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The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1990, fO(8): 2887-2898 Endogenous Modulation of ACh Release by Somatostatin and the Differential Roles of Ca*+ Channels D. B. Gray, D. Zelazny, N. Manthay, and G. Pilar Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06269 The classical neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) and the somatostatin is colocalized with ACh in the terminals of the potential modulatory peptide somatostatin are colocalized choroid neurons of the ciliary ganglion (Epstein et al., 1988; in terminals of avian choroid neurons. We previously showed Gray et al., 1989b), we decided to investigate if endogenous that exogenous somatostatin inhibits ACh release in the cho- somatostatin is releaseda nd what mechanismsa re involved in roid coat (Gray et al., 1989b). In the present work we deter- the modulation of ACh secretion. mine whether endogenous somatostatin plays a role in neu- Specifically, we were interestedi n determining if somatostatin romodulation and what mechanisms are involved. To is released during high-K+ incubation, if this release is Ca*+ determine its role and its mode of secretion, voltage-sen- dependent, and if the flux responsible for peptide release is sitive Ca2+ channels in these terminals were identified phar- through voltage-dependent channels distinct from those that macologically using Ca 2+-dependent K+-evoked ACh re- trigger ACh release.W e showedt hat this K+-stimulated release lease. Release of the primary transmitter ACh was triggered of 3H-ACh is not antagonizedb y nifedipine (Gray et al., 1989b), in the presence of high K+ by Ca2+ influx primarily via dihydro- indicating that Ca2+f lux through L-type Ca2+c hannelsp robably pyridine (DHP)-insensitive channels, while inhibition of ACh does not trigger this Ca2+-dependente vent. release occurred when L-type channels were activated by It is generally accepted that in nerve terminals, Ca2+ influx the DHP agonist Bay K 8844. The somatostatin antagonist couplesd epolarization to transmitter release.T wo kinds of volt- cyclo(7-aminoheptanoyl-phe-o-trp-lys-thr (BZL)) (CyCam) age-dependentC a2+ channels have been implicated in trans- blocks the inhibition of ACh release induced by the agonist mitter release (Carbone and Lux, 1983; Perney et al., 1986; Bay K 8844 and indicates that endogenous somatostatin may Miller, 1987; Yeager et al., 1987; Miller, 1988): L-type [char- normally modulate ACh release. Additionally, nifedipine, a acterized by Nowycky et al. (1985) as high-threshold, high-con- DHP antagonist, and pettussis toxin, known to antagonize ductance, slowly inactivating or noninactivating] and N-type somatostatin’s effect on ACh release, both reverse the Bay (high-threshold, DHP insensitive). The presenceo f at least 2 K 8844 effect on ACh release. Although the release of la- separatet ypes of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in the same beled ACh in the first 3 min collection period was not sig- nerve terminal preparation has been shown using kinetics (Le- nificantly affected by CyCam or nifedipine alone, release in mos and Nowycky, 1989) and pharmacology (Atchison and the first minute was enhanced by 50% in the presence of O’Leary, 1987). It has been proposedt hat L-type Ca2+c hannels 10 PM nifedipine. Preincubation with CyCam alone also in- preferentially trigger peptide release, while N-type channels creased ACh release. These results support the hypothesis preferentially trigger releaseo f ACh or catecholamines( Miller, that endogenous somatostatin is physiologically released 1987; Hirning et al., 1988; Lipscombe et al., 1989). However, during the initial minute of depolarization in high K+ and that this distinction has never been made in intact nerve terminals, this release is mediated by DHP-sensitive Ca*+ channels. where peptides and classical transmitters are colocalized. Al- though it is important to study the localization and molecular Previously we reported that exogenous somatostatin inhibits behavior of these Ca2+ channels, it is also important to deter- K+-evoked 3H-ACh releasein terminals in the vascular smooth mine the role that each channel type may play in synaptic trans- muscle of the chick choroid and that this inhibition is blocked mission becauset hey are likely targets for modulatory mecha- by pertussist oxin (PTX), indicating mediation by a G protein. nisms. Experiments with a Ca*+ ionophore indicated that modulation Numerous studies( i.e., in cell bodies of cultured neurons, in occurred at the level of Caz+ entry (Gray et al., 1989b). Since which direct recording is possible)h ave characterized different types of Ca2+ channels both electrophysiologically and phar- Received Nov. 24, 1989; revised Mar. 19, 1990; accepted Mar. 20, 1990. macologically (for review, seeM iller, 1987). However, because We thank Ms. Maura Ford for somatostatin staining and some of the photog- the small size of intact choroid terminals precludesd irect mea- raphy of the intact ganglion and choroid, Dr. L. Khairallah for her EM work, and surement of Ca2+ currents, we have distinguished the types of Mr. L. Cupceancu for his technical support. We thank Drs. L. Landmesser, J. Covault, and C. Bowers for their criticisms and suggestions, and Ms. Sara Putnam channelsi nvolved in secretion in the choroid primarily by phar- for her help in editing and preparing this manuscript. We also thank Dr. A. macological means, using Ca2+-dependentA Ch releasea s an Scriabine and Miles Laboratories (West Haven, CT) for their gift of Bay K 8644. indicator of Ca2+ entry. Support provided by the University of Connecticut Research Foundation and NIH Grants 10338 and NS07324 and NSF Grant BNS-8410581. The anatomical colocalization of 2 or more neuroactive sub- Correspondence should be addressed to Guillermo Pilar, The University of stancesin the samen euronso r terminals has been amply dem- Connecticut, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology, 75 N. Eagleville Rd., onstrated in many peripheral and central neuronal synapses Storrs, CT 06269. (Hiikfelt et al., 1987), but studieso f functional mechanismso f Copyright 0 1990 Society for Neuroscience 0270-6474/90/082687-12$03.00/O 2666 Gray et al. Ca*+ Channels and Modulation by Somatostatin l co-release are more scarce (Bartfai et al., 1988), probably be- voltage paper electrophoresis and measured by scintillation counting as cause few preparations are amenable