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E11r. J. Soil Biol. . 1\197. 33 (.I). 121)-140 Endemic and rare Collembola distribution in High Endemism Areas of South Portugal: A case study M. M. da Gama, J. P. Sousa, C. Ferreira and H. Barrocas Instituto Ambienle e Vida, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, 3000 Coimbra, Portugal Received September 30, 1997; accepted February 11, 1998. Abstract We studied the Collembola Populations from High Endemism Areas (HEA) in the Algarve (Portugal) in order to look for endemic or rare species and obtain information on the origin and maintenance of endemism in this region. Here, five well defined ecological areas have revealed good examples of endemicity mainly concerning Phanerogames but also several Arthropod groups. The overall analysis revealed three groups of sites among the studied areas: (a) Serra de Monch.ique, (b) coastal 'wee' biotopes (sale-marshes and dunes) and (c) other 'dry' coastal and inland sites (Sagres, Pinewood and Barrocal sites). In these areas we have found 15 endemic Collembolan species (8 species to Portugal and 7 to Iberian Peninsula) and 23 species not yet referred to Portugal (20 species) or to the Iberian Peninsula (3 species), which contribute to enhance the real biological value of these sites in terms of biodiversity conservation. © Elsevier, Paris Keywords: Collembola, High Endemism Areas, endemic species, AJgarve, South Portugal. Analyse de la disrribwio11 des especes endemiques ou rares de Collemboles dans des « High Endemism Areas » du Sud du Portugal, Algarve. Resume Les auteurs Ont etudie des populations de Collemboles provenant de « High Endemism Areas » (HEA) dans I' Algarve (Portugal) afin de chercher des especes endemiques ou rares et tacher d'obtenir des informations sur I"origine et le maintien de l'endemisme dans cette region. Cinq aires bien delimitees du point de vue ecologique ont revele de bons exemples d'endemisme, principalement ea ce qui concerne les Phanerogames et plusieurs groupes d' Arthropodes. L'analyse globale des resultats revele une separation nette de trois groupes de biotopes parmi les aires etudiees: les biotopes de la Serra de Moachique, les biotopes « humides » du littoral (marais et dunes) et les autres biotopes « sees » du littoral plus les biotopes de l'interieur (Sagres, bois de pins, Barrocal 94 et Barrocal 96). Dans ces biotopes nous avons trouve quinze especes endemiques de Collemboles (huit especes pour le Portugal et sept pour la Peninsule iberique) et vingt-trois especes qui n'ecaient pas encore mentionnees pour notre pays (vingc especes) ou pour la Peninsule iberique (trois especes), ce qui souligne la valeur biologique reelle de ces aires du point de vue de la conservation de la biodiversite. © Elsevier, Paris Mots-des : Collemboles, « High Endemism Areas », especes endemiques, Sud du Portugal, Algarve. INTRODUCTION to conserve typical species and sites as well as rare endemics (Samways, 1995). Biodiversity conservation is of growing concern among environmental scientists and public opinion. Endemic biota, which represent the most valuable Conservation of rare insect genetic material is essential and vulnerable elements of the fauna from a and particular attention should be given to those areas conservation perspective, are not considered of prime where endemism is high. It is also of general value importance in nature conservation (Deharveng, 1996): £11r. J. Soil Biul. . 1164-5~63/97/03/~ Elsevier. Paris 130 M. M. da Gama et al. the centres or entlemism locatctl in Western Europe an dficient tool for biodiversity assessment in soil arc not completely known. habitats (Deharveng, 1996). This study revealed a few rare or endemic species, Algarve, the southernmost province of Portugal. is in addition to species not yet cited to Portugal and a special zone of biodiversity in the Iberian Peninsula. will contribute to increase the real biological value of with several species or plants and animals endemic to this region. this region. Here. five well defined ecological areas have revealed gootl examples of endemicity chiefly concerning Phanerogames (Rocha Afonso, 199 J) but MATERIALS AND METHODS also Thysanura (Mendes, 1985, 1992), Coleoptern Cicindelidae (Horn, 1937; Serrano, 1988, 1995) and Homoptera Cicadoidea Tibicinidae (Soulard, I 982: Study sites Quartau. 1995). We analysed the Collembola populations from these Five areas were sampled, representing the major areas in order to look for endemic or rare species landscape units in the Algarve province, and chosen and obtain information regarding the origin and by the presence of several species of plants and maincenance of endemism in ,this region. Collembola insects endemic to this region (jig. I). In the Serra de are, together with the Oribatid mites, the most Monchique, Barrocal and Ria Formosa we considered abundant and diversified arthropods in soils. providing several biotopes (some sampled in different sites). _ ...... .....