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Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences PDF

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Preview Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences

Editors MichaelJ.Aminoff School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, California Robert B. Daroff University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio Associate Editors BruceO. Berg Hiroshi Mitsumoto UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco ColumbiaPresbyterianMedicalCenter NewYork,NY Sudhansu Chokroverty MarkJ.Morrow St.Vincent’sHospitalandMedicalCenter NewYork,NY HattiesburgClinic,Hattiesburg,Mississippi LisaM.DeAngelis WilliamJ.Powers MemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter WashingtonUniversitySchoolofMedicine NewYork,NY St.Louis,Missouri ColinP.Derdeyn Stefan M.Pulst WashingtonUniversitySchoolofMedicine CedarsSinaiMedicalCenter St.Louis,Missouri LosAngeles,California JeromeEngel,Jr. RichardRansohoff ReedNeurologicalResearchCenter ClevelandClinicFoundation LosAngeles,California JamesL.Roberts Christopher G. Goetz UniversityofTexasHealthScienceCenter Rush-Presbyterian-St.Luke’sMedical SanAntonio,Texas Center,Chicago,Illinois KarenL.Roos David A.Greenberg IndianaUniversitySchoolofMedicine BuckInstituteforAgeResearch Indianapolis,Indiana Novato,California Marylou V. Solbrig DarylGress UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco RobertF.Spetzler NathanielKatz BarrowNeurosurgicalAssociates,Ltd. Phoenix,Arizona PainManagementCenter,BrighamandWomen’s Hospital,Boston,Massachusetts LowellTong UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco JohnF. Kurtzke GeorgetownUniversity(emeritus)and KennethL.Tyler VeteransAdministrationMedicalCenter UniversityofColoradoHealthSciencesCenter Washington,DC Denver,Colorado JosephC. Masdeu K.Michael Welch UniversityofNavarreMedicalSchool FinchUniversityofHealthSciences Navarre,Spain ChicagoMedicalSchool,Chicago,Illinois BruceL.Miller G. BryanYoung UniversityofCalifornia,SanFrancisco VictoriaHospital,London,Ontario Preface DURING the past 25 years, remarkable advances detailed background knowledge in the subject have occurred in the clinical sciences of neurology, matter. The entries are not intended for those neurosurgery, and psychiatry, as well as the many working directly in the field under consideration, different branches of the clinical and basic neuro- butratherforindividualsfromotherdisciplineswho sciences that impact on these fields. Because of the wish to gain an understanding of the subjects. pace of these advances, those not engaged in a Studentsandthelaypublicshouldbenefitmostfrom particular discipline have difficulty keeping abreast entries providing general overviews of particular withthe field, and those whoare not involved inthe topics, and might skip the more technical entries. neurosciences are faced with a daunting task when Cross references assist the reader to follow a theme attemptingtoseekinformationonaparticulartopic. from a simple to a more advanced level, and from a These difficulties created the need that prompted us general to a focused outlook, or the reverse. to develop this four-volume Encyclopedia of the The entries are intended to provide relatively Neurological Sciences. succinct accounts. We have not included exhaustive The encyclopedia is an alphabetically organized referencing but, rather, have placed suggestions for compendium of more than 1,000 entries that relate further reading at the end of each entry. There is to different aspects of the neurosciences. It is someinevitableoverlapbetweenentriesand,insome comprehensive in scope, with entries related to instances,thesametopicisdiscussedinseveral.This clinical neurology, neurosurgery, neuroanatomy, overlap was deliberate, as we intended to provide neurobiology, neuroepidemiology, neuroendocrinol- coherent accounts of topics without forcing the ogy, neurogenetics, neuroimaging, neurotoxicology, reader to go from one entry to another, as if neuroimmunology, neuropharmacology, pediatric traversing an obstacle course, to obtain the desired neurology, neurooncology, neuropathology, develop- information. In some instances, particularly with mental neurology, behavioral neurology, neuro- areas of controversy, we included two entries on the physiology, applied electrophysiology, neuro- same topic, reflecting conflicting viewpoints, and ophthalmology, neurotology, pain, psychiatry, hope that this will stimulate readers to pursue the psychopharmacology, rehabilitation, critical care topic further. medicine, and the history of the neurosciences. We Weareindebtedtothemanypeoplewhohelpedin designed most entries to be understandable without thecreationofthisencyclopedia.Theassociateeditors vii viii PREFACE (listedonpageii)guidedtheselectionofcontributors necessary deadlines were met, but did so with grace and reviewed the individual entries in their subject and charm. The production of this encyclopedia area. The contributors, all acknowledged experts in involved many other people at Academic Press, their fields, prepared the entries. We reviewed all of including Christopher Morris, with his particular theseentries,makingsuggestionsforimprovementin expertiseintheproductionofmajorreferenceworks. content, style, and clarity, and are grateful to the Oursecretariesprovidedinvaluableassistance.InSan contributors and associate editors for working with Francisco,thearrivalelectronicallyofeachnewbatch usinachievingthefinalproductthatweintended.Dr. of entries brought the office staff a certain respite as Graham Lees conceived this project while he was at MJA disappeared behind his computer screen. In Academic Press, and his joyous encouragement and Cleveland, the computer literacy of Vicki Fields, supportallowedtheconcepttoevolve.Thereafter,Dr. RBD’s secretary, compensated forhis Luddite predis- Jasna Markovac assumed oversight at Academic position.Finally,wemustrecordourindebtednessto Press (now part of Elsevier Science), providing our wives and families, whose patience, forbearance, excellent advice and unfailing assistance at all stages andsupportenabledustocompletethisundertaking. of the endeavor. Karen Dempsey of Academic Press displayed great patience, good humor, and efficiency inbringingtheencyclopediatofruition.Sheattended Michael J. Aminoff painstakingly to a seemingly endless number of SanFrancisco,California administrative details, and coordinated all commu- nications between us, the contributors, associate Robert B. Daroff editors, and publisher. She not only ensured that Cleveland,Ohio Plate 1 BielschowskysilverstainingrevealsatypicalAlzheimer’splaque(leftofcenter).Severalneurofibrillarytanglesarealsopresent.SeeentryALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. Plate 2 Magnifiedviewofaneurofibrillarytangle(Bielschowskystain).SeeentryALZHEIMER’SDISEASE. Plate 3 Functionalanatomyoftheattentionalnetworks.Thepulvinar,superiorcolliculus,superiorparietallobe,andfrontaleyefieldsareoftenfoundactiveinstudies oftheorientingnetwork.Theanteriorcingulategyrusisanimportantpartoftheexecutivenetwork.Rightfrontalandparietalareasareactivewhenpeople maintainthealertstate.SeeentryATTENTIONALMECHANISMS. Plate 4 Schematicdiagramofthesympatheticdivisionoftheperipheralautonomicnervoussystem.SeeentryAUTONOMICNERVOUSSYSTEM,OVERVIEW. Plate 5 ExampleofafrequencyanalysisEEGbrainmap.ThescalpdistributionoftheslowdeltabandEEGbrainwaves(inthe0.1-to4.0-Hzfrequencyrange). Abnormallyincreaseddeltaactivityisshowninyellowandred.Blueandgreenrepresentareaswithoutmuchdeltaactivity.Thebrainmapshowsthatthedelta ismaximalintheleftposteriortemporalregionofthebrain.SeeentryBRAINMAPPINGANDQUANTITATIVEEEG. Plate 6 Theextrinsicandintrinsicpathwaystoapoptosis.SeeentryCELLDEATH.

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