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Authors’ Index A Berthelemy, P. 382 (ab) Chonan, A. 823 (ab) El-Nazamy, E. 755 (cas) Besser, P. 382 (ab) Chopda, N. M. 711 (cas) Elta, G. H. 825 (ab) Abasiyanic, A. 565 (cas) Bianchi Porro, G. 3 (or), 826 (ab) Chopra, K. 563 (lett) Erdozain, J. C. 713 (cas) Abdallah, M. 287 (or) Bille-Brahe, N. E. 824 (ab) Choury, A. 217 (or) Escourrou, J. 382 (ab) Adamek, R. J. 586 (or) Bini, M. 715 (or) Chung, R. S. 741 (or) Etienne, J. P. 217 (or) Adler, A. 613 (shC) Binmoeller, K. F. 42 (or), Chung, S. C. S. 275 (or) Ezaki, T. 271 (cas) Affriat, C. 569 (or) 315 (ed), 613 (shC), 729 (or), Classen, M. 564 (cas) Aka, H. 565 (cas) 780 (symp) Coelho, R. C. L. 311 (stC) Akagi, S. 514 (lett) Bjorksten, A. R. 278 (or) Cohen, S. A. 330 (cas), 545 (or) F Ali Yerdel, M. 513 (lett) Blankenstein, M. van 209 (or), Colin-Jones, D. G. 630 (cas) Allaria, A. 823 (ab) 531 (or) Conces, D. J., Jr. 784 (symp) Fairclough, P. 822 (ab) Allescher, H. D. 635 (ab) Bliss, P. 243 (shC) Cooperman, A. 825 (ab) Fanin, R. 708 (cas) Allinger, S, 329 (cas) Bocus, P. 794 (symp) Coppola, S. 629 (cas) Faravelli, G. 382 (ab) Allolio, B. 235 (or) Bodner, E. 268 (cas), 324 (cas), Cosentino, F. 382 (ab) Farnetani, L. 373 (lett) Amarapurkar, D. N. 563 (lett) 374 (lett) Cremer, M. 750 (cas), Fata’ ar, S. 254 (cas) Amato, G. 823 (ab) Bodrato, C. 709 (cas) 808 (symp) Fei, L. 823 (ab) Amerhauser, A. 707 (cas) Boender, J. 209 (or) Crotta, S. 709 (cas) Feifel, G. 810 (symp) Anderson, J. R. 474 (or) Boixeda, D. 334 (cas) Cummings, O. W. 784 (symp) Fend, F. 324 (cas), 374 (lett) Androulakis, J. 367 (lett) Born, P. 260 (cas), 528 (or), Cuschieri, A. 134 (or) Feretis, C. 697 (shC) Apostolidis, N. 697 (shC) 564 (cas) Czupryna, A. 369 (lett) Ferrari, A. 794 (symp) Araki, Y. 823 (ab) Borody, T. J. 320 (ed) Feuerstein, M. 508 (cas) Arber, N. 751 (cas) Bosch, O. 506 (cas) Fiebig, A. 260 (cas) Arcidiacono, R. 715 (or) Boujaoud, J. 217 (or) D Finet, L. 750 (cas), 808 (symp) Armonis, A. 382 (ab) Bown, S. G. 243 (shC) Fink, U. 769 (symp) Armstrong, D. 9 (or) Boyacioglu, A. S. 370 (lett) Dancygier, H. 175 (or), Finkenzeller, G. 659 (or) Atayurt, H. 565 (cas) Boyd, W. P. 126 (or) 800 (symp) Fiorillo, E. 631 (lett) Ates, K. B. 370 (lett) Bozalyi, I. 712 (cas) Dani, R. 311 (stC) Fireman, Z. 329 (cas) Avgerinos, A. 382 (ab) Brandsttter, G. 592 (or) Dave, U. R. 711 (cas) Fleig, W. E. 362 (ed) Axon, A. 554 (rev) Brezinschek, R. 690 (or) De Medici, A. 509 (cas) Fleischer, D. 48 (or) Axon, A. T. R. 359 (shC) Broughan, T. A. 741 (or) Dees, J. 209 (or) Fockens, P. 803 (symp) Brown, K. O. 719 (or) Dekker, W. 549 (or) Foerster, E. C. 597 (or) Brownstone, E. 592 (or) Del Genio, A. 823 (ab) Fonderico, C. 629 (cas) Bruckner, H. 825 (ab) Derkx, H. H. F. 724 (or) Fortunat, W. 592 (or) Brugge, W. R. 825 (ab) Desai, D. C. 711 (cas) Francavilla, A. 826 (ab) Baba, Y. 352 (or) Bruining, H. 573 (or) Desai, H. G. 563 (lett) Frank, N. 603 (shC), 822 (ab) Baccarani, M. 708 (cas) Bucconi, S. 708 (cas) Descos, F. 764 (symp), 824 (ab) Franzin, G. 826 (ab) Baillie, J. 185 (or) Bude, R. 825 (ab) Deuss, U. 235 (or) Fratton, A. 826 (ab) Bajtai, A. 712 (cas), 753 (cas) Bibl, M. 565 (cas) Deviére, J. 750 (cas), Frey, K. 235 (or) Balasubramanian, K. 269 (cas) Buonocore, A. 629 (cas) 808 (symp) Fried, M. 231 (or) Banai, J. 712 (cas), 753 (cas) Buri, L. 708 (cas) Dhawan, P. 563 (lett) Fritsch, J. 217 (or) Barbara, L. 758 (symp), Buschbacher, R. 539 (or) Dhir, V. 714 (cas) Froehlich, F. 231 (or) 794 (symp) Butruk, E. 372 (lett) Di Simone, M. P. 794 (symp) Frosini, G. 373 (lett) Bardi, U. 629 (cas) Byrne, J. 269 (cas) Diaz del Rio Botas, M. Frouge, C. 217 (or) Barina, W. 260 (cas), 528 (or) 515 (lett) Fruhwirth, H. 507 (cas) Barthet, M. 569 (or) Dickey, W. 713 (cas) Fuini, A. 826 (ab) Bar-Ziv, J. 329 (cas) Cc Dietrich, J. 235 (or) Fujino, M. A. 486 (ed) Bautz, W. 564 (cas) Dirschmid, K. 508 (cas) Fujita, N. 823 (ab) Bayramoglu, F. 509 (cas) Caletti, G. C. 794 (symp) Dittler, H. J. 769 (symp) Fukumoto, S. 514 (lett) Bedford, R. A. 113 (or) Caner, M. E. 370 (lett) Dive, C. 308 (stC) Furuta, A. 271 (cas) Befrits, R. 228 (or) Cantero, D. 250 (cas) Doblhofer, F. 592 (or) Fusamoto, H. 686 (or) Beham, A. 507 (cas) Carbonara, R. 826 (ab) Dob, I. 712 (cas) Benakis, P. 697 (shC), 756 (cas) Carnicelli, N. 373 (lett) Dkmeci, A. 565 (cas) Benoni, C. 283 (or) Carone, N. 826 (ab) Dolar, M. E. 370 (lett) G Berg, P. L. 528 (or) Carter, D. C. 474 (or) Domschke, W. 597 (or) Berg, S. 342 (or) Casetti, T. 268 (cas) Dougenis, D. 367 (lett) Gad, H. A. 734 (or) Bergamini, M. 382 (ab) Catalano, M. F. 741 (or), Dournes, J.-L. 382 (ab) Galgani, P. 373 (lett) Bernard, J. P. 569 (or) 788 (symp) Dunham, F. 808 (symp) Gamal, E. M. 712 (cas), Bernhard, G. 523 (or) Celinski, K. 755 (cas) Duval, J. L. 569 (or) 753 (cas) Cerrato, C. 709 (cas) Dvorak, H. 823 (ab) Gambitta, P. 715 (or) Cerrato, G. 709 (cas) Gane, E. 254 (cas) Key to Authors’ Index: Chak, A. 169 (or) Gangl, A. 592 (or) ab Abstracts Chang, F. Y. 338 (or) E Gao, N.-R. 609 (shC) cas Case Reports Changchan, C.-S. 272 (cas) Garberoglio, C. 269 (cas) and Unusual Cases and Chem, J.-J. 272 (cas) Ebert, D. 659 (or) Garcia, M. 334 (cas) Technical Notes Chen, H.-R. 609 (shC) Eckardt, V. F. 523 (or) Garden, O. J. 474 (or) oQ a Editorials Chen, J.-S. 754 (cas) Eherer, A. 690 (or) Geenen, J. E. 113 (or) Letters to the Editor Cheng, J. S. 338 (or) Eidt, S. 299 (or), 659 (or) Gérard, J. P. 824 (ab) Original Articles Chesser, M. 825 (ab) El Batanouny, M. 287 (or) Ghilain, !. M. 308 (stC) Reviews Chiarito, G. 826 (ab) Ell, C. 262 (ed) Giglio, A. 509 (cas) Short Communications Choi, C. Y. C. 275 (or) El-Mootasem, E. 755 (cas) Gilinsky, N. H. 70 (or) Symposiums VIII Endoscopy 1994; 26 Authors’ Index Ginneken, A. M. van 531 (or) Huitfeldt, H. S. 461 (or) Koch, H. 729 (or) Malik, U. 338 (or) Giovannini, M. 579 (or) Hul, R. van der 573 (or) Kochman, M. L. 825 (ab) Maluf Filho, F. 511 (cas) Glaser, K. 268 (cas), 324 (cas), Hutter, J. 707 (cas) Koduri, V. G. 333 (cas) Mamcezar, A. 382 (ab) 374 (lett) Kohge, N. 514 (lett) Manfrini, C. 826 (ab) Goff, J. S. 483 (ed) Kohler, B. 247 (cas) Manolakopoulos, S. 382 (ab) Goldschmiedt, M. 719 (or) Komatsu, M. 332 (cas) Marcon, N. 622 (cas) Gonciarz, M. 382 (ab) Igarashi, Y. 701 (cas) Koningsberger, J. C. 549 (or) Marcon, N. E. 303 (stC), Gonciarz, Z. 382 (ab) li, K. 270 (cas) Kortan, P. 303 (stC), 622 (cas) 326 (cas) Gonvers, J. J. 231 (or) Ingrosso, M. 826 (ab) Kozarek, R. A. 625 (ed) Marini, M. 373 (lett) Gonz lez Campos, C. 506 (cas) Inokuchi, H. 365 (lett) Kramar, R. 329 (cas) Marion M. T. 666 (or) Gossner, L. 262 (ed) Inui, K. 466 (or) Krasner, N. 243 (shC) Martin-de-Argila, C. 713 (cas) Goto, M. 332 (cas) Ishioka, S. 511 (cas) Krasowska, D. 755 (cas) Martinez, D. 710 (cas) Gottlieb, K. 93 (or) Iso, Y. 470 (or) Krejs, G. J. 690 (or) Martinez Quesada, G. 506 (cas) Gouma, P. 382 (ab) Isomoto, H. 823 (ab) Kuipers, E. J. 371 (lett) Marty, N. 382 (ab) Gozzetti, G. 794 (symp) Ito, R. 332 (cas) Kuo, J. Y. 562 (lett) Masamune, O. 332 (cas) Gray, R. 622 (cas) Ito, S. 270 (cas) Kppers, B. 517 (or) Masuda, T. 629 (cas) Gress, F. 784 (symp) Ito, T. 250 (cas) Kuramitsu, T. 332 (cas) Mathis, G. 508 (cas) Grieshammer, B. 603 (shC), Itoh, T. 502 (shC) Matsuno, T. 513 (lett) 822 (ab) Mattioli, S. 794 (symp) Grimm, H. 729 (or), L Matuszak, M. 235 (or) 818 (symp) J Mazur, W. 382 (ab) Grosso, C. 715 (or) Ladurner, D. 324 (cas) McGahan, T. P. 70 (or) Guelrud, M. 265 (ed) Jaffe, P. E. 822 (ab) Lai, E. C. S. 488 (rev) McKee, R. F. 474 (or) Gugulski, A. 372 (lett) Jakobs, R. 247 (cas) Lai, K. H. 338 (or) McLean, A. M. 822 (ab) Guo, W. S. 338 (or) Jansson, O. 283 (or) Lamas Garcia, D. 515 (lett) Melandri, G. 268 (cas) Gupta, P. K. 48 (or) Jaqueti, J. 710 (cas) Lambert, R. 28 (or), 764 (symp), Melato, M. 708 (cas) Guzzon, A. 824 (ab) Jeekel, J. 573 (or) 824 (ab) Mellinger, J. D. 55 (or) Jeppsson, B. 283 (or) Larsen, S. 461 (or) Melo, J. M. 511 (cas) Ji, Z.