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REVIEW published:01December2015 doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01341 Endophytic Actinobacteria and the Interaction of Micromonospora and Nitrogen Fixing Plants MarthaE.Trujillo*,RaúlRiesco,PatriciaBenitoandLorenaCarro DepartamentodeMicrobiologíayGenética,UniversidaddeSalamanca,Salamanca,Spain For along time,itwasbelievedthata healthyplantdid not harbor anymicroorganisms withinitstissues,asthesewereoftenconsidereddetrimentalfortheplant.Inthelastthree decades, the numbers of studies on plant microbe-interactions has led to a change in our view and we now know that many of these invisible partners are essential for the overall welfare of the plant. The application of Next Generation Sequencing techniques is a powerful tool that has permitted the detection and identification of microbial communities in healthy plants. Among the new plant microbe interactions recently reportedseveralactinobacteriasuchasMicromonosporaareincluded.Micromonospora is a Gram-positive bacterium with a wide geographical distribution; it can be found in the soil, mangrove sediments, and freshwater and marine ecosistems. In the last years our group has focused on the isolation of Micromonospora strains from nitrogen fixing nodules of both leguminous and actinorhizalplants and reportedfor the first time Editedby: its wide distribution in nitrogen fixing nodules of both types of plants. These studies ShengQin, JiangsuNormalUniversity,China have shown how this microoganism had been largely overlooked in this niche due to Reviewedby: its slow growth. Surprisingly, the genetic diversity of Micromonospora strains isolated JamesA.Coker, from nodules is very high and several new species have been described. The current UniversityofMarylandUniversity College,USA dataindicatethatMicromonosporasaelicesensisisthemostfrequentlyisolatedspecies JuliaMaresca, from the nodular tissues of both leguminous and actinorhizal plants. Further studies UniversityofDelaware,USA have also been carried out to confirm the presence of Micromonospora inside the *Correspondence: noduletissues,mainlybyspecificinsituhybridization.Theinformationderivedfromthe MarthaE.Trujillo [email protected] genome of the model strain, Micromonospora lupini, Lupac 08, has provided useful information as to how this bacterium may relate with its host plant. Several strategies Specialtysection: potentially necessary for Micromonospora to thrive in the soil, a highly competitive, Thisarticlewassubmittedto ExtremeMicrobiology, and rough environment, and as an endophytic bacterium with the capacity to colonize asectionofthejournal the internal plant tissues which are protected from the invasion of other soil microbes FrontiersinMicrobiology were identified. The genome data also revealed the potential of M. lupini Lupac 08 as Received:21July2015 Accepted:16November2015 a plant growth promoting bacterium. Several loci involved in plant growth promotion Published:01December2015 features such as the production of siderophores, phytohormones, and the degradation Citation: of chitin (biocontrol) were also located on the genome and the functionality of these TrujilloME,RiescoR,BenitoPand genes was confirmed in the laboratory. In addition, when several host plants species CarroL(2015)Endophytic ActinobacteriaandtheInteractionof were inoculated with Micromonospora strains, the plant growth enhancing effect was MicromonosporaandNitrogenFixing evident under greenhouse conditions. Unexpectedly, a high number of plant-cell wall Plants.Front.Microbiol.6:1341. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01341 degradingenzymeswerealsodetected,atraitusuallyfoundonlyinpathogenicbacteria. FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 1 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora Thus, Micromonospora can be added to the list of new plant-microbe interactions. The currentdataindicatethatthismicroorganism mayhaveanimportantapplicationin agricultureandotherbiotechnologicalprocesses.Theavailableinformationispromising but limited, much research is still needed to determine which is the ecological function ofMicromonosporaininteractionwithnitrogenfixingplants. Keywords:Micromonospora,legumes,PGPB,actinorhizal,endophytic,nodule INTRODUCTION In this review, the diversity and interaction between actinobacteria and plants will be discussed, focusing on their Bacteria,archaea,andvirusesarepresentineverynichepresent ecologicalaspectsandpotentialapplicationsinagriculture.The in our planet and have a great impact on other forms of life. secondpartofthisrevisionwillfocusonthespecificinteraction SincetheappearanceofplantsonEarth,theircapacitytoadapt ofthegenusMicromonosporawithnitrogenfixingplants. to different ecosystems and their evolutionary process have inherentlybeenassociatedtomicroorganisms(ReidandGreene, 2012). PLANT-ASSOCIATED ACTINOBACTERIA Microbialcommunitiespresentinsoilaccountfortherichest reservoir of biological diversity in our planet (Berendsen et al., Actinobacteria represent approximately 20–30% of the 2012). Microorganisms that live in the rhizosphere, the soil rhizospheric microbial community (Bouizgarne and Ben regioninfluencedbyplantroots,areofgreatimportanceasthis Aouamar, 2014). They are Gram-positive and show a wide is where most plant-microbe interactions occur (Schenk et al., morphological spectrum ranging from unicellular organisms 2012) and this complex plant-associated microbial community to branching filaments that form a mycelium. A unique is for the most part beneficial to the plant (Berendsen et al., feature is their high guanine