for such studies (Lundberg described previously (Vaca and Pilar, 1979; Gray et al., 1989b). Statis- tical analyses of data were performed using a 2-tailed Student’s t test. et al., 1981; Allen et al., 1982; Jan and Jan, 1982; Campbell and Jackson, 1985). The chick choroid coat, densely innervated Immunological staining of choroid tissues by neuronal processes of the ciliary ganglion, is one such prep- Synapticv esicle-speccajnict ibody.A triangular wedge of tissue similar aration. to that used for the ACh release experiments was dissected free in In this report, we provide evidence that endogenous somato- oxygenated zero-Ca *+ Tyrodes. After removing the retina, any remain- statin is released by K+ depolarization. Furthermore, pharma- ing pigment epithelium was removed from the tissue with a cotton bud cological evidence is advanced for the existence of 2 types of and the choroid coat was dissected free from the sclera and pinned flat in a Sylgard-coated dish. The tissue was fixed for 30 min in ice-cold 4% voltage-dependent CaZ+ channels (DHP sensitive and DHP in- paraformaldehyde and washed 3 times for 10 min each time in phos- sensitive) in the cholinergic terminals of the chick choroid. We phate buffer with 0.3% Triton X-100 (PBT) before incubation in the suggest that these Ca2+ channels independently mediate release monoclonal antibody SV2 (provided by K. Buckley, Harvard Univer- of the primary neurotransmitter in our system, ACh (via DHP- sity), diluted 1: 10 in BSA/phosphate buffer (PB), overnight at 4°C. This antibody binds to an undefined synaptic vesicle protein present in ap- insensitive channels), and of the endogenous peptide somato- parently all secretory vesicles (Buckley and Kelly, 1985). The choroids statin (via DHP-sensitive channels), which in turn inhibits ACh were washed 3 times in PBT for 30 min each time and were incubated release, acting via a voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel. Prelimi- with goat-anti-mouse IgG conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) nary reports of these observations have been previously pub- (Siama) at 1:50 in 2% BSA in PBT for 30 min at room temnerature. lished in abstract form (Gray and Pilar, 1988; Gray et al., 1989a). then washed again 3 times in PB for 30 min each time and mounted flat between 2 coverslips in Fluoromount G. Materials and Methods Photographs were taken using a confocal fluorescence microscope (courtesy of the BioRad Corporation, Richmond, CA). A composite Choroid and iris preparations image was constructed from a high-resolution video screen containing Whole irises and stereotypic wedges consisting of approximately one- 12 contiguous focal planes of 0.5 pm each. third of the innervated choroid were isolated as described previously Antibodiesa gainstp eptidesT. he choroid, dissected as above, was (Vaca and Pilar, 1979; Gray et al., 1989b). These tissues contain syn- immediately fixed, stained for somatostatin, and mounted as described apses between ciliary ganglion neurons and either choroid smooth mus- previously (Gray et al., 1989b). Choroids were incubated in rabbit anti- cle (Meriney et al., 1987) or striated iris muscle (Vaca and Pilar, 1979), somatostatin antiserum (Axell, distributed by Accurate Scientific, West- both of which possess high-affinity Na+-dependent choline uptake-me- bury, NY) at a 1:400 dilution for 24-48 hr at 4°C. This polyclonal diated ACh synthesis (Vaca and Pilar, 1979; Gray et al., 1989b). The antibody was raised against synthetic cyclic somatostatin 1-14, but it iris preparation-which is similar to the choroid in that it is an inner- cross-reacts with synthetic cyclic somatostatin 14-28. The secondary vation target of parasympathetic cholinergic neurons, but dissimilar in antibody was goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to FITC. Antibody spec- that it does not contain somatostatin-positive cells or processes-serves ificity was tested by replacing the primary antiserum with preadsorbed as a useful control for many of our pharmacological manipulations. antiserum at the same dilution containing 50 /Ig/ml synthetic cyclic somatostatin 14-28 or with nonimmune rabbit serum. Similar tech- Assay of labeledA Ch release niques were used with irises. Choroid and iris preparations were preincubated in oxygenated Tyrodes Direrential distribution of somatostatin-positive neuronsi n the (134 mM NaCl, 3 mM KCl, 20.5 mM Na,HCO,, 3 mM CaCl,, 1 mM ciliary ganglion MgCl,, glucose, 2.2 gm/liter) containing 3H-Ch (final specific activity, 8.1 Ci/mole; total choline concentration at 1 PM) and 0.5% BSA for 70 Embryonic stage 43 chick ciliary ganglia were dissected free in zero- min at 37°C and washed by centrifugation as described previously (Gray Ca*+ Tvrodes and fixed for 3 hr in 4% naraformaldehvde in 0.1 M PB. et al., 1989b). Prestimulation release of 3H-ACh was measured in 5 min Ganglia were then washed 3 times in 2b% sucrose in PB over 24 hr at collection periods during preincubation in normal Tyrodes at 37°C. To 4°C. Each ganglion was then embedded in OCT compound (Tissue Tek) evoke release from terminals in the iris and the choroid, the tissues were and frozen in 2-methyl butane on dry ice. Serial 10 pm frozen sections incubated in 55 mM KC1 Tyrodes (equimolar substitution for NaCl) for were cut through an entire ganglion, collected on subbed slides, dried time periods as indicated in the text or figure captions. Release values overnight, and washed 3 times in PBT. Sections were then preincubated were converted to disintegrations/min (DPM) and expressed per minute for 1 hr at room temperature in a blocking solution containing 2% BSA of collection time. The collection times varied from 1 to 10 min, and in PBT. The sections were then incubated for 24 hr at 4°C in a rabbit the values are expressed as averages of DPM/min or as percentages of antiserum against somatostatin (a gift from Dr. Garcia-Atraras, Uni- the last prestimulation period counts for that sample. versity of Puerto Rico), diluted 1:500 in blocking solution. The sections Figure 1 shows a dose-response relationship between K+ concentra- were washed in PBT and subsequently incubated in goat anti-rabbit tion and evoked ACh release for the initial 3 min period. Although 28 FITC (Sigma), diluted 1:50 in blocking solution, for 1 hr at room tem- mM KC1 does not evoke an increase in ACh release, 110 mM KC1 perature. A final rinse in PB was done before the sections were mounted stimulates further release of labeled