-L. 609 (shC) Laugier, R. 222 (or) Meroni, E. 824 (ab) Jia, J. H. 681 (or) Lavy, Alexandra 366 (lett) Merono, E. 334 (cas) Johansson, K. 745 (or) Lazzaroni, M. 3 (or) Meroo, E. 632 (lett) Haber, G. 622 (cas) Lecewicz-Torun, B. 755 (cas) Meuwissen, S. G. M. 371 (lett) Haber, G. B. 303 (stC) Lee, C.-M. 272 (cas) Michieletti, G. 268 (cas) Hahm, K. B. 567 (cas) K Lee, F. Y. 338 (or) Milani, G. 631 (lett) Hamilton, I. 254 (cas) Lee, K.-T. 754 (cas) Miller, K. 707 (cas) Hammer, H. F. 690 (or) Kadmon, M. 517 (or) Lee, M. J. 825 (ab) Milosavljevic, T. 513 (lett) Han, K. H. 567 (cas) Kakegawa, T. 823 (ab) Lee, S. D. 338 (or) Minoli, G. 633 (lett) Hancke, S. 824 (ab) Kalayc, C. 364 (lett) Lees, W. W. 822 (ab) Miyata, M. 347 (or), 671 (or) Hansen, K. A. 322 (cas) Kalk, J.-F. 734 (or) Lefebvre, J. F. 217 (or) Miyazaki, S. 502 (shC) Haratake, J. 271 (cas) Kalliakmanis, B. 697 (shC) Lehmann, G. A. 93 (or), 822 (ab) Mizuno, S. 676 (or) Hashizume, M. 470 (or) Kallimanis, G. E. 776 (symp), Lehnert, P. 617 (shC) Mo, L. R. 562 (lett) Hassaram, S. 326 (cas) 813 (symp) Lei, J. van der 531 (or) Moayyedi, P. 554 (rev) Hatfield, A. R. W. 822 (ab) Kalro, R. H. 563 (lett) Lelcuk, S. 751 (cas) Molina, E. 713 (cas) Hauser, H. 507 (cas) Kandel, G. 303 (stC) Leong, H. T. 275 (or) Moorman, P. W. 531 (or) Hawes, R. H. 784 (symp), Kang, J. K. 567 (cas) Leong, S. 326 (cas), 622 (cas) Moreira, L. S. 311 (stC) 822 (ab) Kanzler, G. 523 (or) Leung, J. W. C. 275 (or) Moreira, V. F. 334 (cas), Hayashi, H. 270 (cas) Karanjia, N. D. 751 (cas) Li, A. K. C. 275 (or) 632 (lett) Hayashi, N. 502 (shC), 686 (or) Karcz, D. 369 (lett) Li, S. S. 681 (or) Moriyama, M. 470 (or) Hebbard, G. S. 278 (or) Kashii, A. 671 (or) Lifshitz, D. 751 (cas) Morodomi, T. 823 (ab) Hedenbro, J. L. 283 (or) Kasmin, F. E. 330 (cas), 545 (or) Lightdale, C. J. 20 (or), Mortensen, M. B. 823 (ab) Heldwein, W. 617 (shC) Kato, Y. 352 (or) 774 (symp) Motoo, Y. 239 (shC) Henning, H. 729 (or) Kaulen, D. 235 (or) Liguory, C. 217 (or), 315 (ed) Motta, R. 382 (ab) Herrera, A. 713 (cas) Kawai, K. 88 (or), 365 (lett), Lin, R. C. 562 (lett) Mouri, I. 239 (shC) Hildebrandt, U. 810 (symp) 676 (or), 767 (symp) Lindblom, A. 283 (or) Mourik-van Steyn, G. van Hilmioglu, F. 370 (lett) Kawano, S. 686 (or) Liu, B.-Y. 609 (shC) 371 (lett) Hino, K. 502 (shC) Ker, C.-G. 754 (cas) Lo, C. M. 488 (rev) Mukai, H. 676 (or) Hinterleitner, T. 690 (or) Keriven, O. 764 (symp), 824 (ab) Lo, G. H. 338 (or) Miiller, A. 822 (ab) Hintze, R. E. 613 (shC) Kesler, K. A. 784 (symp) Loh, C. S. 243 (shC) Muoz, F. 713 (cas) Hirakawa, K. 514 (lett) Kiefer, L. 825 (ab) Lolli, R. 709 (cas) Hirano, S. 676 (or) Kiss, J. 753 (cas) Lurie, B. 329 (cas) Hirota, M. 365 (lett) Kitamura, M. 271 (cas) Lynch, D. 554 (rev) Hirsch, G. S. 741 (or) Kitano, S. 470 (or) Lynch, D. A. F. 359 (shC) Hirschowitz, B. I. 559 (ed) Kiyota, K. 365 (lett) Naga, M. 755 (cas) Hoepffner, N. 597 (or) Klein, C.-P. 734 (or) Nagano, K. 686 (or) Hofstad, B. 461 (or) Klein, G. E. 507 (cas) Nakajima, K. 332 (cas) Hgemann, B. 597 (or) Klingler, P. 268 (cas) Nakajima, M. 676 (or) Honda, H. 270 (cas) Klinkenberg-Knol, E. C. MacFadyen, B. 741 (or) Nakazawa, S. 466 (or), Hovendal, C. P. 823 (ab) 371 (lett) Maetani, I. 701 (cas) 798 (symp) Howerton, D. H. 113 (or) Knoflauch, P. 329 (cas) Maier, M. 247 (cas) Nanivadekar, S. A. 711 (cas) Huibregste, K. 724 (or) Kobayashi, M. 676 (or) Malavaud, §. 382 (ab) Napolitano, V. 823 (ab) Authors’ Index Endoscopy 1994; 26 Ix Napoléon, B. 764 (symp), Pisani, A. 826 (ab) Sahin, B. 370 (lett) Slezak, P. 228 (or) 824 (ab) Plaisier, P. 573 (or) Said, M. 755 (cas) Snady, H. 825 (ab) Nattermann, C. 800 (symp) Pointner, R. 268 (cas), Saijyo, T. 270 (cas) Soda, K. 347 (or), 671 (or) Nesje, L. B. 822 (ab) 374 (lett), 566 (cas) Sakai, P. 511 (cas) Soehendra, N. 42 (or), 315 (ed), Neuhaus, H. 120 (or) Pokora, J. 755 (cas) Sakai, Y. 701 (cas) 478 (or), 613 (shC), 729 (or), Nguyen, T. X. 514 (lett) Polydorou, A. 367 (lett) Sakurabayashi, I. 347 (or) 780 (symp) Nicolakis, D. 756 (cas) Ponchon, T. 764 (symp) Salem, S. A. M. 287 (or) Solt, J. 368 (lett) Niel, J. C. G. van 549 (or) Ponsky, J. L. 55 (or) Salmon, P. 342 (or) Souquet, J. C. 824 (ab), Nielsen, I. 710 (cas) Popiela, T. 369 (lett) Samec, H. J. 592 (or) 764 (symp) Ninni, M. F. 826 (ab) Porres, J. C. 506 (cas) San Rom n, A. L. 334 (cas) Spagnoli, I. 824 (ab) Nishimura, S. 502 (shC) Porter, C. 359 (shC) Sanroman, A. L. 632 (lett) Spangenberger, W. 235 (or) Niwa, Y. 798 (symp) Porter, K. G. 713 (cas) Santa, J. M. 710 (cas) Spinelli, P. 824 (ab) Nix, G. A. J. J. 209 (or) Potepan, P. 824 (ab) Santhi Swaroop, V. 714 (cas) Stallone, O. 826 (ab) Noda, Y. 823 (ab) Pradines, C. 382 (ab) Sartori, S. 631 (lett) Stamm, H. 523 (or) Noguchi, T. 502 (shC) Presa, M. 713 (cas) Sartori, S. 710 (cas) Sticht, T. 659 (or) Noguchi, Y. 352 (or) Prischl, F. C. 329 (cas) Sasaki, K. 629 (cas) Stiehl, A. 517 (or) Noh, S. H. 567 (cas) Pristautz, H. 690 (or) Satarkar, R. P. 711 (cas) Stolte, M. 299 (or), 659 (or) Nord, H. J. 126 (or) Pujol, B. 764 (symp), 824 (ab) Sato, E. 629 (cas) Strodel, W. E. 666 (or) Norren, D. van 549 (or) Putinati, S. 631 (lett) Sato, M. 701 (cas) Stupnicki, T. 592 (or) Nostrant, T. T. 825 (ab) Prez-Cuadrado, E. 515 (lett) Sato, N. 686 (or) Sugimachi, K. 470 (or) Notheisen, H. 517 (or) Prez-Piqueras, J. 710 (cas) Satomura, Y. 239 (shC) Sutterliitti, g. 508 (cas) Nucci, E. de 629 (cas) Sauerbruch, T. 748 (or) Suzumi, M. 250 (cas) Nukuda, Y. 629 (cas) Sawabu, N. 239 (shC) Suzumi, N. 502 (shC) Q Sawant, P. 711 (cas) Szant6, I. 712 (cas), 753 (cas) Scheiman, J. M. 825 (ab) Szczepanik, A. M. 369 (lett) .°) Qiu, S. L. 681 (or) Schmid, C. 507 (cas) Szymanska, B. 369 (lett) Schéfl, R. 592 (or) Oberwalder, M. 566 (cas) Schreiber, F. 690 (or) @Odegaard, S. 822 (ab) R Schreiber, J. H. 292 (or) T Oehler, G. 729 (or) Schreiber, P. 592 (or) Ogata, Y. 823 (ab) Rabl, H. 507 (cas) Schreiner, J. 617 (shC) Tada, M. 88 (or), 250 (cas), Ogawa, S. Hoshi, H. 701 (cas) Raijman, I. 303 (stC), 326 Schiider, G. 810 (symp) 502 (shC), 767 (symp) Ohta, H. 239 (shC) (cas), 741 (or), 752 (cas) Schiitte, H. E. 209 (or) Taddeo, F. 629 (cas) Okahisa, T. 270 (cas) Ramsden, K. L. 331 (cas), Schwab, G. 324 (cas), 374 (lett) Takagi, K. 352 (or) Okai, T. 239 (shC) 511 (cas) Schwab, M. 566 (cas) Takai, Y. 686 (or) Okamura, S. 270 (cas) Rattan, J. 751 (cas) Schweigart, U. 564 (cas) Takekoshi, T. 352 (or) Okamura, T. 271 (cas) Ravi, T. J. 333 (cas) Scionti, P. 826 (ab) Taminiau, J. A. J. M. 724 (or) Okita, K. 250 (cas), 502 (shC) Reddick, E. J. 493 (or) Seifert, H. 780 (symp) Tampieri, I. 268 (cas) Oliva, H. 506 (cas) Regula, J. 372 (lett) Seitz, J. F. 579 (or) Tankurt, E. 364 (lett) Onbayrak, A. 509 (cas) Reichel, W. 592 (or) Seitz, U. 478 (or) Tartaglia, A. 629 (cas) Ono, T. 332 (cas) Reicht, G. 690 (or) Sekimoto, I. 365 (lett) Tassinari, D. 710 (cas) Orita, K. 513 (lett) Restelli, A. 382 (ab) Seo, N. 347 (or) Terai, S. 502 (shC) Orlowska, J. 372 (lett) Ridder, M. A. J. de 209 (or) Sessa, E. 629 (cas) Terfloth, R. 260 (cas) Ormeci, N. 509 (cas), 565 (cas) Riemann, J. F. 247 (cas), Sessa, R. 629 (cas) Terpstra, O. 573 (or) Osnes, M. 461 (or) 705 (ed) Shah, R. 342 (or) Thakeb, F. 287 (or) Ota, H. 352 (or) Rietveld, A. P. 257 (cas) Shankaran, K. 563 (lett) Theilmann, L. 517 (or) Ottenjann, R. 64 (or) Righini, E. 710 (cas) Sharpstone, D. 630 (cas) Thompson, H. 331 (cas) Otto, G. 517 (or) Rijsberman, W. 371 (lett) Sheen, P.