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KAILA, EINO (1890-1958), Finnish philosopher and development. The experiments for this work were con- psychologist. Kaila was born the oldest child in a family ducted in Vienna, under the guidance of Charlotte of nine. Being a son of a vicar, who later became arch- Buhler. Kaila concluded that the elementary forms of bishop of Finland, Kaila belonged to the elite of the social reactions are already formed in early childhood. Finnish Bildungsbiirgrrtum (educated upper middle These reactions are not learned, but they are elicited class). In 1916. he received his doctorate with a disser- by a certain configuration of the adult face; the eyes tation in experimental psychology. This work belongs to and the connected parts of the face play a decisive role. the tradition of the Wiirzburg school, founded by Os- Kaila published extensively in a number of areas in wald Kulpe. psychology, including human personality, perception, Kaila was a professor in Turku from 1921 to 1930 experimental psychology, theoretical psychology, and and founded there in 1922 the first psychological insti- humanistic psychology. He had philosophical ambitions tution in Finland. In 1930, he was appointed professor and published papers on the theory of knowledge and at the University of Helsinki and in 1932 founded an- the philosophy of nature. He planned to write a book other institution in psychology. In 1948, he became one on the question of purposiveness versus causality, but of the ten members in the newly founded Academy of his premature death prevented the realization of these Finland for Arts and Sciences. plans. His psychological and philosophical thought Kaiia was strongly influenced by logical empiricism. deeply influenced the development of Scandinavian He was a member of the famous Vienna circle. His phil- psychology, philosophy, and sociology. osophical and psychological outlook. however, was a [Many of the people mentioned in this article are the result of passionate striving to understand human per- subjects of independent biographical entries.] sonality and the world as organized wholes. His main psychological work is The Human Personality (Helsinki, rq34). In this work, he presents five basic principles for Bibliography personality psychology: (I) holism, which is based on Gestalt psychology. represented by Wolfgang Kohler, Jaaskelainen, M. (1981).G estalt theory in the psychology Kurt Koffka. and Mar: Wertheimer: (2) personality, of Eino Kaila. Gestalt Theory, 3, 244-254 which is a dynamic and purposive system in contrast Jaaskelainen, M. (1983). Eino Kaila and the development to mechanical connectionism; (3) human action, which of the theory of scientific psychology in Finland. In G. can be understood and interpreted by other human be- Eckardt, L. Sprung, D. Sinha, H. M. Tutundjian, & M. Wertheimer (Eds.). Advances in historiography of psy- ings: (4)h uman personality, which is deeply anchored chology (pp. 257-267). Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der in the structure and function of the central nervous Wissenschaften. system but not reducible to it: and ( 5 ) human beings, Jaaskelainen. M. (1985). The historical development of who live in a world of symbols, that is, language, cul- psychology in Scandinavia: A study on the history of ture, arts, and sciences. science. Revista de Historia de la Psicologia. 6 , 191-211. Kaila further developed his theory of human per- Jaaskelainen, M. (1985 ) . The idea of development in the sonality as a purposive, holistic system of actions. In writings of Eino Kaila. In G. Eckardt. W. G. Bringmann, his study Reuctions of lnjants to the Human Face (Turku, & L. Sprung (Eds.). Contributions to a history of devel- Finland. I 932). Kaila discussed some problems of infant opmental psychology (pp. 375-387). Berlin: Mouton. 429 430 K A N T , IMMANUEL Jaaskelainen, M. (1988). The impact of psychoanalysis class parents devoted to the Lutheran Pietistic sect. Af- on the thinking of Eino Kaila. In E Eros & G . Kiss ter studying at the Pietistic Collegium Friedericianum (Eds.), Seventh European Cheiron Conference: Proceedings from 1732 to 1740, Kant entered the University of Ko- (pp. 351-355). Budapest: Hungarian Psychological As- nigsberg in 1740, where he is generally thought to have sociation. pursued a program of humanistic rather than scientific Kaila, E. (1979). Reality and experience. (R. S. Cohen. Ed.). studies. But it was also during this period that Kant Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel. Contains mainly phil- came under the influence of Martin Knutzen (1713- osophical texts, but the last article, “Everyday Experi- 1751). a Konigsberger professor of philosophy and ence,” is psychologically interesting. The introduction mathematics, who, besides deepening his knowledge of by G . H. von Wright, a former student of Kaila, provides some very useful biographical information. the rationalist, Leibnizian “school metaphysics” of Niiniluoto, I.. Sintonen, M., & von Wright, G. H. (Eds.). Christian Wolff (1679-1754), lent him his first copies (1992). Eino Kaila and logical empiricism. Helsinki: Phil- of the works of Isaac Newton (1642-1727), thereby osophical Society. M. Takala, a former student of Kaila, introducing him to the broader European concept of writes on his personality psychology. universal science. Following the completion of his undergraduate stud- Manu Jiiiiskeliiinen ies in 1746, Kant supported himself for the next nine years by serving as a tutor in the homes of aristocratic families. After submitting a thesis investigating the KANT, IMMANUEL (1724-1804). German philoso- properties of fire and an additional work on the “first pher. Kant is a pivotal figure in the history of modern principles” of metaphysical knowledge, he was, begin- philosophy whose thought continues to be of great in- ning with the 1755 winter term, allowed to lecture at terest to philosophers and psychologists. Kant’s histor- the University of Konigsberg. In 1770, Kant secured an ical importance stems from the fact that he proposed appointment at the same university as a professor of an alternative to the competing rationalist and empir- logic and metaphysics. icist programs that dominated early modern philosophy The following decade of Kant’s life is typically re- in the period from Descartes (1596-1650) to Hume ferred to as his “silent period,” during which he pub- (1711-1776). He believed that neither of these views lished little and instead worked out the framework and could account for the success of modern natural sci- many of the details of his mature philosophical system. ence, particularly physics, since, in his view, rational- His chief work, the Critique of Pure Reason, often re- ism