- ;. \.. :..:..\·~-- i : \: Porto / /" / Study areas and sampling sites f' I Coimbra.- / ) >Sagrcs Rhododendron >Serra de Monchique ----------1 Qucrcus subcr (I and 11) ~Lfsboa ( Qucrcus c:1naricn.sis > Darrocal luarrocal 9i I Eucalyptus spp. (I, II and Ill) ~Bmocal 96 Salt· marshes ---------1 >Ria Formosa Sand dunes Pincwood (I and II) > C.-istro ~brim Scrrade~ Moncbiquc Real de 5to Antonio 20 Km Sagrcs GJ • Sotavento arenoso (sandy) Serras de Monchique e Caldeirao D Barlavento arenoso (sandy) 0Barrocal Fi~urc I. - High Endemi'm Ar.:as CHEA) and ~ampling ~ites in the Algnrve. Eur. J. Soil Biol. Endemic and rare Colleml>ola distribution in South Portugal 131 whereas in the Penfnsula tie Sagres and Castro Marim is partially covered by sand dunes, salt-marshes and only one biotope was considered 1 Site botanical pine forest. Samples were taken at Quinta de Marim • characterization was based on plant identification in May 1995 and in March 1996. during visits to the field and in Rocha Afonso ( 1991 ). • In salt-marshes [Salt-marshes] the vegetation Pen{nsula de Sagres: [Sagres] a calcareous ~vas composed of Sparrina maririma, Sarcocco~nia dolomitic region in the south-west extreme of Algarve. )Jere1111is ssp. perennis, Halimione portulaco1des with cliffs ranging from 40 m high (Ponta de Sagres) (L.) Aellen, Mesembryanthemum nodifiorwn L. and to 70 m hi2h (Caba de S. Vicente). The area js Li111011iastrum monopetalum (L.) Boiss. covered by shrub anti herbaceous layers dominated by • Sand dunes [Dunes] had an abundant and diverse Cistus ladanifer L., Thymus camphoratus Hoffmanns vegetation composed of Spartina maritima (Curtis) & Link, an endemic species in southwestern Algarve, Fernald Juncus maritimus Lam., Suaeda albescens and Armeria pungens (Link) Hoffmanns & Link. Lazaro-Ibiza, Suaeda vera J. F. Gmelin, Sarcoccornia Serra de Monchique: the upper half of this mountain perennis (Mill.) A. J. Scott ssp. perennis, Parony~hia is predominantly syenitic, including Foia (902 m high), argentea Lam., Cistanche phelypaea (L.) P. Coutmho whereas the lower zone has a schistose nature. In this and Dittrichia viscosa (L.) W. Greuter ssp. revoluta massif, there are quite rare species of Phanerogames (Hoffmanns & Link) P. Silva & Tutin, an endemic of such as Rhododendron ponticum L. ssp. baeticum sandy places in Algarve. (Boiss. & Reuter) Hand.- Mazz.('Ibe1ian Rose Bay'), a • In pine stands, constituted by Pinus pinea L. relicrual endemic restricted to a few sites of Southern and P. pinaster Aiton, two sites were sampled: (1) Iberian Peninsula. Another important species above Pinus I [Pinewood I] had a shrub and herbaceous 400 m of altirude is the Monchique oak, Quercus layer composed chiefly of Euphorbia segetalis L., canariensis Willd., which presents a very restricted Cistus salvifolius L., Arum italicum Miller, Oxalis pes occurrence both in Portugal and in Spain. Serra de caprae L., Urginea maritima (L.) Baker and Halimium Monchique being its exclusive area in Portugal. halimijolium (L.) Willie, which is very common on The sampled biotopes were: Rhododendron pon littoral sands or in sandy places not far from the sea, ticum baeticwn [Rhododendron], Quercus canariensis m both in Barlavento and in Sotavento; (2) in Pinus II [Q. canariensis], Quercus suber [Q. suber I and [Pinewood II] the vegetation was less abundant and and Eucalypnts sp. [Eucalyptus I, II and III]. Almost composed mainly of Linaria spartea (L.) Hoffgg. & all sites (with the exception of Q. suber II) had shrub Link, Linum bienne Miller and Cisrus salvifolius L. and herbaceous layers composed mainly of Pteridium Reserva Natural do Sapal de Castro Marim: this aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, Cistus spp., Erica spp. and protected area of salt-marshes is located in the Viburnum tinus L. (on oak and eucalyptus sites). All south-east corner of the Algarve. Sampling in this eucalyptus sites were in second rotation and with .a biotope was carried out in May 1995 [C. Marim larae accumulation of leaves and bark on the soil "' 95] and in March 1996 [C. Marim 96]. During surface. this last sampling period. the vegetation cover v.:as Barrocal corresponds to a calcareous platform, abundant and diverse, with a large number of species bordered at the southern littoral by the sandy zone not characteristic of this type of habitat. It was of the Barlavento and the Sotavento. Samples were composed mainly of Chamaemelum fuscatum (Brot.) taken at Carvoeiro, near Farol de Alfanzina, and at a Vase., Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen, Oxalis place located between the villages of Alte and Salir pes-caprae L., Sarcoccornia perennis (Mill.) A. J. (see fig. 1): Scott. ssp. alpini (Lag.) Castr., Plancago