ACh over that at 55 mM KCl. In in Fluoromount G and viewed under eoifluorescence with FITC filters most of the experiments described here, 55 mM K+ was used to evoke on a Nikon Labophot microscope. Similar controls for specificity of release. All release solutions, normal, zero-Ca2+ or high-K+ Tyrodes, antibody binding were conducted as described in the preceding section. contained BSA to prevent adhesion of tissues to sides of tubes or bubbler Ganglionic sections were oriented by the presence of a blood vessel needles and 10 PM eserine sulfate to inhibit any endogenous cholines- which runs longitudinally along the ventrolateral border of the ganglion. terases present. DHP stocks were stored in opaque containers to prevent The choroid region was recognized by the presence of small cells and loss of activity due to exposure to light. Experiments in which these its ventral position in the ganglion (Pilar et al., 1980). All sections were drugs were used were conducted under red light. DHP incubations dur- photographed on 35 mm film, and reconstruction of the ganglion was ing evoked release were always preceded by a 5 min preincubation in done by projecting the negatives on a TV screen and tracing the so- the normal Tyrodes bath, to ensure adequate time for binding and matostatin-positive neurons and the outline of the ganglion on acetate diffusion into tissues. In cases where DHP compounds had no effects, sheets. we increased preincubation time up to 15 min without affecting results. However, we avoided prolonged incubation of cells with DHPs and the Electron microscopy carrier DMSO because there is evidence that nifedipine and related antagonists may diffuse intracellularly and modify cytoplasmic Ca*+ Choroids isolated from 1 - to 4-d-old chicks were fixed in a solution of (Pang and Sperelakis, 1983a, b). This was apparent in our preparation 1.5% glutaraldehyde, 1.5% paraformaldehyde, and 1.5% acrolein in 0.1 since incubation of choroids with 10 WM nifedipine for 15 min or longer M cacodylate (pH 7.3) for 5 hr. They were then postfixed in 2% osmium during tissue loading of )H-Ch prevents accumulation of labeled ACh tetroxide for 1 hr and dehydrated for embedding in Epon Araldite. Thin (unpublished observations). )H-ACh was separated from 3H-Ch by high- sections stained with 2% uranyl acetate and 1.5% lead citrate were The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1990, 1O (8) 2889 viewed and photographed with a Phillips 300 TEM. Flat and longitu- dinal sections were studied. Materials 3H-acetylcholine OH-ACh) and ‘H-choline OH-Ch) were obtained from New England Nuclear (Boston, MA). The following drugs and reagents were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO): A 23 187, bovine serum albumin (BSA), D-600, eserine sulfate, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), nifedipine, somatostatin 14-28, pertussis toxin (PTX), &CO- notoxin, cadmium chloride, verapamil, and cyclo(7-aminoheptanoyl- phe-D-trp-lys-thr (BZL)) (CyCam). The following lipid-soluble sub- stances were dissolved in 100% DMSO stock solutions and the final DMSO concentrations of the incubation solution was 0.1%: nifedipine, A 23 187, D-600, PTX, and Bay K 8644. These compounds were kept in opaque containers. Results Localization of somatostatin-immunoreactivec ells in the ciliary ganglion and its synaptic targets W 30 60 90 120 Previously we have shown the localization of somatostatin in the cholinergic processes of the ciliaty ganglion in the choroid [K+] mM preparation using cytoskeleton and somatostatin antibodies. This 0 colocalization of ACh and somatostatin in the choroid terminals is in contrast to the clear lack of somatostatin immunoreactivity Figure I. Evoked ‘H-ACh release from the chick choroid as a function in the iris (Gray et al., 1989b; see also Epstein et al., 1988). We of extracellular K+ concentration. Osmolarity was maintained by re- placing NaCl with KCl. Choroid wedges containing intact terminals pursued the subject further by localizing the somatostatin im- from the ciliary ganglion neurons of l- to 4-d-old chicks were excised munoreactivity in the parent cell bodies in the ciliary ganglion and incubated in oxygenated Tyrodes containing ‘H-Ch, washed, and of the terminals of the synaptic targets. We also provide further analyzed for 3H-ACh release as described (see Materials and Methods). evidence of the colocalization of somatostatin and ACh in the Release of 3H-ACh during a 3-min incubation in Tyrodes containing the K+ concentrations shown above is expressed as a percentage of choroid varicosities. DPM/min counts of the immediate prestimulation period. Values are In the single section shown in Figure 2A, the choroid region the average of 2 separate experiments. Figure 2. A, Representative histological section of a stage 43 ciliary ganghon, showmg the preterenual localization of choroid cells identified with somatostatin antibody (bottom right) and the larger ciliary cells (top). Sections like this one were used to serially reconstruct the ganglion in 2 dimensions. Fluorescence photography was done through a #5 FITC filter. Scale bar, 50 pm. B, Partial reconstruction of a serially sectioned ganglion. Images of 4 serial sections spaced from the presynaptic (PRE) to the postsynaptic (POST)w ere superimposed. Sections were made oblique to the longitudinal axis of the ganglion. Dashedli nei ndicates the border between ciliary and choroid region. In the striped choroidal region all cells were immunoreactive with somatostatin antibody. The roundc irclesin dicate large cells, also stained with the antibody, scattered throughout the ganglion. 