-C. 754 (cas) Thonke, F. 613 (shC) Ristori, F. 382 (ab) Sherman, S. 93 (or), 822 (ab) Tilz, G. P. 690 (or) Rizzi, S. 826 (ab) Shibata, H. 270 (cas) Tio, T. L. 776 (symp), P Robles Reyes, A. 515 (lett) Shimanuki, K. 347 (or) 813 (symp) Roblin, D. 751 (cas) Shimizu, I. 270 (cas) Tjen, H. S. L. M. 257 (cas) Pamperl, H. 592 (or) Roche, A. 217 (or) Shimizu, S. 88 (or), 767 (symp) Tomikawa, M. 470 (or) Papadimitriou, N. 382 (ab) Rodino, S. 509 (cas) Shirakusa, T. 271 (cas) Toom, R. ten 573 (or) Papp, Z. 368 (lett) Roeren, T. 517 (or) Shiroeda, O. 365 (lett) Témebrandt, K. 283 (or) Paquet, K.-J. 734 (or) Rohrer, B. 617 (shC) Shirouzu, K. 823 (ab) Toéziin, N. 364 (lett) Parente, F. 826 (ab) Rosch, T. 148 (or), 377 (ab), Shitou, K. 671 (or) Trevisani, L. 631 (lett), 710 (cas) Parikh, S. S. 563 (lett) 635 (ab), 806 (symp) Sibille, A. 824 (ab) Triantafillidis, J. K. 756 (cas) Park, I. S. 567 (cas) Résch, W. 634 (lett) Siedlar, M. 369 (lett) Tricarico, A. 629 (cas) Parnell, P. 359 (shC) Rossi, A. 715 (or) Siegel, J. 825 (ab) Tringali, M. 709 (cas) Paul, F. 260 (cas) Royse, C. F. 278 (or) Siegel, J. H. 330 (cas), 545 (or), Triossi, O. 268 (cas) Pecoraro, K. 566 (cas) Rubio, C. A. 228 (or) 632 (lett) Troidl, H. 235 (or) Pelletier, G. 217 (or) Siersema, P. D. 531 (or) Truschnig-Wilders, M. 690 (or) Peng, S. N. 338 (or) Siewert, G. R. 769 (symp) Tsai, C. C. 562 (lett) Peralba, I. 710 (cas) Ss Sikorski, T. 510 (cas) Tsai, Y. T. 338 (or) Petrillo, M. 826 (ab) Silva, C. 710 (cas) Tschmelitsch, J. 268 (cas) Petritsch, W. 690 (or) Sacca, N. 509 (cas) Silva Gonz lez, C. 515 (lett) Tsuge, H. 513 (lett) Petrovic, M. 513 (lett) Sadala, R. U. 311 (stC) Sivak, M. V. 169 (or) Tsuji, M. 686 (or) Pettorali, M. 373 (lett) Sdez, M. A. 710 (cas) Sivak, M. V., Jr. 741 (or), Tulunay, . 509 (cas) Pfaffenbach, B. 586 (or) Sahel, J. 569 (or) 759 (symp) Tytgat, G. N. J. 36 (or) Authors’ Index Endoscopy 1994; 26 U Ww Wilson, J. H. P. 209 (or), Yoshida, Y. 271 (cas), 347 (or), 531 (or) 671 (or) Uchida, Y. 514 (lett) Wada, S. 270 (cas) Winkelmann, W. 235 (or) Yoshino, J. 466 (or), 798 (symp) Ulusoy, N. B. 364 (lett) Wakabayashi, T. 466 (or) Wood, R. 322 (cas) Yoshioka, H. 701 (cas) Umnsky, M. 751 (cas) Walden, D. 303 (stC) Yueh, S. K. 562 (lett) Uzunalimoglu, . 509 (cas), Waldner, H. 617 (shC) Yurtaydin, C. 565 (cas) 565 (cas) Wallner, M. 329 (cas) Y Wang, E.-H. 609 (shC) Wang, J. Y. 338 (or) Yamada, Y. 365 (lett) z Vv Wang, Y. M. 681 (or) Yamaguchi, Y. 239 (shC) Warshaw, A. L. 825 (ab) Yamakawa, O. 239 (shC) Zanasi, G. 715 (or) Vadeyar, H. 478 (or) Watanabe, H. 239 (shC) Yamanaka, T. 347 (or), 671 (or) Zanen, A. L. 257 (cas) Vadeyar, H. J. 42 (or) Watanabe, M. 514 (lett) Yamao, K. 466 (or), 798 (symp) Zannoli, R. 794 (symp) Vagenas, C. 367 (lett) Waye, J. D. 60 (or) Yanagisawa, A. 352 (or) Zavoral, M. 823 (ab) Vagianos, C. 367 (lett) Wedmann, B. 586 (or) Yang, D.-T. 609 (shC) Zembala, M. 369 (lett) Vallas, M. 824 (ab) Wegener, M. 586 (or) Yang, G. R. 681 (or) Zhao, L. Q. 681 (or) Van Dam, J. 772 (symp), Weger, A. 268 (cas) Yang, J.-Z. 609 (shC) Zimmerhackl, B. 564 (cas) Vat7n9, 2 M(.s y4m6p1) (or) WWeentszclh,e rH,. G6.9 0 2(6o8r ) (cas), YYaanpop,, MR.. G2.7 06 3(2c as(l)e tt) ZZiimmmmeerrmmaannnn,, GW.. 560083 ((csahsC)) , Vazquez Dourado, R. 515 (lett) 324 (cas), 374 (lett) Yasuda, K. 676 (or), 816 (symp) 822 (ab) Veltzke, W. 613 (shC) Wiesinger, H. 329 (cas) Yasunaga, M. 502 (shC) Zweng, T. N. 666 (or) Vilmann, P. 824 (ab) Williams, C. 342 (or) Yerdel, M. A. 509 (cas) Yoshida, T. 250 (cas), 502 (shC) Subject Index A Adherent clot Appendectomy; laparoscopic; resulting from bulk laxative Endoscopic hemostasis in non- gynecological procedures ingestion 710 (cas) Abdominal surgery; laparoscopic variceal bleeding 48 (or) Results of outpatient laparoscopic Bile duct; intrahepatic; spon- Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: AIDS appendectomy in women 292 (or) taneous perforation An update. Overview of recent AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Appendectomy; laparoscopic; Endoscopic management of spon- publications 493 (or) copy 175 (or) outpatient taneous perforation of an intra- Abscess Endoscopic appearance of a Results of outpatient laparoscopic hepatic bile duct 751 (cas) Subcutaneous abscess due to gall- duodenal infection by myco- appendectomy in women 292 (or) Bile duct obstruction; malignant stones lost during laparoscopic bacterium avium-intracellulare Appendectomy; laparoscopic; Long-term experience in wallstent cholecystectomy 324 (cas) in AIDS 506 (cas) technique therapy for malignant choledochal Abscess; perianorectal Alcohol Results of outpatient laparoscopic stenosis 597 (or) Endoscopic ultrasonography of Diagnosis of esophago-gastric appendectomy in women 292 (or) Malignant bile-duct obstruction: perianorectal fistulas and tumors 20 (or) Appendix; mucocele Experience with self-expanding abscesses 813 (symp) Alcohol injection; endoscopic Appendiceal mucocele: Endo- metal Endoprostheses (Wallstents) Achalasia Palliation of malignant oesopha- scopic appearance 326 (cas) in Austria 592 (or) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric geal obstruction by endoscopic Arteria pancreaticoduodenalis Bile duct stone tumors 20 (or) alcohol injection 275 (or) superior dexter Laparoscopic transcystic papillo- Endoscopic ultrasonography in The use of ethanol injection under Pancreatic duct stenosis mimick tomy under endoscopic control achalasia 792 (symp) endoscopic control to palliate ing a tumor due to an aberrant for bile duct stones 697 (shC) ACTH dysphagia caused by esophago- vessel 260 (cas) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy The stress response to laparoscopic gastric cancer 311 (stC) Arterial bleeding 93 (or) cholecystectomy: Investigation Alopecia Endoscopic hemostasis in non- Bile duct stone; dissolution of endocrine parameters 235 (or) The Cronkhite-Canada syndrome: variceal bleeding 48 (or) therapy Acute abdomen; laparoscopy; A seldom recognized entity Ascites; pancreatic Therapeutic biliary endoscopy diagnostic 331 (cas) Chronic pancreatitis in 1994: 93 (or) Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) Ampullary carcinoma Is there a role for endoscopic Bile duct stone; extraction Acute abdomen; laparoscopy; Endoscopic ultrasonography with treatment? 625 (ed) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy therapeutic a linear-type echoendoscope in ASGE guidelines 93 (or) Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) the evaluation of 94 patients with Endoscopic hemostasis in non- Biliary atresia; extrahepatic Adenocarcinoma; cardia pancreatobiliary disease 579 (or) variceal bleeding 48 (or) The role of endoscopic retrograde Endoscopic treatment of esophago- Ampullary tumor; endoscopic Aspiration cytology cholangiopancreatography in gastric tumors 28 (or) ultrasonography Endoscopic ultrasonography of cholestatic infants 724 (or) Adenocarcinoma; esophago- The role of endoscopic ultrasonog- perigastrointestinal lymph nodes Biliary disorder in children gastric junction raphy in the bile tract: Ampullary 776 (symp) Endoscopic therapy of biliary and Diagnosis of esophago-gastric tumors 803 (symp) Aspirin pancreatic disorders in children tumors 20 (or) Ampullopancreatic cancer Endoscopic hemostasis in non- 719 (or) Adenocarcinoma; stomach Endoscopic ultrasonography of variceal bleeding 48 (or) Biliary leakage Endoscopic treatment of esophago- perigastrointestinal lymph nodes Multiple esophageal ulcerations Endoscopic treatment of biliary gastric tumors 28 (or) 776 (symp) caused by a granular formulation leakage after laparoscopic Adenoma; colonic Amyloidosis; systemic of aspirin 509 (cas) cholecystectomy 741 (or) Endoscopic ultrasonography Characteristic "Fish-mouth" Auto-desinfector Biliary lithiasis 148 (or) wound, visible via colonoscopy, Patient and staff exposure to Diagnostic ERCP 88 (or) Adenoma; colorectal