coronopus • In the first biotope [Barrocal 94] ·the shrub and L., Cistus monspeliensis L., Lythrum junceum Banks herbaceous layers were composed mainly of Pistacia & Solander, Juncus buffonius L., Triglochin maritima lenriscus L. and Chamaerops humilis L., the dwarf fan L., Amophila arenaria (L.) Link ssp. arundina~ea H. palm, found frequently in the Barrocal. Lindb. and Limoniastrum monopetalum (L.) Bo1ss. • In the second biotope [Barrocal 96] the samples were taken mainly around Ceratonia siliqua L. (carob tree). one of the most characteristic trees Sampling and soil analysis of the Mediterranean region, with a rich shrub and herbaceous layer of Pistacia lentiscus L., Daphne Sampling was carried out on several occasions gnidium L., Cistus albidus L.~ C.. monspeliensis ~· between J 994 and 1996. In each biotope several points and Phlomis purpurea L., which 111 the Algarve is (7-29) were randomly selected and at each point two found only in the Barrocal. 250 cm3 samples were taken (one in the organic Parque Natural tla Ria Formosa is a protected horizon and another in the mineral horizon); (surface coastal area in tht! south-east of the Algarve, and area $ 100 cm2). When litter was absent, we took only one sample of 500 cm3. After the fauna! extraction (Berlese-Tullgren fun I. Designation of the biotopes and sites sampkLI in each of the five nels, I week), the air-dried samples were charac area> (name~ used in tabk~ and figures) appear in brackets. terized: pH was measured in water (1/6 v:v) at Vol. 33. n" 3 - 1<>'17 132 . M. M. da Gama et al. 20°C; water content was measured according Lo terms of water, organic matter and nutrient contents Dewis & Freitas ( 1984) and expressed in terms (table 1) . This is particularly evident in the mineral of percentage of water in relation Lo dry mass at horizon and can be explained by the structure and I 05°C; organic matll.:r content was expressed as Ash composition of the vegetation cover and the extent Free Dry Weight: carbon and nitrogen contents were of the biological processes on soil formation. In fact, determined, respectively, by Anne's and Kjeldahl's .inland habitats (Serra de Monchique and Barrocal) methods (Dewis & Freitas, 1984). Physical and are woodlands with herbaceous, shrub and arboreous chemical characterization is represented in table I. layers. with litter accumulation on the soil surface, Due to non significant differences among measured whereas most of the coastal habitats only present parameters at the different sites of Pinewood, C. herbaceous and shrub layers standing in a poor sandy Marim, Q. subcr and Eucalyptus, the values were or rockv substrate. The fact that some of these sites are pooled. periodically flooded (with continuous removal of plant debris) may also contribute to the poor incorporation of organic matter into the soil. Data analysis In terms of Collembola, a total of 30203 specimens, belonging to 174 taxa, were identified in the five Differences in community . compos1tton of each sampling areas. biotope were evaluated using both diversity and Rhododendron had the highest collembola abun multivariate analysis. Prior to analysis, in order to dance of all sites, with a mean number of 504.1 establish comparisons between sites, data were fooled individuals per sampling unit (table 2). There was on those points where two samples of 250 cm were a decreasing gradient in terms of abundance from taken, making an equal sample size of 500 cm3 for the other inland biotopes to the coastal sites (C. all sites. Marim 95 and 96, Salt-Marshes and even Sagres). In the first level of analysis, the indices of diversity The mean number of taxa followed a similar pattern. (Shannon-Weaver), evenness and species richness This gradient seems to be related to soil physical and (Margalef) were calculated for each site (Magurran, chemical characteristics (table l); a higher number of 1991). In the second level of data treatment, a individuals and taxa per sample occurred on sites with Correspondence Analysis (CA) was applied to the higher ,·alues of soil water, organic matter, carbon global data matrix (16 sites vs. 174 taxa). Prior to the and nitro2en contents in the mineral horizon. This is analysis, and in order to correct for differences in the consistent with published information relating higher number of samples taken at each site, the values were abundance and species richness of Collembola with expressed in terms of mean number of individuals per humid environments and sites with higher organic volume unit. matter content (Rusek, 1989). A different gradient in species diversity was observed. Although Q. canariensis site had the highest RESULTS value. the coastal biotopes (Sagres and sites from Ria Formosa) had, in general, higher values of species From the chemical data, a noticeable difference diversity. The exception is the salt-marsh biotope is observed between coastal and inland habitats in from C. Marim; the low diversity values obtained Table l. - Physical and chemical characteristics of soil in the sampling areas (a\'erage ± SD). Rt. Fonnosa St:rr11 de .MonchJqur: 5-d SaltManhet Detna rt..ewood C.