2690 Gray et al. Ca*+ Channels and Modulation by Somatostatin l Figure 3. A, Wholem ounto f a hatchlingc horoids tainedw ith antibodiesto synapticv esiclea ntigen(S V2), usings econdarya ntibodyc onjugated to FITC. Photographyw asc arriedo ut througha confocalf luorescencme icroscopeu singa compositeim agef rom a high-resolutionv ideo screen containingim agesfr om 12c ontiguousfo cal planeso f 0.5 pme ach.A ntibody-definedp arallelt ractsa ppearto sendb ranchetsh at coil aroundb lood vesselsB., With the confocarl econstructionit, isp ossibleto observes inglea xonsw ith unevend istributiono f synapticv esiclea ntigen( varicosities, arrow). C, Whole mounto f anotherc horoidalc oatr eactedw ith somatostatinan tibody( Axell, 1:400d ilution). Processessta iningp ositiveh avea similard istributiont o thosein A. Longitudinaol utlineso f bloodv esselcsa n bed istinguishedD., Controls:w holem ounto f choroidalc oatr eacted with anti-somatostatiwn hich wasp reincubatedfo r 36 hr with 50 Ilg/ml cold somatostatinA. lthough therer emainss omea utofluorescencneo, structuresc an be recognizedS. caleb ar: A, C, andD , 100p m; B, 20 pm. is in the lower portion, corresponding to the striped region in most terminal fibers becauseo f their abundant synaptic vesicle- the serially reconstructed ganglion shown in Figure 2B. It is containing varicosities (seea lso Fig. 4). Figure 3B showss yn- clear that virtually all of the choroid cells (distinguishedb y both aptic vesicle antigen staining at higher magnification, while Fig- position and smaller cell bodies)( Pilar et al., 1980)a re somato- ure 3C showsa similar region stained with anti-somatostatin. statin positive. In addition, larger neurons, also somatostatin It is clear that somatostatin reactivity is distributed fairly uni- positive, are scattered throughout the ganglion. The positions formly throughout the plexus of terminal nerve fibers. However, of thesec ells in several sections,n ear the presynaptic nerve, in in both, especially in terminal regions, the varicose nature of the midsection, and near the postsynaptic nerve, are denoted the stainingi s apparent (Fig. 3B, arrows; seea lso Fig. 4). Similar by circles in Figure 2B. It is not clear if thesea nd similar cells whole mounts were stained with primary antisera to somato- in other sections( 62 cells in 20 sections,c orrespondingt o < 10% statin which had been preadsorbedw ith excesse xogenouss o- of the total ciliary population) are misplacedc horoid cells or a matostatin. These show no staining for somatostatin-positive somatostatin-containing subpopulation of ciliary neurons. nerve fibers, although some background autofluorescencer e- However, becauset his is such a small percentagea nd because mains (Fig. 30). our previous study of ganglionic nerve terminals showst hat Figure 3A is remarkably similar to Figure 3B in Gray et al. somatostatin is restricted to the choroid (Gray et al., 1989b; see (1989b), in which cytoskeleton antibody was usedt o reveal the also Epstein et al., 1988), we conclude that the choroid popu- choroid nerve network. One reasonf or the high density of the lation rather than the ciliary contains most of the endogenous SV2 staining of Figure 3A became clear when the tissue was somatostatin. studied with the electron microscope. Figure 4 is a low-power Figure 3 showst hat somatostatin is contained within the pro- micrograph in which axon fasciclesc an be seene mbeddedi n cesseso f the choroid neurons, which form a densem eshwork the choroid coat matrix. Of the large number of axon profiles of nerve fibersw rapped around the abundant small blood vessels observed, many have clear synaptic vesicles( v), and a smaller and contain synaptic varicosities. In Figure 3A, the nerve plexus percentageo f thesep rofiles alsoc ontain larged ensec ore vesicles is visualized with SV2, a synaptic vesicle antigen that stains (-9. The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1990, 70(a) 2691 Figure 4. EM micrograph of a cross-section of bundles of unmyelinated axons (a) and varicosities in the choroid of the 2-d-old chick. Some of the axons are partially encircled by Schwann cell processes (SC). Most of the axons contain clear vesicles (v), which in some cases are clustered. There are also profiles with dense-core vesicles (Dv) colocalized with clear vesicles in the same varicosity. In the lower-leftc orner,s omeo f these varicosities are in close proximity to what is probably a smooth muscle cell. At this stage, it is difficult to recognize smooth muscle cells because the filaments are usually at the ends of the cells and the varicosities are in the bulging middle part of the cells, which contain the large nuclei. Scale bar, 1 pm. inactivation of somet ypes of Ca2+c hannelsa re voltage depen- Ca2+c hannelsa nd ACh release dent, the effect of prior depolarization on releasew as tested in Incubation of choroid wedgesi n 55 and 110 mM K+ Tyrodes choroid terminals. A 5 min predepolarization in 28 mM K+ increased 3H-ACh releaseb y 2- and 3-fold, respectively, the Tyrodes containing 10 PM nifedipine also did not reveal any characteristicso f which are summarizedi n Table 1. This evoked inhibition of subsequentK +-evoked ACh release( in 55 or 110 releaseo f 3H-ACh from choroid terminals was inhibited by mM K+) (seea lso Gray et al., 1989b). However, some DHP removal of external Ca2+ and blocked by cadmium (Cd) or sensitivity could be uncovered when the evoked releasep eriod w-conotoxin (w-CgTX). This inhibition was irreversible even wasp recededb y a 60 set predepolarization in 55 mM K+ Tyrodes after 12 washesi n toxin-free Tyrodes over 30 min, suggesting without Ca2+.S ubsequentK +-evoked releasein 3 mM Ca2+w as that CaZ+e ntry through T-type voltage-dependent channelsi s significantly reduced (45% f 2 1 of control evoked release,p < not responsiblef or triggering labeledA Ch release( McClesky et 0.05, n = 8), as would be expected if a portion of the channels al., 1987). DHP antagonistss uch as nifedipine, verapamil, and responsiblef or releasew ere inactivated. Forty-two of the resid- D600 had no effect on K+-evoked releasee ven at concentrations ual releasea fter inactivation was, however, inhibited by nife- of 10 PM. These data imply that DHP-sensitive channels (L- dipine (42% + 26 inhibition of evoked ACh releasea fter 28 type) are not required to trigger K+-evoked ACh release,s ug- mM K+, 0 Ca2+p repulse;p < 0.05, n = 8). One explanation for gestingD HP-insensitive, possibly N-type Ca*+c hannelsa s can- the slightly increaseds ensitivity of ACh releaset o nifedipine didates for this role. Of course, Ca2+c hannelsi n thesec holin- (22% of total evoked release)i s that thesec holinergic terminals ergic terminals may not conform to electrophysiological contain 2 populationso f voltage-dependentC a2+c hannels,D HP characteristicso f channelsi n cell bodieso f sympathetic or dorsal sensitive and DHP insensitive (Nowycky et al., 1985; Miller, root ganglion cells. 