plus cytosine content (>50%) 2012). Despite the importance of microorganisms for plants, in their genome. These microorganisms are for the most part theseextremelycomplexmicrobialcommunitieshaveremained saprophytic, soil-dwelling organisms with an important role largely uncharacterized mainly due to our lack of culturing in the turnover of organic matter. In addition, many species most microorganisms under laboratory conditions (Schenk are sporulated and spend the majority of their life cycles as et al., 2012). Fortunately, our awareness of mutually beneficial semidormantspores(CoombsandFranco,2003a). relationshipsandtheirpotentialapplicationinbiotechnological Severaltaxaarewell-knowntointeractwithplantsandthese processes is expanding, in part due to the new sequencing include examples of both endophytic and plant-pathogenic technologiesandinformationderivedfromtheiruse. species. The first actinobacterial endophyte isolated, Frankia Microbes that interact with plants are termed rhizospheric (Callahametal.,1978),isanitrogen-fixingmicroorganismthat or endophytic depending on their localization outside or inducesnodulationonseveralangiospermplantfamiliesandhas inside the plant, respectively, and many endophytes originate receivedalotofattentionduetoitsroleinthenitrogeneconomy from the rhizosphere or phyllosphere (Dudeja et al., 2012). of its hosts (Verma et al., 2009). Several plant-pathogenic taxa These organisms can accelerate seed germination, promote include Streptomyces acidiscabies, Streptomyces europaeiscabiei, plant establishment under adverse conditions, enhance plant Streptomycesscabies,andStreptomycesturgidiscabieswhichcause growth or prevent pathogen infections (Hurek et al., 2002; potato scab (Loria et al., 2006; Bignell et al., 2010); Clavibacter Ryan et al., 2008). Thus, a complex and invisible ecosystem michiganensis with several subspecies and pathogen for alfalfa sustains plant growth and health (Reid and Greene, 2012). (C. michiganensis subsp. insidiosus), maize (C. michiganensis The potential application of beneficial microbes in different subsp. nebraskrensis), potato (C. michiganensis subsp. fields(e.g.,agriculture,biotechnology,medicine,etc.)isimmense michiganensis) and wheat (C. michiganensis subsp. tessellarius); providedprogressismadeinunderstandingthesecomplexplant- Leifsoniaxylisubsp.xyliwhichcausesratoonstuntingdiseaseof microbeinteractionsinaglobalcontext. sugarcane (Young et al., 2006); Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens Hitherto,plantassociatedGram-negativebacteriaarethebest which affects several Phaseolus and Vigna species, Beta vulgaris studiedgiventheirrelativefacilitytoberecoveredfrominternal species(redandsugarbeet),Ilexopaca(Americanholly),Tulipa plant tissues and also because mutants can be easily generated species(tulips),andEuphorbiapulcherrima(poinsettia)(Saddler for interaction studies (Francis et al., 2010). However, many and Messenber-Guimaraes, 2012); Rathayibacter iranicus and Gram-positive bacteria included in the phyla Firmicutes and Rathayibactertriticiwhichcausegumminginseveralgrassesand Actinobacteria (e.g., Bacillus, Micromonospora, Streptomyces, wheat(EvtushenkoandDorofeeva,2012). etc.) have excellent biocontrol, plant growth-promoting and Inthelastdecade,manyreportsontheisolationanddiversity bioremediation activities. In addition, several characteristics of plant-associated and endophytic actinobacteria from wild observedincludingpigmentandsporeproduction,biosynthesis plantsandcropshavebeenpublished.Inmanyofthesestudies, of secondary metabolites and unique lifestyles present in aneutraloraplantgrowthpromotioneffectwasobserved.The these microorganisms can be advantageous for different isolationandidentificationofactinobacteriainhealthyinternal biotechnologicalapplications,includingagriculture. root tissues of wheat was reported by Coombs and Franco FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 2 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora (2003a);theseauthorsfurtherdemonstratedthecolonizationof Again, the genus Streptomyces accounted for >60% of the germinating wheat by one of the isolated strains, Streptomyces isolates. sp. EN27 (Coombs and Franco, 2003b). A Streptomyces strain, Althoughthepercentageofplantspeciessampledatpresent WYEC108, isolated from linseed rhizosphere soil in Great is very low, medicinal plants have received special attention Britain(Crawfordetal.,1993)wasabletocolonizetherootsof giventheirimportanceaspotentialreservoirsofactinobacterial Pisum sativum, increased the number and size of root nodules, communities that produce compounds with biotechnological and enhanced the assimilation of iron and other nutrients by application. Qin et al. (2009, 2012) conducted a thorough the plant (Tokala et al., 2002). Several actinobacterial strains study screening medicinal plants growing in the tropical recovered from wild plants adapted to poor soil and severe rain forests in Xishuangbanna, China. These authors focused climateconditionsoftheAlgerianSaharadesertwerereportedby on the isolation of non-streptomycetes and found that the Goudjaletal.