~tarim 8'r•ucal Q.Hbcr Q.ouaarinsis Rbododt.adroa Eoc:alYJ1l•.t Orw;aakhoril.. pll 701..091 () 7.n:0.24 S.(J(n0.25 S.96.0J8 S.SOz0.13 6.IS.OA9 Watcrt'\il b..3J1-l.41 9_1'o£3.38 13.67<2.55 I0.71U.JS IQ.Ja4.l I 14.56.LBO Ore. M°'utr,~) 28.821-1170 J9_8"',a13~ 60.JS.11.34 -12..8.b-11..19 4400.17.51 70.01%9.19 C'arboo t'tl 19.~(I? 39.J2.t:7.94 '26.~785 27.'lOzl 1.9') Ni1ro1cn ('LI 0.48&13 I 12&.29 0.92~1 0.91:t0.27 C'N rauo 41.7'.u.14o0 J7.21&:14.C>I 30.J0.951 J6.l'h7.22 Mlnr:nilhorh.. pll 8.~dl47 7~ 6.69.o.9" 6.6'1.0.59 6 45.0.94 7~.-0 6.I0.1.0.29 6.16s0.?3 b.07&2t 6.2A<-0.28 \\'.ttC"r("7) l.4J1tl~ 7.70±3.?R 012±0.~1 0 !ll!.0•2 2...S.S:tl.l.J s !)',.2.1'2 7.49.zl 72 6.78'2.2.9 8.31.J.08 Ori. \1at1r_rf'f,.) B.JhJ22 9 l.S.707 2.°'"'1.2" .. ?2*.2..'¥7 6.lh2.--40 17.:i'i'..8'>4 ?6.47.JLIO 17.00z.!JlO 2J6'h7.7? 31 7S.IO.G9 C.irli.\ll('t.l 6.lhl.SH J.JJU.c.l 0.'Xh0.49 2 21tcl 7 2.I0.1.'18:? 6.~Z..)10 14GO..i96 a9S&l.s.i tl.27.J &5 21 ZS..962 f'lollrulCnCC\J 0.27.<J09 0.2S:d> 19 Ull!.O.US 012..0.07 0.U.U.09 O.f2..tti!J.I() 0 61. .0.2 O.J8.00H 0.73.0.:!ll 0.6.-0.26 CJN rauo ?2.11,..d76 10.87•1 ~3 13.S'h7.JU 1777.J_'\l 9.S.S.t.81 1s 11..i.<>'J 2-1.Jl..S.IO :?4Sl.&.S..7ll 16.74.zl (>1 30.J'h4.5J SfJ'tlS.: N11mbr:1 of gmpfu per ~A.dpe as IQ T•hlc: JI Eur. J. Soll Biol. Endemic and rare Collcmbola distribution in South Portugal 133 during both sampling periods arc due either to lhc low of proximity between Sagres and Barrocal 94 is higher or number taxa (C. Marim 95) or to low evenness (C. than between Sagres and Barrocal 96, which could be Marim 96). Inside Serra de Monchiquc, the diversity in mainly due to the greater presence of Cryptopygus Eucalyptus 111 seems nol to fit the general pattern, e.g. debi/is in the first two sites (see Annex). lower diversity for the allochthonoi.1s biotopes. The . The position of C. Marim 96 together with these reason for this is related to the increase in evenness \dry' biotopes could be attributed to the exclusive (when compared to the other eucalyptus sites) and presence of Hypogasrrura a/finis in C. Marim 96 not to a difference in species number. In general, the and Barrocal 96 and to the significant abundance diversity values in all sites seem to be more influenced of Proisotoma minuta in these two sites. Also the by the distribution of individuals among the different frequency of Cryptopygus rhennophilus in these two taxa rather than by species number. sites and in Barrocal 94 may contribute to bring these A parallel between species diversity and species biotopes together (see Annex). richness values is not so linear. Richness is strongly The species diagram of the Correspondence dependent on the number of taxa which in turn is Analysis also discriminates taxa associated to sites related to the number of samples taken. However, (jig. 3). On the right side of the first axis are the with the exception of Sagres, and the eucalyptus sites most representative taxa associated with the biotopes in Serra de Monchique, the highest species richness from Serra de Monchique. Five subgroups can be occurred also in the inland biotopes. discriminated: Correspondence Analysis (CA; fig. 2) defined three • The first subgroup (designated General) is groups. The first group includes all Serra de composed mainly of those taxa that are also well Monchique biotopes; axis 2 separates Eucalyptus I represented in other biotopes, showing either: (I) and Eucalyptus II from Eucalyptus IIl, which is more higher abundance: Pseudachorudina bougisi, Jso closely related to the other biotopes, especially to tomiella minor, Parisoroma notabilis and Heteromurus Q. canariensis and Rhododendron. This fact may be major (in Barrocal 1996) and Cryptopygus debilis explained by the relative abundance of Cerarophysella (in Pinewood II, Sagres and Barrocal 1994)2; or gibbosa and Pseudachorudina bougisi in these three (2) the same degree of abundance (Ceratophysella sites and of Proisoroma minuta in Eucalyptus III gibbosa, Sphaeridia pumilis and Xenylla brevisimilis and Quercus canariensis. The association between mediterranea). Cryptopygus debilis was not yet Eucalyptus I and Eucalyptus II may be related referred to PortugaJ (rable 4). mainly to the high abundance of Xenylla brevisimilis • The second subgroup (designated by Quercus mediterranea in these stands (see Annex). sites + Rhododendron) is represented by taxa The second group includes Pinewoods I and TI, that occur mainly on these biotopes, being very Sae:res, Barrocal 94 and 96 and Castro Marim 96. sporadic in a few biotopes out of Serra de which is separated from the