1987). The lack of effect of DHP antagonistso n ACh release seeni n Table 1 suggeststh at these DHP-sensitive, slowly in- Ca2+c hannelss ensitivet o DHPs activating channelsn ormally play a lessi mportant role in K+- The lack of inhibition of evoked ACh releaseb y DHP antag- evoked transmitter releaset han other Ca*+ channels.H owever, onists does not prove that DHP-sensitive Ca2+ channels are if DHP-insensitive channelsa re inactivated by K+ predepolar- absent from these nerve endings. Becauset he activation and ization, Ca2+ entering by DHP-sensitive channels might then 2692 Gray et al.. Ca*+ Channels and Modulation by Somatostatin I K+ Ca++ E ;J A 10 Figure 5. Z, Effecto f a DHP agonist, d BayK 8644,o n releasoef 3H-ACh from choroidw edgesC. lear bars in IA rep- resenct ontrols;h atched bars in ZB rep- z resentt issueesx posedto 0.5 PM Bay K Y 5 8644 (hatched horizontal bar indicates x time of application).I n thesee xperi- 2 .r- ments,a 25 mM K+ predepolarization : E 1 step wasi ncludedp rior to evokedr e- J leaseto maximizeB ay K 8644b inding $ g to the DHP receptor.H owever,t he Bay K 8644-induceidn hibition of ‘H-ACh 5y 3- released oesn ot requiret his step( data a not shown).U pper horizontal lines in- I dicate the concentrationso f Ca2+a nd ccI K+ in the superfusateT yrodes. *p < 0.05. ZZ, Effect of Bay K 8644o n 3H- 1 ACh releasein isolatedir isesH. atchling 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 irisesw eree xciseda nd treateda s de- scribedf or choroids,w hile clear and hatched bars represenst imilarc ondi- BAY-K 8644 ( 0.5 pM ) BAY-K 8644 ( 0.5 pM 1 tion to thosein I. Note no effecto f Bay K 8644o n ACh release. Time ( min 1 Time ( min ) causet he releaseo f ACh normally mobilized by Ca2+ entering effect would be expected if activation of L-type channelsd uring via DHP-insensitive channels. Bay K 8644 application leads to releaseo f endogenouss omato- The presenceo f multiple Ca2 + channels in these cholinergic statin, a potent inhibitor of ACh release in the choroid coat terminals was pursued further by using Bay K 8644, a DHP (Gray et al., 1989b). In support of this explanation, incubation agonist. We hypothesized that if L-type channels are present, with Bay K 8644 had no inhibitory effect on ACh releasei n this drug should enhanceC a2+i nflux during depolarization and preparations of the isolated iris (Fig. 5ZZA and 5ZZB), which also increaseA Ch release.S urprisingly, incubation with Bay K 8644 has no endogenouss omatostatin (Gray et al., 1989b). depressedev oked 3H-ACh releaseb y more than 60% in the first two 3-min collection periods (Fig. SZB, hatched) compared to Ca2+ channels and somatostatin release controls (Fig. 5ZA, clear). However, this apparently paradoxical To test whether inhibition of ACh releaseb y Bay K 8644 is mediated by endogenouss omatostatin, we used a known so- matostatin antagonist, CyCam, which has beens hown to reverse Table 1. Characterization of 3H-ACh release evoked by K+ somatostatin inhibition of growth hormone release( Fries et al., depolarization 1982). Figure 6 showst hat 5-10 KM CyCam maximally reverses % K’ the inhibition of ACh releasec ausedb y 100 nM exogenouss o- Condition Preincubation(m in) stimulation matostatin. We therefore used this concentration of CyCam in the succeedinge xperiments.T his dose-responsceu rve alsos hows Control 100 that CyCam’s inhibition of somatostatin’se ffect does not be- 0 Ca2+ -15 t 26” come apparent until the micromolar range and then decreases w-Conotoxin( 1 PM) 40 -4 f 14a Cadmium( 100P M) 10 -7 + 1p at CyCam concentrations over 10 PM. The rather narrow peak or range of maximum effect of CyCam may be causedb y the Nifedipine( 10 @M) 5 92+ 16 direct inhibition of labeled ACh releaseb y CyCam at concen- Verapamil( 1 0 PM) 5 92 2 17 D600( lo PM) 5 106k 28 trations greater than 10 FM (unpublished observations). This antagonism of exogenouss omatostatin is useful since it Somatostatin1 00n M 5 4 * 12’ provides a specific test for the involvement of endogenouss o- Somatostatian nd PTX 90 (SSf or 5 min) 107 + 21 matostatin in phenomenaa ffecting ACh releasei n the choroid. (200u nits/ml) Figure 7 shows that preincubation with 2 agents known to re- Values represent percentage of control “H-ACh release evoked in 55 rn~ K+ verse somatostatin’s action in the choroid junctions can also Tyrodes for each condition. Incubation in high-K+ Tyrodes evoked a mean 2.6- prevent the Bay K-induced inhibition of ACh release.F or these fold increase in )H-ACh release over basal prestimulation values. In Ca2+-free Tyrodes, the cation was omitted from the superfixate throughout the experiment. experiments we used both CyCam and PTX, an antagonist of DHPs were dissolved in 0.1% DMSO. DMSO alone has no effect. SS, somatostatin. certain G proteins which previously had been shown to reverse Values are means k SE. Negative percentages indicate inhibition of basal release, inhibitory effects of exogenouss omatostatin on choroid ter- as well as evoked release. 0 Significantly different from controls; p < 0.05, n is at least 4 in all cases. minals (Table 1). In Figure 8, A-C, Bay K 8644 alone in high- The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1990, 70(8) 2693 r 120 1 80 - 40 - Control Bay-K Boy-K + CYCAM 5 5 0 I “.‘...a .“““’ . . ‘..“” ..““I - -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 CYCAM (Ml Figure 6. Dose-responsoef somatostatina ntagonis(tC yCum) on so- matostatin-induceindh ibition of 3H-AChr eleaseV. aluesa re expressed asa percentagoef the reversaol f 100n M somatostatiinn hibition of 3H- ACh releaseT.o calculateth is value,e ache xperimenct ontainedc ontrol tissuesa nd thosee xposedto 100 nM somatostatinT. he percenti nhi- bition of evoked releasew asc alculated(e voked-prestimulatioinn so- matostatind ivided by evoked-prestimulatioinn controls)a nd subtract- ed from 100 to give a measureo f inhibition of somatotstatin’esf fect. Valuesa re meansfr om 2 separateex perimentsa, nd barsa re ranges. K+ Tyrodes significantly reducesA Ch releaser elative to control Control Bay-K Bay-K + PTX stimulations. When either 10 PM CyCam (Fig. 7A) or 200 units/ ml PTX (Fig. 7B) were preincubated with the preparation and present during the high-K+ incubation, this reduction in ACh 25C ‘r releasew as reversed. Finally, coincubation of Bay K 8644 with 10 PM nifedipine 2oc T (Fig. 7C) alsoa bolishedt he Bay K 8644 inhibition of K+-evoked 3H-ACh release.T his strongly supports the suppositiont hat Bay K 8644 is acting as a DHP agonist and that DHP-sensitive or 15c L-type Ca2+c hannelsa re present in the nerve endings.C yCam, nifedipine, or PTX administered alone had no effect on K+- 1oc evoked 3H-ACh releasem easuredo ver the initial 3 min period (not shown). Since incubation with CyCam or nifedipine alone did not 5c significantly enhancen ormal K+-evoked release,w e considered I the possibility