(2013).Someofthesestrainsproducedtheauxin genus Pseudonocardia was the predominant taxon, followed indol acetic acid (IAA), which promoted seed germination and byNocardiopsis,Micromonospora,andStreptosporangiumwhile root elongation when tomato seeds were treated with bacterial almost 25% of the strains could not be identified at the supernatants. genus level. An in depth analysis of the plant Maytenus Thesearchofendophyticactinobacteriaasbiologicalcontrol austroyunnanensisapplyingculture-dependentandindependent agents of plant disease is also of interest given their ability to methods revealed an immense diversity reporting genera colonize healthy plant tissues and produce antibiotics in situ such as Actinostreptospora, Amnibacterium, Catenuloplanes, (Kunoh,2002;Caoetal.,2004).Maize(Zeamays),animportant Quadrisphaera, and Pseudokineococcus which were previously crop cultivated in many countries, especially in tropical areas, unknowntoresideinsideplanttissues(Qinetal.,2012). was also screened for the presence of bioactive actinobacteria A list of endophytic and plant-associated actinobacteria (deAraújoetal.,2000).Endophyticstreptomycetesisolatedfrom recovered from different plant species and their potential healthy banana plants (Musa sp.), were studied for the ability applicationinagricultureispresentedinTable1. to produce antifungal molecules that inhibited the growth of In recent years, metagenomic analyses have been used to Fusarium oxysporum, which causes fusarium wilt (Cao et al., determine the bacterial communities of several agriculturally 2005).Similarly,Streptomycesstrainswereisolatedfromtomato important crops. These studies have shown that actinobacteria and native plants of the Algerian Sahara and screened for are present in many of these plant microbiomes. Okubo biocontrol activity against Rhizotocnia solani (Goudjal et al., et al. (2014) demonstrated that while the shoots of two field- 2014). grownricecultivarscollectedinNipponbareandKasalathwere Severalstudieshavefocusedonthediversityanddistribution dominated by Alphaproteobacteria (approximately 52%), the of actinobacterial communities in plants, these works have actinobacterial populations made up to 15% of the bacterial provided information about the most common taxa found, community structure. The characterization of the natural e.g., the genus Streptomyces, but have also discovered new microbiome of Vitis vinifera leaves in Portugal reported a plant-actinobacteria associations as those represented by the high diversity of proteobacteria, firmicutes, and actinobacteria, interactionMicromonospora-nitrogenfixingplants. wherethelattergroupaccountedforapproximately19%ofthe Members of the genera Microbispora, Micromonospora, microbialcommunitycompositionandmembersofthefamilies Nocardia, Streptosporangium, and Streptoverticillium were Corynebacteriaceae,Microbacteriaceae,andKineosporiaceaewere recovered from the surface of sterilized roots of different plant identified(Pintoetal.,2014). species in Italy (Sardi et al., 1992) and of maize in Brazil (de A recent study to determine the bacterial communities of Araújo et al., 2000). Interestingly, the genus Microbispora Olea europaea L. cultivars collected from different regions was the most abundant genus recovered in maize (44%), in the Mediterranean basin also confirmed the presence of followed by Streptomyces and Streptosporangium. A diverse actinobacterial populations on the olive leaf endosphere. An collection of 11 native Korean plants were screened for the interesting conclusion of this work was that soil, climate presence of endophytic actinobacteria. Streptomyces was conditions, and geographical distances had little effect on the the most common taxon accounting for almost 50% of the endophytic microbial community composition (Müller et al., strains isolated and followed by the genera Microbacterium, 2015). In another study, the root microbiota of Lactuca sativa Microbispora, Micrococcus, Micromonospora, Rhodococcus, cultivars and its wild ancestor Lactuca serriola were analyzed, and Streptacidiphilus. Single isolates representing the the lettuce microbiota was dominated by Proteobacteria and genera Arthrobacter, Dietzia, Herbiconiux, Kitasatospora, Bacteriodetes, but Chloroflexi and Actinobacteria were also Mycobacterium,Nocardia,Rathayibacter,andTsukamurellawere abundant (Cardinale et al., 2015). The composition of the alsorecovered(Kimetal.,2012). actinobacterial population included members of the families Kaewkla and Franco (2013) demonstrated the high diversity Micromonosporaceae and Nocardioaceae but also the genera of actinobacterial strains distributed in native Australian Actinoplanes, Aeromicrobium, Arthrobacter, Demequina, and plants using highly designed isolation protocols which Streptomyces.Interestingly,thedomesticatedcultivar(L.sativa) included low concentration isolation media, plating larger wasricherinspeciesdiversitythanitswildcounterpartL.serriola. quantities of plant sample and long incubation times (up Unfortunately for most of the above studies, the function of to 16 weeks). These authors reported the isolation of >500 these microorganisms on their host plants is unknown. In the actinobacterialstrainsthatwereidentifiedin16differentgenera. caseoflettuce,whichisoneoftherawfoodswidelyconsumed, FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 3 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora TABLE1|Endophyticandplant-associatedactinobacteriareportedintheliterature. Genus Hostplant Isolationsource References Potentialuse Frankia* Comptonia Rootnodule Callahametal.,1978 Nitrogenfixation Actinosynnema Grassblade – Hasegawaetal.,1978 Notdetermined Streptomyces Alliumporrum,Amaryllisbelladona,Betula Roots Sardietal.,1992 Notdetermined pendula,Brassicaoleracea,Callunavulgaris, ChelidoniummajusCichonumintybus, Euphorbiasp.,Fragariavesca,Lactuca scariola,Quercussp.,Rubusidaeus Streptomyces Linumusitatissimum Rhizospheresoil Crawfordetal.,1993 Growthpromotion Microbispora,Streptomyces,Streptosporangium Zeamays Roots deAraújoetal.,2000 Biocontrol Microbispora,Micromonospora,Nocardioides, Triticumaestivum