leads inevitably to dogmatic metaphysical claims ferred to simply as the “first critique” and regarded by and empiricism leads to skepticism. Seeking, therefore, most philosophers as one of the central works of mod- to combine these two seemingly irreconcilable perspec- ern philosophy, did not appear until 1781. But Kant tives, Kant concluded, in a famous passage from his also published other works in the final decades of his best-known work, the Critique of Pure Reason, that life of comparable historical and contemporary signifi- “thoughts without content are empty, intuitions (An- cance, including Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics schauungen) without concepts are blind” (Kant, 1781/ (1783), Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan 1963, p. 93). Kant agreed then with the empiricists that Point of View (1784), Fundamental Principles of the Meta- sense experience was a necessary condition for human physics of Morals (1785). Metaphysical Foundations of knowledge, but he did not think it was a sufficient con- Natural Science (1786). Critique of Practical Reason dition. He believed instead that human experience must (1787), Critique of Judgment (1790). Religion within the be subject, minimally, to two types of a priori rational Limits of Reason Alone (1793), Perpetual Peace (1795), ordering for it to attain the status of scientific knowl- Metaphysics of Morals (1797). and Anthropology from a edge. The first type of ordering results in the position- Pragmatic Point of View (1798). A second edition of the ing of objects within an objective, a priori spatial- Critique of Pure Reason, now generally considered defin- temporal framework. The second type of ordering fixes itive, appeared in 1787. such objects within an objective order of nature Previous treatments of Kant’s importance for the de- through the application of twelve synthetic a priori cat- velopment of modern psychology have typically em- egories, or concepts, such as substance, cause and ef- phasized his supposed reliance on the “faculty psychol- fect, and community. Kant, however, always insisted in ogy” of Johann Tetens (1736-1807), his presumably his mature works that such a priori ordering does not nativistic theories of perception, and his negative views lead to certain, metaphysical knowledge of the three about the possibility of a natural science of psychology. primary objects of traditional metaphysics: the soul, the Some Kant scholars now argue, however, that the cosmos, and God. charge that Kant practiced a kind of faculty psychology Kant was born and lived his entire life in the small stems primarily from the fact that the English wordfac- East Prussia trade center of Konigsberg. He was the ulty has typically been used to translate the German fourth of nine children of hard-working, lower middle- word Vermogen in key Kantian terms such as Erkennt- K A N T . I M M A N U E L 431 nisvermogen even though this expression might be bet- through much of the twentieth century has been di- ter translated as “cognitive capacity” than as “faculty verse and far-ranging. The focus and extent of such of knowledge.” Similarly, discussions of Kant as a na- influence has, however, depended upon which part of tivist often fail to distinguish clearly between his ac- Kant’s vast philosophical enterprise is taken to be of counts of sensuous ntuition (Anschauung), perception greatest significance. This includes his account of the ( Wahrnehmung), experience (Erfahrung), and knowledge elements of sense perception and the difference be- (Erkenntnis), while discussions of his negative pro- tween mere perception and scientific knowledge. There nouncements concerning the possibility of a natural is his emphasis on the importance of cognitive struc- science of psychology often neglect the fact that he also turing for coherent human experience and his empha- doubted that chemistry could ever become a natural sis on the limits of empirical knowledge and the sepa- science on a par with physics, and that he lectured and ration of science from metaphysics. There is his moral wrote, under such headings as “practical anthropol- theory. his aesthetics, or, more generally, his wide- ogy,” on topics that would later become the province ranging influence on key figures in the recent history of psychologists. of developmental psychology, such as Jean Piaget and Consequently, con1,emporary discussion of the sig- Lawrence Kohlberg. nificance of Kant’s philosophy for psychology should However, Kantian philosophy also had an arguably perhaps focus not so inuch on these older concerns as equal influence in shaping the Gestalt theories of Max on the unique way in which Kant sought to keep from Wertheimer, Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Kohler, and blurring the boundaries between the different spheres may, according to some commentators (Flanagan, of human cognitive activity investigated in his three 1984), ultimately prove to have an even greater influ- critiques, namely, theoretical-speculative reason, mo- ence on the further development of contemporary cog- rality. and aesthetic and teleological estimation. Kant nitive psychology. believed that there was a sense in which human un- [Many of the people mentioned in this article are the derstanding, or our capacity for scientific knowledge of subjects of independent biographical entries.] nature, stands in conflict with that specific form of rea- son on the basis of which he sought to account for our Bibliography sense of moral duty. Nevertheless, he also believed that it was within the “power” of our capacity of judging. Cassirer, E. (1981).K unt’s IiJe and thought (J. Haden, or UrteiJskraft. to cons1 ruct imaginative, but justifiably Trans.). New Haven, C T Y ale University Press. (Original rational. notions of nature. morality, history, politics, work published 1918.)S till widely regarded as one of and religious belief t5at avoid the skeptical conse- the best biographies and comprehensive accounts of quences of Humean enipiricism without relying on the Kant’s work. fanciful metaphysical claims of the rationalists. Flanagan, 0. J., Jr. (1984).T he science of the mind. Cam- Kant was thus surely convinced that he had, upon bridge, MA: MIT Press. Chapter 6 (pp. 175-261) gives completion of his “en tire critical enterprise” (Kant, a concise account of recent developments in cognitive psychology, including a discussion (pp. 181-184)o f 179o/1987. p. 7). accounted for the possibility of ra- Kant’s legacy to the field. tional human experience in each of the spheres of hu- Genova, A. C. (1968).K ant’s three critiques: A suggested man activity investigaled in the three critiques. He analytical framework. Kunt-Studien, 60, 135-46. Per- believed, in short. that he could explain the possibility haps the best short introduction to Kant’s systematic of scientific knowledge without thereby calling into project currently available in English. question the legitimacy of our sense of moral obliga- Guyer. P. (Ed.). (1992).T he Cambridge companion to Kunt. tion or our feeling that certain objects are purposively Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. A compre- fitted to our cognitive capacities, or, as we might say, hensive collection of essays on all aspects of Kant’s phi- “aesthetically pleasing.’ This systematic approach to losophy written by major figures of recent Anglo- the study of Kant’s philosophy has then, in recent American Kant scholarship and edited by a leading years, been taken up again by many Kant scholars, al- American Kant scholar: includes a 22-page bibliogra- phy divided by topic areas. though it has generally appealed more to German and Guyer. F!, & Wood, A. (Eds.). (1992-).T he Cambridge edition French than to British and American Kantians. who of the works of ImrnanueJ Kant (Vols. 1-14,i n progress). have instead tended to follow an older, nineteenth- Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. A major century German Neo-Kantian tradition of emphasizing work of Kant scholarship, the Cambridge Edition rep- Kant’s epistemological focus in the first critique at the resents the first effort to make available in English the expense of his many other philosophical interests. range of texts readily accessible to German readers in So, even though Kant’s influence on psychology was numerous editions of Kant’s collected works. Planned largely negative throughout the nineteenth century, volumes are scheduled to appear under the following primarily because of his skepticism regarding the pos- titles: Theoretical Philosophy, 1735--1770; The Critique of sibility of a natural science of psychology, his influence Pure Reason; Theoretical Philosophy after 1781: Pructical 432 KANTOR, JACOB R. Philosophy; Aesthetics and Teleology; Religion and Rational opment of psychology, including a careful review of his Theology: Anthropology, History, and Education; Natural arguments against the possibility of a scientific psy- Science; Lectures on Logic; Lectures on Metaphysics; Lec- chology. tures on Ethics; Opus Postumum; Notes and Fragments; Makkreel. R. (1990). Imagination and interpretation in Kant. and Correspondence. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. A significant but Kant, I. (1956). Critique of practical reason (L. W. Beck, controversial work of recent Kant scholarship which Trans.). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. (Original work gives due recognition to the important role given to published 1785.) The standard translation of Kant’s imagination in Kant’s third critique, the Critique of major critical work in moral philosophy. Judgment. Kant, I. (1960). Religion within the limits of reason alone Werkmeister, W. H. (1980). Kant: The architectonic and de- (T. M. Greene & H. H. Hudson, Trans.). New York: Har- velopment of his philosophy. LaSalle, IL: Open Court. A per & Row. (Original work published 1793.) Kant’s ma- neglected work that emphasizes the “architectonic” jor work in the philosophy of religion. structure of the Kantian philosophy and the systematic Kant, I. (1963). Critique of pure reason (N. K. Smith, connection among Kant’s major works while focusing Trans.). London: Macmillan. (Original work published primarily on his views of science and mathematics. 1781: 2nd ed.. 1787.) The most commonly read, but Jon Mark Mikkelsen often criticized, English translation of the work for which Kant is best known. Kant, I. (1970). Metaphysical foundations of natural science (J. Ellington, Trans.). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. (Orig- KANTOR, JACOB R. (1888-1984), American psy- inal work published 1786.) The work in which Kant, in the preface (p. 8), offers his famous comments regard- chologist and philosopher of science. An avid partici- ing the impossibility of a natural science of psychology. pant in the fundamental changes that occurred in psy- Kant, I. (1974). Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view chological science during his lifetime, he occupied an (M. J. Gregor, Trans.). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. important position in the development of those non- (Original work published 1798.) The standard transla- mentalistic modes of thought that have become so tion of a work now often viewed as Kant’s empirical prominent today. The significance of Kantor’s work lies psychology. in his analysis of the underlying assumptions of psy- Kant, I. (1977). Prolegomena to any future metaphysics (J. chology itself rather than in empirical investigations. Ellington. Trans.). Indianapolis: Hackett. (Originalw ork Primarily a theoretical rather than experimental sci- published 1783.) Often viewed as an accessible, popular entist, he nevertheless was a complete empiricist who presentation of the doctrines developed in the Critique proposed that all of the sciences were interrelated on of Pure Reason, but difficult to follow and understand without some knowledge of Kant’s major work. the basis of the shared properties of their respective Kant, I. (1978). Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view subject matters. An especially dominant shared prop- (H. H. Rucknick, Ed.: V L. Dowdell, Trans.). Carbondale: erty of all events studied by the sciences is their local- Southern Illinois University Press. (Original work pub- ization within a space-time framework. Kantor’s most lished 1798.) The standard translation of a work now substantial contributions may be abbreviated and sum- generally viewed as Kant’s contribution to the devel- marized in the following list of accomplishments. opment of empirical psychology. He provided outspoken leadership in the abandon- Kant, I. (1987). Critique of judgment (W. S. Pluhar, Trans.). ment of the assumption that the cosmos must be di- Indianapolis: Hackett. (Original work published 1790.) vided into the categories of matter, life. and mind. In Generally regarded as the best available English trans- so doing Kantor established the fundamental distinction lation of Kant’s third and final critique. between the events studied (data) and the constructs Kant, I. (1991). The metaphysics of morals (M. J. Gregor, Trans.). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. (theories) created about those data by the psychological (Original work published 1797.) The standard transla- scientist. In this process he explicated the impact of tion of Kant’s last major work in political and moral culture on scientific work and constructs long before theory. this became a popular topic. Korner, S. (1955). Kant. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books. An Another of the cultural assumptions he attacked older but still highly regarded general introduction to was the longstanding notion that the reacting organ- Kant’s philosophy, notable both for the clarity of its ex- ism (in traditional philosophical terms, the knower) was position of key elements of the doctrines of the first distinct and isolated from the known thing. He argued critique and the depth of its presentation of the key that this conception actually hindered scientific work themes of the second and third critiques. and should be replaced by a viewpoint that treated the Leary, D. E. (1982). Immanuel Kant and the development organism and the stimulating object as a single unit for of modern psychology. In W. R. Woodward & M G. Ash (Eds.), The problematic science: Psychology in nineteenth- investigation. Thus he proposed that an organism-ob- century thought (pp. 17-42). New York: Praeger. An ject event is the basic unit of psychological investigation overview of Kant’s widespread influence on the devel- and, further, that there was a reciprocal and interactive KANTOR, JACOB R . 433 relationship between these two aspects of the psycho- Xalapa in 1974. When he spoke there on interbehav- logical event. This proposal was related to the sweeping ioral psychology, a standing ovation was followed by a changes in other sciences such as the inclusion of the gold medal. observer in physical i;heory by Einstein only a few years earlier. Kantor believed tnat despite their ultimate interre- Bibliography lations. each of the various sciences could proceed in a relatively independent manner because of specific di- Kantor, J. R. (1924-1926). Principles of psychology (2 vols.). versities in the events that each had selected as its re- New York Knopf. (Reissued by Principia Press, 1949) spective domain. Thls is encapsulated in his general Proposes that a unit composed of an organism and its concept of the “event continuum” and the parallel no- surroundings, along with their historical development, tion of the continuum of the sciences. can be described as they actually occur within a space- time reference frame, and this generalized description Perhaps his most important achievement was the will result in an authentic natural science of psychol- restructuring of the twin concepts of cause and effect ogy. by rejection of their sonventional metaphysical status Kantor, J. R. (1945-1950). Psychology and logic (2 vols.). and insistence that they be reinterpreted according to Bloomington. IN: Principia Press. Volume I discusses the latest empirical and theoretical developments in the logic as the activity of individuals and presents the sciences of physics and biology. This was accomplished specificity theorem: Logic is concerned with specific in part by the interbehavioral concept of the psycho- events rather than with universal absolutes. Volume 2 logical event field. which was inspired by the new non- analyzes the history of notions of causation and pre- Newtonian physics of relativity and of ecological biol- sents Kantor’s unified field concept as an alternative. ogy. Also significant was Kantor’s insistence on the Kantor, J. R. (1947). Problems of physiological psychology. interactional relationship between the organism and Bloomington, IN: Principia Press. Biological reduction- ism is argued to be an enormous impediment to a nat- the other multitudinous aspects of the psychological ural science of psychology, and in its place Kantor pre- event field. sents his interpretation of physiological events as These ideas were incorporated into his vision of the participant factors within the larger interactional sys- new psychological science, taken by some to be the first tem of the psychological event field. naturalistic system of psychology since that of Aris- Kantor, J. R. (1959). Interbehavioral psychology: A sample of totle. Indeed, he may be regarded as a follower of Ar- scient$c system construction (2nd rev. ed.). Bloomington, istotle since he explicitly stated that he built on the IN: Principia Press. (Original work published 1958.)T he naturalistic viewpoint ctf the Hellenic scientists and phi- requirement of explicit statements of all assumptions is losophers. He shared with many scientific contributors fully met for interbehavioral psychology. The systematic of past and current times an enthusiasm for the type interrelationships of psychology to its applied subfields of systematization propounded by Euclid and the math- and to the other sciences, such as physics and biology, are also indicated. ematicians of the nineteenth century (see Kantor, Kantor, J. R. (1963-1969). The scientific evolution of‘ psy- 1924-1926. 1958/1959). chology (2 vols.). Chicago: Principia Press. The hypoth- Kantor expanded his analysis of the empirical and esis of two historical cycles is given: first the Hellenic, theoretical bases of the empirical sciences by investi- and naturalistic system of Aristotle, followed by the de- gating the foundational status of the formal science of cline into mysticism with the purely linguistic invention logic itself (see Kantor, I 945-1950) and also examining of a state of being which transcends the limits of space the basic intellectual enterprise of general philosophy and time: and second, the slow development of objec- (Kantor. 1981).T hus he crowned his long period of tive science in Western European civilization. This is fundamental contributiclns to the advancement of sci- presented against a rich backdrop of the cultural ence in general and of psychology in particular by ex- changes involved in the formation of our modern cul- plicating the implications of his work even more ture. Kantor. J, R. (1977). Psychological linguistics. Chicago: Prin- broadly in his later years. cipia Press. Returning to the topic which had interested In rgjr Kantor founded the Psychological Record, the him since at least 1917.K antor brought his analysis up first journal explicitly committed to a natural science to date in terms of the most recent developments. It is approach in psychology. After ceding the editorship to noteworthy that his many works concerned with ad- others he remained active on the editorial board, and justmental reactions utilizing the various forms of lan- he also served on the board of Behaviorism. until his guage have produced the greatest amount of empirical death. Honorary doctorates were conferred by Denison research among his followers. University and the University of Akron. He served as Kantor, J. R. (1981). Interbehavioral philosophy. Chicago: the honorary president cf the First Mexican Congress Principia Press. A radical reconstruction of traditional of Behavior Analysis at the Autonomous