r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Macmillan Social Science Library r r Encyclopedia of the r CARR r r A r groundbreaking reference work in life course studies — a field within modern sociology that provides LIFE COURSE an interdisciplinary examination of the convergence of individual life pathways with social structures — a the Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development explores major stages of human development. n Organized into three volumes (Childhood and Adolescence, Adulthood, and Later Life), the nearly 400 r and HUMAN signed entries in this set examine how enduring experiences, major transitions, and events such as having d children and childcare, education, stress, marriage, career, addiction, friendship, disease, spirituality, and E retirement influence and affect an individual’s life course. H r n DEVELOPMENT c The 500 to 7,000 word entries are written by nationally renowned subject specialists and peer-reviewed Uy r by the editor-in-chief, Deborah Carr, and an editorial board of academic experts specializing in life c l course sociology and human development. Each article concludes with a bibliography pointing users Mo to recent books, journal articles, board-approved Web sites, and proven classics to facilitate further p x research. The Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development covers research methodologies e Ad e and key data sources, and includes a glossary, thematic outline, annotated bibliography, and cumulative i d index. Individual entries are enhanced with graphs, charts, and tables, as well as photographs which a N n complement, clarify, and add detail to the text. The set opens with a preface written by the editor-in- o chief and each volume contains an introduction to that life stage written by a board member. By bringing I together a wide range of information and perspectives on each of the three major stages of life, this set Df t , provides students with a basic research guide to life course studies and human development to use along h s e side primary course materials. This set is also a useful reference tool for scholars and practitioners in the Ee fields of life course sociology, developmental psychology, and gerontology. c L V i d The Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development broadens Gale’s collection of encyclopedias I E n in the Macmillan Social Science Library, making it a companion to the Psychology of Classroom Learning: F e An Encyclopedia, the Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, and the LE p International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. O p C A Cover art: Top left [© SuperStock/Alamy]. Top right [Getty Images/Blend Collection]. Middle right [© 2007/Jupiter Images]. P Bottom left [© 2007/Jupiter Images]. Middle left [© Rob Melnychuk/Corbis]. Upper middle left [Blend Images/Getty Images]. O M , e Cover Design: Grannan Design Ltd. U f i E L R N r S e T E t a L Volume 3 : 3 Later Life, Appendices, Index e m u l o V DEBORAH CARR Editor in Chief Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development VOLUME 3 LATER LIFE APPENDICES, INDEX Deborah Carr EDITORIN CHIEF EncyclopediaoftheLifeCourseandHuman ª2009MacmillanReferenceUSA,apartofGale,CengageLearning. Development ALLRIGHTSRESERVEDNopartofthisworkcoveredbythecopyrighthereinmaybe DeborahCarr,EditorinChief reproduced,transmitted,stored,orusedinanyformorbyanymeansgraphic, electronic,ormechanical,includingbutnotlimitedtophotocopying,recording, scanning,digitizing,taping,Webdistribution,informationnetworks,orinformation storageandretrievalsystems,exceptaspermittedunderSection107or108ofthe1976 UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. Forproductinformationandtechnologyassistance,contactusat GaleCustomerSupport,1-800-877-4253 Forpermissiontousematerialfromthistextorproduct, submitallrequestsonlineatwww.cengage.com/permissions Furtherpermissionsquestionscanbeemailedto [email protected] Sincethispagecannotlegiblyaccommodateallcopyrightnotices,the acknowledgmentsconstituteanextensionofthecopyrightnotice. Whileeveryefforthasbeenmadetoensurethereliabilityoftheinformation presentedinthispublication,Gale,apartofCengageLearning,doesnotguaranteethe accuracyofthedatacontainedherein.Galeacceptsnopaymentforlisting;and inclusioninthepublicationofanyorganization,agency,institution,publication,service, orindividualdoesnotimplyendorsementoftheeditorsorpublisher.Errorsbroughtto theattentionofthepublisherandverifiedtothesatisfactionofthepublisherwillbe correctedinfutureeditions. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Encyclopediaofthelifecourseandhumandevelopment/ DeborahCarr,editorinchief. v.;cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-0-02-866162-9(set:alk.paper)–ISBN978-0-02-866163-6(vol.1:alk.paper)– ISBN978-0-02-866164-3(vol.2:alk.paper)–ISBN978-0-02-866165-0(vol.3:alk.paper) 1. Socialevolution—Encyclopedias.2. Humanevolution—Encyclopedias. I.Carr, DeborahS. HM626.E5382008 305.203—dc22 2008027490 Gale 27500DrakeRd. FarmingtonHills,MI48331-3535 ISBN-13:978-0-02-866162-9(set) ISBN-10:0-02-866162-1(set) ISBN-13:978-0-02-866163-6(vol.1) ISBN-10:0-02-866163-X(vol.1) ISBN-13:978-0-02-866164-3(vol.2) ISBN-10:0-02-866164-8(vol.2) ISBN-13:978-0-02-866165-0(vol.3) ISBN-10:0-02-866165-6(vol.3) Thistitleisalsoavailableasane-book. ISBN-13:978-0-02-866166-7ISBN-10:0-02-866166-4 ContactyourGalesalesrepresentativefororderinginformation. Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 09 08 Editorial Board EDITORINCHIEF Deborah Carr AssociateProfessor DepartmentofSociologyandInstituteforHealth, HealthCareandAgingResearch RutgersUniversity ASSOCIATEEDITORS Robert Crosnoe AssociateProfessorofSociology UniversityofTexasatAustin Mary Elizabeth Hughes DepartmentofPopulation,FamilyandReproductiveHealth JohnsHopkins,BloombergSchoolofPublicHealth Amy M. Pienta AssociateResearchScientist ICPSR,UniversityofMichigan Editorial and Production Staff PROJECTEDITORS RaymondLukens PERMISSIONS DeirdreS.Blanchfield DavidE.Salamie LeithaEtheridge-Sims AndrewG.Specht PROOFREADER COMPOSITION JohnKrol EDITORIALTECHNICALSUPPORT EviSeoud MarkDrouillard INDEXER MANUFACTURING LaurieAndriot MANUSCRIPTEDITORS WendyBlurton PRODUCTDESIGN JudithClinebell LaurieJ.Edwards PamelaA.E.Galbreath DIRECTOR,NEWPRODUCT DEVELOPMENT JessicaHornikEvans IMAGING ChristineKelley LeighAnnCusack LezlieLight EricLinderman EricLowenkron GRAPHICART PUBLISHER KariLucke Pre-PressPMG JayFlynn Contents VOLUME1 Preface XI Introduction XIX List of Articles XXV List of Contributors XXXIII Thematic Outline XLIX ENCYCLOPEDIAOFTHELIFECOURSEAND HUMANDEVELOPMENT,CHILDHOODAND ADOLESCENCE 1 VOLUME2 ENCYCLOPEDIAOFTHELIFECOURSEAND HUMANDEVELOPMENT,ADULTHOOD 1 VOLUME3 ENCYCLOPEDIAOFTHELIFECOURSEAND HUMANDEVELOPMENT,LATERLIFE 1 Glossary 451 Research Methods 465 Annotated Bibliography 483 Index 487 IX