Rootsandleaves CoombsandFranco, Biocontrolagent Streptomyces 2003a Streptomyces Licopersiconesculentum Roots Caoetal.,2004 Biocontrol Streptomyces,Streptoverticillium, Musasp. Roots Caoetal.,2005 Biocontrolof Streptosporangium Fusarium oxysporum Agromyces,Microbacterium Retamataetam,Ononisnatrix,Argyrolobium Rootnodules Zakhiaetal.,2006 Notdetermined uniflorum,Astragalusarmatus Actinoplanes,Micromonospora,Streptomyces Cucumissativus Roots El-Tarabilyetal.,2009 Biocontrol;growth promotion Microbispora,NocardiaSacchromonospora, Azadirachtaindica Leaves,stems, Vermaetal.,2009, Siderophore Streptomyces,Streptosporangium, roots 2011 production; Streptoverticillium biocontrol Pseudonocardia,Nocardiopsis, Phyllanthusurinaria,Kadsuraheteroclita, Leaves,stems, Qinetal.,2009 Secondary Micromonospora,Streptosporangium Maesaindica,Rauvolfiaverticillata,Paris roots metabolites yunnanensis,Maytenusaustroyunnanensis, Gloriosasuperba,Scopariadulcis,Tadehagi triquetrum,Goniothalamussp.,Cephalotaxus sp.,andAzadirachtasp. Arthrobacter,DietziaHerbiconiux, Artemisiaprinceps,Capsellabursa-pastoris, Roots Kimetal.,2012 Growthpromotion, Intrasporangium,Kitasatospora,Microbacterium, Chelidoniummajus,Conyzacanadensis, biocontrol Microbispora,MicrococcusMicromonospora Erigeronannuus,Irisrossii,Lamium Mycobacterium,NocardiaRathayibacter, purpureum,Physostegiavirginiana,Rudbeckia Rhodococcus,Streptacidiphilus,Streptomyces, bicolor,Setariaviridis,Violamandshurica Tsukamurella Actinomadura,Amycolatopsis, Maytenusaustroyunnanensis Root,stem,leaves Qinetal.,2012 Notdetermined Cellulosimicrobium,Gordonia,Glycomyces, Janibacter,Jiangella,Microbacterium, Micromonospora,Mycobacterium,Nocardia, Nocardiopsis,Nonomuraea,Plantactinospora, Polymorphospora,Promicromonospora, Pseudonocardia,Streptosporangium, Streptomyces,Saccharopolyspora,Tsukamurella Actinomadura,Actinomycetospora, Callitrispreissii,Eucalyptuscamaldulensis, Leaves,stems, KaewklaandFranco, Notdetermined Actinopolymorpha,Amycolatopsis,Gordonia, Eucalyptusmicrocarpa,Pittosporum roots 2013 Kribbella,Micromonospora,Nocardia, phylliraeoides Nocardioides,Nocardiopsis,Nonomuraea, Polymorphospora,Promicromonospora, Pseudonocardia,Streptomyces,Williamsia (Continued) FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 4 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora TABLE1|Continued Genus Hostplant Isolationsource References Potentialuse Actinomadura,Kibdelosporangium, Achilleafragrantissima,Artemisiajudaica, Notspecified El-Shatouryetal.,2013 Growthpromotion Kitasatospora,Micromonospora, Centaureascoparia,Chiliadenusmontanus, Microtetraspora,Nocardia,Nocardioides, Echinopsspinosus,Iphionamucronata, Nocardiopsis,Promicromonospora, Pulicariacrispa,Scariolaorientalis,Seriphidium Pseudonocardia,Saccharopolyspora, herba-album,Tanacetumsinaicum Streptoalloteichus,Streptomyces Streptomyces Cleomearabica,Solanumnigrum,Astragallus Roots Goudjaletal.,2013, Biocontrol,IAA armatus,Aristidapungens,Panicumturgidum 2014 production, growthpromotion Amycolatopsis,Isoptericola,Micromonospora, Acaciaauriculiformis,Bauhiniapurpurea, Roots,rhizosphere Mingmaetal.,2014 Biocontrol Microbispora,Nocardia,Nonomuraea, Canavaliagladiate,Cassiafistula,Clitoria Promicromonospora,Pseudonocardia, ternatea,Erythrinavariegata,Leucaena Streptomyces leucocephala,Mimosapudica,Peltophorum pterocarpum,Pithecellobiumdulce,Poinciana pulcherrima,Pterocarpusmacrocarpus, Samaneasaman,Sesbaniagrandiflora, Tamarindusindica Microbacterium Trichiliaelegans Leaves Rhodenetal.,2015 Notdetermined Thedatapresentedisbasedonthereferencesprovidedincolumn4. *Frankiaisknowntoinducerootnodulesonadiversegroupofangiospermplantstermedactinorhizals. it has been suggested that bacteria present in the plant’s root et al., 2014). However, our knowledge about these new plant- such as Streptomyces, may serve as biological control agents by microbe interactions is still very poor given the limited data producing antibiotics to eliminate potential human pathogens currentlyavailable. (e.g.,enterobacteria)(Cardinaleetal.,2015). Inlightoftheirecologicalimportance,Frankiaasaprovider Several soil microbiomes related to Andropogon gerardii, of nitrogen to actinorhizal plants, and Streptomyces as a plant Schizachyrium scoparium, Lespedeza capitata, and Lupinus pathogen for important crops such as potato, these bacteria perennis grown in communities which varied in plant richness have been under research for many decades, but this is (1–16 species) were determined (Bakker et al., 2014). In this not the case for most of other reported plant-actinobacteria study the antagonistic activity and community structure of interactions. However, in the last 10 years the interaction Streptomycespopulationswasassessedinrelationtothespecies Micromonospora-nitrogen fixing plants is gaining attention plant richness. The authors reported that the diversity and due its potential application in downstream biotechnological richness of bacterial and Streptomyces communities displayed applications,especiallyintheareaofagriculture.Inthefollowing differentrelationshipswithbioticandabioticsoilcharacteristics, sections we will provide a general overview on the past and thereforeinfluencingbacterialcommunities. presentstatusofMicromonosporaanditscloseinteractionwith The roots, leaves, and stems are the main plant tissues legumesandactinorhizalplants. that have been screened for the presence of bacteria, however, nitrogen fixing nodules produced by legumes and actinorhizal MICROMONOSPORA AND NITROGEN plants are also an important reservoir of microorganisms. Nodulesarerichinnutrientsandthereforecanalsobecolonized FIXING