current It can be seen from the above equation that a decrease in simulation is based on the values in Table III for the two the P results in an increase in the d as observed in Fig. b T followingscenarios:i)nearsurfacewiththedistancerangeof 6. In addition, the growth rate of the energy consumption of d0 =30mmto100mmandii)deeptissuewherethedistance the LT codes for deep tissue applications (i.e., d > dT) is d varies between 100 mm and 300 mm. For this purpose, it muchsmallerthanthatoftheuncodedonewhenP decreases b is assumed thatthe skin varies in thicknessfrom0.5 mm to 6 (equivalent to the higher reliability). mm[31]andthemusclethicknessvariesintherangeof13-40 Remark: As discussed previously, the proposed LT coded mmaccordingtotheMRImeasurementsin[32].Furthermore, scheme benefits in adjusting the coding parameters in each we assume that the fat thickness ranges from 0-250 mm for channelrealizationorequivalentlyeachdistancedtominimize thin or obese patients. In order to estimate the computation thetotalenergyconsumption.Forthiscase,aslongastheCCU energy of the channel coding, we use the ARM7TDMI core collects a sufficient number of bits, it will be able to decode which is the industry’s most widely used 32-bit embedded theoriginalmessage.Indeed,onlytheCCUneedstobeaware RISC microprocessor for an accurate power simulation [33]. of the channelconditions.The IBS, as the transmitter, always Fig. 6 shows the total energy consumption versus distance sends an LT encoded stream using constant modulation and d for the optimized LT coded NC-MFSK compared to the power, and the receiver alone determines how many bits to IEEETRANSACTIONSONINFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYINBIOMEDICINE 10 10−1 Pb=10−3 codes. Uncoded Optimized Coded VII. CONCLUSION In this paper, we presented an augmentation protocol for Total Energy Consumption (Joule)10−2 d < dT d > dT tespfthhocnreehoreeprppgmLoohyTsewyeedsoecfirvcfioseacdcmrliheeatelnhanmrceyaayeegtMerea.pmInorCAodfeSvnnttithahdflereweyestqhrMieuciaclanIeihClanbicSncriyeolhissmbettuyraaleenntsonsddfta.fdrraLIodetdTmmawwpocattionsihtvdhseseterhdfaflodotewuecNxdutnyCisb--ttcihhMolyiaantcFttylSittnhhaoKngeef 80% energy saving is achievable with the proposed protocol when compared to the IEEE 802.15.4 physical layer protocol with the same structure used for wireless sensor networks. 10−30 50 dT=70 100 Transmission1 D50istance d (mm) 200 250 300 Numerical results have shown a lower energy consumption keeping at the same time a higher degree of reliability in (a) the LT coded NC-MFSK scheme for deep tissue scenarios whencomparedtotheuncodedcase.Inaddition,itwasshown 10−1 Pb=10−5 that the optimized LT coded NC-MFSK is capable to surpass Uncoded Optimized Coded the distance constraint in implantable medical devices for the BER=10 3.Infact,sincetheefficiencyofimplantablemedical − devices is strongly related to the human body structure (e.g., mption (Joule) d < dT d > dT ooovbpeeersrcaeoteomsreinsthtaihnehaipgnahdtideteinsgts’ruseeevioctofalmacipncofuosriratmicoyanto)io,vnethrleoasnpsyroadpnyodnsaeemrdroiscrcsch,heaamnnde- Total Energy Consu10−2 ndueenlsiqicguoneneiddnitwiimointphslafsnoitrmWtphlBeicAhituNymaaapnnpdbliflocdaextyii.obTnilshi,teyasiniinttrohmdasiuncbdee,deanpnredoxtposlhciocoiultllidys be usable in current wireless medical networking hardware. 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