produced by conventional biopsy glutaraldehyde from Keymed auto- Biliary prosthesis Colonic tumors 70 (or) for systemic amyloidosis desinfector endoscope washing Prolonged patency with a new- Adenoma; villous; duodenal 365 (lett) machine 359 (shC) design teflon biliary prosthesis Endoscopic laser therapy for Anaesthesia; local 478 (or) small villous adenoma of the Preparation, premedication and Biliary stenosis; benign duodenum 308 (stC) surveillance in gastrointestinal Biliary stenting in benign biliary Adenoma; villous; photodynamic endoscopy 3 (or) stenosis complicating chronic therapy Anesthesia; pharyngeal Balloon tamponade calcifying pancreatitis 569 (or) Photodynamic therapy for villous Serum lidocaine and MEGX con- Treatment of esophageal varices Biliary stenosis; malignant; adenomas of the colon and centrations after pharyngeal an- 42 (or) palliative treatment rectum 243 (shC) esthesia for gastroscopy 347 (or) Barrett’s oesophagus Self-expanding metal stents for Ade -dysplasia-carcinoma Aneurysm Congress report on the digestive palliative treatment of malignant sequence Endoscopic image of a splenic diseases week 1994 in New biliary and duodenal stenoses Colonic tumors 70 (or) artery aneurysm 566 (cas) Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts 701 (cas) Adenomatous polyposis; familial Angiodysplasia; colonic; EHT- 635 (ab) Biliary system; laparoscopic Diagnosis of esophago-gastric probe coagulation Reflux disease and Barret’s oesoph- surgery tumors 20 (or) Delayed perforation after EHT- agus 9 (or) Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: probe coagulation of colonic Benzodiazepine An update. Overview of recent angiodysplasias 634 (lett) Preparation, premedication and publications 493 (or) Key to subjects code: ab = Abstracts Antibiotic-associated hemor- surveillance in gastrointestinal Biliary tract; endoscopic ultra- cas = Case Reports rhagic colitis endoscopy 3 (or) sonography and Unusual Cases and Inflammatory bowel disease Benzodiazepine antagonist The role of endoscopic ultrasonog- Technical Notes 64 (or) Preparation, premedication and raphy in the bile tract: Ampullary ed Editorials Appendectomy; laparoscopic surveillance in gastrointestinal tumors 803 (symp) Letters to the Editor Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: endoscopy 3 (or) The role of endoscopic ultrasonog- or Original Articles An update. Overview of recent Bezoar raphy in biliary tract disease: Reviews publications 493 (or) Endoscopic diagnosis and treat- Obstructive jaundice 800 (symp) Short Communications Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) ment of an esophageal bezoar nuuw muSnyumnpto siums XII_ Endoscopy 1994; 26 Subjet Index Biliary tract stricture Carcinoid; gastric Cholangitis; AIDS-related Choledocholithiasis in infancy Biliary tract strictures after ortho- Diagnosis of esophago-gastric AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Therapeutic biliary endoscopy topic liver transplantation: Diag- tumors 20 (or) copy 175 (or) 93 (or) nosis and management 517 (or) Carcinoma; small bowel Cholangitis; primary sclerosing Cholestasis in infants Bilirubin stones Endoscopy of the small bowel: Congress report on the digestive The role of endoscopic retrograde Subcutaneous abscess due to gall push, sonde and intra-operative diseases week 1994 in New cholangiopancreatography in csthoonleesc ylsotste cdtuormiyn g 32l4ap a(rcoass)c opic Car6c0 in(oorm) a; squamous-cell; 6Or3l5e a(nasb:) Endoscopic abstracts Choclheoslteesrtoalt.i c infhaanltis 724 (or) pancreas Diagnostic ERCP 88 (or) Cholesterol-embolism: Diagnosis Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Squamous-cell carcinoma of the Cholangitis; primary sclerosing; by endoscopy 257 (cas) tumors 20 (or) pancreas: Report of a case and in children Chronic cholestatic liver disease Bleeding; non-variceal review of ERCP findings 333 (cas) Endoscopic therapy of biliary and A case of idiopathic adulthood Complications of endoscopy Carpal tunnel syndrome pancreatic disorders in children ductopenia 332 (cas) 185 (or) The cost of doing business: Occu- 719 (or) Clips Bleeding; rectal pational hazards for endoscopists Cholecystectomy Endoscopic hemostasis in non- Congress report on the digestive 559 (ed) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy variceal bleeding 48 (or) diseases week 1994 in New Overuse syndromes among endo- 93 (or) Clostridium difficile Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts scopists 539 (or) Cholecystectomy; laparoscopic AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- 635 (ab) Catheter system The common bile duct stone: copy 175 (or) Bleeding following endoscopic Shape memory alloy catheter sys- Time to leave it to the laparo- Coagulation technique sphincterotomy tem for peroral pancreatoscopy scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) Complications of endoscopy Endoscopic papillotomy for com- using an ultrathin-caliber endo A simple technique to arrest intra- 185 (or) mon bile duct stones: Factors scope 676 (or) peritoneal hemorrhage from the Colitis; collagenous influencing the complication rate CD-ROM access ports during laparoscopic Inflammatory bowel disease 209 (or) CD-ROM (Compact disc read cholecystectomy 513 (lett) 64 (or) Management of clinically relevant memory) for didactic endoscopy Therapeutic biliary endoscopy Colitis; specific bleeding following endoscopic 382 (ab) 93 (or) Inflammatory bowel disease sphincterotomy 217 (or) Charge couplet device Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) 64 (or) Blood flow; regional Electronic endoscopy, blood flow Cholecystectomy; laparoscopic; Colon Regional blood flow and reflux measurement and autofluores- biliary leakage News from gastroenterologic gastritis in the resected stomach cence tissue spectroscopy 169 (or) Endoscopic treatment of biliary endoscopy — A selection of 745 (or) Cholangiography; endoscopic leakage after laparoscopic Endoscopy abstracts from the Blood flow measurement Endoscopic papillotomy for cholecystectomy 741 (or) 3rd UEGW 377 (ab) Electronic endoscopy, blood flow common bile duct stones: Cholecystectomy; laparoscopic; Colon; perforation measurement and autofluores- Factors influencing the compli- complication Complications of endoscopy cence tissue spectroscopy 169 (or) cation rate 209 (or) Subcutaneous abscess due to gall- 185 (or) Bowel distension Cholangiography; endoscopic stones lost during laparoscopic Colon surgery; laparoscopic Identification of a safe site for per- retrograde cholecystectomy 324 (cas) Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) cutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy Endoscopic management of spon- An unusual complication of Colonic cancer; staging placement in pantients with taneous perforation of an intra- laparoscopic cholecystectomy Preoperative staging of rectal and marked bowel distension: May hepatic bile duct 751 (cas) 322 (cas) colonic cancer 810 (symp) octreotide have a role? 710 (cas) Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) Cholecystectomy; laparoscopic; Colonic polyp Brachytherapy Cholangiography; intraoperative morbidity Congress report on the digestive Endoscopic treatment of esophago- Laparoscopic transcystic papillo- Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) diseases week 1994 in New gastric tumors 28 (or) tomy under endoscopic control Cholecystectomy; laparoscopic; Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Bronchoscopy; data processing for bile duct stones 697 (shC) stress response 635 (ab) Data processing in endoscopy: Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) The stress response to laparo- Colonoscopy Endotorace, a new software Cholangiopancreatography; scopic