University of philosophy which indicates the intellectual bankruptcy 434 KATONA. G E O R G E of speculations based on an assumption of a cosmos psychology and inflation he became well known. He composed of two mutually contradictory components, then became a writer on economic topics in Berlin, the physical and the psychical. All notions of ultimates, where he made the acquaintance of Max Wertheimer absolutes, totalities, and infallibilities are disposed of by and other members of the Gestalt group. cogent analyses. Outmoded concepts are replaced by When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933. Katona the proposal that valid philosophizing is based on the had to leave Germany (his newspaper was confiscated reactions of persons to confrontable things and events by the new regime). Because he had deposited in the within a specifiable space-time field. United States money he had earned by writing for the Kantor. J. R. (1982).C ultural psychology. Chicago: Principia Wall Street Journal, he was able to immigrate and sup- Press. Kantor summarized and expanded many earlier publications and described the myriad processes by port himself writing for New York financial publica- which human cultures evolve. He advocated an inter- tions. Later, when he was disabled by tuberculosis, he disciplinary approach, which included biology, anthro- wrote Organizing and Memorizing (New York, 1940). a pology, and psychology. book integrating Muller’s memory work with that of Mountjoy, I? T., & Hansor, J. D. (1986).J acob Robert Kantor the Gestalt psychologists. (1888-1984).A merican Psychologist, 41, 1296-1297. World War I1 gave Katona the opportunity to start Obituary. the career for which he was best known, the applica- Smith, N. W. (1993).G reek and interbehavioral psychology: tion of psychology to economic problems. His first work Selected and revised papers of Noel W Smith. (Rev. ed.). attempted to use psychological approaches to defuse the Lanham, MD: University Press of America. This work inflation that arose from the economic stimulus of mil- presents a bibliography of Kantor’s publications, a itary spending. During the war, he supervised price sur- study of citations to his works, lists and discussions of both positive and negative critical reactions to his po- veys (using Likert techniques) for the Department of sitions. and a sample of some of the works stimulated Agriculture. by his general approach to psychological science. In 1946, Katona took a position at the Survey Re- search Center of the University of Michigan. By 1953, Paul T. Mountjoy he had started the quarterly surveys of economic ex- pectations that became monthly in 1977.F rom this po- sition, he and others produced books and papers that KATONA, GEORGE (1901-1981). Hungarian Ameri- provided the basis for incorporating consumer (and to can economist and psychologist. The intellectual life of a lesser extent business) expectations about income, George Katona, integrating psychology and economics, purchasing decisions, and prices into economic fore- is surprisingly seamless when the severe disruptions in casting (such as the Wharton model). He showed that his life are considered. His early concerns for the math- consumer expectations added power to previous esti- ematization of the relations of judgments (echoing his mates of such things as disposable income (which had doctoral adviser, Georg E. Muller) and his later work as weakly predicted consumer demand) to forecast near- an economic journalist found effective expression in term consumer spending. Although Katona preferred economic forecasting surveys. He contributed greatly to simpler statistics, this work thus made use of path anal- the incorporation of psychological judgments into eco- ysis with lagged predictor variables, anticipating the nomic models. current use of path models in psychology. Katona was born in Budapest. After completing his Katona retired in 1972 but continued actively in fur- Matura (completion of an Austro-Hungarian Gymna- ther investigation of psychological problems in econom- sium), Katona enrolled in Budapest University and stud- ics. His book, Essays on Behavioral Economics (Ann Ar- ied with GCza RCvCsz. When B&laK un’s revolution oc- bor, Mich.. 1980),s ummarized his theories of economic curred in 1919, Katona left Budapest and went to behavior. Katona died in Berlin, immediately after re- Gottingen to study with RCvCsz’s teacher, G. E. Muller. ceiving an honorary doctorate from the Free University In 1922,K atona completed a doctorate under Muller of Berlin. on psychophysical judgments. This work was not com- [Many of the people mentioned in this article are the pletely published until 1935. Muller apparently re- subjects of independent biographical entries.] garded the work highly. Katona then went to Frankfurt, Germany, where further work on the mathematics of Bibliography judgments earned him a university prize. Katona was thus on the track to become a Privatdozent (an unpaid Katona, G. (1972).R eminiscences. In B. Strumpel, J. N. university lecturer), sponsored by G. E. Muller’s student Morgan, & E. Zahn (Eds.), Human behavior in economic Friedrich Schumann, but the runaway inflation of 1923 affairs (pp. 11-14).S an Francisco:J ossey-Bass. Brief, and intervened. He became a bank employee and journalist often humorous, comments by Katona about his life. in Frankfurt. Because of an article he wrote on mass Katona, G. (1972).T heory of expectations. In B. Strumpel. KATZ. DAVID 435 J. N. Morgan, & EL Zahn (Eds.). Human behavior in eco- When war came in 1914. Katz was initially declared nomic’ affairs (pp. 549-582). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. unfit: he then volunteered to work on Red Cross trains Katona’s summary of his own psychological theory returning wounded to Germany. Later, he earned the leading to the interpretation of economic data. Iron Cross as an artillery soldier in a unit using the Morgan. J. N. (1982).G eorge Katona. American Psycholo- sound-ranging device Max Wertheimer and Erich von gist. 37, 1140-1141. An excellent obituary by a long- Hornbostel invented. Toward the end of the war, he time coworker. worked in Hannover to develop prostheses for ampu- Warneryd. K.