third group (the 'wet' Monchique. Dewonura atlantica, an endemic to coastal habitats: C. Marim 95, Salt-marshes and Portugal and the Iberian endemic Lepidocyrtus Dunes) by axis 2. The second and thjrd groups are lusitanicus (table 3) are important species in this separated from the Serra de Monchique by axis 1. group. Friesea decipiens, Folsomides navacerradensis In the second group, there is an association among the Pinewood, Sagres and Barrocal 94 and 96 sites. The e:reat abundance of X. brevisimilis mediterranea 2. II is important to note that the presence of this species, in Sagres, Barrocal 94 and Barrocal 96, may explain characteristic of mountain beech forest from Pyrenees, in the similarity among these sites. However, the degree several siies of Algarve remains a puzzling question. Table 2. - Abundance of Collembola species in the five areas studied. Diversity indicators for all biolopes shown. Serra de Mone hi que Ria Formosa Tm:o Sagrct Rhod. Q.can Q.1ubcr I Q.•ubcr n Euc. I Euc If Euc. Ill B;;a_rr 9J. Barr. 96 ~t-manhcs Dunes Pine! Pin< ff C.~lu. 95 C.Mai: 96 Number or samplts 20 7 4 4 4 4 9 20 10 3 29 22 TolJll abundance 1763 3529 2056 2106 1m 865 1902 486 1799 8865 188 1499 966 522 218 1442 Numbtr ofTaxa SI 45 46 41 37 21 23 25 30 49 20 29 29 27 13 31 Aver~e abundance 88.15 ~14 257.0 421.2 499.25 2162.S -175.5 121.5 199.89 443.2.S 2089 l-19.9 1932 1740 7..52 6S.55 Averqe numb<r of Tan 95 22.14 16.2.S 21.0 21.5 95 1075 14 75 94-1 14 95 456 S.I 11.8 13.67 131 4.545 Olverslly (H') 3 27 256 3.48 2.66 2.68 1.73 1.69 345 3.22 2.57 3.25 3.25 3.03 3.46 2..58 2.65 Evenness 056 0.47 0.63 0.49 0.52 039 038 07-1 066 046 0.15 0.67 0.62 073 0.69 0.53 Rlthnus (D) 7.49 5.39 5.89 S23 474 2.96 2.91 3.88 3.87 5.28 363 3.83 4.07 4.16 2.23 4.12 NOTE Eich nmplc connpondil 10 500cm' of IOil So, number or individuals pr;r SOOem' is indic:::utd u avcf2~ ibundancc. Vol. 33. 11° 3 - I 91J7 134 M. M. da Gama et al. AXIS 2 (12.51%) 5.5 5 4.5 C.Marim 95 4 Salt-Marshes 3.5 3 Dunes 2.5 2 1.5 Euc I 0.5 Euc II Q.s 1 0 ~----· --· --- ·Euc-~s 11 - --Rhod. Sagres -0.5 C.Marim 96 Barr. 94 Qc Pine II Barr.96 -1 Pine I -1.5 o.s -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1 .5 -1 -0.5 0 1.5 AXIS 1 (13.81 %) Figure 2. - Projection of the study sites in the 1-2 factorial plan of the correspondence analysis performed with the overall data matrix. x2 distances were calculated over average abundances. Table 3. - Ponuguese or Iberian endemic species from High Table 4. - Species from High Endemism Areas (HEA) in Algarve Endemism Areas (HEA) in Algarve. referred to Ponugal or to the Iberian Peninsula for the first time. Portuguese endemics lst citat.ioo for Portugal DeuJortUTa allantico Debarvcng, 1982 Friesea decipiens Steiner. 1958 Mesaphorura sp.2 Odoniellina bisuosa Sclga. 1963 Mtsaphorura sp.3 Microgasuura minutissima Mills, I 934 Proisotoma co.:ca Gama. 1961 ProtaphcrumjimaJa Gisin. 1952 Proisatoma gisitu Gama. 1964 Fissuraphorura gisim Sclga, 1963 Pseudos&1</la sp. Mesaphorum criJica Ellis, 1976 Troglopuidts cavemiccla Delamare, 1944 Mesaphorura jlbrae Stm6n & Luci@ez. 1994 Willowsia sp. Mesapltarura hylopllila Rusek. 1982 Muaphorura denisi S1m6o, 1985 Iberian endemics Soapl10phorura arenmw Petersen. 1965 Microgasrrura sensi/iaJa Jordana. 1981 Archisctomo rnterstitialis Delamare. 1954 Gamadwrutes YUJUCOSus Cassagnau. 1978 Cryptopygus debilis Cassagoau. 1959 Mesaphorum arbeai Simm & Luciaru:z, 1994 Cryptopygus pot~ Stach. 1947 Mesaphorurajloroe Simoo & Luc,..ntz, 1994 FolscmUUs TllJWlarradensis Selga, 1962 Mesaphorura sp. I Folsomides xerophilus FjeUbcrg. I 993 upidocyrrus lusilanicus Gama, 1964 Folsontida paccsensillatus FjeUbcrg, 1993 upidoeyrruJ telleciwu Arbca & Jordana. 1990 Entomobrya hondschini Stach, 1922 upidacymu le//ecili!M Arbca & Jordan.a. 1990 i\rrhopalitts microphJhDJmus Cassagoau & Delamare. 1953 Swwgnalhellus denisi Cassagruiu. I 953 lst citation for tbe Iberian Peninsula and Stenognarhellus denisi were recorded for the first time to Portugal (table 4). Frnscaaamunala Denis. 1925 Fnesca stachi Kscnernan. 1936 • The seven species which compose the third OnychiJJML< p<~trans Gisin, 1952 subgroup appear in Eucalyptus sites, but are also represented in Quercus and very rarely in other Eur. J. Soil Biol. Endemic and rare Collembola distribution in South Portugal 135 AXIS2 - i .. \I... ________:"·_. .. ·_-.._. _j ~. ·• ·3 ·2 ·1 0 AlCISl AXIS2 (12.51%) 0.5 2 Zoom bol Fm TJI! 0 :iucT"u Fp Lte Rhododendron -0.S group ·0.5 Barrocal96 Pinewood II ......._ ._. .............~ ~~~~_._~~~~_._. .............~ ~~~ -1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 AXIS 1 (13.81%) ·1 Zoom ·1.5 ______. __.__._...__.__..__..__.__.__.__.__.__._...