NODULES: A UNIVERSAL bybacteriaunrelatedtorhizobialorFrankiasymbioticnitrogen PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTION? fixation. Actinobacterial strains identified in the genera Agromyces, TheactinobacteriumMicromonosporawasfirstdescribedin1923 Curtobacterium, Microbacterium, Micromonospora, and (Ørskov,1923).ThefirststrainsoriginatedfromsoilandJensen Streptomyces have been reported from nodule tissues (Sturz (1932)pointedouttheimportanceofthismicroorganisminthis etal.,1997;Trujilloetal.,2006,2007,2010;Zakhiaetal.,2006; niche.ThisbacteriumbelongstothefamilyMicromonosporaceae Muresu et al., 2008; Stajkoviæ et al., 2009; Deng et al., 2011; and includes aerobic, filamentous, spore-producing and Hoqueetal.,2011;Lietal.,2011;Carroetal.,2012a).Ofthese, mesophilic microorganisms. Micromonospora colonies are thegeneraMicrobacteriumandMicromonosporawerethemost usually pigmented and range in color from orange, red, or frequently isolated. Host plants inoculated with some of these brown. In many old cultures a brown-black, or black mucous strains showed better growth and development in comparison massofsporesisobserved.Theformationofsinglesporesisthe with non-inoculated controls suggesting a beneficial effect mainmorphologicalcharacteristicofthegenusMicromonospora; (Trujilloetal.,2010,2014b;Dengetal.,2011;Martínez-Hidalgo however, spores are also produced in dense clusters on the FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 5 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora surface or completely embedded in the substrate mycelium microorganismisalsoanormaloccupantofactinorhizalnodules. (Figure1)(Genilloud,2012;Trujilloetal.,2014a). Thus, the systematic recovery of Micromonospora populations The presence of Micromonospora has been reported from strongly suggests that this bacterium closely interacts with the many geographical sites worldwide and although soil is the host plant and nitrogen-fixing bacteria occupying the same most frequent source of isolation, marine, aquatic sediments niche. and mangrove environments are also inhabited by this The biogeographical and species distribution of microorganism(Maldonadoetal.,2009;Genilloud,2012;Trujillo Micromonosporae isolated from nitrogen fixing nodules of et al., 2014a). In recent years Micromonosporae have been legumesandactinorhizalplantssampledhithertoispresentedin reported as major components of nitrogen fixing root nodules Table2. ofbothleguminousandactinorhizalplants(Valdésetal.,2005; Trujilloetal.,2006,2007,2010;Garciaetal.,2010;Carroetal., DISTRIBUTION, LOCALIZATION AND 2012a,2013a).IsolationofMicromonosporastrainsfrominternal GENETIC DIVERSITY OF nodular tissues has been reported from the legumes Arachis hypogaea,Cicerarietinum,Glycinemax,Lensculinaris,Lupinus MICROMONOSPORA IN NITROGEN angustifolius, Lupinus gredensis, Medicago sativa, Melilotus sp., FIXING NODULES Mucunasp.,Ononissp.,Ornithopussp.,Phaseolussp.,Trifolium sp.,andViciasp.TheisolationofMicromonosporastrainsusually ThedistributionofMicromonosporastrainsinthenitrogenfixing requires selective isolation procedures to favor its slow growth, nodules sampled so far indicate that its distribution is not however,inalltheaboveexamples,thesameisolationprotocolas homogeneousanditvariesfromnoduletonoduleandplantto thatusedfortheisolationofrhizobiawasapplied(Cerda,2008; plant(Trujilloetal.,2010;Carroetal.,2012a). Rodríguez,2008;Carro,2009;AlonsodelaVega,2010;Trujillo ThedistributionpatternofMicromonosporainLupinusspp.is etal.,2010). highlyvariablewithnoisolatesforsomenodulestoasmanyas ActinorhizalplantsthathavebeensampledtodateinMexico, approximately30(AlonsodelaVega,2010;Trujilloetal.,2010). Spain, Canada, and France include the species Alnus viridis, Variationisalsoreportedfromplanttoplantandfromdifferent Casuarinaequisetifolia,Coriariamyrtifolia,Elaeagnusxebbingei, nodulesofthesameplant(Trujilloetal.,2010).Acomparisonof Hippophae rhamnoides, Myrica gale, and Morella pensylvanica thespeciesLupinusangustifoliusandLupinusgredensiscollected (Valdés et al., 2005; Trujillo et al., 2006; Carro et al., 2013a). in the same geographical area in Spain, indicated that 67 and Except for the study of Valdés et al. (2005), the isolation of 60% of the plant samples screened (17 in total) contained the Micromonospora from actinorhizal nodules also followed the targetmicroorganism,respectively.Outofthe45noduleschosen sameisolationprotocolsasthatoflegumes,usingyeast-mannitol forisolation,95Micromonosporastrainswererecovered,74from agar as isolation medium (Vincent, 1970). Currently our group L.angustifoliusand21fromL.gredensis.Interestingly,48%ofthe maintainsacollectionof∼2000isolatesrecoveredfromdiverse nodules did not appear to contain any Micromonospora strains legumeandactinorhizalplantsspeciescollectedinSpain,France, (AlonsodelaVega,2010). Germany,Ecuador,Nicaragua,andAustraliabutourhypothesis Intermsofthebacterialspeciesdistribution,Micromonospora is that Micromonospora is also present in those plant species saelicesensisandMicromonosporalupiniwerethemostabundant, which have not been sampled to date. In the case of legumes, neverthelessthediversitydeterminedonthebasisof16SrRNA the above examples indicate how Micromonospora had been genesequencingwasveryhigh(AlonsodelaVega,2010;Trujillo largely overlooked in this niche due to its slow growth as etal.,2010).Theseauthorsalsoscreenedlupineplantsatdifferent compared to rhizobial strains which can be readily recovered growthstageswhichcorrespondedtoyoung,maximumgrowth, fromisolationplatesafter3–5dayswhileMicromonosporastrains and flowering plants. In this case, the number of bacteria usually appear after 7–10 days on the same plates. While the increased in parallel to the plant growth and decreased as the work carried by Carro et al. (2013a) strongly suggests that this plantsbecameold. FIGURE1|MorphologicalfeaturesofMicromonospora.