cholecystectomy: Investiga- Congress report on the digestive program for bronchoscopy endoscopic retrograde tion of endocrine parameters diseases week 1994 in New reporting 631 (lett) Mucinous ductal ectasia: Chol- 235 (or) Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Brunner’s gland hyperplasia angiopancreatographic and endo- Cholecystectomy; suture mate- 635 (ab) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric scopic findings 303 (stC) rial migration Evaluating customer satisfaction tumors 20 (or) Squamous-cell carcinoma of the Migrating surgical suture material with colonoscopy 342 (or) pancreas: Report of a case and re- in the duodenum after cholecys- Nitrous oxide for colonoscopy view of ERCP findings 333 (cas) tectomy 753 (cas) discomfort: A randomized Cc Cholangiopancreatoscopy; Cholecystoscopy double-blind study 283 (or) peroral Percutaneous endoscopic poly- Pseudomonas and endoscopy Cancer; biomarker A newly developed fine-caliber pectomy of gallbladder polyps 554 (rev) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric endoscope for peroral cholangio 609 (shC) Small-bowel ileus after diagnostic tumors 20 (or) pancreatoscopy 671 (or) Choledochal stenosis; malignant colonoscopy 329 (cas) Cancer; gastrointestinal Cholangioscopy Long-term experience in wallstent Colonoscopy; complications Anastomotic recurrence in upper Cholangioscopy 120 (or) therapy for malignant choledochal Complications of endoscopy gastrointestinal cancer 774 (symp) Cholangioscopy; percutaneous stenosis 597 (or) 185 (or) Diagnostic laparoscopy 126 (or) transhepatic Choledocholithiasis Colonoscopy; costs Candidiasis; oesophageal Cholangioscopy 120 (or) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy The costs of colonoscopy in AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Cholangioscopy; peroral 93 (or) patients with ulcerative pan- copy 175 (or) Cholangioscopy 120 (or) Choledocholithiasis; pregnancy colitis in Sweden 228 (or) Carcinogen Cholangitis; acute Therapeutic biliary endoscopy Colonoscopy; total Colonic tumors 70 (or) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy 93 (or) Passage of the colonoscope "over 93 (or) the forceps" to achieve total Subject Index Endoscopy 1994; 26 XII colonoscopy in difficult cases Common bile duct obstruction Cortisol Disinfection 330 (cas) Direct compression by a duodenal The stress response to laparoscopic The cost of doing business: Occu- Colonoscopy; universal diverticulum causing common cholecystectomy: Investigation pational hazards for endoscopists screening bile duct obstruction 334 (cas) of endocrine parameters 235 (or) 559 (ed) Colonic tumors 70 (or) Common bile duct; polypoid C-reactive protein Disinfection; thermochemical Color vision deficiency lesion Serum C-reactive protein Endoscopic thermochemical dis- Does color vision deficiency in A small polypoid lesion in the responses in patients after endo- infection: Results of 6 years the endoscopist influence the lower common bile duct: a Case scopic papillotomy 382 (ab) experience in gastroenterology accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis? study 271 (cas) Crohn’s disease 382 (ab) An anonymous study with duth Common bile duct stent; Crohn’s disease of the esophagus: Diverticuli gastrointestinal endoscopists retrieval dilatation of stricture and fibrin Dyskeratosis congenita with esopha- 549 (or) Endoscopic retrieval of a self sealing of fistulas 508 (cas) geal stricture and dermatological Colorectal cancer expanding stainless steel stent Inflammatory bowel disease 64 manitestations 711 (cas) Colonic tumors 70 (or) from the common bile duct (or) Diverticulum; duodenal Endoscopic ultrasonography of 562 (lett) Crohn’s disease; stricture Direct compression by a duodenal perigastrointestinal lymph nodes Common bile duct stone Steroid injection improves out- diverticulum causing common 776 (symp) Common bile duct stone forma- come in Crohn’s ddisease bile duct obstruction 334 (cas) Improved survival after colorectal tion induced by tomato skin fol- strictures 366 (lett) Double pylorus; congenital cancer in patients complying with lowing endoscopic sphincter- Cronkhite-Canada syndrome Dieulafoy lesion in a congenital a postoperative endoscopic sur- otomy 712 (cas) The Cronkhite-Canada syndrome: double pylorus 374 (lett) veillance program 523 (or) The common bile duct stone: A seldom recognized entity Ductopenia; idiopathic Colorectal cancer; dietary Time to leave it to the laparo- 331 (cas) adulthood factors scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) Cryptosporidiosis A case of idiopathic adulthood Colonic tumors 70 (or) Endoscopic papillotomy for com- AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- ductopenia 332 (cas) Colorectal cancer; endogenous mon bile duct stones: Factors copy 175 (or) Duodenal carcinoma factors influencing the complication rate Cyst; hepatic; laparoscopic Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Colonic tumors 70 (or) 209 (or) surgery tumors 20 (or) Colorectal cancer; genetic Common bile duct stone; Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) Early primary duodenal carcinoma factors endoscopic removal Cysteine successfully treated by endo- Colonic tumors 70 (or) The common bile duct stone: Endoscopic hemostasis in non- scopic polypectomy 709 (cas) Colorectal cancer; palliation Time to leave it to the laparo- variceal bleeding 48 (or) Duodenal metastases Congress report on the digestive scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) Cytomegalovirus Duodenal metastases from lung diseases week 1994 in New Common bile duct stone; AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- cancer 752 (cas) Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts management copy 175 (or) Duodenal papilla; patulous 635 (ab) The common bile duct stone: Cytomegalovirus esophageal Mucinous ductal ectasia: Cholangio- Colorectal cancer; resection Time to leave it to the laparo- disease pancreatographic and endoscopic Colonic tumors 70 (or) scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- findings 303 (stC) Colorectal cancer; screening Common bile duct stricture; copy 175 (or) Duodenal polyp Colonic tumors 70 (or) tissue diagnosis Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Colorectal carcinoma; staging Congress report on the digestive tumors 20 (or) Endoscopic ultrasonography diseases week 1994 in New D Duodenal stenosis; malignant; 148 (or) Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts palliative treatment Common bile duct dilatation 635 (ab) Data processing; software Self-expanding metal stents for Common bile duct dilatation in Compression; extragastric program palliative treatment of malignant patients with lung neoplasms: Endoscopic ultrasonography in Data processing in endoscopy: biliary and duodenal stenoses Can it really be considered a the diagnosis of extraluminal Endotorace, a new software pro- 701 (cas) paraneoplastic phenomenon? compressions mimicking gastric gram for bronchoscopy reporting Duodenal tumor 632 (lett) submucosal tumors 239 (shC) 631 (lett) Congress report on the digestive Common bile duct in patients with Computed tomography Desinfection diseases week 1994 in New lung neoplasm: A reply 632 (lett) Endoscopic ultrasonography in Patient and staff exposure to glu- Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Common bile duct exploration; pancreatic cancer 806 (symp) taraldehyde from Keymed auto- 635 (ab) laparoscopic Endoscopic ultrasound versus desinfector endoscope washing Duodenal ulcer; Helicobacter The common bile duct stone: computed tomography in the machine 359 (shC) pylori-associated Time to leave it to the laparo- evaluation of the mediastinum in Diaphragm; mucosal Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) patients with non-small-cell lung Nonobstructive mucosal dia- Duodenum; glandular neoplasia Common bile duct exploration; cancer 784 (symp) phragms of the pyloric antrum in Endoscopic treatment of esophago- transcystic Computerized image processing adults: Report of two cases gastric tumors 28 (or) The common bile duct stone: Can endoscopic measurement be 510 (cas) Dyskeratosis congenita Time to leave it to the laparo- made reliable, elegant, and Dietary fibers Dyskeratosis congenita with scopic surgeon? 