__. ·1.8 -1.4 ·1.2 ·1 -0.8 Figure 3. - Projection of Lhe mosl representative taxa in the 1-2 factorial pl~-;;f the correspondence analysis performed with the overall data matrix. x2 distances were calculated over average abundances. Underlined names correspond to subgroups from the Serra de Monchique area. resulting from the correspondence analysis (in some cases subgroup names may be similar to biotope names). biotopes. Among these species, Pseudachorutes • The fifth subgroup of Serra de Monchique parvulus, Mesaphorura sp. 3, Mesaphorura critica, includes some species, from which Onychiurus Mesaphorura sp. 2 and Mesaphorura yosii are pseudostachianus, Entomobrya albocincta, Cryptopy dominant in Eucalyptus ill. Onychiurus penetrans, gus sphagneticola, Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus and found for the first time in Portugal, as well as M. Pseudosinella sp. appear exclusively in Q. canariensis critica, is exclusive to this site. Mesaphorura sp. 2 sire (the last three species are not represented in the CA and Mesaphorura sp. 3 are probably endemic to diagram). Folsomia candida is the dominant species Portugal. Proisotoma coeca (not represented in the with 581 individuals. CA diagram) is endemic to Portugal and is exclusive On the left side of the species CA diagram (fig. 3) of Eucalyptus I. Mesaphorura arbeai (not indicated the second axis separates the 'wet' biotopes in the in the CA diagram), present mainly in Eucalyptus II upper comer (C. Marim 95, Salt-Marshes and Dunes) and Quercus, is an Iberian endemic. Microgastrura from the 'dry' coastal and inland sites in the lower sensil/ata is also an Iberian endemic which occurred comer (Sagres, Barrocal 94 and 96, Pinewoods I and mainly in Eucalyptus ill and in Quercus sites (table 3). II and C. Marim 96). • The taxa of the fourth subgroup show a marked In this last group, among the species occurring preference for Rhododendron, Tetracanthella proxima in Sagres, Folsomides pocosensillatus, F. xerophilus, being the most abundant species, represented here by Mesaphorura florae, Mesaphorura sp. 1 (two Iberian 2025 individuals. Lepidocyrtus paradoxus, Willowsia endemic; table 3), Entomobrya handschini and Ar sp., Pogonognathellus flavescens (not indicated in the rhopalites microphthalmus are for the first time CA diagram) and the Iberian endemic Lepidocyrtus recorded to Portuguese fauna (table 4) (the last four tellecheae are exclusive of this biotope. Xenylla species are not represented in the CA diagram). schillei, Fissuraphorura gisini and Tomocerus vulgaris In Barreca] 94, located in a coastal area (Carvoeiro, (also included in this subgroup) are equally represented near Faro) de Alfanzina), Stenacidia hystrix is, among in Q. canariensis but in low numbers. Fissuraphorura the exclusive species of this sire, an interesting and gisini and Lepidocyrtus te/lecheae are reported for the rare Mediterranean species. Barrocal 96, located inland first time to Portuguese fauna (table 4); this recently (between Alte and Salir), includes 8 exclusive species; described species, has a distribution ranging from among them are Metaphorura denisi, the dominant Navarra to the Algarve. <;pecies represented by 266 individuals, Friesea stachi, Vol. 33. n° 3 . 1997 136 M. M. da Gama et al. Willmvsia sp. (probably endemit:. not indicated in DISCUSSION the diagram) and Troglopedetes cf. ca1·emicola. This last species has a special interest because it is an The overall data analysis shows a separation of three endemic species previously found only in caves in groups of sites among the studied areas: the biotopes the south of Portugal (table 3). Metap/10rura denisi of Serra de Monchique, coastal 'wet' biotopes (Salt and Microgas1r1m1111inwissi111a (not represented in the marshes and Dunes) and the other 'dry' coastal or diagram) are recorded for the first lime Lo Portugal and inland sites (Sagres, Pinewood and Barrocal sites). Friesea stachi to the Iberian Peninsula. Gamachorutes The only site which seems not to fit is C. Marim 96; verrncos11s, also found in Pinewood I, is a very this biotope appears not to be associated with coastal interesting Iberian endemic species, which appears sites, but is included in the group composed of Sagres, for the first time since its original description in Pinewood sites and both Barrocal biotopes. This fact 1978, based on individuals from Algarve, Malaga and may be explained by the rich and diverse vegetation Cordoba. On a preliminary sampling, carried out in cover in Spring 1996, when sampling was carried out. this site in 1994 (not included in this study), we found This separation of different fauna! spectra, and its the species Odontellina bisetosa, an Iberian species relation to the different habitat types, enhances the found for the first time in our fauna. importance of these areas in terms of biodiversity conservation. The number of new species (table 4) The majority of taxa foupd in Pinewood II are and the number of rare or endemic species exclusive of this