(A)Micromonosporaeisolatesrecoveredfromanitrogenfixingnodule.(B)14dayoldcolonyproducing brown-blackspores.(C)Scanningelectronmicrographofamucousmassofspores.Bar,1µm(Carro,2009;AlonsodelaVega,2010). FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 6 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora TABLE2|BiogeographicalandspeciesdistributionofMicromonosporaeinnitrogenfixingnodulesoflegumesandactinorhizalplantssampled. Hostplant(Legumes) Commonname Geographicalorigin Closestspeciesidentification(16SrRNAgene) References Arachyssp. Peanut Nicaragua M.chaiyapumensis,M.endolithica Cerda,2008 Cicerarietinum Chickpea Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Glycinemax Soy Nicaragua ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Lensculinarium Lentil Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Lupinusangustifolius Bluelupine Spain M.aurantiaca,M.auratinigra,M.chaiyapumensis,M. Trujilloetal.,2007; coriariae,M.coxensis,M.echinospora,M.fulviviridis,M. Rodríguez,2008;Alonsode lupini,M.matsumotoense,M.narathiwatensis,M. laVega,2010 olivasterospora,M.sagamiensis,M.saelicesensis Lupinusgredensis Lupine Spain M.chaiyapumensis,M.chersina,M.coxensis,M. AlonsodelaVega,2010 echinofusca,M.echinospora,M.lupini,M.olivasterospora, M.saelicesensis,M.viridifaciens Lupinussp. Lupine Germany M.saelicesensis Trujilloetal.,2010 Medicagosp. Alfalfa Australia,Spain M.aurantiaca,M.chokoriensis,M.lupini,M.saelicesensis, Martínez-Hidalgoetal., M.schwarzwaldensis,M.tulbaghiae,M.viridifaciens 2014 Mucunasp. Mucuna Ecuador ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Ononissp. – Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Ornithopussp. – Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Phaseolusvulgaris Bean Nicaragua M.chaiyapumensis,M.chersina,M.endolithica Cerda,2008 Pisumsativum Sweetpea Spain M.aurantica,M.auratinigra,M.chaiyapumensis,M.chersina, Carro,2009;Carroetal., M.coerulea,M.coriariae,M.coxensis,M.fulviviridis,M. 2012a lupini,M.matsumotoense,M.pattaloongensis,M. saelicesensis,M.sagamiensis„M.siamensis Trifoliumsp. Clover Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 Viciasp. Vetch Spain ND Trujilloetal.,2010 HOSTPLANT(ACTINORHIZALS) Alnusglutinosa Alder France M.cremea,M.coxensis,M.lupini,M.matsumotoense,M. Carroetal.,2013a olivasterospora,M.saelicesensis,M.siamensis Alnusviridis Alder France M.chokoriensis,M.coriariae,M.lupini,M.matsumotoense, Carroetal.,2013a M.pisi,M.rifamycinica,M.saelicesensis Casuarinaequisetifolia Coastsheoak Mexico M.aurantiaca Valdésetal.,2005 Coriariamyrtifolia Redoul Spain,France M.coriarie,M.saelicesensis,M.peucetia Trujilloetal.,2006;Carro etal.,2013a Elaeagnusxebbingei – France M.aurantiaca,M.auratinigra,M.chaiyaphumensis,M. Carroetal.,2013a coriariae,M.coerulea,M.cremea,M.coxensis,M.equina, M.lupini,M.matsumotoense,M.mirobrigensis,M.peucetia, M.saelicesensis,M.siamensis Hippophaerhamnoides Sandthorne France M.chaiyapumensis,M.chersina,M.coxensis,M.equina,M. Carroetal.,2013a lupini,Mnarathiwatensis,M.saelicesensis,M.siamensis,M. viridifaciens Morellapensylvanica – France M.coriariae,M.cremea,M.olivasteraspora,M.peucetia,M. Carroetal.,2013a saelicesensis Myricagale Canada M.lupini,M.tulbaghiae Carroetal.,2013a As for the legume Pisum sativum, a similar pattern of the number of isolates also varied significantly. High numbers distribution was observed. However, for this plant, at least ofMicromonosporastrainswereisolatedfromAlnus,Elaeagnus, one Micromonospora strain was recovered from every nodule andHippophaenodules,whilethenumberofisolateswasmuch sampled (Carro et al., 2012a). It is also important to note that lower in Myrica, Morella, and Coriaria nodules. Similarly to whilelupineplantswerecollectedinthefield,allPisumsativum legumes, most isolates were related to M. saelicesensis and M. samples originated from cultivation fields where chemical lupini but M. coriariae was also isolated in high numbers. The fertilizersareappliedperiodically(Carroetal.,2012a). latterspecieswasfirstreportedfromCoriariamyrtifolianodules In a recent study, Carro et al. (2013a) screened several (Trujilloetal.,2006). actinorhizalplantsandrecordedthenumberofMicromonospora The first Micromonospora strains isolated from nitrogen strains and species found. Micromonospora strains were fixing nodules were considered contaminants because it was recoveredfromallplantssampled,and,asinthecaseoflegumes, assumed that the spores produced by this microorganism were FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 7 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora soil contaminants that had resisted the sterilization protocols. that many of these bacterial strains represented new species However, the absence of other fast-growing sporulating and include Micromonospora coriariae (Trujillo et al., 2006); microorganisms, e.g., fungi or Streptomyces strongly indicated Micromonospora lupini and Micromonospora saelicesensis that the strains had originated from the internal plant tissues (Trujilloetal.,2007);Micromonosporapisi(Garciaetal.,2010); (Trujilloetal.,2010).Applyingfluorescentinsituhybridization Micromonospora cremea, Micromonospora zamorensis, and (FISH) and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), Micromonosporahalotolerans(Figure2).Thelatterthreestrains Micromonospora lupini Lupac 08 was localized inside the