that somatostatin is not released in sufficient quantity to affect ACh released uring high-K+ incubation. One C might expect high-K+ incubation with Bay K 8644 to be more Control Bay-K Bay-K + Nif. effective than K+ incubation alone in releasing somatostatin Figure 7. Reversaol f Bay K 8644-inducedin hibition of K+-evoked becauseB ay K 8644 increasesD HP-sensitive single-channel )H-ACh releaseH. atchlingc horoidsw erep repareda nd treateda s de- open time (Hesse t al., 1984). However, it was also possiblet hat scribedi n Figure 5. The percenti ncreaseo ver prestimulationfo r the first 3 min period is presentedfo r eachc ontrol tube (clear bar) and we were not observing ACh releasea t the appropriate interval comparedto tubesin which BayK 8644a nd/or othera gentsa rep resent after the high-K+ challenge to see the influence of an endoge- (shadedba r). All agentsw erea dded5 min prior to K+ stimulation.A nously releasedin hibitory peptide. Thus, we screenedth e effects represenetsf fectso f CyCam;B , PTX; C, nifedipine.n = 3. * Significantly of the somatostatin antagonist (CyCam) and DHP antagonist differentf rom controlsa t p < 0.05. ** Significantlyd ifferentf rom con- (nifedipine) on prolonged releasep eriods in case somatostatin trols at p < 0.02. releasew as slower or delayed relative to ACh. Even in periods up to 30 min after exposure to high K+, no enhancement of over the first 4 min of release( the first minute plus the next 3 labeled ACh releasei n the presenceo f CyCam was observed min) for both the choroid and iris preparations. Interestingly, (data not shown). Conversely, ACh releasei n the initial minute there is a significant enhancemento f K+-evoked ACh releasein after exposuret o high K+ wasa lso examined. Figure 8 compares the presenceo f nifedipine (from 180t o 300%) and CyCam (from those initial values of labeledA Ch releasew ith values averaged 2 11 to 3 18%) in the first minute of exposure to high K+ in the 2694 Gray et al. * Ca*+ Channels and Modulation by Somatostatin 350 r Table 2. Lack of additive effect of nifedipine and CyCam on the A initial minute of ‘H-ACh release evoked by K+ depolarization in the choroid Evoked release of ACh in first minute Condition (% over basal) Control 250 + 49 + Nifedipine 352 k 5@ + Nifedipine and CyCam (5 PM) 345 k 410 Experimental conditions arc the same as described in Figure 8. Values represent percent increase in )H-ACh release evoked in 1 min of 55 tn~ K’ Tyrodes for each condition. Values are means ? SE. ” Significantly different from controls; p < 0.05, n = 4. NIF NIF CYCAM CYCAM 1 min 4 min 1 min 4 min channelsw ould be expected to enhanceA Ch releaset o a much B I smaller extent than blockade of the somatostatin receptor (by CyCam), which is at a final common pathway. Sincet his is not the case, the evidence supports the suggestiont hat little so- matostatin releasei s mediated by calcium influx through DHP- insensitive channels. Discussion In a previous study, we provided evidence at the light micro- scopic level in the choroid junction that ACh and somatostatin may be colocalized (Gray et al., 1989b). In this report, we show further support for colocalization of synaptic vesiclesa nd so- matostatin-like immunoreactivity, as well as a correlation be- NIF NIF CYCAM CYCAM tween choroid cells in the ganglion and somatostatin.’ We also 1 min 4 min 1 min 4 min provide circumstantial but compelling evidence that both sub- stancesc an be releasedb y K+ depolarization that involves Ca*+ Figure 8. Effect of nifedipine and CyCam on the initial minute of K+- entry via pharmacologically different Ca2+c hannels, ACh pref- evoked ACh release in choroid (A) and iris (B). Hatchling choroids and erentially through the DHP-resistant and perhaps rapidly in- irises were prepared and treated as described as in Figure 5, except that release samples were taken in the initial minute of exposure to 55 mM activating channels and somatostatin via the DHP-sensitive, K+-containing Tyrodes and the following 3 min period as well. Values slowly inactivating (L-type) channels.F urthermore, we also pro- represent the percent increase in labeled ACh release over prestimula- vide evidence that transmitter releasee voked by a 1 min in- tion values in the first minute of first 4 min (the first and the next 3 cubation in high K+ is enhanced by a somatostatin inhibitor. min) calculated on a per minute basis. The clear columns represent stimulated release in controls, while hatched bars represent experimental This implies that endogenouss omatostatin is secreted under values. n = 4; **p < 0.02. physiological conditions and can inhibit the initial portion of ACh release. Somatostatin is a versatile hormone, present in the gastroin- choroid (Fig. 84. This increase in ACh releasea ppearst o be testinal tracts and pancreas,w here it inhibits the releaseo f some due to inhibition ofan endogenouss omatostatin effect which is gut hormones, and in the hypothalamus, where it controls the apparent within secondsa fter depolarization. However, these secretion of growth hormone and thyrotrophin-secreting hor- same values, when averaged with the next 3 min period, show mone. It is also present in the nervous system, in the hippo- no significant increasei n labeledA Ch release,a greeingw ith the campus, the cortex, and the PNS (Meyers and Coy, 1980). So- original results for 3 min releasep eriods in the choroid, ex- matostatin regulatest he activity of smooth muscleb y modulating pressedi n Table 1. Thus, this inhibitory effect of coreleased the neuronal releaseo f cholinergic (Guillemin, 1976) and ad- somatostatin is terminated after 1 min by an unknown mech- renergic (Cohen et al., 1978) transmitters. The studiesr eported anism. here shed some light on how somatostatin executes its action In the isolated iris (Fig. 8B) devoid of endogenouss omato- and what mechanismsa re involved in the presynapticr egulation statin there is no enhancement of ACh secretion even in the of transmitter output. In the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, first minute of release,w ith either nifedipine or CyCam. Nife- somatostatin depressesth e neuronal activity in viva, although dipine doesc ausea significant inhibition of evoked ACh release in the 1 min period, suggestingt hat DHP-sensitive channels may be present also in those terminals. ’ In Figure 2 we show that some large somatostatin-positive neurons are scat- Finally, Table 2 showst hat the enhancemento f ACh release tered through the