biotope. Cl)rptopyg11s ponticus is (table 3) helps in this aim. In fact, all the studied referred for the first time to Portugal (table 4) and biotopes had species endemic to Portugal or to Proisotoma gisini is an endemic species to Portugal the Iberian Peninsula; among them, we emphasize (table 3). Pinewood I also presents some exclusive species such as Deutonura atlantica, Lepidocyrtus species, but not as interesting as Pinewood II (see lusitanicus and L. tellecheae occurring in Serra Annex). de Monchique, or even Troglopedetes cavemicola, Most of the taxa occurring in salt-marshes of C. which appeared exclusively in Barrocal 96; this last Marim 96 are not characteristic of this biotope. In fact, species is of special interest because, according to in the CA diagram, this biotope is associated with the Deharveng (pers. comm.), it must be considered as a 'dry' biotopes rather than the ·wet' coastal habitats in paleoendernic species daring from warmer periods of the upper left comer (fig. 3). This may be explained by the Tertiary. Another interesting species is the Iberian the rich and diverse vegetation cover in Spring 1996 endemic Gamachorutes verrucosus, almost exclusive during the sampling period. leading to the appearance to Barrocal 96. of species not characteristic of this biotope. Among Among other species cited for the first time these taxa is a new species of Pseudosinella (Pse 3. in Portugal or the Iberian Peninsula, some are not represented in the diagram), probably endemic characteristic of littoral and lagoon-side habitats to Algarve (table 3) and Friesea ladeiroi (also found (Archisotoma interstitialis found in Dunes of Ria in Pinewood I and Barrocal 94), known only from Formosa and in C. Marim 95, Friesea acuminata continental Portugal and Madeira Island. in Dunes and Salt-marshes, and Scaphaphorura From the 'wet' coastal biotopes, we highlight arenaria in Dunes and Sagres) and other interesting the species Anurida maritima, Bourletiella sp., species like Clyptopygus debilis, considered until now Entomobrya sp. and Axelsonia littoralis exclusive for endemic to beech forest from the French Pyrenees C. Marim 95; the last species appears also in dunes in (Deharveng, 1996), but present in almost all biotopes low abundance. Among the species from salt-marshes in the Algarve. We also recorded the presence is Proisotoma ripicola which occurs normally in sandy of Folsomides xerophilus and F. ·pocosensillatus, soils near water margins and Mesaphorura hylophila, two species described recently from Canary Islands also found in Sagres, here cited for the first time in (Fjellberg, I 993) and Fissuraphorura gisini known Portugal (table 4). Most of the species occurring in from Spain and Canary Islands until now. Sand dunes biotope are characteristic of littoral and Each study site supports a great variety of Collem lagoon-side habitats: Archisotoma interstitialis (also bola species and also interesting species from other in found in C. Marim 95), Friesea acuminata (also vertebrate groups and plants. However, we would like found in Salt-marshes), Scaphaphorura arenaria (also to highlight the Serra de Moncbique area, particularly found in Sagres), Paraxenylla affiniformis, Proisoroma those biotopes dominated by Rhododendron ponticum schoetti (also found in Salt-marshes and C. Marim baeticum, a relictual endemic shrub, occurring in 96), lsotoma maritima meridionalis and Sminthurides Portugal only in this mountain and in the mountain of malmgreni (not figured in the diagram). The first Caramulo, and also the biotope dominated by Quercus three species arc for the first time cited to Portugal canariensis, which equally presents a very restricted in addition to Protaphornra fimata, exclusive to this occurrence both in Portugal and in Spain, Serra de site (table 4). The presence of Paraxenylla affiniformis Monchique being its exclusive area (Rocha Afonso, here and in C. Marim 95 increases the distribution area 1991 ). In terms of abundance, species diversity and of this species which some years ago was restricted species richness, the highest values are in general to the Balkans. presented by these two biotopes. The great number of Eur. J. Soil Biol. Endemic and rare Collcmbola distribution in South Portugal 137 Collcmbola endemic species (table 3) present in this Reinforcing the idea that endemic or rare biota 'continental island' reinforces this position. represent, from a conservation perspective, the most All five areas are constantly being threatened by valuable and vulnerable element of the fauna implies several stress factors such as reafforestation with that high endemism areas should therefore be exotic species (Eucalyptus is a critical problem in considered a priority for conservation (Deharveng, Serra de Monchique), forest fires and by uncontrolled · 1996). It is our aim to make the data from