were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of the sampled plants nodular tissues of lupin suggesting a close interaction between (Carroetal.,2012b,2013b). the host plant and the bacterium (Rodríguez, 2008; Trujillo The species M. saelicesensis is the most frequently isolated etal.,2010).FurtherexperimentsusingaMicromonosporastrain fromthenoduletissuesinbothlegumeandactinorhizalplants, taggedwithgreenfluorescentproteintotracethemicroorganism followed by the species M. lupini (Cerda, 2008; Carro, 2009; inplantaareintheprocessofcompletion. Alonso de la Vega, 2010; Trujillo et al., 2010; Carro et al., The degree of genetic variation of Micromonospora strains 2012a). Furthermore, the number of new species found in this recovered from the nitrogen-fixing nodules of various plants niche also appears to be very high as commented above. To was analyzed using several molecular typing techniques (e.g., expand the taxonomic studies of the genus Micromonospora, BOX–PCR,ARDRA,RFLP,RAPDS)(Cerda,2008;Carro,2009; Carro et al. (2012a) carried out a multilocus sequence analysis AlonsodelaVega,2010;Trujilloetal.,2010;Carroetal.,2012a; study based on five loci and over 90 Micromonospora isolates Martínez-Hidalgoetal.,2014).Highlydiversegeneticfingerprint recovered from the rhizosphere and plant tissues (nodules) profiles were found among the isolates studied, indicating that of P. sativum. These studies were complemented with DNA- theywerenotclones;thediversityfoundwasunexpectedlyhigh DNA hybridization analyses to confirm the high diversity at consideringthatinsomecases,thestrainsanalyzedwereisolated the species level (Carro et al., 2012a) and revealed that many fromthesamenodule(AlonsodelaVega,2010).Subsequently, of the new isolates represent new species (Carro et al., 2012b, taxonomic studies carried for some of these isolates confirmed 2013b). FIGURE2|Maximum-likelihoodphylogenetictreebasedon16SrRNAgenesequencesofMicromonosporaspeciesisolatedfromplantmaterialand rhizosphericsoil.Therewere1408nucleotidesinthefinaldataset.AnalyseswerecarriedinMEGA6software.Barindicates0.005substitutionspernucleotide position(BasedonreferencesprovidedinTable2). FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 8 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora GENOME FEATURES OF foractinobacteriasequencedtodate.ThenumberofrRNAand MICROMONOSPORA ISOLATED FROM tRNA genes in a genome appear to be correlated and is an NODULES indicationofpositiveselectionrelatedtothetimeofresponseofa bacteriumtoadapttoitsenvironment(DethlefsenandSchmidt, Very few Micromonospora strains have been sequenced. At 2007;Yanoetal.,2013). present, only five Micromonospora genomes are available The core genome of the strains M. lupini Lupac 08, in the public databases: Micromonospora sp. strain L5 and M. aurantiaca ATCC 27029T and Micromonospora sp. L5 was M. lupini Lupac 08 and isolated from nodules of Casuarina determined and the results indicated that the strains shared a equisetifolia and Lupinus angustifolius, respectively (Alonso- commongenepoolofonlyapproximately32%suggestingahigh Vega et al., 2012; Hirsch et al., 2013). The remaining are the degreeofgenomicdiversity(Trujilloetal.,2014b).Asexpected, soil isolates Micromonospora aurantiaca ATCC 27029T (Hirsch the strains M. aurantiaca and Micromonospora L5 with 85% et al., 2013), Micromonospora sp. ATCC 39149 (Accession No. genomesimilarityconfirmtheircloserelationship.M.lupinion GCF_000158815.1) and Micromonospora carbonacea JXNU-1 the other hand appears to be very different, with 66.6% of its (Jiangetal.,2015).Severalgenomiccharacteristicsofthestrains genomebeingstrainspecific.AsmoreMicromonosporagenomes are presented in Table3. Actinobacterial genomes are usually aresequencedthecoregenomeshouldbebetterdefined. larger than those of most other bacteria, e.g., proteobacteria A number of genomic traits that probably participate in and Micromonospora is no exception, the currently available the plant/soil life style of endophytic Micromonospora include genomesrangefrom6.9to7.3MbandshareasimilarGCcontent transport and secretion systems. Several genes coding for (72–74%). transportandsecretionsystemswhichmaybeinvolvedinplant ThegenomesequenceofstrainLupac08wasdeterminedto colonizationwerealsoidentified.Thenumberoftransportersis identifygenomictraitspotentiallyinvolvedinthisplant-microbe slightly higher in M. lupini Lupac 08 than in Micromonospora interaction(Alonso-Vegaetal.,2012;Trujilloetal.,2014b).The L5, and included ATP dependent (mainly of the ABC family annotated genome disclosed various traits potentially involved type), ion channels, PTS (phosphotransferase) and secondary in the capacity of this bacterium to alternate a lifestyle as a transporters(Trujilloetal.,2014b). saprophyte in the soil and as an endophyte inside the root nodules (Trujillo et al., 2014b). The genome of strain Lupac MICROMONOSPORA LUPINI LUPAC 08: A 08 has a circular chromosome of 7.3 Mb with a GC content FRIENDLY BACTERIUM HIGHLY of 71.9% and lacking plasmids. A total of 10 rRNA genes were identified, specifically 3 5S rRNA, 4 16S rRNA, and 3 EQUIPPED WITH PLANT CELL WALL 23S rRNA genes. In addition 77 tRNA genes were predicted DEGRADING ENZYMES (Alonso-Vega et al., 2012). Approximately, 62% (4338 CDSs) of the genes were assigned a biological function while 38% Micromonosporae are well-known for their capacity to produce wereannotatedhypotheticalopenreadingframeswithunknown highnumbersofcellulases,theseenzymesverylikelycontribute biological activities (Alonso-Vega et al., 2012). The genome to the turn-over of decayed material in different habitats (de of Micromonospora sp. L5 is