315 (ed) economical? The search for Colonic tumors 70 (or) esophageal stricture and dermato- Common bile duct; foreign bodies computerized image processing Dieulafoy lesion logical manifestations 711 (cas) Common bile duct stone forma- 486 (ed) Dieulafoy lesion in a congenital Dysphagia tion induced by tomato skin Constipation; chronic double pylorus 374 (lett) The use of ethanol injection under following endoscopic sphinc- Endoscopic diagnosis and treat- Endoscopic hemostasis in non- endoscopic control to palliate terotomy 712 (cas) ment of an esophageal bezoar variceal bleeding 48 (or) dysphagia caused by esophago- Endoscopic removal of part of a resulting from bulk laxative Digestive diseases gastric cancer 311 (stC) T-tube from the common bile ingestion 710 (cas) Congress report on the digestive Dysplasia; gastric duct 756 (cas) Contact injuries diseases week 1994 in New Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Health hazards end endoscopy: The Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts tumors 20 (or) known and newly experienced — 635 (ab) a personal report 545 (or) XIV _ Endoscopy 1994; 26 Subjet Index Endoscope defect Endoscopy; biliary; therapeutic A comparison of two methods Gastric mucosal tears occuring Therapeutic biliary endoscopy 278 (or) Early gastric cancer during endoscopy: might an 93 (or) Endoscopy; upper gastro- Endoscopic resection for early gas- endoscope defect be responsible? Endoscopy; complications intestinal; complication tric carcinoma: Results of a retro- 713 (cas) Complications of endoscopy Retroperitoneal, mediastinal, and spective analysis of 308 cases Endoscope; electronic 185 (or) subcutaneous emphysema as a 352 (or) Identification and diameter assess- Conscious sedation, clinically rele- complication of routine upper ment of gastric submucosal ves- vant complications and monitor- gastrointestinal endoscopy sels using infrared electronic ing of endoscopy: Results of 329 (cas) Endoscopic ultrasonography for endoscopy 686 (or) a nationwide survey in Switzer- Endotracheal tube; swallowed early gastric cancer 767 (symp) Endoscope; fiberoptic land 231 (or) Endoscopic removal of swallowed Early gastric cancer; In situ measurement of colorectal Endoscopy; data processing endotracheal tubes from two multicentricity polyps to compare video and Data processing in endoscopy: patients: An unusual complica- Endoscopic resection for early gas- fiberoptic endoscopes 461 (or) Endotorace, a new software pro- tion of coronary bypass surgery tric carcinoma: Results of a retro- Endoscope; fine-caliber gram for bronchoscopy reporting 364 (lett) spective analysis of 308 cases A newly developed fine-caliber 631 (lett) Enteroscope 352 (or) endoscope for peroral cholangio- Endoscopy; electronic Endoscopy of the small bowel: Early lymphoma; gastric pancreatoscopy 671 (or) Congress report on the digestive push, sonde and intra-operative Evidence of a malignant cycle in Endoscope washing machine diseases week 1994 in New 60 (or) early gastric lymphoma 299 (or) Patient and staff exposure to Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Enteroscopy Early primary duodenal glutaraldehyde from Keymed 635 (ab) Congress report on the digestive carcinoma auto-desinfector endoscope Electronic endoscopy, blood flow diseases week 1994 in New Early primary duodenal carcinoma washing machine 359 (shC) measurement and autofluores- Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts successfully treated by endo- Endoscope; wide-channel cence tissue spectroscopy 635 (ab) scopic polypectomy 709 (cas) Improved endoscopic management 169 (or) Endoscopy of the small bowel: Early superficial carcinoma; of severe upper gastrointestinal Endoscopy; gastric mucosal push, sonde and intra-operative oesophagus hemorrhage using a new wide- tears 60 (or) Endoscopic Nd: YAG laser therapy channel endoscope 613 (shC) Gastric mucosal tears occuring Enteroscopy; intraoperative in patients with early superficial Endoscopic diagnosis during endoscopy: might an Endoscopy of the small bowel: carcinoma of the esophagus and Does color vision deficiency in the endoscope defect be responsible? push, sonde and intra-operative the gastric cardia 681 (or) endoscopist influence the 713 (cas) 60 (or) Echoendoscope accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis? Endoscopy; gastrointestinal Entonox Endoscopic ultrasonography of An anonymous study with duth AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Nitrous oxide for colonoscopy perigastrointestinal lymph nodes gastrointestinal endoscopists copy 175 (or) discomfort: A randomized 776 (symp) 549 (or) Complications of endoscopy double-blind study 283 (or) Echoendoscope; linear-type Endoscopic disinfection 185 (or) ERCP Endoscopic ultrasonography with Endoscopic thermochemical dis- Congress report on the digestive Acute pancreatitis: The role of a linear-type echoendoscope in infection: Results of 6 years diseases week 1994 in New ERCP in 1994 488 (rev) the evaluation of 94 patients with experience in gastroenterology Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Congress report on the digestive pancreatobiliary disease 579 (or) 382 (ab) 635 (ab) diseases week 1994 in New Elbow pain Endoscopic measurement Preparation, premedication and Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Overuse syndromes among endo- Can endoscopic measurement be surveillance in gastrointestinal 635 (ab) scopists 539 (or) made reliable, elegant, and endoscopy 3 (or) The current role of ERCP in the Electric catheter economical? The search for com- Endoscopy; infrared management of benign pancreatic A new method of real-time endo- puterized image processing Electronic endoscopy, blood flow disease 113 (or) scopic measurement with an 486 (ed) measurement and autofluores- Diagnostic ERCP 88 (or) electric catheter 466 (or) Endoscopic therapy in children cence tissue spectroscopy Endoscopic ultrasonography in Electrocoagulation Endoscopic therapy of biliary and 169 (or) chronic pancreatitis 808 (symp) Delayed perforation after EHT- pancreatic disorders in children Endoscopy; monitoring Endoscopic ultrasonography in probe coagulation of colonic 719 (or) Conscious sedation, clinically rele- pancreatic cancer 806 (symp) angiodysplasias 634 (lett) Endoscopist; hazards vant complications and monitor- Extracorporeal shock-wave Electromagnetic interference The cost of doing business: Occu- ing of endoscopy: Results of a lithotripsy of pancreatic duct Endoscopic therapy using mono- pational hazards for endoscopists nationwide survey in Switzerland stones: Immediate and long-term polar and bipolar snare with a 559 (ed) 231 (or) results 573 (or) high-frequency current in patients Endoscopist; Helicobacter pylori Endoscopy; pediatric News from gastroenterologic with a pacemaker 270 (cas) antibody Congress report on the digestive endoscopy — A selection of Elster’s glandular cysts Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori diseases week 1994 in New Endoscopy abstracts from the Frequency, location, and age and antibodies in the serum of Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts 3rd UEGW 377 (ab) sex distribution of