-E. (1988). The life and work of George Ka- tees. When the war was over, he briefly returned to tona. In F? E. Earl (Ed.), Behavioral economics (Vol. 2). Aldershot, Hants, 1JK: Elgar. Though weak on biograph- Gottingen, but he was soon chosen to fill the new chair ical details, this work contains the definitive description of psychology and pedagogy at the University of Ros- of the nature and impact of Katona’s work during his tock. Another Muller student, Hans H. Keller, soon be- life. came Katz’s assistant. Katz was fortunate in having many students there. His major work of this period was Edward J. Haupt on the study of touch, emphasizing a holistic phenom- enology over elementaristic theories while also elabo- rating the complexity of sensations reported by the skin. This work also elaborated extensively on his the- KATZ, DAVID (18:34-1953), German psychologist. ory of vibration and showed the contaminating (and When Katz died suddenly in Stockholm, he was a re- often dominating) influence of vision. vered senior figure in world psychology and one of the Katz earned the unwanted reputation of a Gestalt few who could trace his lineage to Germany in the time psychologist although he wrote critiques of Gestalt the- before World War I. His work has remained important, ories for the new journal Psychologische Forschung. He and he must be counted as one of the twentieth cen- became one of the editors of the Zeitschrift fur Psychol- tury’s major contributors to the understanding of sen- ogie (very much Muller’s journal). In German journals, sory qualities of visioli and touch. he was the second most frequently cited German psy- Katz was born in K assel in the Prussian province of chologist (next to Erich Jaensch) of the 1920s. In the Hesse-Nassau (previously Hesse-Kassel). In 1902, he latter part of his tenure in Rostock. he reworked his went to the University of Gottingen to study mathe- book on vision: later in England he translated major matics. Attracted by Georg E. Muller’s lectures, which parts into English. He has thus become (with the ex- made psychology a part of the natural sciences, Katz ception of his friend Revesz) the only major European quickly made experimental psychology his main subject student of Muller to have his major works translated and completed his dissertation on the psychophysics of into English. time estimation in 1906, refining the methods initiated When Hitler came to power in 1933, the Mecklen- by Friedrich Schumann. That same year, Muller’s as- burg government abolished Katz’s chair and put his for- sistant, Hans Rupp, departed to become Carl Stumpf’s mer assistant in his place, an action Muller protested. assistant in Berlin, and Muller chose Katz to fill the role. While Rosa Katz remained in Rostock with their chil- Katz did research, for his Habilitation, on surface dren until 1935, Katz went to England, where he did color appearances such as volume, luminosity, and lus- research at Manchester and London under the auspices ter, topics from the color appearances work of Ewald of Cyril Burt. In 1937, he was given the chair of psy- Hering. Combining the experimental rigor of Muller chology at the University of Stockholm. There he con- and phenomenological apercus of another Gottingen tinued his research on perceptual topics and fostered philosophy professor, Edmund Husserl, he produced a important graduate students, such as Gunnar Johann- major work in vision, which, while it gave credit to son. His major work, Gestalt Psychology (Stockholm, Muller, was also strong1.y influenced by phenomenology. I942), made clear the limitations of Gestalt ideas while (Surprisingly, Husserl’s name does not appear in the stressing their importance. citations in the English edition of 1935.) This work [Many of the people mentioned in this article are the shows how closely the 1Gottingen laboratory work was subjects of independent biographical entries.] bound up with that of Hering. Through this research, Katz became a member of the faculty in 1911. His in- terest in Husserl’s phenomenology. however, did not Bibliography cause him to believe that Hume’s methods had been superseded for inferring scientific causality. He also Katz, D. (1935). The world of color. London: Routledge. worked with Geza RCves:a on discrimination in animals, While this version is less complete than the German and with Rosa Heine, another Muller doctoral student, one, it provides a comprehensive view of Katz’s work who later became his wife. on the phenomena (and phenomenology) of color, re- 436 KAUFMAN ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN working the material that Katz prepared for his Habil- through 12% years of age. The test was standardized itation sponsored by G . E. Miiller. However, looking at on an excellent sample of 2,000 children, which closely the index makes it clear how much this work depends matched the U.S. population on the basis of a number on the previous research by Ewald Hering and sharply of important demographic variables. The test is organ- contradicts the frequently repeated statements about ized into three scales: Sequential and Simultaneous Husserl’s importance in this work. Processing scales (used to evaluate intelligence) and the Katz, D. (1952). David Katz. In E. Boring (Ed.), History of Achievement scale (used to evaluate academic skill lev- psychology in autobiography (Vol. 4, pp. 189-211). New els). There are three Sequential Processing scale sub- York Russell & Russell. Katz’s own biography, describes tests (Hand Movements, Number Recall, and Word Or- his life rather well. Krueger, L. E. (1989). Introduction. In D. Katz (Ed.), The der) and seven Simultaneous subtests (Magic Window, world of touch (L. E. Krueger, Trans.; pp. 1-21). Hills- Face Recognition, Gestalt Closure, Triangles, Matrix dale, NJ: Erlbaum. This book has valuable descriptions Analogies, Spatial Memory, Photo Series). All subtests of Katz’s academic life in the introduction. are not given to each child. For example, a 6-year-old child would be given eight subtests (all of the above Edward J. Haupt except Magic Window and Face Recognition). Historical Development The K-ABC was developed during a time when there KAUFMAN ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHIL- was increasing interest in the cognitive revolution. [See DREN. According to the authors of the Kaufman As- Cognitive Psychology.] The authors were keenly aware sessment Battery for Children (K-ABC: Kaufman & of the need to move the field of intelligence testing for- Kaufman, 1989, the test “measures intelligence” de- ward after many years of domination by the Wechsler fined as “an individual’s style of solving problems and and Stanford-Binet scales, and their insightful sugges- processing information” (1985, p. 2). The Sequential tion to do so using a cognitive approach is a significant Processing and Simultaneous Processing scales are de- contribution to the field. They were also well aware of scribed as two kinds of mental functioning that were the limitations of traditional IQ tests, especially the identified independently by several groups of research- problems posed by verbal and achievement content. ers, including those who studied cerebral specialization The overlap of content between tests of intelligence and (e.g., Bogen, Gazzaniga, Kinsbourne, Sperry), the neu- tests of achievement leads to both conceptual and prac- ropsychologist A. R. Luria and his followers (e.g., Das), tical problems, both of which are addressed by the K- and cognitive psychologists (e.g., Neisser). According to ABC. By minimizing the impact of language and verbal Kaufman and Kaufman (1985), sequential processing knowledge on the Sequential and Simultaneous scales, “places a premium on the serial or temporal order of the authors made it more apparent that a child’s verbal stimuli when solving problems” and simultaneous pro- and achievement skills (e.g., vocabulary, arithmetic, cessing “demands a gestalt-like, frequently spatial, in- etc.) should not influence the evaluation of his or her tegration of stimuli to solve problems” (p. 2). These level of ability. tests are intended to be used for “psychological and Validity and Reliability clinical assessment, psychoeducational evaluation of learning disabled and other exceptional children, edu- The K-ABC Interpretive Manual is itself an important cational planning and placement, minority group as- piece of work in the field. The amount of validity re- sessment, preschool assessment, neuropsychological as- search included in the manual for the standardization sessment, and research” (Kaufman & Kaufman, 1985, sample and the nearly 50 research studies for children p. 8). Thus the purpose of the K-ABC was to provide a with a variety of exceptionalities set a new standard for new measure of intelligence that achieved goals that the industry. The Interpretive Manual as well as the text traditional IQ tests did not meet. Clinical and Research Applications of the K-ABC (Kam- The K-ABC was developed with several important phaus & Reynolds, 1987) are valuable sources of infor- goals in mind First, to measure intelligence from a the- mation about the validity of the test that demonstrate oretical and research base: second, to minimize the im- that the K-ABC is a viable alternative to traditional IQ pact of language and verbal skills on the measurement tests. The results of these many studies are too large to of intelligence: third, to obtain scores that are relevant summarize here but two issues will be discussed-test to educational intervention: fourth, to include novel fairness and relevance to intervention. tasks that are easy and objective to administer and There is good evidence that the goal of providing a score: finally, to include tests that are fair for children measure of ability that is more fair to minority children from diverse backgrounds (Kaufman & Kaufman, appears to have been achieved by the K-ABC. The dif- 1985). ferences between unmatched (Kaufman & Kaufman, The K-ABC was designed for children ages 2% 1985) and matched (Naglieri, 1986) samples of Blacks K E L L E R , FRED SIMMONS 437 and Whites, for example, has been found to be about Battery for Children: Effects of matching instruction half of the amount typically reported for traditional IQ and student processing strength. School Psychology Re- view, 22. 8-26. tests. These findings have supported the view that this Kaufman. A. S., & Kaufman. N. L. (1985).K aufman assess- approach to measuring intelligence offers an important ment battery for children. Circle Pines, MN: American advantage. The translation to educational interventions Guidance Service. has been more difficult to achieve (Good, Creek, Katz, Kamphaus. R. W., & Reynolds, C. R. (1987).C linical and Vollmer, & Chowdhri, 1993). however, perhaps because research applications of the K-ABC. Circle Pines, MN: of the complexity of such research or identification of American Guidance Service. the most appropriate methods of instruction that Naglieri, J. A. (1986).W ISC-R and K-ABC comparison for match to Sequential and Simultaneous processing matched samples of Black and White children. Journal strengths and weaknesses. Nevertheless, the fact that of School Psychology, 24, 81-88. Kaufman and Kaufman stressed the importance of the Naglieri, J. A. (1999).E ssentials of CAS assessment. New connection between assessment of intelligence and in- York Wiley. tervention is an important hallmark in the field that set Jack A. Naglieri a standard for tests that followed (Naglieri, 1998). Conclusions The K-ABC is a very important instrument in the field KELLER, FRED SIMMONS (1899-1996),A merican of intellectual assessment for several reasons. First, the psychologist, behavior analyst. Although he was a pi- authors’ separation of intelligence from achievement provided practitioners with a definite advantage when oneer in basic behavioral research, Keller gained greater renown as a teacher and educational reformer. assessing children whose first language is not English For him, these contributions were inseparable. The or who have had a history of school failure. The sep- aration of ability from achievement in the K-ABC has principles of behavior unified psychology, education ap- resulted in the test’s use with diverse populations of plied those principles, and teaching was defined by its consequences in student behavior. Reform was the children. The second major contribution made by the product. K-ABC is the emphasis on measuring cognitive pro- cessing. This test was the first of its kind to redefine Keller was born on 2 January 1899 in Rural Grove, New York, but his family moved frequently, making his intelligence as cognithe processes and thereby question schooling uneven. Somewhat indifferent toward edu- the makeup of traditional IQ tests. The authors took cation, he left high school in 1917 to work as a Western the position that IQ tests could be improved upon Union telegrapher and then enlisted in the U.S. Army, through modification--intelligence could be redefined serving in Europe during World War I. Mustered out as on the basis of cognitive processes and achievement a sergeant, he returned to school and eventually earned eliminated from the measure of ability. Finally, the a bachelor of science degree from Tufts College, stim- quality of the standardization sample and the proce- ulated by the work of John B. Watson. [See the biography dures used to collect the data set standards that test of Watson.] In 1926,K eller entered the graduate pro- authors have subsequently used as a model. These were gram in psychology at Harvard University, with E. G. some of the most important contributions of the K- Boring as his principal teacher. The impetus for his re- ABC. search, though, came from Walter S. Hunter, the ani- As we move from the twentieth to the twenty-first mal behaviorist, on leave at Harvard for the 1927 to century. the field of intelligence testing is at an impor- 1928 academic year. Keller received his Ph.D. degree in tant point in its development. The age and limitations