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Energy Conversion and Management 1991: Vol 31 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Energy Conversion and Management 1991: Vol 31 Table of Contents

CONTENTS OF VOLUME 31 Number 1 A. M. HASSON A study of solar energy and its components under a plastic greenhouse Y. P. YADAV and Y. N. PRASAD Parametric investigations on a basin type solar still A. NILUFER EGRICAN Performance of a solar assisted heat pump system Y. P. YADAV and ASHOK KUMAR Transient analytical investigations on a single basin solar still with water flow in the basin M. ALTAMUSH SIDDIQUI Optimal cooling and heating performance coefficients of four biogas powered absorption systems M. AL-RIAHI, N. AL-HAMDANI 51 Monthly frequency distribution of daily clearness and H. At-SAFAR index values in Iraq G. K. MURALIDHAR, J. NAGA RaJu 61 Differential temperature controller: an energy conser- and S. MOHAN vative device for solar water heating systems V. K. SHARMA, SANJAY SHARMA 65 Mathematical modelling and experimental evaluation and H. P. GARG of a natural convection type solar cabinet dryer G. DE Giorai, S. FUMAGALLI, 75 Design, development and experimental performance G. Rizzi and V. K. SHARMA of solar collector-storage system for space heating applications M. S. SopHa, D. BUDDHI and 95 Thermal performance of underground air pipe: R. L. SAWHNEY different earth surface treatments Software Survey Section Number 2 M. F. M. FAHmy and 105 Transient analysis of hot water systems with tanks in M. ABDEL-SADEK series D. A. KOUREMENOS, E. ROGDAKIS 111 Anticipated thermal efficiency of solar driven and K. A. ANTONOPOULOS NH, /H,O absorption work producing units M. F. M. FauHmy and A. M. LABIB 121 Modeling and analysis of a matrix solar air heater ASHOK KuMaAR, J. D. ANAND 129 Transient analysis of a double slope—double basin and G. N. TrwarRI solar distiller K. A. Joup1, T. A. ABD-AL HUSSAIN 141 Improved heat transport of heat pipes with an and P. M. ABDUL MAJEED internal wall separating liquid and vapour streams iii HASSAN E. S. FATH 149 Heat exchanger performance for latent heat thermal energy storage system DAN SOLOMON 157 Design of a thermomagnetic generator S. CHATTERJEE, H. N. ACHARYA and 175 Grain size effect on the polarity of Seebeck coefficient V. V. RATNAM of natural galena J.C. Ho and T. T. CHANDRATILLEKE 179 Thermodynamic analysis of an electric arc furnace R. K. MAZUMDER and M. HussaIN-__ 187 Optical and thermal performance testing of a discrete mirror, seasonally adjusted, linear solar concentrator with tubular absorber M. M. PANDEY and PITAM CHANDRA 193 Uniformly illuminated absorber surface for parabolic reflectors Technical Note G. N. Trwari and S. A. LAWRENCE 201 New heat and mass transfer relations for a solar still Software Survey Section I Number 3 S. S. MATHUR, T. C. KANDPAL 205 Optical design and concentration characteristics and B. S. NEGI of linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrators—I. Mirror elements of varying width S. S. MATHUR, T. C. KANDPAL 221 Optical design and concentration characteristics and B. S. NEGI of linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrators—II. Mirror elements of equal width S. K. Das and A. CHAKRAVERTY 233 Performance of a solar collector with different glazing materials and their degradation under the condition prevailing in a solar collector J. L. HERCE-ViGIL and R. SUAREZ 243 Analysis of a plastic solar collector Y. P. YADAV 255 Analytical performance of a solar still integrated with a flat plate solar collector: thermosiphon mode S. Tia, S. C. BHATTACHARYA and 265 Thermogravimetric analysis of Thai _lignite—I. P. WIBULSWAS Pyrolysis kinetics S. Tia, S. C. BHATTACHARYA 277 Thermogravimetric analysis of Thai lignite—II. and P. WIBULSWAS Char combustion kinetics W. WOLDE-GHIORGIS 285 Industrial energy utilization patterns in a developing country: a case study of selected industries in Ethiopia KHYRUDDIN