smaller, 6.9 Mb, a GC content Menezes et al., 2008, 2012). However, the presence of high of 72.9% and 6332 open reading frames (Hirsch et al., 2013). numbersofthesemoleculesandotherplant-cellwalldegrading This strain is highly related to M. aurantiaca ATCC 27029T enzymes in beneficial endophytic bacteria is usually very low and average nucleotide identity values (ANI) of their genomes (Krause et al., 2007; Mastronunzio et al., 2008; Taghavi et al., strongly suggest that Micromonospora sp. L5 belongs to this 2010;Pujicetal.,2012). species. The number of tRNAs identified in Micromonospora The genome of strain Lupac 08 contains a high number sp. L5 is 52 (Hirsch et al., 2013) which is much lower when of genes encoding enzymes potentially involved in plant cell comparedtothe77tRNAsidentifiedinM.lupini08.Indeed,the wall degradation. Approximately 10% of the genome codes latter strain has one of the largest numbers of tRNAs reported for carbohydrate metabolism, and almost 200 out of the 685 TABLE3|GenomicfeaturesofsequencedMicromonosporastrainsavailableinthedatabases. Feature M.lupini M.aurantiaca Micromonospora Micromonospora Micromonospora Lupac08 ATCC27029T sp.L5 sp.ATCC39149 carbonaceaJXNU-1 Size(Mb) 7.3 7 6.9 6.8 7.6 GC% 72 73 73 72 74 rRNAOperon 10 9 9 6 7 tRNA 77 52 53 51 50 CDSnumber 7054 6676 6617 5633 6247 GenesinCOGs(%) 70.20% 68.30% 69% nd nd nd,notdetermined. FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 9 December2015|Volume6|Article1341 Trujilloetal. EndophyticActinobacteriaandMicromonospora genes have a putative hydrolytic function. Hydrolytic activities of loci involved in carbohydrate transport and metabolism are for cellulose, pectin, starch, and xylan, were confirmed in slightlylowerinstrainL5(8.9%),ascomparedtostrainLupac08 the laboratory and indicate that this strain could degrade (9.7%)(Trujilloetal.,2014b). plant cell wall components in a way similar to that of Bacterialendophyticcolonizationisstillapoorlyunderstood phytopathogen bacteria (Trujillo et al., 2014b). Plant-polymer process,inpartbecauseitisverycomplex.Formicroorganisms degradingenzymesarethoughttobeinvolvedininternalplant that colonize the roots, plant exudates appear to play a crucial colonization(Compantetal.,2005).Plantpathogenicfungiand role (Badri et al., 2009). Molecules present in root exudates bacteria usually enter plant tissues by degrading plant cell wall mayserveascarbonsourcesformicroorganismsandtherefore, components using several hydrolases which include cellulases these are attracted to the plant roots (Shidore et al., 2012). and endoglucanases. On the other hand, genome data show Thus, plant exudates may act as signals that influence the thatnon-pathogenic(endophyticorsymbiotic)microorganisms ability of a bacterium to colonize the root or survive in contain a low set of plant-polymer degrading enzymes (Krause the rhizosphere. These signals may induce the alteration of et al., 2007; Mastronunzio et al., 2008; Taghavi et al., 2010). In specific gene expression patterns in the bacterium, which in thecaseofMlupini,thegenomeofthismicroorganismrevealed turn may influence its interaction with the plant (Morrissey ahighnumberofhydrolyticenzymes(e.g.,cellulases,xylanases, et al., 2004; Mark et al., 2005; Shidore et al., 2012). While it is endoglucanases) with the potential to degrade plant tissues consideredthatplantexudatesaffectthebehaviorofrhizospheric (Figure3). However, green-house experiments show that when microorganisms, our knowledge as to how these molecules host plants are inoculated with strain Lupac 08 no damage is influence bacterial gene expression is still very limited (Mark produced.Onthecontrary,M.lupinistimulatesnodulationand et al., 2005). Furthermore, it is not known how these altered plant growth (Cerda, 2008; Trujillo et al., 2014b). Therefore, if bacterialgenesaffecttheplant-microbeinteractionprocessand theplantdoesappeartobenegativelyaffectedbytheseenzymes, onlyafewstudiesareavailable(Morrisseyetal.,2004;Marketal., whatistheirpotentialfunctionwhenthebacteriuminteractswith 2005;Shidoreetal.,2012). its host plant? Our group is currently working on this subject, InthecaseoftheMicromonospora-plantinteraction,itcould someoftheloci,especiallythoserelatedtocellulosemetabolism be that the plant’s root exudates might be involved in the mayparticipateinotherprocessessuchascellulosebiosynthesis repressionofhydrolyticenzymegenes(e.g.,cellulases,xylanases, (Robledoetal.,2008,2012;MbaMedieetal.,2012).Severalgenes etc.)fromthebacteriumwhich,ifexpressedduringitsinteraction coding for plant cell-wall degrading enzymes were also located with the plant would be detrimental upon infection. The effect in the genome of Micromonospora sp. L5 (Hirsch et al., 2013). on Azoarcus sp. gene expression upon exposure to plant root Similarly to strain Lupac 08, target substrates include cellulose, exudates was recently reported (Shidore et al., 2012). This hemicellulose, pectin, starch, and xylan, however, the number study concluded that the genes expressed by Azoarcus strain FIGURE3|CirculargenomerepresentationofMicromonosporalupini,Lupac08.(A)Distributionofvariousplant-cellwallhydrolyticenzymeloci.Red, cellulases,andcellulose-bindingsites;blue,pectinases;yellow,xylanases.(B)Invitrocellulasedegradation.(C)Invitrostarchdegradation.(D)Invitroxylanase degradation(BasedonTrujilloetal.,2014b). FrontiersinMicrobiology|www.frontiersin.org 10 December2015|Volume6|Article1341

of plant-associated and endophytic actinobacteria from wild plants and provided information about the most common taxa found, In this sense,.
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