this touristic development (a serious threat in coastal study available both to the scientific community areas). In face of this situation, well established and to the competent authorities dealing with nature conservation plans are needed to avoid habitat conservation in Portugal. Recommendations will be degradation and local loss of biological diversity. It made to preserve or restore the biological richness makes no sense to preserve habitats without protecting those species living there. Often regarded as different of these areas, encouraging the adoption of protective perspectives, habitat and species conservation must measures and the creation of research plans without be requirements acting mutually in a well balanced neglecting the necessity to continue their systematic conservation plan. inventory. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the European Union as a part of the research project 'High Endemism Areas, Endemic Biota and the Conservation of Biodiversity in Western Europe' ( 1995-1997) integrated in the Environment and Climate progranune. We are much indebted to several colleagues and friends who have helped us in diverse ways: Prof. C. S. Benito (identification of Mesaphorura species); Profs L. Mendes, J.A. Quartau and A. Serrano (information on endemic taxa from other groups); Dr J. Paiva (identification of plants); Dr A. Moura and Prof. L. Mendes (local guidance and selection of sampling sites). We are grateful to Prof. M. A. Grai;:a for his critical comments and revision of the manuscript and also to the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. REFERENCES Bou lard M. ( 1982). - Les cigales du Portugal, contribution Mendes L. (1992). - New data on the Thysanuran a leur etude (Hom. Cicadidae). Annis Soc. em. Fr. (N.S.). (Microcoryphia and Zygemoma: Insecta) from the 18 (2), 181-198. Guadiana River Valley in Algarve (Portugal). Arqs Mus. Deharveng L. ( 1996). - Soil Collembola diversity. Bocage N.S., 2 (13), 275-286. endemism, and reforestation: a case study in the Pyrenees Quartau J. A. (1995). - Cigarras, esses insectos quase (France). Conservation Biology, 10 (1), 74-84. desconhecidos. Correia da Nacureza, 19, 33-38. Dewis J. & Freitas F. (1984). - Physical and chemical Rocha Afonso M. L. 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Cuagnou. 19S4 Clc Jlwolf'JltlUO •./fbdl C.-gnou, 19S4 12 II Hvc Jl>po,..,,,,.,.wrna11s C:.rl, 1901 4 Mmi Mlaor1Utrurr11niUIJJtM Mill>, 1934 3 14 Moc Mla.,..nrwamoOlalo Jordlna, 1981 Micl Mia.,.,,,_ juv. (SaJt.manha) 4 Mic2 AllaorlUlrwa juv. (Plncwood I) N P"""°""4o/ftnl/onn1J StlCh. 1929 96 16 Win Wlil<ml<t lnlt"""1'2 Mill>, l!n-1 Xbc JCOfJll• /Jrtv1sllnllu mallkrronta Gama. 1964 339 S8 249 496 4)0 ~ 3SO Jeng X<nyl/4 marlUma TullbclJ. 1869 137 l30 4 x., .1Cmyl4uclllltl BOmcr. 19al 4 Xu ICmyllalo,,,,._ AMl-1903 Xoc XmyU.,..nrwaoaooUala Stcincr, l~S 3 162 38 411 70 °"""' Beu Bradrynomdlo omn. 1943 10 Bpa BrodryJIOlfldla parvu/• S<hllTcr, 1896 Ama _ _..... Oucria, 11138 4 &u Blobdla-a c:...,U, 1912 2 8 3 4 123 llal Dtulonwa """"1tca DclwV<n~ 1982 25 II 8 4 Fx F'rtam .,_.-. Denis. l 92S 30 Fdc l'lia•1uxcp1rn.J SlcinCT, I~ 80 S9 Aa ,.,.,.,.,, la«lrol o.m. . 19S9 16 31 Fmi FrltuD-IJ Tull~ 1871 17 101 "' Frl<stla :rtad>J Kxn<UWI. 1936 IS CM: GGlftadianda """""- C.S..gnau, 1978 13 Micrl Mknnrila (2+2cya)11P.I 12 13 3 9 Mi<12 Mlaanuldo (2+2 cya) IJ>. l 4 Nca Noanua 1J>. (Q.llUbc• I) Pbo P>....i..diorvdlha b..qul Dclumn, 19Sl 270 290 S6 63 4S SS 80 349 s Ppol htl<drJdvJn4o pobnioull BOmcr. 19<8 24 Ppor htJldadtonlo panvha Bi!lncr. 1901 l II Plu htl<drJdvJn4o sub<rrusJa Tullbcrr. 1871 3S Pxl PJ°""""""4o sp. {PIO<WOO<l I) Plc2 h~o.,,.(s.gra) 19 Px3 h""""'"""4o .,,. (BIZTO<al 96) Fpj F/JJwapllonlagu1111 Seip. 1963 Mu Moapltl!rwo arbtnt Simlln 4 Ludtlln. 1994 12 Meo Moaplt.onlra 1J>. I I Mcr Moapliavraalliaz ~Ua,1976 8 Mf1 Moaphavru}onu Simdn 4 Lucii11n. 1994 Mhy IJoapltl!rwo /ryl<plliJD RL OCI<. lll8l 4 Mi• Moapliavro 1J>. 2 23 Mtr /Joaphavrul:rwabaurl BOmcr, 1901 Mma /Joaplwrvro .,,. 3 4 4 II Mm>< Moap/wnlTalrlQaodiadO RLOCk. 1976 II 13 6 II 16 70 Myo /Joaplwrvro 1"'11 RLOCI<. 1967 II M<al /Joap/lavro .... (Duna) 14 M<lll IJOIJ{lliatvra sp. (Plne""""1 I) 40 M<a3 Moapliavro 1J>. (Pincwood 11) 34 M<l4 Moaphavru sp. (C. Marim 96) 19S Mus Moap/wnlT• •I' (Bam>eal 94) Mu6 Muaphaura sp. (Bam>eal 96) 222 MaC MtUploonlO ajftob Bilm<r, 1903 S3 M<t /Jd4p/ttlnra """""'°''" ' SUndn. 198S 266 Od OnyclWna .. Ginn. 19S2 Oin Onyc/Wna """"""" a.ma. 19S2 S2 II Op< O~rr~JdoOMinal,l.l.l-,1-~2 16 Ops Gimn.1956 2S Pea PanauJ1""1'2 <Dllil>nOI BOmcr, 1903 3 Par! Praoplranla ..- Tull~ 1869 4 s Parl PrOIDpltDnl•ar. ....... 19 Pfi PrOlaplvwwaff-Ja ()l,jn. 19S2 68 Pz;, ~•rb.., H>yb&<h. 1960 44 Su Scopltap/l<ruraartnarfa Pctcncn. 1965 13 12 Squ Sknap"°""" f""drop(n> Bllrncr, 1901 Eur. J. Soil Biol.

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