A. ANSARI 295 On the design of multi-compenent cable systems for moored offshore vessels Software Survey Section Number 4 R. C. TIwaRI, ASHVINI KUMAR, 309 Thermal performance of flat-plate sclar collectors S. K. Gupta and G. D. SOOTHA manufactured in India TARIQ MUNEER and 315 Density and temperature explicit equations of state SIMON MICHAEL SCOTT for steam R. K. MAZUMDER, M. HUSSAIN 327 Economics of the use of seasonally adjusted linear and T. C. KANDPAL solar concentrators in Bangladesh Y. P. YADAV and G. N. TrwarRI 337 Large scale solar water heater: experimental and theoretical studies PUNITA TANEJA, S. S. MATHUR 353 Optical performance analysis of a seasonally adjusted and T. C. KANDPAL circular cylindrical solar concentrator V. K. SHARMA, G. RIZZI 369 Design and development of an augmented integrated and H. P. GARG solar collector with rock storage system for heating applications V. K. SHARMA, G. RIZZI and 379 Design and development of a matrix type solar air H. P. GARG heater CONSTANTINOS A. BALARAS and 389 A methodology for selecting and screening novel SHELDON M. JETER refrigerants for use as alternative working fluids AZMI KAYA and MARION A. KEYES A novel method and procedure for on-line measure- ment of fluid properties Software Survey Section Number 5 LIN WENXIAN, LU ENRONG 409 The solar water heating system with natural circu- and WANG DONGCHENG lation assisted by an auxiliary electric heater— performance modeling P. C. PANDE and K. P. THANVI 419 Design and development of a solar dryer cum water heater RADHEY SHYAM MISHRA 425 Thermal stratification in thermosyphonic solar water heating systems RADHEY SHYAM MISHRA 431 Techno-economic evaluation of hybrid thermo- syphonic solar water heating systems C. D. RAKOPOULOS 447 Influence of ambient temperature and humidity on the performance and emissions of nitric oxide and smoke of high speed diesel engines in_ the Athens/Greece region Vv S. C. KAusHIK, S. M. B. GADHI, 459 Feasibility Sturadiies on an alcohol-salt mixture for R. S. AGARWAL and Y. KUMAR absorption refrigeration systems ASHOK KUMAR BHARGAVA, 471 Study of a WNybrid solar system—solar air heater H. P. GARG and combined with solar cells RAM KUMAR AGARWAL M. ZAHEER-UDDIN and P. FAzio 481 Zone-adjustable,. direct vent gas-fired heating systems S. SCESA 489 Analysis of 2 cogeneration system DONATIEN NJOMO 495 Modelling the theat exchanges in a solar air heater with a COver partially transparent to infrared radi- ation Technical Note G. N. Trwari and S. A. LAWRENCE 505 A transient amalysis of a closed loop solar thermo- syphon water heater with heat exchangers Software Survey Section I Number 6 M. S. SopHA, RAM CHANDRA, 509 Techno-ecOmammic analysis of typical dryers KAMNA PaTHAK, N. P. SINGH and N. K. BANSAL AsIM K. SEN 515 Ascheme for generating electricity using gravitational ' energy MEIRIOS MOECHTAR, 521 Performance ewalwation ofa.c. and d.c. direct coupled MELANIE JUWONO and photovoltaic water pumping systems EDDY KANTOSA K. FATHALAH and S. E. ALY 529 Theoretical sturdy of a solar powered absorption/ MED combined system ERsSOY TASDEMIROGLU and | 545 Maps for average bright sunshine hours in Turkey RAMAZAN SEVER K. S. CHEN, Y. Y. CHEN, 553 An experimental study of steady-state behavior of a S. W. SHIAO and P. C. WANG two-phase matwural circulation loop CHIH Wu 561 Power optimization of an endoreversible Brayton gas heat engine J. SOMA 567 The energy ecology derived from thermodynamic mass equivalence reveals critical energy reliability faults PETER W. BRENNECKE and 585 Hydrogen @wvolution on highly porous Raney nickel HENNING H. Ewe cathodes im alkaline electrolyte vi KAMEL G. MAHMOUD and 595 Solar desiccant systems for grain drying HERBERT D. BALL Technical Note Ersoy TASDEMIROGLU 599 An improved correlation for estimating solar radi- and RAMAZAN SEVER ation from bright sunshine data for Turkey Software Survey Section Vii

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