ciliary neuron region of the ganglion, although most are near the demarcation zone between ciliary and choroid regions. The identity and targets in the initial minute by nifedipine in the choroid is not further of these cells are not clear. They may be neurons that innervate nonchoroid increasedb y coincubation with 5 PM CyCam. If DHP-insensi- structures, choroid cells that are not segregated with the majority, or ciliary neurons tive calcium channels contribute significantly to somatostatin that transiently express somatostatin. In any case, these cells represent only a small fraction of ganglion neurons and do not significantly affect the dichotomy of release,t hen selective blockade of only DHP-sensitive calcium somatostatin expression between ciliary and choroid neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience, August 1990, fO(8) 2695 DHP SENSITIVE Ca++ channel DHP INSENSITIVE CA++ channel SOMATOSTATIN ACETYLCHOLINE Figure 9. Schematicre presentatioonf a mechanismfo r neuromodulationof transmitterr eleaseat the choroidn euront erminal. In this model, ACh and somatostatinar e containedin separateve siclesw ithin a varicosity of a choroidn eurona xon innervatingv asculars moothm uscleC. a2+ entry into the terminalt hrougha dihydropyridine-sensitivveo ltage-dependeCnta Z+c hannetlr iggerse xocytotic releaseof the endogenoupse ptide, somatostatinS. omatostatitnh enb indst o a receptors iteo n the membranew, hich activatesa pertussitso xin-sensitiveG TP-bindingp rotein( labeled G). The activated G moteinc ausesa decreasien conductancoef a voltage-activatedd, ihydropyridine-insensitivCea z+c hannel,e ither directly, within the membraneo, r, indirectly, by an unknowns econdm esseng(ebro x). The decreasien Ca2+e ntry throught he latter Ca2+c hannelle adsto an inhibition of exocytotic ACh releaseA.r row with plus sign indicatesa ctivation, arrow with minus sign indicatesin hibition. exogenously applied somatostatin increasest he neuronal firing elicited by applied ACh (Mantillas et al., 1986). Some of these Ca2+c hannels and the releaseo f ACh and somatostatin effectsc ould alsob e due to a postsynaptic action of somatostatin. If ACh and neuropeptidesa re separately releasedb y Ca*+ entry It is also of interest that somatostatin-containing neurons may through distinct channels,t hen thesec holinergic terminals must interact with intrinsic cholinergic systemsi n the cortex (Delfs contain at least 2 populations of voltage-dependent Ca2+c han- et al., 1984). Also, Alzheimer’s patients show a diminution of nels, DHP sensitivea nd DHP insensitive. This hasr ecently been cholinergic innervation and somatostatin levels (Davies, 1979; shown in an isolated presynaptic preparation (Lemos and No- Davies et al., 1980). We are far from explaining the many func- wycky, 1989) and in other preparations in which transmitter tions of somatostatin. Rather, the importance of these results releasei s measuredi ndirectly (Perney et al., 1986; Atchison and is in understanding the mechanismsb y which somatostatin is O’Leary, 1987). This is also true in the choroid coat, since a secretedi n the nervous system. DHP agoniste ffect is reversed by a DHP antagonist, providing strong support for the existenceo f DHP-sensitive Ca2+c hannels Colocalization of somatostatin and ACh in theset erminals. Likewise, the simultaneousp resenceo f Ca2+- The demonstration that somatostatin-like immunoreactivity is dependent, w-conotoxin-sensitive but DHP antagonist-insen- concentrated in the choroid region of the ganglion provides clear sitive transmitter releases upports the coexistence of DHP-in- evidence for colocalization of this peptide in cholinergic neu- sensitiveC a2+c hannels( at least under these conditions). Given rons. This is further supportedb y the similar patterns of staining the current uncertainty of the link between DHP sensitivity and for somatostatina nd neurofilament stainingi n the choroid (Gray L channels (seeP lummer et al., 1989) in neurons,i t is unclear et al., 1989b) and SV2 staining (a well-characterized antibody if the 2 populations of channels( DHP sensitivea nd insensitive) to synaptic vesicle antigen) (Buckley and Kelly, 1985) in this represent2 L-types, an N- and L-type, 2 N-types, or an entirely report. The EM photograph also showsd ense-corev esicles in new kind of voltage-dependentC a2+c hannel. Figure 9 is a sche- the samet erminal or releases ite as smaller, clear vesicles.T his matic representation of the mechanism of neuromodulation at small ratio of dense-corev esiclest o clear vesiclesc ould explain a choroid terminal which incorporates the findings from this the relatively faint somatostatin stain observedw hen compared report and from our earlier study (Gray et al., 1989b). In this with the cytoskeleton or SV2 antibodies, although there is no model, ACh and somatostatin are colocalized in the samen erve direct evidence yet that somatostatin is contained in the dense- process, which also contains both DHP-sensitive and -insen- core vesicles. sitive types of voltage-dependent Ca2+c hannels. Activation of 2696 Gray et al. * Ca*+ Channels and Modulation by Somatostatin DHP-sensitive channels allows inward Ca*+ flux that triggers Another concern involving the use of DHPs is their contro- somatostatin release from the terminal. This somatostatin binds versial efficacy in blocking L-type Ca2+ channels in many prep- to presynaptic receptors on its process, activating a G protein. arations (Hess et al., 1984; review by Miller, 1987; Bean, 1989a; The activation of this G protein (which is PTX sensitive) de- Plummer et al., 1989). Thus, the lack of antagonism of ACh creases Ca*+ flux through voltage-activated DHP-insensitive release by nifedipine may be construed as inadequate binding Ca*+ channels. This interaction between channel and regulatory of the drug to an L-like channel in the terminal, due to voltage protein may either be direct within the membrane or may in- dependence. This voltage-dependent binding affinity (Lee and volve a still unknown cellular second messenger (Gray et al., Tsien, 1983; Sanguinetti and Kass, 1984) has been used to ex- 1989b). Decreased Ca2+ entry through this channel leads to a plain the apparent lack of effect of DHP antagonists on trans- decrease in ACh release from terminals. Following this scheme mitter release in cultured ganglion cells (Holz et al., 1988). How- it is clear why Bay K 8644 activation of DHP-sensitive Ca2+ ever, for several reasons we do not favor