various types gastroenterologists in Austria 635 (ab) Pseudomonas and endoscopy of gastric polyp 659 (or) 690 (or) Endoscopy; sedation 554 (rev) Embolization; cholesterol crystal Endoscopist; overuse syndromes Conscious sedation, clinically rele- ERCP in children Cholesterol-embolism: Diagnosis Overuse syndromes among endo- vant complications and monitor- Endoscopic therapy of biliary and by endoscopy 257 (cas) scopists 539 (or) ing of endoscopy: Results of a pancreatic disorders in children Emphysema Endoscopy nationwide survey in Switzerland 719 (or) Retroperitoneal, mediastinal, and Endoscopy versus endoscopic ultra- 231 (or) ERCP; complications subcutaneous emphysema as a sonography in staging reflux Endoscopy; upper gastrointestinal Complications of endoscopy complication of routine upper esophagitis 794 (symp) Methods of oxygen delivery dur- 185 (or) gastrointestinal endoscopy Response to chemotherapy in ing upper gastrointestinal endos- ERCP; infants 329 (cas) esophageal cancer 769 (symp) copy 320 (ed) The role of endoscopic retrograde Oxygen supplementation during cholangiopancreatography in upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: cholestatic infants 724 (or) Subject Index Endoscopy 1994; 26 xv ERCP; pancreatitis prevention Fistula; pancreatic Gardner’s syndrome Gastric ulcer; Helicobacter The effect of long acting somato- Management of a persistent pan- Colonic tumors 70 (or) pylori-associated statin analogue in the prevention creatic fistula secondary to a rup- Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) of post ERCP pancreatitis 382 (ab) tured pseudocyst with endoscopic tumors 20 (or) Gastric varices ERCP; pediatric insertion of an expandable metal Gastrectomy; laparoscopic Endoscopic diagnosis of gastric Diagnostic ERCP 88 (or) stent 254 (cas) Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: varices 287 (or) ERCP; sphincterotomy; Fistula; perianorectal An update. Overview of recent Endoscopic sclerotherapy for therapeutic Endoscopic ultrasonography of peri- publications 493 (or) esophageal and gastric varices: Therapeutic biliary endoscopy anorectal fistulas and abscesses Gastrectomy; partial Safety and efficay 483 (ed) 93 (or) 813 (symp) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Laparoscopy-assisted devasculariza- ESWL Flexible endoscopy; inter- tumors 20 (or) tion of the lower esophagus and Extracorporeal shock-wave litho- ventional Gastric carcinoma upper stomach in the manage- tripsy of pancreatic duct stones: Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric ment of gastric varices 470 (or) Immediate and long-term results Flow cytometry tumors 20 (or) Gastric varices; ligation 573 (or) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric Endoscopic ultrasonography Endoscopic ligation of gastric var- Ethanol injection tumors 20 (or) 148 (or) ices using a detachable snare Endoscopic treatment of esophago- Fluorescence spectroscopy Preoperative endoscopic intra- 502 (shC) gastric tumors 28 (or) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric tumor application of tumor necro- Gastritis; atrophic tumors 20 (or) sis factor alpha in patients with Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) Fluoroscopic control locally advanced resectable gas- Gastritis; eosinophilic F Fluoroscopically guided laser litho- tric cancer 369 (lett) Cancer-like eosinophilic gastritis tripsy of a pancreatic duct stone Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) 509 (cas) Familial adenomatous polyposis 247 (cas) Gastric folds; large Gastrointestinal bleeding Colonic tumors 70 (or) Foreign bodies; common Endoscopic ultrasonography AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Fecal occult blood testing bile duct 148 (or) copy 175 (or) Colonic tumors 70 (or) Common bile duct stone forma- Gastric lymphoma An unusual case of fatal gastro- Feeding tube; endoscopic tion induced by tomato skin Endoscopic ultrasonography intestinal bleeding 511 (cas) placement following endoscopic sphinc- 148 (or) Congress report on the digestive Direct endoscopic placement of terotomy 712 (cas) Evidence of a malignant cycle in diseases week 1994 in New naso-enteral feeding tubes Endoscopic removal of part of a early gastric lymphoma 299 (or) Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts 371 (lett) T-tube from the common bile Options in the therapy of primary 635 (ab) Fibrin glue; endoscopic injection duct 756 (cas) gastric lymphoma 714 (cas) Endoscopic demonstration of Endoscopic injection of fibrin glue Foreign body; endoscopic Gastric mucosal tears colonic involvement by a pros- versus polidocanol in peptic ulcer removal Gastric mucosal tears occuring thetik graft 567 (cas) hemorrhage: A pilot study Endoscopic removal of swallowed during endoscopy: might an Endoscopic findings in pseudo- 528 (or) endotracheal tubes from two endoscope defect be responsible? xanthoma elasticum 507 (cas) Fine-caliber endoscope patients: An unusual complica- 713 (cas) Endoscopy of the small bowel: A newly developed fine-caliber tion of coronary by-pass surgery Gastric polyp push, sonde and intra-operative endoscope for peroral cholangio- 364 (lett) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric 60 (or) pancreatoscopy 671 (or) Free-text endoscopy reports tumors 20 (or) Gastrointestinal bleeding from the Fine-needle aspiration biopsy; The contents of free-text endos- Frequency, location, and age and papilla of Vater 564 (cas) EUS-guided copy reports: An inventory and sex distribution of various types Improved endoscopic manage- Endoscopic ultrasonography- evaluation by Peers 531 (or) of gastric polyp 659 (or) ment of severe upper gastrointes- guided fine-needle aspiration bi- Fundoplication; laparoscopic Gastric submucosal vessels tinal hemorrhage using a new opsy of lymph nodes 780 (symp) Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: Identification and diameter assess- wide-channel endoscope 613 (shC) Endosonographically guided fine- An update. Overview of recent ment of gastric submucosal Gastrointestinal cancer needle aspiration puncture of publications 493 (or) vessels using infrared electronic Diagnostic laparoscopy 126 (or) paraoesophagogastric mass endoscopy 686 (or) Gastrointestinal cancer; anasto- lesions: Preliminary results Gastric tumor motic recurrence 586 (or) G Congress report on the digestive Anastomotic recurrence in upper Fish-mouth wound diseases week 1994 in New gastrointestinal cancer 774 (symp) Characteristic "Fish-mouth" Gallbladder cancer Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts Gastrointestinal intramural wound, visible via colonoscopy, Diagnostic ERCP 88 (or) 635 (ab) hematoma produced by conventional biopsy Gallbladder polyp Gastric tumor; submucosal Gastrointestinal intramural hema- for systemic amyloidosis Percutaneous endoscopic poly- Endoscopic ultrasonography in the toma, a complication of endo- 365 (lett) pectomy of gallbladder polyps diagnosis of extraluminal scopic injection methods for Fistula; aortoenteric 609 (shC) compressions mimicking gastric bleeding peptic ulcers: A case Lower digestive hemorrhage by Gallstone submucosal tumors 239 (shC) series 617 (shC) aortoenteric fistula: Ileoscopic Endoscopic ultrasonography Gastric ulcer Gastrointestinal surgery; diagnosis 515 (lett) 148 (or) Diagnosis of esophago-gastric laparoscopic Fistula; biliary Gallstone; intrahepatic tumors 20 (or) Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or) Therapeutic biliary endoscopy Therapeutic biliary endoscopy Gastric ulcer; endoscopic Gastrointestinal tract 93 (or) 93 (or) ultrasonography News from gastroenterologic en- Fistula; biliocutaneous Gallstone pancreatitis Evaluating gastric ulcer healing doscopy — A selection of