I931 with a dissertation on “symbolic processes” of the of the old standards Ere starting to show (Naglieri, white rat in a temporal maze of Hunter’s design. Upon 1999) and alternatives have begun to appear. The K- graduation, he was hired at Colgate University: in 1938, ABC is the first of the challengers to the Wechsler and he moved to Columbia University, from which he retired Stanford-Binet tests, developed in the early part of this in 1964 as professor emeritus. Afterward, he taught at century. For this reason alone, the K-ABC has earned Arizona State University and held positions at the In- a place in the history of intelligence testing. Ultimately, stitute for Behavioral Research. Western Michigan Uni- the ability of the test to succeed will be related to its versity, Georgetown University, and the University of validity and the utility of the scores it yields. North Carolina. Keller died on 2 February I996 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. While at Harvard, Keller became a close friend and Bibliography colleague of Burrhus Frederic Skinner, but not until Good, R. H.. Creek. R. J.. Katz, L.. Vollmer, M., & Chowdhri. Skinner published The Behavior of Organisms did Keller S. (r993).T reatment utility of the Kaufman Assessment begin conducting research in that tradition (e.g., on 438 KELLEY, T R U M A N LEE avoidance behavior, drive). [See the biography of Skin- cations in Psychology Award from the American Psy- ner.] During World War 11, he took leave to direct a chological Association (APA), and the first Lifetime Signal Corps Project in which he developed the “voice Achievement Award from the Association for Behavior code” method for teaching International Morse Code Analysis. In addition, APA Division 25 for the Experi- reception. This became a standard instructional strat- mental Analysis of Behavior established a Fred S. Keller egy throughout the U.S. armed forces and an early ap- Behavioral Education Award. As was his style, Keller plication of reinforcement theory. In 1948, President received these honors with great grace and humility, Truman awarded Keller a Certificate of Merit for his yet did use these occasions to advance, with some fer- contributions. vor, a natural science of behavior and the application Keller returned to Columbia after the war and with thereof. Skinner co-organized several conferences on the exper- imental analysis of behavior at Indiana University and Bibliography entered a new phase of his career. With W. N. Schoen- feld, he taught a two-semester introductory psychology Keller, F. S. (1968). Good-bye, teacher . . . Journal of Applied course into which they integrated a later widely repli- Behavior Analysis, I, 79-89. The seminal paper on PSI. cated “rat lab.” In addition, they developed an entirely Keller. F. S. (1969). Learning: Reinforcement theory (2nd ed.). behavior-analytic curriculum and published their clas- New York Random House. (Original work published sic text, Principles of Behavior (New York, 1950). Their 1954) text presented Skinner’s system in a clear, accessible Keller, E S. (1973). The definition of psychology. New York: manner; integrated it with experimental psychology Appleton-Century-Crofts. (Original work published more generally; offered compelling interpretations of 1937.) A brief history and systems textbook. human behavior; and created enough demand to keep Keller, F. S. (1977). Summers and sabbaticals: Selected papers on psychology and education. Champaign, IL: Research The Behavior of Organisms (New York, 1938, reprinted Press. An account of psychology at Harvard in the in 1966) in print. Combined with Keller’s erudition and 1920s. research on Morse Code learning, the psychol- wit as a lecturer, and his warmth as a mentor, Keller ogy curricuium at Columbia University, and PSI. and Schoenfeld’s course, curriculum, and text pro- foundly influenced several generations of students. Edward K . Morris These students, and Skinner’s, would found the disci- pline of behavior analysis. On leave as a Fulbright-Hayes scholar at the Uni- versity of Sao Paulo for the 1961 to 1962 academic KELLEY, TRUMAN LEE (1884-1961), American stat- year, Keller introduced behavior analysis to Brazil. In- istician and psychometrician. Kelley received a bache- vited back to develop the psychology curriculum at the lor’s degree in mathematics in I909 and a master’s de- new University of Brasilia, he designed the first person- gree in psychology in 1911 from the University of alized system of instruction (PSI). Unlike standard ped- Illinois. At Columbia University, he studied under Ed- agogy, PSI allows students to proceed at their own pace: ward Thorndike and Robert Woodworth. He completed requires that they master each unit of material before a doctorate in educational measurement in 1914. At moving on; uses lectures to motivate students, not to the start of the twentieth century, statistics was domi- offer critical information; and employs student proctors nated by the correlational approach pioneered in Karl to provide repeated testing, immediate feedback, and Pearson’s Biometric Laboratory at University College, tutoring. This system became the basis for Keller’s sub- London, and so it is not surprising to find the mathe- sequent efforts at educational reform, which he pur- matically trained Kelley was drawn to an area of psy- sued resolutely for the rest of his life. PSI, however, chology that lent itself to this approach. never took hold where educators were more concerned Kelley was assistant professor and later professor of with selecting students than teaching them to master education and psychology at Stanford University from material. Also, given the perceived costs of effective in- 1920 to 1931. He worked with Lewis Terman on the struction-accountability, individualization, and flexi- Stanford Achievement Test Battery and, in 1924, pro- bility-Keller was bound to be disappointed with the duced his textbook Statistical Method (1924). which field of education in his lifetime. taught that statistics was concerned principally with He did, though, earn many national and interna- the mathematical analysis of associations and relation- tional honors. These included membership in the So- ships between variables. This was a theme that Kelley ciety of Experimental Psychologists, presidency of the further developed in his book Interpretation of Educa- Eastern Psychological Association, the Distinguished tional Measurements (I927), where he set down one of Teaching Award from the American Psychological the earliest formal treatments of psychometrics, includ- Foundation, the Distinguished Contribution for Appli- ing the measurement of test reliability and validity.

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