this explanation. First, channels may lead to somatostatin release and thus local inhi- Holz et al. demonstrated that in cultured dorsal root ganglion bition of evoked ACh release. Conversely, antagonism of these neurons, high-K+-evoked transmitter release, in contrast to that channels by nifedipine decreases somatostatin release and thus evoked by electrical stimulation, is DHP sensitive, due to the enhances ACh release. The fact that further block of this path- sustained nature of the depolarization. Second, we have shown way with the somatostatin antagonist CyCam (added together previously that preincubation in 25 mM K+, O-Ca*+ Tyrodes, with the nifedipine) does not result in any further enhancement which might be expected to depolarize cells sufficiently to cause of ACh release also supports the suggestion that only DHP- enhanced binding of DHP (Sanguinetti and Kass, 1984) has no sensitive channels contribute to somatostatin release. effect on subsequent release ofACh (even with 50 PM nifedipine) The reason that Ca*+ influx into terminals through DHP-sen- (Hess et al., 1984; Gray et al., 1989b). Finally, when DHP- sitive channels does not trigger ACh release is unclear, but it sensitive channels are revealed by Bay K 8644 in the first minute may be that there are fewer DHP-sensitive channels than DHP- of ACh release, nifedipine indirectly affects ACh release without insensitive channels in the terminals or that there is selective a predepolarization step. In the inactivation experiment, a 0-CaZ+ localization of N-type channels close to the releasable ACh pool prepulse also “uncovers” a small amount of DHP-sensitive ACh (Augustine et al., 1987). These 2 alternatives are not necessarily release. Although we cannot speculate about Ca2+ channel ki- mutually exclusive. Our results and those of Atchison and netics from this study, we do interpret these results to dem- O’Leary (1987) on transmission at the rat neuromuscular junc- onstrate DHP-sensitive channels in this preparation. tion suggest the colocalization of DHP-insensitive and -sensitive channels in the terminals of each preparation but reinforce our Time course of endogenous somatostatin effect conclusion that it is primarily the DHP-insensitive channels The lack of any enhancing effect of nifedipine or other DHP that are involved in ACh release. This division of function has antagonists on ACh release (Table 1) was puzzling at first in also been demonstrated in sympathetic neuron cell bodies where light of our hypothesis that endogenous somatostatin was re- norepinephrine modulates somal transmitter release via N-like leased by Ca2+ entry via DHP-sensitive channels. At first we channels identified electrophysiologically (Lipscombe et al., concluded that somatostatin might not be released by high-K+ 1989). The increase in evoked ACh release in Figure 7A in the incubation without the addition of Bay K 8644. As demonstrat- presence of both Bay K 8644 and CyCam suggests that when ed in Figure 7A, however, it is only in the initial minute of the somatostatin’s effects are subtracted, increased calcium influx release period that an endogenous somatostatin effect can be through an L channel may enhance ACh release. However, it observed indirectly. If this initial minute is averaged with the must be noted that this apparent increase is not statistically next 3 min, the enhancement of ACh release is occluded (Fig. significant for these samples. 7A). These results, also seen with the somatostatin antagonist in the choroid, imply that the role of endogenous somatostatin DHPs and Ca2+ channel characterization is transitory (< 1 min) under this stimulation paradigm (Fig. Using DHP sensitivity as an assay for L-type CaZ+ channel 7A). There are several possible explanations for this transience. activity has recently come under criticism due to DHP binding First, the somatostatin may be released only during this time kinetics and effects of G protein activation. However, arguments period, or second, somatostatin may be inactivated soon after for nonspecific or incomplete action of DHPs (on L channels) release, or third, the effect of somatostatin itself may be tran- in the choroid appear to be unlikely for the following reasons. sitory. This last possibility has been shown by Bean (1989b) in An alternative explanation for the DHP agonist-induced in- cultured bullfrog dorsal root ganglion cells bodies, where depres- hibition of ACh release involves the possible “switching” of Bay sion of Ca2+ current by somatostatin relaxed back to control K 8644 to an antagonist. Previously, it was shown that acti- levels within 20-50 msec. However, in the choroid coat, ex- vation of G proteins could change the action of a DHP antag- ogenous somatostatin inhibits ACh release for over 6 min (Gray onist to that of a DHP agonist (Scott and Dolphin, 1987). We et al., 1989b). Another hypothesis is that somatostatin may considered that this conversion could be responsible for the inhibit Ca2+ entry through DHP-sensitive channels necessary reduction in ACh release induced by Bay K 8644 (acting now for its own release as well as channels responsible for ACh as an antagonist) instead of acting via release of somatostatin. release. Thus, somatostatin may be released in “waves” of 30 However, this possibility is remote since we show that the po- set or so, delimited in time by its own autoregulatory feedback, tential contribution of Ca2+ entry through L-type channels for freeing ACh release from inhibition until the next nerve stimulus ACh release is relatively small. Nevertheless, if this were the that is able to cause peptide release. However, there is no evi- case, addition to the superfusate ofa traditional DHP antagonist dence now to decide among these hypotheses. Finally, the com- should enhance the Bay K 8644 inhibitory effect. Quite to the plete lack of enhancement of ACh release with either nifedipine contrary, 10 PM nifedipine blocked the Bay K 8644 effect, in- or the somatostatin antagonist in the iris preparation (which dicating that Bay K 8644 was acting as an agonist (Fig. 8C). lacks somatostatin) strongly supports the role of somatostatin

on a Nikon Labophot microscope. Similar controls for photographed on 35 mm film, and reconstruction of the ganglion was done by projecting . D600 had no effect on K+-evoked release even at concentrations of 10 PM. 415-419. Nowycky MC, Fox AP, Tsien RW (1985) Three types of neuronal.
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