Endos- Endoscopic papillotomy in a child Therapeutic biliary endoscopy by endoscopic ultrasonography copy abstracts from the 3rd with a biliocutaneous fistula 93 (or) 798 (symp) UEGW 377 (ab) _ 565 (cas) Gallstone pancreatitis; acute Gastric ulcer healing Gastrojejunostomy anastomosis; Fistula; fibrin sealing The current role of ERCP in the Evaluating gastric ulcer healing recurrent cancer Crohn’s disease of the esophagus: management of benign pancreatic by endoscopic ultrasonography Anastomotic recurrence in upper dilatation of stricture and fibrin disease 113 (or) 798 (symp) gastrointestinal cancer 774 (symp) sealing of fistulas 508 (cas) XVI Endoscopy 1994; 26 Subjet Index Gastroscopy Hepatitis B Ileus Serum lidocaine and MEGX con- The cost of doing business: Occu- Small-bowel ileus after diagnostic centrations after pharyngeal Hand pain pational hazards for endoscopists colonoscopy 329 (cas) anesthesia for gastroscopy The cost of doing business: Occu 559 (ed) Immune system; mucosal 347 (or) pational hazards for endoscopists Hepatomegaly AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Gastrostomy 559 (ed) AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- copy 175 (or) Transgastric esophagoscopy with Overuse syndromes among endo- copy 175 (or) Indocyanine green; intravenous antegrade dilatation 622 (cas) scopists 539 (or) Hereditary non-polyposis colon Diagnostic laparoscopy 126 (or) Gastrostomy button Helicobacter pylori cancer Infection One-stage gastrostomy button: AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Colonic tumors 70 (or) Complications of endoscopy An assessment 666 (or) copy 175 (or) Herniorrhaphy; inguinal 185 (or) Gastrostomy; endoscopic; Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: The cost of doing business: Occu- percutaneous Helicobacter pylori antibodies An update. Overview of recent pational hazards for endoscopists Congress report on the digestive Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori publications 493 (or) 559 (ed) diseases week 1994 in New antibodies in the serum of gastro- Herpes esophagitis Health hazards end endoscopy: The Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts enterologists in Austria 690 (or) AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- known and newly experienced — 635 (ab) Helicobacter pylori infection copy 175 (or) a personal report 545 (or) Identification of a safe site for Congress report on the digestive High-risk cirrhotic patients Infection; nosocomial percutaneous endoscopic diseases week 1994 in New Prophylactic sclerotherapy for Endoscopic thermochemical dis- gastrostomy placement in patients Orleans: Endoscopic abstracts esophageal varices in high-risk infection: Results of 6 years with marked bowel distension: 635 (ab) cirrhosis patients selected by experience in gastroenterology May octreotide have a role? Hemaclip in the ovarian capsule endoscopic and hemodynamic 382 (ab) 710 (cas) An unusual complication of criteria: A randomized single- Inflammation; gastroduodenal; Gastrostomy; laparoscopic laparoscopic cholecystectomy center controlled trial 734 (or) Helicobacter pylori-associated vizualisation 322 (cas) HIV Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) Percutaneous endoscopic Hematoma; gastrointestinal AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- Inflammatory bowel disease in gastros-tomy 55 (or) intramural copy 175 (or) children Gastrostomy; percutaneous Gastrointestinal intramural hema- The cost of doing business: Occu- Endoscopic therapy of biliary and endoscopic toma, a complication of endo- pational hazards for endoscopists pancreatic disorders in children Complications of endoscopy | scopic injection methods for 559 (ed) 719 (or) 85 (or) bleeding peptic ulcers: A case HIV; fecal shedding Inflammatory bowel disease; Percutaneous endoscopic series 617 (shC) AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- idiopathic gastrostomy 55 (or) Hemoclip copy 175 (or) Inflammatory bowel disease Gastrostomy; replacement Endoscopic hemostasis in non Hodgkin’s disease 64 (or) A simple endoscopic technique variceal bleeding 48 (or) Esophageal polyp as the sole Infrared electronic endoscopy for replacement of a permanent Hemorrhage; intraperitoneal manifestation of relapse seven Identification and diameter assess- malfunctioning gastrostomy A simple technique to arrest intra- years after treatment for Hodg- ment of gastric submucosal ves- 751 (cas) peritoneal hemorrhage from the kin’s disease 708 (cas) sels using infrared electronic Gauze; retained; removal access ports during laparoscopic Hodgkin’s disease; laparoscopic endoscopy 686 (or) Endoscopic removal of retained cholecystectomy 513 (lett) staging Injection; endoscopic surgical gauze 755 (cas) Hemorrhage; lower digestive Laparoscopic abdominal surgery: Endoscopic injection for the treat- Giant liver cyst; fenestration Lower digestive hemorrhage by An update. Overview of recent ment of bleeding ulcers: Local Laparoscopic fenestration for a aortoenteric fistula: [leoscopic publications 493 (or) tamponade of drug effect? giant liver cyst 754 (cas) diagnosis 515 (lett) Hydatidosis; hepatic 338 (or) Gianturco-S Hemorrhage; pancreatic duct Combined endoscopic and surgical Gastrointestinal intramural hema- Coated metallic self-expanding Hemorrhage from the pancreatic treatment of complicated hepatic toma, a complication of endo- (Gianturco-S) stent implantation duct caused by a splenic vein hydatidosis 367 (lett) scopic injection methods for in malignant esophago-gastric fistula 268 (cas) Hypergastrinemia bleeding peptic ulcers: A case stenosis 368 (lett) Hemorrhage; upper gastro- Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) series 617 (shC) Glandular neoplasia; duodenum intes-tinal Hyperpigmentation Solute or solvent: does water do Endoscopic treatment of esophago- Endoscopic diagnosis of gastric The Cronkhite-Canada syndrome: the hemostatic job? 362 (ed) gastric tumors 28 (or) varices 287 (or) A seldom recognized entity Injection sclerotherapy Glutaraldehyde Hemostasis 331 (cas) Esophageal strictures after endo- The cost of doing business: Occu- Endoscopic hemostasis in non Hypoalbuminemia scopic injection sclerotherapy pational hazards for endoscopists variceal bleeding 48 (or) AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- 370 (lett) 559 (ed) Hemostasis; endoscopic copy 175 (or) A trial of elective versus on Patient and staff exposure to Endoscopic injection for the treat Hypochlorhydria demand sclerotherapy in "poor glutaraldehyde from Keymed ment of bleeding ulcers: Local AIDS and gastrointestinal endos- risk" patients with variceal auto-desinfector endoscope tamponade of drug effect? copy 175 (or) haemorrhage 474 (or) washing machine 359 (shC) 338 (or) Injection therapy Griseofulvin Solute or solvent: does water do Endoscopic hemostasis in non- Laparoscopy of griseofulvin- the hemostatic job? 362 (ed) variceal bleeding 48 (or) induced liver injury presenting Hepatitis; chronic Injury; mechanical a wide depression 514 (lett) Diagnostic laparoscopy 126 (or) Idiopathic acute oesophageal Health hazards end endoscopy: Growth hormone Hepatitis; neonatal necrosis The known and newly The stress response to laparo- The role of endoscopic retrograde Idiopathic acute esophageal necro- experienced — a personal scopic cholecystectomy: Inves- cholangiopancreatography in sis: report of a new case 713 (cas) report 545 (or) tigation of endocrine parameters cholestatic infants 724 (or) Idiopathic adulthood ductopenia Intestinal metaplasia 235 (or) A case of idiopathic adulthood Ulcers and gastritis 36 (or) ductopenia 332 (cas) Intestinal obstruction Therapeutic laparoscopy 134 (or)

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